Landforms Lesson Plan - 1

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LESSON PLAN OUTLINE JMU Elementary Education Program

T!e follo)ing information s!ould 'e included in t!e !eader of t!e lesson lan7 As!ley Ostendorf Mr. 9eis!man( #u' 3un Elementary Octo'er : :;<=( >7=;am Se tem'er :>( :;<=

A. Landforms for All A Geogra !y lesson t!at caters to all ty es of learners ". #ONTE$T O% LESSON In t!is geogra !y&'ased lesson on landforms( students )ill re*ie) t!e landforms studied in +indergarten and first grades as )ell as learn t!e ne) terms plains, valleys, and islands. T!e main focus of t!is unit is t!e landforms. T!roug! t!e de*elo ment of landform fla 'oo+s and !ands&on acti*ities( students )ill de*elo an a)areness of landforms )orld)ide and learn t!e +ey c!aracteristics of t!e landforms ne) to fift! grade. Animal and lant life in t!ese areas )ill 'e touc!ed on only 'riefly t!roug! t!e icture 'oo+s and smart'oard resentation as t!ey are not t!e focus of t!e unit. T!e lesson is de*elo mentally a ro riate for fift! graders 'ecause it re,uires more in,uiry and digging dee rat!er t!an -ust scra ing t!e surface at t!e +no)ledge le*el of 'loom.s ta/onomy. %ift! graders )ill 'e a'le to understand t!e im lications and affects of t!e landforms and recogni0e t!em in t!e )orld around t!em. All of t!e stations !a*e students e/ erimenting( designing( and illustrating. All of t!ese s+ills are !ig! on "looms le*el of ta/onomy( )!ic! ro*es t!is *ariety of acti*ities to 'e e/tremely o)erful. At t!e stations t!e students are going to !a*e to s!are materials 1teac!ing +indness and a ositi*e attitude2 and use team)or+ if someone at t!eir station is !a*ing trou'le. Students are going to !a*e to 'e res onsi'le for cleaning u t!eir stations and t!eir o)n roducts. T!ey )ill !a*e to +ee trac+ of t!eir 'elongings and art ro-ects t!emsel*es. To get students to engage rior +no)ledge of landforms a re&assessment )ord s las! )ill 'e t!e first art of t!e lesson. #. LEA3NING O"JE#TI4ES Understand 5 T!e student )ill understand t!at eart!.s surface is made u of ma-or landforms. 6no) 5 T!e student )ill +no) t!e definitions of ne) *oca'ulary )ords7 mountains( lanes( *alleys( islands( la+es( and ri*ers. T!e student )ill +no) t!e +ey features of eac! landform named a'o*e. T!e student )ill +no) )!at eac! landform loo+s li+e. 8o 5 T!e student )ill 'e a'le to recogni0e t!e c!aracteristics of s ecific landforms T!e student )ill 'e a'le to identify surface features using ictures T!e student )ill 'e a'le to create t!e ma-or features mountain and la+e. T!e student )ill 'e a'le to descri'e c!aracteristics of *alleys using descri ti*e )ords and imagery.

T!e student )ill 'e a'le to locate t!e ri*ers of 4irginia on a ma .

8. ASSESSING LEA3NING I !a*e 'ot! form and informal assessments in t!is lesson to trac+ t!eir learning rogress. To create an understanding of t!e fact t!at t!e eart! is made u of ma-or landforms( t!e students )ill !a*e created t!eir o)n fla 'oo+s )it! t!e title of ?landforms@ on t!e front age( as )ell as it.s definition. T!e s ecific landforms follo) on t!e ages t!roug!out t!e 'oo+. To assess e*ery studentAs +no)ledge of t!e +ey features and )!at eac! land form loo+s li+e( I )ill 'e a'le to c!ec+ t!eir landform fla 'oo+s t!at )e are creating during t!e smart'oard resentation to ma+e sure eac! student !as a landform as )ell as a definition on eac! age. Eac! student )ill !a*e )ritten t!e landform( t!e definitionB+ey features( and )ill !a*e dra)n a icture. In order to assess t!at t!ey !a*e an actual understanding of t!e landforms( t!ey )ill !a*e to recall t!is information at t!e end of t!e )ee+ on t!eir geogra !y test. In order to assess )eat!er t!e students +no) t!e +ey *oca'ulary cards( t!ey )ill !a*e to name t!ree landforms on t!eir e/it card t!at t!ey learned a'out at t!e end of t!e lesson. An assessment of )eat!er or not t!ey +no) t!e +ey c!aracteristics of t!e landforms )ill 'e done t!roug! o'ser*ing t!eir con*ersations at t!eir stations. I )ill 'e listening for sentences suc! as ?!ig!er t!an a !ill@( ? surrounded 'y )ater@( ?surrounded 'y land@( etc. At t!e stations( t!ere )ill 'e ictures of eac! landform or a direction to create a re resentation of t!e landform. T!is )ill ser*e as an assessment for t!eir a'ility to recogni0e landforms using ictures. Anot!er assessment for t!is )ill 'e t!e a'ility to dra) t!e correct icture to t!e corres onding landform in t!eir fla 'oo+. At t!eir res ecti*e stations( students are going to create a model of a mountain and dra) a icture of la+e. T!is assessment is meant for t!e o'-ecti*e7 T!e student )ill 'e a'le to create t!e ma-or features mountain and la+e. In t!e acrostic oem t!at t!e students )ill )rite( t!ey )ill 'e instructed to use )ords t!at descri'e *alleys to )rite t!eir o)n si/ )ord acrostic. At t!e ri*ers station( students )ill 'e as+ed to locate t!e ri*ers of 4irginia using t!eir a endi/ in t!eir social studies 'oo+. T!ey )ill locate t!e ri*ers using t!is ma and color t!em in on t!eir 'lan+ ma . E*ery student is going to rotate t!roug! eac! station( )!ic! all 1acce t for t!e island odcast station and t!e lanes 'oo+ station2 )ill ser*e as tangi'le assessments. T!ere )ill a )ords las! of t!e )ord ?landform@ as a re&assessment. E. 3ELATE8 4I3GINIA STAN8A38S O% LEA3NING 1and NATIONAL STAN8A38S if re,uired2 Geogra !y USI.: T!e student )ill use ma s( glo'es( !otogra !s( ictures( or ta'les to d2 recogni0e +ey geogra !ic features on ma s( diagrams( andBor !otogra !s. %. MATE3IALS NEE8E8 Cords las! c!art a er D; remade fla 'oo+s <:; ieces of a er %la 'oo+ model 1already com leted2

Smart'oard note'oo+ resentation7 !tt 7BBe/ ress.smarttec!.comBEurlF!tt G=AG:% G:%e/c!angedo)nloads.smarttec!.comG:% u'licG:%contentG:%eeG:%ee;He<;f&ffI<& DJ;H&'Ia'&dee>IJHcKHJHG:%Landforms.note'oo+L H ac+s of mar+ers 1one for eac! ta'le2 #olored Pencils 1some for eac! ta'le2 Instruction cards for eac! station < encil for eac! student Station <& 4A Tre++ers odcast on Islands !tt 7BB))).*irginiatre++ers.comBTangierIslandBPodcast.!tml La to I ad Station :&4alley Acrostic Poem DH ieces of a er Mar+ers #olored Pencils Station =&La+e 8ra)ings #olored encils Mar+ers DH ieces of a er Station D& 3i*er location DH 'lan+ ma s H social studies te/t'oo+s colored encils Station H&Plains 'oo+ station H non&fiction 'oo+s )it! lains features including ictures DH inde/ cards Station J& #reate a Mountain Mar+ers Ta e Ne)s a er Po sicle stic+s String G. P3O#E8U3E a2 Pre aration of t!e learning en*ironment I )ill ma+e sure t!at t!e classroom is in order )!en my !omeroom !a*e reading 8uring t!e s)itc! I )ill dou'le c!ec+ to ma+e sure eac! station !as t!eir allotted materials until t!e students get t!emsel*es organi0ed. I )ill instruct t!e students to lace t!eir 'inders and materials ne/t to t!eir des+s. I )ill ass out t!e )ord s las! c!art a er I )ill !a*e my smart'oard resentation ulled u and ready to go I )ill !a*e my music and s ea+ers set u and ready '2 Engage &Introduction of t!e lesson I )ill as+ one erson from eac! grou to come u and gra' a iece of c!art a er from me. I )ill instruct t!em to ?)rite do)n e*eryt!ing you +no) a'out landforms. It can 'e )!at causes landforms( )!at are t!e different ty es of landforms( )!at can you do )it! certain landforms( etc. Mou can dra) ictures too( 'ut )rite do)n anyt!ing t!at comes to mind )!en someone says t!e )ord Landforms. E*ery'ody needs to )rite or dra)N you may use t!e mar+ers t!at I !a*e laced on your ta'le.@ Mou !a*e a'out four

c2 Im

minutes to )rite as many t!ings as you canO I )ill lay music )!ile t!ey are )riting. T!is )ill ser*e as a re&assessment for )!at t!ey already +no) a'out landforms. C!en t!e time is u I )ill as+ eac! grou in order ta'le <&H to s!are t!e t!ings t!at t!ey !a*e come u )it!. I )ill encourage artici ation and gi*e raise to t!e ans)ers t!ey come u )it!. I )ill e/ lain t!at today )e are going to focus on si/ different landforms and t!e c!aracteristics of eac!. I )ill tell t!e students t!at t!e grou s t!at t!ey are in no) are )!o t!ey )ill 'e )or+ing )it!. I !a*e already set eac! station u at t!eir different ta'les. Eac! station )ill !a*e instruction cards on t!em( )!ic! I )ill tell t!e students to read t!e information card 'efore t!ey touc! any of t!e materials. T!ey t!en )ill read t!e instruction card and follo) to com lete eac! station after t!e s!ort Smart'oard lesson. "efore any of t!e station )or+ )e are going to 'e creating fla 'oo+s as our note& ta+ing guide. 9ere I )ill ass t!e 'undle of fla 'oo+s to t!e first ta'le and instruct t!em to ta+e one and ass t!em on. As )e go t!roug! t!e different landforms I )ant you to on eac! fla of t!e 'oo+ )rite t!e name of t!e landform( t!e definition t!at is on t!e 'oard( and dra) a icture. #an someone tell me )!at needs to 'e on eac! fla E 1t!ey )ill ans)er )it! t!e landform( t!e definition( and a icture2 Mou )ill !a*e a'out D minutes to com lete eac! fla ( as )e all are going to do t!em as a class toget!er. Instead of )riting notes out on note'oo+ a er t!is )ill ser*e as your notes on t!e landforms. "efore )e start( using t!e colored encils and mar+ers at your ta'le( )rite landforms on t!e title age fla 1I )ill !old u my model and oint to t!e title on my first fla 2. lementation of t!e lesson O en your fla 'oo+ to t!e first age. Our first landform is going to 'e a La+e. T!is is a landform t!at you may 'e familiar )it!. 9as any'ody e*er 'een to a La+e or seen a la+eE C!at are some c!aracteristics t!at a la+e !asE La+es !a*e t)o main c!aracteristics7 o It is a 'ody of )ater o And is surrounded 'y land 1MO4E SMA3T"OA38 "O$2 I )ill instruct t!e students to go a!ead and start t!eir 'oo+s I )ill tell t!em some interesting facts a'out la+es )!ile t!ey ta+e a fe) minutes to )rite t!e definition and dra) a icture of a la+e. T!is ty e of )ater is usually fres! )ater )!ile t!ere are some t!at are salt )ater la+e li+e t!e Great Sal+ La+e in Uta!. T!e true num'er of la+es in t!e )orld !as not 'een counted and t!e definition is tossed u in t!e air a'out )!at is a la+e and )!at is a ond. T!ere are o*er a million la+es in t!e )orld. T!at is a lot of la+es. T!ere are many famous la+es in t!e )orld suc! as t!e grou s of la+es in t!e Great La+es( La+e To'a( and La+e "ernard. La+es are al)ays forming and disa earing. T!ey can disa ear in a *ariety of )ays suc! as irrigation( droug!t( e*a oration and o ening in t!e Eart!.s crust. La+es can 'e formed )!en glaciers melt( craters from meteorites or ri*ers. La+es can e*en 'e manmade T!e largest la+e on Eart! at <D=(:DD s,uare miles

T!e 'iggest +no)n la+e is KD:million miles a)ay on Saturns moon& radar !as said it to 'e <H;(;;; s,uare miles. I )ill instruct e*eryone t!at t!ey !a*e a'out =; seconds to finis! t!is fla u . Go a!ead and turn your fla to t!e ne/t age T!e second landform )e are going to 'e learning a'out is t!e Plains 8oes any'ody +no) anyt!ing a'out PlainsE 8oes any'ody recogni0e t!is )ord from t!e regions )e -ust learned a'outE Mo*e smart'oard 'o/ T!e Plains are on land( are 'road( flat( or gently rolling areas( are lo) in ele*ation( and !a*e fe) trees. Go a!ead and )rite lains at t!e to of your second fla and )rite t!e definition. Mou may dra) your icture of t!e lains )!ile a tell you a little 'it a'out t!emO A lain is a landmass t!at is flat or gently rolling and co*ers many miles. T!ere are also different ty es of lains suc! as rairies( grasslands and ste es. T!ere are a fe) )ays t!at lains )ere and are formed. T!e first lains )ere created from la*a flo)ing on Eart!. La*a can 'urn t!ings and ma+e t!ings t!at )ere almost flat( flatter. Erosion and de osits can also create lains. T!ere are many famous lains are t!e )orld. Laura Ingalls Cilder 1t!e aut!or of a classic 'oo+ called little !ouse on t!e rarie2 gre) u on t!e Great Nort!ern Plains of t!e United States. T!e T4 s!o)( Little 9ouse on t!e Prairie( !el ed ma+e t!ese rairies +no)n. Anot!er famous lains area is t!e Cestern Plains of Australia #oastal lains are stretc!es of lo)land ne/t to oceans t!at are se arated from t!e interior 'y !ig!land features suc! as mountains and lateaus. Often t!e lains are ortions of t!e ocean floor 'uilt u from t!e sediments ri*ers carry to)ards t!e sea. Geologists call t!e su'merged art of coastal lains t!e continental s!el*es 1t!is acti*ates rior +no)ledge t!ey )ere -ust tested on last )ee+2. Ta+e a fe) more seconds to finis! u your dra)ingsO Turn to t!e ne/t age in your 'oo+( t!e t!ird landform )e are learning a'out is an island. C!at ma+es an island an islandE C!y is 4irginia not considered an islandE An island !as t)o ma-or c!aracteristics 1MO4E SMA3T"OA38 "O$2 o It is an area of land o And is surrounded 'y )ater Go a!ead and )rite island at t!e to of your t!ird fla and )rite t!e definition. Mou may dra) your icture of an island )!ile a tell you a little 'it a'out t!emO An island landform is land t!at is com letely surrounded 'y )ater. It can 'e any ty e of land. T!e island can also 'e surrounded different ty es of )ater suc! as a sea( ocean( ri*er and la+e. T!ere are a lot of famous islands in t!e )orld. One of t!e most famous island landforms are t!e 9a)aii islands. T!ere are <;;.s of islands in t!e State of 9a)aii. T!ey are all mostly gorgeous and tro ical. Anot!er famous island is t!e Gala agos Islands. It !as many different ty es of s ecies. It )as made famous 'y t!e famous scientist and e/ lorer #!arles 8ar)in. Islands are formed in a *ariety of )ays.

T!e islands of 9a)aii )ere formed 'y *olcanoes. 4olcanoes )ould +ee eru ting causing land to start to form under )ater. T!is land )ould +ee on rising u as t!e *olcano eru ted. O*er t!ousands of years( t!e land )ould go a'o*e t!e )ater( t!us creating land t!at is surrounded 'y )ater or anot!er )ord( an island. Islands can also 'e formed )!en continental lates collide. C!en t!ey collide t!ey us! land u creating an under)ater mountain t!at goes a'o*e land. T!is is somet!ing )e tal+ed a'out last )ee+O Anot!er )ay an island landform can 'e made is t!roug! de osits of sand t!at came from erosion. Somet!ing )e also -ust tal+ed a'outO C!en sand and ot!er de'ris are ic+ed u from a )ater current t!roug! erosion( it can 'e de osited in certain areas. O*er time t!is land creates an island. 8id you +no) t!at islands can also 'e man madeE T!e country of Patar 1)!ic! is an island itself2 !as manmade islands in many s!a es to 'uild communities on. I )ill instruct e*eryone t!at t!ey !a*e a'out =; seconds to finis! t!is fla u . Go a!ead and turn your fla to t!e ne/t age T!e fourt! landform )e are going to 'e learning a'out are *alleys Ce li*e in a *alley !ere in 9arrison'urgO #an any'ody tell me )!at a *alley isE A *alley is a lo) oint 'et)een t)o mountains It !as t)o c!aracteristics o It is a lo) land o And is 'et)een !ills or mountains Mo*e Smart'oard "o/ T)o famous *alleys are T!e Minnesota 3i*er 4alley and 8eat! 4alley A *alley does not !a*e to !a*e a ri*er running t!roug! it( 'ut it usually does. T!e amount of reci itation t!at falls on t!e mountains is +ey to t!e si0e of t!e stream or ri*er. T!e more reci itation t!at falls on t!e mountains( t!e more runoff t!ere is to form streams or ri*ers. C!ere do you find *alleysE 1'et)een mountains or !ills2 #ould you find a *alley on all t!e continentsE 1yes2 8oes a *alley !a*e to !a*e a ri*er running t!roug! itE 1noQ'ut it usually does2 T!e )eat!er in *alleys )ill al)ays 'e similar to t!e )eat!er on t!e !ills or mountains around t!em( 'ut it )ill not 'e e/actly t!e same. I )ill as+ t!em )!at +ind of )eat!er t!ey )ould e/ ect in a *alley t!at is surrounded 'y a !ot( dry area. 1!ot( dry2 8eat! 4alley( is e/tremely !ot and dry. T!e a*erage tem erature is <;; degrees %. #an any'ody tell me )!at region deat! *alley is inE 1"asin and 3ange2& t!ere used to 'e a la+e t!ere 'ut it )as dried u . 8o)n in t!e *alley( t!e land is de ressedQscoured and )as!ed out 'y t!e cons iring forces of gra*ity( )ater( and ice. T!e scars left 'e!ind are +no)n 'y t!eir s!a es and )!ere t!ey lie. Some !angN ot!ers are !ollo). T!ey all ta+e t!e form of a RUR or R4.R Ta+e a fe) more seconds to finis! u your dra)ingsO Turn to t!e ne/t age in your 'oo+( t!e fift! landform )e are learning a'out is a mountain 9o) )ould you define a mountainE

A mountain !as four c!aracteristics o It is !ig!( roc+y land o 9as stee sides o Is ointed or rounded to o And is !ig!er t!an a !ill T!ere is muc! confusion of )!at is t!e e/act difference 'et)een a mountain and a !ill. T!e t)o main definitions t!at t!e United States use for a mountain are a land mass o*er >KD feet from ground to t!e ea+ of ele*ation or greater t!an t!at !eig!t de ending on t!e slo e of t!e mountain. C!en you t!in+ of t!e mountain landform( you may t!in+ of somet!ing gigantic and im ressi*e. Mountains are sure great to see( es ecially sno) ca ed mountains. T!ere are many famous mountain landforms around t!e )orld. Mount E*erest is ro'a'ly most famous. Mount Mc6inley is anot!er famous mountain. T!ere are also famous mountain ranges( )!ic! is a grou of mountains( li+e t!e A alac!ian Mountains and t!e #ascade Mountains. T!e most common )ay a mountain is formed is t!roug! late tectonics. 8o you guys remem'er !o)E T!ese lates can mo*e under and o*er eac! ot!er. C!en one late mo*es under anot!er t!e late( t!e ot!er late rises u to form a mountain. 8id you +no) t!at some mountains are actually s!rin+ingE T!ese mountains are done gro)ing 'ecause t!e lates !a*e sto ed mo*ing. T!roug! erosion t!ese mountains lose some of t!eir ma+ings on t!e to and actually start to gro) smaller. Some mountains suc! as Mount E*erest( t!e )orld.s !ig!est mountain( is actually still gro)ingO 3ig!t no) its a'out :>(;>:. T!ere is a mountain t!at is actually taller t!an Mount E*erest 'ut :B= of it is under)ater. T!is mountain is called Mauna 6ea( )!ic! is art of 9a)aii. I )ill instruct e*eryone t!at t!ey !a*e a'out =; seconds to finis! t!is fla u . Go a!ead and turn your fla to t!e last age T!e last landform )e are going to 'e learning a'out is ri*ers 8oes any'ody +no) anyt!ing a'out ri*ersE Mo*e Smart'oard 'o/ 3i*ers !a*e t!ree c!aracteristics o T!ey are t!e largest stream of )ater o T!ey flo) t!roug! land o And end into a la+e( ocean or ot!er 'ody of )ater T!ere are many famous ri*ers in t!e )orld. Pro'a'ly t!e most famous in t!e United States is t!e Mississi i 3i*er. T!e most famous ri*er in t!e )orld is ro'a'ly t!e )orld.s longest ri*er( t!e African Nile. It is D(<=: miles long. T!e second largest ri*er is t!e Ama0on 3i*er in Sout! America. 3i*ers are formed in many different )ays. One common )ay a ri*er is formed is )ater feeding it from la+es. T!e Mississi i starts from La+e Itasca in Minnesota. It t!en is fed from ot!er la+es and ri*ers during its tri to t!e gulf of Me/ico. Anot!er )ay ri*ers are created are from mountain and glacier run off.

3i*ers are not only created 'y ot!er landforms 'ut t!ey also create landforms. 3i*ers can create canyons suc! as t!e Grand #anyon( *alleys and 'luffs. T!ey do t!is t!roug! erosion and de osition. O+ay so you guys !a*e a'out < more minute to ut t!e finis!ing touc!es on your ri*er dra)ings and note'oo+ 8uring t!is time I )ill ma+e sure e*eryt!ing is set u on t!e com uters for t!e 4A tre++ers *ideo O+ay so it is time to do our si/ stations on our different landformsO #an some'ody list t!e landforms )e -ust tal+ed a'outE PerfectO So you )ill !a*e a'out fi*e minutes at eac! station so t!at )e !a*e some time to clean&u after)ardsO T!ere are instruction cards at eac! station if you forget )!at you are su osed to do. I am going to run t!roug! ,uic+ly )!at is !a ening at eac! station so listen carefullyO Station <& 4A Tre++ers odcast on Islands !tt 7BB))).*irginiatre++ers.comBTangierIslandBPodcast.!tml At t!e first station you )ill 'e listening to a odcast a'out a tri to an islandO Mou )ill )atc! t!e odcast as a grou . T!ere are t)o different latforms you may )atc! t!em on so your grou can s lit off into grou s of t)o and t!ree to )atc! it. Ma+e sure you are staying on tas+ and not searc!ing anyt!ing else on t!ese latforms. T!e odcast )ill ta+e you t!e )!ole time. At Station : you )ill 'e ma+ing a *alley Acrostic Poem. T!ere is an e/am le of one already made in t!e middle of your ta'le. Mou may not use t!ese )ords. #ome u )it! )ords t!at )ill !el you to remem'er )!at a *alley isO Mou can tal+ a'out )!at may li*e in a *alley( t!e ty e of )eat!er( t!e c!aracteristics( etc. Ma+e sure your descri ti*e )ord starts )it! t!e letter you are )riting it ne/t to. %or e/am le( on mine( t!e 4 in *alley stand for *arying )eat!er. Mou may use any of t!e mar+er or encils at t!e ta'le t!at you )ant. If you can.t t!in+ of anyt!ing you may use a dictionary to loo+ u )ordsO At Station = you )ill ma+e la+e dra)ings. Mou !a*e t!e )!ole fi*e minutes to dra) and color a la+e. Mou need to include t!e ty e of en*ironment t!at.s around a la+e( t!e organisms t!at may 'e in or around t!e la+e( t!ings you can do at a la+e( etc. At t!e ri*er location station you )ill 'e finding t!e ri*ers of 4irginia. Use your a endi/ in your social studies 'oo+ to find t!e ri*ers of 4irginia and color it in on your ma . Use a colored encil or mar+er to outline as many ri*ers as you can findO T!ere are a 'unc!O At Station fi*e you )ill loo+ t!roug! t!e non&fiction 'oo+s laced at t!e ta'le to read and do some researc! on t!e lains. Mou )ill need to num'er an inde/ card <&H and )rite do)n fi*e ne) facts t!at you learned a'out t!e lains )!ile loo+ing t!roug! t!e 'oo+sO At our last station you )ill !a*e fi*e minutes to create a mountain. Mou may use mar+ers( ta e( ne)s a er( o sicle stic+s( and string to ma+e any model of a mountain t!at you )antO I )ill lay music and instruct t!e students to start at t!e station t!at t!ey are sitting at. T!ey )ill rotate cloc+)ise to t!e ne/t station. I )ill tell t!em t!at t!ey need to +ee t!eir creations )it! t!em from station to station( e/ce t for t!e mountains at t!e mountain station. 3emem'er( )e only !a*e time for a'out fi*e minutes at eac! station so ma+e sure you are staying focused and on&tas+O

I )ill say to t!em 'efore )e start t!at it is im ortant to remem'er our classroom 'e!a*ior rules so t!at )e can +ee doing fun ro-ects li+e t!is. Ce need to remem'er to res ect our classmates and our classroom s ace. E*ery fi*e minutes I )ill cut t!e music off( remind t!em to gra' t!eir creations( and tell t!em to mo*e cloc+)ise to t!e ne/t station. d2 #losure I )ill tell t!e students to lea*e t!e e/tra materials at t!e ta'les and to gra' all of t!eir creations and !ead 'ac+ to t!eir original seats I am going to gi*e t!em a notecard as an e/it sli T!ey are going to )rite do)n t!ree landforms t!at t!ey learned a'out today. If t!ey can name all si/( t!en go for itO e2 #lean&u Ce )ill !a*e a'out t)o minutes left until it is time to s)itc! classes. I )ill as+ t!e students to finis! u t!eir e/it sli cards and !old t!em in t!e air )!en t!ey !a*e finis!ed for me to come collect. %inally( I )ill as+ t!em to ma+e sure t!ey !a*e all of t!eir creations )it! t!em( along )it! t!e fla 'oo+( and to ma+e sure all of t!e mar+ers and colored encils are 'ac+ in t!eir res ecti*e 'ins. I )ill as+ t!em to c!ec+ t!e area around t!em to see if it is left t!e )ay it )as found. 9. 8I%%E3ENTIATION I !a*e lanned to meet t!e needs of all t!e students in my classroom. No student can finis! early at t!e stations for t!ey only !a*e a fe) minutes to com lete t!eir acti*ities. If anyt!ing( t!ey )ill 'e needing more time. If a student does finis! early I +no) t!ere can 'e a lot more detail added to t!eir ro-ects. If t!ere isn.t( t!ey are more t!an )elcome to !el a grou mem'er or )or+ on t!eir fla 'oo+s. T!ose )!o are a'sent )ill recei*e a re&made fla 'oo+ so t!ey are at least getting t!e information. T!e students )!o get off tas+ )ill 'e re&directed 'y myself and t!eir classmates. T!ere are no ELL students in my class( so t!e instruction cards )ill 'e a ro riate since all of t!e students s ea+ Englis!. Students )!o are struggling )it! my learning o'-ecti*es )ill 'e gi*en e/tra attention and guidance. I do not antici ate any ro'lems )it! t!e tas+s since t!ey !a*e 'een doing lessons li+e t!is 1!ands&on2 all year. I do not antici ate more t!an one or t)o students to finis! all of t!e acti* -ust fine. T!ey may finis! it at t!e end of t!e day )!en t!ey !a*e a t)enty minute time slot for Rcatc!&u R )or+ or enric!ment acti*ities. All students )ill 'e a'le to finis! t!e acti*ities at t!e 'eginning of ne/t class if need 'e. Students could c!oose a artner to )or+ )it! eo le t!at t!ey are friends )it! during t!e crafts if t!ey need !el . E*ery student.s station roducts are going to 'e different and indi*iduali0ed 'y t!eir creati*ityBinterest le*el. I have created an enrichment extension for
those who complete stations early. They will be instructed to create their own landform. They will draw a picture on the worksheet provided of their own landform and describe how it would help/effect ouor world. This enrichment activity will be given out by me if a student has finished early. I will give this worksheet to each student at the end of the day to put into their folders to work on during their own time if they would like to. I want to give this enrichment opportunity to all of my students to further extend the lesson and make it so that it is personally connected.

A lot of things could go wrong with this lesson! The more activities you have in a lesson, the greater the chances of things getting out of hand. I am !o ing t!at my directions are clear and easy( a*oiding any

em'arrassing situations and issues. 9o)e*er( I !a*e learned to e/ ect t!e une/ ected. T!e students may otentially !a*e no interest in t!e landforms all( in )!ic! I )ould as+ more ,uestions to allo)

t!em to ersonally connect )it! t!e story. Students may !a*e trou'le focusing for a long eriod of time( )!ic! I !o e t!e fre,uent ,uestioning( artner tal+( and indi*idual connections )ill !el to cure. Students may get off tas+ at t!eir stations. I )ill notice( as I )ill 'e )al+ing around( and )ill a roac! t!e student to see )!at t!ey !a*e done so far. I )ill encourage t!em and as+ t!em ,uestions to get t!eir mind 'ac+ on t!e tas+ at !and. At t!e com uter odcast station( t!e odcast could not )or+ for some reason. If t!is !a ens I )ill !a*e t!e grou -ust ty e ?island@ into google and do a fi*e minute google searc! a'out islands. A student may not 'e a'le to t!in+ of )ords for t!e acrostic oem )!ic! I )ill t!en ro*ide t!em a dictionary to loo+ for )ords. If students do not finis! t!e oem( no 'ig dealO T!ey can finis! it for !ome)or+ or during enric!ment time at t!e end of t!e day. If a student is !a*ing ro'lems finding ri*ers in t!eir social studies te/t'oo+ I )ill !a*e t!em )or+ )it! t!e erson ne/t to t!em. T!ey are allo)ed to do t!ings as a grou O

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