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GRADE 6 Unit Planners for the 2014/15 School Year


%eachers& Aaron De!ane an' (erri Ater
A)*)st Se+te,-er #cto-er
Unit 1: Lets Go Asia
(focus on culture)
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Personal and social perspectives reflect local
circumstances and values.
0act)al 1)estion& What are the seven characteristics
of culture?
$once+t)al 1)estion& How do you describe culture
using the seven characteristics of culture?
De-ata-le 1)estion& Is culture learned?
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Unit 2: Lets Go, Europe!
(focus on geography)
State,ent of In.)ir/&
Advances in scientific and technological innovation
provide numerous navigation tools that enable anyone
to virtually travel the world.
0act)al 1)estion& How do we know where we are and
where we are going?
$once+t)al 1)estion& What can the physical and
cultural features of a country teach us?
De-ata-le 1)estion& Is Europe as great as everyone
says it is?
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Unit 3: Lets Go Africa
(focus on environment)
State,ent of In.)ir/&
Absolute and elative locations have conse!uences for
human and economic development.
0act)al 1)estion& What environmental challenges do
the various countries in Africa face today?
$once+t)al 1)estion& How does the location of an
African country offer opportunities or provide
constraints for residents in Africa?
De-ata-le 1)estion& Is foreign intervention and
charity the best action to assist Africa today?
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Unit 4: Lets Go Africa
(focus on development)
State,ent of In.)ir/&
"overnments# communities and individuals can
develop strategies for living in ha$ardous environment
and responding to ha$ards and disaster.
0act)al 1)estion& What are some obstacle standing in
the way of development in Africa?
$once+t)al 1)estion& How does the location of an
African country offer opportunities or provide
constraints for residents in Africa?
De-ata-le 1)estion& Is foreign intervention and
charity the best action to assist Africa today?

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