Social Science Sample Paper X 2007
Social Science Sample Paper X 2007
Social Science Sample Paper X 2007
Model Paper for CBSE Examination 2006
Class - X
M.M.80 Subject - Social Science Time: 3hrs
1. Answer to questions carrying 2 marks shoul not e!cee 30 wors each.
2. Answer to questions carrying " marks shoul not e!cee 80 wors each.
3. Answers to questions carrying # marks shoul not e!cee 12$ wors each.
". Ma%s shoul &e securely tie in the mile o' the answer &ook.
$. Attem%t all %arts o' a question together.
(1. )rite any two i''erence &etween *anhar an Mathura +chool o' Art.
(2. *i,e the main i''erence &etween the ,iews o' Anglicists - The orientalists.
(3. )hat is /ain )ater 0ar,esting.
(". 1e'ine Tsunami.
($. 2ame three com%onents o' 0.1.I..
(#. )hy it is a,antageous to &uy stanari3e 45I+6 %roucts.
(7. )hat is the main 'unction o' isaster management committee at 5lock le,el.
(8. )hy are means o' Trans%ort an communication calle li'e lines.
(8. )rite the two %rinci%les o' Arya +ama9.
(10. )hen: where an &y whom theoso%hical mo,ement starte in Inia.
(11. )rite the two a,antage o' *lo&alisation an ;i&eralisation.
(12. )rite two kins o' /esources an an e!am%le o' each.
(13. )rite any 'our /e'orms in Inian Agriculture one &y technological re'orms is Inia..
)rite the main cause o' soil erosion an gi,e methos o' controlling it
(1". 1escri&e 'our main a,antages o' non-traitional sources o' energy.
(1$. )hat was the im%act o' swaeshi. =5oycott> mo,ement on Inian 2ational Mo,ement.
)hat were the res%onsi&le e,ents o' (uit Inia Mo,ement. 0ow 'ar was this mo,ement
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(1#. Manton any 'our incients relate to the necessity o' 'irst ai.
(17. ?!%lain the measures taken &y the *o,ernment to control %rice-rise.
)hat 'actors are res%onsi&le 'or the e!%loitation o' consumers.
(18. ?!%lain %o,erty Alle,iation %rogrammes unertaken &y the *o,ernment.
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(18. +tuy the gi,in iagram an gi,e the answers o' 'ollowing questions 4uhps fn;s x;s fp= dk
v/;;u dhft, ,oa
izuksa ds mRrj nsa6 &
i. @rom which source ma!imum electricity generate in Inia an why.
Hkkjr esa fo|qr lls vf/kd fdlls uk!" tkrh #$%
ii. The electricity generation is less &y nuclear iesel an win. )hy.
ukfHkdh; fo|qr ,oa &ht' vk$j iou ls fufe"r fo|qr dh mRiknu (kerk de
);ksa #$%
(20. 1escri&e the role that Inia has %laye 'or the %romotion o' worl %eace.
fo*o *kkf+r dks izksRlk#u ds f', Hkkjr dh Hk,fedk dk e,-;kadu djsa.
(21. ?numerate the constitutional %ro,isions 'or sa'eguaring the interest o' scheule castes an
scheule tri&es. vuql,fpr tkfr vk$j vuql,fpr tutkfr ds f#rksa dh j(kk ds f',
lafo/kku esa );k izko/kku #$%
)hat is communalism. Mention ,arious 'actors which are res%onsi&le 'or the growth o'
communalism in Inia. lk/iznkf;drk );k #$% Hkkjr esa lk/iznkf;drk dks 01kok
nsus ok's fofHkuu dkjdksa dk m-'s2k dhft,.
(22. )hat are the %oints which are to &e ke%t in min 'or the e''icient water management.
t' ds dq*k' iz+/ku ds f', fdu fanqvksa dk /;ku j2kuk pkf#,%
a6 2ame the ty%es o' soil 'oun in Inia. Hkkjr esa ik!" tkus ok'h 34 izdkj dh
fef56f5;ksa ds uke rk!,.
&6 0ow is laterite soil 'orme. 's5jk!5 fe565h dk fuek"7k d$ls #ksrk #$%
c6 1istinguish &etween 1ry an )et 'arming. vknz" vk$j *kq8d 2ksrh esa varj
(23. Analyse the main reasons 'or %artition in 18"7. 189: !"; esa Hkkjr foHkktu ds izeq2k
dkj7kksa dk fo*'s8k7k djsa.
5ring out the main as%ects o' the Inian 2ationalist unsurg immeiately a'ter the secon worl
f<rh; fo*o;q= ds rqj+r kn Hkkjrh; jk85>okn ds eq2; i#'qvksa dh foospuk
(2". Ma% )ork-
a6 In the outline ma% o' Inia. fn;s x;s Hkkjr ds ekufp= esa n*kk"!;s &
i. Mention the Alace where 1isert +oilcis 'oun. o# (ks= t#k? e@ABk'h;
fe565h ik!" tkrh #$.
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ii. A state where co''ee is %rouce. dkCDh mRiknd dk ,d jkE;
&6 +how the outline ma% o' Inia show the 'ollowing.
fn;s x, Hkkjr ds js2kk ekufp= ij fu/uf'f2kr dks n*kk"!,&
i. ?nnore Aort: !+uk$j iRru
ii. Bal%akkam 2uclear Aower Centre d'i)de ijek7kq *kf)r ds+nz
c6 Inenti'y the %laces an )rite their names in the outline ma% o' Inia.
i. The name o' the %lace where I seminar o' I.2.C. hel.
o# ABkku t#ka Hkkjrh; jk85>h; dkaxzsl dk izBke vf/kos*ku #qvk.
ii. +hae the state which ha,e ;ingra9 Tem%le.
ml iznsk dks 3k;kafdr dhft, t#ka f'axjkt ef+nj #$.
Tips -
F; vG3s vad izkHr djus ds f', l/i,7k" ikI6;iqArd dk de ls de ,d kj v/;;u.
v*;d djsa
J; iz*ui= dk x/Hkhjrk ds lkBk v/;;u vo*; djsa.
K; iz*ui= esa vkus ok'h leA;kvksa dk fujkdj7k v/;kid e#ksn; ls djk;sa.
9; e#Roi,7k" rB;ksa dks js2kkafdr djsa.
L; ekufp= dk v/;;u x/Hkhjrk ls dj mls ;Bkk ABkku n*kk",sa.
M; iz*uksa dk lkjxfHk"r ,oa Ne*k4 mRrj nsa.
:; *eogra%hy %ortion esa vG3s vad 'kus ds f', Ihd izdkj ls r$;kjh djsa.
O; 0istory %ortion esa nh x!" Pk5ukvksa dks Ne*k4 ekul i5' ij vafdr djsa.
Q; ekufp= dks dkih ds e/; essa et,rh ds lkBk uRBkh djsa.
FR; vkRefo*okl uk, j2ksa.
uks5 & izArqr ek&' isij dso' 3k=ksa ds vH;kl ds f', #$. ijh(kk eas !lesa
fn;k x;k dks!" iz*u vkuk vfuok;" u#ha #$.
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