Cells Brochure
Cells Brochure
Cells Brochure
In the future we could learn a lot about different types
of cells and what a cell is made of. In the future we
could discovered how to make more medicine that
prevent viruses that make us sick. We could also
make little tiny needles that could go inside a cell to
see if it works good or not.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, born in Holland,
became interested in the making of
microscopes and he used them until his death.
The microscopes parts are: eyepiece lens,
focus, tube, revolving
nosepiece, objective
lens, stage, clips, arm,
light source and base
Microscopes are one of
the most important
diagnostic tools when
doctors examine tissue
samples. Electron
microscopes help create
the very tiny electrical
circuits found on silicon microchips.
Now you know more about the cells wherever they are.
You know what is gonna be improved in the future.
Types of Cells in Us
There are different types of cells: blood cells,
skin cells e.t.c.. The blood cells: if a virus or
bacteria go into you cell nucleus, and they are
there two days changing the D.N.A., the blood
cells and destroy them. The blood cell: Red blood
cells have the important job of carrying oxygen.
These cells, which float in your blood, begin their
journey in the lungs, where they pick up oxygen
from the air you breathe. Then they travel to the
heart, which pumps out the blood, delivering
oxygen to all parts of your body. Skin cell:
Protection is a major function of skin, but there
are others. Your skin is full of nerve endings that
help you sense the world around you. Your skin
emits sweat when you're hot. Sweat evaporating
from your skin cools you. Your skin is also like a
sack that holds in your important fluids and
How do Cells Work?
Cells cant be seen with your eye, but they can
be seen with microscopes. The cells have your