Nio Pre-Int Speaking 1-7
Nio Pre-Int Speaking 1-7
Nio Pre-Int Speaking 1-7
Think of a person who is important to you. You are going to tell a partner about them. Choose
from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what
language you will need.
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How often do you see them? (Them= him/her/it, we use the plural when we do not know if
it a boy or girl, man or woman)
When did you meet this person?
Why are they important to you?
How old are they now?
What are their best qualities?
Where do they live?
Is there anything you don't like about them?
What do they do?
When did you last see them?
What do you have in common?
Which of these buildings is there near your house, a bridge, a canal, a car park, a castle, a
cathedral, a church, a fountain, a mosque, a high-rise bulding, a block of flats , a library, a
museum, a park, a shopping centre, a square, a statue, a secondary school, an art gallery, a
theatre, a cinema?
And in your village/town?
Which of them can you find near your school?
What is your hometown like? Clean, crowded, humid, dry, polluted, small, large, boring,
exciting? Lovely? Beautiful? Noisy? Quiet? Safe? Dangerous at night?
What is the nightlife like in your area?
How do you like your own village or town?
How do you travel to school, by car, train, bus, coach, bike? Do you walk to school?
What is the weather like in summer in your area? Dry, humid, cold, hot, warm, rainy?
And in winter?
What are the peple like in your area? Friendly? Cold?
Think about the best place you have ever visited. You are going to tell your partner about it.
Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and
what language you will need.
Where is the place?
How many times have you visited this place?
When did you first go there?
What was your first impression?
When was the last time?
Were you on holiday?
Who did you go there with?
What do you most like about it?
What is it like?
What are its most beautiful sights?
Would you like to live there? Why / Why not?
What did you do there?
What cities or places would you like to visit one day?
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7
Michel Andrey, [email protected]
Page 2
Do you know any famous couples? Can you tell your partner about one or two?
What famous Hollywood couples do you know or have you read about?
Why do people split up in your opinion? Can you think of any reasons why?
What do you think of the following statements? Do you agree or disagree?
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Ask your partner about his/her experiences of doing sport at orientation school.
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7
Michel Andrey, [email protected]
Page 4
a farmer
a vet
a pilot
a snowboarder
a teacher
a ballet dancer
a lawyer
a builder
an artist
an archaeologist
an au pair
a model
a telesales person
a flight attendant
a doctor
a mechanic
a pilot
a musician
a cook
a model
a (tour/mountain) guide
a butcher
a shop assistant
a factory worker
a civil servant
a (bus/taxi/lorry/van) driver
a hotel/factory manager
Page 5
Climate change
global warming
Food imports
Womens rights
free education for all
the protection of wild animals
Responsible tourism
Cars in city centers
animal testing
animal rights
Fur clothes
Family-run companies
equal pay for men and women
How green are you? What advice would you give to someone who wants to become green?
Think of any other activities that are either good or bad for the environment.
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