Week 15 Letter N
Week 15 Letter N
Week 15 Letter N
Happenings The kids were wonderful in their program today! Happenings Denny is our star student! We have extended the time to donate a to for the sharing tree !ro"ect. #lease have o$r sharing tree gifts here % Wednesda &
'ook it( )ast month * asked each child if the wanted a %l$e c$%e or #i++a ,$t certificate for a reward. *f o$ do not want o$r child to choose their reward !lease indicate on the last form for this month. -hank o$& Topics this week: letter .n and health food Monda ( /o o$ like fr$it0 )i%rar /a & -$esda ( ,ave o$ %een to a market0 Wednesda ( 1re o$ read to take o$r sharing tree gifts to Warren0 -his morning we will %e taking o$r gifts to the sharing tree !ro"ect in Warren. -he kids will learn a%o$t the !ro"ect and what ha!!ens to the donated to s. -h$rsda ( Can o$ tell what n$tritio$s means0 )i%rar /a 2rida ( /o o$ like vegeta%les0
2or the next three weeks in reading o$r theme will %e food. -his week we will foc$s on where food comes from. We will read 1!!le 2armer 1nnie3 #i++a4 #lease3 and a folk tale titled 5oat *n -he Chile #o$ch. We have %een and will contin$e to disc$ss action words. #lease see attached sheet for more details. HFW: to
-his week we will write lists. We will disc$ss that lists hel! $s organi+e o$r tho$ghts. Phonics We are learning ca!itali+ation r$les. * tell st$dents to ca!itali+e names of !eo!le and at the %eginning of a sentence. * tell them what letter to ca!itali+e. *f the a!!ro!riate letter is not ca!itali+ed * will %e marking it wrong %eca$se the werent listening. *t is alwa s hel!f$l if o$ !ractice at home as well. Words for dictation on 2rida are( 1. it 2. .at 3. in 6. na! 7. !an
8entence( * go in to the
-his week we will contin$e making gra!hs. We will !ractice taking s$rve s and organi+ing data to make gra!hs. Cha!ter 7 Math 9$i+ will %e on Wednesda or -h$rsda .