On The Trail of The Earliest People - Worksheet

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Name : Huda Hussain Date:6\5\2020

On the Trail of the Earliest People

Worksheet 1
Q1. State True (T) or false (F).
1. In Hunsgi, tools were made of limestone. TRUE

2. Grasslands developed in many areas around 1,000 years ago12,000 years ago

3. Tools in Hunsgi were made of limestone. TRUE

4. Early man who lived on the banks of the rivers went in search of water during the rainy
season. FALSE

Q2. Fill in the blanks.

1. Grasslands developed around 12000  years ago

2. The Earlies people painted on Walls of the cave.

3. Traces of ash were found in Kurnool caves.

4. Perennial lakes and rivers have water Throughout the year.

5. Palaeolithic period covers 99% of human history.

Q3. Name the shelter of early men.

Ans. caves were the shelter of early men

Q4. Write examples of habitation sites.

Ans. These include caves and rock shelters.

Q5. Write examples of habitation sites.

Ans. These include caves and rock shelters.

Q6. What kind of colours was used in the cave paintings?

Ans. Colours were made from minerals like ochre or iron ore, and charcoal.

Q7. How was wood used in the past?

Ans. Wood was used as firewood. It was also used to make huts and tools.
Q8.What is Hunsgi famous for?
Ans Hunsgi is famous because number of early Palaeolithic sites was found here.

Q9.What does the rock paintings of Madhya Pradesh and Southern Uttar Pradesh depicts?

Ans. Rock paintings of Madhya Pradesh and Southern Uttar Pradesh depict animals and
hunting scenes.

Q10. What are factory sites?

Ans. Places where stone was found and where people made tools are known as factory sites.

Q11. What are microliths?

Ans. Stone tools found during this period are generally tiny, and are called microliths.

Q12.What tools would you use today for cutting fruit? What would they be made of?

Ans. Today for cutting fruit we would use knives, which are usually made of iron or steel.

Q13. Describe the picture in one or two sentences.

answer: these people are hunter-gathers.they

are hunting animals .they hunt wild

animals,caught fish and birds,gathered

fruits,roots,nuts,seeds,leaves,stalks and eggs

ii.the given method shown is called pressure flaking .here the core was placed on a fir surface
.the hammer stone was used on a piece of bone or stone that was placed on the core ,to remove
flakes that could be shaped into tools.



he picture is showing the cave paintings early man used to do on walls.these paintings also tell

us what thy did.these paintings show wild animals,drawn with great accuracy and skill.some

examples are Madhya pardesh and southern uttar Pradesh.

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