Moon Base Klaisus

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In this section you will find expanded terrain rules for the STC Ryza-pattern Ruins included in Moon
Base Klaisus. You do not need to use these rules to enjoy a battle using the models, but they will add
a new dimension to your battlefield and help bring it to life.

Many battlefields on Imperial
worlds are studded with the
ruins of buildings that were
created from Standard Template

When a model makes a shooting

attack against an Infantry unit
that has all of its models within 1"
of an STC Ryza-pattern Ruin, then
the target unit receives the benefit
of cover if the attacking model is
closer to the STC Ryza-pattern Ruin
than it is to the target unit.

MOON BASE KLAISUS MISSIONS game continues on a roll of 4+, otherwise the game is
On the following pages you will find three over. The battle automatically ends at the end of battle
exciting Crucible of War missions that can be round 7.
fought using the contents of Moon Base Klaisus
and any two armies.
Each of the following Crucible of War missions is Reserves are forces which are not directly present
designed to be played between two armies, on a at the start of an engagement but are available as
battlefield that is created using the contents of Moon reinforcements during battle.
Base Klaisus. The missions can be played individually or
joined together to form a campaign, where the result of If a mission uses Reserves, it will detail which units in
one game will affect what happens in the next game. your army start the game in Reserve – these units are
not deployed with the rest of your army.
In order to play these missions, you will need the rules
for Random Game Length, Reserves and Sentries as The mission will usually state when the units placed
detailed in the Narrative Play Mission Rules of the in Reserve arrive on the battlefield – this is typically at
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. We have reproduced the end of a particular Movement phase. If the mission
these rules here in case you don’t have a copy of the does not specify when units arrive, roll for each unit
book to hand. at the end of your second Movement phase (and at the
end of each of your Movement phases thereafter) – this
is called a Reserve roll. On a 3+, the unit being rolled
RANDOM BATTLE LENGTH for arrives from Reserve. Note that if a unit placed
War is rarely predictable, and the time available to into Reserve is embarked within a Transport, they will
achieve your objectives is never certain. arrive when their transport does, not separately (if
rolling, make a single roll for the transport and the units
If your mission uses Random Battle Length, at the end embarked in it).
of battle round 5, the player who had the first turn must
roll a D6. On a roll of 3+, the game continues, otherwise The mission will explain how and where to set up units
the game is over. At the end of battle round 6, the player when they arrive from Reserve – typically within a short
who had the second turn must roll a D6. This time the distance of a specified edge of the battlefield.
SENTRIES • A model from the Attacking player’s army is spotted
Many commanders use sentries to guard by a Sentry. An enemy unit is spotted if it is within
vital locations and raise the alarm if intruders a certain range of any Sentry at the end of any
are spotted. Movement phase (irrespective of whether or not
that unit is visible to the Sentry). The spotting range
If your mission uses Sentries, the Defender will need depends upon the Power Rating of the Attacker’s unit,
one extra unit to act as their Sentries. Unless otherwise as detailed below:
stated, this unit should have the Troops Battlefield Role,
contain up to 10 models and have a Power Rating of 10
or less. The Sentries’ Power Rating is excluded when you
are calculating the total Power Level of your army. 5 or less 3"
6-10 6"
The mission rules will detail where Sentries are set up, 11-19 9"
but it should be noted that each Sentry model moves
20 or more 12"
and acts as a separate, individual unit throughout the
battle. At the start of each of the Defender’s Movement
phases, both players roll a dice for each Sentry model, in If the alarm is raised during the Attacker’s turn, their
an order chosen by the Defender. The player who rolled turn ends after the action that raised the alarm has been
the highest can move the model the distance indicated completed. If the alarm is raised during the Defender’s
on their dice in any direction (a Sentry cannot Advance turn, the Defender immediately starts a new turn in
as part of this move). If the rolls are tied, the Sentry does which they can typically set up response forces or
not move. reinforcements; this will be detailed in the mission itself.
In either case, the Sentries are now under full control of
At the start of the game, all is quiet and the alarm has the Defender.
yet to be sounded, but it is raised if any of the
following occur:
• A model from the Attacker’s army fires a ranged Taking you beyond one-off battles, campaigns can
weapon or manifests a psychic power. add a new dimension to your gaming, giving each
victory and defeat greater meaning.
• A model from the Attacking player’s army attacks a
Sentry in the Fight phase but fails to kill them. Note In order to play a campaign, you must play the three
that Sentries cannot fire Overwatch until after the Moon Base Klaisus missions one after the other.
alarm is raised. Winning one battle will have an effect on the next battle
that is fought. The campaign is won by the player that
wins the third and final battle.

Attacker wins Defender wins


The Defender’s sentries The Defender can choose the table edge
halve their spotting range in upon which their reserves will arrive each
this mission. turn, instead of rolling a dice to determine it.
Attacker wins Defender wins Attacker wins Defender wins


The Defender only has two Play the mission as written. Each Attack Wave lasts for 4
Attack Waves instead of battle rounds rather than 3
three to capture the Cache. battle rounds.
An attacking force has been dispatched on a surprise raid to steal a vitally important cache of secret files. The attackers have used
a network of sewers to bypass the main enemy defence line. Emerging from the underground tunnels, they must brush aside any
defenders, seize the cache and escape with it.


Each player must first muster an army from the miniatures in their
collection. This mission is designed for use with armies that have a
Power Level of 50 to 100, and which do not include any Vehicles
or Monsters.
Set up the Cache marker in the location shown on the deployment
Once the armies have been chosen, the players must then decide map. An Infantry model from the Attacker’s army can carry
who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender. If the Power the Cache by moving into contact with it – that model then
Levels of the two armies are different, then the player whose army automatically picks it up. From that point, the Cache remains with
has the higher Power Level is the Attacker and their opponent is the the model (move the Cache marker with the model to show this)
Defender. Otherwise the players can roll off to decide who will attack until it is dropped, which only happens if the model is slain or flees.
and who will defend. The Defender will need one extra unit to act as If the Cache is dropped, another Infantry model can pick it up by
their Sentries (as described earlier). moving into contact with it. A model with the Cache cannot embark
in a Transport, leave the battlefield, or move further than 9" in any
THE BATTLEFIELD single phase for any reason.
Create a battlefield and set up the terrain using the deployment
map below. Proximity Alert: The alarm is automatically sounded from the end
of the turn in which the Cache is picked up, even if no Sentries are
DEPLOYMENT left on the battlefield.
After terrain has been set up, the Defender sets up their Sentries
anywhere in their deployment zone, as long as each Sentry is at BATTLE LENGTH
least 6" away from any other Sentries. All remaining units for both The players should use the Random Battle Length rules (as described
sides are placed in Reserve; they will arrive during the battle as earlier) to determine how long the battle lasts.
described below.
FIRST TURN If a model carrying the Cache ends any move within 3" of the
The Attacker has the first turn. Attacker’s entry point, the game ends and the Attacker wins a major
victory. If the game ends before this happens, the Defender wins a
ATTACKER’S RESERVES major victory.
The Attacker is allowed to bring on any Reserve units that
they wish to at the end of each of their Movement phases.
When a unit arrives from Reserve, all of the models in the Defender’s
unit must be set up within 12" of the Attacker’s entry point Deployment
(see the deployment map).


The Defender is allowed to bring on any Reserve units at
the end of any of their Movement phases after the alarm
has been sounded. On the first turn after the alarm is
sounded, the Defender must roll a dice before bringing
on a Reserve unit; it will only arrive on a roll of 3+. In
subsequent turns, no roll is required. All models in the unit
must be deployed wholly within the Defender’s deployment
zone, within 9" of a battlefield edge, and with all models Attacker’s
more than 9" from any enemy models. Entry Point
An attacking force has been sent on a raid behind enemy lines, and is now trying to escape back to its own territory with its
ill-gotten gains. It is being pursued by a much larger enemy force – to keep ahead of its pursuers, it has been forced to try and
break through a lightly held part of the enemy battle line.


Each player must first muster an army from the miniatures in their The Attacker has the first turn.
collection. This mission is designed for use with armies that have a
Power Level of 50 to 100, and which do not include any Vehicles DEFENDER’S RESERVES
or Monsters. At the start of each of the Defender’s turns, the Defender must roll
a dice and refer to the deployment map to determine which edge
Once the armies have been chosen, the players must then decide their Reserve units will arrive from on that turn.
who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender. If the
Power Levels of the two armies are different, then the player The Defender is allowed to bring on any Reserve units at the
whose army has the higher Power Level is the Defender and their end of any of their Movement phases. The unit must be wholly
opponent is the Attacker. Otherwise the players can roll off to deployed within 9" of the battlefield edge that is the Defender’s
decide who will attack and who will defend. entry point for the turn, and with all models more than 9" from
any enemy models.
Create a battlefield and set up the terrain using the deployment BATTLE LENGTH
map below. The players should use the Random Battle Length rules (as
described earlier) to determine how long the battle lasts.
After terrain has been set up, the Attacker sets up their VICTORY CONDITIONS
army anywhere in their deployment zone. All of the If a model carrying the Cache starts any move within 9" of the
Defender’s units are placed in Reserve; they will arrive Attacker’s exit point, the game ends and the Attacker wins a major
during the battle as described below. victory. If the game ends before this happens, the Defender wins a
major victory.
Defender’s Entry Point (1-3)

Exit Point
An Infantry model from the Attacker’s army must start
the battle carrying the Cache. Show this by placing the
Cache marker in contact with the model that is carrying
it. From that point, the Cache remains with the model
(move the Cache marker with the model to show this)
until it is dropped, which only happens if the model is
slain or flees. If the Cache is dropped, another Infantry
model can pick it up by moving into contact with it. A 12"
model with the Cache cannot embark in a Transport,
leave the battlefield, or move further than 9" in any single Attacker’ s
phase for any reason. Zone

Defender’s Entry Point (4-6)

An attacking force has been trapped behind enemy lines. It has captured a vital cache of information, and is now desperately
holding out in a ruined building. Successive waves of enemy units are attempting to overrun the stronghold before help
can arrive.


Each player must first muster an army from the miniatures in their The Defender has the first turn.
collection. This mission is designed for use with armies that have a
Power Level of 50 to 100, and which do not include any Vehicles BATTLE LENGTH
or Monsters. The battle lasts for 3 battle rounds.

Once the armies have been chosen, the players must then decide ATTACK WAVES
who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender. If the If the Defender fails to win in their first attempt, they can try
Power Levels of the two armies are different, then the player again. If the second attempt fails, they may try again for a third
whose army has the higher Power Level is the Defender and their and final time. The Defender’s army is returned to its full starting
opponent is the Attacker. Otherwise the players can roll off to strength for its second and third attempts, but the Attacker’s army
decide who will attack and who will defend. can only include the models that were not slain in the last battle,
including any that fled (models that fled are assumed to have
THE BATTLEFIELD returned to the army).
Create a battlefield and set up the terrain using the deployment
map below. Both players set up again at the start of each attempt. However, the
Defender must set up their army within 6" of a different table edge
THE CACHE to the one they chose in any of their previous attempts.

If the Defender’s army ever controls the Cache, the game ends and
the Defender wins a major victory. If the Attacking army controls
The Cache marker is an objective that the Defenders must try and the Cache at the end of the Defender’s third battle round, the
recapture. It is controlled by the army that has the most models Attacker wins a major victory. Any other result is a draw.
within 3" of it at the end of each turn.
Defender’s Table Edge
After terrain has been set up, the Attacker sets
up their army anywhere in their deployment
zone. The Defender must then set up their entire
army with all units wholly within 6" of one of
Defender’s Table Edge

Defender’s Table Edge

the three Defender’s table edges shown on the
deployment map. All of the Defender’s units
must be placed wholly within 6" of the same
table edge – they cannot be split up.


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