Tils B-F

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Standard B: Culture for Teaching and Learning

f. Convene and a chair a committee to review your schools discipline plan. Analyze
school wide referrals. Bring the committee to consensus on patterns and make
recommendations; submit. If you cannot convene such a committee, do the analysis yourself.
I served as the co-chair of the anti-bullying committee. The committee was chosen by
the principal, and we were sent to a full day of training on the OLWEUS anti-bullying program.
The committee was made up of one member of each grade level, the school guidance counselor,
and assistant principal. During the training we worked with a representative from the STARS
program, and analyzed school data. Through school wide referrals, we noted there was a low
incidence of reported bullying situations. However, an analysis of student surveys from the
previous year noted a bullying issue in our school. The students were asked to complete
questionnaires that surveyed whether they had ever been bullied at school, if so where, etc.
During our training, we worked to identify areas in our school where bullying was more
likely to occur, strategies for teachers to use, and a school plan for consequences for bullying.
What went well?
After our day of training, we met back as a committee and determined the best plan for
sharing the information with the faculty and implementing the plan in our school. Each member
of the committee chose an area to present in a two hour faculty meeting. We shortened the
information that was shared with us, and tried to condense the information into the two hour
session. We shared the plan that we had created, and asked for feedback from the faculty. At the
conclusion of the meeting, there was a consensus that everyone saw the area of bullying
prevention as an important area in our school to improve. Another strength was that each grade

level had a teacher on their team that had completed the full training to aid in the
What did not?
Unfortunately our training came with a lot of information, but no resources or materials
to use in the classroom. The OLWEUS program was centered around class meetings that
teachers would use in their classroom to teach character education, strategies for dealing with
bullies, when to tell an adult, etc. These were meant to be 10-15 minute weekly meetings.
Teachers needed to create these lessons from scratch because they were not prepared or laid out
for teachers. This additional work caused the OLWEUS initiative to be less successful because
many teachers could not find the time or were unsure what to do.
Given the chance to do it again, how would you do it better?
We met as a team to discuss this struggle a couple of times. We found resources that
were available in the school, but there were limited amounts or low quality. We shared this
information with the staff, but it was not an ideal solution, and it did not help. Teachers did not
need something else to plan and take their time. If I could redo the situation again, I would have
asked teachers to each prepare one short lesson on given topics. These lessons could have been
printed and then shared as a completed curriculum.

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