Crayon Etching

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Lesson Plans

3rd Hour
11-17-14 to 11-21-14
(This lesson will be completed in concert with last weeks lesson, as clay work
includes wait-time. This lesson will be done during clay work wait-time)
Teacher: Calla Page (under supervision of Tammi Browning)
Title of Lesson: Crayon Etching
Grade Level - 9th-12th grade (Art 1)
Anticipated Time Needed for the Entire Lesson: 10 class periods.
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers shape artistic investigations, following
or breaking with traditions in pursuit of creative artmaking goals.
Essential Question: How do artists determine what resources and criteria are needed to
formulate artistic investigations?
Content Area Standards:
VA:Cr1.2.IIa- Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and
contemporary artistic practices to plan works of art and design.
Outcome(s)- Learning Targets
Students Can:
Create etching out of crayons and tempera paint.
Grid Process of drawing.

Tempera paint

Brief Description of Lesson

Students will create an etching of an image using the grid method to reproduce a picture,
coloring it in with thick crayon, placing a coat of black tempera paint on the image, then
etching it out.
Scope and Sequence (Ordered Flow of Lesson)
Day 1
Teacher will introduce students to the grid method for drawing a
reproduction of a photograph.

Students will complete practice sheets to show understanding of the


Days 2-5
Students will pick an image to work from, and then reproduce it on
drawing paper using the grid method.
Students will color the reproduced image using a thick layer of crayon.
Day 6
Students will cover the image with black tempera paint.
Day 7
Students will complete a series of worksheets to prepare them for the
etching process. The worksheets are practice of cross-hatching techniques.
Days 8-10
Students will etch their photo reproduction.
Success will be assessed via evidence of following all processes involved in the
production of the etching.
Adjust accordingly to the slower or faster pace.
A B will participate in this activity, but supervised to check for understanding.
The project will be introduced in small chunks.
N A and T C I will continue to adjust requirements of the assignment according
their understanding, while still fulfilling all aspects of the learning target. Allow
for slower pacing.
S G S struggles with mood swings that inhibit him from focusing on his work.
Some days it is difficult to keep him on task. I will continue to explore strategies
that are successful for him.
S will be separated from S and he will be redirected to focus on his work

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