Integrated Unit
Integrated Unit
Integrated Unit
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Directions: Choose two content areas (one must be literacy) to create a 3-5 day unit of instruction.
PRIOR KO!"#$%# &''#''(#) )O IC"*$#+
$e,th of Knowled-e ($OK)
"e.el / - Recall0 reco-ni1e0 measure or re,roduce
"e.el 2 3 Classify0 or-ani1e0 estimate0 com,are or e4,lain
"e.el 3 3 Reasonin-0 strate-ic thin5in- or 6ustify
"e.el 7 3 Com,le4 reasonin-0 ,lannin-0 de.elo,in- and thin5in- or -ather0 analy1e0 or-ani1e and
inter,ret information
8or more information0 use the followin- resources+
At least one detailed unit plan for a minimum 3- da!s during the semester that includes
Program Assessment Requirement SectionTo Documented _____
/) )hree - fi.e days of instruction :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2) ame of the *nit :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3) $ates the unit was tau-ht :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
7) 'tate Common Core 'tandards with indicators and :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
5) "earnin- acti.ities (lesson ,lans) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;) Resources to include teachin- materials and technolo-y :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<) #.aluation of students :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=) )wo -raded0 written9,erformance assessment sam,les for the unit :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
>) Im,act9reflection and refinement (how the lesson or unit was
recei.ed by students and how the teacher can ma5e
im,ro.ements in the ,resentation of the lesson)
/?) *$" format to include+ accommodations for s,ecial
,o,ulations9differentiation :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Unit Plan Template
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G. Designing the Instructional Unit
1. Unit Title:
Unit 6: The Civil ar ! Reconstruction
". En#uring Un#erstan#ings $Learning I%&lications':
)his unit describes how the !ar be-an0 its ,ro-ression0 and how the *nion was able to defeat the
Confederacy. )he effects of the conflict on soldiers and society will also be e.aluated. )he ,olitical
conflict rebuildin- the 'outh and the im,act of Reconstruction on &frican &mericans and other
'outherners will also be analy1ed.
(. Essential Unit Gui#ing )uestions* +e, Conce&ts:
How did sectional tensions between the North and South lead to the Civil War?
How was the North able to defeat the South and end the war?
How was society affected by the Civil War?
What were the goals of Reconstruction?
How did the South change politically, economically, and socially when Reconstruction ended?
-. Mar,lan# Co%%on Core .tate .tan#ar#s to /e A##resse#:
($ @oluntary 'tate Curriculum-
=./.&.3.aA =./.&.3.bA =./.B./.dA =./.C.2.bA =.2.C./.bA =.7.&.2.cA =.7.&.7.aA =.5.C.7.aA =.5.C.5.a
"#.$.2: $etermine a central idea of a te4t and analy1e its de.elo,ment the course of the te4t0 includin- its relationshi, to
su,,ortin- ideasA ,ro.ide an ob6ecti.e summary of the te4t.
%.$.1.&+ 'u,,ort claim(s) with lo-ical reasonin- and rele.ant e.idence0 usin- accurate0 credible sources and demonstratin-
an understandin- of the to,ic or te4t.
%.$.2.D: *se ,recise lan-ua-e and domain-s,ecific .ocabulary to inform about or e4,lain the to,ic.
0. 1/2ectives 3or the Unit:
Students will able to analyze the early views and battles of the Civil War.
Students will able to analyze the outcome of the war and the toll it had on the country.
Students will able to analyze the final stages of the war.
Students will able to synthesize a multimedia summary of a Civil War battle.
Students will able to analyze Radical Reconstruction.
Students will able to analyze the struggle over Reconstruction.
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4. Descri&tion o3 Current an# E5&ecte# .tu#ent Per3or%ance using Pre6Assess%ent Data:
After analyzing the enchmar! " scores on the #revious unit$ the current student #erformance was a %&'
average overall score. (he e)#ected student #erformance will be an average overall score of *+' with a s#ecific
concentration on im#roving the A,-. students/ scores: from a class average score of *+' to 0+'.
7. De3ine Co%%unication 8ith .tu#ents9 Caregivers9 an# Colleagues:
Communication with caregivers include multi#le letters informing them of the current instructional
materials$ field tri# and movie #ermission sli#s for students$ and many #arent conferences. Student
communication mostly included direct instruction$ along with some electronic information using email and
1rou#&+&. Communication with colleagues included emails$ meetings$ and #artnershi#s2 in #articular my mneotr
and - communicated everyday reflecting on my instruction.
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Re.ised =9/3
Unit Plan :or%at
3ame: 3icholas Clements .ate: +&45%4&6 Age41rade 7evel: *
grade Social Studies
8 of Students: &55 8 of -9: Students: &* 8 of 79: Students: &
:rogram: United States ;istory - <a=or Content Areas: Civil War > Reconstruction Unit 7ength: "5 days
Unit (itle: Unit 6: Civil War > Reconstruction
9)#lain how each lesson relates to the unit of study or your broad goals for teaching about the to#ic.
(he unit was divided into &6 lesson all of which directly relate to the enduring understandings as well as the im#ortant to
!now guidelines.
.escribe the students/ #rior !nowledge within the unit/s two content areas.
(he students/ #rior !nowledge included U.S. ;istory u# to the <e)ican?American War and eight years of <. state
curriculum 97A classes.
.escribe generally any critical student characteristics or attributes that will affect student learning @other than what you
described in the (eaching and 7earning Conte)tA.
Socioeconomic status was a ma=or factor that affected student ability. Bew students fell aslee# through the most
e)citing lessons due to having to ta!e care of things at home or wor!ing a #art time =ob. Additionally$ a
language barrier e)isted between one student and - which led to some confusion @es#ecially on ;istory
to#icsA but was overcome with the use of 1oogle (ranslate. 7ow student motivation and reading ability
affected benchmar! scores$ which was illustrated during a retest which - read?a?loud to the students in a
small grou# setting. (his retest im#roved grades by at least one letter?grade or more.
<. ,oluntary State Curriculum?
*.&.A.".a2 *.&.A.".b2 *.&..&.d2 *.&.C.5.b2 *.5.C.&.b2 *.6.A.5.c2 *.6.A.6.a2 *.C.C.6.a2 *.C.C.C.a
R-.*.5: .etermine a central idea of a te)t and analyze its develo#ment over the course of the te)t$ including its
relationshi# to su##orting ideas2 #rovide an ob=ective summary of the te)t.
W.*.&.: Su##ort claim@sA with logical reasoning and relevant evidence$ using accurate$ credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the to#ic or te)t.
W.*.5..: Use #recise language and domain?s#ecific vocabulary to inform about or e)#lain the to#ic.
Science? -ndustrialization and :ollution.
97A? 3umerous CR and .D essays$ including a variety of #rimary and secondary sources.
Art4<usic? i<ovie #resentations of battles included creative imagery and music integration. @<usic+ Eohn rown
Ra# video.
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Assess%ent Plan
-n tabular format$ organize how each ob=ective will be assessed. -nclude co#ies of assessment instruments.
<aryland Common Core Content Standards4-ndicators
1/2ective;Assess%ent Plan 1rgani<er
T,&e o3
Descri&tion o3
De&th o3
+no8le#ge Level
A#a&tations an#;or
Bormal Assessment enchmar! 6: Covers
information on Unit 6: (he
Civil War >
7evel " Read Fuestions aloud
Bormal Assessment CR/s & and 52 .D 7evel 6 Writing intervention2
,enn .iagram usage2
Read Fuestions aloud.
Resources9 %e#ia an# technolog,
7ist the s#ecific materials and eFui#ment needed for the lesson. Attach co#ies of #rinted materials to be used with the
i:ad @numerous a##sA$ Goutube$ :romethean oard$ Whiteboards$ etc.
-f a##ro#riate$ list technology resources for the lesson including fli#charts$ hardware$ software$ and -nternet UR7s$ and
be sure to cite the sources used to develo# this lesson. @-f you feel the technology observed in the lessons does not
fairly re#resent your use of technology$ #rovide additional documentationA
i<ovie$ :ages$ S!itch$ Heynote$ 1arageband$ Near&o#9 Subte)t.
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Universal Design 3or Learning
1lobally describe the strategies and activities you will use to involve students and accom#lish your ob=ectives including how
you will trigger #rior !nowledge and how you will ada#t strategies to meet individual student needs and the diversity in your
- always start the day with a Warm?u# that connects to the #reviously lesson. (he warm?u# is usually a Fuic!?write. (hen -
administer a brief #reassessment using the I#ollJ feature on 3ear#od$ which gives me instant feedbac! on where my
students understanding.
.uring the lesson$ - as! #oll Fuestions to measure student understanding. (his allows me to see whether or not my
students are gras#ing the to#ic at hand or if further e)#lanation is necessary. <odifications on the 3ear#od a## allow
student to s#ea! into the i:ad and write for them$ this became useful with my 79: student.
:ost?assessments are usually Fuizzes or #olitical cartoons that measure the student ability on the material recently
covered. (he Fuizzes allow each student to wor! through multi#le choice or (rue4Balse Fuestions$ once they are done -
can send them their scores$ allowing them to review the Fuestions and answers while giving me instant feedbac! at the
same time.
.uring benchmar! reviews$ the class #uts together a hard?co#y study guide and then a review game is administered either
through 3ear#od or :ower:oint.
-m#act: @Analysis of Student Achievement from this lessonA
;ow many students met #erformance criteria for ob=ectivesK ;ow many did not meet the #erformance criteria for
With the e)ce#tion of four students @5 moved away$ & relocated$ and & outright failedA all students met the
#erformance ob=ectives and criteria throughout the unit. (he overall score on enchmar! 6 was a %0'$ once
review the 1radeCam re#ort - noticed on "+ out of &&* students answered Fuestion 85" correctly. (hus$ - gave
the students that #oint bringing the average u# to a *&'$ e)ceeding the e)#ected student #erformance.
Additionally the A,-. students brought their class average u# from an *+' to a 06' with all but two students
achieving a 0+' or higher.
@;ow would you change the lesson to increase student achievementKA
&. What did your im#act analysis tell you about how your students learnK
- noticed that my students have a higher learning rate when using technology and e)#loratory settings.
5. 9)#lain how the analysis of the data will im#act your future teachingK S#ecifically the students who
mastered the standard$ and the students who did notK
(he analysis of data showed that instant feedbac! and the use of assessment data to guide instruction is
invaluable to student learning. (his allows teachers to focus and modify instruction to directly meet the
needs of the student. Bor those who did not master the standard$ more in?de#th accomodations are
necessary li!e reading aloud or &?on?& e)#lanations.
". ;ow useful were the assessments in terms of student learningK
(he assessments were the most valuable as#ect of student learning.
6. What resources and4or #ersonnel might assist you in im#roving student achievementK
(he continued use of i:ads would greatly assist in im#roving student learning.
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C. ;ow will you differentiate instruction so that all students achieveK
-m#lement various outlets of information such as movies$ audio recordings$ visuals$ and te)t.$
6. ;ow will you differentiate instruction for students who easily achieved the #erformance criteria and need to
move forwardK
<ore rigorous and in?de#th analysis is necessary along with an evaluation #iece to the general assignment.