TB3 - Unit 12
TB3 - Unit 12
TB3 - Unit 12
Communication skills:
Has Marc had his car for ten years? No, he hasnt. How long has he had his car? Just over a year. How long have you had your . . . ? ...
The students ask each other How long have you had . . . ? questions, and follow-up questions. They can ask about things the other students have with them or things they have at home. Encourage them to follow up each question with a series of natural questions. Page 77
Language sets:
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Warm Up
Natural Conversation
Talk naturally with the students about how they are today. Ask questions such as Have you been busy today? or What have you been doing? to individual students, and help them answer using the pattern Ive been . . . . Then, in pairs, the students can ask each other What have you been doing? Encourage them to give a number of answers to the question.
Warm Up
Recent Activities
Ask the students questions such as What have you been doing this morning / today / this week? for time periods that are still continuing. Help the students when they are trying to express themselves. The students then do the activity in pairs or groups. It may help to write prompts on the board such as in the illustration.
Has Marc been there for five years? S1: No, he hasnt. How long has he been there? S2: About two or three months. How long have you been here? S3: About . . . Continue in a chain.
2012 David Paul
What have they been doing this evening? Theyve been to a party. What have you been doing this evening/morning . . . ? S2: Ive . . . Continue in a chain. T: T: Hes been drinking coffee. All students: No! Hes been drinking orange juice. T: Hes been driving at five miles per hour. All students: No! Hes been driving at ninety miles per hour. Ive been working for eight hours today, but now Im going to watch television. Ive lived in San Francisco for five years, and Im going to stay here for another two years.
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Warm Up
Follow-Up Conversation
Ask the students questions such as What have you been doing recently / this morning, etc.? After each answer, ask natural follow-up questions such as How long have you / did you / were you . . . ? I didnt know you could . . . . Encourage the students to answer with for or since whenever it is appropriate. Then, in pairs or groups, the students take turns asking each other What have you been doing recently/today/etc.? and then follow-up questions.
The students ask each other what they think friends or famous people have been doing this morning / today / this week, etc.
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Language Builder
The students look at the sentences and try to guess the meaning of the key words. They show whether they have understood by doing the practice exercise underneath. They can do this individually or in pairs, orally or in writing, silently or aloud. Sample answers Ive been using my computer all evening, but now Im going to take a bath. Ive been studying English for two years, and Im going to continue studying until I graduate.
The students can listen to the dialog, read it, or do both. Anticipation questions How long has he been there? Why couldnt he leave? Follow-up questions What has Nessie been doing recently? What have you been doing recently? What has he tried to do? What have you tried to do? Recalling the dialog Various ways of getting students to recall a dialog are suggested in the introduction to this Teachers Guide. For example, you can write the dialog on the board with words missing and get the students to act out the dialog. Half the class can be one character, and the other half of the class can be the other character.
Controlled Practice
What Have They Been Doing?
The students make sentences about each picture. Sample answers (The students may come up with good alternative answers.) 3. He has been driving for hours, but now hes going to go swimming, 4. She has been studying math all day, and shes going to study all evening, too. The students then do the practice exercise. They can ask each other the questions in pairs or write their answers individually. Sample answers
2012 David Paul
Students ask What have you been doing recently/today/etc.? questions, and follow each question with a How long . . . ? question.
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Page 80 16. try 17. large 19. star ACROSS 1. already 4. idea 5. later 7. seeing 10. before 13. can 14. price 15. most 18. rising 20. as 21. how 22. long 23. worry
Communication Activities
A. Leaving the Room One student leaves the room. The others change one or more things in the room. The student comes back and tries to guess what has been changed, using the pattern Have you . . . ? B. How Long Have I Had . . . ? One student asks the others to guess how long he/she has had something. If there is scoring, the student whose guess is closest can get a point. C. What Has Happened? One student picks a card and reads it to the others. He/She then writes down what has happened just before the comment on the card. The others try to guess what has happened.
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Personal Record
Questions It is best if the students write their answers to these questions individually, though they can also practice them orally before or after writing. Reflection Encourage the students to look back through the unit and write down any words or patterns they find difficult in a notebook. If possible, get the students to input these words and patterns into flashcard or flip card software or write them down on flashcards or flip cards, and periodically flip through these cards between lessons and try to recall the meaning and usage of the words and patterns.
Review Exercises
Crossword DOWN 1. asleep 2. agree 3. yes 4. Ive 6. to 8. in 9. going 11. recently 12. was 15. might
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