Tils C-G

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Standard C: Professional Learning and Growth

g: Conduct a needs assessment of staff to identify professional staff

development needs for the next school year Develop a set of recommendations for
the next school year based on that survey; be sure to align it to curriculum
implementations and the school improvement plan.
The Data
To assess the climate of my school, I administered the Organizational Health
Inventory Elementary (OHI-E) that was created by Wayne K. Hoy (Hoy, W.K., 2003).
The survey was distributed to certified teachers throughout the building. I received
over half of the surveys back completed. This survey consists of 37 questions that
are divided into four categories: Instructional Integrity, Collegial Leadership,
Resource Influence, Teacher Affiliation, and Academic Emphasis. Teachers selected
from a scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being rarely occurs and 4 being frequently occurs.
One of the higher questions was The principal lets faculty know what is
expected of them, which received a mean score of 3.43. This shows that teachers
understand the expectations for the classroom including academics and curriculum,
and the principal is maintaining a sense of consistency across the school. Another
high area was in regards to materials being available for instruction with a mean of
3.21. These higher areas show that teachers know what they are to teach and they
feel prepared to teach it.

15. The principal lets faculty know what is expected of them.

5. Extra materials are available if requested.
7. Students are cooperative during classroom instruction.
16. Teachers receive necessary classroom supplies.


The lower ranking scores pointed to poor student motivation and classroom
management. Teacher scores showed a mean of 2.93 in response to The learning
environment is orderly and serious. In order for students to learn in the classroom,
this must be improved. The three lowest scores on the assessment were pointed at
student motivation such as, Students neglect to complete homework (2.57),
Students try hard to improve on previous work (2.43), and Students seek extra
work so they can get good grades (1.50).

33. The learning environment is orderly and serious.

18. Students respect others who get good grades.
6. Students neglect to complete homework.
31. Students try hard to improve on previous work.
24. Students seek extra work so they can get good grades.


Recommendations for the Next School Year

Our school currently is implementing some changes to improve the student
motivation. The school motto this year is to Reach for the stars. Students know
this motto, and each week a student from each classroom is nominated by the
teachers and awarded a certificate as Star Student. Also, at the quarterly award
ceremonies, students are awarded a hat for high achievement, character, or
improvement. They can earn star patches to add to their hat for each award they
earn. Throughout the year, the students are allowed to wear their hats on certain
days to show off their hard work.
These things are helping with student motivation, but I feel that it would be
an additional boost to offer a couple professional developments through faculty

meetings to discuss best practices for raising student motivation in the classroom.
Teachers need to be using teaching strategies that keep students highly engaged,
learning hands on, and problem solving to raise student motivation each day.
In addition, since the topic is student motivation, I would use a student
questionnaire to allow students to answer questions about the school environment
to gain a better understanding of why students are unmotivated. The results could
show that students are bored, overwhelmed, craving more technology, etc. By
focusing on the student motivation and better preparing teachers to keep students
engaged, I believe that will help improve the management in the classroom.

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