Tws Report and Reflection

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TWS Report and Reflection

Content Focus of TWS (5 pts) List with coding and wording List the standard(s) focused on in your TWS: CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.3 Write numbers from 0 to 0. !e"resent a number of ob#ects $ith a $ritten numera% 0& 0 ($ith 0 re"resentin' a count of no ob#ects). CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.(.) Count to ans$er *ho$ many+, -uestions about as many as 0 thin's arran'ed in a %ine. a rectan'u%ar array. or a circ%e. or as many as /0 thin's in a scattered confi'uration0 'i1en a number from /2 0. count out that many ob#ects. Using Pre-Assessment Data ( ! pts) 1-2 succinct paragraphs (ased on the "re&assessment data. describe the decisions you made in "%annin' your instructiona% unit3%essons. The "re&assessment sho$ed us that the students seemed to ha1e troub%e $ith 4no$in' their teen numbers and 4no$ ho$ to $rite them. We focused our %essons on teen numbers and es"ecia%%y focused on sho$in' $hat a teen number %oo4s %i4e by usin' mani"u%ati1es. Many of the students did not 4no$ $hat a teen number %oo4ed %i4e in base ten b%oc4s. (y teachin' them ho$ to sho$ a teen number in base ten b%oc4s. it he%"ed them to understand the o1era%% conce"t. A%so. by be'innin' our %essons as a 'rou" and a%%o$in' students to come u" to the SMA!T board and sho$ their ans$ers. students $ho $ere ha1in' some troub%e cou%d see ho$ their "eers $ere so%1in' a "rob%em. Using Formati"e Data ( ! pts) 1-2 succinct paragraphs (ased on the formati1e assessment "robe you administered. describe ho$ you identified /& sma%% f%e5ib%e 'rou"s in need of inter1ention and describe the inter1ention(s) you "%anned based on the data. Throu'hout the time $e s"ent administerin' our formati1e assessments and 1arious %essons and centers. $e noticed a fe$ students $ho sti%% seemed to be stru''%in' $ith their teen numbers. 6t $as a%most a%% of the same students $ho had troub%e $ith them durin' our "re&assessment. With Mrs. 7ac4%ers ad1ice. $e decided to use teen number f%ash cards for our inter1ention students. We "u%%ed each student aside indi1idua%%y and ran the teen&number f%ashcards $ith them. 6f they 'ot a number $ron'. $e $rote it do$n so that $e 4ne$ $here to focus our ne5t %esson and the areas that they $ere ha1in' troub%e. We did one inter1ention one $ee4 and a second inter1ention the ne5t $ee4. (y ha1in' inter1entions. it 'a1e us a better idea as to $here the students needed some instruction. !unnin' the inter1ention t$ice

$as a%so he%"fu% because many of the students $ere bein' *si%%y, the first time throu'h $hich made it difficu%t to te%% $hich numbers they actua%%y didn8t 4no$ (a cou"%e of our 4ids did not $ant to a""%y themse%1es $ith this. but $e cou%d te%% they $ere ma4in' "ro'ress by their formati1e assessments). #nter"ention students are mar$ed %it& a ' ne(t to t&e num)er on t&e spreads&eet* Reflecting on PostAssessment Data (+! pts) 1-2 succinct paragraphs (ased on the "ost&assessment data. summari9e and ana%y9e your students: "ro'ress. inc%udin' $hat your ne5t instructiona% ste"s $ou%d be. 6 $as sur"rised to see that our *inter1ention, students $ere a%most e1en on $ho did better on the "ost assessment and $ho did $orse. As 6 stated ear%ier. a fe$ of our students $ere #ust actin' si%%y $hen $e administered the "ost test $hich cou%d ha1e s4e$ed the resu%ts some. ;o$e1er. 6 did notice that many of our students seemed to im"ro1e after the formati1e instruction and es"ecia%%y after the inter1entions. <n%y one of the non&inter1ention students decreased and on%y by =>. The rest of the non&inter1ention students $ere at >/00 on teen numbers. A%most a%% of the students understand their numbers. T$o of the numbers that students ha1e the most troub%e $ith is / . // and 0. The ne5t ste" 6 $ou%d ta4e once 6 $as sure that the students understood their numbers $ou%d be re& 'rou"in' of numbers. 6 $ou%d focus on this so that the students $ou%d understand that ten %itt%e cubes e-ua% the same as one stic4 of ten. 6 thin4 this is an essentia% too% in teachin' students "%ace 1a%ue and a%%o$in' them to %earn in a concrete $ay. 6 $ou%d base my %esson "%ans around a%%o$in' students to *trade, and3or re&'rou" their base ten b%oc4s to sho$ that they are e-ua% but re"resented in t$o se"arate $ays. .ased on t&e collected data/ reflect on t&e follo%ing 0uestions1 /. What ha1e you %earned about your students: "ro'ress+ The students ha1e made definite "ro'ress from the be'innin' of our time in the schoo%s to the end. When $e first entered the schoo%. they $ere #ust be'innin' to %earn teen numbers and "%ace 1a%ues and no$ a%most a%% of the students com"%ete%y understand both conce"ts. . What ha1e you %earned about the teachin' of mathematics+ 6 ha1e %earned that. es"ecia%%y in Kinder'arten. re"etition is the 4ey to %earnin' many conce"ts in math. When $e first be'an discussion "%ace 1a%ue or teen numbers. some of the students seemed e5treme%y confused. ;o$e1er. $ith constant re"etition and 'i1en the ri'ht mani"u%ati1es they be'an to understand it as $e%%.

Reflection on Student ,earning and Teac&er Practice (-! pts) 1 succinct paragraph for each question

3. What ha1e you %earned about matchin' curricu%um. methods. and assessment+ ?ou must match a%% of your instructiona% strate'ies in order to see $here your students are ma4in' "ro'ress. As stated abo1e. re"etition "%ays a ma#or "art in %earnin' and if curricu%um. methods and assessments are a%% a%i'ned it $i%% a%%o$ the student to be as successfu% as "ossib%e. 6f they do not match. it cou%d be confusin' to the students and ma4e sim"%e conce"ts seem difficu%t. @. What ha1e you %earned about the effect of your teachin' on students+ 6 ha1e %earned that 6 must he%" each student in a different $ay. They $ay that 6 e5"%ain it to some of the students $i%% be different from the others. 6 thin4 the fact that 6 am 1ery f%e5ib%e in my teachin' strate'ies a%%o$s the students to %earn in the $ay that ma4es sense to them. 6f they do not understand mani"u%ati1es then 6 $i%% try tens frames. the SMA!T board. dice. or anythin' e%se that may he%" them %earn. 6 understand that students %earn different%y and 6 am $i%%in' to $or4 $ith $hate1er $ay ma4es sense to them. !ABC6!AD: Ere3Eost Assessment 7ormati1e Assessment Erobe Data S"readsheet <ET6<FAL: Sam"%es of Student Wor4 (W6T;<CT student names) Sam"%es of Lesson E%ans and3or Sma%% Grou" 6nter1ention Lesson E%ans

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