Broucher Zosia
Broucher Zosia
Broucher Zosia
Microscopes were made by Anton Van
Leeuwenhoek. He was one
of the first microbiologist.
He was born un 1632 and
he died in 1723. He was
Microscopes are the tools
we used to discover what
a human body looks like
from the inside. Thanks to
Antons discovery we are
able to imagine what cells
look like.
His first microscope was tiny
and yellow. It was like a
spoon. It had a small glass
dot in the middle and a
screw you twist to zoom in or
out. From that small
experiment came out a huge invention that
slowly expanded and changed.
Why are Cells Important?
Cells keep you alive. Every cell has a different job.
And when they work together they can do
amazing things. When they do their jobs so well
they make the whole system work. And if they
ignore their jobs and your needs, you will die.
You depend on each second of your life on these
little creatures. So tiny that you cant see them.
Micro-organisms & Multi-celled
Types of Cells in Us
We have a lot of different types of cells in us. We
have bone cells, skin cells, red blood cells, white
blood cells, muscle cells and nerve cells.. These
are the basics that are most important for a
human being.
Bone cells are important for holding your muscles.
They help you move. Without these cells you
wouldnt be able to move.
Skin cells protect your whole body. Theyre like
shields. They are also the first obstacle for a virus.
They are like you body guards. Actually, they are
your body guards.
Red blood cells and white blood cells work
almost the same, they deliver oxygen to your
brain. And without oxygen in your brain, you die.
Nerve cells are in your head, they are like your
brain, if you are sleepy, that means your nerve
cells are tired.
Muscle cells
are in your
without them
you wouldnt
be strong at
all, you even
couldnt be
able to move.