The Caligula is a Chaos Imperator Titan from the Horus Heresy that remains active 10,000 years later. It has been corrupted by Chaos and Khorne, replacing weapons with a massive claw and adding a sacrificial altar. In battle, it is a terrifying force that laid waste to thousands of Imperial forces in a famous engagement. Rules are provided for using the Caligula in Epic-scale wargaming.
The Caligula is a Chaos Imperator Titan from the Horus Heresy that remains active 10,000 years later. It has been corrupted by Chaos and Khorne, replacing weapons with a massive claw and adding a sacrificial altar. In battle, it is a terrifying force that laid waste to thousands of Imperial forces in a famous engagement. Rules are provided for using the Caligula in Epic-scale wargaming.
The Caligula is a Chaos Imperator Titan from the Horus Heresy that remains active 10,000 years later. It has been corrupted by Chaos and Khorne, replacing weapons with a massive claw and adding a sacrificial altar. In battle, it is a terrifying force that laid waste to thousands of Imperial forces in a famous engagement. Rules are provided for using the Caligula in Epic-scale wargaming.
The Caligula is a Chaos Imperator Titan from the Horus Heresy that remains active 10,000 years later. It has been corrupted by Chaos and Khorne, replacing weapons with a massive claw and adding a sacrificial altar. In battle, it is a terrifying force that laid waste to thousands of Imperial forces in a famous engagement. Rules are provided for using the Caligula in Epic-scale wargaming.
Chaos Imperator Titan of Khorne Titan competition winner!
By Christian Salling What unspeakable lies convinced Princeps Caesarion to commit this Heresy? What horrors infected this once most holy and magnificent construction and twisted it into the warped abomination it is today? And what Evil protects this Traitor and prevents us from destroying it with the cleansing fire it so righteously deserves? Only the Emperor may know and every day he laments the creation of this scourge. For every second this possessed beast still exists, unimaginable atrocities are being committed in the name of the Dark Gods. Bloodshed on a scale incomprehensible to any mere mortal. The Caligula is one of the last of the rare Imperator class titans that rebelled against the Emperor during the Horus Heresy. Few other named titans are known to Imperial scholars although the Abominatus, Despoiler of Worlds probably remain the most infamous. As was the case with most Imperial forces during the Heresy, the Adeptus Titanicus was also torn apart by Warmaster Horus' treachery. Almost half of the Divisio Militaris - the Titan Legions - rebelled to join the ranks of the Warmaster. Luckily for the loyalists, only a handful of Emperor class titans were operated by this branch of the Collegia Titanica. The majority of the Emperor Class titans are actually in the service of the Divisio Mandati, an organisation dedicated to enforcing and spreading the Pax Imperialis. However the few Emperor class titans that did rebel have proven to be among the most difficult targets to hunt down and destroy by the Imperial forces. Chaos Emperor Titans are usually only deployed in planet wide campaigns as the logistics involved in landing these beasts on the surface makes them unsuitable for skirmishes or small scale assaults. When they do deploy they are usually found where the fighting is fiercest surrounded by untold thousands, if not millions of other Chaos troops. This makes it much more difficult for dedicated Imperial strike forces to take them out compared just about any other target except possibly Abaddon or the cursed Daemon Primarchs themselves. Attempts have been made to teleport special Grey Knight daemon Hunter teams close to the titans -or even inside them, but none have succeeded. Like the Abominatus the Caligula is a titan aligned to the Blood God Khorne. As the Traitor Emperor Titans are so rare they've received an almost god like status by the Chaos followers that serve with them. And not completely unjustified either: Many have been possessed by Greater Daemons and it is even rumoured that some contain a small drop of the very essence of the Dark Gods. Ten thousand years of constant battle since the Heresy and influence from the Warp has transformed the surface of the Caligula into a baroque nightmarish mirror of the machine it once was. It's crew has long since died or merged with the machine although some say Princeps Caesarion still sits in his control throne now elevated to daemonhood by his dark masters. Skulls litter the buttresses and gun towers and hideous Daemons roam freely inside the machine. The metre thick plasticrete skin now transformed by the screaming faces of thousands of captured souls seems to be held together only by the raw willpower of some dark entity trapped deep within the machine. Although most of the original armament seems to be intact there does seem to be a couple of significant changes to the original standard Imperator titan weapons outfit. The Caligula in all its disgusting glory. Most noticeable is the replacement of the Plasma Annihilator with a monstrous close combat weapon known to some as the Fist of Khorne. The exact reasoning behind this change remains unknown although it is speculated that the Caligula's plasma reactor might have been damaged at some point. As the Plasma Annihilator requires a tremendous amount of power to function properly any reactor damage would severely affect its ability to operate efficiently. Other weapons systems with a high- energy consumption, such as the defence laser, seem to be missing as well. The Fist of Khorne is a monstrous weapon and truly a worthy replacement for the Plasma Annihilator. It is essentially a huge hydraulic claw the size of a small titan easily capable of snapping armoured vehicles in half or severely cripple even the biggest titans. Another significant change is the complete removal of the Sensorium Dome, which provides Imperial titans with a measure of psychic capabilities. This change is probably caused by the aversion most Khornate followers seem to feel towards things associated with magic or psychic abilities. The exact purpose of the structure's remains is unknown although scans indicate the possible presence of some sort of sacrificial chamber or altar to Khorne. In battle the Caligula is a terrifying sight. A raging hellish mountain of steel and fire striding forward with it's mighty guns raining death on everything unfortunate enough to get in it's way. To the Chaos Followers the Caligula is a walking manifestation of Khorne himself: A living God, Commander of the Khorne Army, and a focus for worship of the Blood God. In one of the most infamous engagements in the Aros XI campaign the Caligula took out an Imperator titan and severely crippled two Reaver titans of Battle Group Epsilon before being forced to retreat by overwhelming Imperial numbers. The Caligula had been supported by just a single company of World Eaters Space Marines but when they left the blood drenched battlefield more than 8.000 Guardsmen lay dead and almost an entire battalion of Imperial tanks had been reduced to smoking wrecks. RULES Since there's been a lot of debate as to how to make Imperator Titans feasible in Epic (Especially with regards to the AMTL army list) the following rules should be seen only as guidelines. One of the major problems with units this large is to make them worth their points cost. In an average 3-4-turn Tournament style game it is difficult for a unit that cannot split fire to destroy enough enemy formations to justify it's point's cost. Numerous suggestions have been made on how to solve this although I won't go into detail about that here. The following rules are simply a modification to the rules found in the E:A rulebook. You can substitute or improve these with some of the suggested changes to the Imperator rules if you like. Also as the E:A rulebook doesn't provide a points cost for the Imperator neither will I, but a rough guideline would be something in the 1500 points region, give or take a couple of hundred points. You may upgrade the Caligula to Supreme Commander of your army for an additional 150 points. Imperator Titan (Galigula variant) Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight War Engine 15 4+ 2+ 3+ Weapon Range Firepower Notes Fist of Khorne n/a Assault weapon, Macro Weapon, Extra attack (+D6), Titan Killer (D6) Forward Arc Hellstorm Cannon 60 cm 3D6BP Forward Arc 2x Battle Cannon 75 cm AP4+/AT4+ Left Arc 2xBattle Cannon 75 cm AP4+/AT4+ Right Arc 4xHeavy Bolter 30 cm AP5+ Forward Arc 3xHeavy Bolter 30 cm AP5+ Rear Arc Damage capacity 18. 8 Void Shields. Critical Hit Effect: The Caligula is driven into a daemonic rage and immediately moves 3D6cm in a random direction. If this move takes the titan into impassable terrain or another unit it can't move over then it stops when it contacts the obstruction and suffers an extra point of damage. If the Titan rampages into or over any units then they will take a hit on a D6 roll of 3+ (make saving throws for the units normally). In addition any Chaos formations within a 10 cm radius suffer D3 blast markers once the Caligula is destroyed. Units within 5 cm take a hit on the roll of 5+ as the daemons within the Caligula are sucked back into the Warp. Notes: Fearless. Reinforced Armour. Walker. Inspiring. Commander. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the titan's knees and up to 2 cm wide. For +100 points the Caligula may also be upgraded to include a Chaos Altar in it's superstructure. If this option is chosen the titan gains the following abilities: Augment Summoning (+2), Daemonic Focus. (See version 3.7 of the Black Legion list and LATD v. 3.4 for details) ABOUT THE AUTHORS Christian Salling is the winner of our Titan competition for this article. However, Christian sent in a few more equally excellent articles that we will be taking a closer look at in the following weeks.