Ashish Final
Ashish Final
Ashish Final
I hereby certify that the project work being presented in this report Employee & Labour
Relations at Jaypee Group. Unauthorized coping and extraction of any part of data in which the
language is matched with this project is strictly prohibited for use in other projects/assignment.
The Institute is the sole authority of this project report.
The Institute is authorized to take any appropriate action if it found any one has
committed the above mentioned informalities.
ated! """""""""""""""
#lace! """""""""""""""
Ashish Rijhwani
(DBA) A.P.S.U.
$ny work of this magnitude re%uires input& effort and encouragement of people
from all sides. I am %uite fortunate to have had active co'operation of many people
at different stages of the project. (ithout their invaluable cooperation& I would
have not been able to do justice to this report. $lthough it would be difficult to
thank all those who contributed towards successful completion of report yet& it
would be unfair on my part if I don)t thank a selected few.
I am very thankful to Dr. Atul an!ey pro" in#$%ar&e '!epartment o" (usiness
A!ministration for his valuable guidance and support at all time.
I would like to extend my thanks to all my friends for their co 'operation airing
data collection. *espondents e%ually deserve thanks as their sincere co'operation
led to worthy results.
+astly& I would like to thank my parents for being the guiding force through all the
phases of my life.
A)*+)* R+J*WAN+
M(A ,+++ )EM-
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9. (+(L+OGRA*0
I,T*-U.TI-, -/ 0$1#22 3*-U#
0aypee 3roup is five decade old conglomerate based in ,oida& India&
involved in various industries that include 2ngineering& construction & .ement&
#ower& 4ospitality& *eal 2state& 2xpressways& 4ighways& 2ducation and 5ocial
.ommitment. 5hri. 0aiprakash 3aur& /ounder .hairman of 0aiprakash $ssociates
+imited after ac%uiring a iploma in .ivil 2ngineering in 6789 from the
University of *oorkee& had a stint with 3ovt. of U.#. and branched off on his own&
to start as a civil contractor in 678:& group is the ;rd largest cement producer in the
country. The groups cement facilities are located in the 5atna .luster <=.#>& which
has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India.
1979 - Jaiprakash Assoia!es P"! #!d $ormed a%d se!s $oo! i% Ira&.
19'1 - (omme%ed )o!e* B+si%ess ,i!h $irs! ho!e* i% De*hi -
19'- - )o!e* .asa%! (o%!i%e%!a* ,as se! +p
19'/ - (ommissio%i%0 o$ 1s! +%i! o$ 1 M1PA Ja2pee Re,a P*a%!
(JRP) i% Dis!ri! Re,a3 MP 4orma!io% o$ Jaiprakash I%d+s!ries #!d
19'7 - JI# *is!ed o% Bom5a2 S!ok E6ha%0e
1991 - (ommissio%i%0 o$ -%d +%i! o$ 1.7 M1PA Ja2pee Re,a P*a%!
199- - Jaiprakash )2dro Po,er #!d es!a5*ished !o opera!e 899 MW
Baspa II )E Pro:e!3 Jaiprakash Po,er .e%!+res #!d es!a5*ished !o
opera!e ;99 MW .ish%+pra2a0 )E pro:e!
1998 - JI# si0%s M<U !o de"e*op = opera!e 1999 MW >arham
Wa%0!oo )E Pro:e!
1997 - Ja2pee REWA (eme%! i%orpora!ed !o es!a5*ish 8rd (eme%!
P*a%! a! REWA3 )o!e* Ja2pee Reside%2 Ma%or se! +p
199/ - (ommissio%i%0 o$ !he 8rd eme%! p*a%! -.7 M1PA Ja2pee
REWA P*a%! i% Dis!ri! Re,a3 MP
1999 - )o!e* Ja2pee Pa*ae3 A0ra se! +p
-999 - Ja2pee ?ree%s #!d @ ;7' are 0o*$ e%!ri rea* es!a!e
ompa%2 omes i%!o 5ei%0
-991 - Ja2pee I%s!i!+!e o$ I%$orma!io% 1eh%o*o02 (deemed U%i"ersi!2
si%e Ao" 1 -99;) se! +p a! A<IDA
-99- - Ja2pee >arham )2dro (orpora!io% #!d es!a5*ished !o opera!e
1999 MW >arham Wa%0!oo )E Pro:e!3 Ja2pee U%i"ersi!2 o$
I%$orma!io% 1eh%o*o02 (S!a!e +%i"ersi!2)3 Wak%a0ha! se! +p
-998 - Ja2pee I%s!i!+!e o$ E%0i%eeri%0 1eh%o*o02 ((o%s!i!+e%!
(e%!re o$ JUI13 Wak%a0ha!) se! +p a! Ra0ho0arh3 ?+%a. #a!er !his
i%s!i!+!e ,as de*ared $irs! pri"a!e s!a!e +%i"ersi!2 o$ Madh2a Pradesh
as Ja2pee U%i"ersi!2 o$ E%0i%eeri%0 = 1eh%o*o02. A*so 1s! (ap!i"e
1herma* Po,er P*a%! o$ -7 MW ommissio%ed a! JRP. 4orma!io% o$
Jaiprakash Assoia!es #!d (JA#) 52 mer0i%0 JI# ,i!h Ja2pee (eme%!
-99; - (ommissio%i%0 o$ -%d (ap!i"e Po,er P*a%! o$ -7 MW a!
Ja2pee REWA P*a%!
-997 - Shares o$ J)P# *is!ed o% BSEBASE. 4irs! h2dropo,er
ompa%2 !o 5e *is!ed i% !he o+%!r2
-99/ - Se!!i%0 +p o$ Madh2a Pradesh Ja2pee Mi%era*s (orpora!io%
#!d (MPJM(#) i% J. ,i!h MP S!a!e C-997 - Si0%i%0 o$ a :oi%! "e%!+re
a0reeme%! ,i!h S!ee* A+!hori!2 o$ I%dia #!d $or se!!i%0 +p a -.9 M1PA
s*a0 5ased eme%! p*a%! a! Bhi*ai.
-99' - Ja2pee ?a%0a I%$ras!r+!+re (orpora!io% #!d i%orpora!ed $or
imp*eme%!a!io% o$ 19;7 km *o%0 ' *a%e aess o%!ro**ed e6press,a2
5e!,ee% ?rea!er Aoida a%d Ba**ia i% UP3(h+%ar a%d Da**a eme%!
p*a%!s (UPP(#) i% UP ommissio%ed
-999 - Ama*0ama!io% o$ $o+r ?ro+p (ompa%ies3 %ame*23 Ja2pee
(eme%! #imi!ed3 ?+:ara! A%:a% (eme%! #imi!ed3 Ja2pee )o!e*s
#imi!ed a%d Jaiprakash E%!erprises #imi!ed ,i!h $*a0ship ompa%2
JA#. A&+ired Sa%0am Po,er ?e%era!io% (ompa%2 #!d. Si0%i%0 o$
M<U $or se!!i%0 +p a -.9 mi**io% !o%%es per a%%+m apai!2 eme%!
p*a%! i% :oi%! "e%!+re ,i!h Assam Mi%era* De"e*opme%! (orpora!io%
#imi!ed (AMD(). ?ro+p is se!!i%0 +p a Ja2pee )i!eh (as!i%0 (e%!re.
Ama*0ama!io% o$ Jaiprakash Po,er .e%!+res #!d. ,i!h Jaiprakash
)2dro-Po,er #!d.D !he %ame o$ !he (ompa%2 i.e. Jaiprakash )2dro-
Po,er #!d. ha%0ed !o Jaiprakash Po,er .e%!+res #!d.
-911 - (ommissio%i%0 o$ 1.77 M%1PA Ja2pee )imaha* (eme%!
?ri%di%0 a%d B*e%di%0 P*a%!3 Ba0heri ().P.).3 -.- M%1PA Bhi*ai
Ja2pee (eme%! #!d.3 Sa!%a (Madh2a Pradesh).3 1.- mi**io% !o%%es
Ja2pee Roorkee (eme%! ?ri%di%0 U%i! (JR(?U) a! Roorkee3
1he Ja2pee ?ro+p is a ,e** di"ersi$ied i%$ras!r+!+ra* i%d+s!ria* o%0*omera!e
i% I%dia. <"er !he deades i! has mai%!ai%ed i!s sa*ie%e ,i!h *eadership i% i!s
hose% *i%e o$ 5+si%esses - E%0i%eeri%0 a%d (o%s!r+!io%3 (eme%!3 Pri"a!e
)2dropo,er3 )ospi!a*i!23 Rea* Es!a!e De"e*opme%!3 E6press,a2s a%d )i0h,a2s.
1he 0ro+p has 5ee% dishar0i%0 i!s respo%si5i*i!ies !o !he sa!is$a!io% o$ a** i!s
shareho*ders a%d $e**o, I%dia%s3 s+mmed 52 i!s 0+idi%0 phi*osoph2 o$ E?ro,!h
,i!h a )+ma% 4aeE
1ra%s$ormi%0 ha**e%0es i%!o oppor!+%i!ies has 5ee% !he ha**mark o$ !he
Ja2pee ?ro+p3 e"er si%e i!s i%ep!io% $o+r deades a0o. 1he 0ro+p is a
di"ersi$ied i%$ras!r+!+re o%0*omera!e a%d has a $ormida5*e prese%e i%
E%0i%eeri%0 = (o%s!r+!io% a*o%0 ,i!h i%!eres!s i% !he po,er3 eme%! a%d
hospi!a*i!2. 1he i%$ras!r+!+re o%0*omera!e has a*so e6pa%ded i%!o rea* es!a!e =
Jaiprakash Assoia!es #imi!ed is a premier or0a%iFa!io% i% I%dia3
,hih omme%ed i!s a!i"i!ies i% 197-3 ,he% a 0ro+p o$ e%0i%eers 0o!
!o0e!her i% a par!%ership $irm k%o,% as Jaiprakash Assoia!es +%der !he
"isio%ar2 *eadership of Shi Jai!a"ash Ga#.
Se"e% 2ears o$ rapid 0ro,!h *ed !o i!s o%"e%!io% i%!o a pri"a!e *imi!ed
ompa%2 i% 1979. 4+r!her 0ro,!h o%!i%+es as a par! o$ di"ersi$ia!io%3 a
%e, ompa%2 ,as *a+%hed i% 19'8 !o se! +p a moder% eme%! p*a%! ,i!h
o%e mi**io% !o%%e apai!2 i% A+0+s! 19'/ !he o%s!r+!io% ompa%2 a%d
!he eme%! ,ere mer0ed i%!o Ja$!%% R%wa C%&%n' Li&i'%( )JRL*+
1oda2 Ja2pee ?ro+p is a ,e**-di"ersi$ied i%$ras!r+!+re i%d+s!ria* 0ro+p ,i!h
a !+r%o"er o$ o"er 1'999 rores
A%2 orpora!e e%!i!2 %eeds !o 5e d2%ami a%d "i5ra%!3 respo%si"e !o
!he ha%0i%0 eo%omi se%ario a%d $*e6i5*e e%o+0h !o a5sor5
e%"iro%me%!a* a%d ph2sia* $*+!+a!io%s. I! m+s! har%ess !he i%here%!
s!re%0!hs o$ a"ai*a5*e reso+res a%d m+s! possess !he apai!2 !o *ear%
$rom s+ess. More !ha% a%2!hi%0 e*se3 i! sho+*d e%s+re 0ro,!h ,i!h a
h+ma% $ae+
(I.I# (<AS1RU(1I<A
IA4<RMA1I<A 1E()A<#<?G
Pi-a'% 0$(o
C%&%n' 2i-ision
So1ia. 3o"
Jaiprakash Assoia!es #imi!ed is !he $*a0ship ompa%2 o$ !he 0ro+p a%d
ak%o,*ed0ed *eader i% o%s!r+!io% o$ ri"er "a**e2 h2dropo,er pro:e!s o%
!+r%ke2 5asis a%d has 5ee% i% !he 5+si%ess $or more !ha% !hree deades.
1he ompa%2 has had !he +%i&+e dis!i%!io% o$ e6e+!i%0 sim+*!a%eo+s*2 18
h2dropo,er pro:e! spread o"er si6 s!a!es a%d !he %ei0h5ori%0 o+%!r2 o$
B)U1AA $or !he 0e%era!io% o$ 19-99 MW o$ po,er. I! has !he e6perie%e a%d
e6per!ise !o s+ess$+**2 omp*e!e s+h pro:e!s i% ha**e%0i%0 !errai% +%der
se"ere a%d ad"erse o%di!io%.
Mos! o$ !he h2dropo,er pro:e!s o$ !he ompa%2 are *oa!ed i% )ima*a2as3 ,hih
!hro, +p ma:or 0eo0raphia* s+rprises i%*+di%0 r+p!+red3 s&+eeFi%0 rok
o%di!io% a%d ,a!er 5odies $re&+e%!*2 maki%0 !he !ask !ha! m+h more
ha**e%0i%0 a%d !+$$. 1he ompa%2 has e6e+!ed aro+%d 1-7 km o$ !+%%e*i%0
,ork mos!*2 i% )ima*a2a% ra%0e.
(o%re!e 0ra"i!2 Dam (hamera (S!a0e-1) i% )imaha* Pradesh.
1;79 MW Sardar Saro"ar pro:e! i% ?+:ara!.
.eer5hadra Brid0e o% ri"er ?a%0a a! Rishikesh i% U!!ara%ha*.
?+ide Baa%dh a%d Approah road $or Brid0e o% ri"er Brahmap+!ra i% Assam.
#ak2a Eas!er% Dam i% >ar%a!aka.
(i"i* ,ork o$ ro**i%0 mi**s o$ .iFa0 S!ee* P*a%! i% A%dhra Pradesh.
1+r%ke2 (o%s!r+!io% o$ 8 (eme%! P*a%!s o$ !he (eme%! Di"isio% a! Re,a i%
Madh2a Pradesh.
4o+r 4i"e S!ar )o!e*s i% De*hi3 A0ra a%d M+ssoorie.
Se,era0e a%d drai%a0e sheme3 Ba0hdad a%d Basrah i% Ira&.
Ja2pee REWA P*a%! o$ -.7 mi**io% !o%%e apai!2 ,as ommissio%ed i%
199/. A 5*e%di%0 +%i!3 $irs! o$ i!s ki%d i% !he o+%!r23 ha"i%0 a apai!2 o$ / *as
!o%%es per a%%+m ,as se! +p i% Sad"a >h+rd3 Dis!!. A**aha5ad3 (U.P.) i%
Deem5er -991. A 0ri%di%0 +%i! ,i!h a apai!2 o$ o%e mi**io% !o%%e has a*read2
5ee% se! +p a! 1a%da3 Dis!!. 4aiFa5ad3 (U.P.).
1hro+0h op!imiFa!io% meas+res3 !he !o!a* eme%! prod+!io% o$ !he JA# ,o+*d 5e
e%ha%ed !o -9 mi**io% M1 per a%%+m 52 4G -911.
I% eah o$ !he p*a%!s3 !he e&+ipme%!3 i%s!r+me%!a!io% a%d o%!ro* s2s!ems ,ere
s!a!e-o$-!he-ar! ,he% se! +p. 1he s+essi"e +%i!s i%orpora!ed impro"ed
meas+res $or $ai*i!a!i%0 eas2 opera!io%3 !ime*2 a%d proper mai%!e%a%e3 hi0her
e%er02 o%ser"a!io% a%d 5e!!er po**+!io% o%!ro*. A** !he 8 p*a%!s ha"e reei"ed
!he IS< 999- er!i$ia!io% $rom !he ,or*d re%o,%ed aredi!i%0 a0e%2 B.HI.
Mi%i%0 opera!io%s a! Ja2pee (eme%! reei"e +!mos! a!!e%!io%. 4or op!ima*
+!i*iFa!io% o$ !he *imes!o%e reser"es a%d i%p+! o$ ri0h! &+a*i!2 *imes!o%e !o !he
p*a%!s3 Ja2pee (eme%! has (omp+!er Aided Deposi! E"a*+a!io% ((ADE)3 H+arr2
Shed+*i%0 a%d <p!imiFa!io% (HS<) paka0es as ,e** as a omp+!eriFed o%-*i%e
5+*k a%a*2Fer. 1he p*a%!s ha"e 199I po,er 5ak+p !hro+0h a 5a%k o$ diese*
0e%era!i%0 se!s. A -7 MW apai!2 oa* 5ased ap!i"e !herma* p*a%! s!ar!ed
$+%!io%i%0 $rom A+0+s! -9983 ,hih has he*ped !he (eme%! (omp*e6 !o red+e
s+5s!a%!ia**2 i!s e6pe%di!+re o% po,er. Work o% !he seo%d -7 MW oa* 5ased
ap!i"e !herma* p*a%! has a*so 5e0+% a%d 0e%era!io% o$ po,er $rom !his p*a%! is
e6pe!ed !o 5e0i% $rom A+0+s!3 -99;.
Ja2pee (eme%! (omp*e6 is o%sis!e%!*2 prod+i%0 ,or*d *ass eme%! o$ <P(
0rades 883 ;83 783 IRS1-;93 !he a** pop+*ar speia* 5*e%ds o$ poFFo*a%a eme%!
s+h as 5,#ni$a(5 a%d 5, 3 a%d S+perp*+s PP( @ a** s+rpassi%0 app*ia5*e
BIS s!a%dards a%d ,o+*d shor!*2 5e i%!rod+i%0 a #o, A*ka*i eme%! a*so.
Jaypee REWA Plant, Rewa (M.P)
Whi*e Ja2pee (eme%! is a ma:or p*a2er i% i!s %a!+ra* marke!i%0 Fo%es o$ U!!ar
Pradesh3 Madh2a Pradesh a%d Bihar. Ja2pee (eme%! a*so marke!s eme%! i%
par!s o$ Aor!h I%dia3 Wes! Be%0a* a%d Aor!h Eas!. (o%sis!e%!*2 Ja2pee (eme%!
has 5ee% !he hi0hes! e6por!er o$ *i%ker a%d eme%! !o Aepa*. (eme%!
dis!ri5+!io% a%d sa*es ao+%!i%0 are !o!a**2 omp+!eriFed. (omp+!ers a%d
.SA1s ha"e 5ee% i%s!a**ed a! 1;9 d+mps3 9 Re0io%a* marke!i%0 o$$ies (RM<s)3
a** !he p*a%!s a%d !he orpora!e o$$ie !o e%s+re seam*ess o%%e!i"i!2 $or "oie
a%d da!a o% -;B7 5asis. A ,ide %e!,ork o$ more !ha% /999 s!okis!s is a!ered !o
52 !hese d+mps.
1hro+0h di*i0e%! a%d o%!i%+o+s e$$or!s3 *ar0e ,a!er reser"oirs spread o"er 88
he!ares3 ,i!h apai!2 i% e6ess o$ -9 mi**io% +5i me!ers3 ha"e 5ee% rea!ed
i% !he mi%i%0 area ,here mi%i%0 has 5ee% omp*e!ed3 ,hih has he*ped
si0%i$ia%!*2 !o impro"e !he dep*e!i%0 ,a!er !a5*e i% s+rro+%di%0 areas. De%se
0ree% 5e*!s ha"e 5ee% de"e*oped i% !he p*a%!s3 !o,%-ships a%d !he mi%es. I% a**
a5o+! ; *as sap*i%0s ha"e 5ee% p*a%!ed a%d are 5ei%0 %+r!+red. 1his has i%deed
o%"er!ed !he Ja2pee (eme%! (omp*e6 i%!o a 0ree% i!2. E"er o%sio+s o$ i!s
soia* respo%si5i*i!ies a%d o5*i0a!io%s3 Ja2pee (eme%! has 5ee% re0+*ar*2
or0a%isi%0 media* amps. I% addi!io%3 A%ima* (are amps a%d !rai%i%0
pro0rammes o% A%ima* )+s5a%dr2 ha"e a*so 5ee% or0a%iFed re0+*ar*2. As par!
o$ !he Ja2pee (orpora!e S!ra!e023 *o! o$ emphasis is 5ei%0 *aid i% !he $ie*d o$
ed+a!io% 52 ,a2 o$ or0a%isi%0 Ba*-,adis a%d Ad+*! Ed+a!io% *asses i% !he
"i**a0es s+rro+%di%0 !he p*a%!s.
Employee & Labour Relations is a much broad concept. It is one of the most
important function of the management that is take care by 4* department. 2*
department takes care of employee grievances& employee recognition& and boosting
the morale of employees to make the working environment more healthy& live and
at the same time fulfills the management)s expectations and maintain the work
culture and ethics.
#eople in organisations interact with each other during work& formally and
officially as well as socially and informally. uring the course of interaction&
relationships develop& which are invisible connecting links& coloured by emotions
of love& hate& repulsion& respect& fear& anxiety and so on.
*elationships imply feelings for each other. They may be positive <friendly&
wanting to be close> or negative <unfriendly& wanting to be distant>. *elationships
always exist between interacting persons. There is no neutral point. Indifference is
not neutral. Indifference tends to be negative.
Employee & Labour Relations influence behaviors at work. 2xpectations of each
other& perceptions of the intentions of either& distributions of assignments&
readiness to conform or to rebel& enthusiasm to contribute& etc.& are to some extent
outcomes of these relationships. $ttitudes and motivations influence& and are
influenced by& the nature of these relationships.
2mployees are among an organization?s most important audiences with the
potential to be its most effective ambassadors.
Employee & Labour Relations are practices or initiatives for ensuring that
2mployees are happy and are productive. Employee & Labour Relations offers
assistance in a variety of ways including employee recognition& policy
development and interpretation& and all types of problem solving and dispute
-nce there was a time when @2mployee A +abour *elations@ meant +abour
relations everywhere around the world. ,egotiate. -rchestrate. ictate. 4*
professionals helped negotiate collective bargaining agreements. The provisions of
that contract defined the relationship between management& unions& and workers.
Today& Employee & Labour Relations is a much broader concept. It involves
maintaining a work environment that satisfies the needs of individual employees
and management. Improving employee morale& building company culture&
conveying expectations
Industrial *elations& 2mployee *elations and 2mployment *elations
I* traditionally concerned with Bthe institutions of job regulation) </landers and
.legg 678C> and the generation of employment rules
+ed to a focus on trade unions and collective bargaining D .E Bfulcrum) of
industrial relations
,ot uni%ue to Eritain D see U5& and (estern 2urope
B4igh point of traditional I*) in Eritain 67F9s D collectivist& concern with
reform of collective bargaining D 88G of the workforce were trade union
members& F8G covered by collective agreements
4*= and the Bindividualisation) of employment relations
/ocus on the individual worker and relationship with management
=ainstream 4*= D concern with involvement and commitment and
relationship to business performance <3uest et al. H999>
Eusiness'model of 4* dominant
Eut concern over the costs of both business model and of de'regulation and
individualisation and how the employment relationship is regulated D ,ew
$lso concerns that limited evidence for more involved and engaged workers
Increased concern with both individual and collective aspects of employment
*e'focusing on how the employment relationship is regulated D see work of
(ork /oundation <.oats& 2dwards H99I> and of 2U Bflexicurity) agenda. 5ee
also 5isson <H998>
Theoretically& this marks a return to a focus on power and authority relations in
2mployee relations may be defined as those policies and practices which are
concerned with the management and regulation of relationships between the
organisation& the individual staff member& and groups of staff within the
working environment.
In 67:I an advisory committee& the Industrial *elations =anagement
.ommittee <I*=.> was constituted by .ouncil to consider all matters related to
current and future industrial relations at the University. In 677: this .ommittee
changed its name to the 2mployee *elations =anagement .ommittee <2*=.>.
In H999 the committee was again reconstituted as the +abour *elations
=anagement .ommittee <+*=.>. The +*=. is advisory to the Jice'
.hancellor& and through the Jice'.hancellor to .ouncil and .ouncil?s sub'
committee on remuneration. .onse%uent to the $I=5 recommendations and
with respect to 4* and the subse%uent restructuring process& from the
beginning of H99H& the +*=. was renamed the 2mployee *elations
=anagement .ommittee <2*=.>.
The membership of the +*=. is determined by 3#. from time to time.
.urrent membership is included in the membership of committees booklet&
which is published bi'annually.
The employee relations section of the 4uman *esources epartment is
responsible for liaison with employee representative bodies& monitoring
procedures& and developing proposals for the 2*=.?s consideration.
There is no unanimity on the meaning and scope of industrial relations
since different terms& such as labour'management relations& employer'employee
relations& union management relations& personnel relations& human relations& are
in use and are used synonymously. In its stricter sense& the term Kindustrial
relationsL means relationship between management and workmen in a unit or an
industry. In its wider connotation& it means the organisation and practice of
multi'pronged relationships between workers and management& unions and
workers& and the unions and managements in an industry. ale 1oder defines it
as a Kwhole field of relationship that exists because of the necessary
collaboration of men and women in the employment process of an industry.L6
O(JECT+4E) O. T*E )T2D0
The key process that defines the 4* strategy is ensuring an effective and efficient
organization through appropriate people'job'organization fit.
2ach and every 4* plans thus focuses on!
5atisfaction& to further the business objectives of the organisation through
the optimal utilization of the human resources.
.ollo;in& are t%e Ob<e$ti=es o" ro<e$t stu!y in Employees & Labour
/. To stu!y t%e e?istin& status o" employees an! labour relations in JA0EE
Re;a lant.
1. To "in! out t%e $riteria $ompany is usin& to measure employees an! labour
3. To @no; t%e impa$t o" Employee an! Labour Relation in Moti=ation o"
5. To @no; t%e $ontributin& "a$tors o" Employee an! Labour Relations
ro&ramme o" JA0EE Re;a lant.
6. To i!enti"y t%e "ee!ba$@ o" Employee an! Labour Relations ro&ramme o"
7. To @no; %o; Employee an! Labour Relations ro&ramme %elps in )%are!
learnin& ' Continuous impro=ement an! ro!u$ti=ity.
M To creates healthy and balanced relationship within the organization as well
as among the employer A employees.
M To foster)s work culture that is live& challenging and dynamic.
M To boost the confidence& morale level& encourages labours to give their
M To bring out inner potentials& creativity and make employees come out with
new innovative ideas and opinions.
M To treat all the employees A labour fairly without any discrimination and
M To develops more coordination and better communication to avoid conflicts
in the organization.
M To encourages employees A labour participation in decision making&
seminars& learning and culture programs.
M To makes employees A labour more responsible and focused towards their
task and make them feel their importance and their contribution towards the
M To make employees A labour more productive& efficient& skilled and
proficient in their work.
M To help employees A +abour to be more flexible so that they are ready to
take extra additional responsibilities as an when need arises.
$ research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure. *esearch design is a plan that specifies the sources and
types of information relevant to the research problem. It is a strategy specifying
which approach will be used for gathering and analyzing the data. In fact research
design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes
the blue print for the collection& measurement and analysis of data.
The key for useful systems is the selection of the method for collecting data and
linking it to analysis and decision issue of the action to be taken. The accuracy of
the collected data is of great importance for drawing correct and valid conclusions
from the detailed investigations.
There are two types of data viz.& primary and secondary.
/. rimary Data. The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for
the first time& and thus happen to be original in character. There are several
methods of collecting primary data& particularly in survey and descriptive
researches. 5ome important ones are!
-bservation =ethod
Interview =ethod
5chedules& etc.
1. )e$on!ary Data. 5econdary data means data that are already available i.e.
they refer to the data which have already been collected and analyzed by
someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical
process. 5econdary data may either be published data or unpublished data.
+n t%is stu!y + %a=e use! bot% rimary an! )e$on!ary !ata.
T%e "ollo;in& %a=e been t%e sour$es "or $olle$tin& se$on!ary !ata>
Eooks& magazines.
*eports& websites
I,T2*,2T website of company
I,T*$,2T website of company
4* journals
)ample> 2mployees of 0aypee 3roup
)amplin& siAe>
The total number of members participated in filling the
%uestionnaire are 89 and they all were the employees of 0aypee
3roup. They all belongs to the #ersonal A $dministration
epartment of 0*. <0aypee *ewa .ement> and because of their
help& I am able to prepare my %uestionnaire properly and correctly.
)ample Te$%niBue> .onvenience
$ .onvenience sampling method was used for the selection of
samples< 2mployees> from the whole population< Total 2mployees
of 0$1#22 *ewa #lant>
2very study suffers from certain limitations and so does this. /ollowing are the
limitations to this study! '
5hortage of time duration for the research work.
2mployees at 0aypee 3roup. Eeing very busy in their own work& so
they did not get much time to give responses in a relaxed mood
because the training period was scheduled in the peak season.
*espondents were reluctant to fill up the %uestionnaire.
4iding of some true facts by the respondents due to the fear of the
5ample size taken was very small because of time boundation.
5ome of the responses given by the respondents were not legible and
5ome of the inappropriate respondents may have been included in the
0udgmental error may have occurred even though care has been taken.
The information provided by the respondents is assumed to be 699G
$T$ I,T2*#*2T$TI-, $, $,$+15I5
N.6. (hat are your criteria of measuring employee A +abour relationsO
$mong all employees& C7G insist that measuring of employee A +abour relations
should be based on %uality of output& 67G agreed that it should be based on time
consciousness& again 67G think it should be based on job knowledge and only 6;G
employees give importance to %uantity of output. Thus we can say that majority of
the employees think that %uality of output is the most important criteria for
measuring employee A +abour relations.
H. (hat do you feel about the employee A +abour relations #rogramme at 0aypee
Job Knowledge
Quality of output
Quantity of wor
"engt#y and toug#
Toug# but $ery
%asy and reliable
I9G employees of 0aypee 3roup are comfortable with employee A +abour
relations program and find easy and reliable. (hile only 6HG find it unreliable
another 6HG found it tough but very reliable and 6IG of them find it lengthy and
tough. This shows that all most all the employees believe in the relationship of
employee A +abour but some are uncomfortable with its procedure.
N.;. (hich feature is missing in employee A +abour relationship #rogramme at
0aypee 3roupO
wit# press
(eedbac from
)ts perfect
*ny ot#er+ pls
C;G employees believe that there should be a column for L/eedback from
associate himselfL in the employee A +abour relationship #rogramme& while H9 G
demand for the K.ommunication with press) column & H:G employees feel that
employee A +abour relationship is perfect and only 7G feel as Kany otherL.
N.C. 4ow do you choose the associates for special assignmentsO
*nalysing #is
past records
*nalysing #is
*nalysing #is
*nyot#er please
I:G of employees choose there associates for special assignments on the basis of
analyzing his present performance. -nly 6:G analyses the past records. FG
analyses the behavior before choosing their associates for specialP assignments
while another FG of the employees& analyze the analytical capacity and
achievements and targets achieve but consist of only and to of the whole employee
N.8. (hat is the reaction of the employee when they are assigned grades on the
basis of employee A +abour relationshipO
/ig#ly satisfied
C7G employees replied that they are satisfied with the assigned grades on the bases
of employee A +abour relationship. (hile ;6G does not care for it and are neutral
but 6HG of the employees replied that they are highly satisfied and rest :G of the
employee show mare dissatisfaction towards the grade assigned in the basis of
employee A +abour relationship.
N.I. Is feedback is important for deciding whether the employee A +abour
relationship in the organization is good or notO
-ut of 89 members& It was found that 8HG of them are agree <i.e. it should be
there> and C9 G of them are agree and strongly agree with the feedback& because it
shows importance. CG of them are neutral and another CG were disagree because
they think that it is very much time consuming.
3romptly *gree
N.F. Under employee A +abour relationship motivation should be there& It should
be in the form ofO
-ut of 89 members& $ccording to F6G employees replied that motivation should
be in the form of both i.e. K=onitoryL and K#ositionL. H9G of them replied that it
should be in the form of =onitory while rest 7G of them replied that it should be
in the form of #osition.
N.:. 2mployee A +abour relationship in 0aypee is effective mechanisms for
communication and participationO
-ut of 89 members& $lmost 87G of the employees are agree with the above
statement while ;6G of them are partly agree with the statement and rest 69G of
the employees are totally disagree with it.
N.7. (hich according to you is the most important parameter in measuring the
knowledge of employees under Kemployee A +abour relationshipLO
"earning *bility
*nalytical sill
-ut of 89 members& 7G of them answered that knowledge should be measure on
the bases of Theoretical Qnowledge while ;6G of them replied that it should be on
the bases of +earning $bility. HFG answered that on the bases of K$nalytical
5killL knowledge should measure& remaining ;;G of them replied that to measure
knowledge on the bases of K#ractical QnowledgeL will be much better.
N.69. (hich is the most important ingredient of Kemployee A +abour relationshipL
*wareness of #is
own role
'onflict resolution
-ut of 89 members&
$ccording to ;7G of employees& K.ontributionL is the most important ingredient
of employee and +abour relationship. H6G of employees replied that K-pennessL
is the most important ingredient while ;;G of employee liked to go with
K$wareness of his own ruleL and rest FG employees answered that K.onflict
resolution powerL is the most important ingredient of employee and +abour
$fter completing my dissertation& I was supposed to learn about the 2mployee A
+abour *elations at 0$1#22 3*-U#. $nd to learn about various other functions
of the 4* epartment.
E?istin& )tatus o" Employee an! Labour Realations are found that I9G
employees of 0aypee 3roup are comfortable with employee A +abour
relations program and find easy and reliable& (hile only 6HG find it
3rading of employees is also done on the bases of employee A +abour
relationship. C7G employees believe that they are satisfied with the assigned
grades on the bases of employee A +abour relationship (hile ;6G does not care
for it and are neutral.
Criteria o" measurin& employee & Labour relations is based on %uality
of output& time consciousness& job knowledge. (hile the most important
criteria as fond in study is K#ractical QnowledgeL<;;G> while the second
important criteria is Theoretical Qnowledge <;6G>.
+mpa$t o" Employee Relation on Moti=ation is found in the form of both
i.e. K=onitoryL and K#ositionL <F9G > (hile only < H9G> says form should
be based on =onitory.
Contributin& .a$tors o" Employee an! Labour Relations can be known
in the their associates for special assignments on the basis of analyzing the
present performance P analyze the analytical capacity and achievements and
K.ontributionL is the most important ingredient of employee and +abour
relationship <;7G>. K$wareness of his own ruleL is second important factor <;;G>
K-pennessL is another ingredient of employee and +abour relationship.
.ee!ba$@ derived from column for L/eedback from associate himselfL in
the employee A +abour relationship #rogramme& while some demand for the
K.ommunication with press) column . The importance of /eedback is
supported by 8HG of them says agree <i.e. it should be there> and C9 G of
them are agree and strongly agree with the feedback& because it shows
importance. CG of them are neutral and another CG were disagree because
they think that it is very much time consuming.
=aintaining good 2mployee A +abour *elations creates an environment of
trust and increases morale. This improves the motivation of the employee A
+abour. $ motivated employee A +abour is contagious and is beneficial for
the growth of the company.
$ good relation between the employee A +abour also inculcates discipline.
Thus harmony is maintained. 2mployees A +abour will be ready to share
information and help each other out.
$ttracting the most %ualified employees and matching them to the jobs for
which they are best suited is important for the success of any organization. $
good company with good 2mployee A +abour *elations will be talked
about. There is a brand image created in the mind of the employees which
attracts them to the company like a drop of honey.
$ satisfied employee A +abour will look for ways of continuous
improvement. They will participate in programs such as kaizen and try for
the better of the company. 2mployees in a good employee A labour relation
management will share their new learning)s and wisdom with his colleagues.
.ertain recommendations can be made after interviewing various employees at
different levels with the help of my %uestionnaire. 5ome recommendations are as
follows! '
R The existence of an atmosphere of confidence and trust so that both supervisor
and employee may discuss matters frankly and offer suggestions which may be
beneficial for the organization or for an improvement of the employee.
R The supervisor should try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an
employee and advise him on correcting the weaknesses.
R The process of appreciation program should be less time'consuming and less
costly. It should also bring the maximum benefits.
R The result of the observations& particularly when they are negative& should be
immediately communicated to the employees& so that they may try to improve
R The meeting should be arranged so that employees may be supplied with
feedback and the organization may know the difficulties under which employees
work& so that their training needs may be discovered.
R The standards of employee and +abour relationship can be improved by training
the evaluators.
R To make employee and +abour relationship more potential& 0aypee 3roup should
include some more steps.
R 2ach and every individual should be provided with his or her feedback from all
points of view.
R I suggest there has to be certain parameter that can judge and analyze the
individual)s overall personality as this would help a lot in their potential
R Training provided to the individual should be regular intervals and also the pre'
training program and post'training program should be analyzed for a effective
overall system.
The organizational culture should be more transparent as per the most of the
2mployees function should be extended with proper reasons.
/eedback shouldn)t be ambiguous. In other words certain fixed parameter
should be set to evaluate feedback on the basis of which their work done.
Eetter working environment with the help of co'ordination A team work.
$fter working on my dissertation report& I can conclude that 4uman *esource
/unctions are the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an
organization)s most valued assets' the people working there who individually and
collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.
The term K4uman *esource /unctionL <4*/> and K4uman *esourceL has largely
replaced the term Kemployee and +abour relationshipL as the description of the
processes involved in managing people in organizations. In simple sense& 4*/
means employing people& developing their resources& utilizing& maintaining and
compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational re%uirement.
6. .hhabra T.,.& 4uman *esource =anagement D .oncepts and Issues&
hanpat *ai and .o.
H. =amoria ..E.& #ersonnel =anagement.
;. 3upta r. ..E.& 4uman *esource =anagement& 5ultan .hand and 5ons
#ublication& ,ew elhi& Ith edition.
C. #rasad +.=.& #rinciples and #ractices of =anagement& 5ultan .hand and
65ons #ublication.
8. Qothari ..*.& *esearch =ethodology& Jishwa #ublications& ,ew elhi
Eusiness (orld
Eusiness Today
Times of India&
Times $ssent.
WE( )+TE)>
ear *espondents&
This study on @2=#+-122 A +$E-U* *2+$TI-,5L is being undertaken
purely for academic interest <for the partial fulfillment for award of degree of
management> and the response given by you will remain strictly confidential.
1our support in the filling up of the following %uestionnaire to the best of your
knowledge would help in completing my dissertation report.
,ame! ...........................
esignation! .......................
$ge! .............................. 3rade! ...............................
epartment! ................... ,o. of years of service! .......
N.6. (hat are your criteria of measuring employee A +abour relationsO
a. 0ob knowledge
b. Time consciousness
c. Nuality of output
d. Nuantity of output
N .H. (hat do you feel about the employee A +abour relations #rogramme at
0aypee 3roupO
a. +engthy and tough
b. Tough but very reliable
c. 2asy and reliable
d. Unreliable
N.;. (hich feature is missing in employee A +abour relationship #rogramme at
0aypee 3roupO
a. .ommunication with press
b. /eedback from associate himself
c. It)s perfect
d. $ny other& pls specify............
N.C. 4ow do you choose the associates for special assignmentsO
a. $nalyzing his past records.
b. $nalyzing his behaviour
c. $nalyzing his present performance.
d. $ny other& pls specify..............
N.8. (hat is the reaction of the employee when they are assigned grades on the
basis of employee A +abour relationshipO
a. 4ighly satisfied
b. 5atisfied
c. ,eutral
d. issatisfied
N.I. Is feedback is important for deciding whether the employee A +abour
relationship in the organization is good or notO
a. #romptly agree
b. $gree
c. ,eutral
d. isagree
N.F. Under employee A +abour relationship motivation should be there& It should
be in the form ofO
a. =onetary
b. #osition
c. Eoth
N.:. 2mployee A +abour relationship in 0aypee is effective mechanisms for
communication and participationO
a. $gree
b. #artly $gree
c. isagree
N.7. (hich according to you is the most important parameter in measuring the
knowledge of employees under Kemployee A +abour relationshipLO
a. Theoretical knowledge
b. +earning ability
c. $nalytical skill
d. #ractical knowledge
N.69. (hich is the most important ingredient of Kemployee A +abour relationshipL
a. .ontribution
b. -penness
c. $wareness of his own work
d. .onflict resolution power