May 2015

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May 2015

Pumping in
the Pueblo
Arizonas Valley Plumbing and
Septic Service promotes family
business values and care for
the environment Page 18

The Crew
of all crews

Vermont pumper suffers a heart attack;

hard-working team takes care of business
Page 36


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Partial Inventory List

450 gal
950 gal
950 gal
1175 gal
1250 gal
1300 gal
3200 gal
3600 gal

Ram 4x4

$ 10,836
$ 73,313
$ 77,176
$ 79,027
$ 93,098
$ 81,468
$ 162,711
$ 144,444


800-328-3332 Since 1979 May 2015

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Pumper May 2015

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May 2015

In ThIs Issue



Published monthly by

Pumping in the Pueblo

- David Steinkraus
Working the rugged border regions of Arizona, Valley
Plumbing and Septic Service stresses hometown service,
family company values and environmental stewardship.
ON THE COVER: The crew at Valley Plumbing and Septic Service, Rio Rico,
Arizona, builds out its own rigs with smaller vacuum tanks to suit the type of
work they do and the varied terrain they face near the U.S.-Mexico border. Owner
Ruben Sonny de la Rosa III is shown on the job with his Ford pumper with an
1,800-gallon steel tank and Jurop/Chandler pump. (Photo by Mark Henle)

10 Reading Between the Lines:

Label Septic System Components

58 Pumper Interview:
Cleaner and Greener Choices

Fuel oil is mistakenly delivered down a septic

inspection port, causing environmental mayhem.
How could this disaster be prevented?

Author and engineer David Sedlak says technologically

advanced decentralized wastewater systems will
help shape a smarter path for development and
infrastructure for future generations.

- Jim Kneiszel, Editor

Check out the latest online-only content at the
Pumper website.

28 Building the Business:

Seamless Succession
A spouse armed with an action plan can save a family
business when the owner is suddenly out of the
- Dick Yemm

32 Rules & Regulations

Wisconsin Supreme Court finds septage is a pollutant
in well-contamination case.
- Doug Day

36 The Crew of all Crews

When a health crisis felled Jeff Ruggiero, the Vermont
pumpers staff kicked it into high gear and took care
of business until he was on the mend.

- David Steinkraus

62 NAWT News
NAWT will miss working with retiring EPA official and
MOU partner Joyce Hudson.
- Dhru Bhatt

66 Money Manager:
The Fate of Fuel Surcharges
Your transportation costs are down but now is no
time to stop thinking about how you factor the cost of
fuel into your rate structure.
- Erik Gunn

70 Associations List
74 Classy Truck of the Month
We feature American Septic Service Inc., Carol
Stream, Illinois.

Septic System Inspection and Jetting

44 Septic System Answer Man:

- Craig Mandli

If land application of septage is an important disposal

option for your business, create and constantly
update your nutrient management plan.
- Jim Anderson, Ph.D.

48 Overheard Online:

Pump the Pump Tank?

86 Product News

Product Spotlight: Damage-resistant Orenco

Systems riser lids have 20,000-pound breaking
- Ed Wodalski

90 Industry News

Can you offer some suggestions on how to get to the

bottom of a customers lift pump chamber issues?

50 WWETT Spotlight
General Pipe Cleaners rolls out marketing campaign
for the Gen-Eye SDP video inspection system.
- Craig Mandli

54 State of the States:

Moving Beyond the Holding Tank
Manitoba wastewater association wants provincial
environmental officials to consider new onsite
treatment technologies in environmentally
sensitive areas.
- Doug Day

Pumper May 2015

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76 Product Focus:

- Ken Wysocky

Spreading the Word

COLE Publishing Inc.

1720 Maple Lake Dam Rd.
PO Box 220
Three Lakes, WI 54562

Coming in JUNE
Special iSSue:


n ContraCtor Profile:
Mastering Californias truck regulations
n PuMPer interview:
a treatment plant values waste haulers

Jim Flory

Winnie May


[email protected] or Winnie May at
[email protected] or call 800994-7990. Publisher reserves the right to
reject advertising, which in its opinion is
misleading, unfair or incompatible with the
character of the publication.

CIRCULATION: 2014 circulation averaged 24,800 copies per month. This figure includes all circulation regions (nationwide) and international distribution.
options and pricing. To order reprints, call Jeff Lane at 800-257-7222 (715546-3346) or email [email protected]. To order back issues, call Nicole at 800-257-7222 (715-546-3346) or email [email protected].


Education Day: Wednesday,
February 17, 2016
Show Days: Thursday - Saturday,
February 18-20, 2016

Indiana Convention Center,

Indianapolis, IN




Abbott Rubber Co., Inc. ......30

Del Vel Chem Co. ...............91

Kentucky Tank, Inc. ............67

Key Commercial Corp. .......42
Klear it Kone .........................4

Lanes Vacuum Tank, Inc. ...88

Armal, Inc. ..........................29

Explorer Trailers McKee Technologies ..29

Atlanta Rubber
& Hydraulics, Inc...........72
Best Enterprises, Inc. .........23
Brenlin Company, Inc. ........91

Lenzyme/Trap-Cleer .............4
Liberty Pumps.....................57

Pressure Lift Corporation....83

Longhorn Tank & Trailer .....46

Flo Trend Systems..............64

FlowMark .......................26-27
Foremost ............................39

(after page 74)

Advance Pump & Equip........3

Centerline Tank & Trailer ......4

Vac-Con, Inc. ......................49

Vacutrux Limited .................83
Vacuum Sales, Inc. .............55

Masport, Inc. .........................3

Robinson Vacuum Tanks ....32

Romotech ...........................88

V&H Inc. ...............................2

Walex Products, Inc. ...........17

Eastern Supplement

Satellite Industries .......2, 34-35
SchellVac Equipment, Inc. ..69
Screenco Systems, LLC .....12

Septic Services, Inc. ...........68

Milwaukee Rubber Products ..56

Cam Spray..........................81

Cape Cod Biochemical Co. 68

Century Chemical Corp. .....83

Moro USA, Inc. .....................7

MyTana Mfg. Company.......46

GapVax, Inc. .......................59

National Truck Center .........15

National Vacuum Equipment...53

Chandler Equipment ...........43

Hino Trucks.........................55
House of Imports ................ 11

Chempace Corporation ......74

Oakmont Capital Services ..85

Imperial Industries, Inc. ......31

Peoples United Equipment
Finance Corp. ..............79

Clear Computing, Inc. .........29

In the
Round Dewatering

Comforts of Home Services.. 72

COXREELS ........................... 81

In the Round Dewatering ....91

CPACEX ................................ 67

ITI Trailers & Truck Bodies .56

Pumper May 2015

Specialty B Sales................91
Stamp Works ......................28
Surco Portable Sanitation
Products .......................73
Sweet Septic Systems ........60

Hannay Reels .....................41

NAWT, Inc. ..........................84

Pik Rite, Inc. .......................52

PolyJohn Canada ...............12

R.A. Ross & Associates NE ..2

Rider Agri Sales & Svcs........4

(after page 74)

Wallenstein Vacuum Pumps/
Elmira Machine ..............64

T&T Tools, Inc. ....................30

T.S.F. Company, Inc............47

Tank World Corp. ................48
TankTec ..............................45

Transport Truck Sales, Inc. .19

Advance Pump & Equip........3

Wastequip .....................60, 61
Andert, Inc. ...........................4
Water Cannon, Inc ..............13

Crescent Tank Mfg................3

Wee Engineer, Inc. .............16

Marengo Fabricated Steel ....1

Mid-State Truck Service .......3

Westmoor Ltd./Conde.........37

R.A. Ross & Associates NE ..2

Marketplace .......................92

V&H Inc. ...............................2

Slide-In Warehouse ............71


Marengo Fabricated Steel ....1

Mid-State Truck Service .......3

VARCo. .............................102
Verizon Networkfleet.............9

Mid-State Tank Co., Inc. .....79

Fruitland Manufacturing. .....21

Crescent Tank Mfg................3

Ritam Technologies LLC.....89

Rush Refuse Systems ........75

Marsh Industrial ..................61

Five Peaks ..........................25

TSI Tank Services, Inc. .......42

RCS II, Inc. .........................85

Fergus Power Pump, Inc. ...82

Midwest Supplement

Presvac Systems, Ltd. ......104

LMT, Inc. .............................81

F. S. Solutions.....................87

Armstrong Equipment .........16


Lely Tank & Waste Solutions 84

Aqua Ben Corporation ........90

Arcan Enterprises, Inc.. ......42

PolyPortables, LLC. ............65

Ecological Laboratories, Inc. .88

Erickson Tank & Pump .......12

Transway Systems, Inc.........5

Truck Country .....................89

Polylok, Inc./Zabel ..............85

Crust Busters/Schmitz Bros. ..72

Amazing Machinery, Inc. ....33

Amesbury Truth. ...................4

PolyJohn Enterprises........103
KeeVac Industries, Inc. .......63

Acro Trailer Company .........89
Advantage Funding ............52

Vacuum Sales, Inc. ...............4


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Jim Kneiszel, Editor

Reading Between THE LInES

Contact Jim with

your comments,
questions and
opinions at
[email protected].

Label Septic System Components

Fuel oil is mistakenly delivered down a septic inspection port, causing environmental mayhem.
How could this disaster be prevented? By Jim Kneiszel, Editor

t was a nightmare of mistaken identity for the school district in Waldoboro,

Maine, when a fuel delivery worker dumped 2,000 gallons of heating oil into
a septic system inspection port. The incident earlier this year will undoubtedly cost responsible parties thousands of dollars in environmental cleanup
costs and could necessitate the expensive replacement of a drainfield.
Two questions come to mind: 1. How did this happen? 2. Do readers of
Pumper have similar tales to tell?
First, how did the fuel oil all 2,087 gallons get pumped into the septic
tank? According to an account in the Bangor Daily News, the orifices for fuel
oil and the septic inspection port looked similar they were similar 4-inch
camlock fittings, located 50 feet apart at Medomak Middle School. The septic
port was above ground level, while the oil fill tube was below ground level. A
photo of the septic port showed no distinguishing characteristics, colors or
tags that would be obvious to a service technician.
According to the news story, school officials shoveled snow away from
the oil-receiving pipe when they called for a fill. An experienced delivery
person who had, however, never delivered oil to the school apparently
mistook the septic pump station port for the fuel port and filled the order,
with some of the oil flowing back into the septic tank and some heading for
the drainfield.
What played out was an environmental disaster. A local pumper was
called to empty the septic tank and several hundred gallons of oil were recovered. Plans were in the works to try and save the drainfield and continually test the area for environmental damage. Meanwhile, bottled water was
provided to students and staff until well water could be assured to be safe.

There should be no way for the delivery worker to mistake the septic
port for a fuel port. That it happened indicates poor labeling of both access
pipes and possibly the need for lockout security measures. The purpose
of these ports should be clearly tagged and identified. They could also be
locked and only opened by a school staff member upon the arrival of either
the oil company driver or a septic service technician.
Beyond tags that identify septic system ports, it might be a good idea
for the onsite industry to choose a universal color for system access points
so tanks, ports and panels related to an onsite system are easily identifiable
to technicians. This would be especially helpful for commercial properties
where technicians servicing a variety of systems will routinely visit.
Early on in the aftermath of the Maine snafu, a Maritime Energy official
said the oil company has taken ownership of the cleanup. The company hired
an engineering professional to try and preserve the drainfield and arranged for
regular septic pumping to recapture more of the oil. Its good to see the company move swiftly when quick action could mitigate some of the damage.


Pumper May 2015

It might be a good idea for the onsite industry to

choose a universal color for system access points so
tanks, ports and panels related to an onsite system
are easily identifiable to technicians. This would be
especially helpful for commercial properties where
technicians servicing a variety of systems will
routinely visit.
Clearly its the job of the oil company to know the location of the oil fill
port. Its an obvious conclusion to blame the oil company for an incomprehensible situation like this. But is the oil company the only responsible party
in this case?
With a clean environment and the preservation of an expensive onsite
system at stake, it seems reasonable for maintainers of all of a buildings
utilities to take appropriate steps, clearly marking all components that are
visible on the property. Such measures could have easily prevented a disaster like this.
As an industry, we can choose to focus on protecting the environment
as well as protecting the investment our customers make in wastewater
treatment. This includes installing systems and marking access points clearly for other contractors who may look for them in the future. And it goes far
beyond situations like this one.
It means designing systems that are easier to inspect on a routine basis
to keep them working at their best and functioning properly for as long as
possible. It means using risers to bring tank access to ground level for more
convenient pumping service. It means adding lids that promote the greatest
level of safety to prevent children from accessing the tank. It means educating customers about the proper care of their systems and when they should
call on you for your expertise.
Have you found anything unusual when pumping a septic tank, checking inspection ports or outlet baffle filters? Have you found ports, risers and
lids, or control panels vandalized or tampered with in some way? Have you
had an experience that suggests more security measures should be taken
by septic service companies to protect their customers systems? Share your
stories with me at [email protected].

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If no one else knows the ins and

outs of your operation and the word
vacation is not in your vocabulary,
youre heading for burnout and you
risk leaving your employees and
customers stranded.

-Dont Be Irreplaceable

eRosion ContRol
build and GRow

vegetative cover

7 smallbusiness tips

Whether you are replacing an outdated onsite

system or installing a new one, removing vegetation
or disturbing the soil increases the chances of soil
erosion. Heres all you need to know to reseed a
disturbed area in seven easy steps.

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Youll get exclusive content delivered right to your inbox,
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Pumper May 2015

Got a suitable site?

Getting through the startup

phase of a business is critical,
but its just the beginning.
Next your business needs to
evolve and hopefully expand.
Here are seven ways to avoid
letting your business become

soil perc
testing 101

Soil naturally treats and degrades

organic matter, destroys
pathogens, and acts as a filter to
remove contaminants from water.
Because the soil plays such an
important role its vital to ensure
the selected site can properly
handle the water from the
distribution laterals. Read this to
learn how to perform a proper soil
percolation test.

PRoduCtivity boosteRs

tools of
the trade
Jeff Ruggiero and Best Septic
Service are profiled in this
months issue. Check out an
exclusive online story about
what two tools Ruggiero uses
daily and wouldnt want to be


2006 Mack Vision

2016 Kenworth T-800

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4000 Gal. US Tank With & Without Hoist.

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3 - 2006 Sterling Acterra

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At Armstrong Equipment, we believe life and business require certain compromises, but not on those things on which your business
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decrease fatigue on your tank frame,

mounts to most tanks, easy bolt or weld-on
style, heavy-duty stress relieved springs.
Mounts with springs..$82.00
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Preventing your valves from freezing will

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1.5-2" ..... $110

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4" ........... $198

6" ........... $297

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2006 Freightliner M-2

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Pumper May 2015






When service requires maximum performance, go for the super-concentrated formula

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PumPer Profile

PumPing in
the Pueblo
Working the rugged border regions
of Arizona, Valley Plumbing and
Septic Service stresses hometown
service, family company values and
environmental stewardship

Ruben de la Rosa III hoists an Infiltrator

chamber during an installation project.
The rugged Arizona countryside is in the
background. (Photos by Mark Henle)

By David Steinkraus

he sun is bright in southern Arizona, and it shines on a bright

future for Valley Plumbing and Septic Service. This is border
country. Mexico is only a few minutes down the road, and Valley
Plumbing has capitalized on a wide variety of opportunities by building
a diversified business.
Owner Ruben Sonny de la Rosa III doesnt stop there. For
his family and for the future, he is looking at how to expand to serve
new areas, broaden his service menu and maybe even leverage his
wastewater expertise to start a completely new business.
oN THe BorDer
Valley Plumbing is based in Rio Rico, Arizona, an unincorporated
community of about 19,000 people about 15 miles north of the U.S.Mexico border. About 20 percent of Rio Rico is served by municipal
sewer, and thats only the lower elevations, de la Rosa says. Climb the
mountains that sprawl across the countryside and everyone utilizes
septic systems.
De la Rosas father, Ruben de la Rosa II, started the company in
1997. He had owned a mechanics shop and towing business, sold
out, grew bored in early retirement and took up pumping. At first the
company was Valley Septic and Handyman Service because Ruben II
did other work, such as changing out water heaters and laying tile.

Valley Plumbing and Septic Service
Rio Rico, Arizona

Owner: Ruben de la Rosa III

FOunded: 1997 as Valley Septic
and Handyman Service
emPlOyeeS: 4


SerViceS: Septic service,

onsite installations, licensed perc
test and design, portable sanitation,
residential and commercial
SerVice AreA: 80-mile radius from Rio Rico, Arizona
AFFiliAtiOnS: National Association of Wastewater Technicians


Ask for Scott or Frank 888-395-7551
After hours call Scott at 816-590-4076


2009 International 4300, DT 245 HP, AUTO,

NON CDL, AC, low miles, new 1850 gallon steel vac tank,
new Jurop PN-84 vac pump.

Call For Pricing!

2-YEAR 100,000 MILE



NEW 2015 Kenworth 270, PX-7 240 HP, Auto,

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NEW 2015 Dodge 5500, Cummins 325 HP, Auto,

new 1250 Gallon portable toilet tank,
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2007 International 9200, Cummins 435 HP, 18 spd,

2007 International 9200, Cummins 435 HP, 18 spd,

2009 Sterling LT-9513, Cat 350 HP, jake, 10 pd, 20#

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address frequently asked questions. A website currently under development

De la Rosa worked for his father after high school, left Rio Rico for a
will help in that regard. Valley Plumbing might look late to the Internet trend,
while to train in computers and then returned. After working in various jobs
but it really isnt because local guys need to be known locally, and de la Rosa
in the company, he took operating control in 2013 when his dad stepped
has a strategy for that.
down. The company became Valley Plumbing and Septic Service to reflect
When he offers a special service deal, de la Rosa will run a large ad in
the direction de la Rosa wanted. Since taking over, he has followed his
the local newspaper, but you wont find him listed there all the time. He
fathers advice and kept the company small while learning what its like to
is in the phone book. When the next sports season comes along youll see
be in charge.
Valley Plumbings name on team T-shirts, on a team banner or promoted
About half of Valley Plumbings business comes from septic pumping
on seat cushions. He gives money to school sports booster clubs. He does
and portable restroom rentals. The other half comes from onsite installations
not do targeted mailings. I can give money to
and repairs, plus some design work and plumbing.
marketing companies, or I can give money back to
These halves complement each other. Pumping
Family is important. Ive
the community, and what I chose to do is give to the
and portable restrooms provide a steady income,
while all the other services provide revenue boosts
learned a lot from my father
He is accredited with the Better Business
throughout the year.
and grandfather, and hope I can teach
Bureau and carries an A-plus rating there. It has
Installation work comes in spurts, de la Rosa
it to my son and my daughter ... I
helped him. People have called with jobs because
says. Arizona developers built heavily during the
they checked out the company on the BBB website.
last housing boom, and there is a glut of homes on
hope they have a broader life and see
The company started with social media
the market, making it much more affordable to buy
a few things I havent. And I hope to
less than a year ago, beginning with a Facebook
rather than build.
leave them the kind of legacy left to
presence. The company Facebook page isnt
Right now Im gaining more repairs instead of
updated as often as he would like. Social media
orders for installations at new homes. And all these
me one built on hard work,
tends to take up more time than I want to invest
repairs come from somebody calling and saying,
honesty and family.
in it. I could sit down and look at my phone or my
Hey come pump my tank, de la Rosa says.
computer for hours. When I was spending more
Ruben de la Rosa III time in the office, before I took over the whole
operation, I had to consciously limit my exposure
De la Rosa grew up in this community, so he
to computers because of the time they can consume.
positions the company as the local guys who can be counted on and arent
too busy or too corporate to help others.
PUrPoSe-BUilT riGS
When people call me, its not necessarily to have me do work. They
When it comes to his fleet, de la Rosa finds smaller equipment better
may call for a chat and refer a job to me in the process, de la Rosa says.
suited to the varied terrain of his service territory. Over here its not quite
Were a mom-and-pop operation, and my customers know me by name.
flat. Everywhere I go Im going up a mountain, down a mountain and over
They even know where I live. They can call me. They know the owner of the
bridges, he says.
company is on top of things.
While personal service is good, de la Rosa is looking for efficient ways to

With a backdrop of the Arizona

mountains, Ruben de la Rosa III (left)
confers with his father, Ruben II,
on a recent project.


Pumper May 2015

right: The Valley Plumbing and Septic Service

family includes, from left, Andrew Bixler, Alonzo
Medina, Ruben de la Rosa, Ruben de la Rosa II,
Ruben Sonny de la Rosa III, Jenny de la Rosa
and children, Ruben, 8, and Lily, 6.
Below: Jenny de la Rosa works in the Valley
Plumbing and Septic Service office, as son
Ruben IV looks on.

The water we drink is how many billions of years old? Its our job to make
sure it stays clean, he says.
For the installation side of the business, he has a variety of excavators
from Kubota, including a 008 and a U15 mini-excavator, and a Bobcat
To serve portable sanitation customers, Valley Plumbing has 80 units
from Satellite Industries, of which 50 to 60 are typically out on the job.

He prefers vacuum tanks on the smaller

Im open to
side for septic service. He is willing to make
a second trip to pump a tank, but it usually is
not necessary for his residential customers.
I dont believe in being
And he doesnt service commercial
a dictator. If they see
accounts that might require pumping bigger
something or have a
For portable sanitation service, the
good idea, I will listen to
crew uses an Isuzu truck with a platform
them and I will change
behind the cab carrying a 300-gallon steel
my plans without
tank for waste and a 135-gallon plastic tank
for freshwater. A 5 hp Honda engine drives
hesitation. Its more of
the vacuum pump.
an us instead of a me
The septic pumping truck is also on the
when it comes to our
smaller side. Its a 1996 Ford chassis with a
1,800-gallon steel tank. A 420cc Predator
operations. My guys are
engine is connected with a belt to a PN58D
important, and this way
Jurop/Chandler pump.
they feel like it because
Also in the inventory is an International
with a 1,600-gallon steel tank.
theyve got
The International was purchased
a say.
already built with a PTO-driven pump,
while de la Rosa and his crew built out
Ruben de la Rosa III
the other trucks. He chooses steel tanks
and prefers to drive the pumps with truckmounted gasoline engines. This arrangement makes the equipment easier
to maintain, he says. And because the trucks larger diesel engines are not
running constantly, he saves money on fuel and reduces carbon emissions.
And thats kind of like what we are. Were environmentalists. Were
trying to make this place safe for our children and their children to come.


Pumper May 2015


The attitude de la Rosa has toward his customers is one he extends to
the people who work for him. Were all like family. Thats pretty much how
we built the company, he says.

Life near the border

Working so close to a major crossing to Mexico brings its own set of challenges
for Valley Plumbing and Septic Service in Rio Rico, Arizona. Its only about 15 miles
to the crossing between Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Mexico, an area with great
cultural diversity.
A number of agricultural companies have their offices in the U.S. and farms
across the border. There is a large Korean population working in export-import
businesses, and many Mexicans cross into the United States to buy goods and avoid
the large import taxes they would pay at stores in Mexico, says Ruben Sonny de
la Rosa III, owner of Valley Plumbing.
Of course, de la Rosa and his workers speak Spanish. Though not a requirement
for a job with Valley Plumbing, living in the area means being bilingual, says de la
Rosa, whose varied heritage includes Hispanic ancestors.
Being located so close to the border means living with border security. There
is a Border Patrol checkpoint well into the United States on Interstate 19 about 20
miles north of the border and about 5 miles north of Rio Rico. Valley Plumbings
service rigs are frequently stopped for inspections. I have never had an easy time
with these guys. Every time Im treated like a criminal. They want to take my truck
apart, says de la Rosa.
At the same time, all the border security people bring business. U.S. Customs
and Border Patrol has a firing range just a few feet from the border with Mexico,
and Valley Plumbing rents portable restrooms to the agency for use at the range.
The idea of what theyre trying to do, I fully agree with it. We need to keep the
country safe, just as long as nobodys rights are taken away and as long as I can get
to my jobs on time, de la Rosa says.

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left: Technician Alonzo Medina loads

a Satellite Industries Global restroom
onto a pickup truck for delivery.
Below: Ruben de la Rosa II operates
a Case backhoe during a septic
system installation.

De la Rosas wife, Jenny, oversees the office. The couple

has two children, Ruben IV, 8, and Lily, 6. One of the fulltime employees, Alonzo Medina, has been with the company
for nine years and is a mentor for the younger workers. The
other full-time employee, Andrew Bixler, had previously
worked in an area mine. When that shut down he brought
his knowledge of heavy equipment and ability to do minor
mechanical repairs to Valley Plumbing. De la Rosas dad
rounds out the crew.
De la Rosas role is to not act like a boss.
Im open to suggestions. I dont believe in being a
dictator. If they see something or have a good idea, I will
listen to them and I will change my plans without hesitation.
Its more of an us instead of a me when it comes to our
operations. My guys are important, and this way they feel like it because
theyve got a say, he says.
fiNDiNG NeW DireCTioNS
One new component de la Rosa is considering for the business is adding
a dewatering plant. The municipal sewer from the Ambos-Nogales runs
north to Rio Rico and this is where wastewater is treated. This system also
collects some wastewater from Nogales, Mexico, and the hours of peak flow
from Mexico restrict dumping times for pumpers to one two-hour block in
the morning and a two-and-a-half-hour block in the afternoon. Dewatering
would get around this obstacle and trim his costs.
He intends to expand the business to the north. Theres a lot of open
territory between Rio Rico and Tuscon about 50 miles farther north, and the
region is dominated by decentralized wastewater systems. Every week he
receives a few calls from people who are just outside his customary territory.
What dissuades him is the amount of diesel he would have to burn to serve
those customers. But his fathers home is in that area, and he could park a
truck there and commute to it by car.
His other idea would employ his water knowledge for food production.
He has become interested in aquaponics, a closed system in which fish are
raised in a tank and the water from it is treated by a planting of greens or
other edible plants. It creates a small, independent ecosystem involving
waste and biology exactly what pumpers are trained in and deal with all
the time. And thats how I think I was so easily hooked, because I had the
knowledge already and didnt realize it.
It also takes his environmental stewardship in a new direction. Our
food is dirty, and were feeding our families that. Aquaponics means raising


Pumper May 2015
your proteins and plants
your vegetables and fruits
by using wastewater in a
different way, yet in the same
way nature uses it.

To learn about Ruben de la Rosas

favorite piece of excavation equipment,
go to and read an
exclusive online story about Valley
Plumbing and Septic Service.

Everything that Valley Plumbing is, and everything de la Rosa wants it
to be, can be distilled into a single word: legacy. That means creating a better
and smarter world, and keeping in mind who this world is being passed
down to.
Family is important, de la
Rosa says. Ive learned a lot from
my father and grandfather, and
Case Construction Equipment
hope I can teach it to my son and
my daughter. If this career path is
Infiltrator Systems, Inc
one he or she wants to take, the
company is theirs. Whatever they
do, there are things I hope for
them. I hope they have a broader
life and see a few things I havent.
(See ad page 43)
And I hope to leave them the kind
Satellite Industries
of legacy left to me one built on
hard work, honesty and family.
(See ads, pages 2, 34-35)



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Dick Yemm

Building The Business

Dick Yemm is speaker

and consultant on
succession planning,
and author of The Stories
Tomorrow Your Business
Without You. Reach him at
[email protected].

Seamless Succession

A spouse armed with an action plan can save a family business when the owner
is suddenly out of the picture By Dick Yemm

state of momentary confusion typically engulfs a loved one when notified that her husband or his wife has just been in a serious accident
or has passed away. Suddenly the surviving spouses world is turned
upside down and life-altering decisions must be made, especially when a
family business is involved.
Consider the story of Amanda, whose husband Tory was hit by a drunk
driver while riding his motorcycle. Even though she had worked in their
business, she was unprepared to replace him as principal operator.
It was apparent that the business would soon unravel with no one in
control of day-to-day decisions. Amanda quickly found that Torys will and
life insurance were of little help. Each would apply only in the event of his
death. Instead Torys durable power of attorney appointed Amanda as his
personal representative to conduct business if he became incapacitated.
The familys financial future depended on her working in his place.
Somehow she and the employees had to keep the business operating. Her
management style could be described as crisis control through trial and error as she learned from daily mistakes. There was no plan to assist her in running the business, only the legal temporary transfer of authority provided by
the power of attorney.
A major fear of many spouses is what happens to them and their families if their husband or wife the principal operator of a company becomes unable to run a small family-owned company. The answer depends
on many things, including what planning and preparation has been done
before the triggering event occurs.
If there has been no planning, the fate of the business falls to state statutes that direct the appointment of the disabled owners personal represen-

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Pumper May 2015

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Spouses need to have some type of organized

action plan just in case they have to assume control.
A prepared spouse is aware of the options for running
a business before a triggering event occurs.
tative. The ability to control management of the company can transfer with
the appointment. There is no guarantee that a family member will be appointed to that position. A familys future interest in the business remains in
peril depending on the appointees success.
An adequately prepared spouse can be the key to a business survival.
The spouses designation as personal representative in either a durable power of attorney or a will gives the person authority to represent the owners
interest in a company. If the owner controlled the fate of their business, then
the spouse can automatically succeed to that position, unless limitations
have been made in the estate-planning documents.
In this case, however, the companys fate depends on the successor
spouses decisions. Often the successor spouse is placed in the owners position as a means of convenience, it never being expected that he or she would
have to operate the family business. Little thought has been given to the
spouses qualifications or ability to handle the burden.
Spouses need to have some type of organized action plan just in case
they have to assume control. A prepared spouse is aware of the options for
running a business before a triggering event occurs. Options include:
Continue to personally operate the business
Operate the business as an overseer, not involved in daily operations
Elevate a designated employee to be chief operating officer
Hire a temporary experienced manager
Sell all or part of the business as soon as possible
Exercise an operating, purchase or buy-sell agreement
Making the appropriate choice depends on many factors. Chief among
them is the length of time anticipated for the successor spouses involvement. Will the spouses participation be short-term until the owner recovers? If so, how long should the company be operated with temporary leadership before implementing a permanent succession plan? And will a permanent plan mean different ownership and/or management?
In some cases the successor spouse may qualify to represent the owners interest but not have the necessary license and education to run the

company. If necessary, a qualified manager with the necessary qualifications can be hired.
The potential successor needs to develop an action plan based on:
His or her:
Management ability
Operating knowledge of the company
The companys:
Type of legal entity
Number of employees (their knowledge and experience)
Diversification of management
Diversification of product or services
All businesses are not created equally. Entitlements and protections
vary under state statutes, according to how a business was legally structured.
For instance, ownership interest of a company started and continually operated as a sole proprietorship ends when the owner can no longer participate
in its activity. Companies created and operated as a corporation, partnership or limited liability type of either have owner interests to transfer.
Developing a successor spouses action plan starts with learning
through dinner table discussions and reading trade magazines. The education should be broad in scope so options are understood. Detailed operating
knowledge is not required because businesses change daily in response to
demands. Instead the spouse needs to be prepared to make crisis decisions.
Consider what your first steps would be in implementing an action
plan. Different triggering events require different responses. Before any options are exercised, the first step of an action plan should be to gather all
available information about the company. Confidential disclosures, useful shortcuts, administrative details, operating mechanics, guidelines and
overviews detailed in an operating plan would be valuable aids in decisionmaking. Using a trusted adviser for support and guidance could also be of
tremendous importance. From whom and how a spouse obtains assistance
should be part of the operating plan document.
When unfortunate events strike, a prepared spouse with an action plan
can make the difference for a business continued operation and a family
avoiding financial crisis.

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Pumper May 2015

Rules & Regs

Rules and Regs is a monthly feature in Pumper.

We welcome information about state or local
regulations of potential broad interest to onsite
contractors. Send ideas to [email protected].

Wisconsin Supreme Court finds septage

is a pollutant in well-contamination case
By Doug Day

eptic service professionals in Wisconsin may be facing a bit of a

quandary concerning their liability insurance. In two December
decisions, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that septage and
manure may be considered pollutants. When wastes are identified as
pollutants, the court determined, they are subject to the pollutant exclusion
clause of a liability insurance policy even if that policy was purchased to
cover a company in the business of handling septage or manure.
One case involved a septic service business that had a permit to apply septage as a fertilizer on their neighbors farmland. The neighbors well
became contaminated by runoff, killing some cattle, and they sued the septic business insurers. The Supreme Court agreed with lower courts that the
septage qualified as a pollutant, so the pollution exclusion applied and the
insurance company did not have to cover the damage.

Manufacturer of Portable Restoom,

Septic/Grease, Slide-Ins and
Custom Vacuum Tanks.

306 Runville Rd, Bellefonte, PA 16823

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Pumper May 2015

Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson was the only dissenter, questioning

why such a company would purchase insurance in the first case. I conclude
that a reasonable person in the business of hauling, storing and disposing
of septage, would not consider septage a pollutant under general liability
policies they purchased to cover liability for damage caused by their septic
business operations.
In the manure case, the Supreme Court overturned a lower court and
ruled that the manure became a pollutant when it entered wells on property
adjacent to a farm field where it was spread as a fertilizer. Abrahamson also
dissented in that case for similar reasons.
An exception to Michigans septage waste law will remain in effect now
that a sunset provision of the regulation has been removed. Most septage
haulers are required to dispose of their waste at a receiving facility in their
area. That provision does not apply to those who own a septage storage facility of at least 50,000 gallons if it existed prior to a septage disposal facility in
their area. Those haulers can continue land application, an exemption that
was scheduled to end in 2025. The Legislatures action removes that sunset
provision and makes the exemption permanent.
The bill also limits the ability of local governments to impose stricter
septage requirements than those in state law. Under Michigan law, septage
receiving facilities must have a designated service territory, and some communities have made it mandatory that septage pumped in that area be taken
to their receiving facility. Such mandates are now allowed only for existing
receiving stations and only until their construction debt is paid off.
The owner of a rental home who bypassed a failed septic system has
been fined and a contractor who did the work is being charged. The Laurel, Delaware, woman was contacted by tenants who rented the Wicomico
County home due to strong odors and sewage backing up into the home. The
woman hired a contractor to install a pipe that discharged wastewater from
the septic system into a creek in a wooded area of the backyard.
The homeowner pleaded guilty to misdemeanors of water pollution
and improper alteration of a sewage system and was placed on probation for
three years, fined $12,000 to be paid to the Maryland Clean Water Fund and
ordered to perform 75 hours of community service. An additional $23,000
fine was suspended by the judge. The contractor has been charged with two
counts of water pollution and 11 counts of installing or altering a sewage
system without a permit.

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We Wanted a Business Partner

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We also offer a Money Back guarantee on all our Safe-T-Fresh deodorizers, a 3 year
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PumPer Profile

When a health crisis felled Jeff Ruggiero,

the Vermont pumpers staff kicked it into
high gear and took care of business until
he was on the mend By Ken Wysocky

The Crew
of all Crews

ike many septic service contractors, Jeff Ruggiero is a selfadmitted workaholic who was no stranger to 70- and 80-hour
workweeks since 2010, the year he and his wife, Lisa, established
Best Septic Service in Westminster, Vermont.
But theres more to life than just work, a fact that Ruggiero now
realizes after receiving a sobering wake-up call in September 2013: a
severe heart attack.
Im a pretty driven guy, but I drove myself right into the
Dartmouth bed-and-breakfast for about five weeks, says Ruggiero, 49,
referring to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New
Hampshire, where he underwent triple-bypass heart surgery. Two
of my arteries were 100 percent blocked and a third was 79 percent
blocked. They couldnt believe I was walking around, much less
working every day. But I never had any problems before that.
It definitely was a wake-up call, he adds. I never thought it
could happen to me I thought I was bulletproof.
Ruggieros experience offers fellow pumpers a cautionary tale
about burning the candle at both ends for years without respite. But
it also points out the value of having loyal, cross-trained employees
who can handle day-to-day operations when the boss suddenly isnt


Pumper May 2015


The Best Septic Service crew is shown with Kim

Nace, a representative of Rich Earth Institute
(third from right). The company is participating
in a peecycling study with the institute. Best
employees include (from left) Justin Ruggiero,
Seth True, Jaden Frost, Lisa Ruggiero, Jeff Ruggiero,
Rachel Comtois and Wayne Turner. The restrooms
are from PolyPortables LLC. (Photos by Kayla Rice)

Best Septic Service

Westminster, Vermont

OwnerS: Jeff and Lisa Ruggiero

FOunded: 2010
emplOyeeS: 7
Service area: Southern half of Vermont
and New Hampshire
SpecialtieS: Septic pumping and repair;
portable sanitation

Vermont Since 1979 May 2015


I always knew we had great employees, but now I know we have the
crew of all crews, Ruggiero says of his wife, Lisa, who handles the books and
manages the office; son Cris, 22, who manages portable restroom operations;
son Justin, 19, who performs septic system repairs, camera inspections and
waterjetting; technicians Seth True and Wayne Turner; and Rachel Comtois,
who handles dispatching, sales and marketing.
They really battened down the hatches while I was gone, notes
Ruggiero. Lisa and I are really blessed. A lot of times you hear about
employees who play while the boss is away, but not my crew. And when I
came back, they made me fill out a job application. I thought that was pretty
right: Lisa and Jeff Ruggiero
are shown with Big Blue, a
Ruggiero worked in the trash industry
1990 Ford L8000 built out by
for 20 years before he and Lisa founded
Imperial Industries, thats still
Best Septic with just one vacuum truck.
a daily workhorse in the Best
I always wanted to go into business for
Septic Service fleet.
myself and work with my two boys, he
Below: Jeff Ruggiero explains
explains. I also thought it would be easier
a septic system inspection to a
to manage my work schedule, which didnt
customer in Vernon, Vermont.
work out too well.
Growth occurred rapidly. In just more
than four years, Ruggiero says revenue has
risen dramatically, which he attributes
to his dedicated employees. In addition,
the company grew by branching out into
system repairs and then adding portable
restroom rentals to its list of services.
A lot of people started asking for
restrooms for special events, he says. Our
To learn about Jeff Ruggieros favorite
service area is very rural, so there are a lot
new business tools, go online to and read an
of septic systems, and people dont want
exclusive story about Vermonts Best
to put all the waste generated by a special
Septic Service.
event, like a backyard wedding, into their
septic systems.
aluminum tank; a 2003 Ford F-450 with a
I also didnt want to have all my
500-gallon waste/300-gallon freshwater
business eggs in one basket I wanted
steel tank; and a 2003 Ford F-350 with a slide-in 300-gallon waste/150-gallon
to diversify, he adds, noting that the companys revenues now are evenly
freshwater aluminum tank. All trucks were built out by Imperial Industries
divided between septic service and portable restrooms; portable restroom
Inc., and rigs run National Vacuum Equipment Inc. pumps.
revenues are split roughly 50/50 between special events and monthly
rentals. We also started repairing septic systems
Ruggiero prefers smaller, more agile trucks
and retrofitting systems with risers, he says.
with smaller tanks, well-suited for Vermonts
Two of my arteries were 100
Providing great customer service also
mountainous terrain. Vermont has a lot of
contributed to the companys growth, Ruggiero
dirt backroads so we need more nimble trucks,
percent blocked and a third
points out. That means more than just cleaning
especially during our spring mud season,
was 79 percent blocked. They couldnt
restrooms thoroughly or being considerate of
Ruggiero explains. There are three treatment
peoples lawns/landscaping when servicing believe I was walking around, much less
facilities within the companys service area, which
septic systems. In addition, it includes things like working every day. But I never
minimizes the need for larger tanks to reduce backeducating customers about septic system dos
and-forth disposal trips. In some circumstances,
had any problems before that.
and donts or pointing out to restroom customers
though, waste from smaller tanks is consolidated
that they may need more frequent cleanings or,
into a larger truck for convenient dumping.
Jeff Ruggiero
alternatively, another restroom or two on site to
The company also relies on a 2015 Ford F-350
accommodate high usage.
service truck with a skid-mounted water jetter
made by RIDGID. The truck is a multitasker, used for doing everything from
pipe repairs and riser installations to cleaning grease traps and hauling a
As the company grew, its roster of equipment expanded, too. Best
trailer to deliver restrooms. In addition, Best Septic owns a 1997 GMC pickup
Septic now owns a 1990 Ford L8000 with a 2,000-gallon steel vacuum tank;
truck that can carry a slide-in unit when needed; about 150 restrooms from
a 2015 Ford F-350 with a slide-in 400-gallon waste/200-gallon freshwater


Pumper May 2015 Since 1979 May 2015


Best Septic participates

in peecycling study
For the last several years, Best Septic Service in Westminster,
Vermont, has been playing a key role in a novel initiative in which
human urine is diverted from septic systems into tanks, then collected,
sanitized and turned into fertilizer.
I know it sounds kind of kooky, says Jeff Ruggiero, who owns the
septic maintenance, repair and pumping company with his wife, Lisa. I
initially thought there was no way people will do this but people are
all over it. Vermonters are very eco-conscious.
The program is run by Rich Earth Institute, a research group based
in Brattleboro, Vermont. The group is committed to advancing the use of
human waste as a reusable resource.
Urine is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus key ingredients in many
fertilizers. Moreover, contrary to popular perception, urine is generally
sterile and what little impurities it might contain can be removed easily
through either pasteurization or long-term storage, says Kim Nace, the
groups founder and administrative director.
The case for peecycling is compelling when you consider that
nationwide, 1.2 trillion gallons of water a year is used for flushing toilets.
And an average person flushes a toilet five times a day, and four of those
times its to dispose of just urine, not feces, Nace says.
That means we each use more than 4,000 gallons of clean water
every year just to get rid of urine, she adds. Its a no-brainer weve
got to stop flushing toilets so often.
An average person produces between 100 and 150 gallons of urine
a year. That equates to about 8 pounds of nitrogen and almost 1 pound
of phosphorus fertilizer to produce 320 pounds of wheat in a year,
enough for a loaf of bread every day, Nace notes.
People who participate in the program either buy urine-diverting
toilets or retrofit existing toilets with a separator. The urine is diverted
to a holding tank located in a basement, while feces still go into a septic
tank, Ruggiero explains.
The program collected 5,000 gallon of urine in 2014. Best Septic
currently hauls roughly 450 gallons of urine a month, which is taken to a
local horse farm. There its treated and used to grow hay, Ruggiero says.
In addition, Ruggiero has outfitted 10 portable restrooms with urineseparating devices so the company can contribute to the program, too.
The company hauled the urine for free for the first two years of the
program, but now charges a flat fee, he says. Rich Earth refers program
participants to Best Septic.
It definitely gets our name out there for more business, Ruggiero
says, noting that the company gives a promotional pamphlet to urinecollecting customers who dont already use Best Septic to pump their
septic tanks.
I think Jeff and Best Septic are amazing, Nace says. Jeff very
quickly understood what this is about and how he could be a part of it.
Hes very committed to doing whats right for managing human waste.
Nace admits that recycling urine sounds like a strange thing and
that some people initially have a hard time dealing with the ick factor.
But not only do people get over it, theyre transformed when they
realize something that comes out of our bodies can do so much good,
she adds. Weve been astounded at how empowered people feel about
it climate change has made people more adventurous to try things
that get us more in harmony with the natural world.


Pumper May 2015

Justin Ruggiero pumps

rainwater from a drainfield
excavation while Wayne
Turner looks on. The crew was
replacing the drainfield at a
home in Newfane, Vermont.

Technician Wayne Turner guides

a hose during the setup for a
pumping operation in Brookline,
PolyPortables (including four
handicapped-accessible units
and 15 special-event units
with sinks and interior lights);
a RIDGID SeeSnake pipeline
inspection camera; and a
Kubota mini-excavator.
During Ruggieros health crisis, employees assumed various extra dayto-day duties. Everyone stepped up big-time, he notes. Even Waynes
wife, Brenda, and their kids helped out with phones.
After Lisa told everyone what had happened, they all said she didnt
have to worry about a thing that theyd handle everything, he continues.
Were all like family. Even my competitors called in to see how I was doing.
Ruggiero says his son Justin largely took over his job responsibilities
things such as emergency calls, running jobs and helping with truck repairs.
Im so proud of him and how he stepped up and handled everything, along
with worrying about me being in the hospital, Ruggiero says. Overnight, he
went from being an 18-year-old boy to a man running a business.

Imperial Industries, Inc.
(See ad page 31)

Kubota Tractor Corporation


Lisa Ruggiero (in the foreground) keeps the books

and office assistant Rachel Comtois helps Best
Septic run smoothly.
Cross-training employees like True and
Turner to do each others jobs paid big dividends,
Ruggiero adds. Sure, its costly to have two guys
in a truck for several days, he admits. But in the
long run, it pays off.
More than a year after Ruggieros heart
attack, he says he still has to take it easy. But
that fits nicely into his newfound perspective
on work/life balance. What would he tell other
pumpers who are pushing it to the limit? Back off
a bit and make more time for family and friends.
SMell THe roSeS
I discovered that all the stuff I thought was
of major importance really is not that important
compared to making time for family, then doing
the job, he explains. Otherwise, the workday
never stops. You have to keep in mind that it all
gets done eventually.
The heart attack definitely got me to settle
down, he continues. I dont treat everything
like its a red alert that everything needs to be
done right away. I spread things out more so I
can spend more time with my kids and Lisa and
family spend more time with my nieces and
nephews. I didnt do that before if they had a
sports event or something else, Id say, Im too
busy to go Ill catch them next weekend. I dont
do that anymore.
That philosophy also extends to the
companys employees, he says, noting that hes
more conscious about allowing the crew even
more flexibility to attend their childrens events
and activities.
People always joke about how you never
know you could die tomorrow, Ruggiero says.
Thats not a joke anymore. Theres no more
trying to be human dynamos everyone helps
each other more.

National Vacuum Equipment, Inc.

(See ad page 53)


PolyPortables, LLC
(See ad page 65)


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Septic SyStem ANSWER mAN

Jim Anderson, Ph.D., is an emeritus professor

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coordinator for the National Association of
Wastewater Technicians, and recipient of the
pumping industrys Ralph Macchio Lifetime
Achievement Award. Email Jim questions
about septic system maintenance and
operation at [email protected].

Spreading the Word

If land application of septage is an important disposal option for your business,

create and constantly update your nutrient management plan By Jim Anderson, Ph.D.
QUESTION: Why are nutrient management plans important for land
ANSWER: I am frequently asked why nutrient and crop management
plans are important if a pumper is going to use land application as a part
of a septage treatment program. In the past I have explained what goes
into a nutrient management plan, and that the federal rules regarding
land application focus on the maximum allowable nitrogen application
rate. Nutrient management plans are important for two reasons: to maximize the crop yield and protect the environment.
Whether you as a pumper are land-applying on your own property
or working with a nearby farmer, it is critical to understand the nutrient
needs of the crop being grown on the fields from an economic standpoint.
If you are renting the land or working with a farmer, it is important that
the crop yields enough to provide a return on the investment to either pay
the rent or provide the farmer with income. If it is your own land then you
still want a return over and above what you are receiving through pumping fees.
As I wrote in previous columns, the maximum allowable nitrogen application rate often does not supply the amount of nitrogen needed for
high-value crops such as corn. The farmer will need to supplement the
septage with additional applications to ensure an adequate yield. This is
why a yield goal based on the crop, soil and environmental conditions at
that location is established and it drives the application rate.
Other important factors can serve as a basis for future columns, such
as the timing of applications of septage or otherwise, the total overall rate,
the crop rotation and the source of additional applications. The bottom
line is matching the crop needs to the applications to receive a realistic
and adequate crop yield.
From an environmental perspective, several concerns are related to
the nutrients in septage, manure or commercial fertilizers. Excessive nitrogen applications can lead to nitrogen leaching through the soil to the
groundwater or running off into surface waters. This can affect drinking
water supplies. I recently read an article about the City of Des Moines,
Iowa, which is suing adjacent counties due to runoff from agricultural
lands resulting in elevated levels of nitrates in the water they pull from the
Des Moines River for a drinking supply.
In addition, here in the Midwest we worry about the level of nitratenitrogen in the Mississippi River, which contributes to hypoxia in the Gulf
of Mexico. On the East Coast, there is concern for the impact of nitrogen


Pumper May 2015

on estuaries and Chesapeake Bay algal blooms. These are all large environmental problems with economic impacts.
Even though septage rules focus on nitrogen as the nutrient of environmental concern, another nutrient of concern is phosphorus. As a colleague often points out to me: Take a look at manure management issues
and you will see where septage land application concerns will be also.
The concern over phosphorus and its contribution to excessive algal
blooms in freshwater systems was highlighted in the summer of 2014 by
a harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie. Toxins created by the algae affected
the drinking water supply for the City of Toledo, Ohio. This led to calls to
reduce phosphorus loads by 37 percent in the Maumee River watershed.
Requirements such as this will reduce the allowable level of phosphorus
applied to cropland, regardless of source.
Ohio has also enacted legislation requiring certification for nutrient
applicators that work 50 or more acres. This raises the need for pumpers
who land-apply to follow a nutrient management plan that looks at all the
crop nutrient needs as a part of the operation. It is another way to demonstrate that land application is a viable and economic alternative that also
helps protect the environment.
If you or the farmer you work with are not working with a crop adviser
who provides a nutrient management plan, there are ways to get assistance with the plans. A good place to start is your local County Extension
office; they can provide information on the current University crop nutrient recommendations for your state and location. These recommendations are the foundation for developing a nutrient management plan.
A visit to the local National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
office can make you aware of potential cost-sharing opportunities available through the NRCS EQIP program to provide nutrient management
planning through recognized crop professionals called Technical Service
Providers who are certified to write the plans.
Having and following a nutrient management plan ensures you are
using and in compliance with the current requirements. Remember that
within the 503 regulations there are the separate reporting requirements
for tracking and documenting your application rates. These need to be followed and adhered to, and you need to be able to present your plan and
documentation upon request.
Finally, when you have and follow a nutrient management plan, you
can be confident that you are maintaining the best practices available to
provide an economic return on your investment and do the best you can
to protect and enhance the environment.

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Overheard Online

Pump the
Pump Tank?

Question: A customer called to tell me their lift pump alarm is coming

Can you offer some suggestions on how to get

to the bottom of a customers lift pump chamber
This feature in Pumper reports noteworthy conversations that take place
at the Pumper Discussion Forum, an online forum for industry professionals
found at Pumper Discussion enables exchange of
information and ideas on septic and drainfield installation and maintenance,
trucks and equipment, portable sanitation, chemical and additives and
much more. Information and advice in Overheard Online is offered in good
faith by industry professionals. However, readers should consult in depth
with appropriate industry sources before applying such advice to a specific
business situation.

on and there is a bit of water on the ground around the lift pump chamber.
the tank is 1,000 gallons with another tank beside it for the lift pump. the
tanks are connected with a sewer pipe with a built-in Polylok filter. each
time i pump the tank, i clean the filter. Could effluent cross through the filter
and fill up the pump chamber heavily enough to fry a pump?
ive always examined the chamber and it is very watery. ive assumed the
pump would handle all of this. im thinking either the wiring is bad, the
float is stuck, the pump is burned out or the field is just full of water. im
wondering because the last time i pumped the tank, this other chamber was
not pumped. only the septic tank was pumped and the filter rinsed.

should i pop the cover on this chamber and pump out the bit of water in
it, even with the effluent filter there? or am i wasting my time? ive always
thought the pump would handle this little bit of stuff.


We pump [the lift pump chamber] every time. The hose is

already out and solids do settle out in there. You are located in Canada; are
you sure it isnt frozen? Thats happened daily here this winter.

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You need to get the cover off and see. I normally pump down the chamber
to see what is going on and to test the pump and floats. With a lot of mound
systems in my area being more than 10 years old, I see pump failure rates
going up. The average pump life seems to be about seven to 12 years. Also,
the 2014 winter being as cold as it was, I had one that blew the coupler when
the line to the field froze. There can be many reasons the dosing chamber
alarm is on. Until you pump it down and see, it is just guessing.
I charge extra for the pump tank. I have to pay by the gallon to dump, so
extras are extras. Many of my customers elect not to empty the pump tank.
I do inspect a pump tank when I pump and use a sludge sampler so I can
advise when to pump the dosing tank. Normally the recommendation is
every other or every third regular pumping.

For my customers with lift pump chambers, I install a float bypass switch so I
can manually turn on the pump to make sure its not a float switch problem.
If the system pumps down and the high water level goes away, you know
the problem is a bad float switch. If the pump is still not running, you will
probably have to pump out the tank to get more serious about locating the
I assume you checked the pump circuit breaker first to make sure you have
power. I also have a tee in the outlet pipe, leaving the lift tank with a small
inspection cap just under the surface that can be removed just outside the
tank. If water squirts out of the top, you will know the pump is working and
the problem is farther out.

Pumper May 2015


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Smart Inspection

General Pipe Cleaners rolls out marketing campaign for the Gen-Eye SDP video inspection system
By Craig Mandli

s featured at the 2015 Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment &

Transport (WWETT) Show, the Gen-Eye SDP video inspection system
from General Pipe Cleaners provides wastewater professionals with
everything they need for small- to medium-size pipe inspection.
Its portability is very appealing to septic and pipe cleaning
professionals, says Marty Silverman, vice president of marketing for
General Pipe Cleaners. The target market is drain cleaning specialists,
but its popular with plumbers and pumpers who perform septic system
inspections as well.
Weighing 14 pounds, the Gen-Eye SDP offers features from fullsize video inspection systems in a compact package. It has a four-hour
rechargeable battery and a Wi-Fi transmitter. A full-size reel can be mounted
on the docking arm to troubleshoot 3- to 10-inch lines. The units 10.4-inch
LCD sunlight-readable screen with on-screen distance counter makes
viewing easier when doing inspections in bright sunlight.
The Wi-Fi capability means photos and video can be sent right to the
customer without the tech having to set foot in the home, says Silverman.
That saves time for the tech, and inconvenience for the customer.
A panel indicator lets technicians know when the battery is running
low. Not only can the Wi-Fi transmitter send video to a smartphone or
tablet, a free app allows for the easy viewing and recording of real-time video
inspections at a range up to 500 feet. In addition, an integrated SD recorder
captures 32 GB of video or still images with a date and time stamp.
The unit includes a built-in voice-over microphone with switch, LED
dimmer control, camera test port, video- and audio-out connections for
external recording devices, and AC and DC power cords. A self-leveling
color camera keeps pictures right-side up so contractors and customers can
follow the camera as it moves through the line. The unit is protected by a
heavy-duty Pelican case. The system has been available since fall 2014 and
Silverman says feedback has been positive.

Socially Accepted


Pumper May 2015

Mike Silverman,
vice president
of operations
for General Pipe
Cleaners, explains
the features of
the Gen-Eye SDP
video inspection
system to
attendees at the
2015 WWETT
Show. (Photo by
Craig Mandli)
The techs that already have the SDP really love it, he says. The best
reviews have been focused on its lightweight portability and the Wi-Fi
capability. Its met our expectations so far.
Silverman notes that many techs who show interest in the SDP also look
at Generals Gen-Eye Hot Spot digital locator. Compatible with the SDP, the
Hot Spot eliminates guesswork when inspecting and tracing drain, sewer or
septic lines.
We certainly market the SDP and Hot Spot together, he says. Once
the SDP is used to identify the type and nature of the problem, the Hot Spot
is used to pinpoint that spot to efficiently repair the problem without any
unnecessary digging.
General chose the WWETT Show to roll out the marketing campaign for
the system. Silverman says the show is a great opportunity to put Generals
products in front of the target audience.
This show always has great traffic, and the attendees, especially this
year, are buying, he says. We always get a ton of feedback here that we can
take back and integrate into our products.
General is already thinking ahead to next years WWETT Show. Were
always looking for ways to improve and integrate, Silverman says. 800/2456200;

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Pumper May 2015

STATE of the states

Moving Beyond the Holding Tank

Manitoba wastewater association wants provincial environmental officials to consider
new onsite treatment technologies in environmentally sensitive areas By Doug Day

he people who install onsite wastewater systems in Manitoba have

some thoughts about improving the industry in the Canadian province. Regulators have a few ideas of their own. Since the two organizations have developed a good relationship over the years, the chances of
moving forward are pretty good.
They rely on our association for a real boots-on-the-ground support
for what theyre trying to do, says Hugh Bonner, continuing education
chairman and longtime board member of the Onsite Wastewater Systems
Installers of Manitoba (OWSIM).
Formed in 2006, OWSIM has just over 100 members. There are a few
engineers and suppliers, but the vast majority are installers, representing
roughly half of the active installers across the province. The industry is regulated by Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship (CWS).
They come to us when they have questions
about certain practices that installers have put in
place and ask for our opinions that may be used in
determining the actions theyll take, says Bonner.
That was the case in 2010 when the province began phasing out surface discharges from ejector systems. OWSIM contributed to the rule changes, which
now requires that owners commit to replacing such
systems upon the transfer or subdividing of property.
Hugh Bonner
While repairs to existing ejector systems are allowed,
no new ejector systems will be permitted. There are several exemptions in
response to concerns about its impact on rural homeowners. They may now
get exemptions if the property is not located in an environmentally sensitive
area, is at least 10 acres, complies with other regulatory requirements and
does not impact any other property owners.


While there are no pumpers on its current membership roster, OWSIM
is beginning to reach out to them because they are an important part of the
industry. Manitoba is the only Canadian province that requires holding
tanks rather than distribution fields for septic systems near many lakes,
rivers and streams, and areas with poor soils. The tanks are required to be
pumped periodically by a registered waste hauler. Many of the systems serve
cottages and second homes in popular vacation areas.
It is very unique, says Bonner. Our association believes it would be
to the betterment of the whole industry if the holding tank law was possibly
altered to allow a properly designed advanced onsite system.
There is concern about holding tanks not being pumped properly and
effluent making its way to a water body. There is also an issue with the sewage lagoons where septage pumped from holding tanks is taken. Along with


Pumper May 2015

the level of treatment for various nutrients that can harm water quality, the
lagoons are subject to overflows.
The lagoon structures have been lacking in some areas, says Bonner.
In times of high water or a lot of rain, we have had a number of emergency
discharges right into the receiving water. He adds that 2014 was one of the
worst years for high water levels. Weve seen water levels in our lakes and
rivers that are probably 10 to 15 percent higher than weve ever seen.
While owners of holding tanks pay for pumping, there is not always a
fee for disposing of the waste in the tax-supported lagoons. Bonner poses
a question that is on the minds of many: Why should our population be
made to pay for a certain percentage [that] wants to have cottages in these
pristine areas?
Altering the rule may be difficult. Holding tanks are popular with cottage owners because they are inexpensive, comparatively speaking. A system with a 2,400-gallon holding tank costs about $3,500, while a proper system with a distribution field would cost around $20,000.
Its our belief, especially in the case of a second home, that the homeowner should bear the entire cost, including taking care of the septage rather
than having it hauled to lagoons that are paid for by all the residents of Manitoba, says Bonner.
CWS has shown flexibility on the holding tank issue. Theyve actually
considered allowing a few secondary treatment installations designed by
our installers to test them out, he adds. So they are open to it. As the recreational homes get bigger, so do the flows, and so do the problems that go
along with it. We are making inroads.
Training and certification of installers is done by CWS as often as twice
a year, depending on the number of registrants. The session, including a test,
costs $1,000 per person, which has increased from $300. Certification attracts more than just onsite professionals.
There are a lot of individuals who take it, homeowners and quasi-contractors that may do one or two systems, then fade away, but have certification that is good for five years, says Bonner. Because of that, he says its
difficult to keep track of the number of active installers.
There is no requirement for continuing education, but OWSIM offers it
to increase professionalism of its members.
Initially, we had very good response, says Bonner. It has waned
somewhat in the last few years, though were always trying to develop new
courses to gain their interest. Like all organizations, there is a higher rate of
interest in the beginning.
OWSIM has offered training on such topics as pressure dosing and per-

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forming inspections for real estate transfers.
A soils assessment course will be the next training opportunity. We
have very different soils around Manitoba, says
Bonner. Around Winnipeg we have tight clay
For more
soil, out west is sandy soil and there is a lot of
bedrock in the east. And there is the cold weathabout the Onsite
er that impacts system design, especially in the
tundra of the northern subarctic region.
Systems Installers
of Manitoba, call
204/771-0455 or go
While training attendance could be betto
ter, membership meetings garner good participation with around 25
people at each. They are
held five or six times a
year from November to May, says OWSIM Treasurer
Marie Taplin, the longest-serving board member and
one of the people on the original steering committee that incorporated the group in 2006. We stopped
trying to hold meetings during the construction season.
OWSIM Training Facilitator Rudy Hartfiel says
the Member Services Committee has recently added
Marie Taplin
a new twist to those gatherings that is proving popular. Weve had suppliers and industry representatives host luncheons.
Along with networking, it gives our members a little bit more because they
get to see what those businesses do and what they offer. Since 1979 May 2015


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PumPer IntervIew

Cleaner and Greener Choices

Author and engineer David Sedlak says technologically advanced decentralized wastewater
systems will help shape a smarter path for development and infrastructure for future generations
By David Steinkraus

very few months theres a news report about the need to fix the aging
water and wastewater infrastructure in cities. To engineer David
Sedlak, the future contains more than just the Big Pipe. In his future,
solutions will be customized to each situation and onsite technology may
play a major role.
Sedlak is a professor of engineering at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley, co-director of the Berkeley Water
Center and deputy director of the engineering research center for Reinventing the Nations Urban Water Infrastructure, a collaborative project involving several universities
and funded by the National Science Foundation. The ideas he talks about here are part of
his recently published book, Water 4.0.

Pumper: In your book you say water 3.0

was the construction of municipal wastewater treatment plants in the 20th century.
Where are we now in the shift to water 4.0?
Sedlak: I think it depends on where you are. Reach David Sedlak by email
We have pieces of the next technologies in at [email protected].
place in certain cities, but these revolutions
do not happen at the same rate in all places. The front line of change is in
cities where the existing systems are unable to serve peoples needs. With
respect to urban drainage, you will find the leading edge in cities like Philadelphia and Indianapolis where leaders are working on green infrastructure
green roofs and bioswales that absorb water or slow it down.
I have two visions for how this could work out for our water and wastewater systems. One is a central treatment and recycling system. Today those are
managed by government. The other vision is distributed technologies built
first for clusters of homes in neighborhoods or developments. These could be
run by utilities or private companies that contract with government agencies.
I see a possibility for in-house treatment a membrane bioreactor can
treat a homes wastewater in the space taken up by a modern clothes dryer
but this will require decades to happen. Its hard to make such a change
in one house, just as its difficult today to take a single home off the power
grid. As time goes on well see retrofits, most likely through a requirement to
upgrade at the time of sale.
Pumper: Where does onsite technology fit into what you see?
Sedlak: Green infrastructure is a large civil project, but onsite contractors
have skills in plumbing, drainage, excavating and grading. They could have a
role in rebuilding or altering urban drainage.


Pumper May 2015

There is also the need to build the next generation of onsite treatment
systems. These devices will be better than the septic systems we now rely on
because there will be more biotechnology built in. What were talking about
is extending onsite technology into parts of cities where it doesnt exist now.
The limit to how far this could go is population density. At some point you
overwhelm the capacity of the soil to treat effluent, so you have to turn to
municipal sewers. With next-generation systems that reuse water for irrigation or for toilets, you can serve a much greater population density before
you reach the limits of the soil and groundwater.
Pumper: Do you believe treatment will eventually become the responsibility of the homeowner?
Sedlak: In less densely populated areas, yes. One opportunity for onsite
installers will be in the parts of cities that are expanding. It will depend on
the costs a developer faces to hook up to sewers and on the capacity of the
municipal system to accept
the additional flow. Capacity
is one reason why we have
Green infrastructure
combined sewer overflows.
is a large civil project,
Cities expanded but did not
but onsite contractors have
expand their collections systems for the additional deskills in plumbing, drainage,
mand. As a result, they suffer
excavating and grading.
when they continue to hook
They could have a role in
up more homes.
rebuilding or altering
The solution will differ for
location. In many places
urban drainage.
we will limp along with what
we have because changing big
David Sedlak
systems is very expensive. In
some places the geology and
soils wont support extensive onsite systems. And then there is the issue of
population density. I dont see onsite treatment taking off in the core of Manhattan or downtown San Francisco, but many of our cities are quite suburban.
If you look at what we have now, when youre in the country everything is
onsite. As you move closer to a city center there is less onsite treatment. I see
us pushing the boundary for onsite treatment closer to city centers.
Pumper: What skills should onsite installers develop now so theyre
prepared for that future?
Sedlak: It is difficult to know the exact skill set that contractors will need.
Certainly installers should maintain their abilities in construction and plumb(continued)

hurry up. dont wait.

ing. Beyond that I think there will be an advantage to those who know how to
work with Internet-enabled sensors and electronic controllers. We will have
more sensors and actuators that can be triggered remotely, and were already
seeing the start of this. Some pump manufacturers are already giving IP addresses [for Internet access] to pump electronics. Eventually an operator will
be able to contact those pumps from anywhere and adjust them.
Maintaining the security of these Internet-enabled machines will be
important. One problem we have now is people set up machines but dont
upgrade them. To keep these future machines running securely, an onsite
installer will have to swap in new circuit boards and upload new software. I
dont mean that they need to be able to write computer code from scratch,
but many machines will probably come with a base package installed as
computers do now and a competitive installer will be able to alter this
and add value by providing custom functions or new functions tailored to a
specific situation.
Pumper: Where do codes and regulations fit in?
Sedlak: I think the codes and regulations in many cases have not caught
up with technology. Thats made worse by not having enough people to
enforce the codes, so health officers and building departments fear being
given some new requirement or unfunded mandate. Increasing permit fees
to cover costs would make permits prohibitively expensive. On top of all this
they have to worry about risks to public health. Graywater reuse is suffering
from this problem now.
Solving this requires advocates. Michael Nutter, the mayor of Philadelphia, saw green infrastructure as one of his signature approaches and
worked for it, and there are other politicians and utility leaders around the
country who have made it a priority, but many politicians wont invest in the
issue because they dont see a payoff. Municipal wastewater utilities long
ago learned the need to advocate for themselves, but leadership in the onsite
industry is more diffuse. Yet there are possibilities. Many nongovernmental
organizations and environmentalists support these ideas, and it makes them
natural allies for the onsite industry.

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Pumper: In the last sentence of your book, you talk about the need to
start changing now before some crisis forces us into poor but necessary
decisions. Can we change?
Sedlak: There are times when we have been foresighted enough to lay the
groundwork that we need. In the 1990s there was a water supply scare due to
a drought in Southern California, and it led to a large investment in securing
the water supply. Even though the drought is all over the news now, and the
water utilities will not become greatly concerned unless the drought goes on
for a few more years. So there is a clear benefit to those who are wise enough
to act before a crisis occurs.

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Pumper May 2015

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Jeff Rachlin, President, PA
Gene Bassett, Vice-President, NM
Ralph Macchio, Treasurer, NY
Tom Ferrero, Secretary, PA
Tom Frank, Past President, OH
Jim Anderson, Ed. Comm., MN

John Creed, IN
Jace Ensor, NM
Bill Hall, CT
Mitch Okerstrom, MN
Kit Rosefield, CA

Susan Ruehl, OH
Mark Scott, MI
Hollis Warren, DE
Roger S. Winter, ON, Canada

3150 W Higgins Rd., Ste. 105, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 1-800-236-NAWT (6298) Fax 847-885-8393

NAWT will miss working with retiring EPA official

and MOU partner Joyce Hudson
By Dhru Bhatt

s many of you may know, Joyce Hudson, the head of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Decentralized Department in
Washington, D.C., retired Thursday, Feb. 12, after 39 years of dedicated
public service. It was with mixed feelings of joy and disappointment that the
board of directors of the National Association of Wastewater Technicians
celebrated Joyces retirement. She will be sadly missed. The NAWT board
wishes her well in her future endeavors and hopes to see her from time to
time at conferences and events.
Joyces retirement celebration was attended by NAWTs president
Jeff Rachlin, treasurer Ralph Macchio and secretary Tom Ferrero. The
celebration was attended by Joyces family, friends and business associates.
Rachlin read a letter of tribute to Joyce in front of the group.
Through the years Joyce has shown respect and patience toward our
industry, which had not gone unnoticed. Her leadership qualities, fairness
and understanding have been invaluable for the advancement of the
industry. Before she became the leader of her unit, many NAWT members
often felt that no one was listening to their concerns. She helped change
all of that and made sure our industry had the resources available to help
our members and others become better educated about systems and the
implications of not taking care of those systems.
In addition, the partnership she created through the Memorandum of
Understanding leaves us all in a better place going forward as she enjoys
a hard-earned retirement. This, too, is the mark of a true leader. The MOU
partners have given everyone a place where serious discussions can take
place about issues and problems within the industry. This will continue to
bear fruit in the years ahead.
The NAWT Board of Directors sincerely wants to thank Joyce for her
service to the industry. We wish her well in the future and a happy retirement.
2016 NAWT Excellence in Service Award &
2016 NAWT Hapchuk Scholarship
Submissions are being taken for NAWTs 2016 Excellence in Service
Award. All applications for the award must be completed and postmarked
by Nov. 2. Any applications received after the deadline will be placed on file
for the next calendar year.


Pumper May 2015

Retiring EPA official Joyce Hudson

Entries for the 2016 NAWT William
is greeted by NAWT officials, from
Hapchuk Memorial Scholarship must be
left, Tom Ferrero, Jeff Rachlin and
received or postmarked by Jan. 1, 2016,
Ralph Macchio.
to be considered for the scholarship. For
details regarding the assignment for the scholarship, please visit our website
For more details regarding NAWTs 2016 Excellence in Service Award
or Hapchuk Scholarship, please visit the NAWT website. If you have
questions about NAWT, feel free to contact us at 800/236-6298 or email at
[email protected].

Like us on

Industries, Inc.





Cummins 240 HP engine

NVE primary moisture trap
Allison 2500 6-speed RDS automatic
NVE 20" top man way
Air brakes 25,999 GVWR
4" waste discharge line with valve, adapter, and cap
2,000 gal. aluminum tank
Anti-surge baffles
Two compartment tank, 500 fresh water/1,500 waste
Heavy duty toilet carrier with trailer hitch

Cummins 220 HP engine

NVE primary moisture trap
Allison 2500 6-speed RDS automatic
NVE 20" top man way
Air brakes 25,999 GVWR
4" waste discharge line with valve, adapter, and cap
2,000 gal. aluminum tank
Anti-surge baffles
Two compartment tank, 500 fresh water/1,500 waste
Heavy duty toilet carrier with trailer hitch


2015 DODGE 5500 4X4

950 Gallon (650X300) steel restroom tank
Conde SDS6 115 CFM


2015 FORD F550

Fold down toilet carrier

Heated bucket fill, heated dump,

Wash down pump and hose reel in heated cabinet

999 Gallon (749X250) aluminum restroom tank

Masport HXL4 Flo-Jet washdown with 50' hose
Fold down toilet carrier


280 HP Cummins
Allison 3000 RDS automatic

450 Gallon
Aluminum Slide-In

2500 Gallon Aluminum Tank

NVE 607 380 CFM

Side Engine Style

950 Gallon (650/300), Aluminum Slide in,
Flanged and dished heads, Cond SDS6
(115 CFM), Honda 9 HP Electric start,
30" tiger tail hose with valve and wand,
50" wash down hose,

300 Gallon Waste/150 Gallon Fresh

Electric Start 5.5 HP Honda, Cond Super 6
vacuum pump w/4-way valve 30'x2" Tiger Tail
inlet hose w/stinger, washdown system w/50'
hose, 3" discharge, 12V battery & work light



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Pumper May 2015

Erik Gunn

MOney Manager

Erik Gunn
is a business writer
in Racine, Wisconsin.

The Fate of Fuel Surcharges

Your transportation costs are down but now is no time to stop thinking about
how you factor the cost of fuel into your rate structure By Erik Gunn

hen gas and diesel prices began to climb a few years back, your
business probably faced a tough choice: raise prices to cover that
extra bite off your bottom line, or hold the line and cut back on
other costs. Some may have opted for a third alternative a fuel surcharge.
That was fine then. But in case you hadnt noticed, fuel prices began
2015 at their lowest point in years and about half of what they were just a
year ago. With more fuel price fluctuations expected in the future, the issue
now is how to make sure your invoices for service properly account for those
shifting costs.
If you raised prices when your fuel costs were going up and didnt lose
business well, good for you. You got lucky. If you held the line on prices and cut back on expenses, youve probably been breathing easier. You
should also be putting away some of that extra cash for a rainy day, or using
it to make new investments in your business that youve been putting off.
And if you implemented a fuel surcharge? The last few months have
probably been well, interesting.

A subscription costs just under $20 a month, but Lee notes that many
subscribers sign up for just one month every quarter to get data, updating
their surcharges for three months at a time.

Money Manager reached out to business owners facing challenges similar to those of the typical cleaner or pumper in accounting for the cost of
fuel. We didnt get just one answer.
Kenneth Combs is co-owner and CEO of CQC Home, a construction
and remodeling business in Durham, North Carolina. Until about four years
ago as the latest surge in fuel prices was taking off CQC Home simply
wrapped fuel costs into the general overhead expenses that were part of every customers price quote.
Then it happened. We were growing and starting to get jobs farther and
farther away from our home base, Combs says. We were starting to notice a
decline in our bottom line and an increase in our overhead.
But rather than simply ratcheting up the overhead factor for all jobs, the
business took a surgical approach.
For customers closer than 30 miles, the contractor made an across-theWhatever strategy youve used, with fuel costs still extraordinarily low,
board overhead adjustment. Customers more than 30 miles from the shop
it might be time to look again and consider your options.
started getting a fuel surcharge as a specific line item.
Fuel surcharges are a standard in long-haul trucking as well as regional
The surcharge formula includes the price of gas, the distance to the job,
trucking-based services (think trash collection). The surcharge is typically
the amount of time the job is projected to take (in CQC Homes business,
indexed to a base fuel price at a certain time, then updated (often weekly) by
that can be days, weeks or even months) and the
plugging in the new fuel price. The formula also typinumber of vehicles required each day. The vehicle
cally includes the miles traveled for the job.
We were growing and
count is based on how many people are needed that
The source for the fuel price figure can vary. You
starting to get jobs farther
day, which depends on what stage the project is in.
could simply choose the price of the station nearest your shop. Or, you could use something like the
and farther away from our home
American Automobile Associations average price,
base. We were starting to notice
Customers subject to the surcharge have gone
available daily by state (see
a decline in our bottom line and
along with no pushback, Combs says. Consistency
helps; as gas prices began coming down late last
Another option is
an increase in our overhead.
year, so did the surcharge, he points out.
( This online service
Kenneth Combs
And its made a difference. We spend, right
was set up by a Texas IT firm, ProMiles Software Denow, about $70,000 a year on fuel, and $15,000 or
velopment Corp., in collaboration with large carri$20,000 of that we have been able to charge directly to customers through
ers. (ProMiles mostly produces software applications for truckers to set up
the fuel surcharge.
routes, report fuel tax information and complete required paperwork.)
American Standard Roofing in Southfield, Michigan, takes a different
The database pulls data from truck stops
approach. Richard Goodman, the general manager, prefers wrapping the
across the country and fuel card providers offering up-to-the-minute price
cost of fuel into the overall price. Trying to calculate a specific fuel charge for
information. While mainly used by long-haul and regional truckers, the
each job strikes him as a tedious waste of time.
business does have some customers among local fleet owners, according to
You know on a year-by-year basis exactly how much you have spent
marketing VP Chris Lee.


Pumper May 2015

Pro Pumper 250


Waste Holding Tank




Portable Offices
Construction Trailers


on fuel and how many jobs you have completed, Goodman says. Take this
information over several years to average it out and find your approximate
cost per job. That approach saves time and gives you a longer view of your
Goodman cautions against cutting prices to reflect dropping fuel costs.
If you drop your pricing down too far and the prices suddenly spike back
up, you can find yourself in a real sticky situation, he says. Instead, he recommends using the new extra cushion to put money back into the business.
The best strategy is the one that keeps you both profitable and competitive in your market, and that can differ depending on your circumstances.
Take calculating distance to the job as part of your surcharge. For the
long-haul trucker thats no big deal; the distance will be the same for any
carrier. But for a local business that may draw customers and face competition from all over its territory, it isnt so easy.
When a potential customer in the city down the highway from you calls
because her friend in your hometown loved your work, do you really want
to charge her an extra fee to hire you instead of the contractor in her own
For that matter, will having to count up the miles to and from every job
be helpful? Or just a drain on your time?
Then again, just wrapping the cost into general overhead could put you
under the gun if or when fuel prices shoot up again.
If you do include a fuel surcharge as a customer line item, make it transparent and tie it to a consistent formula that you can explain in clear and
simple terms. If its just a black box, your customers will suspect a scam that
lets you advertise lower prices while charging more.
Surcharge or no surcharge, nows the time to look again at how you account for the cost of fuel when you put a price on your services and implement a new policy if you need one, says Lee.
With prices as low as they are likely to be for a while, you have an opportunity to put in place a fuel surcharge indexed at zero against the current
price of fuel. Then as the prices go back up, the new trigger points kick in,
Lee says.
What comes down will probably go up again. And when it does, youll
need to be ready. Since 1979 May 2015


Since the introduction of AfterShock soil absorption restorative in 2009, drain fields all
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A contractor in Pennsylvania gushed, Ive been waiting for this product my whole life!
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Pumper May 2015

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TRADE AssociAtions
If you would like your wastewater trade association added to this list, send contact information to [email protected].

Serving the Industry

Visit your state and provincial trade associations




Alabama Onsite Wastewater Association; 334/396-3434

Indiana Onsite Waste Water Professionals Association; 317/889-2382

Nebraska On-site Waste Water Association; 402/476-0162



New Hampshire

Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association; 928/443-0333

Iowa Onsite Waste Water Association; 515/225-1051

New Hampshire Association of Septage Haulers; 603/831-8670



Arkansas Onsite Wastewater Association

Kansas Small Flows Association; 913/594-1472

Granite State Designers and Installers Association; 603/228-1231



California Onsite Wastewater Association; 530/513-6658

Kentucky Onsite Wastewater Association; 855/818-5692

Professional Onsite Wastewater Reuse

Association of New Mexico; 505/989-7676



New York

Colorado Professionals in Onsite Wastewater; 720/626-8989

Maine Association Of Site Evaluators

Long Island Liquid Waste Association, Inc.; 631/585-0448


Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists

North Carolina

Connecticut Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association; 860/267-1057

Delaware On-Site Wastewater Recycling Association



New Mexico

North Carolina Septic Tank Association; 336/416-3564

Maryland Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association; 443/570-2029

North Carolina Portable Toilet Group; 252/249-1097


North Carolina Pumper Group; 252/249-1097

Florida Onsite Wastewater Association; 321/363-1590

Massachusetts Association of Onsite Wastewater

Professionals; 781/939-5710



Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association; 866/843-4429

Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association; 678/646-0379

Michigan Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association


Georgia F.O.G. Alliance

Michigan Septic Tank Association; 989/808-8648



Onsite Wastewater Association of Idaho; 208/664-2133

Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association; 888/810-4178



Onsite Wastewater Professionals of Illinois

Missouri Smallflows Organization; 417/739-4100


Pumper May 2015


Oregon Onsite Wastewater Association; 541/389-6692

Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement
Officers; 717/761-8648
Pennsylvania Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association


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Bellefonte, PA
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Pennsylvania Septage Management Association; 717/763-7762


Onsite Wastewater Systems Installers of Manitoba, Inc.; 204/771-0455

New Brunswick

Tennessee Onsite Wastewater Association

National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association; 800/966-2942

New Brunswick Association

of Onsite Wastewater Professionals; 506/455-5477


National Association of Wastewater Technicians; 800/236-6298

Texas On-Site Wastewater Association; 888/398-7188

Virginia Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association; 540/377-9830


Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association; 877/489-7471

Nova Scotia
Waste Water Nova Scotia; 902/246-2131

Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association; 855/905-6692

British Columbia

Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services; 877/202-0082

WCOWMA Onsite Wastewater Management of B.C.; 877/489-7471


Wisconsin Onsite Water Recycling Association; 608/441-1436

British Columbia Onsite Sewage Association; 778/432-2120

Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater

Management Association; 877/489-7471

Wisconsin Liquid Waste Carriers Association; 608/441-1436


Canadian Regional

Manitoba Onsite Wastewater Management Association; 877/489-7471

Western Canada Onsite Wastewater

Management Association; 877/489-7471

Washington On-Site Sewage Association; 253/770-6594




Water Environment Federation; 800/666-0206


Call Since 1979 May 2015


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Pumper May 2015

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Classy TruCk Of The MOnTh

American Septic Service, Inc.

Carol Stream, Illinois

wner Jake McKamey bought a 2005 Freightliner M2 from V & H

Ford that was formerly used as a box truck, and had Imperial
Industries add a 2,500-gallon steel tank and Masport HXL 75
vacuum pump. The truck is powered by a Caterpillar C7 engine tied to
a six-speed Eaton Fuller transmission. The truck features top and rear
manways, 3-inch inlet and 6-inch discharge with heated collars, three
rear sight glasses, aluminum toolboxes on both sides, aluminum hose
trays and a chrome rooftop horn. The all-white paint job is contrasted
by bright blue and black graphics from X-treme Graphics & Lettering.
The interior sports an air-ride drivers seat and stereo. McKamey drives
the truck and uses it for residential septic service.

Show uS yourS!
Got a truck with real WOW appeal? Show it off to Pumper readers!
Send photos of your truck after it has been lettered with your
company name. Any industry-related truck is acceptable. Please limit
your submission to one truck only.
Your Classy Truck submission must include your name, company
name, mailing address, phone number, and details about the truck,
including tank size, cab/chassis information, pump information, the
company that built the truck, and any other details you consider
important. In particular, tell us what features of the truck help make
your work life more efficient and more profitable. Email your materials
to [email protected] or mail to Editor, Pumper, P.O. Box 220, Three Lakes, WI
54562. We look forward to hearing from you!


Pumper May 2015

Product Focus

Septic System Inspection and Jetting

By Craig Mandli

VerMeer By MclauGHlin
Sewer Jetter/VaC CoMBo

Excavation EquipmEnt

MC adVanCed SerieS
The MC Advanced Series combination jet/vac from GapVax includes a
monitoring system allowing the operator to observe and troubleshoot the
entire system. Two display screens control most functions, while manual
control is also provided. All body, boom and hose reel functions, vacuum
break, throttle and lighting are wirelessly controlled. Specs include 3/16inch ASTM A572 Grade 50 Exten steel, 5- to 12-cubic-yard debris body and
stainless steel water tank with capacity up to 2,000 gallons. Vacuum pump
options range from 3,500 to 5,000 cfm, with up to 27 inches Hg. The boom is
an 8-foot, front-mounted telescopic design with dual lift cylinders, reaching
26 feet with a 270-degree rotation. 888/442-7829;

Hi-VaC aquateCH B-10

The Aquatech B-10 combination
jet/vac truck from Hi-Vac Corp. has
a single-engine design for lower fuel
and maintenance costs, rear-mounted hose reel and 360-degree toploading rotating boom. The low center of gravity makes full loads more
stable, while the self-cleaning tanks are corrosion- and abrasion-resistant.
The air/vacuum system has an operating capacity of 2,700 cfm and a 204-inch
water column. Options include extended boom, pneumatic foot control for
one-man operation and lockable vacuum tubes. An internal boom allows for
pickup of materials above and below water. 740/374-2306;

KoBelCo SK350lC
The Tier IV Final SK350LC crawler
excavator from Kobelco Construction Machinery USA is 82,200
pounds and powered by a 270 hp
Tier IV Final Hino engine. It provides
as much as a 10 percent reduction
in fuel consumption compared to
a Tier III machine and incorporates
both selective catalytic reduction and self-cleaning diesel particulate filter
systems. It has a digging force of 50,600 pounds, a digging depth of 24 feet
10 inches, a suggested 0.875- to 2.75-cubic-yard bucket range and a swing
speed of 10 rpm. 281/888-8430;


Pumper May 2015

The Vermeer by McLaughlin sewer jetting system converts a vacuum excavator into a versatile jetter/vac combination unit for cleaning manholes, small
sewer lines up to 12 inches in diameter,
and hydroexcavation in sewer lateral repairs or spotting utilities. The jetter hose is inserted into the line and uses the pressure from the vacuum
excavators water pump to propel the jetter head through the pipe being
jetted. As the jetter hose flushes out the line, the suction hose removes debris. Once the cleaning is complete, the hose is retracted. 800/435-9340;

nozzteq Monro-Jet F-4

MONRO-JET F-4 nozzles, distributed by
NozzTeq, combine the power of a solidstream pencil jet with the large coverage of
a fan jet. Their orbital-design circular water jets generate power as high as 36,250
psi at modest gpm rates. They can be used
for hydroexcavation and for other types of
surface cleaning such as concrete, steel, castings and large surface areas including line removal from runways. They can be modified for internal pipe
cleaning of sewers and pipes of all types. 866/620-5915;

preSVaC SySteMS
The Hydrovac hydroexcavator from Presvac Systems is
designed for cold weather
operation and is offered as
an option to be in full compliance with DOT collection
and transportation of hazardous materials. The high-vacuum blower allows
extraction of all types of soils, gravel, rock, clay, water and silt material using
a knock-out tool in the debris tank. Modular filtration configured to blower
size provides blower protection and minimal maintenance. It comes with
a heavy-duty 8-inch boom up to 25 feet long, with six-way hydraulic power
and wireless controls for all boom functions, soft-start water pump, vacuum
breaker and truck engine speed. 800/387-7763;

ditCH witCH utiliGuard

Excavation EquipmEnt

VaC-Con x-CaVator
Designed for ease of use, the X-Cavator from Vac-Con comes with a
hydrostatic drive that uses the chassis engine to eliminate the need for
PTO, clutch and gearbox operation.
It offers water systems up to 4,000 psi, and a mobile wireless remote control enabling the operator to work the chassis engine rpm, boom, automatic
vacuum breaker, dump controls and hydraulic door locks from remote areas
up to a half mile away. The boom rotates up to 270 degrees. 855/336-2962;

VolVo ConStruCtion
equipMent eC250e
The EC250E crawler excavator from
Volvo Construction Equipment delivers a 5 percent improvement in fuel
efficiency over past models. This efficiency is not only due to the Tier 4
Final/Stage IV-compliant engine, but
also a range of features the manufacturer says optimizes flow and minimizes pressure losses in the hydraulic
system. The ECO mode is designed
to reduce fuel consumption without
performance loss in most operating conditions. The operator may manually
control flow to the hydraulics using the integrated work mode system. The
unit can be equipped with optional automatic idling and auto engine shutdown systems. When controls are inactive for a preset time (between three
and 20 seconds), engine speed is reduced to idle. When a machine has been
motionless for five minutes, the engine automatically turns off. 828/6502000;

Locators/inspEction EquipmEnt

BriGHt dyeS SeptiC

inSpeCtion traCinG dye
Bright Dyes septic inspection dyes disintegrate rapidly in water and provide
vivid, fluorescent color detectable in
murky water, sewage or septage. When
performing septic inspections, it can be
used to identify leaks, infiltration and
exfiltration in plumbing connections,
validate sanitary and septic hookups and
performance, and identify leachfield issues and sources of contamination
in wells. They are safe, nontoxic, biodegradable and are certified by NSF International to ANSI/NSF Standard 60 for use in and around drinking water.
They are available in fluorescent yellow/green, fluorescent red, fluorescent
orange and non-fluorescent blue. They are available in tablet, liquid or powdered form. 800/394-0678;

The UtiliGuard utility locating system from

Ditch Witch uses ambient interference
measurement to automatically scan the surrounding area for noise, recommending the
best frequency among its 70 options. For
more accurate locates of obstructed utilities,
it measures distances (depth) both horizontally and vertically to the utility. It has a sixbutton, multi-language operator interface
and a high-contrast LCD display to ensure
visibility in all conditions, including direct
sunlight. Dual outputs allow users to connect the transmitter to two utilities
at once. It is Bluetooth-enabled to simplify data transfers. A rugged housing
with IP65 rating is designed to protect against dusty, dirty and wet conditions, and its transmitter and receiver battery life is 100 and 30 hours respectively. 800/654-6481;

The 512-hertz FB-R2012 wireless digital locator from Forbest Products can detect buried water pipes, sewer lines
and other pipeline. It can be used in Normal or Noise Control modes for
different environments. Noise Control is chosen where there is interference.
A shift button enables sensitivity grade conversion between near and far
for locating and pinpointing the location and depth of the transmitter. Onscreen status indicates the signal strength of 15 levels and battery charge.
The hand-held locator is powered by six AA batteries and comes with retractable poles for easy carrying. 650/757-4786;

prototeK lineFinder lF2200

The LineFinder LF2200 from Prototek uses a frequency-sniffing feature to operate at frequencies
between 16 Hz and 100 kHz to locate any sonde or
transmitter box. It has preset support of 16 Hz (steel
or ductile iron as well as cast iron and nonmetallic),
512 Hz (cast iron or nonmetallic) and 8 kHz (nonmetallic only) sondes. It traces underground metallic lines at four industry-standard frequencies using
an external transmitter box; other frequencies can
be sniffed as well. It passively locates underground
power at 50 or 60 Hz. Users may select power frequency and scaling in U.S. or metric units. It is designed so the operator is guided through a series of
LCD screens to locate both sondes and lines with accurate position as well as precise depth. Locating is
enhanced by handle vibration and LED feedback at key locating points, in
addition to on-screen imagery. 800/541-9123; Since 1979 May 2015


Locators/inspEction EquipmEnt

rS teCHniCal SerViCeS quiCKpeeK

The QuickPeek all-inclusive, portable video inspection system from RS Technical Services is designed
to have a compact design in a lightweight, easily transportable and durable stainless steel housing. It is suitable to inspect lines 2 to 10 inches in diameter and
up to 300 feet long. It has a high-resolution color,
low-lux, self-leveling camera with high-intensity
LED lighting and high-impact sapphire lens; 512 Hz
in-line transmitter; 2-inch sleeve and 3-inch finned
skid; 200-foot pushrod, 7-inch bright LCD monitor with
adjustable viewing angle, easy access control center and
sun shield that reduces glare and protects the monitor during transport; AC/DC input, video/audio I/O, condenser microphone and
keyboard for text annotation. Options include an onboard or external battery pack; SD card recorder or laptop interface; additional roller skids for
6-, 8- and 10-inch straight runs; and a 100- or 300-foot pushrod and 512 Hz
receiver with depth readout. 800/767-1974;

inStruMentS allMaterial loCatorS
AML PRO and AML+ all-material locators from SubSurface Instruments
use ultra-high radio frequencies to find differences in subsurface densities to locate PVC and PE
pipes and nearly any other subsurface object that has
an edge. They are designed to locate subsurface materials indiscriminately, including plastic, metal, wood, cable or pipe in clay, wet
soil, snow or standing water. They have lightweight and durable ABS housing
construction, advanced microprocessor intelligence technology, USB and
headphone connectivity, and a high range of sensitivity levels to eliminate
unwanted and inaccurate readings. 855/422-6346;

Superior SiGnal
5e eleCtriC SMoKer
The Superior 5E Electric Smoker
from Superior Signal is designed
to connect to any septic clean-out
or inspection port to smoke test
the entire system in a few minutes. It pushes smoke throughout the system to find cracks, leaks and quickly identify problems. The system takes minutes to set up and seconds to see
the results, according to the maker. It comes with an 8-foot industrial grade
flex-hose, and is compatible with Superior Smoke Candles that generate up
to 40,000 cubic feet of smoke. 800/945-8378;

prEssurE WashErs/sprayErs

Jenny produCtS
SteaM Jenny
Steam Jenny direct-drive cold pressure
washers from Jenny Products are powered
by 9 or 13 hp Honda GX Series engines and
have a triplex ceramic plunger pump with
pressure ratings between 3,000 and 4,000 psi
and flow rates between 3 and 4 gpm. They
come with thermal pump protection, an unloader valve and a high-pressure relief valve
to prevent pump damage. To protect the engine, the unit will automatically
shut down if low oil levels are detected. The chassis is made with powdercoated, seven-gauge steel. Standard items include a professional-grade insulated trigger gun with safety lock, quick-connect nozzles with nozzle control,
high capacity in-line water strainer, gun/wand holder, hose reel mounting
adapter and dual rubber isolators. 814/445-3400;

water Cannon 18H26

The 18H26 hot-water pressure washer from
Water Cannon is powered by a Honda GX
390 engine, with choice of pumps from
General Pump or Cat Pumps. It sits on a
portable four-wheel push bar frame for
support and ease of use. It provides 4 gpm,
4,200 psi and a 118-degree temperature
rise. The triplex ceramic plunger pump is
designed to hold up to commercial and
professional daily use. It comes with an
overheat safety valve that opens and closes
automatically to allow the recirculating higher-temperature water to be released and allow cool water to replace it, helping to protect the wear parts.

push camEras

aMazinG MaCHinery
ViztraC ii aM240-200
The Viztrac II AM240-200 pipe inspection camera from Amazing Machinery
has 200 feet of 1/2-inch push cable with
fiberglass rod inner core, a 20-inch cage
reel and attached water-sealed case
containing the controls, a high-resolution 7-inch LCD monitor and wheels
to increase mobility. It also has a 1-inch powder-coated lay-flat frame with
upright rolling stand; a 1 3/8-inch O.D. metal camera housing; nine dimmable high-output 5 mm LED lights; high-resolution color camera with a
self-leveling head; scratch-resistant sapphire glass lens; high-grade 512 Hz
sonde locator with an average range of 12 to 15 feet; and an integrated digital video recorder with remote control, compatible with most standard SD
cards. 800/504-7435;


Pumper May 2015

Mid-State Tank

Arthur Custom Tank, LLC a division of Mid-State Tank, Inc.

P.O. Box 317 Sullivan, IL 61951 Telephone: 800-722-8384 Fax: 217-728-8384

Tanks for your Business

A.S.M.E. Certified / D.O.T. Approved

UL-142 Listed

Manufacturers of dependable stainless steel and

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for the septic, industrial and portable trucks.
Contact: Gene for a quote or check on stock tanks

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Gerald Hargrave
Cell: 713-898-0531
Area: TX, OK, LA, NM

JD Magness

Cell: 804-694-6183
Area: Eastern VA,

Bob Marino

Cell: 215-360-1776
Area: PA, NY, CT, RI,

Ozzie Merino

Cell: 714-351-4798
Area: CA, OR, WA, ID

John Moore

Cell: 720-315-0959
Area: NV, CO, MT, WY,

Kevin Parry

Cell: 704-650-2635
Area: NC, WV, SC,
Western VA, Inside Sales

Bob Pritchett

Cell: 205-999-4214
Area: GA, FL,

Perry Siler

Cell: 231-745-3495
Area: MN, WI, IL, IN,

Kevin Steier

Cell: 502-741-7524
Area: TN, KY, OH,
WV, MO Since 1979 May 2015


push camEras

radiodeteCtion Corporation

CueS MpluS+
The CUES MPlus+ lateral and mini-mainline push system with stainless steel frame is designed for easy operation
with its all-in-one setup. The control unit can be quickly
removed to be used separately for off-road or remote job
sites or to accommodate compact storage. The system
includes video titling, video observation coding, digital
recording and optional line tracing. This lightweight system includes large and durable wheels for portability and a balanced footprint for stability. 800/327-7791;

General pipe CleanerS

Gen-eye Sdw
The Gen-Eye SDW video inspection and location
system from General Pipe Cleaners has a Wi-Fi
transmitter inside the command module that sends
video to a smartphone or tablet. A free app lets operators view and record video inspections at a range up
to 500 feet. Older SDN systems can be upgraded with
the Wi-Fi feature. The unit includes a 10.4-inch LCD screen, built-in waterproof keyboard, integrated SD recorder and a heavy-duty Pelican case. Weighing 12 pounds, the unit comes with a docking arm to mount on a full-size reel
to troubleshoot 3- to 10-inch lines, or on a mini-reel for 2- to 4-inch lines. It
has a built-in voice-over microphone with switch, LED dimmer control, camera test port, video and audio out connections for external recording devices,
and AC and DC power cords. 800/245-6200;

KeG teCHnoloGieS
The KleenSight Camera Nozzle from KEG
Technologies can clean and shoot video of
pipes in one pass. The 1080P HD self-leveling
camera takes high-quality video recorded to a
16 GB internal memory, where it is stored until
the memory is full and the files are written over. Video can be downloaded
by setting the Wi-Fi mode, making it a Wi-Fi hot spot. Any Wi-Fi capable device can access and download the data. Videos can be emailed or sent to the
cloud to share with co-workers or customers. A high-performance nozzle is
used to propel the camera and also clean the line, eliminating the need to
preclean. 866/595-0515;

Mytana MFG. CoMpany MS11-nG

The MS11-NG mid-size inspection system from MyTana
Mfg. Company is suitable for inspecting 3- to 4-inch
lines up to 150 feet long. The monitor, control box,
pushrod reel and camera are contained in a single
piece of equipment with a carrying handle. In addition to color self-leveling, the camera head has a
built-in 512 Hz transmitter for locating trouble spots,
even in cast iron pipes. Wi-Fi transmission of the video
image is available, so inspections can be simulcast to a
smartphone, tablet, laptop or other Wi-Fi-equipped laptop with
the free MyTana Viewer app. An optional recording device captures inspection records to provide to customers. 800/328-8170;


Pumper May 2015

The GatorCam4 pipeline video inspection system from

Radiodetection Corporation has a rugged controller with
an integrated lithium-ion battery that removes the external
power lead. A push-button fuel gauge provides a quick indication of remaining power even when the controller is switched
off. It can be configured to suit most inspection requirements.
A range of pushrods is available, from the extra-flexible 100foot plumbers reel up to the 500-foot extra-stiff rod designed
to push for longer distances. Both 1- and 2-inch cameras are
available, which, when used with skids, can inspect pipes with
diameters from 1 to 12 inches. 877/247-3797;

rateCH eleCtroniCS
elite Sd wi-Fi
The Elite SD Wi-Fi inspection system from
Ratech Electronics allows operators to record pipe inspections wirelessly to an iOS or
Android device and take live video and digital
still photos to immediately upload to YouTube.
It doesnt require USB thumb drives, SD cards or
DVD discs. Just download an app to an iPhone or
iPad and stream the video wirelessly. The Wi-Fi interface is available on any
current Ratech product or existing Ratech system in the field, and is available
with a sun-readable 10-inch LCD monitor and either a self-leveling camera,
small ultra micro-camera or pan-and-tilt push camera. Systems come in cable
lengths from 100 to 400 feet. 800/461-9200;

ViVax-MetroteCH VCaM-5
The vCam-5 inspection system from Vivax-Metrotech comes with either 200 or 400 feet of 12 mm
Kevlar-reinforced pushrod, stiff enough for distance
runs while flexible enough for easy entry and turns.
Two models of self-leveling color camera heads are
available and are interchangeable. The system
is fitted with field-serviceable terminations and
standard dual-frequency locatable sonde. The
Type-CP System includes the vCam-5 control
module with an 8-inch daylight-readable color LCD,
512 Hz transmitting sonde, traceable pushrod, recording to HDD, USB thumb
drive or SD card, and Wi-Fi. 800/446-3392;

Spartan tool SparViSion 200

The 25-pound SparVision 200 pipe inspection camera from
Spartan Tool is self-contained for easy maneuverability. It uses iPad Air or Samsung Galaxy S10 technology, and comes with telestration to draw on the
screen to indicate problems, Wi-Fi emailing
of recordings, and a full on-screen QWERTY
keyboard. It comes with 200 feet of ultra-slick
pushrod and the self-leveling camera providing
instant snapshots at any time. It has a standard
512 Hz locating beacon and pushrod distance
counter. 800/435-3866;
(continued) Since 1979 May 2015


sLudgE sampLing

SiM/teCH Filter truCore

The TruCore large-diameter sludge sampler from Sim/
Tech Filter allows samples to be taken quickly without creating excessive turbulence, as there are no restrictions caused
by valves, stoppers or flaps. With an inside diameter of 1 3/8
inches, the capacity per foot is almost 10 ounces. The straightthrough design allows the sample to be quickly and effortlessly
returned to the tank. The unit is made of a polycarbonate sampling tube clearly marked every foot, and PVC fittings. It comes
as a single-piece 8-foot unit or as two 4-foot units that slip together. Custom sizes and configurations are available, as is a
simple and customizable extension kit for deeply buried tanks.

tooLbox JEttErs

aMeriCan Jetter
Van Jetter
Compact Van Jetters from
American Jetter have a skid footprint as small as 24 by 36 inches,
while offering room for a camera
and tools. Water tank footprints
are as small as 24 by 24 inches, making it easy to have a fully operational
jetter inside a van using minimum space. A full speed-control reel mounted
above the engine and near the rear door maximizes operator comfort, according to the manufacturer. A flexible mount-anywhere exhaust system
allows exhaust to be run through the floor or other areas, reducing engine
noise. Kohler engines to 80 hp power low-water shut-off pumps from 7 to
20 gpm up to 5,000 psi. A wireless remote option allows for water on/off and
engine shutdown. 866/944-3569;

CaM Spray
rCJ SerieS
RCJ Series skid-mounted jetters from Cam Spray are offered
in flows and pressures of 8 gpm
at 3,500 psi and 7 gpm at 4,000
psi. A three-plunger industrial pump with pulse is powered by a 688 cc Honda
engine. It comes with 200 feet of jetter hose that can also be used to supply an
optional portable reel cart available with 200 or 300 feet of hose. It is equipped
with a 35-gallon buffer water tank with float control, powder-coated heavy
tube frame, washdown gun and four-nozzle set. It mounts in the side door of
a cargo van, on a truck bed or inside a service truck. Add a root-cutting nozzle
for residential root cutting. 800/648-5011;

Super produCtS
CaMel Jet 1600
The Camel Jet 1600 truckmounted, high-pressure
waterjetting system from
Super Products is used
to keep municipal sewers,
sanitary and storm sewer
lines, laterals, and drainage
lines clean and free-flowing. It uses three rotationally molded polyethylene tanks to carry up to 1,600 gallons of water. The Lexan Containment
System means users have additional safety protection from hose rupture
or high-pressure water. Its heavy-duty triplex continuous-flow water pump
provides up to 80 gpm and pressure up to 2,000 psi. Various water pump
and drive system options are available, as well as a front- or rear-mounted
180-degree rotating hose reel with a 1,000-foot capacity. 800/837-9711;

The truck-mounted Vactor Ramjet
from Vactor Manufacturing comes
with a Vactor Jet Rodder water
pump to help break up blockages in
sanitary lines and flush out debris.
With up to 2,500 gallons of water in a
stainless steel tank, it delivers flows
of 60 to 100 gpm at 2,000 or 2,500
psi. The single-piston, hydraulically driven, dual-acting water pump delivers jackhammer-action water flow designed to break through line blockages
and scour caked-on debris from pipe walls. A single operator can quickly
solve line problems and tackle regular line maintenance. It can be configured with either a front- or rear-mounted hose reel. The auto-wind hose
guide allows hands-free operation from the control panel for a clean, tight
wrap. 800/627-3171;


Pumper May 2015


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After Hours
What do you do when youre not holding
the working end of a vacuum hose?
Our After Hours feature explores the personal stories
behind the pumper, talking about what you do in your leisure
time, your personal interests and hobbies, your charitable
pursuits or community involvement.
Pumper welcomes story ideas If you take part in something
interesting outside of work, or if you know someone in the
pumping business who does.

Send us a note to [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you!


Pumper May 2015

Financing the Liquid Waste Industry Since 1998

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Product News

30-Foot trailer
The 30-foot flatbed trailer from
F.M. Manufacturing has three
3,700-pound torsion bar axles, side roller for easy loading,
low-profile tires, solid front header and tie-downs on both sides. The customizable trailer has electric brakes on all axles and LED lights. 877/8892246;

in the

OrencO systems riser
liDs have 20,000-pOunD
breaking strength

By Ed Wodalski

Damage-resistant DuraFiber lids from Orenco Systems fit most ribbed

PVC and HDPE riser pipes. The 11-pound, 24-inch-diameter nonskid lid (30inch available) is made of resin-infused, UV-resistant fiberglass fabrics.
The nonskid material is 100 percent resin, says Eric Ball, vice president
of product development. Resin provides very good UV resistance. Once it oxidizes you get a protective layer so the sun doesnt break down the laminate.
The lids, which have a 20,000-pound breaking strength, include a flat-style
flange for flush-to-grade installation and cored centering ring for easy alignment and snug fit. A urethane gasket helps ensure a watertight seal.
All the lids Im aware of have a
flange thats vertical on the outside
edge, usually an inch or a couple
inches tall, that ends up being in
the dirt or landscaping, Ball says.
If the lid hasnt been taken off
for a long time, youve got grass
growing and you have to get a
shovel and dig around it. Then
when you put it back in you have to excavate even more. Whereas if you have
a flat-style flange its not buried in the dirt.
Other features include a customizable 6-inch center insert and molded-in
caution statement: Always keep fastened; Do not enter.
We can take any artwork and put it into the center of the lid, Ball says.
Well do the artwork or it can be provided. Typically its a logo and phone
Four tamper-resistant 5/16-inch stainless steel flathead screws and hex
wrench are included. Optional 2- or 4-inch insulation can be preinstalled or
added in the field with a hardware kit. The lids are available in standard green
and three landscape patterns: grass, river rock and bark. 800/348-9843;


Pumper May 2015

Flexaust Flex-tube
series hose
Flex-Tube Series hoses from Flexaust
are made from polyurethane or PVC and
available in OEM colors with plain ends
or screw cuffs. The medium-weight hoses
with smooth interiors are available in
1-, 1 1/4-, 1 1/2- and 2-inch diameters
in lengths up to 100 feet. 800/343-0428;

personal active
saFety lighting
The Halo Light 360-degree personal
active safety system from Illumagear attaches to any hard hat, enabling the wearer to see and be seen in all directions. The 9-ounce portable
light ring also frees hands and eliminates shadows in personal work areas.
The hardened plastic LED light ring features a tension-spring mounting system, single-button functionality and four light modes: high alert, normal,
task and dim. IP67 rated against dust, dirt and water, the light ring has a
rechargeable lithium-ion battery that lasts 12 hours on full power (276 lumens). 206/973-4277;

tow-let Flushing trailer

The foot-flushing trailer from Tow-Let Manufacturing includes urinal, hand-wash sink, soap,
towel and tissue dispensers and six-bulb LED
solar-powered interior and exterior lighting.
Mounted on a DOT trailer, the PolyJohn restroom, available in an assortment of colors, has
55-gallon waste and 27-gallon freshwater tanks.
Each flush uses about 2 pints of water (about
100 flushes per fill). The lockable rear-mounted
storage box includes pump, charging system, hose and room for supplies.

water cannon hot-water

pressure washer
The 18H26 model hot-water pressure washer
from Water Cannon has a Honda GX 390 engine
and choice of General or Cat ceramic plunger
pumps. Features include a portable four-wheel
push bar frame for support, 4 gpm, 4,200 psi,
118-degree temperature rise and overheat safety
valve. 800/333-9274;

gps insight garMin

custoM ForMs
Garmin custom forms from GPS Insight enable drivers to fill out forms in
the cab, record data on the job or send
submittals to the office in real time.

clarus eFFluent turbine puMps

Effluent turbine pumps from Clarus Environmental Products
are available in 11 to 85 gpm capacities with heads to 500 feet.
Pumps range from 1/2 to 3 hp and feature discharges of 1 1/4, 11
and 19 inches (27 gpm models) and 2, 35 and 55 inches (85 gpm
models). Starting boxes are not required for pumps 1 1/2 hp and
smaller and are included with 2 and 3 hp models. 800/928-7867;

stainless steel reels
Series LC stainless steel hose reels from Reelcraft
Industries are designed for light-duty, spring-driven
reel applications in corrosive or sanitary environments. Made for stationary indoor and outdoor use,
four base slots enable the reel to be easily mounted
or adjusted. Models are available for up to 70 feet
of 3/8-inch I.D. or 1/2-inch I.D. hose. 800/444-3134; Since 1979 May 2015


RomoTech is a
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Lids for Risers

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2015 International
2015 International
2015 Ford F-550,
2015 Ford F-550,
Terastar, 1000 Waste,
Terastar, 1100 Waste,
900 Waste, 300 Fresh,
950 Waste, 300 Fresh,
300 Fresh ............$75,000 Gas......................$61,000 400 Fresh ...........$79,000 Gas.....................$64,000
2015 Dodge 5500,
1000 Waste, 300 Fresh . $72,000
4x4 ................................ $75,500

2015 Dodge 5500,

900 Waste, 300 Fresh .. $75,000
4x4 ............................... $78,500

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Pumper May 2015

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Industry News

Marathon Data names

director of marketing

MOWA presents lifetime

achievement awards

Marathon Data Systems named Joe Bonelli senior director of corporate marketing. He will be responsible for
global marketing, branding and awareness strategies for
the software company.
Joe Bonelli

The Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association (MOWA) presented

awards to Jim Anderson, Gretchen
Sabel and Ron Jaspersen.
Anderson has been conducting Pictured from left are Ron Jaspersen,
research and providing education Jim Anderson and Gretchen Sabel.
on septic systems since 1971. Together with Roger Machmeier, he started the Onsite Sewage Treatment Program at the University of Minnesota. Andersons soils expertise, combined
with Machmeiers engineering knowledge, created a program that trains installers, designers, inspectors and service providers. In addition, Anderson
helped develop and update Minnesota Rules during 30 years as chair of the
Minnesota Septic System Advisory Committee. Anderson retired in 2008 but
continues to educate septic service and onsite professionals.
Sabel retired in 2014 after 36 years of state service dedicated to environmental protection. She was on the team that helped pass the Minnesota
Groundwater Protection Act in 1989. Her many years of support for local
programs resulted in millions of dollars in assistance and development of
250 local programs.
Jaspersen served the onsite community for many decades as a precast tank manufacturer and through his efforts to improve the industry. He
worked on issues that included association finances and bylaws, state septic
code and policy, and state statutes.

GapVax names
Gulf Coast representative
GapVax named Alexander Teich sales representative
for the Gulf Coast. Based in Deer Park, Texas, his territory
includes New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and
Alexander Teich

Continental completes Veyance acquisition

Tire manufacturer Continental completed the acquisition of Ohiobased rubber company Veyance Technologies upon receiving approval from
the Brazilian antitrust authority CADE (Council for Economic Defense). As
part of the agreement, Continental will divest Veyances air springs business
in NAFTA and its steel-cord belting business in Brazil. The transition is valued at $1.5 billion.

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Pumper May 2015

Subaru Industrial Power redesigns website

Subaru Industrial Power redesigned the layout and functionality of its
website, Product pages include 360-degree views.
Quick search provides parts accessibility and illustrated guides help ensure
proper selection.

Flowserve signs New Way Air Bearings

license agreement
Flowserve Corp. signed a license agreement with New Way Air Bearings
to develop externally pressurized solutions for its seal and pump operations.

General Pipe Cleaners celebrates 85 years

General Pipe Cleaners, a third-generation, family-owned business
founded in 1930, celebrates its 85th anniversary. The companys line of
products includes drain
cleaners, water and trailer jetters, video inspection systems, water leak
detectors, pipe freeze
Pictured from left are Mike Silverman, Jeff Silverman,
Steve Glick, Steve Silverman, Art Silverman, Marty
kits, pipe thawing kits,
Silverman, Bob Silverman, Lee Silverman and David
and copper and plastic
tubing cutters.





Pump Rebuild Kits In Stock

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classif ieds

see photos in color at

Sanitation RemindeR PoStcaRdS,
BuSineSS caRdS and cuStom
coloR decalS: We are your resource
for marketing your business. Call 781844-8600 or visit us and see samples at

Blue Diamond E T P 80 heavy-duty linear
diaphragm air pumps $187.08. 800-7178807
Aerators: Multiflo alternative replacement $325 + shipping. Alternative replacement, NEW FILTER SOCKS, 30 per
case $370 + shipping. Spring clips to hold
filter socks in place, $3.86 per clip. alternative Jet aerator available $425.
Call us at 800-717-8807 or email us at
[email protected]. Multi-Flo and NAYADIC are registered trademarks of Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. used here for
reference purposes only.
Blue Diamond Aerators, 60-120 liters,
in stock, low cost. Free next-day shipping.


Your name or service on the label! We

print it in color! We make it look good!
12 boxes to a case.

Portable restroom business for sale. Service area is from Pensacola to Panama
City Beach, Florida. Currently 300 units,
operated by one employee. Great area for
growth if desired. We own multiple businesses. Cutting back due to health issues.
Asking $140,000. Owner may finance a
portion. Call or text 850-306-5386. Email
[email protected]

National Grease Recycling Inc. Let us

teach you how to recycle restaurants waste,
fryer grease and oil (yellow grease) only. Big
$. Over 30 years experience, will guide you
through complete process from collection to
processing to marketing to end users. Dont
lose your trap business to competitors that
offer both services. We also buy cooking oil,
unprocessed, anywhere in the country. Call
for information. References available - many
success stories. Dewey Walker, 813-7045090 or 813-758-2552.
Retiring from an established, family-owned,
full-service septic pump company in western Colorado. Large, loyal customer base.
Turnkey with website, client list, trucks
and lots of tools. Proven good income.
Serious inquiries only please. E-mail
[email protected]
Septic tank cleaning and inspection company for sale. Serving Central and Eastern
Massachusetts. 4,000-gallon International,
portable jetter, and Kubota backhoe included. Also tank trailers. Call 508-989-1078.
Serious inquires only.
Portable restroom business for sale in Eastern Kentucky. 500+ units, sinks, holding
tanks, hand sanitizers, trailer units, 3-restroom trailer unit, supplies, four (4) trucks,
trailers. Great growth. Established customers. Serious inquiries only! 606-356-3828.
Leave message.
Daytona Beach, FL septic tank, portable toilet, ATU & lime stabilizer facility for sale. Well
established. $1.3 million without property. 3.5
acres prime real estate with office-warehouse
rental building & lime stabilization plant. $1.5
million. Call Paul 386-547-9907.
Minnesota family-owned septic service. SE
Metro, three-county service area. 1991 International 2,500-gallon pumper - new LMT
tank in 2010. 1991 International 3,400-gallon
pumper - new Jays tank in 1998. Both good
everyday runners. 3,000+ QuickBooks customer database. Serious inquiries only. Call
Bob 612-730-5870. Mon-Fri 8-5 CT. (P08)
aRe You moVinG to FloRida? Would you
like to start a septic and sewer cleaning business? I have license - will sponsor. For more
information call Larry at 931-335-3231 or
over 25 years in the metro New York area
for sale. 250 portable toilets, 10-position
transport trailer, 27 ft. comfort trailer, ADA
units, sinks, hand sanitizers, holding tanks,
etc. Strong customer base includes contractors, special events & government contract.
Owner retiring, serious inquires only. Email
[email protected]

Full-service septic business in the Northwest

Florida Panhandle: Three (3) newer pump
trucks, monorail truck, dump truck. Land
application site also. 20 years of customers. Running two pump trucks seven days a
week and a set crew. Plenty of work. Owner
ready to pursue other business ventures.
$800,000. 850-902-9044
Septic tank cleaning & inspection service
business for sale in Central Maine. Owner
is branching out after 20 years and wants
to sell this part of the business. Profitable,
turnkey business with a loyal customer
base. Two pump-truck operation (1) 2000
GMC - 2,500-gallon capacity, 136,000 miles.
(2) 2004 Peterbilt 4,500-gallon capacity, 129,000 miles. Serious inquiries only!
$257,000. Call 207-782-1620 or email
[email protected]
PARADISE FOR SALE! Bee's Honey Pots,
Inc., portable toilet company established in
1983 in the beautiful Florida Keys is for sale.
Based on Big Pine Key, Bee's is the oldest
established and largest portable toilet company in the Keys. Sole owner and operator
for the past 30+ years wants to go fishing!
Interested? Call 305-872-2287.
Septic tank Service Business for Sale,
northeast Florida. Owner wishes to retire.
Callahan area north of Jacksonville, a fastgrowing area in Florida. Profitable, turnkey
business. 29 years in business with loyal
customer base. Two pump tuck operation:
(1) 1996 International 4900: DT466, 5-speed
transmission, 2-speed axle. 2,500-gallon capacity. 297,000 miles. Good tires,
excellent condition. (2) 2000 Freightliner
FL70: 8.3 Cummins, 6-speed transmission.
2,400-gallon capacity. 195,000 miles. Good
tires, excellent condition. Business includes
complete onsite lime 20,000-gallon stabilization plant in Northeast FL. Owner will train
and assist with licensing. Call for more information. Kenny Farmer 904-879-4701 or

Want to add to your toilet business? Temporary Fence business located in Riverside
County of CA. Asset sale $750,000 asking
price, terms available to right buyer. Contact
[email protected]. Serious buyers only.
Established 1964: A turn-key operation with
customers based in beautiful Southern Oregon. Portable toilets and septic pumping
business. 2.05 acre property with storage
tanks. Building includes storage, office space
and more. Over 500 portable units, 5 handicap compliant. 6 service vehicles, 3 septic
pumping trucks. $400,000. Serious inquires
only. Office 541-772-9484
(P07) Franchises available with low flat fee. New concept. Visit
website or call 1-800-700-8062. (PBM)

Fr e e S e r v i c e R e m i n d e r S o f t w a r e . c o m ,
Fr e e S e r v i c e D i s p a t c h S o f t w a r e . c o m ,

Portable septic and grease receiving stations, dual-screen design. Screens that really
work - simple, non-mechanical. Set it up anywhere. 208-790-8770
[email protected]
Do you DEWATER with a BOX? If so you really need to check us out!


Portable Toilet Business for sale - Central

NC. Turnkey operation. 500+ units, sinks,
holding tanks, supplies, trucks and trailers.
Great growth potential, established customers. $455,000 OBO. Serious inquiries only!
[email protected]
Grease trap & cooking oil pumping/recycling
business for sale -- Owner ready to retire.
30-year-old established business with accounts encompassing 5-state area based in
metro Atlanta. Ample rolling stock to handle
current 600+ contracted used cooking oil
accounts and 900+ grease trap accounts.
Includes pre-treatment/recycling facility
(w/50,500-gallon daily discharge permit) on
2.5 acres of land, only 2.7 miles off I-75
N in metro Atlanta. Serious inquiries only.
Call Cary 678-937-6020.

Refurbished Terralift for sale. Great

condition, runs great, used very little.
call or text 704-902-4602, Nc P05
Soil Shaker 2000. Universal skid steer attachment for drainfield restoration. Buy factory direct. $6,250. Check us out on YouTube
or call 406-670-8318.

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper May 2015

New and used terralifts for sale starting at

$20,000 used and $38,000 new. Financing
available. Call John at AerraTech 413-2984272.

Pioneer 5,500 U.S. gallon, carbon steel trailer

with pump package. (Stock# 0220C) www. (888) VAc-UNIT


New 3,200 U.S. gallon, carbon steel, DOT certified, 407/412 vacuum tank, dump type with full
open rear, door and a Presvac PVB 750 vacuumpressure pump installed on a 2015 Peterbilt 348
cab and chassis. (Stock #13587 A-E) www., (888) VAc-UNIT

2009 ImS 5012 Dredge: 325hp engine,
22-foot digging depth. Ergonomic cab
with joystick controls. Excellent shape.
Unit is ready to go to work. .....$235,000
For more pictures email
[email protected]
call 800-663-8830, IN

Paying too much? Slow certificates?

Claim problems? Rates keep going up?
Want a fresh start? We can help:
c a l l 8 0 0 - 4 5 4 - 1 9 7 0 (PBM)


2005 Ford F650: CAT C-7 (210hp);

6-speed; A/C; 26K GVW. Vacmaster
VNDS4000 vacuum excavator; JD diesel
(155hp); D+W blower; Boss air comp;
450-gallon Spoil tank w/hyd. dump.
Stock# 8364; 67,865 miles. .... $79,500
800-520-4704, PA


For Sale: JWC Septage Receiving Station
$25,000 FOB. Charlevoix, MI 49720. 231330-3559 [email protected]

Pre-owned 2008 Peterbilt 340 cab and chassis
with a 3,000 U.S. gallon carbon steel vacuum
tank unit with drum holder behind cab. (Stock#
6641CC) (888)
VAc-UNIT (822-8648)


Xtreme Flow Trailer Jetter hot/cold!

Model# HJ2TA8536, tandem axle trailer,
35 hp Vanguard 8.5 gpm @ 3,600 psi,
325-gallon water tank, 300' hose, General
pump. Fully loaded! List $36,995. On sale
for $32,995.

2004 Sterling Vactor 2115, Refurbished. One operator, 5,000cfm, Roots

blower, 1,500 gallons at 80gpm, extendable boom, new rubber and new hose.
Truck is ready to work! E-mail for more
pictures ........................... $85,000 OBO
[email protected]
harry 843-556-4320, Sc P05

2008 Ford PipeHunter: 7844TMV. 1/2 hose.

Giant jet pump 14.2gpm @ 4,000psi. Tuthill
blower, 1/2-yd. debris tank. John Deere rear
engine. 294 hrs. Kens Truck & Equipment: 972-938-1905 or 214632-5277
2008 GMC PipeHunter: John Deere rear engine, 700-gallon poly water tank, 3/4 jet
hose, Giant pump. Kens Truck & Equipment: 972-938-1905 or 214632-5277

2007 Freightliner with Presvac 3,200gallon DOT-certified stainless steel
dump door with Demag 200 750cfm
27 vacuum pump. 46k rears, 18k front.
80,000 miles. Excellent condition.
klm companies
2015 Presvac/Freightliner: DOT certified
3,200-gallon polished stainless steel. Full
dump/door vacuum truck with Moro PM100
vacuum pump. Automatic, Cummins power.
46k rears, 20k front. Must see! KLM Companies 617-909-9044

1998 Sterling 2115 Vactor: Rebuilt

Roots 824 blower, 80gpm rodder pump,
extendable boom and hose reel. Good
rubber, multi-flow, Allison transmission.
Ready to work. ........................ $45,000
248-345-3993, mI

1993 Gmc 1-ton Jetter: 35gpm FMC

pump, 3/4" hose, 500-gallon plastic
tank. ............................... $14,500 OBO
Other jet trucks and trailers available.
608-835-7767, WI

2006 International Vac-con: 80gpm,

3-stage fan, 12-yd. debris tank, 92,484
miles, 10,541 hrs. Pony motor 2,073 hrs.
............................................. $135,000
call 877-389-2227, IN
2009 Sterling Vac-Con: VPD3616LHAEN S\N:
09085083. 3,975 main engine hours. Bean
jetting pump. Roots 824 RCS blower, 16-yard
debris tank. New aluminum extension tubes.
Hydraulic-driven jetter pump. Kens Truck &
Equipment: 972-9381905 or 214-632-5277
2006 International VacCon: CAT pony motor, 3-stage fan, 12-yard tank, 1,300-gallon water tank. $88,000. Call Jeff Brooks @

1999 Freightliner Guzzler w/Cummins

M-11, 350hp, Allison HD4060, 64k GVW.
Guzzler combo unit w/stainless water
and debris tanks, extendable & rotating
hose reel, extendable boom. Roots 824PD
blower, Meyers 80gpm pump. Ready for
work. Photos available. .............$58,000
708-878-8401, Il
2007 Mack Guzzler: Damaged, rear unit
new in 2011. Ingersoll Rand Air Solutions
Hibon model SIAV 8702 blower. Kens Truck
& Equipment: 972-9381905 or 214-632-5277
Jack Doheny Supplies Inc. offers a full range
of late model combo units and DOT industrial
vacuum loaders. Call us @1-800-3DOHENY.

2002 International Guzzler: 54,000 miles,

10-speed, 27 Roots blower. Stainless steel
tank. Stk# 2300. Kens Truck & Equipment: 972-938-1905 or 214632-5277
2006 International Vactor 2112\15: 9,300
hours, S\N: 05-07V-9443, Vactor jet pump
80gpm @ 2,000psi. 600 1 new hose. 800
hose reel capacity. Pump-off system. Kens
Truck & Equipment:
972-938-1905 or 214-632-5277
1998 Volvo GapVax: Stk# 2301, VIN# 4VHJCB
JF8WN857157. Stainless steel tank, N-14
Cummins, 9-speed Fuller transmission,
Roots 27 blower. Kens Truck & Equipment: 972-938-1905 or 214632-5277
Vac-Con V390LHA combination unit with
Roots 827 blower, 1999 International Model 2554 cab and chassis. (Stock #3918C), (888) VAcUNIT (822-8648)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E Since 1979 May 2015



North Star commercial credit: Commercial loans for trucks or equipment, flexible
purchase programs to fit your budget, 21
years in the industry. Contact Tom myers,


2008 Vactor on a 2007 Sterling chassis: Flat rear door, 12-yard tank. Hydroexcavation reel and gun. 5,154 engine
hours, 77,000 miles on odometer, 27,295
on hub meter has been installed since
new. Pump-off option, rear camera. All
tires better than 75%. Includes all tools, 5
nozzles including worthog nozzle. 80gpm
@ 2,000 psi pump. CAT C7 engine. Well
maintained and garage kept. $169,000
[email protected]
757-328-9879, VA
Vac-Con industrial machine mounted on a
pre-owned 2006 Sterling cab and chassis.
(Stock #8593C) www.VacuumSalesInc.
com (888) VAc-UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)
2006 Volvo cab & chassis with a Vactor 2110
combination vacuum loader and high-pressure sewer cleaning system. (Stock #3483C) (888) VAcUNIT (822-8648)
Pre-owned 2002 Sterling LT 9500 cab
and chassis with a Clean Earth Safe Jet
Vac 1015 combo unit. (Stock #3876C), (888) VAcUNIT (822-8648)
2005 Kenworth T800 Vactor 2115: 15-cubic-yard hopper - 1,500-gallon water
capacity. Roots 1024 Ras-J 18" blower
80gpm/2,500psi water system. 800' x
1" sewer hose/2,500psi. 2005 Kenworth
T800, CAT C-470hp. Chassis tri-axle.
Eaton-Fuller manual transmission with
push axle. $193,000. Call Jeff Brooks @

Western Equipment Finance, a bankowned direct lender, is committed to continuing to help you prosper. All equipment
types, new or used; we have the best rates
and terms you deserve. App-Only Financing and credit decisions within an hour. Call
the team you can trust, Jim Stekl at Western Equipment Finance 701-665-1647.
[email protected] (PBM)
100% financing available. Simple one-page
application, same-day response. For more information please call THE LEASING EXPERTS
@ 888-505-0060. WWW.TLEJAX.COM (P05)

Everfilt water and wastewater sand

media filters, Model SM48-4: Set of four
(4) 48" diameter vertical pressure tanks
for silica filtration media, skid-mounted
with integral forklift slots. Provides a
50-square-foot filtration area for flows
up to 1,000gpm with automatic backwash controller. ......................$10,500
For more info call
863-984-8994, Fl


Imperial Industries, Inc. F&D heads steel,
aluminum or stainless, manufactured at our
facilities and MZ brass valves and accessories, direct from Italy. Call 800-558-2945 for
prices you cant afford to miss out on. (P07)

2010 Black Tie optimum 14: 8x14, 2

restrooms, separate mens and womens
sides. Mens has 1 stall and 2 urinals,
womens is 2 stalls. Water heater onboard, 418-gallon waste tank, air conditioned with heat strip and additional toe
kick heaters. This unit has been used
less than 10 times in its life and always
stored indoors. We are getting out of
rental business. It is ready to rent out.
Like brand new ........................ $22,000
618-988-8300, Il
Wanted: Used Wells Cargo UltraLav and
Comfort Elite restroom trailers. Call Jamie
Hunter at Hoosier Portable Restrooms 317439-9383.


80 Taurus used portable toilets: Good condition, burgundy color, $275 each. Madison, WI
area. 608-835-3459 or [email protected]
200-300 Used portable restrooms for sale.
All kinds, in good condition. $275 to $350.
Buyer responsible for shipping. Please call
239-334-7689 ask for Kevin.

2000 Ford F450: V10, 600 waste/300

fresh. All stainless tank and fenders. 2-unit carrier. Low pressure/high
pressure washdown pumps. Conde
Super6 vac pump. $25,000. Negotiable. Willing to separate truck and tank.
Green Bay, WI.
920-655-7037, WI

100 tan PolyPortables standard units, construction grade. Approximately 10-12 years
old. $150 each. Located in Albuquerque, NM.
Call 505-345-3965.
45 forest green Hampel Sheds. Some like
new, a few have sides and backs that turned
bluish, $340 each. 60 aqua Hampel Deluxes.
These have NEVER seen construction. Like
new, a few have dimpled doors, $400 each.
Call Albert @ 302-420-7237

2 Decons, 28' Tonto, 18' Royal, 2001 ASCI,
16' Presidential, 26' Presidential, portable toilet hauler trailers. 315-437-1291, NY. (PBM)

complete Portable Toilet service

truck mount units (turn-key), mounted on your truck or ours. Tool boxes,
dual work stations, dc10 washdown
pump, reversible vacuum pump, hose
reel, set up complete, toilet racks available. 1100 waste/400 fresh: $19,000,
1700 waste/600 fresh: $20,500. Any
custom options or sizes available!
Texla Services
936-641-3938 P05

1999 Ford F-450: 7.3L diesel, automatic transmission, two-wheel drive,

200,000 miles. Two-unit carrier on
back, 2005 LMT tank with Conde pump,
200 gallons fresh, 600 gallons waste.
............................................... $10,500
call 715-938-0119, WI
2011 Isuzu NRR: Diesel, automatic with
2008 Progress aluminum tank, 350 water,
900 waste, Masport pump, 77,000 miles,
$39,000. Call 845-883-7880.
2006 International DT466 4300: 265,054
miles, 300/400 H2O and 800 waste tank
with Masport vacuum system. VIN #1HTM
MAAL96H267168. $27,500. For information
contact Marcus at 208-467-0089.
2012 Ford F550: V10 gas, 87,000 miles,
auto. trans., extra suspension. Masport
pump, 1,000/200 carbon steel. $35,500.
[email protected] 419-625-8764 (P05)

2012 Ford F550: 4x4, 58,000 miles,

750 waste/350 freshwater. Extended
warranty up to 200,000 miles bumper
to bumper. DC-10 water pump, Masport
pump. Ledwell tank. $47,000. Also have
units and other route trucks available.
clint 330-600-1912, oh P07

Three (3) portable restroom service trucks:

2004 international 4300 - air brakes,
1,100/400 Abernethy, 16,828 hours,
$35,000. 2006 international 4300 - air
brakes, 1,100/400 Abernethy, 11,928 hours,
$37,500. 2009 chevrolet Kodiak 5500 - polished aluminum Progress tank and wheels.
All have two-unit carriers. Fleet-maintained
with maintenance records. Route ready. Call
or text 931-320-2004 before 6pm CST (P06)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper May 2015

2003 GMC 5500 with Keith Huber Princess

tank, 200,000 miles, 750/350 tank. Tank
and boxes were refurbished two years
ago. $18,000 OBO. Call Joe or Stan at
Two (2) 2012 Ford F550 Crescent Trucks.
900 Model & 1100 Model. 110,000 miles.
Used daily, excellent condition. $49,000. Pictures available, NW Illinois. 815-946-2813
[email protected]
2007 Ford F750: 1,100-gallon waste/400gallon water, 154,000 miles. $26,000. Still
in service. 724-752-1408 Pennsylvania.
Ask for Jerry or Glenda.
over 30 portable toilet trucks for sale.
Example: 2009 Dodge 5500: 148,000 miles $28K. Tank sizes 300/150 to 1,200/400. Half
CASH down - Owner will finance balance at
6%. Farmington, NY 607-368-0783 (P05)
2007 Ford F650, 5.9 Cummins, auto,
172,551 miles, MD1250 Satellite tank, good
to excellent condition. $39,000. Call for pics
Clean 2008 Ford F450 diesel, auto., 4x4
chassis, flatbed. New aluminum vac tank vac
tank - 400 waste/200 water. New Conde vac
pump. Call for more info. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.
Two (2) 2010 hino 268s: Satellite units,
850 waste/400 fresh steel tank, Conde
pumps. Extended warranties included. Call JR. @
720-253-8014, CO.
2006 Gmc: Duramax diesel, Allison auto.
New aluminum tank 400 waste/200 water,
Conde pump, Honda motor. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014,
2009 Ford F550: 4x4, diesel, auto, new
aluminum tank 400 waste/200 water, new
Conde vac pump. www.pumpertrucksales.
com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
1999 International DT466 4700: 177,032
miles, 500 H2O and 900 waste tank with
Masport vacuum system. VIN #1HTSCAAL
6XH670911. $15,000. For information contact Marcus at 208-467-0089.
2000 Int 4700 - $17,500; 2002 Int 4300 $23,500; 2006 Int 4300 - $39,500; Roll-off $23,500. Restrooms - $150. 256-757-9900

Eight (8) PolyPortables Super Twin Sinks.
Grey with two soap dispensers and one paper towel dispenser capable of holding one
940' roll. $350 each. 419-865-4830 (P05)

43 PolyJohn single-user washstands. They

are 43x18x9 16-gallon. They are used sinks,
for any questions call Lance 561-346-9296
or [email protected]


Twelve (12) Satellite Handiwash stations, eight work, four need repair. Asking
$750 for all of them. Call 419-625-8764.
[email protected]

Hiring experienced septic tank installers and
pump truck drivers. CDL and good driving
record required. Pay is based on experience.
Fax resume to 850-502-2308.
Experienced Wastewater Service Technician
needed to install and maintain our wastewater treatment units for residential and commercial users in far western Chicago suburbs. Must have good mechanical skills and
excellent driving record. Applicant should
have an Illinois Septic Contractor's License
and live in the the Western suburbs. Send resume to: [email protected] or P.O. Box 4375,
Wheaton, IL 60189
On Site companies has multiple employment opportunities available for our current
branches and future expansion branches
for key Management, Operations, and
Sales positions. Contact [email protected]
or call 651-429-3781. Check us out at
Well-established septic company seeking
individual for a sales/estimating position.
Must have working knowledge of Kentucky
on-site septic regulations. We specialize in
new installation and repair of residential and
commercial septic systems. Good salary +
commission, health insurance and 401K.
Send resume to: Human Resources, P.O. Box
1472, Crestwood, KY 40014.
Open positions at Johnson Environmental
Services, South Florida location: Lift Station Technician Field Estimators/Supervisors
(familiar with outside plumbing systems).
E-mail resume with salary requirements to:
[email protected]
GapVax, Inc., a nationally recognized manufacturing business, is seeking a talented,
highly motivated individual to fill a full-time
Sales Position in the Midwest (Iowa based
preferred) region. GapVax is the leading
manufacturer of industrial and municipal
vacuum units and hydroexcavation units in
the United States. We provide the most reliable, comprehensive, and efficient mobile
vacuum units in the industrial and municipal markets. Specifications of the position
are listed on our website, www.gapvax.
com, click on the Now Hiring link in the left
hand column. Send resumes to Lthomas@ or 575 Central Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15902.

NlB 40150E: Complete. In good running condition.

call Jim 813-985-4500

Water-cooled Masport 200 pump. Machined
and rebuilt to factory specs. New bearings,
vanes, gaskets and seals. $3,000 or $2,500/
ex. Other sizes available. Call or text John
Buy & Sell all makes and models, new & used
vacuum pumps & high pressure water pumps,
and good used replacement parts. Call for an
inventory sheet and save. www.Vacuum, (888) VAc-UNIT (822-8648)

Liquid vacs, wet/dry industrial vacs, combination jetter/vacs, vacuum street sweeper &
catch basin cleaner, truck & trailer mounted jetters. All available for daily, weekly,
monthly, and yearly rentals. VSI Rentals, llc, (888) VAc-UNIT (822-8648)


1998 mack RD688s: Transway

4,000-gallon carbon steel tank, rearopening door, 3 baffles, 4 sight glasses,
4" intake, 6" discharge, heated valves.
Mack 12-speed extended range splitter, 350hp Mack engine, 2-stage jake
brake, differential lock. Air-ride cab,
spring suspension, double frame.
170,000 miles, 13,525 hours. Transway 1,045cfm pump. Tank dumps
just like a dump truck with hydraulic
piston. All maintenance done. Springs
front and rear, rear frog legs, kingpins,
sandblasted chassis and tank, primed
and painted 5 years ago. Cab in great
shape - no rust. Truck is 100%. Have
all paperwork since 1998. We are getting a new truck. Asking $86,000. Truck
was $198,000 new. Located in Boston,
MA. Call or email for more info.
[email protected]
Dustin 978-473-4510, mA PBM

2001 Freightliner Fl80: Factory-rebuilt CAT C7 350hp, 8LL transmission.

3,400-gallon T-Line tank, rebuilt 350cfm
Wallenstein pump. 100-gallon water
tank with pump and hose. Too much to
list, call for more details. .........$41,900
Jim 800-246-7736, WI

1993 Freightliner pump truck: HXL20

Masport pump rebuilt 3/13, new shutoff, drain valve, inlet, quick disconnect,
pressure relief, fittings, hoses, clamps,
etc. Tank capacity 2,200 gallons, installed 42"x28"x26" tool box, new bumper w/3500 lb. hitch. ...............$25,000
800-978-7900, cA
1986 International DT466, 2,000-gallon
septic tank pumper, dump unit by Presvac Systems, rotary vane pump liquid
cool (WPS126). Good working condition,
140,000 miles. Asking $25,000 OBO. Call
or email for photos & info. 207-444-5441.
[email protected]

2007 Freightliner M2 Business Class: CAT

C7 225hp, 6-speed manual transmission,
spring suspension, 130k miles. Dual aluminum fuel tanks, fresh D.O.T Inspection. NEW
2,150-gallon vacuum tank, Jurop LC420
vacuum pump. LED lights, lined hose trays,
3" inlet, 6" discharge, 36" rear manway, 21"
top manway, 3-5" glass sight eyes, 1/4" steel
construction, 2 anti-surge baffles, hydraulic
hoist, premium paint. $48,500. Delivery
available. Call, text, or email for more info,
734-731-5256, [email protected] (P05)
1999 International 2,500-gallon vacuum
truck, original owner, 150k miles, rust-free,
DT466, ready to work. Very reliable, clean
title. $29,500 OBO. Call for photos and details. 949-701-2687 or 949-307-0933 (P07)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E Since 1979 May 2015



2006 Ford F350: 1,200 gallons, Jurop

pump. One owner. $36,000. Also have
several other trucks for sale from 1,0006,500 gallons.
Jerry 918-381-9072, ok P06

1996 kenworth T800: 3406E CAT,

8LL transmission, 20K front, 46K rear.
Garage kept, new trays, good condition,
Aluminum wheels & a/c with 4,000-gallon vacuum tank. ....................$52,500
Doug 724-856-2471, PA P05

1999 kenworth T800: 4,000-gallon

tank, Utile LW825 pump. 189k miles,
N14 w/jake, Hendrickson 4-bag air ride,
76,000 GVW. 8LL transmission. Two (2)
3" intakes, One (1) 6" discharge, all
heated. Front sight tube, Two (2) 20"
manways, rear work lights. .....$70,000
call Tom 860-558-0045, cT P05
2007 Freightliner M2 106 Business Class:
CAT C7 225hp, 6-speed manual transmission, 33k GVW, 128k miles. New tires,
aluminum fuel tanks. Fresh paint on cab
and frame. New 2,150-gallon steel vacuum
tank, Jurop LC420 vacuum pump, hoist, LED
lighting. Well-equipped and ready to pump.
$49,500. For more info call or text 734-7315256 or email [email protected] (P05)
2001 Sterling Acterra: 165,000 miles,
2,460-gallon tank new in 2014, CAT 3126,
240hp, 7-speed, Masport H15W liquidcooled pump new in 2009, heated valves.
$42,500. 507-830-1614 Minnesota. (P05)

2008 Sterling lT9500: Mercedes 6cylinder (450hp). Fuller 8LL. Aluminum

wheels, A/C, power locks & windows, 66k
GVW. Dickirson Septic Truck, 3,000 gallon, steel tank. Masport PTO-drive pump.
149,278 miles. Stock# 8405 .... $79,500
866-250-8260, PA

Turn-key Vacuum Tank Units: 3,600gallon, unit mounted on your truck

or ours; $20,000. 3,200-gallon truck
units; 19,500. 2,500-gallon truck units;
$18,000. 1,500-gallon truck units;
16,000. Self-contained vacuum skids,
1,000-gallon; $10,500. 2,500-gallon
painted tanks ready to mount; $13,000.
PortaPotty trucks and any custom options or sizes available!
Texla Services
936-641-3938 P05

2002 Sterling m8500: 2005 Presvac 3,000-gallon with PV750 pump,

33,000lb. GVWR, tank hoist & fullopening rear door. Air conditioning,
cruise control, AM/FM radio, air seat,
jake brake, aluminum wheels, power
steering, step bumper, cloth upholstery.
Everything operates great, very clean,
runs great, up-to-date inspection.
Truck operates daily. We have not had
any problems with this truck - we are
looking to downsize. ............. $62,000
call 704-545-6159, Nc

2001 Freightliner Fl70 pump truck:

Steel tank, full-opening door, 3-inch
inlet and 4-inch discharge valve. There
are heated values on the inlet and discharge. There is a 2,500psi pressure
washer with 200 feet of pressure-washing hose. The vane pump is a 500cfm
Challenger 866. ......................$49,000
317-517-6882, IN

2006 International 8600 for sale:

10-speed, Cummins ISH, 4,000-gallon
waste. 100-gallon fresh aux. tank with
pressure jetter. Jurop 420 pump. Truck
assembled Jan. 2014, tank, vacuum
pump, jetter and seats all new. Rebuilt
transmission and new turbo within last
year. Good tires, aluminum hose trays
and tool box. Paint excellent, like new.
This is a great deal as my new truck has
arrived and it needs to go. Great truck
for Islands. Email for pictures. Call for
more info. ..............................$57,500
Don 772-287-0651, Fl
[email protected]

1988 mack RD688ST with T-Line

4,200-gallon carbon tank built in 2007.
Has a Masport HXL15 just rebuilt. Truck
recently had all new brakes. ...$27,500
920-979-7711, WI

1985 International 1754 with a 1,800gallon tank. New Jurop pump installed
one year ago. ............................$9,000
574-202-1667, IN
1991 International: 3,200-gallon tank,
factory-remanufactured Cummins engine with approximately 200,000 miles.
9-speed transmission. Good brakes. 285cfm
pump. Runs out strong. $18,000 OBO.
2010 International 4400 pumper truck: 4x2,
260hp, 33,000 GVW, 6-speed, auto, 121,000
miles, S/A, 2,500-gallon tank, Masport
HXL 400 WV liquid-cooled continuous-duty
pump. Many extras. Ron Evans Enterprises

1995 International 4900: DT466, 210

horsepower, 2,300-gallon tank, 250cfm
Battioni pump. Very clean. .......$23,500
317-517-6882, IN
1999 Sterling: Transway system, 3,600-gallon tank, hydraulic pump. 280,000 miles,
needs TLC. Works good. As is $18,000.
Contact: [email protected]
1997 Freightliner FL70: Good, older truck
- well taken care of! Tank size: 2,300-gallon waste, 200-gallon freshwater. Also has
wash-down system. Asking $25,500. For
more information call 563-924-2225. (P05)

1999 Freightliner: Cummins motor,

pre-emissions, 8LL transmission. All
tires are new, very low miles - 157,000.
................................................ $26,500
call 715-938-0119, WI

2011 Kenworth t800 tri-axle: ISX 525 Cummins, 8LL transmission, HXL400 Masport
vacuum pump, 5,000-gallon Pik Rite tank,
heated valves. Lots of extras on truck.
232,000 miles. $98,000. 2005 mack Granite
tri-axle: 460cu., 18-speed, 5,000-gallon Pik
Rite tank, Jurop R460 vacuum pump, heated valves. Lots of extras on truck. 230,000
miles. $85,000. 570-713-4870

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper May 2015

1999 Freightliner: 8.3 Cummins, 6-speed,

2,300-gallon vacuum tank, Jurop pump.
$22,000. Call
JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.

2007 Freightliner m2 Business class:

CAT C7 225hp, 6-speed manual transmission, aluminum fuel tanks, 210k miles.
NEW 2,500-gallon vacuum tank, liquidcooled 400cfm vacuum pump, LED lights,
large aluminum tool box. Well-equipped
and ready to work. ....................$45,000
call for more info

2002 Peterbilt with Cummins engine,

259,700 miles, 2,500-gallon stainless
steel tank, heated valves on rear. 4"
driver's side intake, 607 NVE vacuum
pump, 35-gallon freshwater tank, two
tool boxes, 3 hoses. ...............$57,000
call 715-926-5525, WI

1995 International model 4900 septic truck: Remanufactured DT466 engine

installed in 2011. 437,000 miles on the
truck. 2,500-gallon Transway tank and
pump. New TSI 500 pump installed in
2014. Used daily, serviced regularly and
inspected every year. ............. $28,000
call mark 603-493-1519, Nh PBM

2013 International 7600 WorkStar:

Classy Truck of Year 2014. Lots of
chrome. Truck only. Max Force 12.4L,
8LL transmission, Eagle interior. Only
35,000 miles and 2,300 hours. 20,000
front, 40,000 rears, 20,000 tag, good
tires. Specs for tank are available from
Imperial and we can provide them
for you. NO FET TAX! Chassis only.
............................................. $120,000
call 715-938-0119, WI
2005 International 4300: National Vacuum Equipment 400cfm, 80% tread on
Bridgestones, fresh-painted grey cab/
white tank, 300k. Good condition. $42,900.

2006 Western Star: C-15 CAT, 475

horsepower, 10-speed transmission,
jake brake, a/c, cruise, 20,000 lb. lift
axle. New: 4,200-gallon tank, stainless
hose trays, Jurop LC429 vacuum pump.
Great running truck; looks new. $73,500
Eugene 740-259-5555, oh P05
2005 international 4400: 3,600-gallon aluminum Allied tank (2005 show truck) auto,
Demag/Wittig RFL100, 6" dump, Two (2) 4"
intakes (front, rear). Runs great, good rubber.
280k miles. Call for price. 240-375-7249 Ask for Pete. 2005 international 7500:
3,600-gallon steel tank. 13-speed RoadRanger, Masport HXL400WV, 6" dump, Two
(2) 4" intakes (front, rear). Runs great, good
rubber. 180k miles. Call for price. Trucks
sold separate or together. 240-375-7249 Ask for Pete.

1997 Mack 600 MR600 with used 5,000-gallon tank, 492k, Challenger 460 vacuum
pump. Asking $26,500. Hagerstown, IN. Call
AdvSeptic & Sewer 765-489-5559 or e-mail
[email protected]
1992 International Eagle pump truck:
3,150-gallon Calumet tank, NVE MEC
285cfm pump, 465 cummins, 9-speed, low
miles. Owner retiring - good stater truck.
$18,000 OBO. 315-436-4058
2003 International 4300: DT 466 new inframe overhaul; Allison auto., 136k miles,
used 1,200-gallon steel vac tank, under CDL;
PV3 vac pump.
Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.
1987 kenworth T600A: CW CAT 6-cylinder.
Eaton-Fuller 15-speed. 8-bag A-R suspension.
3,365-gallon vacuum tank, Masport 75 pump.
$31,000. Call
JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.

Slide-in units, new and used. 337-315-0692



2008 Ford F750: 260 Cummins, 7-speed,

rear locking differential, New 2,500-gallon
vac tank, new Jurup pump. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014,
1996 Western Star: Detroit Series 60,
18-speed transmission. Hendricks suspension. 3,365-gallon vacuum tank, Masport
400 pump.
Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.
1994 Peterbilt 377: Detroit Series 60,
10-speed transmission. 3,365-gallon vacuum tank, Masport HXL pump. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014,
2000 Peterbilt: 300hp CAT, 9-speed, rear
locking. Excellent condition. New 2,500-gallon vac tank.
Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.

CAT corporate special cT660l 6x6

with chassis and electrical specifications by Linco-Precision. 58,000 lb. rear
axles with 60" spread. Sludge system:
5,500-gallon pressure/vacuum tank,
82" x 19', with 5/16" walls and 2 baffles. All plumbing is TIG welded stainless
steel. Raven Viper Pro.
309-527-6455, Il

Eight great older pump trucks - $35,000

each. Big power. Jake brakes. 3,365-gallon
vacuum tanks, Masport pumps. All makes &
models. Call JR @
720-253-8014, CO.
2002 Freightliner FL70 with a Presvac
2,300 US gallon carbon-steel vacuum
tank and Fruitland pump. (Stock# 4427C) (888) VAcUNIT (822-8648)
2004 GMC with Progress 1,200 gallon aluminum vacuum tank and Masport pump.
(Stock# 1364V) www.VacuumSalesInc.
com (888) VAc-UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)
1997 Mack with a 4,000 U.S. gallon c/s vacuum tank unit with a Masport pump package.
(Stock# 0330C) www.VacuumSalesInc.
com (888) VAc-UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)

Dynamic Repairs - Inspection camera
Repairs: 48 hour turn-around time. General Wire, Ratech, Ridgid, Electric Eel, Gator
Cams, Insight Vision, Vision Intruders. Quality service on all brands. Rental equipment available. For more info call Jack at
973-478-0893. Lodi, New Jersey. (PBM)

1) 2008 Lely steel slide-in tank: 400
waste/200 water with a self-contained Conde
vacuum pump and a Shurflo water pump.
Asking $6,500. 2) 600 waste/300 water steel
slide-in tank. Battioni self-contained vacuum
pump. $6,500. Both units can be purchased
for $12,000. 254-534-5007

2015 Freightliner m2106: Cummins

ISL 350, APS9060 bright-finish aluminum 1,000-gallon tank. Rear sump with
4" flange. The tank has full-length aluminum 34" sills, 20" pressure manhole
on top and rear, 3" primary shut-off, and
4" rear inlet flange with riser pipe and
S/S deflector. Defender 500 vacuum
pump by Challenger. Raven Viper Pro.
309-527-6455, Il

Six (6) low-profile 250 wastewater holding
tanks, black in color. Used once. $175 each.
Call 419-625-876. [email protected] (P05)
Vacuum Tanks - New: Sizes from 1,0004,300 gallons. All complete! Delivery available. Contact
Jerry: [email protected] or 800721-2774.
Larger tanks, new and used. 337-315-0692

1978 Beall tanker: 130 bbl. stainless steel
trailer. Good tires and brakes. Great condition. $12,000. Phil 307-260-8062

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E Since 1979 May 2015


crust Busters: Portable, lightweight machine, guaranteed to mix up septic tanks and
grease traps! Save time and money! www., 1-888-878-2296.(PBM)
T&T Tools, Probes, Hooks: Probes feature
steel shafts with threaded and hardened tips.
The insulated mighty Probe tested to
50,000 volts. Top Poppers open manhole
covers easily. Free catalog. www.TandT Phone 800-521-6893. (PBM)

2008 mack GU813: Automatic transmission, Mack Mp7 engine. 44,000

Camelback, 18,000 lb. front, National
pump. 238" wheelbase, 150,000 miles.
Extremely clean truck. ............ $95,000
952-469-1800, mN

Septic pumper and vacuum die-cast toy
trucks: In your choice of colors and logos,
several cabs available. Call 877-450-2100,
write to Granite State Collectibles, PO Box
440, New Ipswich, NH 03071; or www.


Imperial Vacuum Trailers: In stock,

6000- and 6300-gallon aluminum singlecompartment Imperial vacuum trailers.
call mike
800-558-2945 Ext. 328 PBM
1975 Fruehauf 10,000-gallon tanker,
three axle. $9,000 OBO. Washington state.
Call Randy at 360-301-0249 or e-mail
[email protected] for pictures. (P05)
2015 Acro Vacuum Trailer: Stainless steel
6,000 gallon, DOT certified double conical
with air-ride suspension. Aluminum wheels
all positions, full hose trays, OSHA walkways
and railings. Vacuum pump option either hydraulic or self-contained. KLM Companies
1998 Shop-Made Tanker: 80 bbl. vacuum
pump trailer, air ride. $10,000. Phil 307260-8062

2004 Mack Granite: 427 with 13-speed.
Imperial 5,500-gallon tank with stainless
hose rack, hoist, rear opening door and vibrator. NVE blower. $89,000 or best offer.

1992 Ford vacuum truck for sale.

2,000-gallon split-tank truck for pumping and jetting. 81,800 miles, great condition, ready to roll. Please call for more
details .............................$37,500 OBO
303-912-3980, co
2001 Freightliner FL70: 2,500-gallon steel
tank, full opening door, hydraulic dump
tank. 3" suction valve 4" discharge valve.
Two load baffles, 2" sight tube, dual side
hose trays, 500-gallon water holding tank
for the TSE2421 General pressure washer
pump it runs 12gpm at 1,500rpm. The pump
is a Challenger 866 500cfm vane pump.
We are asking $55,000. 317-945-2396.
Ask for John.
2008 Peterbilt 367: Oilfield equipped, only
54,000 miles. $115,000. ISX 550 Cummins
diesel, 550 horsepower, 18-speed transmission, 20,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears,
80-barrel water tank with Fruitland 500
pump. Call or email Del at 815-459-7751 or
[email protected] for more information
including pictures.

CUES Ford E450 Hi-Cube Diesel (7.3) 57,000
miles, 16' box with Aerocap, 7.5 diesel generator, roof a/c, CUES interior 1210 CUES
reel with 1,000' new cable, 12-pin termination, Cobra Data with touch screen, rear
monitor, OZ 2 camera or Cobra PTZ. CUES
Shorty/Pipe Ranger or Cobra 6-24 crawler. Will deliver and train. Lamp 1 lateral
launcher is available. Also available is 2005
Ford F550 4WD 16' box truck, diesel/diesel
60,000 miles. City owned, CUES Equipment,
Granite computer, optional LAMP 1 installation, OZ 2 camera and Pipe Ranger. Cobra
specializes in the refurbishing of CUES and
Aries equipment for the contractor market.
Call Alan Grant at 770-435-8991.

2002 Ford E450 cUES camera van,

Night Owl camera, newer CUES computer, newer water-cooled generator.
56k miles, V-10. Auto crane to do the
heavy work. Approx. 1,500 ft. of cable.
$37,950. Go to our website for more info
and pics:
719-494-4927, co
2003 Ford Aries TV Inspection: Stk# 2168,
V10 Triton gas engine. Honda motor powers rear unit. One (1) camera. Kens Truck
& Equipment: 972-9381905 or 214-632-5277

2008 Shop-Made Tank: 80 bbl. bobtail tank
- never been used. $8,500. Call Phil 307260-8062.

1999 International Guzzler Ace DF:

27" Roots blower. 139k miles. 305hp
CAT C-10. Good truck - ready to work!
................................................. $59,500
903-738-2917, TX

PRIcE REDUcED! 2006 SafeVac VBR:

Approx. 5,000 blower hours, 10,910
engine hours, 267,163 miles. CAT C-13
engine, Fuller RTO-14908LL transmission, 18 Roots 1024 RASTV blower.
205-910-7577, Al


1997 Volvo Autocar with Keith Huber

Dominator. DOT 407 coded. Two (2) LC
44 pumps. 880cfm. Cummins M-11.
350hp. 40,000 lb. rear end. 20,000
lb. steers. Full-opening rear door, tank
hoist, vibrator, tag axle, rear work lights,
full-length hose trays. Never used for
hazardous waste. Located in Colorado.
............................................... $49,500
contact Steven 303-299-9300 P05
2001 Gap Vax HG57 WET/DRY on Volvo
WG64, 5,500 cfm, 27 Hibon blower, Cummins engine, chassis tank and bag house, in
good condition, ready for work. KLM Companies 617-909-9044
FOR SALE: Guzzler and SuperSucker air
movers; Wet vacs; Hydraulic submersible
pumps; Air compressors; Sandblast systems; 5,500-gallon dump tank trailers. Call
502-551-0158 for more info. Cash buyer of
used equipment.

PRIcE REDUcED! 1999 International

Guzzler Ace High-Dump with NEW (less
than 100 hrs.) Roots 27" blower. Fresh
paint, 161,517 miles. 305hp CAT C-10.
Great truck - Ready to work! ... $79,500
903-738-2917, TX
2005 Sterling 7500 vacuum truck with
GapVax MC series combination machine.
1,800-gallon tank. $165,000. Sterling with
300hp CAT C7 engine, Allison 6-speed automatic transmission, 20,000# front axle,
40,000# rear tandem, a/c, radio, ABS
brakes. Refurbished August 2014. Purchased new (one owner). Maintenance
records. Mileage 128,427. Call: 843875-5674 Eadie's Construction or email:
[email protected]
2003 Volvo vacuum truck with GapVax VHD series combination machine. 1,500-gallon tank.
$165,000. 370hp Cummins, Allison 6-speed
automatic transmission, 20,000# front axle,
40,000# rear tandem, a/c, radio, ABS brakes.
Refurbished August 2014. Purchased new
(one owner). Maintenance records. Call:
843-875-5674 Eadie's Construction or email:
[email protected]

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper May 2015

1999 Sterling with a 3,200-gallon Cusco

Master Vac high-dump unit. (Stock# 3378V) (888) VAcUNIT (822-8648)

Wanted to Buy: Vactor 2100s and late model
Guzzlers. Cash. Phone 800-336-4369. (PBM)
WANTED: Used CUES TV truck. No grout units
please. Age is not important. 303-277-1112
WANTED: Later model toilet paper re-roller
machine. Call 330-683-0183.
Wanted: Grout trailer in good condition,
complete. Call Jerry 813-677-7655 or e-mail
[email protected]

Gardner Denver T-375M: Bare Shaft pump.
Gardner Denver T450M Bare Shaft pump
NLB 20-200: 12 gpm @ 20,000 psi. Gardner
Denver LC-1500: 390 gpm max, 15,000 psi
max. NLB 36-200 6 gpm @ 36,000 psi. HT150S 25 gpm max 10,000 psi max, Shell Side
Machine, Wheatley 165: 30 gpm @ 10,000
psi, Wheatley 165: 17 gpm @ 20,000 psi.
Wheatley 125 with aluminum bronze fluid
end. Boatman Ind. 713-641-6006. View @
FOR SALE: Diesel water blasters; Jet rod
truck; Jet rod trailers. Call 502-551-0158 for
more info. Cash buyer of used equipment.


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I belong to an elite group of business people

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