Monster Puppet
Monster Puppet
Monster Puppet
10-20-14 to 10-31-14
Teacher: Calla Page (under supervision of Tammi Browning)
Title of Lesson: Monster Puppet
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd grade
Anticipated Time Needed for the entire Lesson: 1 class period
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers experiment with forms, structures,
materials, concepts, media, and art-making approaches.
Essential Question: How do artists and designers learn from trial and error?
Content Area Standards:
2nd grade- Experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal interests in a
work of art or design.
3rd grade- Create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of artistic processes and
Outcome(s)- Learning Targets
Students Can:
Create monster puppet out of a paper bag.
Brief Description of Lesson
Teacher will start out teaching the students about puppets. Teacher will show
students how you can create a puppet out of lots of things (your hand, a sock, paper bag,
popsicle stick). Teacher will pass out brown paper bags and pass out construction paper.
Teacher will show the anatomy of a puppet (mouth, face). Then students will make their
own monsters.
Construction Paper
Paper bags
Black marker