32 Pre-Ap English 9 Lesson Plan April 20-April 24
32 Pre-Ap English 9 Lesson Plan April 20-April 24
32 Pre-Ap English 9 Lesson Plan April 20-April 24
Instructional Strategies
X independent reading
X technology-based activity
X collaborative learning: PBL
X optional learning workshop
____ other ____________
Common Core Standards Applied
RI.9.10 Students will . . . read and
comprehend literary nonfiction in the
grades 9-10 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as
needed at the high end of the range.
W.9. 8 Students will gather relevant
information from multiple
*Students should read their assigned 225 pages from a self-selected hig
school appropriate book that is 200 or more pages.
*Each student should accurately document the pages he or she reads
PARENTS, students should have finished AT LEAST 15 books
FIRST SEMESTER, and at least 23 books by the end of third quar
(15 or more first semester plus 8 or more third quarter for 23 total)
Students are required to read an additional 7 books fourth
quarter to meet yearly goal of 30 books. If your student did not
reach previous goals, then they are behind. Please, be sure
that you are monitoring your students progress!!!!
Each student should be finishing a book --200 or more pagesevery 7days to meet his/her goals.
Fourth quarter ends at the end of the school year. Date depends on
number of days missed due to bad weather.