Forward Planning Doc 2
Forward Planning Doc 2
Forward Planning Doc 2
General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinkin Asia and Australia&s en a ement 'ith Asia !thical "ehavi#ur $ers#nal and s#cial C#mpetence Sustainability Intercultural Understandin
Cr#ss%curriculum pri#rities: Ab#ri inal and T#rres Strait Islander hist#ries and Cultures
TEAC(ING % LEARNING E)PERIENCES "inc*u+e *earner +i,er-ity' INTRODUCTION $atch the You%u e clip on &ids 'adio Show (i)e each group an i!ad and ask the" to click on the *nspiration App +o a class "ind "ap in)ol)ing discussion o, what ideas could e placed on the "ind "ap TASK %eacher asks students to split into their assigned groups and do their own "ind "ap Students then share their ideas with the class at the endLESSON CLOSURE +iscuss the i!ad so,tware with the class. *n,or" the students that ne/t week they will e starting to write their script using word LEARNER DI!ERSIT. *, students ,inish the "ind "ap e,ore others0 ask the" to go and assist the students ha)ing trou le
Students cooperate well and display sharing skills y taking it in turn to use the i!ad
Students create a "ind "ap in their groups a out their topic on radio roadcasting (#ark grade on ru ric)