Nio Pre-Int Speaking 1-7

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UNITS 1-7 Updated 27th August 2012

What is your name?

How do you spell your surname?
How did your parents choose your first name?
What do your friends call you? And your parents?
What did your parents call you when you were a child?
Have you got a nickname?
Is your name typical of your region or unusual here?
How old are you? And your parents?
When were you born?
Who is the youngest member of your family? And the oldest?
What is your father like? And you mother? Who do you look like in your family?
In what ways are you like your mother or father?
What family members do you live with?
What relative do you see the most?
What relative do you see the leas
What is your mother's maiden name?
What relative lives nearest?
And farthest?
What relative do you get on best on with?
Would you like to be an only child? Why or why not?
What is your dad's job?
Does your mother have a job?
What book are you reading at the moment?
What is your brother doing now?
What are you going to do after this lesson?
Where did you go on holiday last summer?
What countries have you been to so far?
What special or unusual thing can you do? Play an instrument? Speak a foreign language?
Run a marathon? Swim 10 miles? Memorize games of cards? Play chess? Solve seconddegree equations without a pen? Others?

Think of a person who is important to you. You are going to tell a partner about them. Choose
from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what
language you will need.

What is this person's full name?

What are they like?
(They= he/she/it, we use the plural when we do not know if it a boy
or girl, man or woman)

New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7

Michel Andrey, [email protected]

Page 1

How often do you see them? (Them= him/her/it, we use the plural when we do not know if
it a boy or girl, man or woman)
When did you meet this person?
Why are they important to you?
How old are they now?
What are their best qualities?
Where do they live?
Is there anything you don't like about them?
What do they do?
When did you last see them?
What do you have in common?

Which of these buildings is there near your house, a bridge, a canal, a car park, a castle, a
cathedral, a church, a fountain, a mosque, a high-rise bulding, a block of flats , a library, a
museum, a park, a shopping centre, a square, a statue, a secondary school, an art gallery, a
theatre, a cinema?
And in your village/town?
Which of them can you find near your school?
What is your hometown like? Clean, crowded, humid, dry, polluted, small, large, boring,
exciting? Lovely? Beautiful? Noisy? Quiet? Safe? Dangerous at night?
What is the nightlife like in your area?
How do you like your own village or town?
How do you travel to school, by car, train, bus, coach, bike? Do you walk to school?
What is the weather like in summer in your area? Dry, humid, cold, hot, warm, rainy?
And in winter?
What are the peple like in your area? Friendly? Cold?
Think about the best place you have ever visited. You are going to tell your partner about it.
Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and
what language you will need.
Where is the place?
How many times have you visited this place?
When did you first go there?
What was your first impression?
When was the last time?
Were you on holiday?
Who did you go there with?
What do you most like about it?
What is it like?
What are its most beautiful sights?
Would you like to live there? Why / Why not?
What did you do there?
What cities or places would you like to visit one day?
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7
Michel Andrey, [email protected]

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Tell Emily and Rosss love story. Begin: One day

Do you know any famous couples? Can you tell your partner about one or two?
What famous Hollywood couples do you know or have you read about?
Why do people split up in your opinion? Can you think of any reasons why?
What do you think of the following statements? Do you agree or disagree?

The best age to get married is between twenty-five and twenty-seven.

A big difference in age should not be a problem for a couple if they are in love.
It is impossible for both partners in a marriage to build a career.
A woman should never ask a man out on a first date.
A stormy relationship is much better than a boring one.
A couple with children should never split up. They should stay together.
The main reason for getting married is to have children.
It is a good idea for a couple to live together for a few years before getting married.

Answer these sentences truthfully

What were you
What were you
What were you
What were you

doing this time yesterday?

doing this time last Sunday?
doing the last time your English teacher came into your classroom?
doing when you heard about the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

Build these sentences so that they are true for you.

How do you
How do you
How do you
How do you
How do you

usually eat your lunch (quickly / slowly)?

usually plan your days (very carefully)?
usually spend your money (very intelligently)?
usually clean your room (tidily)?
usually revise for your exams (carefully)?

When do you usually give presents?

Whats the best present you have ever given or received?
Which is easier: buying presents for men or buying presents for women?
What do men and women usually receive?
Where can you buy cheap clothes in your city?
Close your eyes and describe the clothes that your partner is wearing.
What sort of clothes do you wear at school? And at home?
How do you like trying on new clothes?
What sort of clothes do you wear in winter?
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7
Michel Andrey, [email protected]

Page 3

What sort of clothes or what colour do you usually or never wear?

What colour suits you?
Think about the last time you went shopping to buy a present for somebody. You are going to
tell your partner about it. Choose from the list below the things you want to talk about. Think
about what you will say and what language you will need.
Who was the present for?
What did you buy?
What was the occasion: a birthday, an anniversary?
How much did you spend?
Did you buy a card too?
Where did you go shopping for the present?
Did the person like the present?
Did you know what you were going to buy or did you have to look around?
Was it the sort of present you would like to receive?


How much sport do you do?

How often do you go for a walk?
How long does it take you to ...
(1) get up in the morning?
(2) buy presents for people you love?
(3) choose from a menu in a restaurant?
(4) decide whether you like someone?
(5) read a novel?
(6) get ready to go out for the evening?
(7) get to sleep at night?
Guess the time it takes your partner to do the same things. Ask your partner questions to check your
Ask your partner the questions.
a) How often do you travel by train?
b) How long does it take you to get to work or school?
c) How many cousins do you have?
d) How much cash do you have with you at die moment?
e) How far is it from your bouse to the nearest beach?
f) How well does your dads car go?
g) How old is the oldest living person in your familv?
h) How well do you know your neighbours?

Ask your partner about his/her experiences of doing sport at orientation school.
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7
Michel Andrey, [email protected]

Page 4

a) 'How many hours of sport did you do each week at school?'

'What different sports did you do during the school vear?'
'Which sports did you like/hate the most?'
'What kind of sports facilities did your school have?'
'What did your sports teacher look like?'
'Did you ever play for a school team?'
'What was your best/worst sporting moment?'

What is your mobile phone number?

When were you born?
How far do you live from school?
How much money do you have on you?
How old is the oldest person in your family?
What is the population of Switzerland? Of your village or city?
What percentage of your time do you spend watching TV or playing video games?



What does your father do for a living? And your mother?

What do they like about their jobs?
Would you like to have the same job? Why (not)?
Has your father always had the same job? And your mother?
What did you want to be as a child? And now?
Do you know your grandparents jobs? What were they?
Look at the following list of jobs: which do you think you could do?
a soldier
an engineer
a Dj
a company director
a nurse
a surgeon
a policeman
a wine grower
a scientist

a farmer
a vet
a pilot
a snowboarder
a teacher
a ballet dancer
a lawyer
a builder
an artist

an archaeologist
an au pair
a model
a telesales person
a flight attendant
a doctor
a mechanic
a pilot
a musician

a cook
a model
a (tour/mountain) guide
a butcher
a shop assistant
a factory worker
a civil servant
a (bus/taxi/lorry/van) driver
a hotel/factory manager

Look at all the jobs and discuss these questions.

In which job can you earn the most money?
In which job do you get the most holidays?
Which job do you study longest for?
In which job do you need the most training?
Which job is the most stressful?
Which job is the most useful to society?
Have you ever worked for money? What job did you have?

New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7

Michel Andrey, [email protected]

Page 5



What things do people demonstrate about in your country?

Climate change
global warming
Food imports
Womens rights
free education for all
the protection of wild animals

Responsible tourism
Cars in city centers
animal testing
animal rights
Fur clothes
Family-run companies
equal pay for men and women

Have you ever taken part in a demonstration?

Which issue would demonstrate for or against? Why?
What do you think of these? How do you feel about them
Discuss which of these activities are good / bad for the environment.

Cycling to work / school

Using public transport.
Buying a hamburger in a plastic container.
Travelling alone in your car.
Paying more for environmentally-friendly products
Picking up litter.
Buving imported fruit and vegetables.
Drinking bottled water.
Using plastic bags for your shopping.
Recycling bottles.
Buying cheap, mass-produced clothes.
Travelling by air.
Switching off electrical appliances.
Buying organic, locally-grown food.
Fast food

How green are you? What advice would you give to someone who wants to become green?
Think of any other activities that are either good or bad for the environment.

New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate, Speaking activities. Units 1-7

Michel Andrey, [email protected]

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Michel Andrey, Lyce-Collge de la Planta, Petit-Chasseur 1, 1950 Sion, 027 606

39 50
[email protected]
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