Edu 276 Lessonplan

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edTPA-Style Lesson Plan (Modified for EDU 276)

Name(s):Alex Phillips, Jess Fish, Courtney Crozier

Date: October 3
Lesson Title: Pictorial Vocabulary
Subject: ELA
Age or Grade Level: 6th Grade
Number of Students: 30
Length of Lesson: 15
Central Focus
Central Focus: Throughout the use of this activity the student will
be able to understand vocabulary words that are suited for sixth
Essential Strategy
Essential Strategy: Visualization is our essential strategy to show
how students can portray vocabulary in everyday school life
through pictures.
Prior Academic
What knowledge, skills, and
concepts must students
already know to be
successful with this lesson?

Common Core State

Standards or New
York State Standards
Include # and text

Students must understand concept of taking pictures with

school-provided cameras
Students must be able to insert pictures into a Word
Document/Google Document


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

-interpret vocabulary word through real life depictions
-insert pictures onto a presentation that relates to a vocabulary


-Vocabulary Words
-Students A Game

What do you need in order

to teach this lesson? Be
sure to provide citations to
anything that you did not

Describe how you plan to
monitor student learning
(formally and/or informally)

Describe how technology is
used on both teaching and

-Simple warm up that exposes students to terminology that

relates to topic
-Wrap up that is more intense that incorporates warm up ideas
as well as others mentioned in lesson
Technology is used in teaching by demonstrating how students
can use various computer platforms to show their learning and
interpretation of information in a new way.
Technology is used in learning because the students are actively
engaged in the teachers demonstration of how to navigate
different computer programs.

Introduction to Lesson
Write short
descriptions here
Introduction to Key
Vocabulary Words]

Description of What Teacher and Students Do:

In order to activate prior knowledge, the teacher will give the
students a warm up activity. This will spark any background
knowledge as well as let the student know what the lesson topic will
be centered around.

Instructional Activity
Write short
descriptions here

Description of What Teacher and Students Do:

Describe how you plan to explicitly teach the skill or strategy of your
lesson objectives. Write instructional strategies that are detailed
enough that a substitute teacher could walk in and teach from your
plan if need be. Be very specific; instead of Go over examples of
words to describe winter, write, Go over the following words to
describe winter, writing each one on the whiteboard: c old, icy,
freezing, white, quiet.
Teacher Steps
1. Introduce the vocabulary lesson by handing out the
Warm-up activity with the following words: b
collaborate, hazardous, conclude, influence, superior,
abundant, catastrophe, vital, and t reacherous. Allow
students 5 minutes to complete the Warm-up. After 5
minutes, go over the Warm-up with students, asking for
student participation.
2. Hand out the main Activity sheet with the following words:
obstacle, abandon, habitat, transaction, extract, fatigue,
certificate, equivalent, facade, and e
xotic. Next, group up
students by having them count off by 3s, making 10 groups,
each with one of the 10 cameras provided. Then, give
students 20 minutes to take pictures of these words in action
around the school. Visit each group and observe the
different pictures they take.
3. Welcome students back to the classroom. Go over the
Activity sheet with the students, giving them opportunities for
questions. Then, hand out the Ticket Out-the-Door, and
check it upon the student departing.
Student Steps:
1. Complete the Warm-up activity that the teacher hands out
with the following words: b
eneficial, collaborate, hazardous,
conclude, influence, superior, abundant, catastrophe, vital,
and treacherous. Ask for help if need be. Participate in going
over the Warm-up.

2. Receive the Activity sheet with the following words: o

abandon, habitat, transaction, extract, fatigue, certificate,
equivalent, facade, and exotic. Pay attention as the class
counts off by 3, keeping track of each individual in their
group. Collect a camera for the group or wait for a group
member to get a camera. Keep track of time while taking
pictures of the vocabulary words.
3. Answer questions about the Activity. Complete the Ticket
Out-the-Door the teacher hands out and give it to the
teacher to check before leaving.

Extension/Closure Activity
Description of What Teacher and Students Do:
Write short
What will you have students do in order to practice the skill that you
descriptions here
taught them in the instructional activity above? Describe in detail
how you will instruct them and exactly what they will be doing during
this work time. How will you assist students who need more
support? This activity should have students showing directly how
they have met your learning objectives. You may describe how you
plan to assess.
Students will be given a:
Ticket out-the-door type of assessment.
In this assessment, the student must be able to answer the
questions about the lesson that was given, including those
that were asked in the warm up activity, as well as new
information presented during the lecture.
The student will be instructed to complete the assigned
activity, and then give it to the teacher to grade/look it over.
Then, if it is up to the teachers standards, the student may
Students will be allowed to work in groups, so if a student
needs more support, he/she can ask group members for

[This is where you will provide your Handouts and your Assessments as attachments. Make sure everything
you need in order to teach your lesson is attached.]
Warm Up Activity


Wrap Up Activity

EDU 276 Lesson Plan Commentary

Group Members Names: Alex Phillips, Jess Fish, Courtney Crozier
EDU 276
Instructor: C. Davenport
Due date: October 3, 2016
Central Focus
Throughout the use of this activity the student will be able to understand vocabulary words that are suited
for sixth graders.
Essential Strategy
Essential strategies are strategies that can help students to learn effectively. Some examples include: close
reading, visualization, questioning the author, comparing & contrasting, the stages of writing (planning,
drafting, revising, editing, publishing), making predictions, summarizing, sequencing, and word study.
a. Visualization is our essential strategy to show how students can portray vocabulary in
everyday school life through pictures.
b. Students will be able to recognize variations in their own and others speaking based on how
each student interprets the different vocabulary words. Students will also be able to support
claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence because they will explain how each picture
they took relates to the vocabulary word they wanted to represent. Furthermore, students will
use appropriate language and domain-specific vocabulary to explain to their peers how the
picture they captured represents that vocabulary word.
Instructional Methods
Instructional methods are ways of teaching content, not to be confused with essential strategies. Some
examples include: think alouds, modeling, read alouds, direct instruction, shared writing, guided reading,
think-pair-share, class discussion, cooperative learning (like jigsaw), reciprocal teaching, or simulations.
a. One of the instructional methods we planned in our lesson was cooperative learning because
by having the students work together in groups, they are interpreting other views on the
vocabulary words as well as sharing their own. Another instructional method we used was
ticket out-the-door where students must be able to answer the questions about the lesson
that was given, including those that were asked in the warm up activity, as well as new
information presented during the lecture.
b. The first instructional material we plan on using in teaching are worksheets that allow the
students to evaluate their learning based on the information they know. In addition, the
cameras the students will use to take their pictures symbolize how the students are applying
what they are learning in school into their real life as well as how they view different
Technology Incorporation
Technology is being incorporated into this lesson plan by having students take pictures of their interpretation
of the vocabulary words on disposable cameras or student accessible iPads. Students will then incorporate
these photos on various computer platforms taught by the classroom teacher. Classroom teacher will utilize
the instruction on various computer platforms by teaching students how to incorporate pictures and text into
their own documents. Incorporating this technology into the classroom will allow students more experience

with their interpretation of the vocabulary words and more exposure to the definitions to the vocabulary

Supporting Student Learning

The planned instruction is appropriate for all learners allowing students to interpret their meanings of the
vocabulary words. Allowing personal preference using either a disposable camera or school accessible
iPads in small groups. This lesson plan allows students to interpret the vocabulary words in their own words
or in their own illustrations. For students who need more help interpreting some of the vocabulary words the
classroom teacher will have examples, a warm up activity and a wrap up activity.

Describe your planned assessment. Explain how your assessment will provide evidence that students can
use the strategy you taught.

There will be a post-assessment. This assessment will focus on the same vocabulary words that were
discussed in the class activity. This test, the wrap-up activity, will consist of vocabulary definitions of the
words that had been gone over in class, and the student will be responsible for writing down the correct word
that correlates to the definition. This assessment will show the teacher how much the student has progressed
since the beginning of the lesson. It will act as a gauge of student performance, which may act as data for
other tests and activities in the future. In order to show sufficient improvement, the student must receive at
least a 8/10 score on this assessment.

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