Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka: Benu 4583 - Engineering Ethics
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka: Benu 4583 - Engineering Ethics
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka: Benu 4583 - Engineering Ethics
Name Matrix No Course Year / Semester BENE / BENC / BENT 2011-2012 / Sem 1
1" #ti itarianism su$$ests that it is ethi%a to ma&e de%ision 'ased on ( a" Common de%en%) '" *hat is 'est +or most ,eo, e %" Mora -irtues . 1 Mar&/
2" Extortion is an attem,t to 'u) ( a" 0oodwi '" 0oods and ser-i%es !ui%& ) %" At a dis%ount d" 1n+ uen%e . 1 Mar&/
3" Ethi%a 'eha-iour is a matter o+ ( a" 2'e)in$ the ru es '" A%tin$ on a %onsidered 3ud$ement %" 4u$$ in$ standards and 'usiness needs . 1 Mar&/
5" En$ineers ma) ,er+orm ser-i%es outside their areas o+ %om,eten%e as on$ as the) in+orm their em, o)er or % ient o+ this +a%t" a" True '" 6a se . 1 Mar& /
7" The 'usiness / or$anisationa +ramewor& has no in+ uen%e on ethi%a 'eha-iour a" True '" 6a se . 2 Mar&s/
8" The two ,rimar) tas&s o+ ethi%a reasonin$ are ( a" To in+orm ,eo, e a'out the e$a situation and histori%a %ontext as the) ,ertain to their wor& '" To in+orm ,eo, e a'out what the) ou$ht to 'e doin$ and wh) the) shou d do it %" To ensure that ,eo, e a%t ethi%a ) and within the 'oundaries o+ aw d" To ensure that resear%her 'e%ome $ood ethi%ists in their own ri$ht and do the ri$ht thin$ ') their tria ,arti%i,ants e" To $uarantee $ood % ini%a ,ra%ti%e and a,, i%ation o+ sound % ini%a methodo o$) durin$ 'iomedi%a resear%h . 2 Mar&s/
9" : a$iarism re+ers to whi%h o+ the +o owin$; a" Co,)in$ -er'atim and without %itin$ the sour%e '" Stea in$ inte e%tua ,ro,ert) o+ someone e se without %itin$ the sour%e %" #sin$ the exam, es +rom another ,a,er 'ut mixin$ u, the order so it is unre%o$nisa' e d" A the a'o-e . 2 Mar&s/ <" =ow is en$ineerin$ ethi%s di++erent +rom ,ersona ethi%s; . 7 Mar&s /
>" There exist se-era ethi%a $uide ines? e"$"@ BEM En$ineerin$ Code o+ Ethi%s and ethi%a theories" a" State 2 %annons o+ BEM %ode o+ ethi%s and dis%uss a%tions to 'e ta&en to ensure the %annons are adhered to" . 5 Mar&s /
'" Ais%uss the simi arities? di++eren%es and the re ations 'etween ethi%a theories and an En$ineerin$ %ode o+ ethi%s" =ow does this he , en$ineers %ondu%t their 3o's ethi%a ) in the wor&, a%e; . 8 Mar&s /
10" =aris? a !ua it) %ontro en$ineer at Nusantara En$ineerin$ BNEC has a ,ro' em" NE %ontra%ted with Ma a)sian Air ines BMASC to su,, ) a ,rodu%t su'3e%t to the re!uirement that no ,arts are made in China" A thou$h the ori$ina desi$n % ear ) s,e%i+ies that a ,arts must satis+) this re!uirement one o+ NEDs su,, iers +ai ed to note that one o+ the %om,onents has two s,e%ia 'o ts that are made on ) in China" There is no time to desi$n a new 'o t i+ the terms o+ the %ontra%t are to 'e met" MAS is a ma3or %ustomer? and =aris +ears that not meetin$ the dead ine %an resu t in un+ortunate %onse!uen%es +or NE" =aris rea iEes that the %han%es o+ MAS dis%o-erin$ the ,ro' em on its own is -er) s im" The 'o ts in !uestion are not -isi' e on the sur+a%e o+ the ,rodu%t" 6urthermore? it is hi$h ) un i&e ) that MAS en$ineers wor&in$ on re,airs wi noti%e that the 'o ts are +rom China" 1n an) %ase? NE is under %ontra%t to do an) needed re,airs" Meanwhi e? it %an wor& on a 'o t desi$n so that it wi 'e read) with non-China ,arts? and read) to 'e used as re, a%ements when needed" Ais%uss the ethi%a dimensions in-o -ed in this %ase and the ,ossi' e a%tions a-ai a' e to =aris; *hat do )ou thin& he shou d do; A,, ) the ,ro' em-so -in$ te%hni!ues dis%ussed in % ass" . 17 Mar&s /