Lesson Plan Format: University of North Texas Art Education
Lesson Plan Format: University of North Texas Art Education
Lesson Plan Format: University of North Texas Art Education
Does not draw
him/herself in a
place that feels like
home other than
where he/she lives.
Does not write an
explanation of why
the place feels like
_____ /5pts
___ /5pts
Discuss where different types of people may feel at home other than where they live.
Discuss where students might feel at home other than where they live.
3. Independent Practice:
- Students draw a picture of themselves in a place where they feel at home other than where they
live. May use any combination of graphite pencils, color pencils, crayons, and markers.
- On the same paper students will write why the particular place they chose makes them feel at
4. Closure:
- Students will volunteer to show their drawings to the class and share what place they chose to
draw and why.
5. Formative Assessment:
- During the independent practice I will walk around the room and talk briefly with each student
about his/her drawing and the place that was chosen.
6. Accommodations for Student Differences:
- If a student cannot think of a place, he may draw an object that helps him feel at home, like a
book or stuffed animal. Or she could draw a particular part of the school that makes her feel
- Some students may need to orally describe why a particular place was chosen instead of writing
an explanation.
7. Classroom Management Procedures:
- Walk around the classroom monitoring student progress.
- Assign students to distribute and take up supplies.
XIV. References & Resources:
- Home on the Range - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-SpedKE5SU