My Sample LP
My Sample LP
My Sample LP
Revised 09/09/14 JC
Jheri Crisostomo
Grade levels!:
With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story
#$ "%SC&#P'#() (F C()'%)' * C()'%)' '+P% Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle!:
The characters in Corduroy Fact
##$ L%-&)#)G (.'C(M% (bjective!:
Given _________________________, students will _____________________(level of cognition)
___________________________ (content) by ________________________________(!oving be"#vio!
o! #ctivity)
Given a blank sheet of paper and crayons, students will remember the characters in Corduroy by drawing
and labeling them on the paper with at least 2 out of 2 characters correct
"(/0Co1nitive &i1or Level: ! " #ecall and reproduction
Lan1ua1e "emands ($"#t de%#nds in te!%s of l#ngu#ge does t"is lesson !e&ui!e of students,
#!ticul#!ly 'nglis" (e#!ne!s)):
$ee the attached chart
###$ C.&&#C.L.M C())%C'#() 2o3 lesson 4its into lar1er unit se5uence!: $"#t lesson co%es
befo!e t"is lesson) $"#t lesson co%es #fte! t"is lesson)
%esson before& settings in a story
%esson after& compare and contrast the characters in Corduroy
#6$ #)S'&.C'#()
-$ %)G-G%M%)' Motivational -ctivity!: *ctiv#ting student !io! +nowledge
'ow many of you have a stuffed bear or animal at home( *s+ &uestions #bout student stuffed #ni%#l,
When did you get it( Who gave it to you(
Student 4riendly objective: -y t"e end of ou! lesson you s"ould _________________(level of cognition)
_____________________ (content) by ______________________________!oving be"#vio! o! #ctivity)
)y the end of our lesson, you should be able to tell and describe who the characters in Corduroy are by
drawing them for me on this piece of paper
Purpose: $"y #!e students le#!ning t"is) $"y is it i%o!t#nt)
*ou are learning about characters because when you start to write your own stories it will be important
for you to create characters
B$ #)S'&.C'#()-L S%7.%)C% 'eac8in1 Met8odolo1y 9it8 Student -ctivities!:
Step :;: Re#d sto!y #loud
a$ ' input: .e#c"e! will !e#d t"e sto!y Co!du!oy to t"e cl#ss,
a$ ' model: .e#c"e! will t"in+ out loud #nd %#+e connections du!ing t"e !e#ding,
b$ Student response: /tudents c#n #s+ &uestions o! %#+e connections wit" Co!du!oy,
Step :<: /u%%#!i0e t"e sto!y
a$ ' input: .e#c"e! will %#+e # fold#ble (1 sections 2 fi!st bo3 is t"e fo! t"e title)
a$ ' model: .e#c"e! will wo!+ wit" students to fill out t"e fold#ble,
b$ Student response: /tudents will give ve!b#l !esonses #s to w"#t "#ened in t"e sto!y in #
se&uenti#l %#nne!,
Step :=: 4efine t"e te!% 5c"#!#cte!6
a$ ' input: 7C"#!#cte!s #!e eole o! #ni%#ls in # sto!y,8
a$ ' model: Gives e3#%les of c"#!#cte!s f!o% f#%ili#! sto!ies suc" #s ."!ee (ittle 9igs #nd w!ite
t"e% on t"e bo#!d in # ci!cle %#,
b$ Student response: /tudents will #!tne! s"#!e t"e c"#!#cte!s in Goldiloc+s #nd t"e ."!ee -e#!s,
Step :4: :dentify t"e ; c"#!#cte!s in Co!du!oy
a$ ' input: .e#c"e! #s+ students w"o t"e c"#!#cte!s in Co!du!oy #!e,
a$ ' model: .e#c"e! will %#+e ; ci!cle %#s, one wit" e#c" c"#!#cte! #s t"e cente! ci!cle,
b$ Student response: /tudents will #!tne! s"#!e t"en te#c"e! will c#ll on students fo! t"ei! !esonse,
Step :>: -!#insto!% #d<ectives to desc!ibe t"e c"#!#cte!s
a$ ' input: :n t"e ci!cle %#s %#de in ste 4, te#c"e! will #dd 4 s%#lle! ci!cles co%ing f!o% t"e %#in
a$ ' model: .e#c"e! will !ovide one e3#%le of #n #d<ective to fill in one of t"e ci!cles,
b$ Student response: /tudents will give ve!b#l !esonses to co%lete t"e !est of t"e ci!cle %#,
C$ -PPL#C-'#() -C'#6#'+ Practice and0or &e4lection!: Guided !#ctice (students wo!+ing wit"
te#c"e! suo!t on !oving be"#vio! o! #ctivity)
$tudents will draw and label the 2 characters in Corduroy
"$ M-'%&#-LS * &%S(.&C%S: $"#t do you need fo! t"e lesson) =#+e # list,
Corduroy story, blank paper, crayons
6$ -SS%SSM%)' S'&-'%G#%S Met8ods For (btainin1 %vidence (4 Learnin1!:
Formative (4u!ing (esson): C"ec+ fo! >nde!st#nding, .e#c"e! obse!v#tion
Teacher will observe students+ responses during pair share in step , and -
Summative (#t t"e end of t"e lesson): Closu!e, e3it sli, tic+et out t"e doo!, &ui0, test
Teacher will collect the final sheet showing a drawing of the 2 characters in Corduroy
6#$ -CC(MM("-'#()S and0or M("#F#C-'#()S F(& #)"#6#".-L L%-&)%&S Content,
#nstruction, Practice!: ?ow c#n we !ovide e&u#l #ccess fo! #ll students) (*cco%%od#tion)
?ow will you "el st!uggling le#!ne!s o! diffe!enti#te (c"#llenge) "ig" #c"ieve!s) (=odific#tion)
/uantity " students will have to complete , adjective circles
.lternate goal " allow student to provide me with verbal responses
6##$ 2(M%9(&/ i4 appropriate!: