Storm of Chaos Warmaster

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By Matt Keefe and Tom Merrigan. Map by Nuala Kennedy

Storm of Chaos is a worldwide campaign, running throughout the summer of 2004,

which follows the events of Archaons invasion of the Old World in the year 2522. Its
such a large event in fact that it will encompass two whole games Warhammer and
Warmaster whilst spawning a new Warhammer Armies book, the pages of new
Warmaster background and scenarios you see here as well as an interactive website
and countless hundreds of organised gaming events in Games Workshop stores,
independent retailers, gaming clubs and tournament events around the world.
The forces at play in the Old World represent some of the
largest armies ever amassed, and as such Warmaster is an
integral part of the campaign. Over the following pages,
youll find everything you need to participate in Storm of
Chaos, whether you want to join the interactive campaign
and report your results to help decide the fate of the Old
World, or simply fancy playing a few games based on
events from the Storm of Chaos. Other players may wish
to add a few new units to an existing army or even paint
up a whole new army to represent some of the notable
forces from the campaign, and Games Workshop will be
releasing quite a selection of new units to that end.

If you wish to join in the Storm of Chaos campaign and
report your results, all you need to do is register online at You can
provide details of your army, which side you will be
fighting for, where you live in the world and other
information, allowing Games Workshop to monitor the
results as they come in, and tally them up to decide the
fate of the Old World. Once youve registered you can log
on to the site at any time to report the results of any
games youve played or make use of some of the sites
other features, such as community areas where players
can discuss combined strategies and discuss all the latest

New Background & Scenarios

Over the course of the Storm of Chaos campaign we will
be presenting a number of new scenarios for Warmaster.
Each of these will reflect a particular battle (or a common
type of battle in some cases) taking place across the Old
World throughout the course of Archaons invasion. Youll
find each of these battles described in the accompanying
background (and usually marked out on a map, too, for
useful reference).

scenario in fact you can play any game of Warmaster you

want to, using any armies, you certainly arent restricted
to using the scenarios presented here.
Many of the scenarios also list alternative forces and can
be used to represent battles outside of the Storm of Chaos
campaign, so you should certainly feel free to use these
scenarios in any situation you want, really.

Obviously the main forces involved in the Storm of Chaos
are the Chaos Hordes of Archaon and the armies of the
Empire seeking to defend their homeland. They are each
aided by a number of allies, such as the High Elf and
Dwarf contingents which pledged allegiance to the
Empire of Men. However, you should feel free to play
games using whatever armies you have available the
Games Workshop Army Selection Police wont come
round knocking on your door if you decide to sneak a
Lizardmen army into a game somewhere. However, we
likewise, wont necessarily be covering these races in any
real detail as part of the campaign, since we really dont
feel its necessary and it may result in all manner of
spurious and unconvincing explanations. Understandably,
the focus of our coverage will be the main clash between
Chaos and the Empire.
Right, thats about enough for the introduction. Over the
page, you will find a history of the campaign, detailing
events leading up to the invasion, overviews of the forces
and characters involved, and events from the early stages
of the war. This is accompanied by a map showing the
movement of all the main protagonists, and finally four
scenarios representing battles described in the
background. Since the event runs all summer, you can
look forward to more Storm of Chaos coverage next

If you want to play in the Storm of Chaos campaign you

can use any of these scenarios, or any other Warmaster


The Council of Light

That so many came unbidden was a sure sign. That they
came so swiftly, an omen. That they were the greatest
each of their peoples, a portent. And all of these symbols
augured so ill
- Beladoc Tong, Chronicler of Altdorf
Only the Electors had been summoned by the Emperor
Karl Franz, but nonetheless delegates from Ulthuan, the
Dwarven Holds and the Duma of Kislev all arrived at
Altdorf, just as many had expected they would. Men had
long watched the burgeoning strife all around them, long
felt darkness on their backs and now it was clear that the
Elves, Dwarfs and many other peoples of the world had
also long been aware this coming danger.
There were few certainties to begin with. All were aware
of some growing threat, though as yet none could be
certain of its form, or confident of its name. As the Council
of Light progressed, however, each of the delegates
brought what news they could, shared what little
information was known to them and soon the shape of
things to come emerged a little clearer for all to see.
Representatives of the Colleges of Magic related how, for
some months, the winds of magic had been felt to blow
ever stronger, a fact confirmed by the mighty Teclis
himself. Reports from roving hunters and Dwarven
Rangers all spoke of a rising tide of mutants, Beastmen
and other monstrosities in the hidden places of the Old
The Empire generals present there keenly recalled the
brutal attacks led by the Chaos Champion, Surth Aenk,
just months previously and reported that the city of
Wolfenburg had been sacked before the incursion had
been repelled.
From the east, word came that Vardek Crom, the man they
called the Conqueror, was leading a vast Kurgan warband
westward and southward, marching towards the Worlds
Edge Mountains, from where he would surely attempt to
break through and invade the Empire.
The High Elves also reported that their own Sea Patrols
had ventured north and discovered dozens of marauder
tribes amassing along the Norscan coast where a vast fleet


of longships were being readied. The Sea Patrols had

done what they could to disperse these tribes with
lightning fast attacks from the sea, but the Empire now
clearly faced the very real threat of attack from many sides.
From what they now knew, those assembled could draw
only one conclusion; a great Champion of Chaos had
arisen, a Lord of the End Times beneath whose banner the
hordes of Chaos were prepared to invade the Old World
and seek to smother the light of the world. And whats
more, they now knew the name of their enemy Archaon.

To Defend an Empire
If an army so vast had ever before been mustered, I can
only presume that it must have been victorious, for had
it been defeated, and its soldiers slain, Men would today
be a rarity upon the earth.
- Beladoc Tong, Chronicler of Altdorf
There was no other choice left open to him Karl Franz
mustered the army of the Empire in all its might, from the
Reiksguard Knights of Altdorf to the artillery of Nuln to
the Halflings in the Moot. Thousands of soldier marched
to a series of staging points in order to meet up with Karl
Franzs own army as it marched out of Altdorf and towards
a final rendezvous at Talabheim.
Even now, however, amidst this undoubtedly greatest of
needs, not all the fighting men of the Empire could be
spared. Croms advance from the east left the Elector
Counts of Stirland and Averland reluctant to send their
own armies to join with those of the Emperor, for fear of
leaving their homelands unguarded. For his part, Karl
Franz dared not risk leading his own army eastwards to
meet Crom for fear that Archaon himself would begin his
advance before the Empires armies could complete the
march north. A most unlikely saviour emerged when
Ungrom Ironfist, Slayer King of Karak Kadrin, vowed to
hold Peak Pass against Croms horde or die in the attempt.
This powerful pledge of allegiance lifted some of the fear
from the shoulders of the Electors of Stirland and
Averland, who now sent a portion of their own forces to
march to Talabheim.
As the heads of the Empire made good their final
preparations, news came that Archaons Horde in the
north had begun its full-blooded invasion of Kislev. The
Storm of Chaos began to thunder across the Old World

He Who Would See It All Fall

Six Treasures shall be his Mark. Forged from the Other
World, six Treasures shall he Possess.
Upon his head, the Crown shall see all, and Open Eye will
prove woe to mortal kind.
Then shall he ride unto the world. Here will be Four
united unto One.
And five shall be the armies of Doom. Then will the world
know that the Last War has begun.
With the coming of doom will march a lowly boy. Anger
shall be his nourishment and blood his wine.
And from the land tamed will rise a champion. Disease
shall be his downfall and saviour divine.
A Kings son shall be the Chosen. In power will he thrive
and glory in his name.
And with the coming of the End of Times, the Old will fall
by the Hand of the New.
- The Prophecy of Fate
Archaon has stood as the worlds greatest threat for far
longer than a single lifetime would allow, and his origins
now lie far distant. That is not to say, however, that his
own story and his own beginnings are entirely unknown
to his enemies, far from it. There are those who have
woken screaming in the night, roused from dreams in
which they stood and gazed upon Archaons trials as
spectators in a crowd, though the infernal one himself
resided far away. There are also those brides of Chaos,
visited by daemons, or even Archaon himself, and faced to
hear the story of his ascent, simply so that the powers of
Chaos might revel in watching Mankind made to tremble
in fear of its own fate. There are others still, who would
consider themselves scholars or wise men, who have
trawled the earth for evidence of Archaons past and all
speak of many different things, for no mortal mind could
ever truly know what it is that Archaon has become, what
he has suffered, what he has endured, and how he has
triumphed. There is, however, much of his tale which
remains widely accepted amongst those who even know
of Archaon (within the Empire at least, for the Men of
other nations believe it to be otherwise).
They speak that Archaon was once a Templar, a loyal
servant of Sigmar charged with the defence of his Empire
against the lurking threats of impurity, taint and
corruption. That Archaon was vigorous and demanding in
this duty is undoubted, if the zeal with which he now
carries out the will of Chaos is anything to go by. All the
same, Archaon would soon turn against all that Sigmar
stood for, and instead, carve for himself a place as
Sigmars would-be destroyer. How Archaon came to turn
so is perhaps the most questioned passage of this tale, not
least because the mere suggestion of its truth would be
enough to turn countless others likewise. The boldest tell
that Archaon became privvy to some of the greatest secrets

of the world, and so his god was revealed to him as a liar

and a fraud. Unable to deny this truth with which he was
presented, Archaon could only be consumed by the
betrayal he now felt, and turned instantly and
irredeemably against Sigmar.
There are men enough who would see Sigmars legacy
shattered countless dozens of them running gibbering
and screaming throughout the streets of Altdorf,
Middenheim and countless other cities, but these men fall
babbling into madness and are soon forgotten. Archaon
was both stronger and wiser. He turned to the same tomes
in which he had uncovered the truth of the world, gorging
himself on the forbidden knowledge which would allow
him to avenge his betrayal. And so it was that Archaon
came to seek six treasures with which to make himself all
It was the most ancient servants of Chaos, they say, who
imparted Archaon his first treasure, branding him with
their mark in acknowledgement of that which he would
surely become. For his second, Archaon travelled to lands
unseen by even the eyes of the heavens, untouched by all
lights, and there he would claim for his own the Armour
of Morkar. The slaying of the greatest of Wyrms would
next earn him the Eye. Wings of gold and silver carried
him to moons unseen from the world below, and here
even Hepterugeon could not prevent him taking the
Slayer of Kings in his hand. In the stables of Agrammon,
Archaon cut a more cautious figure, thieving from that
great King the steed WSoraych before fleeing, pursued by
all the armies that have ever lived and all those that ever
will. With this most treasured of steeds beneath him, none
could catch Archaon and so it was that he circled the
world endlessly until those who trailed him weakened
and fell, whereafter his horse feasted upon their corpses
and was much restored.
As for the claiming of his sixth, and final treasure, none
now speak. It was said that Volkmar himself had come to
know the tale of Archaons coronation (and perhaps the
tale of Archaons entire life), but he ventured northwards
and was lost soon thereafter, and with him the truth of the
matter. As Archaons victory draws ever nearer, those who
would see him fail must turn more than ever to study of
his past, for it may be that only there can a means be
found by which he might be defeated.
That Archaon himself was once a man of the Empire, few
can doubt. Hatred of the Other, of the stranger and of
those unlike is one thing, but the greatest of hates can
only ever be born of familiarity. Sigmar is his enemy,
Sigmar is that which Archaon despises beyond all else. It
is Sigmar he would see beaten and cast down from the
pantheon of Men. And as for his Empire? He would see it
all fall.




As Archaons hordes marched

south across the Troll Country and
Kislev and Croms army sought to
cross the mountains, vast numbers
of Norse tribes began to mass all
along the coast of Norsca. Here
they began much feasting and raucous celebration, as is
traditional before going to war, whilst amongst their
makeshift encampments thousands of slaves laboured to
construct the many longships which would be needed to
carry them to the Old World.
These musterings did not go unnoticed. Lothern Seaguard
began frequent patrols of the Sea of Claws and Sea of Chaos.
It soon became clear that the number of Norse marauders
present there would be too great to repel once they were at
sea. If such a vast fleet was able to reach the coast of the Old
World, it would present the Empire with assaults on three
fronts, a situation too grave to contemplate.
Instead, the Seaguard elected to mount a series of lightning
fast raids against the Norscan tribes before they could take to
the sea. High Elf sea patrols made surprise landings under the
cover of magically constructed shrouds of mist, storming the


The army of the Empire is a thing
rarely mustered in its entirety, and,
even ahead of Archaons impending
invasion, the Emperors forces were
greatly divided. With news of Croms
advance over the mountains, the
Elector Counts of Stirland and
Averland showed great reluctance to commit their forces to war
elsewhere. The assurances of the Dwarfs that the Worlds Edge
Mountains would hold was some comfort, but still the Empires
defenders remained dispersed across the entire realm.
To gather them in the numbers necessary to repel Archaon, Karl
Franz himself led out the army of Altdorf and marched
northward. En route it joined with forces from Wissenland, as
well as militia and small brigades of men from countless towns
along the way. Karl Franz march led him to Talabheim, where
a rendezvous was arranged with the armies of Averland and
Stirland, plus the army of Talabecland itself which had suffered
defeat at the hands of Chaos some months earlier.
From here, this combined force, too vast to move as a single
contingent, divided in two and set off for what must surely be
Archaons ultimate goal Middenheim and the Temple of Ulric



Already facing Archaons horde from
the north, the Empire has found itself
greatly threatened by attack from a
second front that of Vardek Crom
and his Kurgan attacking from the
east. With Stirland, Averland, the Ostermark and even the Moot
in his sights, the threat posed by Crom cannot be ignored. His

OF CHAOS, 2522.


At the very heart of the Storm of
Chaos is the advance of Archaons
own horde of Chaos, and at its fore
the Swords of Chaos, Archaons
own warband and personal
bodyguard. Centuries in the
mustering, Archaons army is vast, though even such might
can never be enough to conquer the Old World if Man, Dwarf
and Elf stand united against him, as Archon well knows. With
the odds against him, Archaons best hope of victory lies in a
single, swift assault on the Old World.
Archaons march swept first through the Northern Wastes
and the Troll Country, defeating all manner of border reavers
and drawing others to his cause. Kislev fell under the boot of
Archaon as his invasion at last reached the lands of Men, and
the cities of Praag, Erengrad and Kislev itself all came under
attack. Powerless to halt him, the Kislevites found themselves
able only to gaze on as Archaons Horde next drove on into
the lands of the Empire

Coming hard in the wake of Chaos,
Grimgors early attacks brought
fear and destruction to several
Kislevite towns, before his attention
was drawn to the Skaven
stronghold of Hell Pit and the
mutated playthings he could there
do battle with. In time this too would fade from Grimgors
interest and he and his boys set out in search of a new
challenge. They would find it in the shape of Crom, the selfproclaimed Conqueror, who had begun an eastward march
to the Empire, via the Worlds Edge Mountains. Orc and Man
battled at High Pass. Grimgor and Croms battle was
relentless and equal in every measure, yet the Orc hordes
fared rather less well, and, seeing his forces utterly driven
away from him, Grimgor was forced to concede, and
withdraw from battle with nothing more than the honour of
knowing Crom had at least respected his enemy.
advance has already led to clashes with Grimgor Ironhide and his
Orc boys, from which the Kurgan horde emerged the undeniable
Though his march may seem unstoppable, there is an unlikely
enemy who yet awaits him on the Empires eastern border. Vlad
von Carstein, Vampire Count of Sylvania, has no desire to see
Chaos overwhelm the world and deprive him of his everlife. If
Crom truly intends to cross the Empire and unite with
Archaons force, he may find that the dead are his greatest

Intent on redeeming himself in the face of Gork and Mork

(who, some say, spoke to Grimgor and demanded just such
a response), Grimgor led his horde back northward,
slaughtering whatever Chaos followers he could find. It soon
became obvious to Grimgor that his enemy was in fact just
the tail of a vast army, amassing somewhere to the north.
Now aware of Archaons own advance, Grimgor led his Orcs
eastward on his path to war, ready to face the Storm
wherever it might fall



As Archaons forces began their march on the Old World,
vast numbers of Norse tribes began to mass along the
coast of Norsca, preparing to make their assault on the
Empire. Slaves laboured to construct the many longships
that would carry the Norse tribes across the sea to the
Old World, and launch a third assault on the lands of the
But these musterings did not go unnoticed. High Elf sea
patrols in the Sea of Claws and Sea of Chaos had been
monitoring the movements of the Norse tribes for some
time and resent reports suggested that once the
marauder force set sail it would be too great to repel at
sea. The threat this posed to the Empire was to grave to
contemplate and led to an assault by Lothern Seaguard
against the marauder force whilst it remained encamped
along the coast in an attempt to disrupt and disperse the
Battles such as this were typically fought between Lothern
Sea Patrols and Norse (Chaos) Marauders, but could
equally well be fought between most armies. The main
feature is that one army is attacking from the sea whilst
the other remains ill-prepared for the coming battle.
Both armies are unusual, in that they only contain units
which can be mounted in ships (since the Norse
themselves are preparing to take to their longships and
assault the Old World). The armies, therefore, may not
include any cavalry or chariots, whilst the Chaos army may
include only the minimum number required of Chaos
One long table edge represents the shoreline. The
opposite table edge should be raised ground, or some
other form of defended position, along the entire length
of the table (representing the naturally superior position
at the top of the beach). Other terrain can be placed as
In this game the defenders (Chaos) set-up first on the
table edge opposite the shoreline. Remember that the
Chaos deployment zone should be a defended area.
The Chaos army is in the midst of frenzied preparations
and, hence, is not entirely ready for battle. After all the
Chaos units are deployed, roll a dice for each Chaos
character. On a 1-3, the character is out of place and
unready to lead his men, and so is deployed by the High
Elf player. On a 4 or more, the character reacts quickly to
the imminent High Elf attack and is deployed by the
Chaos player as normal.


The attackers (High Elves) deploy next. At the start of the

game, the High Elf player can deploy up to four units for
every 1,000 points, or part of, which his army is worth.
These are assumed to be the initial units which have
landed in the first few boats. The High Elf player may also
deploy any number of characters along with these units.
Any flying units in the army can also be deployed at the
beginning of the game.
All other High Elf units are assumed to be just offshore,
and will make their landings throughout the game. The
name of each remaining unit should be written on a scrap
of paper, folded up and placed in a pot, cup or other small
container, from which they can be drawn at random.
The attackers take the first turn.

They Come from the Sea

At the end of each of his Command phases, the High Elf
player should roll two dice and pick the highest. This is
the number of units which the High Elf player may draw
at random and place anywhere along his own table edge.
These are the new units which have just landed. If the
High Elf player chose to keep any characters in reserve,
these may be freely deployed with any of the arriving
Units may not move during the turn in which they land,
but can shoot. In addition, each ship (ie. each landed
unit) may fire once in the Shooting phase immediately
after landing. The ship is assumed to be in the exact same
position as the unit it was transporting, so all lines of sight
should be measured from the unit as though the unit itself
were a boat. Each boat has two Elven bolt thrower units,
with the same profile as listed in the High Elf army
selector. The only exception is that these more powerful,
boat-mounted bolt throwers have an unlimited range, but
may fire only once during the game. After these shots have
been taking, the ships have no further effect on their
game, so there is no need to keep track of their position.
Newly landed units may move freely in the Command
phase of the turn after they were deployed. Each newly
landed unit may automatically make one move, without
the need for an order, as their very first move of the game.
It is assumed they leap off the boats, well aware of what
must be done, and hence are ready to move without the
need for further guidance. You can, of course, issue
further orders to the unit in the normal fashion. In
subsequent turns, units function as normal (ie. they only
benefit from a free move during the turn in which they
first move).

Chaos Deployment

Caught Unawares
Chaos units may not use their Initiative. In addition, all
orders by the Chaos army suffer a -1 modifier due to their
state of unreadiness. Both of these effects last until the
Chaos army first wins a combat, after which they cease to

Raised Ground

Bonus Victory Points

Attackers (High Elves)
Win! The attacking player wins if he manages to break
the defending army.
Otherwise, the game continues until the attacking army
breaks or until the chosen number of turns have been
played. Breaking the High Elf army will not win the game
for the defenders (since the High Elves are intent only on
a swift, disruptive raid and are quite happy to break and
flee back to their boats once their job is done). Therefore,
at the end of the game, victory is determined by Victory
Points unless the High Elves break the Chaos army.
The High Elf break point is determined by halving the
number of units which have already landed on the table
(ie. dont use the full break point until the entire army has

landed). Obviously, this means the High Elf break point
will increase throughout the game as more ships arrive.

Other Forces
This battle could be fought with a variety of different
armies. For the attackers, any army with the ability to
attack from the sea (Dark Elves, Marauders, Arabyan
Corsairs, Sartosan Pirates and so on) would make ideal
attackers. The defenders can really be any army
unfortunate enough to have its coast preyed upon by
seaborne raiders!

The High Elves face stiff opposition as they attempt to land



The journey over the mountains will not be

straightforward. Since the founding of the Empire, the
armies of the Dwarfs have defended the mountain passes
as part of the alliance forged during the time of Sigmar.
The Dwarfs will not stand idly by and watch Croms
army descend on the Empire. Messengers have been
dispatched west to Nuln and Aldorf and every day they
can hold the Chaos forces at bay gives the Empire more
time to marshal a defence.
Croms army was to cross the mountains at several
different points, by a number of different routes, as the
army was too great to manoeuvre easily across one pass
and would be left vulnerable to attack. Obviously, the
number of different routes used meant that in most cases
Crom himself was not present, and instead entrusted
leadership to one of his lesser generals.
This battle is representative of the many battles fought by
the Chaos army of Crom the Conqueror as it fought its
way westward in an attempt to assault the Old World on
two fronts. Croms army has been continually harrowed
by warring Orc tribes and his forces weakened during the
long march, and to reach the farmlands and plains of the
Empire Crom must first cross the dangerous mountain
passes of the Worlds Edge Mountains.
The size of Croms army meant that not every individual
force could be intercepted and so some made it through
with little or no resistance, but many were brought to
battle in the passes and valleys of the mountains, finding
themselves faced by implacable Dwarf defenders, such as
in the following battle.
The battle was fought between the forces of Chaos and an
outnumbered Dwarf army. You could easily fight this
battle, however, between any two armies. The important
features are that the defenders are outnumbered and
must hold off the attackers for as long as possible.
The game is fought along the full length of the table with
the opposing armies deploying at either end (ie. along the
short table edges). The attacking (Chaos) army deploys
first at the broad end of the pass and the defending
(Dwarf) army deploys afterwards at the narrow end where
it will attempt to hold off the attackers.
The game takes place in a steep-sided pass, the impassable
sides of which are represented by the long table edges. No

troops may leave the table by these edges. Units may leave
the table by either narrow edge. Attacking (Chaos) units
which leave by the defenders (Dwarfs) edge before the
end of the game are assumed to have made it over the
pass and will be free to regroup with Croms main Chaos
force and his assault on the Empire.
As this it is fought along the length of the table, the battle
lasts for eight turns. The Dwarf force is prepared to sell its
lives to honour their races ancient alliance with the
Empire, and, as such, the Dwarf army will not withdraw
and will fight on to the bitter end if necessary, regardless
of how many units are lost throughout the game.

The Armies
Croms march around the edge of the Worlds Edge
Mountains has remained all but hidden from the forces of
good. As with previous Chaos incursions they are
expecting the war to be waged in the north and have few
defences against an attack from the east. Because of this,
some limitations apply to the forces which each player will
use in the battle.
Use the table below to figure out the size of each force.
This represents the limited resources of the Dwarf player
spread across the Worlds Edge Mountains.
In addition to this, the following restrictions also apply:
The portents of doom have pointed to the gathering of
Chaos and a great war in the north. In response to these
omens the Slayers of the Old World have gone north to
Kislev to seek their doom in what will surely be the
greatest battle of this age. This means the Dwarf player
may not include any Slayers in their force. Otherwise, all
the usual restrictions for the number and type of units
allowed apply.
Croms army is composed mostly of Marauders who have
flocked to his banner on his march southeast. To
represent the sheer number of these troops within his
army the Chaos player may not have more units of Chaos
Warriors or Chaos Knights in his army than he has units of
Marauders or Marauder Horsemen. Apart from this, all the
usual restrictions for the number and type of units
allowed apply.

Table showing size of forces to use

Chaos Army (points)
Dwarf Army (points)


1,000pts 1,500pts 2,000pts 2,500pts 3,000pts

800pts 1,200pts 1,600pts 2,000pts 2,400pts

Bonus Victory Points

Attackers (Chaos)
+100 VP
For each unit of two or more stands that
makes it off the defenders table edge to
join up with Croms force. Units of one
stand or flying units do not count.

Chaos Deployment

Defenders (Dwarfs)
+250 VP
No attacking units of two or more stands
make it over the pass by the end of turn 6.
Bonuses are given based on 1,000 points a side, and
should be increased proportionately if fighting bigger
Other Victory Points are awarded normally for units
reduced to a single stand or destroyed, as described on
page 63 of the Warmaster rulebook. The army with the
highest Victory Points total at the end of the game is the
winner. It is even possible for the entire Dwarf army to be
slain but claim victory due to a greater Victory Points total.
In this case, it is assumed that the Dwarf armys triumph
comes from having nobly sacrificed their lives to greatly
delay Croms advance.

Using Other Forces

This battle can easily be played between different armies,
but because of the nature of this scenario it suits the
Dwarfs natural defensiveness, and some more mobile
armies may struggle in the role of defender. You could
easily adapt this scenario so it involves the Dwarfs
defending against Orcs, Skaven or any other Warmaster
army in place of Chaos. Some examples are described
Orc Armies vs. Dwarf Armies
In this game the Dwarfs are trying to hold back an Orc
Waaagh! that has been gathering in the Worlds Edge
Mountains, and seeks to spew forth into the lands of the

Dwarf Deployment


Empire. At the fore of the Orc Waaagh! is Grimgor

Ironhide, who eventually ceased his attacks against Crom
and united the Orc tribes to wage war against the Empire.
This fits nicely within the background of the Storm of
Chaos campaign and gives a suitable alternative to using
Chaos as the attacking force.
Skaven Armies vs. Dwarf Armies
In this scenario the Skaven are using the portent of war in
the north to expand their own realm and attack the
Dwarfs, whose numbers are diminished because they have
sent aid to the Empire and Kislev. Rather than defending a
pass over the mountains a small Dwarf force stands guard
at an entrance to the Dwarfs ancient tunnel network, or
perhaps at the gates of one of the many ancient Dwarf
Holds in the area.
Undead Armies vs. Empire Armies
In this version the Undead are marching north, ravaging
the Border Princes and attempting to cross over Black Fire
Pass and assail the Empire. A small army, made up mostly
of mercenaries and city troops from the Border Princes
and the southern Empire, stands in their path. This motley
army of Men are ready to sell their lives in an attempt to
halt the Undead advance.

The Dwarfs stand their ground against the Chaos hordes.



As Archaons unstoppable army marched south towards

the Empire, towns and villages throughout Kislev were
sacked, ruined, and burnt to the ground. During this
time the people of Kislev fought a hopeless and forlorn
battle to save their homes, whilst in Aldorf greater plans
were drawn up, ready to begin the defence which would
decide the fate of the Old World.

This scenario represents one of the numerous attacks

made against the Kislevites as the first wave of Chaos
invaders swept southwards at the outset of Archaons
long-heralded invasion of the Old World. It is typical of the
dozens of battles raging across the north of the Old World
during the time of Archaons invasion (such as the Battle
of Krakjunov, below).
These battles were typically fought between Chaos armies
(be they mortal Hordes of Chaos, or the nightmarish
Daemonic Legions) and Kislevites but can just as easily be
played between any two forces. The important feature is
the multiple objectives, one of which the attacker will
have to complete if they are to stand a good chance of
winning the game.

The Battle of Krakjunov

This game takes place in and around the village of
Krakjunov. Although not a large village, a garrison of
Kislevites has been stationed there to guard the arterial
road south, and waylay the oncoming Chaos forces as best
they can. The Kislevites are a grim and determined
people, ready to play their part in the oncoming war. The
lands of Kislev have always been at the fore of any Chaos
incursion, and their histories tell of countless brave deeds
and heroic battles where the tide of Chaos was thrown
back from their homelands.
The attackers (either Chaos or Daemonic Legions) deploy
first on the far side of the battlefield opposite the village

of Krakjunov. The defenders (Kislevites) deploy afterwards

in and around the village. The defenders have the
advantage of deploying second because they are well
prepared, their scouts reporting the movements of the
advancing army over the preceding days and weeks.
The game lasts for a random number of turns. Roll a dice
to determine how long the game lasts in the usual manner.
The attackers are on the attack, and so take the first turn.

The Objectives
Since this scenario represents a variety of similar attacks
occurring all across Kislev and the Old Worlds northern
border, the goals of individual Chaos armies also varied
somewhat. The actually Battle of Krakjunov featured a
Chaos army intent on destroying the village, but other
similar attacks appeared to be an attempt by the Chaos
armies to break quickly through the enemy lines, or even
just slaughter as many of the Kislevites as they could.
Before commencing play (but AFTER picking the forces)
the attacking player must roll a D6 and consult the table
below to see what their objective for the battle will be.
Completing this objective will help the attacker win the
game, whilst ignoring it will almost certainly hand victory
to the defender.
D6 Roll

For each objective there is a set of bonus Victory Points

awarded to the attacker and defender. Bonuses are given
based on 1,000 points a side, and should be increased
proportionately if fighting bigger battles.
Both armies use the same objective (ie. just roll once for
both armies). Armies only receive bonus Victory Points for

The Kislev forces defend their village.


Break the Enemy
Raise the Village
Slaughter the Enemy

the objective rolled, and should ignore special conditions

or bonus Victory Points described for other objectives.


Break The Enemy

The Kislevites stalwart defence is slowing the advance of
Archaons armies, so, to complete this objective, the
attacker must achieve a quick victory and break the
opposing army to clear the way for a speedy march to the
Empire. The attacking player must break and scatter the
opposing army as quickly as possible.



Bonus Attacker Victory Points


Defender withdraws before the end of the


Archaons invasion has overrun Kislev and pushed

forward into the Empire. Two other examples are given

Bonus Defender Victory Points

+250 VP

If the defender hasnt withdrawn by the

end of the game.

Raise The Village

For this battle the attackers aim to set fire to the
defenders buildings and burn them to the ground. For
this purpose the attacking troops are assumed to carry
flaming torches as well as their regular weapons. Any
troop stand that is touching a building, and not part of a
unit engaged in combat that turn, can start a fire on a dice
roll of a 6. Once a building is burning it is uninhabitable
and deemed to be destroyed at the end of the game.

Bonus Attacker Victory Points

+100 VP

Each building destroyed by the end of the


Bonus Defender Victory Points

+500 VP

No buildings in the village of Krakjunov

are destroyed.

Slaughter The Enemy

In this version the attacking force is hell-bent on
slaughtering the enemy. As the forces of Chaos move
south they will kill all those that stand in their way,
offering the souls of the slain to their chosen God to gain
favour, rewards and riches. In this scenario, neither army
will withdraw. The forces of Chaos are too blood-crazed to
care for their own lives, whilst the Kislev army is grimly
determined in the face of such wanton violence.
Normal Victory Points apply for destroyed units, or units
destroyed to a single stand. The side with the highest total
of Victory Points wins the game. In the case of a draw, the
defender is victorious.

Using Other Forces

This battle can easily be played between any of the
different Warmaster armies. The easiest adaptation is to
fight the scenario between the forces of Chaos and the
Empire, rather than Kislev. In this case we assume that

Skaven Armies vs. Bretonnian Armies

In this game the Skaven have erupted from their tunnels
to strike at the heart of Bretonnia. As the Old World
shudders under the Storm of Chaos breaking over the
north, and the Bretonnians prepare to march to the aid of
the Empire, the Skaven attack. They are intent on
expanding their empire and claiming what spoils they can
amidst the turmoil sweeping the lands of Men.
High Elf Armies vs. Dark Elf Armies
In this version the Dark Elves have launched a raid on the
lands of Ulthuan, timed to coincide with Archaons attack
on the Old World. They are intent on ravaging the lands of
their High Elf kin and despoiling the towns and cities they
once called home. The Dark Elf army has breached the
High Elf sea patrols and has landed on the northern point
of Ulthuan, pushing inland burning homes and making
slaves of all those they capture.

Multi-player Games
This game can also be easily adapted to involve more than
one player on each side. In larger games the attacking
army could be split into two forces: one made up of Chaos
and the other of Daemonic Legions. It is quite suitable for
both these armies to attack together during the Storm of
Chaos campaign as Archaons force is sufficiently large to
include both. In this instance there would be two generals
on the attacking side. One would choose a conventional
Chaos army and the other a Daemonic Legion army. The
combined totals of these two forces should match that of
the defending army.
Similarly the defending army could be made up of two
forces. Perhaps the Empire have sent a relief force north
to help contain the marauding hordes of Archaons force
and will fight alongside the Kislevites, or maybe a Dwarf
army of Slayers has journeyed north to seek their doom.
Whatever the combination, it is easy enough to involve
more than two players in the game, and you may even
want to have two or more generals on each side.



Daemons inhabit the shadowy Realm of Chaos where they
draw succour from its endless sea of life giving magical
energy. They can only exist in the real world if magically
sustained, and even then they are vulnerable. Close to the
Chaos Gate in the far north the power of Chaos is at its
strongest, and daemons are able to take on material form
and walk the earth. Only when Chaos is at its most potent
are daemons able to accompany Chaos armies as they
march southwards to war.
There are many types of daemon, from lesser and greater
daemons through to daemonic beasts and mighty
daemonic overlords. All of them are blasphemous
offences to the order of the world, consisting of pure
magic energy drawn from lies, fear, desperation and rage.
They are the only true, pure creatures of Chaos, born

from the raw power of it and shaped by the whims of mad

Sorcerers who know not truly what they do. Capable of
withstanding all kinds of damage and shrugging off the
most horrifying wounds they are truly monstrous to
behold and only the bravest of warriors can stand before
them with a steady blade and courage enough to use it.
Archaons invasion of the Old World was accompanied by
a sweeping tide of magical energy, a blustering storm
amidst the so-called winds of magic. This allowed vast
numbers of daemons to march southwards with impunity,
walking the mortal realms as though they themselves were
real, living beings. As the Storm of Chaos consumed the
Old World, these children of Chaos banded together to
form the horrific Daemonic Legions.

Daemons, by their very nature, vary greatly in appearance, and many different names may be used for even a single
Daemon. As such, the units in the army selector have broad titles which cover a variety of different, specific units. An
outline of what each unit represents is included below.
Greater Daemons are the largest and most feared servants of the Chaos gods, amongst them the Bloodthirster, Changer
of Ways, Great Unclean One and Keeper of Secrets.
Daemonic Hordes represent all manner of lesser Daemons, such as Bloodletters of Khorne, Plaguebearers of Nurgle,
Daemonettes of Slaanesh, Horrors of Tzeentch.
Daemonic Swarms are masses of small, ravenous Daemons, such as Nurglings, evil sprites or even clouds of bloated
Daemonic flies which harass their enemies in great numbers.
Daemonic Cavalry represent lesser Daemons riding exotic mounts of their patron god, such as Daemonettes on
Mounts of Slaanesh.
Daemonic Chariots are horrifying constructs, crewed by Daemons and pulled by powerful Daemonic Beasts. They
include Bloodletters pulled by Juggernauts of Khorne, Plaguebearers pulled by Beasts of Nurgle, Daemonettes pulled
by Steeds of Slaanesh, Flamers pulled by Screamers of Tzeentch, and so on.
Daemonic Hounds are packs of insubstantial Daemonic hunting animals. Most infamous amongst these are the Flesh
Hounds of Khorne, but this category could also include packs of spectral black dogs and other savage beasts.
Daemonic Beasts are sturdier than Daemonic Cavalry, and represent Daemons riding larger, almost monstrous mounts,
such as Bloodletters mounted on Juggernauts of Khorne or Plaguebearers mounted on Beasts of Nurgle.
Daemonic Flyers include all the packs of winged, levitating or magically-flighted monstrosities which blacken the skies
around Daemonic legions, such as Screamers of Tzeentch, Chaos Furies and other unspeakable things.















Daemonic Power



Daemonic Lord

Monstrous Mt


Daemonic Hordes
Daemonic Swarms
Daemonic Cavalry
Daemonic Hounds
Daemonic Chariots
Daemonic Beasts
Daemonic Flyers
Greater Daemon
Daemonic Overlord









Common Daemonic Special Rules

Unless otherwise stated the following rules apply to all units in a
Daemonic Legion army:
1. All units in a Daemonic Legion army ignore the -1 Combat
penalty for fighting terrifying troops you cant frighten them at all.

2. Daemons are insubstantial beings that may be banished back to

the Realm of Chaos at any moment. Any unit reduced to one stand
by either the end of the Shooting phase or Combat phase is removed
from play, as their hold on reality is lost. Units removed in this way
count as destroyed for the purpose of calculating Victory Points.

Special Rules
1. Daemonic Swarms cant be driven back by shooting and do
not roll for drive backs. A Daemonic Swarm can never be
equipped with magical items.
2. Daemonic Flyers can fly, and follow the rules for flying units
given in the Warmaster rulebook. Daemon Flyers are an
exception to the normal conventions for basing monsters, in that
they are based along the long edge in the same way as infantry,
rather than the short edge like other monsters.
3. Greater Daemons can fly, and follow the rules for flying units
given in the Warmaster rulebook. Some Greater Daemons have
huge wings, whilst others can teleport or move themselves over
great distances through sheer force of will.
Greater Daemons are terrible creatures to behold, and all but the
bravest warrior would be paralysed to the spot if ever they saw
one. A Greater Daemon causes terror in its enemies, as described
in the Warmaster rulebook.
A Greater Daemon cannot be banished like other Daemons but if
it has accumulated 3-5 hits by the end of the Shooting phase or
Combat phase it is deemed to have been badly hurt. Once a
Greater Daemon is badly hurt all cumulated hits are discounted
and its maximum Hits value and Attacks are halved for the rest of
the battle (to 3 Hits and 4 Attacks).

4. A Daemonic Overlord is the armys general. When choosing

your army you must select a general from the list, paying the
points cost as indicated. You can choose to select either a
standard general or a general who is also a wizard. If you choose
a general that is a wizard he has the same abilities as a general and
a wizard, but does not reduce his Command range. He can cast
spells as a wizard and may carry a magical item allowable to either
a general or wizard.
A Daemonic Overlord can fly as described in the Warmaster
Rulebook for characters that can fly. Some Daemon Overlords
have huge wings, whilst others can teleport or move themselves
over great distances through sheer force of will.
5. A Daemonic Lord may be either a hero or a wizard. You may
have any combination of heroes or wizards in your army, but the
total number may not exceed the maximum number of Daemonic
Lords allowed for the size of game you are playing. A Daemonic
Lord can fly in the same manner as a Daemonic Overlord.
6. Daemonic Power. A Daemonic Overlord or Daemonic Lord
can be granted the gift of Daemonic Power for the additional
points indicated. This gives the Daemon +1 Attacks and it counts
as causing terror, as described in the Warmaster rulebook.
Daemonic Power is treated as a Monstrous Mount for Daemonic
Characters because characters of this strength and stature need to
be treated as such for the purpose of movement, terrain, etc.


Daemonic Spells
Summon Daemon
4+ to cast.................................................Range: 60cm
This spell may be cast on any Daemonic unit that has
lost one stand (ie. has two stands remaining). The
wizard must be able to see his target to use this spell. If
successful, the unit is immediately returned to full
strength (3 stands).
You must be able to place the summoned stand in
formation with the existing stands in the unit. If cast on
a Daemonic unit in combat, then summoned stands
may be placed so they are touching enemy models, and
will count as charging.

Daemonic Rage
5+ to cast.................................................Range: 30cm
This spell affects each friendly unit within range
regardless of whether the wizard can see his target or
not. The spell takes effect for the duration of the
following Combat phase and adds +1 Attack to every
friendly stand within 30cm of the wizard, including
character stands. A unit or character can only have one
Daemonic Rage cast successfully upon it at any time.

Sorcerous Blast
5+ to cast.................................................Range: 30cm
The wizard must be able to see his target to use this
spell and it cannot be directed against a unit engaged
in combat. Sorcerous Blast is treated like three
ordinary shooting attacks, except that armour has no
effect (all targets count as having no armour). A unit
can be driven back by Sorcerous Blast as with ordinary

Daemonic Frenzy
6+ to cast.................................................Range: 30cm
This spell can be cast on any Daemon unit that is in
combat and within 30cm of the wizard. The effects last
for the duration of the following Combat phase and
allow the unit to re-roll any failed To Hit rolls in


Matt Keefe is in charge of Warmaster as well as

looking after Epic and BFG.
Tom Merrigan looks after the Fanatic studio and is
an avid writer and all-round Aussie.


The Storm of Chaos Campaign will continue

throughout summer. The Storm of Chaos
Warhammer Armies book is available from all GW
hobby centres as well as GW Direct. Keep up with the
campaign on the Storm of Chaos website.









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