Swun Math 4 30

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Key Content Standard(s): List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each standard. TPE: 1 & 9
M.G. 1.1 Choose the appropriate tools and units (metric and U.S.) and estimate
and measure the length, liquid volume, and weight/mass of given objects.
Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? TPE: 1, 6 & 9
Students should be able to estimate the mass and capacity of an object.
Assessment: Formal and Informal Assessment. TPE: 2 & 3
What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective? Students will be asked to
demonstrate understanding of the objective by writing on their whiteboards during part of the lesson where they have
to reveal their answers. They will also be doing practice problems in their book as well which can be assessed for their

What modifications of the above assessment would you use for language learners and/or students with special
needs? Allowing for students to have extra time if they need it as well as not pressuring students to finish all problems
allows students to take their time and really attempt the problems at their own pace.

Prerequisite Skills, Knowledge and Experiential Backgrounds. TPE: 4 & 8
Prerequisite skills from prior school experiences Students will need to use their prior knowledge of measurement
and their knowledge of mass and capacity in order to identify the appropriate estimate.

Strategy to connect school learning with prior experiential knowledge and/or cultural background Students
will be able to connect school learning with prior experiential knowledge by seeing images of the items and making
personal connections in order to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

Pre-assessment strategy Students will be answering questions in the structured guided practice that will allow me to
understand if they are getting the material. This will tell me if I need to continue to review the material or if students
can continue and work on the problems independently.

Academic Language. TPE: 7 & 9
What content specific vocabulary, text structures, stylistic, or grammatical features will be explicitly taught?
Some of the vocab that will be taught includes: CAPACITY, LITER (L), MILLILITER (mL), MASS, GRAM (g), and

Equity. TPE: 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
How will ALL learners engage? (varying academic abilities, cultural backgrounds, and language levels)
Describe your differentiated instructional strategy. All students will be able to learn because there will be
moments where they can discuss with their groups and gain insight from one another. This allows for students with
varying abilities as well as language levels to discuss answers and practice orally what they have been writing and
thinking about. The use of visuals will also help students to connect materials that they are reading about in order to
fully be able to visualize the problems.

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPE: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10
What will the teacher do to 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and
prior learning, 2) identify learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4) monitor
student learning during instruction, and 5) build metacognitive understanding.

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.













Tell students we are going to be
visualizing today for our lesson.
Visualizing is when you are thinking
about something and creating an image
in your head! Tell them I want to
visualize a parrot. And then draw parrot
on a paper. We will use this today when
we are thinking about what to use to

Write down Lesson Title, Unit and
Lesson Number, CA Standard
Write down Objective

Have students copy down vocabulary in
math notebooks.
Mass, Capacity, Liter, Milliliter, Gram,
Show students examples of what is used
to measure the different types i.e. water
bottle for liter vs. eye-dropper for mL.

Write steps down in journal:
1) Identify the object being
2) Refer to vocab for examples
3) Choose correct unit of capacity
or mass
Review Steps.

Input Model/Solve and explain my
thought process for my answers
-go over two examples of choosing
between measurements

Structured Guided Practice
Teacher and Student solves the
problems together explaining answers.
-call on two students to share their

Final Check for Understanding
Students will bring out whiteboards and
write their answer to the problems. I
will be checking to see what they wrote
on both problems.

Student practice.
Walk around while students answer the
problems on the board checking to see if
they are understanding the lesson.

Regroup students and ask them for their
answers to check. Have students call out
answers as a class.


Copy down lesson title, unit and lesson number,
CA standard and objective

Students copy down vocabulary: mass, capacity,
liter, milliliter, gram, kilogram

Have students guess order of the steps before
writing them down.
Students write down the steps in the journal

Students observe and listen to teachers thought

Students listen to problems and then pair share
about their answers focusing on the answer and
their explanation for their reasoning.

Two students will share out.

Students will be writing their answers on their
white boards to the problems on the projector.

Students will be working on the example
problems in their math journals.

Students will call their answers out as a whole


Math Journal

Water bottle, eye
dropper, paper
clip compared to
dog picture

White boards
and markers




What did you learn today? Pair share
with a partner about something you
learned today.

Have a few students share out.

Wrap up: this is similar to the lesson we
learned a few weeks ago about telling
between ounces and pounds.
Students will pair share with their partner.

Students will share what their partner shared.

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