This document provides a checklist to track student behaviors, antecedents, and consequences over time. The checklist includes categories to document what triggered a behavior, the type of behavior observed, how staff responded, how long the behavior lasted, and the perceived intensity level. Staff can use this form to monitor behaviors and analyze patterns that may inform the development of a behavior support plan for the student.
This document provides a checklist to track student behaviors, antecedents, and consequences over time. The checklist includes categories to document what triggered a behavior, the type of behavior observed, how staff responded, how long the behavior lasted, and the perceived intensity level. Staff can use this form to monitor behaviors and analyze patterns that may inform the development of a behavior support plan for the student.
This document provides a checklist to track student behaviors, antecedents, and consequences over time. The checklist includes categories to document what triggered a behavior, the type of behavior observed, how staff responded, how long the behavior lasted, and the perceived intensity level. Staff can use this form to monitor behaviors and analyze patterns that may inform the development of a behavior support plan for the student.
This document provides a checklist to track student behaviors, antecedents, and consequences over time. The checklist includes categories to document what triggered a behavior, the type of behavior observed, how staff responded, how long the behavior lasted, and the perceived intensity level. Staff can use this form to monitor behaviors and analyze patterns that may inform the development of a behavior support plan for the student.
Student Name (D.O.B.): ____________________________________ School / Building: _________________________________
Date Time Antecedent Behavior Consequence Duration Intensity
What was happening before the What happened after? How long did the behavior occurred? behavior last? _____ Alone _____ Refusing to follow instructions _____ Student ignored ____ <1 minute 1 LOW _____ With peers _____ Disrupting class (describe) _____ Used proximity control ____ 1-5 minutes _____ Riding in bus/van _____ Making verbal threats _____ Gave a nonverbal cue ____ 5-10 minutes 2 _____ Preparing for outing _____ Hurting self _____ Gave a verbal warning ____ 10-30 min. _____ Just ending an activity _____ Destroying property _____ Changed assignment ____ 1/2 1 hour 3 _____ Participating in group _____ Screaming/yelling _____ Redirected ____ 1-2 hours _____ Asked to do something _____ Biting _____ Student lost privilege ____ 2-3 hours 4 _____ Asked/told not to _____ Throwing _____ Sent to office ____ 3+ hours _____ Transitioning _____ Kicking _____ Suspended 5 HIGH _____ Working on academics _____ Running away _____ Gave detention (which one(s)?______________) _____ Grabbing/pulling _____ Gave a time out _____ At recess _____ Crying Loudly _____ Physical assist/prompt _____ Being ignored _____ OTHER (describe) _____ Physical escort _____ At lunch _____ Physical management _____ Given a warning _____ OTHER _____ About to begin new activity _____ OTHER (describe)
Date Time Antecedent Behavior Consequence Duration Intensity
What was happening before the What happened after? How long did the behavior occurred? behavior last? _____ Alone _____ Refusing to follow instru ctions _____ Student ignored ____ <1 minute 1 LOW _____ With peers _____ Disrupting class (describe) _____ Used proximity control ____ 1-5 minutes _____ Riding in bus/van _____ Making verbal threats _____ Gave a nonverbal cue ____ 5-10 minutes 2 _____ Preparing for outing _____ Hurting self _____ Gave a verbal warning ____ 10-30 min. _____ Just ending an activity _____ Destroying property _____ Changed assignment ____ 1/2 1 hour 3 _____ Participating in group _____ Screaming/yelling _____ Redirected ____ 1-2 hours _____ Asked to do something _____ Biting _____ Student lost privilege ____ 2-3 hours 4 _____ Asked/told not to _____ Throwing _____ Sent to office ____ 3+ hours _____ Transitioning _____ Kicking _____ Suspended 5 HIGH _____ Working on academics _____ Running away _____ Gave detention (which one(s)?______________) _____ Grabbing/pulling _____ Gave a time out _____ At recess _____ Crying Loudly _____ Physical assist/prompt _____ Being ignored _____ OTHER (describe) _____ Physical escort _____ At lunch _____ Physical management _____ Given a warning _____ OTHER _____ About to begin new activity _____ OTHER (describe)
This form created by: Kelly Dunlap, Psy.S., School Psychologist/Positive Behavior Support Consultant