Concept Attainment Lesson Plan
Concept Attainment Lesson Plan
Concept Attainment Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate ___Melissa Neu____ Grade Level__2__ Date of lesson__April 7th ___
Content Standards:
State the unit goal and identify one or two primary local, state or national curricular standards to which your lesson aligns. What key knowledge and skills will students be able to demonstrate as a result of your instruction? 2.M.1.b Identify numbers as even or odd numbers and determine whether a set of objects has an odd or even number of elements
Learner Background:
Describe the students prior knowledge or skill related to the learning objective(s) and the content of this lesson. How did the students previous performance in this content area or skill impact your planning for this lesson? Students have been thoroughly introduced to single-digit and double digit numbers. They have also had experience with using manipulatives within the math lessons.
Students will know how to differentiate even numbers with odd numbers. Students will be able to identify manipulatives to describe even and odd numbers.
How will you ask students to demonstrate mastery of the student learning objective(s)? Attach a copy of any assessment materials you will use, along with assessment criteria.
Firstly, I will be walking around the room observing students pick and find their manipulatives while listening to their conversations about the topic. Students will be able to show their items to the class and will list their items as either even or odd . Materials/Resources:
List the materials you will use in each learning activity including any technological resources. All materials in the classroom can be used as materials. My Even Day, by Dorris Fisher One Odd Day, By Dorris Fisher. Two Hula Hoops
Teaching Model/Strategy
Accurately names model/strategy; Explains WHY this model/strategy is chosen for these learners; Explains how model/strategy lends itself to learning this content, these skills and/or dispositions.
Indirect Instruction: I will give a mini-lesson on even and odd numbers (using Concept Attainment) and have the students decipher whether items fall in the Even/Odd category.
I will start of the lesson by reading two books by Dorris Fisher called, My Even Day and One odd day. This will keep students engaged from early on. After both books have been readaloud, the class will have a discussion about the book (how important it is to have only two feet, not three!!). I will then draw a T-graph on the board and identify numbers as either even/odd numbers by categorizing them approprately. After a few examples, I will then have students as a group attempt to put the next examples into categories. For those students who have grasped the concept early, I will have them suggest their own example, which will give other students more time to grasp and understand the concept while scaffolding each other. Lesson Development: Describe how you will develop the lesson, what you will do to
model or guide practice, what learning activities students will be engaged in order to gain the key knowledge and skills identified in the student learning objective(s). Identify the instructional grouping (whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals) you will use in each phase of instruction.
After students get a feel and understanding of the concept, they will have a chance to find items throughout the room that can be categorized into even or odd groups. They can either do this individually or in groups, depending on how they want to work. I would them walk around the classroom and observe the students conversations. If help is needed, I will provide guidance and scaffolding.
Briefly describe how you will close the lesson and help students understand the purpose of the lesson. (Interact with learners to elicit evidence of student understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of objectives) I will close the lesson by having students show their items to the class while they categorize their objects into the even or odd pile. Students will categorize their items into odd/even piles that are divided into two hula hoops. While observing the students, I can also assess them simply by how they categorize their objects. After group show, I will end the class with discussion. For homework, students are to make their own My Odd Book and My Even Book. They are to look for items around the house that are odd and even numbered. They will them draw a picture of the item/s and write a sentence for each item. For example, I have three cats in my house. (To be listed in the odd book.) There will need to be a total of 3 items in each book (6 in all).
Describe 1 to 3 students with identified instructional needs. (These students may be special or general education students and need not be the same students for each lesson. Students may represent a range of ability and/or achievement levels.)
Student Name
1. What is the students identified instructional need? 2. What evidence do you have that this is an instructional need?
Describe strategy for differentiating instruction in this lesson to meet this need.
1. Dyslexia (has an IEP) Joey 2. Student has trouble reading numbers, adding and subtracting, and has a tendency of mixing up numbers, but has no problem with the addition/subtraction if assessed verbally. 1. ELL Monica 2. Student is confident in mathematics, but struggles with the English language. Her first language is Spanish. This is her first year in an American school. Her parents also speak Spanish at home. 1. ADHD 2. Student has trouble paying attention and needs time to move around freely. He is also currently taking medication for his ADHD For the activity, Monica could be paired with a buddy while they each pick their own even/odd objects. Before group show, I will assess her individually and give her the option of presenting her item to the class. Shawn will also be paired with a buddy that will keep him on task throughout the activity. Pairing him up with a buddy will also help him retrieve information that he may not have gotten throughout the lesson. This activity will allow him to move around freely and has limited time in sitting. During the initiation of the lesson, while providing students with number examples on the board, I could also provide picture examples to help him grasp the concept. Using manipulatives during the activity will also help him focus on the concept instead of his special need.
Reflection on Practice:
Student Achievement: Specifically analyzes student learning for each SLO. What differences do you notice in the performance of individual students? Note needs or opportunities for reteaching or enrichment for specific learners. Teacher Efficacy: (Evaluation and Assessment of ones own teaching): Examines/explains impact of personal teaching practice by responding to following: 1) What worked well and why? 2) What did not work well and why? 3) What actions will be taken now which are: a) immediate and b) long range? 4) Briefly describes ONE reasonable alternative approach that could be used to achieve these same SLOs?
The sentence describes the items listed on each page In each book, all listed items are correctly categorized. There are illustrations for each page of work.
The sentence describes the items listed on most pages In each book, most listed items are correctly categorized. There are illustrations for most pages of work.
A sentence attempt has been made to explain items listed In each book, few listed items are correctly categorized. There are illustrations for little pages of work.
LESSON PLAN RUBRIC EDUC 301 TEACHER CANDIDATE:__Melissa Neu__ Submission # and Date: _______________ Name of Model/Strategy Content Area:_Concept Attainment LP_Grade Level:__2__ Criteria for Evaluation: 3 - Effective 2 Quality Expected at this point of program Emerging 0 - Not Suitable 1Total Points Earned:_______/33
(self evaluate)
Relationship to Content Standards Instructor T.C.
Identifies one or two primary local, state or national curricular standards to which your lesson aligns. What key knowledge and skills will students be able to demonstrate as a result of your instruction?
Learner Background
Describes the students prior knowledge or skill related to the learning objective(s) and the content of this lesson. How did the students previous performance in this content area or skill impact your planning for this lesson?
__3___ __3____
Teaching Model/Strategy
Names model/strategy and explain WHY this model/strategy is chosen for these learners; Explain how model/strategy lends itself to learning this content, these skills and/or dispositions.
Briefly describes how you will initiate the lesson. (Set expectations for learning; articulate to learners what they will be doing and learning in this lesson, how they will demonstrate learning and why this is important)
Rubric for: Lesson Plan Assignment- Models and Strategies (self evaluate) T.C. Instructor
Lesson Development:
Describes how you will develop the lesson, what you will do to model or guide practice, what learning activities students
will be engaged in order to gain the key knowledge and skills identified in the student learning objective(s). Identify the instructional grouping (whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals) you will use in each phase of instruction.
Briefly describes how you will close the lesson and help students understand the purpose of the lesson. (Interact with learners to elicit evidence of student understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of objectives)
REFLECTION ON PRACTICE: Student Achievement: Specifically analyzes student learning for each SLO. What differences do you notice in the performance of individual students? Notes needs or opportunities for reteaching or enrichment for specific learners.
Teacher Efficacy (Evaluation and Assessment of ones own teaching): Examines/explains impact of personal teaching practice by responding to following: 1) What worked well and why? 2) What did not work well and why? 3) What actions will be taken now which are: a) immediate and b) long range? 4) Briefly describe ONE reasonable alternative approach that could be used to achieve these same SLOs? ________