Have You Ever Survey
Have You Ever Survey
Have You Ever Survey
Have you ever - Survey
Have you ever played a team sport?
Have you ever - Survey
This class mingle activity contrasts the present perfect and past simple tenses.
Before class, copy and cut up one sheet for every fourteen students in the class. (If you have
more than fourteen students, you could make two groups or invent some more questions
and write them on pieces of paper.)
Give a card to each student. Check they all understand their questions.
Tell the students that they are going to do a class survey with their question.
They have to ask every student in their class or group their question.
When a student answers Yes, I have, they must ask the follow-up questions. They should
note down the answers given, because they will report back at the end.
Students mingle and ask the questions.
At the end of the activity, have a class feedback session to find out any interesting answers.
Alternatively, the students could make a poster of their findings.