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The Future of the World of


Microscopes were made by Anton Van
Leeuwenhoek. He was one
of the first microbiologist.
He was born un 1632 and
he died in 1723. He was
Microscopes are the tools
we used to discover what
a human body looks like
from the inside. Thanks to
Antons discovery we are
able to imagine what cells
look like.
His first microscope was tiny
and yellow. It was like a
spoon. It had a small glass
dot in the middle and a
screw you twist to zoom in or
out. From that small
experiment came out a huge invention that
slowly expanded and changed.

Lots of things happen these days, people die and get

sick. Sometimes its all viruses fault that people die.
Cancer is a cell that
doesnt work properly
and makes other cells
work wrong too, dont
be sad if someone from
your family died, be
mad at viruses because
you know its their fault.
To stop these deaths
doctors and scientists
are trying to find cures
for all the sicknesses that
may cause death,
cancer, ebola, beri-beri and more. With those
medicine less humans will die and our beings will
expand. Soon we will invent machines that can see
and video tape it what is actually happening inside
you. Not these animations that scientists made that
they think is happening. Soon, we will know it all.


Secret Of The Cell - The End

Ever wondered How it is inside yourself? Do you

want to find out? Did you find out? Do you wonder?
Where does everything you eat go? You found out
didnt you. All these cells, bacterias, viruses and so
on, they all live inside you. And you dont know it.
But now you do. I wonder



Did you know that every human being has a
hidden universe inside them? There is over
trillion cells in your body. And in each cell, is a
world, with amazing creatures all doing their
job, and when they work together to actually
make the whole system work, and that keeps
you alive. Think about it, your life depends on
these little creatures living inside your every cell.
And there is trillion of cells.

Why are Cells Important?
Cells keep you alive. Every cell has a different job.
And when they work together they can do
amazing things. When they do their jobs so well
they make the whole system work. And if they
ignore their jobs and your needs, you will die.
You depend on each second of your life on these
little creatures. So tiny that you cant see them.


Micro-organisms - Good or Bad?

Are micro-organisms good or bad? There is three
typed of micro-organisms, virus, bacteria and
mould. Viruses are bad, they kill your cells and
take over. But your cells fight hard to stop them.
Bacterias are good, they help you digest your
food. Mould is bad, its a mouldy reason for hair
loss. If you ever think if micro-organisms are good
or bad, you know witch one does what and if its
good or bad. Review: Virus kills your cells and
gets you sick, bacteria helps you digest your food
and mould is the reason for loosing your hair.

Micro-organisms & Multi-celled

You think your safe? You think your cells live in

peace? Well, your cells never have time to rest,
they are fighting viruses all the time and you don't
even know it. All the time you get sick, that means
your cells lost the war and the viruses got inside
your nucleus. When your healthy that means that
your cells defeated the viruses but soon after that,
more viruses come. When the viruses keep coming
inside you, sometimes they win against your cells
and thats how you get
sick. They win by
getting inside your
nucleus and stealing
your DNA. Sometimes,
when a virus cant get
through the
membrane wall it
breaks itself and its
pieces fall in and
sometimes, the viruss
DNA gets out and the
DNA reader creatures
read the viruss DNA and then make it into
instructions and because these DNA readers
arent that smart, they dont realise that the cell
might die. After the workers read the instructions
they make horrible changes. Thats how terrible
sicknesses start, like cancer, a sickness when one
cell doesnt work properly,

Types of Cells in Us
We have a lot of different types of cells in us. We
have bone cells, skin cells, red blood cells, white
blood cells, muscle cells and nerve cells.. These
are the basics that are most important for a
human being.
Bone cells are important for holding your muscles.
They help you move. Without these cells you
wouldnt be able to move.
Skin cells protect your whole body. Theyre like
shields. They are also the first obstacle for a virus.
They are like you body guards. Actually, they are
your body guards.
Red blood cells and white blood cells work
almost the same, they deliver oxygen to your
brain. And without oxygen in your brain, you die.
Nerve cells are in your head, they are like your
brain, if you are sleepy, that means your nerve
cells are tired.
Muscle cells
are in your
without them
you wouldnt
be strong at
all, you even
couldnt be
able to move.

Find Your Way Around a Cell

All around the cell is a protection wall called cell
membrane. Then the inside is all cytoplasm.
There is some centrioles and lysosomes. The
endoplasmic reticulum transports materials
within the cell. In the middle of each cell is a
nucleus were all your DNA is also known as
chromosomes. And the chromosomes is around
one ball shaped nerve, nucleolus. Ribosomes is
attached to the wall around the nucleus.

How do Cells Work?

Some cells take oxygen to your brain, some give
you strength. All cells have their
own job that they do, Bone
cells hold your muscles, Skin

cells protect your inside,
Did you know
Red and white blood cells
your blood is
take oxygen to your brain,
actually blue?
nerve cells are responsible
It changes
for you thinking and muscle
colour if it has
cells make you strong! All
oxygen or not!
cells have their own meaning
and they always do their job.

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