Necromunda - Get Yer Motor Runnin

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Get Yer Motor Runnin'

Biker Gangs in Necromunda

by Isaac Tobin
(Witb a little belp from Qeepke Heerinja,
Edwin Voskamp's Internet
list and tbose kind enougb to giue some some feedback.)


Isaac, who's a regular contributor to the Journal, is a seventeen year old High School
Senior in Honolulu, Hawaii (GIT! - Ed) and has been playing games since he was
nine. He's a fanatical $?'arhammer 40,000 player with sizeable armies of Space Marines,
Tyranids and Imperial Guard and also fields Redemptionists in Necromunda, the
'Pasty Boy'
in GorkaMorka and Imperial Space Marines in Epic 40K.
A while ago, Isaac was sitting watching the ultra-cool Japanese, Manga actionanimation, Akira, when in a blinding moment of clarity it came to him - he needed
some popcorn to go with the movie! A short while later, when it had all sunk in, he
was inspired to write and plaltest an article for bad-ass outlaw bikers in Necromunda
(God belp us if be utatcbes anytbing like 'Wicked City' tbenl - Ed)


Outlaw Biker Gangs can be found at the end

of this article.

The Underhive is a very strange place, with a

bizarre mix of efiremely advanced technology,
primitive crossbows, and stone-age clubs.
None of this technology was invented, all was
imported .from the rest of the Imperium.
There are almost no means of tfanspoftation
in the Underhive besides walking on foot (or
being carried by your slaves). However, some
unhinged individuals adapt old civilian bikes,
or create new motorcycles from spare scrap

Bikes have the following stafting profile:





The bike and rider are treated as one model
for the purposes of movement. Bikes do not
move normally - they do not charge or mn
either. Instead bikes move at three speeds. At
the beginning of each turn you musl declare
what speed your bikes will be moving at (note
that you can change from any speed to any
speed - Necromundan
bikers are very

Only a few of the UnderHivers have the

technical expertise to maintain these bikes,
and fewer still are crazy enough, or stupid
enough to ride these bikes.
Any gang type from any house may use bikes
(except for Ratskins and Scalvies). Only
Heavies may ride bikes, because they are the
only ones with the mechanical expertise. Any
Heary may instead of buying a Heavy or
Special Weapon buy a bike to ride on. A bike
costs 120 points, and are not rare.

Slow Speed: The bike moves normally, up

to its M value. The bike may make up to four
90 degree turns (or eight 45 degree turns if
you like). The rider may shoot any pistol
weapons, or throw any grenades normally. He
may also fight in hand-to-hand normally

There are some who are even crazier. These

speed-crazed outcasts of House gangs band
together, forming gangs of Outlaw Bikers.
These outlaws live nomadic lives, wandering
from one outlaw trading post to the next,
looting and pillaging on the way. The rules for

The bike moves up to twice its
move (usually 16 inches). The bike may make
up to three 45 degree turns. Any models
shooting at the bike have a -l to hit modifier.


Get Yer Motor

The rider may shoot any pistols, throw

grenades at a -'l-to hit modifieq and engage in
hth normally, except he adds * 1 to his Str if
he using a hand weapon (NOT a pistol).


Skid Brakes: A skilled biker can use a Skid

Brake to bring his mount ro a sudden halt.
Although it is nor without danger, this can be
very useful. A Skid Turn can be used to take a
bike down from any speedband to any other
speed band. Roll on the Skid Turn Table for
every speed band beyond the first. Example: a
biker wants to go from Fast speed o a
complete standstill. This brings him down
three speed bands, so he has to roll twice on
the Skid Turn Table.

Fast: The bike may move up to three times irs

move (usually 24 inches), but it may only
make a sing|e 45 degree turn. Any models
firing at the bike ^re at -2 to hit. The biker may
shoot pistols, at --l- to hit. He may fight in
Hand-to-Hand, in which case ,he adds * 1 to
his WS, and +2 to his Str.


Skid Tirns:
Bikers are highty skilled with
their bikes, and are able to make daring highspeed manoeuvres. Skid turns are one such
manoeuvre - the biker leans over while
turning the bike, spinning the whole bike
around, in a very dangerous display of skill.
Any bike may make any number of skid turns
while it is travelling at Cruisin' or Fast speeds,
in addition to its normal turns. Each skid turn
lets the bike turn 45 degrees. Howeveq you
must roll a D6 and consult the skid turn table

Models riding on bikes may not engage in

hand-to-hand combat in the same way as
normal models - they may not charge.
However they may make Hit-and-Run
(the biker swerves in close to the enemy,
holding out a bludgeon or other similar
weapon). These attacks occur during the
biker's Movement phase, when he moves into
base to base contact with an enemy model.
After the attack, the biker may continue with
his movement. Howeveq he may not shoot or
engage in more hand-to-hand. You must
declare Hit-and-Runs at the beginning of the
turn, when you declare charges. Hit-and-runs
are moved before other models, at the same
time as chargers.

The bike crashes and is
destroyed together with its rider (i.e. they
both go out). The flaming wreck travels
straight forward for the remainder of its
maximum fast move, and then explodes with
an area radius of 1" causing a strength 4 hit on
ar.y target within the effect area. If rhe bike
hits something before its move is complete,
work out normal collision damage and then
the bike explodes.

The combat is worked out as normal, except

each model rolls only one die, regardless of
how many Attacks and weapons they have.
Also, the biker may rrot ParrJ), although his
opponent may The rider counts as Charging,
so he gets *1 to his WS. In addition if he is
moving at ceftain speeds his Strength may be

The biker skilfirlly guides his
protesting machine in the desired direction,
but is too preoccupied to do anything else this
turn. No weapons may be fired from the bike
this turn, including any fired by a passenger.
In the case of a skid brake. they cannot
dismount either.

After the Hit-and-Run

you may move your
bike until you are out of movement, but you
may not shoot or engage in mote Hit-andRuns.

Bikers often screech by thbir opponents, spray
them with bullets, and zip back into cover.
Models riding on bikes may chose nor to
shoot in their Shooting phase, and instead
shoot in the middle of the Movement phase. A
biker must be moving at Cruisin' speed or
faster to make a Driue-By. ln a Driue-By you
may stop youf movement at any point, and
shoot with the biker (and his Juve passenger if
he has one). A Driue-By is a difficult

2-3 3-4 The biker skilfully guides his

protesting machine in the desired direction,
but is too preoccupied to do anlthing else this
turn. The rider may not fue any weapons. In
the case of a skid brake, he canriot dismount
either. A passenger may shoot or dismount as
4+ 5+ The biker successfully comoletes
the manoeuwe.


Get Yer Motor Runnin'

manoeuvre the biker suffers a -1 to hit. After
you work out the shooting damage, continue
moving as normal.
This may seem unfair and too powerful, but it
is difficult to use a Driue-By to get back into
cover, without performing a complex series of
Skid Turns (since you can only make a DriueBy at Cruisin' or Fast speed).

A bike can also attack gangers by running
them down. This can occur because the bike is
out of control or because the biker is making
a deliberate attack against the enemy. If a bike
is travelling at 1O" or less per rurn it will not
harm creatures as they have ample time to
step out of the way

of the way, the third a -f 2 bonus, the fourth a

*3 bonus, etc.
Models which fail to dive out of the way suffer
a hit at the Strength of the bike, that does D4
wounds. The bike gets a hit with the gangers
Toughness for each ganger hit in its path.

A bike cannot be engaged in hand-to-hand
combat as such, but a model may charge a
bike in its movement phase and attack it
during the hand-to-hand combat phase. This
is not a pfoper engagement and does not
restrict the movement of either the bike or the
attacker in their subsequent movement phase.

Gangers which are run over may attempt to

dive out of the way of the oncoming bike by
rolling equal to or under their Initiative value
on a D6. A roll of 6 is always a failure. Gangers
which pass the test may be moved up to 2" to
represent them diving out of the wa)4 If they
fail the Initiative test, they will be hit by the

V/hen a model charges it runs the risk

ofbeing dragged down or run over. As soon as
a model comes into base-to-base contact with
a bike moving at speeds greater than 10", the
model must roll under its Initiative on a D6 (a
score of 6 always fails). If the model passes the
test then it may proceed to attack. If the model
fails its Initiative check then the model is hit
by the bike and receives a hit with at the bike's
strength causing D4 wounds.

Because gangers will be able to see the bike

bearing down on them, the second ganger a
bike attempts to overrun in the same turn will
get a + L bonus to its Initiative for diving out

If the bike moved 10" or less in its previous

turn then the attacking model doesn't have to
make an Initiative test and cari attack as
described below


Get Yer Motor

If a model charges a bike successfully, it must

attack the rider. Combat is worked as normal,
except that the biker counts as encumbered,
and so suffers a -1 to his combat score. Ifthe
rider is down or otherwise unable to fight
(because of a Skid Turn for instance), the
attacker must attack the bike instead' He will
hit the bike once for each attack he has on his
profile. Work out damage as normal.

whenever you hit a biker model, you must roll
to see if you hit the bike or the rider. On a roll
of 1-4 you hit the bike, on a 5'6 you hit the
rider. when an atev effect weapon (flamer,
shotgun, etc) hits the biker and his bike, roll
to see who is hit as you would normally' If the
biker was hit, then the bike will also be hit on
a 4+, ard vice-versa. The same holds true if
the bike model is only partly touched - roll to
see if it is caught under the blast, and then see
which part of the bike/biker was hit, and then
proceed as mentioned above.
w'hen the bike has been reduced to 0 wounds
it must roll on the Bike Damage table, iust like
a normal model. However, count the Biker
injury results as follows:
The bike is not harmed, but the
rider must test to see if he ducks behind the
handle bars. The rider must take an
immediate Ld test or be pinned himself'
The bike is damaged, and
Flesh Wound:
swerves out of control. Roll a D6 - 1-2 rurn the
blke 45 degrees to the left, 3'4 letve it, and 56 turn it 45 degrees to the right. In addition
the bike may only move at SLOW speed for the
rest of the fight.
Down: The bike is badly damaged, and the
rider must dismount. He will not leave his
precious bike, however, because it may be
restored to working order. The biker must stay
within 1 inch of his bike, but he moves as a
foot model. The bike may not do anything. If
he wishes, the biker may work on the bike he may not move or shoot or fight in hand-tohand, but the bike may roll on the iniury table
in the recovery phase.


Bike Damage
D6 score

unrePairable - it's dead!

CaPtured - the bike has been
captured by the enemy. The enemy may sell
the bike to the Traders for 100+D6 credits, or
the enemy may trade with your gang (treat the
bike howyou would a captured gang member
- you could even attempt to rescue it during a
daring raid)

Damaged, roll a D6:

l-3 fuarne damaged, -1 Toughness.

4-6 engine damaged, -L Movement
repairable, bike misses the next fight and
makes a perfect recovery

Bikes are very hard to damage with most basic
weapofls, and so a ganger facing a bike will
often try to pick off the rider. This is very
difficult to do, as the biker is usually ducking
behind his handlebars, and swerving from
side-to-side. Any model using a pistol or basic
weapon may make a Called Sbot on the biker.
A Called Sbot suffers a -2 to hrt, in addition to
speed and cover modifiers. A model with the
Cracksbot skill does not suffer the -2 to hit
when making a Called Sbot. lf the model
makes the Called Sbot, then he automatically
hits the rider.

V/hen a rider is hit and wounded, his bike may
go Out-of-Control, or'Waaay-Out-of-Control. If
he is pinned, the bike goes Out-of-Control
until he is no longer pinned. If the biker is
downed, then his bike goes Waaay'Out-ofControl, and he must take an lnitiative test. lI
he fails the test he falls off the bike, and takes
a hit with a Strength and save modifier as
described below. If the biker goes out (or falls
off his bike), then the bike will also go WaaayOut-of-Control.
A bike will continue going Out-of-Control
un-pinnedfu n-downed again.

Out: The rider and the bike are taken out,

and both must roll on their respective tables.



Get Yer Motor Runnin'

1-2 Turn the bike 45 degrees to the left, and
move the bike D6 inches per speed band it
was moving (if it was moving slow it moves D6
inches, Cruisin' it moves 2D6, etc).
3-4 It keeps the same facing and moves D6
inches per speed band it was moving forward.

about for a dead
biker). However, when
you do this (drive off the edge of a level) you
must subtract the vertical distance you fall
from your total movement allowance (the
rider must recover from the fall. and the fall
itself takes time).
Also, after landing, a biker must make a
Leadership test to see if he keeps his bike
under control. If this is failed the bike will
swerve out of control.

5-5 Turn the bike 45 degrees to the right,

and move it D6 inches per speed band it was

1 Turn the bike 45 degrees to the left, and
move the bike 2D6 inches per speed band it
was moving.

Jumping Table
D6 Score

4 The bike spins around, faces a random

direction, and then moves D6 inches.
5 The bike moves D6 inches directly to the
6 The bike moves D6 inches directlv to the
off a bike: rJ(/henever a biker falls
off of his bike there is a danger that he will be
seriously hurt. The rider sustains a single hit at
a Strength equivalent to half the bike's speed
rounded down.
Bikes may make a special iump
move at any point in their move, if they wish
to cross a gap. Bikes moving at Slow speed
may not iump, bikes moving at Cruisin' speed
may jump D6 inches, and bikes moving Fast
may jump 2D4 inches. Note, however, that the
distance you roll is deducted from your total
Movement allowance. Move the bike the
distance you roll over the gap, and if it makes
it to the other side you may continue moving.
Otherwise the bike falls straight down, until it
lands. The bike takes damage as normal from
falling, and if you fall 7 inches or more the
rider will also take damage. Note that you are
allowed to drive off the edges of buildings
without jumping if you wish to risk the hit
from the fall (a 53 hit is not too much to worry

Turn the bllcle 45 degrees to the

Leave it. The bike comes to an

immediate halt.
T\rrnit 45 degrees to the right.
The bike may finish its movement as
normal (if it still has any movement left) in
this new direction.

2 The bike keeps the same facing and moves

2D6 inches forward for everv soeed band it
was moving.
3 The bike 45 degrees to the right, and move
it 2D6 inches for every speed band it was


As a biker gains experience, he can also gain
biker skills. These skills are only available to a
Hear.y that is in possession of a bike, or an
Outlaw Biker (see Outlaw Biker rules). Biker
to skills normally
skills are in addition
available or Heavies. Roll a D6 to generate a
random skill.
1. Veteran biker: The biker is highly skilled in
making skids. He can therefore add + 1 to a
single skid test once per turn.
This biker
has great
2. Sharpsbooter:
proficienry in shooting whilst riding a bike.
He can ignore all to hit modifiers for bike
3. Gunner: The biker has great skill in
shooting basic weapons. As long as the bike is
travelling at Cruisin' speed or less the biker
can fire a basic weapon (rather than a pistol)
at an additional -1 to hit modifier.
4. Hit-and-Run Expert: T}:.e biker has learned
how to use the motion of the bike to gain
extra impetus on Hit-and-Ruz style attacks.
attack add + 1
V/hen he makes a Hit-and-Run
to his combat score and * 1 to his strength.
5. Mecbanic: The biker has some knowledge
of bike repair. Once per game, you may re-roll
a result on the bike recovery table. You must
accept the outcome of this new roll, even if it


Get Yer Motor Runnin'

is worse than the original roll. You may not reroll a 'captured' result. Likewise, if the nev/
roll indicates the bike is captured, roll again

Characteristics increases cost 50+2D6 credits,

the cost for Shiny Bits is noted below.

until you get a different result.

lose Ouenaatcb.

6. Tinkerer: The biker is always tinkering with

his bike, trying to improve it. Only bikers with
the Tinkerer skill can purchase bike upgrades.
After a fight, roll a D6. On a roll of 5+ the
biker has built a bike upgrade, decide
randomly what kind of upgrade (see below).
Note that you must still pay for an upgrade
(those parts aren't free, you know).

Shiny Bits......-...cost
20 credits
The owner of the
bike has fitted some
absolutely immense
exhaust pipes. The
Oooge Xbausts are
specially customized
to make as much
noise as possible.
The thumping noise
sounds like dozens
of Healy
opening up, fooling
they are
under attack! Any
enemy models on
Ouerusatcb that are
within 12" of the
bike must pass a
Leadership test or
iust as if they'd been shot at.

M o t o - X S h i n y B i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .0. .c. r e d i t s

The bike has great big knobbly tires so that it
can cope with all types of terrain. The bike can
travel up to Cruisin' speed across difficult
In addition, the bike may attempt to cross
linear obstacles that are no taller than the
bike's front wheel. Roll a D6, on a 44 the
obstacle is successfully crossed, on a L-3 the
bike collides as normal.

Tinkerers can build bike upgrades. These
upgrades can take the form of a characteristics
increase or some sbiny bits. Roll a D6 to see
what has been created:

Spiked Hubs Shiny Bits..............cost50 credits

This bike has sharp admantium
protruding from the hubs of its wheels. The
spikes can be deadly to an unwary opponent.
\Xrhen the bike makes aHit-and-Run
spiked hubs make an additional attack which
is resolved before the combat begins. The
enemy model must roll under its Initiative on
a D6 otherwise they will be automatically hit
by the deadly whirlwind of spikes. The hub
spikes have a strength of 5, a -2 saving throw
modifier and cause D3 wounds. If the enemy
model survives the spiked hubs then th.e Hitanel-Run combat mav now be resolved.

1-2. Erarne Parts, +1 Toughness, up to a

maximum of 7.
3-4. Engine Parts, +1 movement, up to a
maximum of 10.
5-6. Shiny Bits.
If the dice roll indicates a characteristics
increase that has 'maxed' out the roll is


Get Yer Motor Runnin'

closest bike rider. The Juve
sits on the back of the bike,
facing towards the back.
unless his bike makes a Hiland-Run (see below).
Juves have a 90 Degree
firing arc directly to the
back of the bike. They may
fire their weapons like a
normal Biker.
A Juve may jump off the
bike at any part of its move,
although the Juve will
suffer damage as normal.

t credits
B i g S m o k e y S h i n y B i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c o 5s 0
This bike's engine produces black smoke
which belches forth from its exhausts. This
smoke lays down a smoke screen behind the
bike which disrupts enemy fire. After the first
move this bike makes, place the Big Smokey
template (use the hand flamer template for
Slow speed and the flamer template for
Cruisin' speed or more) behind the bike. It
will remain in play until the bike is stationary
for a full turn or is destroyed. Models may not
shoot through the Big Smokey template. Move
the Big Smokey template with the bike as it
moves. Any models that the template passes
over will Iose ()uerutatcb as if they'd been
shot at. Models in the cloud have the choice of
moving randomly or standing still in their next
turn until the thick black smoke clears from
their eyes.
Rear Platforms
rear platforms.
Bikes may mount
platforms can be anlthing from a slab of
plasteel nailed to the back of the bike above
the rear wheel, to a complete rear facing seat.
Only Juves would suffer the indignity that
comes from fighting from a rear platform, and
most Gangers would weigh the bike down too

When the bike makes a IIlror

charged the Juve turns
around and attempts to
help out the biker, wildly
swinging with his knife and
firing his pistol. Both Juves
and Bikers may fight in hand-to-hand combat.
AJuve may not Parry from a bike. AJuve who
rolls a fumble hbs slipped and falls off of the
bike, and takes damage as normal.


Outlaw Bikers are Outlanders, and may never
pay offtheir bounty. They scavenge as normal,
but do not practice cannibalism. Bikers always
select a new territory after each battle as they
never stay in one place for very long.

LEADEROF THE PACK........120Creds





Bike: Leaders MUST ride a bike.

combination of weapons chosen from the
close combat, pistols, basic, and shotgun
shells and grenades lists.
Leader: All the normal leader rules apply.
Experience: The Leader of the Pack starts
with 60+D6 experience.



Juves riding in platforms are for all intents

and purposes another rider. When you shoot
at the bike, and roll a 4-5 you will hit the




Bike: Bikers may ride on a bike.



Get YerMotor Runnin'

Weapons: A biker may have any weapons
chosen from the close combat, pistols, basic,
and shotgun shells and grenades lists.
Bikers: At least half of all Outlaw Biker Gangs
must be made up of Bikers mounted on Bikes
Therefore. a gang of 8 models must have 4
Bikers on bikes, L Leader of the Pack on a
bike, and 3 Juves on foot or riding in Rear




Bik 1lgyg_







Bike: Juves may ride on a rear platform.

Weapons: A Juve may have any weapons
chosen from the close combat, pistols, and
shotgun shells and grenades lists.





Juves start with 0 experience.


. Bikes may not use Vents or Tunnels


. Bikers


may not

use the Stealtb


. Bikers may not pick up loot unless they

dismount (this takes one turn).
. If a bike for some reason hits a solid object


Get Yer Motor Runnin'

(if it goes out of control), then it will take a hit
of a Strength equal to the distance it moved
divided by two, minus 1. So if a bike moves 12
inches, and hits a bulkhead, it will take a S 5
hit ((I2/2)-r).
. A biker may attempt to recover from pinning
if he is within 4 inches of a friendly model,
instead of the normal 2 inches.


You will have to convert some models to use
as bikes. There are basically two suitable bike
miniatures - the Space Marine bikes, and the
Squat bikes.
The Marine bikes are very cool looking, and
look fast and maneuverable while being big
and imposing. You can get your bike from GW
Mail Order if you can't find any stores near
you that stock them.
The Squat bikes are a little smalleq and look
very different. They look a bit like 'Harlies',
only a little more ramshackle (I prefer them to
Marine bikes). You can also mail order these.
Now that you have your bike, you will need a
rider. Your bits box should be overflowing
with plastic Orlock and Goliath miniatures,
which are very easv to convert into bike riders.

The Goliaths only need a little converting to fit

into the bike seats, and the Orlocks just need
a linle more repositioning. You can also repose one of the rider's arms so that it's resting
on the handle bars - the old plastic Imperial
Guard arm sprues are perfect for this.
The Bikers of the other houses will need more
convefting. It is probably best to base your
rider on a miniature that is not from your
house - remember that plastic is a lol easier to
For Orlocks, remove the head from the
miniature with a saw, and then remove a head
from a miniature of your preferred house (be
careful not to damage the head), and glue the
head to your biker's body. You may have some
trouble with Delaque, Cawdor, and Eschers ,
because they have either collars, cloaks, or
hair surrounding their necks. V/hen you have
attached one of these heads to your biker, it is
a good idea to use some modelling putty and
cover the neck join. Then you can sculpt the
putty irito either a collar, a hood, or lots and
lots of hair (depending on the house or your
own mad desires). Enjoy!


/ [email protected]

Have you got a rules query? Do you want to know if we still
have classic Citadel miniatures available? If the answer to
both these questions is 'yes!' ot if you want to discuss any
aspect of the Games Workshop hobby you should contact the
Roolz Boyz, toclay!


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