Intermediate 5 Syllabus

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Intermediate 5 (I5) Community English Program, Teachers College, Columbia University Fall 2 !

" #ondays, $ednesdays and Thursdays in #% "&'(, ') Teachers: Jorge Beltran Lauren Drew *m + ,) *m

E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] /ours: if you a!e a "ue#tion or want e$tra el%& you can come tal' to u# during office our#. (onday# and ) ur#day# 6:**%m + ,:**%m in t e (- ./, 0 123 1t e %lace and time may c ange + e-mail for an a%%ointment fir#t43 Class 0ebsite: -ou can c ec' t e cla## web#ite if you are ab#ent from cla## or if you need any ot er information about t e cla## CEP #ain 1in t e 5orace (ann Ba#ement& /6E3: (onday#& 6edne#day#& ) ur#day# 7am -7:.*%m )ue#day# and 8riday# 7am-/%m 1oo2) -n Target 2 (te3tboo2 and 0or2boo2) -ou (9:) buy t e boo' and wor'boo'. -ou can buy t em at t e ;olumbia 9ni!er#ity Boo'#tore 111<t and Broadway3. =t will co#t around >/*. ?lea#e al#o bring %a%er& a folder and a %en@%encil to cla## wit you e!ery day.

(bout the C4P) ) e ;ommunity Language ?rogram 1;L?3 i# a uni"ue and integral %art of t e )E:AL and 0%%lied Lingui#tic# ?rogram# at )eac er# ;ollege& ;olumbia 9ni!er#ity. =t %ro!ide# Engli# a# a #econd language and foreign language in#truction to adult learner# of di!er#e nationalitie# and bac'ground#. =n addition& t e ;L? #er!e# a# an on- #ite language education lab in w ic )E:AL and 0%%lied Lingui#tic# faculty and #tudent# enrolled in t e %rogram# teac t e cour#e# and u#e t e ;L? a# a #etting for em%irical in"uiry. 5ere at )eac er# ;ollege we belie!e t at ob#er!ation and cla##room re#earc are t e be#t way to learn about ow we teac and gain in#ig t# into ow teac ing mig t ta'e %lace. ) u#& we encourage ob#er!ation and cla##room re#earc and want %eo%le to u#e it a# a tool for learning. Angoing a##e##ment and %rogram e!aluation allow u# to ma'e t e ;L? a better %rogram. =ntermediate < 1 ;E? 8all 2*1.

Tentative 5chedule (this 0ill be u*dated a.ter revie0ing the in.ormation you give us)) 6ee' 1 1:e%tember 2.& 2<& 26B3 ) eme: =ntroduction#& %er#onalitie# Crammar: Cerund# and infiniti!e# B:e%tember 26t i# t e la#t day to get a refund if you decide not to ta'e t i# cla## 6ee' 2 1:e%tember .*& Actober 2& .3 ) eme: ?er#onalitie# 1continued3 Crammar: Cerund# and infiniti!e# 1continued3 6ee' . 1Actober ,& 7B& 1*3 ) eme: ?er#onalitie# 1continued3& wi# e# Crammar: :econd conditional 6-ctober ,th 0ill be the .irst Unit Test (Unit 5) 6ee' / 1Actober 1/& 16& 1,3 ) eme: 6i# e# 1continued3 Crammar: :econd conditional 1continued3 6ee' < 1Actober 21& 2.& 2/B3 ) eme: Ci!ing ad!ice Crammar: :econd conditional 1continued3 6-ctober 2&th 0ill be the second Unit Test (Unit 7) 6ee' 6 1Actober 2D& .*& .1B3 ) eme: 5umor Crammar: Ee%orted #%eec 6-ctober "!st is /allo0een8 $e 0ill have a .ield tri* + *ay attention .or details8 6ee' , 1Fo!ember /& 6& ,B3 ) eme: 5umor 1continued3 Crammar: Ee%orted #%eec 1continued3 69ovember 'th 0ill be the last Unit Test (Unit ') 6ee' D 1Fo!ember 11& 1.& 1/3 ) eme: ?roce##e# Crammar: ?a##i!e !oice 6ee' 7 1Fo!ember 1D& 2*& 213 ) eme: ?roce##e# 1continued3 Crammar: ?a##i!e !oice 1continued3 $ee2 ! (9ovember 25, 2', 2:) 9- C4(558 Than2sgiving 1rea2 6ee' 11 1December 2& /B& <3

Ee!iew and 8inal E$am 6The Final E3am 0ill be on ;ecember &th (ttendance Policy) =f you mi## < cla##e# or more& you cannot %a## t e cour#e. =f you are late for 1* cla##e# or more& you cannot %a## t e cour#e. 1GLateH I 1* minute# or more3 Final <rade) 9nit te#t#& 1<J eac 19nit < K 9nit 6 K 9nit ,3 I /<J 8inal te#t I .*J ?artici%ation I 1*J 5omewor' a##ignment# I 1<J 0 K 0 0B K B B; K ; ;D 6 7,-1** 7/-76 7*-7. D,-D7 D/-76 D*-7. ,,-,7 ,/-,6 ,*-,. 67 or below E$cellent


:ati#factory 1%a##3

?oor 1no %a##3 6it drawl 1wit t e %ermi##ion of bot t e teac er and t e 0##i#tant Director& t e #tudent wit drew from t e cour#e due to e$tenuating circum#tance#3

6%ou need good attendance and a minimum o. ' = to advance to the ne3t level

=ntermediate <

;E? 8all 2*1.

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