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Course Design Guide
BSHS 421 Version 2
1 Course Syllabus College of Social Sciences BSHS 421 Version 2 Cultural Diversity and Special Populations Group ID !"12BHS#$ #%&2'&2#1$ to #'&2(&2#1$ !ntario )earning Center Instructor: Steven M. Walker, MSW Copyrig*t + 2##', 2##4 by -niversity of P*oeni./ 0ll rig*ts reserved/ Ontario Learning Center 1*ursday2s (## to 1### P3 4ee5 1 6 0ugust 2', 2#1$ 4ee5 2 6 Septe7ber 8, 2#1$ 4ee5 $ 6 Septe7ber 12, 2#1$ 4ee5 4 6 Septe7ber 1', 2#1$ 4ee5 8 6 Septe7ber 2(, 2#1$ Course Description Students 9ill e.plore ric* and uni:ue features of et*nically diverse populations and ;special populations,< and identify t*eir *u7an services needs/ Students 9ill beco7e fa7iliar 9it* available local co77unity services to 7eet t*ose needs/ 1*e develop7ent and assess7ent of cultural co7petence as it applies to social service agencies and be*avioral *ealt* professionals is e7p*asi=ed/ Policies >aculty and students&learners 9ill be *eld responsible for understanding and ad*ering to all policies contained 9it*in t*e follo9ing t9o docu7ents -niversity policies ?ou 7ust be logged into t*e student 9ebsite to vie9 t*is docu7ent/ Instructor policies 1*is docu7ent is posted in t*e Course Materials foru7/ -niversity policies are sub@ect to c*ange/ Be sure to read t*e policies at t*e beginning of eac* class/ Policies 7ay be slig*tly different depending on t*e 7odality in 9*ic* you attend class/ If you *ave recently c*anged 7odalities, read t*e policies governing your current class 7odality/ Course Materials 0t5inson, D/ A Hac5ett, G/ B2##4C Counseling diverse populations B$rd ed/C/ Boston, 30 3cGra9DHill/ 0t5inson, D/ B2##4C Counseling American minorities B(t* ed/C/ Boston, 30 3cGra9DHill/ 0ll electronic 7aterials are available on t*e student 9ebsite/ Week One: Diversity in the Culture August 29, 201 Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 2 Details Due Points O!ectives 1.1 Discover and e.plore eac* student2s culture and subculture/ 1.2 -nderstand t*e *istorical, social, and legal aspects of cultural diversity/ "ea#ings "ea# C*/ 1, 2, A $ of Counseling American Minorities, and be prepared to discuss t*e c*apters in class/ "ea# t*e follo9ing -!P 3aterials )earning 1ea7 )og )earning 1ea7 C*arter "ea# t*e Electronic Feserve Feadings/ $artici%ation $artici%ate in class discussion/ #%&2'&1$ 1 &iscussion 'uestions "es%on# to 9ee5ly discussion :uestions/ #%&2'&1$ 2 Learning (ea) Instructions Create t*e )earning 1ea7 C*arter found on *ttp&&eca7pus/p*oeni./edu/ 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5 Begin developing your )earning 1ea7 assign7ent, 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5, due in 4ee5 >our/ Select one of t*e follo9ing boo5s or videos, or anot*er appropriate one of your c*oosing, to prepare and present a report on t*e delivery of be*avioral *ealt* services to a culturally diverse population Raisin in the Sun, by )orraine Hansberry Bboo5 or videoC ;3i >a7ilia&3y >a7ily< BvideoC The Color Purple, by Alice Walker Bboo5 or videoC The Joy uck Club, by 07y 1an Bboo5 or videoC Smoke Signals, by S*er7an Bboo5 or videoC ;)a5ota 4o7anDDSiege at 4ounded Gnee< BvideoC ;07erican 3e< BvideoC !less Me "ltima, by Fudolfo 0naya Bboo5C #eart o$ A%tlan, by Fudolfo 0naya Bboo5C The one Ranger and Tonto &ist$ight in #eaven, by S*er7an Bboo5C In*or) your faculty 7e7ber of your selection, including a second c*oice, so t*at learning tea7s do not duplicate selections/ 1*e report 9ill focus on developing a plan for delivering culturally co7petent services to one of t*e c*aracters or t*e fa7ily appearing in t*e video or boo5/ Vie9 or read t*e boo5&7ovie 9it* an eye on t*e cultural issues or proble7s portrayed in t*e 9or5/ Develop culturally co7petent strategies to address t*ose issues/ >or e.a7ple, 9*at Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 $ 9ould you develop for a c*aracter 9*o is *aving acculturation issues and faces alienation fro7 *is&*er fa7ilyH E.plore t*e ric*ness of cultural diversity, as 9ell as t*e benefits and dra9bac5s as portrayed by t*e c*aracterBsC/ 1*e paper s*ould be, at a 7ini7u7, five pages in lengt* and in 0P0 for7at/ In#ivi#ual Iournal on 0ssigned Feadings and Class 0ctivities Eac* student 9ill 5eep a Iournal of *is or *er e.periences and reactions during t*is course/ Iournals 9ill be a record, su77ation, and co77entary on t*e 9or5s*ops, readings, and ot*er activities of t*e past 9ee5. !ournals are to "e su"#itte$ via O%& assign#ent "o' each (eek. #%&2'&1$ $ Week )(o: &pecial Populations an$ &pecial *ee$s &epte#"er +, 201 Details Due Points O!ectives 2.1 E.plore t*e special needs of t*e p*ysically, 7entally, and e7otionally disabled/ 2.2 E.plore gender and t*e special needs of 9o7en/ 2.+ E.plore issues of se.ual orientation and of gay and lesbian people/ 2.4 E.plore t*e issues and special needs of t*e aging population/ "ea#ings "ea# C*/ 4, %, 1#, 12, A 18 of Counseling 'iverse Populations/ "ea# t*is 9ee52s Electronic Feserve Feadings/ $artici%ation $artici%ate in class discussion/ #'&1$ 1 &iscussion 'uestions "es%on# to 9ee5ly discussion :uestions/ #'&1$ 2 Learning (ea) Instructions Paper on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent Begin develop7ent of t*e )earning 1ea7 assign7ent, Paper on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent/ Select one or 7ore of t*e cultural co7petence assess7ent tools in order to assess t*e level of cultural co7petency of yourself and your tea77ates/ ,n a$$ition, prepare a three-page paper on your %earning )ea#.s cultural co#petency, $ue in Workshop /ive0 )he paper (ill contain reco##en$ations regar$ing increasing or assuring greater cultural co#petence 1or your tea# #e#"ers0 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5 Continue developing your )earning 1ea7 assign7ent, 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5, due in 4ee5 >our/ Decide 9*o 9ill develop 9*at part of t*e paper/ 1*ere 9ill be a need for a *ig* degree of collaboration, creativity and, especially, critical t*in5ing in t*e assign7ent/ Vie9 t*e assign7ent not as a boo5 or 7ovie critic Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 4 but as a social scientist/ Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityDbased Progra7 Begin preparation of t*e )earning 1ea7 assign7ent, Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityD based Progra7, #ue in Week ,our/ Select a co77unityDbased progra7 and arrange to 7a5e a site visit in order to conduct an assess7ent of cultural co7petency/ Searc* for an appropriate instru7ent in t*e -!P !nline )ibrary and t*e 9ebsite of Portland State -niversity Fesearc* and 1raining Center on >a7ily Support 999/rtc/pd./edu/ ?our paper s*ould report your 7et*od, findings, and reco77endations and s*ould be a 7ini7u7 of five pages and in 0P0 for7at/ Prepare an oral presentation of your paper, to be presented in 4or5s*op >ive/ In#ivi#ual Iournal on 0ssigned Feadings and Class 0ctivities Eac* student 9ill 5eep a Iournal of *is or *er e.periences and reactions during t*is course/ Iournals 9ill be a record, su77ation, and co77entary on t*e 9or5s*ops, readings, and ot*er activities of t*e past 9ee5. !ournals are to "e su"#itte$ via O%& assign#ent "o' each (eek0 #'&1$ $ In#ivi#ual Paper Criti:ue of 0D0 and 0ffir7ative 0ction $re%are a t*reeDpage criti:ue of 0D0 and 0ffir7ative 0ction based on your readings, t*e lecture, and your o9n researc*/ 1*ose papers s*ould be eD7ailed to t*e instructor prior to 4or5s*op 19o/ 1*e papers s*ould be 9ritten in 0P0 for7at/ #'&1$ 18 Learning (ea) Paper and !ral Presentatio n on Special People&Spe cial "eeds &evelo% t*e Paper and !ral Presentation on Special People&Special "eeds, due in 4or5s*op 19o/ Inclu#e t*e special proble7s and special needs of t*e population you c*ose during 4or5s*op !ne in regard to see5ing and receiving Hu7an Services/ Include so7e of t*e barriers in t*e delivery of t*ese services and practical solutions/ 0t a 7ini7u7, t*e paper s*ould be si. pages in lengt* and 9ritten in 0P0 for7at/ Inclu#e de7onstrations of assess7ent tec*ni:ues, intervention strategies, and treat7ent planning/ 1*e !ral Presentation s*ould be 2# 7inutes in lengt*, and all tea7 7e7bers s*ould be involved/ Inclu#e co77ents on your e.periences in t*is conference in your Individual Iournals/ #'&1$ 1# Week )hree: 2thnic Diversity &epte#"er 12, 201 Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 8 Details Due Points O!ectives +.1 E.plore issues in t*e delivery of be*avioral *ealt* services to "ative 07ericans, and 0frican 07ericans +.2 E.plore issues in t*e delivery of be*avioral *ealt* services to 0frican 07ericans/ "ea#ings "ea# C*/ $, 8, (, % A ' of Counseling American Minorities( "ea# t*is 9ee52s Electronic Feserve Feadings/ $artici%ation $artici%ate in class discussion/ #'&12&1$ 1 &iscussion 'uestions "es%on# to 9ee5ly discussion :uestions/ #'&12&1$ 2 Learning (ea) Instructions Continue t*e develop7ent of your )earning 1ea7 Paper on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent/ Continue developing your )earning 1ea7 assign7ent, 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5, due in 4ee5 >our/ Continue t*e develop7ent of your )earning 1ea7 Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityD based Progra7, due in 4ee5 >our/ ?ou s*ould *ave identified t*e assess7ent toolBsC and t*e co77unityDbased organi=ation on 9*ic* you 9ill conduct your assess7ent of cultural co7petence/ ?our assess7ent of t*e cultural co7petence of your )earning 1ea7 7e7bers 9ill be a good preparation for t*is pro@ect/ Be sure to OLS in L( Bo. t*e instructor 9it* t*e na7e of t*e site you 9ill visit/ 0 9ellD9ritten paper 9ill include t*e follo9ing 7aterial 0 brief *istory of t*e siteJ 1*e population servedJ 1*e services offeredJ 0 7ission state7entJ and De7ograp*icsJ for e.a7ple, o staff and client 7a5eDup o annual budget o source of budget/ Be sure to fully e.plain t*e 7et*od and process your tea7 used/ Include 7aterials as needed in an addendu7 to t*e paper -.%lain t*e 7et*od and process your tea7 used/ Inclu#e 7aterials as needed in an addendu7 to t*e paper/ Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityDbased Progra7 $re%are a list of issues and :uestions on assess7ent of cultural Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 ( co7petence for discussion during 4or5s*ops >our and >ive/ >or e.a7ple 4*at s*ould t*e responsibility and involve7ent of a governing Board be regarding cultural co7petency/ S*ould t*e Board be biculturalH 4*y or 9*y notH 4*at s*ould t*e Procedural 3anual includeH Ho9 involved s*ould t*e co77unity&neig*bor*ood be in progra7 issuesH Ho9 can t*eyDDor s*ould t*eyDDbe involved in t*ese areasH 4*at are so7e of t*e issues t*at need to be addressed in t*e *iring of co7petent staffH In#ivi#ual Iournal on 0ssigned Feadings and Class 0ctivities Eac* student 9ill 5eep a Iournal of *is or *er e.periences and reactions during t*is course/ Iournals 9ill be a record, su77ation, and co77entary on t*e 9or5s*ops, readings, and ot*er activities of t*e past 9ee5. !ournals are to "e su"#itte$ via O%& assign#ent "o' each (eek./ #'&12&1$ $ Week /our: Cultural Co#petency &kills &epte#"er 19, 201 Details Due Points O!ectives 4.1 E.plore issues in t*e delivery of be*avioral *ealt* services to Hispanics and )atinos 4.2 E.plore issues in t*e delivery of be*avioral *ealt* services to 0sians and Pacific Islanders 4.+ E.a7ine and develop personal cultural co7petency 4.4 >acilitate develop7ent of peer cultural co7petency s5ills/ "ea#ings "ea# C*/ 1#, 11, 12, 1$, 14, 18, A 1( of Counseling American Minorities/ "ea# t*is 9ee52s Electronic Feserve Feadings/ $artici%ation $artici%ate in class discussion/ #'&1'&1$ 1 &iscussion 'uestions "es%on# to 9ee5ly discussion :uestions/ #'&1'&1$ 2 Learning (ea) Instructions Co)%lete your 9or5 on t*e develop7ent of your )earning 1ea7 Paper on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent/ Co)%lete your 9or5 on your )earning 1ea7 Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityD based Progra7, #ue in Works/o% ,our/ If you are *aving difficulty 9it* t*e Site Visit and 0ssess7ent, contact t*e faculty 7e7ber for assistance/ Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 K Practice t*e presentation to be 7ade in 4ee5 >ive/ 1*e )earning 1ea7s 9ill be graded on t*e scope and dept* of researc*, t*e :uality of analysis, and reco77endations/ Fefer to t*e 7aterials, ;Standards for 4ritten 4or5,< and ;Standards for Presentations,< found in t*e Progra7 Handboo5/ In#ivi#ual Iournal on 0ssigned Feadings and Class 0ctivities Eac* student 9ill 5eep a Iournal of *is or *er e.periences and reactions during t*is course/ Iournals 9ill be a record, su77ation, and co77entary on t*e 9or5s*ops, readings, and ot*er activities of t*e past 9ee5. !ournals are to "e su"#itte$ via O%& assign#ent "o' each (eek. #'&1'&1$ $ Learning (ea) 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5 Su)it t*e 4ritten Feport on Felevant >il7 or Boo5
#'&1'&1$ 1# Learning (ea) Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityDbased Progra7 Su)it t*e Paper and Presentation on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of a Co77unityDbased Progra7/ /
#'&1'&1$ 1# Week /ive: Cultural &kills in 3ehavioral 4ealth &ettings &epte#"er 25, 201 Details Due Points O!ectives 0.1 )earn about Cultural Co7petency in agencies and be*avioral *ealt* settings/ 0.2 Develop t*e s5ills needed in delivering be*avioral *ealt* services to 07erican 7inorities and to ;special< populations/ 0.+ -nderstand t*e i7portance of cultural co7petence in be*avioral *ealt* settings/ "ea#ings "ea# t*is 9ee52s Electronic Feserve Feadings/ $artici%ation $artici%ate in class discussion/ #'&2(&1$ 1 &iscussion 'uestions "es%on# to 9ee5ly discussion :uestions/ #'&2(&1$ 2 1ongra#e# 2ctivities an# $re%aration Co)%lete t*e )earning 1ea7 Evaluation and sub7it it to t*e instructor/ In#ivi#ual Eac* student 9ill 5eep a Iournal of *is or *er e.periences and #'&2(&1$ $ Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 % Iournal on 0ssigned Feadings and Class 0ctivities reactions during t*is course/ Iournals 9ill be a record, su77ation, and co77entary on t*e 9or5s*ops, readings, and ot*er activities of t*e past 9ee5. !ournals are to "e su"#itte$ via O%& assign#ent "o' each (eek. In#ivi#ual >inal E.a7 Co)%lete t*e >inal E.a7/ #'&2(&1$ 18 Learning (ea) Paper on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of your )earning 1ea7 Su)it t*e Paper on Cultural Co7petency 0ssess7ent of your )earning 1ea7 #'&2(&1$ 1# Optional Discussion 6uestions Week One &iscussion 'uestions 1*e concepts and definitions of ;culture,< ;subDculture,< and ;race< are, at a 7ini7u7, co7ple. and controversial/ Discuss t*e various definitions and controversies related to t*e7/ Provide your o9n definitionBsC and rationale for t*ose definitions/ Discuss your o9n ;culture< and ;subDculture/< Discuss t*e rituals, language, 7ores, et*ics, and ot*er sy7bols attac*ed to it/ Discuss at least five issues t*at affect counseling or delivery of *ealt* services to various cultural or subDcultural groups/ Week (3o &iscussion 'uestions Discuss t*e proble7s t*at 7ig*t be associated 9it* a 7ale counselor providing services to a fe7ale client/ 0re t*ese valid concernsH E.plain and provide options/ Discuss t*e issues of an agency offering accessibility to all clients B0D0C 4*at 9ould be t*e i7pact of t*e costs in retrofitting offices and buildingsH Discuss 0ffir7ative 0ction in preparation for t*e for7al assign7ent, Paper on Criti:ue of 0D0 and 0ffir7ative 0ction/ 4*at is your o9n personal understanding and stanceH E.plain pros and cons of t*at position/ Week (/ree &iscussion 'uestions Discuss your personal understanding of 9*y t*e 0fricanD07erican fa7ily is in suc* trouble/ Discuss possible solutions/ Discuss so7e of t*e reasons for t*e overDrepresentation of 0frican607erican 7ales in prison/ Discuss t*e issues related to t*e proble7s facing "ative 07erican yout* 9*o leave t*e reservation/ In contrast, discuss t*e proble7s of "ative 07ericans 9*o c*oose "!1 to leave t*e reservations/ Discuss t*e strengt*s and 9ea5nesses of 0fricanD07erican and "ative 07erican cultures/ 4*at are Course Design Guide BSHS 421 Version 2 ' t*e i7plications for delivery of *ealt* and social servicesH Week ,our &iscussion 'uestions Discuss t*e proble7s facing t*e recent p*eno7enon of i77igrants fro7 Sout*east 0sia BCa7bodian, H7ong, Vietna7ese, etc/C/ Discuss t*e ;cultural nor7s< carried by 0sian clients into a Social Service delivery agency/ 4*at can agencies do or c*ange in order to 7ini7i=e t*ese proble7sH Discuss *o9 t*e )atino concepts of ;verguen=a and 7ac*is7o< i7pact t*e counseling situation/ Discuss t*e i7portance of religion in t*is et*nic 7inority/ Discuss t*e concept of ;e.tended fa7ily< 9it* 0sian and )atino et*nic 7inorities/ Discuss t*e strengt*s and 9ea5nesses regarding delivery of social and *ealt* services/ Week ,ive &iscussion 'uestions 4*at 7a5es an agency culturally co7petentH 4*at 7ig*t you as a *u7an services 9or5er do to 7a5e your agency ;user friendlyH< Ho9 7ig*t you address a practice 9it*in your BfutureC organi=ation t*at reflects subtle discri7inationH Discuss t*e roles of agency boards, staff, and t*ose in positions of leaders*ip in creating and 7aintaining cultural co7petence/ Copyright -niversity of P*oeni.L is a registered trade7ar5 of 0pollo Group, Inc/ in t*e -nited States and&or ot*er countries/ 3icrosoftL, 4indo9sL, and 4indo9s "1L are registered trade7ar5s of 3icrosoft Corporation in t*e -nited States and&or ot*er countries/ 0ll ot*er co7pany and product na7es are trade7ar5s or registered trade7ar5s of t*eir respective co7panies/ -se of t*ese 7ar5s is not intended to i7ply endorse7ent, sponsors*ip, or affiliation/ Edited in accordance 9it* -niversity of P*oeni.L editorial standards and practices/