English 9 August 25 - August 29

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English 9 Lesson Plan August 25- August 29

Course Title: English 9

Teacher: Kever, Londa
Instructional Topic: World Literature------Greek
Performance Indicators
Students will:
*Demonstrate knowledge of
technology to submit/share
documents with one another and
with the instructor.
*Exhibit 21st century skills of focus
and goal monitoring.
*Expand both their general and
domain-specific word base.
*Manage their independent reading
by monitoring their progress
throughout the week, documenting
their results, and reflecting on their
level of achievement of the goals.
*Access prior knowledge and use as
a foundation for new content
*Be respectful, responsible, and
reach rigorous standards.

Instructional Strategies
____ homework correction
X lecture and discussion
X question/answer
____ inquiry question and response
____ Think, Pair, Share
X independent reading
X interactive learning
____ class discussion/debate
____ game
____ seat work
*Reading submission via
*Independent reading in
*Library tour

*Bell work
*KWL ancient Greek
*Greek beliefs

*Bell work
*Vocabulary assessment
*Writing with vocabulary

*Bell work
*Greek myth

____ text
____ Chromebook
____ handout
____ LCD
____ audio
____ DVD
____ visuals
____ Other

Assessment Strategies
X teacher
X homework
vocabulary cards
X active daily
X teacher-made
____ oral presentation
X reading log
X reading record
____ performance-
based assessment
____ project
____ other

X verbal prompts
____ visual prompts
____ select call
____ tutoring
X modified
____ positive
____ other
Instructor had private
reading conference with
students identified to
receive accommodations.
____ technology-based activity
X quiz/test
____ video
____ other ____________
Common Core Standards Applied
RI 9.8 Students will . . . evaluate the
argument and the specific claims in a
text, assessing whether the reasoning
is valid and the evidence is relevant
and sufficient . . .
RI 9.10 Students will analyze
seminal U.S. documents of historical
and literary significance . . .
VA 9.6 Students will acquire and use
accurately general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases,
sufficient for reading, writing,
listening, and speaking at the college
and career readiness level . . .
VA 9.4c Students will learn how to
consult general and specialized
reference materials (dictionaries,
glossaries, thesauruses) both print
and digital, to find the pronunciation
of a word or determine or clarify its
precise meaning, its part of speech,
or its etymology.
RL 9.4 Students will determine the
meanings of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning
and tone.
W 9.2d Students will write
informative and explanatory text to
examine and convey complex ideas,
concepts, and information clearly and
accurately . . . using precise language
and domain-specific vocabulary. . .
W 9.6 Students will use technology
including the Internet to produce,
publish, and update individual or
shared writing products, taking
advantage of technologys capacity
to link to other information and
Possible reading
*Playaways and cds
which read a book
to student.
*Lower weekly
reading goals. (<150)
*Lower semester book
goals. (< 10 books)
*Books that are < 200
pages to qualify.
Possible vocabulary
(These were discussed
with English Lab
instructor I. Osmond.)
*Student does not
include all parts of
definition on vocab
*Student types
definitions in
English Lab.
*Student cuts out
definitions and
attaches to cards.
Class accommodation:
*Instructions are
broken into smaller
*Instructions are

display information flexibly and
RL 9.6 Students will analyze a
particular point of view or cultural
experience reflected in a work of
literature from outside the United
States, drawing on a wide reading of
world literature.
RL 9.10 By the end of Grade 9,
students will read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas,
and poems, in the grades 9-10 text
complexity band proficiently, with
scaffolding as needed at the high end
of the range.

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