University Syllabus

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Code Su!e"# Hou$%&'ee( M)$(%
L T *&D In#e$n)+ Se,e%#e$-
EN 12 313 En4/nee$/n4 M)#0e,)#/"% III 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
EN 12 317 Hu,)n/#/e% 8Co,,un/")#/on
7 3 - 31 51 3 3
BT 12 313 F+u/d 9+o' o:e$)#/on% 6 3 - 31 51 3 ;
BT 12 316 M/"$o/o+o4< 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 31; B/o"0e,/%#$< I 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 31= B/o:$o"e%% ")+"u+)#/on% 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 315 (*) M/"$o/o+o4< L) 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
BT 12 318 (*) B/o"0e,/%#$< L) 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
To#)+ 38 = = 78
Code Su!e"# Hou$%&'ee( M)$(%
L T *&D In#e$n)+ Se,e%#e$-
E.),/n)#/on du$)#/on
EN 12 613 En4/nee$/n4 M)#0e,)#/"% IV 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
EN 12 617 En>/$on,en#)+ S"/en"e 7 3 - 31 51 3 3
BT 12 613 C0e,/")+ Re)"#/on En44. 6 3 - 31 51 3 ;
BT 12 616 B/o"0e,/%#$< II 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 61; Ce++ B/o+o4< 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 61= Me"0)n/")+ O:e$)#/on% 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 615 (*) F+u/d F+o' )nd Me"0)n/")+
O:e$)#/on% +)
- - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
BT 12 618 (*) B/o)n)+<#/")+ #e"0n/?ue% L) 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
To#)+ 38 = = 78
Code Su!e"# Hou$%&'ee( M)$(%
L T *&D In#e$n)+ Se,e%#e$-
E.),/n)#/on du$)#/on
BT 12 ;13 M)%% T$)n%9e$ O:e$)#/on% 6 3 - 31 51 3 ;
BT 12 ;17 Mo+e"u+)$ B/o+o4< 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 ;13 En@<,e S"/en"e )nd En44 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 ;16 T0e$,od<n),/"% 8 He)#
T$)n%9e$ O:e$)#/on%
3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 ;1; B/o/n9o$,)#/"% 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 ;1= *$o"e%% In%#$u,en#)#/on 7 3 - 31 51 3 3
BT 12 ;15 (*) He)# )nd M)%% T$)n%9e$ L) - - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
BT 12 ;18 (*) B/o:$o"e%% En44. L) - - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
To#)+ 38 = = 78
Code Su!e"# Hou$%&'ee( M)$(%
L T *&D In#e$n)+ Se,e%#e$-
E.),/n)#/on du$)#/on
BT 12 =13 Gene#/" En4/nee$/n4 6 3 - 31 51 3 ;
BT 12 =17 B/o:$o"e%% En4/nee$/n4. 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 =13 F/n)n"/)+ M)n)4e,en# 8
Co%# E%#/,)#/on o9 *$o"e%%
3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 =16 *$o"e%% d<n),/"% 8 "on#$o+ 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 =1; Food B/o#e"0no+o4< 7 3 - 31 51 3 3
BT 12 LAA E+e"#/>e I 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 =15 (*) Mo+e"u+)$ B/o+o4< 8 Gene#/"
En44. L)
- - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
BT 12 =18 (*) B/o/n9o$,)#/"% L) - - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
To#)+ 38 = = 78
Code Su!e"# Hou$%&'ee( M)$(%
L T *&D In#e$n)+ Se,e%#e$-
E.),/n)#/on du$)#/on
BT 12 513 B/o:$o"e%% *+)n# De%/4n 6 3 - 31 51 3 ;
BT 12 517 Do'n%#$e), *$o"e%%/n4 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 513 En>/$on,en#)+ En4/nee$/n4 7 3 - 31 51 3 3
BT 12 516 I,,uno+o4< 8 I,,uno
7 3 - 31 51 3 3
E+e"#/>e I
3 BT 12 L 13 *+)n# B/o#e"0no+o4<
7 BT 12 L 17 An/,)+ B/o#e"0no+o4<
3 BT 12 L13 *$o#e/n En4/nee$/n4
6 BT 12 L 16 Me#)o+/" En4/nee$/n4
; BT 12 L 1; Geno,/"% 8 *$o#eo,/"%
BT 12LAA E+e"#/>e II 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 LAA E+e"#/>e III 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 515 (*) Do'n%#$e), :$o"e%%/n4 +) - - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
BT 12 518 (*) Re)"#/on En448 *$o"e%%
Con#$o+ L)
- - 3 ;1 ;1 3 7
BT 12 512 (*) *$o!e"# - - 3 ;1 3
To#)+ 35 = 5 78
Code Su!e"# Hou$%&'ee( M)$(%
L T *&D In#e$n)+ Se,e%#e$-
E.),/n)#/on du$)#/on
BT 12 813 *+)n# o:e$)#/on%B %)9e#< )nd
6 3 - 31 51 3 ;
BT 12 817 Indu%#$/)+ B/o#e"0no+o4< )nd
3 3 - 31 51 3 3
BT 12 LAA E+e"#/>e IV 3 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 LAA E+e"#/>e V 7 3 - 31 51 3 6
BT 12 81;(*) Se,/n)$ - - 3 311 3 7
BT 12 81=(*) *$o!e"# - - 33 311 - - 5
BT 12 815 V/>)->o"e - - - - 311 - 3
To#)+ 37 6 36 78
3 BT 12 L1= Gene )nd %#e, "e++ #0e$):<
7 BT 12 L15 Mo+e"u+)$ d/)4no%#/"%
3 BT 12 L18 Mo+e"u+)$ :)#0o4ene%/%
6 BT 12 L12 Me,$)ne %e:)$)#/on #e"0no+o4<
; BT 12 L31 Re"o,/n)n# DNA #e"0no+o4<
= BT 12 L33 DNA ,/"$o)$$)< #e"0no+o4<
5 BT 12 L37 C)n"e$ /o+o4<
8 BT 12 L33 S#$u"#u$)+ /o+o4<
2 BT 12 L36 Mo+e"u+)$ ,ode++/n4 )nd d$u4 de%/4n
31 BT 12 L3; B/o%en%o$% )nd /o/n%#$u,en#)#/on
33 BT 12 L3= Mo+e"u)+)$ ,ed/"/ne
37 BT 12 L35 H)@)$dou% ')%#e ,)n)4e,en#
33 BT 12 L38 An)+<#/")+ #e"0n/?ue% /n /o#e"0no+o4<
36 BT 12 L32 Ene$4< En4/nee$/n4
3; BT 12 L71 T$)n%:o$# :0eno,en) /n /o:$o"e%% %<%#e,%
3= BT 12 L73 De%/4n )nd )n)+<%/% o9 /o$e)"#o$%
35 BT 12 L77 Mode++/n4 )nd %/,u+)#/on o9 :$o"e%% :+)n#%
38 BT 12 L73 N)no/o#e"0no+o4<
32 BT 12 L76 B/oe#0/"% 8 In#e++e"#u)+ *$o:e$#< R/40#%
71 BT 12 L7; B/o,)#e$/)+%
This course provides a quick overview of the concepts and results in complex analysis
that may be useful in engineering. Also it gives an introduction to linear algebra and Fourier
transform which are wealth of ideas and results with wide area of application.
Modu+e IC Fun"#/on% o9 ) Co,:+e. V)$/)+e (33 0ou$%)
Functions of a Complex Variale ! Limit ! Continuit" ! #eri$ati$e of a Complex function !
Anal"tic functions ! Cauc%"&Riemann E'uations ! Laplace e'uation ! Harmonic Functions !
Conformal Mappin( ! Examples) *
+ sin,+ cos,+ sin%,+ cos%,+ (,-
/* )! Moius 0ransformation1
Modu+e IIC Fun"#/on% o9 ) Co,:+e. V)$/)+e (36 0ou$%)
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
3 ME 12 L 76 Indu%#$/)+ %)9e#< En4/nee$/n4
7 ME 12 L 7; Ene$4< en4/nee$/n4 )nd ,)n)4e,en#
3 *E 12 L73 To#)+ ?u)+/#< ,)n)4e,en#
6 *E 12 L 76 Indu%#$/)+ :%<"0o+o4<
; *E 12 L7; En#$e:$eneu$%0/:
= CS 12 L73 S/,u+)#/on )nd ,ode+/n4
5 CS 12 L76 Co,:u#e$ )%ed nu,e$/")+ ,e#0od%
8 CH 12 L73 N)no ,)#e$/)+% )nd n)no#e"0no+o4<
2 CH 12 L7; *$o!e"# en4/nee$/n4
31 IT 12 L76 M)n)4e,en# /n9o$,)#/on %<%#e,%
#efinition of Line inte(ral in t%e complex plane ! Cauc%"7s inte(ral t%eorem (8roof of existence
of in4efinite inte(ral to e omitte4) ! 9n4epen4ence of pat% ! Cauc%"7s inte(ral formula !
#eri$ati$es of anal"tic functions (8roof not re'uire4) ! 0a"lor series ! Laurent series !
Sin(ularities an4 *eros ! Resi4ues ! Resi4ue 9nte(ration met%o4 ! Resi4ues an4 Resi4ue
t%eorem ! E$aluation of real inte(rals1
Modu+e IIIC L/ne)$ A+4e$) (33 0ou$%) - 8roofs not re'uire4
Vector spaces ! #efinition+ Examples ! Suspaces ! Linear Span ! Linear 9n4epen4ence !
Linear #epen4ence ! Basis ! #imension ! Or4ere4 Basis ! Coor4inate Vectors ! 0ransition
Matrix ! Ort%o(onal an4 Ort%onormal Sets ! Ort%o(onal an4 Ort%onormal Basis ! :ram&
Sc%mi4t ort%o(onolisation process ! 9nner pro4uct spaces !Examples1
Modu+e IVC Fou$/e$ T$)n%9o$,% (36 0ou$%)
Fourier 9nte(ral t%eorem (8roof not re'uire4) ! Fourier Sine an4 Cosine inte(ral representations !
Fourier 0ransforms ! Fourier Sine an4 Cosine 0ransforms ! 8roperties of Fourier 0ransforms1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te.# Boo(%
Modu+e IC
Er5in @re"si(+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics3 4e3 Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons+ 9nc1
Sections) .>13+ .>12+ .>1C+ .>1;+ .>1D+ .>1E
Modu+e IIC
Er5in @re"si(+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics3 4e3 Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons+ 9nc1
Sections) .31.+ .31>+ .313+ .312+ .212+ .C1.+ .C1>+ .C13+ .C12
Modu+e IIIC
Bernae4 @olman+ #a$i4 R Hill+ 5ntroductory 6inear Algebra3 An Applied First /ourse3 8earson
Sections) ;1.+ ;1>+ ;13+ ;12+ ;1D+ ;1F+ Appen4ix1B1.
Modu+e IVC
B"lie C1R an4 L1C1 Barrett+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics+ Mc:ra5 Hill1
Sections) E1.+ E13+ E1C
Re9e$en"e oo(%
.1 H S @asana+ /omplex 7ariables3 Theory and Applications3 >e+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
>1 Ao%n M Ho5ie+ /omplex Analysis3 Sprin(er 9nternational E4ition1
31 S%a%na, at%ul+ Text book of 2ngineering Mathematics3 'pecial functions and /omplex
7ariables3 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
21 :eral4 #ennis Ma%an+ Applied mathematics+ Sprin(er 9nternational E4ition1
C1 #a$i4 0o5ers+ 8uide to 6inear Algebra+ MacMillan Mat%ematical :ui4es1
;1 Ho5ar4 Anton+ C%ris Rorres+ 2lementary 6inear Algebra3 Applications 7ersion3 9e+ Ao%n Bile"
an4 Sons1
D1 Ant%on" Croft+ Roert #a$ison+ Martin Har(rea$es+ 2ngineering Mathematics+ 3e+ 8earson
F1 H 8art%asarat%"+ 2ngineering Mathematics3 A $ro:ect ; $roblem based approach3 Ane Boo6s
E1 B V Ramana+ <igher 2ngineering Mathematics3 Mc:ra5Hill1
.<1 Sar$es5ara Rao @oneru+ 2ngineering Mathematics+ Gni$ersities 8ress1
..1 A @ S%arma+ -usiness Mathematics3 Theory and Applications3 Ane Boo6s 9n4ia1
.>1 Ao%n ir4+ <igher 2ngineering Mathematics+ Else$ier+ Ne5nes1
.31 M C%an4ra Mo%an+ Var(%eese 8%ilip+ 2ngineering Mathematics7ol. 53 553 555 ; 57.+ San(uine
0ec%nical 8ulis%ers1
.21 N Bali+ M :o"al+ C Bat6ins+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics3 A /omputer Approach3 1e3
9nfinit" Science 8ress+ Fire Ball Me4ia1
.C1 V R La6s%m" :ort"+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics7ol. 53 55.+ Ane Boo6s 9n4ia1
.;1 Sastr" S1S1+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics7ol. 5 and 551+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
.D1 Lar" C An4re5s+ B%imsen @ S%i$amo((i+ 5ntegral Transforms for 2ngineers+ 8rentice Hall of
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
To identify the most critical issues that confronted particular periods and locations in
To identify stages in the development of science and technology
To understand the purpose and process of communication
To produce documents reflecting different types of communication such as technical
descriptions3 proposals 3and reports
To develop a positive attitude and selfconfidence in the workplace and
To develop appropriate social and business ethics.
Modu+e I (36 0ou$%)
Humanities+ Science an4 0ec%nolo(") 9mportance of %umanities to tec%nolo("+ e4ucation an4
societ"& 9mpact of science an4 tec%nolo(" on t%e 4e$elopment of mo4ern ci$ili,ation1
Contriutions of ancient ci$ili,ation) C%inese+ 9n4ian+ E("ptian an4 :ree61
Cultural+ 9n4ustrial+ 0ransportation an4 Communication re$olutions1
A4$ances in mo4ern 9n4ia) Ac%ie$ements in information+ communication an4 space tec%nolo(ies1
Modu+e II (3= 0ou$%)
Concept of communication) 0%e spea6er/5riter an4 t%e listener/rea4er+ me4ium of
communication+ arriers to communication+ accurac"+ re$it"+ clarit" an4 appropriateness
Rea4in( compre%ension) Rea4in( at $arious spee4s+ 4ifferent 6in4s of text for 4ifferent purposes+
rea4in( et5een lines1
Listenin( compre%ension) Compre%en4in( material 4eli$ere4 at fast spee4 an4 spo6en material+
intelli(ent listenin( in inter$ie5s
Spea6in() Ac%ie$in( 4esire4 clarit" an4 fluenc"+ manipulatin( paralin(uistic features of spea6in(+
tas6 oriente4+ interpersonal+ informal an4 semi formal spea6in(+ ma6in( a s%ort classroom
:roup 4iscussion) Gse of persuasi$e strate(ies+ ein( polite an4 firm+ %an4lin( 'uestions an4
ta6in( in criticisms on self+ turn&ta6in( strate(ies an4 effecti$e inter$ention+ use of o4"
Modu+e III (3= 0ou$%)
Britten Communication ) Note ma6in( an4 ta6in(+ summari,in(+ notes an4 memos+ 4e$elopin(
notes into text+ or(ani,ation of i4eas+ co%esion an4 co%erence+ para(rap% 5ritin(+ or4erin(
information in space an4 time+ 4escription an4 ar(ument+ comparison an4 contrast+ narratin(
e$ents c%ronolo(icall"1 Britin( a rou(% 4raft+ e4itin(+ proof rea4in(+ final 4raft an4 st"lin( text1
0ec%nical report 5ritin() S"nopsis 5ritin(+ formats for reports1 9ntro4uctor" report+ 8ro(ress
report+ 9nci4ent report+ Feasiilit" report+ Mar6etin( report+ Fiel4 report an4 Laorator" test
8ro?ect report) Reference 5or6+ :eneral o?ecti$e+ specific o?ecti$e+ intro4uction+ o4"+
illustrations usin( (rap%s+ tales+ c%arts+ 4ia(rams an4 flo5 c%arts1 Conclusion an4 references
8reparation of leaflets+ roc%ure an4 C1V1
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 3
> %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Modu+e IV (36 0ou$%)
Human relations an4 8rofessional et%ics) Art of 4ealin( 5it% people+ empat%" an4 s"mpat%"+
%earin( an4 listenin(1 0ension an4 stress+ Met%o4s to %an4le stress
Responsiilities an4 ri(%ts of en(ineers& colle(ialit" an4 lo"alt" ! Respect for aut%orit" !
Confi4entialit" ! conflicts of interest ! 8rofessional ri(%ts+ Ri(%ts of information+ Social
Senses of et%ics ! $ariet" of moral issues ! Moral 4ilemma ! Moral autonom" ! Attriutes of an
et%ical personalit" ! ri(%t action ! self interest
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 Meena6s%i Raman an4 San(eeta S%arma+ Technical /ommunication $rinciples and
$ractice Oxfor4 Gni$ersit" press+ ><<;
>1 Aa"as%ree Sures% an4 B S Ra(%a$an+ $rofessional 2thics+ S C%an4 an4 Compan" Lt4+ ><<C
31 Sura"appa+ <istory of 'cience in 5ndia+ National Aca4em" of Science+ 9n4ia
21 R C B%atia+ -usiness /ommunication+ Ane Boo6s 8$t1 Lt4+ ><<E
C1 Sunita Mis%ra an4 C Murali6ris%na+ /ommunicatin 'kils for 2ngineers+ 8earson E4ucation+
;1 Ao$an $an Em4en an4 Lucin4a Bec6er+ 2ffective /ommunication for Arts and <umanities
'tudents+ 8al(ra$e macmillam+ ><<E
D1 B C #ampier+ <istory of 'cience+ Camri4(e Gni$ersit" 8ress
F1 Vesilin4+ 2ngineering3 2thics and the 2nvironment+ Camri4(e Gni$ersit" 8ress
E1 Larson E+ <istory of 5nventions+ 0%ompson 8ress 9n4ia Lt41
.<1 Bernal A1#+ 'cience in <istory+ 8en(uin Boo6s Lt4
..1 Enc"clope4ia Britannica+ <istory of 'cience3 <istory of Technology
.>1 Bro5nos6i A+ 'cience and <uman 7alues+ Harper an4 Ro5
.31 Sc%ro4in(er+ =ature and 8reeks and 'cience and <umanism+ Camri4(e Gni$ersit" 8ress
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
6 0$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C ;
To impart the basic concepts of fluid statics and dynamics
To study the basic equations of flow
To study about the metering and pumping of fluids
To study about the flow of fluids through packed beds and fluidi>ed beds
Modu+e 3
9ntro4uction to flui4 mec%anics1 #efinition of flui41 8%"sical properties of flui4s ! 4ensit"+
specific 5ei(%t+ specific (ra$it"+ compressiilit"+ surface tension+ $apour pressure an4 $iscosit"1 1
Asolute an4 6inematic $iscosit"1 1 Gnits an4 4imensions of t%e properties1 Variation of
properties 5it% temperature an4 pressure1 R%eolo(" of flui4s1 Classification of flui4s1
Flui4 statics an4 applications ! 8ascal7s la51 H"4rostatic e'uilirium in (ra$it" an4 centrifu(al
fiel4s1 Barometric e'uation1 8rinciple of manometers1 #ifferent t"pes of manometers1
8rinciples of continuous (ra$it" an4 centrifu(al 4ecanters1 9ntro4uction to flui4 flo5
p%enomenon1 Re"nol4s experiment1 Re"nol4s numer1 Classification of flo51
Modu+e II
Basic e'uation of flui4 flo51 E'uation of continuit"1 E'uation of motion1 Euler e'uation1
Bernoulli e'uation1 Momentum e'uation1 @inetic ener(" an4 flui4 friction correction factors1
Laminar flo5 of incompressile flui4s in pipes an4 con4uits1 S%ear stress an4 $elocit"
4istriution in circular c%annels1
0%e friction factor+ Ha(en&8oiseuille e'uation1 #arc" an4 Beisac% e'uation1 Concept of
e'ui$alent 4iameter1 Friction factor c%art+ Friction losses from c%an(e in $elocit" an4 4irection
an4 loss 4ue to pipe fittin(s1 0urulent flo5+ uni$ersal $elocit" 4istriution e'uations+ friction
factor& Re"nol4s numer relations%ip+ Ni6ura4se& Carman E'uation+ a$era(e $elocit"+ Blassius
e'uation ( 4eri$ation not re'uire4)+ 8ran4tl la51
Modu+e- III
0ransportation an4 meterin( of flui4s1 8ipes an4 pipe stan4ar4s+ tuin(s+ pipe ?oints+ flan(e+
expansion ?oints+ $al$es+ automatic control $al$es1 #ifferent t"pes of pumps1 #escription an4
comparison1 #etaile4 stu4" of centrifu(al pumps1
Velocit" 4ia(rams+ #e$elope4 %ea41 Volumetric flo5 rate relation1 Various losses1 c%aracteristic
cur$es+ N8SH1 Ca$itation+ pump primin(1 #escription of rotar" pumps+ reciprocatin( pumps+
?et pumps+ air lift+ an4 4iap%ra(m pumps1 Comparison an4 application of $enturimeter+
orifice meter+ pitot tue+ rotameter+ 5eirs an4 notc%es1
Modu+e IV
Flo5 past immerse4 o4ies) #ra( coefficient+ flo5 t%rou(% pac6e4 e41 Er(un e'uation1
@o,ne"& Carman e'uation1 Bla6e 8lummer e'uation1 #esi(n of pac6e4 e4s1 Motion of
particles t%rou(% flui4s1 Motion from (ra$itational an4 centrifu(al fiel4s1 0erminal settlin(
$elocit"1 Sto6es7 la51 9nterme4iate la5&Ne5ton la51 Free an4 %in4ere4 settlin( Flui4i,ation1
0%e p%enomenon of Flui4i,ation+ Minimum flui4i,in( $elocit"+ A4$anta(es an4 4isa4$anta(es of
flui4i,e4 e4s1 9n4ustrial applications1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te.# &Re9e$en"e%C
.1 Mccae an4 Smit% )H ?nit operations in chemical 2nggH Mc:ra5 & Hill1
>1 C%ristie A :ean6oplis ITransport process and ?nit @perationsH ! 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
31 Streeter IFluid MechanicsH1 Mc:ra5 Hill
21 Coulson J Ric%ar4son I/hemical 2ngg. 7ol 5 8er(amon 8ress1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To develop knowledge of the nature and characteristics of microorganisms
To evaluate the role of microbes in public health and various industries
Modu+e 3
Histor" an4 4e$elopment of microiolo("1 Microial 4i$ersit"1 8rinciples of microial
taxonom"1 Morp%olo(" ultra ! structure an4 repro4uction of acteria+ actinom"cetes+ lue !
(reen al(ae+ "easts+ fun(i+ al(ae an4 $iruses1 Microscop"&Bri(%t fiel4 microscop" ! fluorescence
microscop"+ p%ase contrast microscop"1 Electron microscop"1 0%eor" of stainin(
microor(anisms1 Simple stainin(1 #ifferential stainin(& :ram stainin(+ Aci4 fast stainin(+ spore
stainin(1 Special stainin( tec%ni'ues& Fla(ella stainin(1 ne(ati$e stainin(1 Sterili,ation&Control of
microor(anisms " p%"sical an4 c%emical a(ents1
Modu+e II
Nutritional re'uirements of microor(anisms+ Nutritional t"pes of acteria & Formulation
of (ro5t% me4ium an4 4ifferent t"pes of me4ia& S"nt%etic me4ia+ complex me4ia Selecti$e
me4ia+ 4ifferential me4ia+ enric%ment me4ia+ enric%e4 me4ia1 8ure culture tec%ni'ues& Sprea4
plate+ 8our plate an4 strea6 plate+ preser$ation an4 maintenance of cultures1
Modu+e III
Microial (ro5t% ! (ro5t% cur$e+ (eneration time1 Batc% culture+ Fe4 atc% culture an4
continuous culture+ S"nc%ronous culture& tec%ni'ues a4opte4 to (enerate s"nc%ronous culture+
Measurement of microial (ro5t%+ Enumeration tec%ni'ues& cell numers an4 cell mass1
9nfluence of en$ironmental factors on (ro5t%
Modu+e IV
Microiolo(ical anal"sis of 5ater& 0est for coliforms+ Microial flora of soil1 9nteractions
amon( soil microor(anisms & Mutualism+ commensalisms+ pre4ation+ parasitism+ amensalism+
competition+ s"miosis+ Gse of micro or(anisms as iofertili,er an4 ioinsectici4e
Microial spoila(e of foo4s an4 preser$ation of foo4s&8%"sical an4 c%emical met%o4s+
Foo4 orne 4iseases an4 intoxications
Te.#&Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 M1A18elc,ar Et Al)Microiolo("+ 0ata Mc(ra5 Hill
>1 8rescott Et Al)Microiolo("+ Mc(ra5 Hill+ GSA
31 0auro+ @apoor JKa4a$L An introduction to microbiology+ Bile" Eastern Lt41
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 H$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ C$ed/#%C 6
To understand the fundamental aspects of life
To attain knowledge of the elemental composition of biomolecules
Modu+e 3
9ntro4uction to ioc%emistr"1 A %istorical perspecti$e1 :eneral features of iomolecules1
Caro%"4rates) structure an4 properties of monosacc%ari4es+ oli(osacc%ari4es an4
pol"sacc%ari4es+ Rin( structure an4 mutarotation1 Homo an4 %eteropol"sacc%ari4es1
Mucopol"sacc%ari4es1 Sialic aci4s1 Bacterial cell 5all pol"sacc%ari4es1 :l"coproteins+
memrane (l"coproteins an4 t%eir iolo(ical functions1 Bloo4 (roup sustances1
Modu+e II
Aminoaci4s an4 proteins) structure+ nomenclature an4 properties of aminoaci4s1 :eneral
reactions of aminoaci4s1 8epti4e on41 Classification of proteins+ Basic un4erstan4in( of primar"+
secon4ar"+ tertiar" an4 'uaternar" structure of proteins1 #enaturation an4 renaturation1
En,"mes) Nomenclature an4 classification of en,"mes1 Acti$ation ener(" an4 transition state
en,"me acti$it"+ acti$e sites+ t%eories of en,"me specificit"1 Role of effectors an4 cofactors1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Modu+e III
Lipi4s & classification an4 structure+essential fatt" aci4s& (l"ceri4es+%"4rol"sis of
fats+structure an4 properties of p%osp%olipi4s an4 (l"colipi4s1 8rosta(lan4ins& structure+
iolo(ical properties1 C%olesterol& structure an4 iolo(ical importance1
Modu+e IV
Nucleic aci4s) structure an4 properties of 8urine an4 p"rimi4ine ases1 Nucleosi4es an4
nucleoti4es1 Structure of nucleic aci4s1 Base pairin( role1 Structure an4 functions of #NA an4
RNA #oule %elical mo4el of #NA structure1 A+ B an4 * #NA1Vitamins) C%emistr" an4
iolo(ical functions of fat solule Vitamin A+ Vitamin #+ Vitamin @ an4 Vitamin E1 Bater
solule Vitamins) B complex an4 Vitamin c1 Biolo(ical functions1
Te.# oo(% & Re9e$en"e%C
.1 A1L1 Le%nin(er) $rinciples of -iochemistry CBS pulications1
>1 E1L1Smit%+ R1L1Hill et al) $rinciples of -iochemistry+ Vol 9+ MC :ra5 Hill Boo6 Compan"1
31 Luert Str"er) -iochemistry+ B1H1Frceman co
21 #onal4 Voet+ Au4it%1:1Voet) -iochemistry+ Bile" an4 sons1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 H$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To study the laws regarding gas 3liquid and vapour
To develop understanding about material balance and energy balances
To study the stoichiometry and thermodynamics of microbial growth and product
Modu+e 3
O$er$ie5 of process in4ustr" an4 ioprocess in4ustr"1 #efinition of unit operations an4
unit processes1 Gnits an4 4imensions1 S9 Gnits1 Fun4amental concepts of stoic%iometr" li6e
mole concept+ mass fraction+ mole fraction+ $olume ! fraction+ a$era(e molecular 5ei(%t1
Concentration of li'ui4s an4 solutions1
Fun4amental la5s for (as+ $apour+ an4 li'ui4 + $apour pressure of pure li'ui4s+ effect of
temperature on $apour pressure+ Classius Claperon e'uation+ Antoine e'uation1
94eal (as la5+ #altonMs la5+ Ama(at7s la51 Real (as properties+ Van 4er Baals e'uation+ critical
state+ re4uce4 $ariales+ compressiilit" factor+ $apour li'ui4 e'uiliria+ Raoult7s la5+ an4
Henr"7s la51 Humi4it" an4 saturation1 Bet ul an4 4r" ul temp1 %umi4it" c%art
Modu+e -II
Material alances1 La5 of conser$ation of mass1 Material alance 5it%out c%emical
reactions1 0otal an4 component alances+ concept of stea4" state+ atc% an4 continuous process1
0ie element asis for calculations1 Rec"clin( an4 "passin( operations1 Material alance 5it%
c%emical reactions1 Concept of excess reactant+ limitin( reactant+ con$ersion+ "iel4+ 4e(ree of
Ener(" alance1 La5 of conser$ation of ener("1 Components of ener(" alance e'uation1
Heat an4 5or61 9nternal ener("1 Concept of Ent%alp" an4 %eat capacit"1 Ent%alp" c%an(es1 Heat
effects accompan"in( c%emical reactions1 Stan4ar4 %eats of reaction+ comustion an4 formation1
Hess7s la51 Effect of temperature on stan4ar4 %eats of reaction1 Stea4" state ener(" alance
calculations1 Steam tales1
Modu+e -IV
Stoic%iometr" of microial (ro5t% an4 pro4uct formation1 Stoic%iometric calculations !
elemental alances+ 4e(ree of re4uction1 Kiel4 coefficients1 Biomass "iel41 8ro4uct
stoic%iometr"1 0%eoretical ox"(en 4eman41 Maximum possile "iel41
0%ermo4"namics of microial (ro5t%1 Heat of reaction 5it% ox"(en as electron acceptor
an4 5it% ox"(en not t%e electron acceptor1 Ener(" alance e'uation for cell culture1
Fermentation ener(" alance e'uation1

.1 #a$i4 M Himmellau! -asic principles and calculations in /hemical 2ng( ! 8rentice Hall
>1 V1Ven6atarmani J N1N1Anant%raman ! $rocess calculation ! 8rentice Hall 9n4ia1
31 B 9 B%att J S1M Vora ! 'toichiometry ! 0ata Mc:ra5 Hill1
21 Mic%ael L S%uler J Fi6ret @ar(i ! -ioprocess 2ngg. -asic /oncepts ! 8rentice & Hall
C1 8auline M #oran ! -ioprocess 2ngineering $rinciples ! Aca4emic 8ress1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#C 7
To attain knowledge about the morphology and in vitro cultivation of
To study about the microbial analysis of food water and soil
.1 Sterili,ation tec%ni'uesL Bet %eat+ 4r" %eat+ filtration+ 4isinfection
>1 8reparation of culture me4ia+ cotton plu((in( an4 sterili,ation
31 Culturin( of microor(anisms) rot%+ a(ar+ pure culture+ strea6
8late+ pourplate+Sprea4 plate isolation an4 preser$ation of acterial culture1
21 94entification of microor(anisms) Stainin( tec%ni'ues+ Simple stainin(+:ram
stainin(+spore+ capsule+ fun(al stainin(+ an4 ioc%emical test& Caro%"4rate
Fermentation+9MViC+ 0S9+ Grease 0est1
C1 Nuantification of microor(anisms) countin( microscop"+ nep%elometr" /turi4ometr"+
total N or 4r" 5ei(%t1
;1 :ro5t% cur$e of acteria
D1 Microiolo(ical anal"sis of 5ater+
F1 Foo4 microiolo(") mil6+ fermente4 foo41 Salmonella in poultr"
E1 Factors affectin( t%e acterial (ro5t%) effect of temperature an4 pH
.<1 Clinical microiolo(") Normal mout% flora+Antiiotic Assa"
..1 Microial population in soil
.>1 9solation of nitro(en fixin( or(anisms1
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
05o tests (> x .<) O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ end e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To study about the qualitative and quantitative analysis of biomolecules
.1 Gnits+ Volume an4 5ei(%t measurements+ concentration units+ pH measurement+
preparation of uffers1
>1 Nualitati$e tests for caro%"4rates an4 amino aci4s
31 Estimation of re4ucin( su(ars " t%e Bene4icts7 met%o41
21 Nuantitati$e estimation for amino aci4s&Nin%"4rin met%o41
C1 8rotein estimation " Biuret/Folins7/Bra4for4 met%o41
;1 Aci4 %"4rol"sis of proteins an4 estimation of amino aci4s " nin%"4rinB O8A an4 80H1
D1 Extraction of lipi4s
F1 Saponification of fats
E1 Estimation of c%olesterol
.<1 Estimation of nucleic aci4s) 8recipitation " so4ium sulp%ate+ test for riose an4
..1 H"4rol"sis of ester usin( papain
.>1 0r"psin 4i(estion of proteins
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
EN12 613AC En4/nee$/n4 M)#0e,)#/"% IV
(Common for ME+ CE+ 8E+ CH+ B0+ 80+ AM+ an4 AN)
The use of probability models and statistical methods for analy>ing data has become
common practice in virtually all scientific disciplines. Two modules of this course attempt to
provide a comprehensive introduction to those models and methods most likely to be encountered
and used by students in their careers in engineering. A broad introduction to some important
partial differential equations is also included to make the student get acquainted with the basics
of $02.
Modu+e IC *$o)/+/#< D/%#$/u#/on% (33 0ou$%)
Ran4om $ariales ! Mean an4 Variance of proailit" 4istriutions ! Binomial #istriution !
8oisson #istriution ! 8oisson approximation to Binomial 4istriution ! H"per :eometric
#istriution ! :eometric #istriution ! 8roailit" 4ensities ! Normal #istriution ! Gniform
#istriution ! :amma #istriution1
Modu+e IIC T0eo$< o9 In9e$en"e (36 0ou$%)
8opulation an4 Samples ! Samplin( #istriution ! Samplin( 4istriution of Mean (P 6no5n) !
Samplin( 4istriution of Mean (P un6no5n) ! Samplin( 4istriution of Variance ! 9nter$al
Estimation ! Confi4ence inter$al for Mean ! Null H"pot%esis an4 0ests of H"pot%eses !
H"pot%eses concernin( one mean ! H"pot%eses concernin( t5o means ! Estimation of Variances
! H"pot%eses concernin( one $ariance ! H"pot%eses concernin( t5o $ariances ! 0est of
:oo4ness of fit1
Modu+e IIIC Se$/e% So+u#/on% o9 D/99e$en#/)+ E?u)#/on% (36 0ou$%)
8o5er series met%o4 for sol$in( or4inar" 4ifferential e'uations ! Le(en4re7s e'uation ! Le(en4re
pol"nomials ! Ro4ri(ue7s formula ! :eneratin( functions ! Relation et5een Le(en4re
pol"nomials ! Ort%o(onalit" propert" of Le(en4re pol"nomials (8roof not re'uire4) ! Froenius
met%o4 for sol$in( or4inar" 4ifferential e'uations ! Bessel7s e'uation ! Bessel functions !
:eneratin( functions ! Relation et5een Bessel functions ! Ort%o(onalit" propert" of Bessel
functions (8roof not re'uire4)1
Modu+e IVC *)$#/)+ D/99e$en#/)+ E?u)#/on% (33 0ou$%)
9ntro4uction ! Formation of 8#E ! Complete Solution ! E'uations sol$ale " 4irect inte(ration
! Linear 8#E of First or4er+ Le(ran(e7s E'uation) 8p - N' O R ! Non&Linear 8#E of First Or4er+
F(p+') O< + Clairaut7s Form) , O px - '$ - F(p+') + F(,+p+') O< + F.(x+') O F>("+') ! Classification
of Linear 8#E7s ! #eri$ation of one 4imensional 5a$e e'uation an4 one 4imensional %eat
e'uation ! Solution of t%ese e'uation " t%e met%o4 of separation of $ariales ! #7Alemert7s
solution of one 4imensional 5a$e e'uation1
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Modu+e I)
Ric%ar4 A Ao%nson+ CB :upta+ Miller and FreundAs $robability and statistics for 2ngineers3 1e+
8earson E4ucation& Sections) 21.+ 21>+ 213+ 212+ 21;+ 21F+ C1.+ C1>+ C1C+ C1D
Modu+e II)
Ric%ar4 A Ao%nson+ CB :upta+ Miller and FreundAs $robability and statistics for 2ngineers3 1e+
8earson E4ucation& Sections) ;1.+ ;1>+ ;13+ ;12+ D1>+ D12+ D1C+ D1F+ F1.+ F1>+ F13+ E1C
Modu+e III)
Er5in @re"si(+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics3 4e3 Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons+ 9nc1&
Sections) 21.+ 213+ 212+ 21C
Modu+e IV)
N Bali+ M :o"al+ C Bat6ins+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics3 A /omputer Approach3 1e3
9nfinit" Science 8ress+ Fire Ball Me4ia& Sections) .;1.+ .;1>+ .;13+ .;12+ .;1C+ .;1;+ .;1D+ .;1F+
Er5in @re"si(+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics3 4e3 Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons+ 9nc1
Sections) ..1>+ ..13+ ..12+ E1F Ex13+ ..1C
Re9e$en"e oo(%
.F1 Billiam Hines+ #ou(las Mont(omer"+ a$i4 :ol4man+ Connie Borror+ $robability and 'tatistics
in 2ngineering3 2e3 Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons+ 9nc1
.E1 S%el4on M Ross+ 5ntroduction to $robability and 'tatistics for 2ngineers and 'cientists3 3e+
Else$ier+ Aca4emic 8ress1
><1 Ant%on" Croft+ Roert #a$ison+ Martin Har(rea$es+ 2ngineering Mathematics+ 3e+ 8earson
>.1 H 8art%asarat%"+ 2ngineering Mathematics3 A $ro:ect ; $roblem based approach3 Ane Boo6s
>>1 B V Ramana+ <igher 2ngineering Mathematics3 Mc:ra5Hill1
>31 Sar$es5ara Rao @oneru+ 2ngineering Mathematics+ Gni$ersities 8ress1
>21 A @ S%arma+ -usiness Mathematics3 Theory and Applications3 Ane Boo6s 9n4ia1
>C1 Ao%n ir4+ <igher 2ngineering Mathematics+ Else$ier+ Ne5nes1
>;1 M C%an4ra Mo%an+ Var(%eese 8%ilip+ 2ngineering Mathematics7ol. 53 553 555 ; 57.+ San(uine
0ec%nical 8ulis%ers1
>D1 B"lie C1R an4 L1C1 Barret+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics+ Mc:ra5 Hill1
>F1 V R La6s%m" :ort"+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics7ol. 53 553 Ane Boo6s 9n4ia1
>E1 Sastr" S1S1+ Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics7ol. 5 and 55+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
3<1 Mic%ael # :reener( Advanced 2ngineering Mathematics+ 8earson E4ucation1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
EN12 617C En>/$on,en#)+ S"/en"e
(Common for all ranc%es)
To understand the problems of pollution3 loss of forest3 solid waste disposal3
degradation of environment3 loss of biodiversity and other environmental issues and
create awareness among the students to address these issues and conserve the
environment in a better way.
Modu+e I (8 0ou$%)
0%e Multi4isciplinar" nature of en$ironmental science+ #efinition&scope an4 importance&nee4 for
pulic a5areness1 Natural resources+ Rene5ale an4 non&rene5ale resources)
Natural resources an4 associate4 prolems&forest resources) Gse an4 o$er exploitation+
4eforestation+ case stu4ies1 0imer extraction+ minin(+ 4ams an4 t%eir 4efects on forests an4 trial
people1& 5ater resources) Gse an4 o$er utili,ation of surface an4 (roun4 5ater+ floo4s
+4rou(%t +conflicts o$er 5ater+ 4ams&enefits an4 prolems1& Mineral resources) Gse an4
exploitation+en$ironmental effects of extractin( an4 usin( mineral resources+ case stu4ies1& Foo4
resources) Borl4 foo4 prolems+ c%an(es cause4 " a(riculture o$er (ra,in(+ effects of mo4ern
a(riculture+ fertili,er&pestici4e prolems+ 5ater lo((in(+salinit"+case stu4ies1&Ener(" resources)
:ro5in( ener(" nee4s+ rene5ale an4 non&rene5ale ener(" resources+ use of alternate ener("
resources+ Lan4 resources) Lan4 as a resource+ lan4 4e(ra4ation+ man in4uce4 lan4 sli4es+ soil
erosion an4 4esertification1
Modu+e II (8 0ou$%)
Ecos"stems&Concept of an ecos"stem&structure an4 function of an ecos"stem ! pro4ucers+
consumers+ 4ecomposers&ener(" flo5 in t%e ecos"stem&Ecolo(ical succession& Foo4 c%ains+ foo4
5es an4 Ecolo(ical p"rami4s&9ntro4uction+ t"pes+ c%aracteristics features+ structure an4 function
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 3
> %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
of t%e follo5in( ecos"stem&Forest ecos"stem& :rasslan4 ecos"stem !#esert ecos"stem&A'uatic
ecos"stem(pon4s+ streams+ la6es+ ri$ers+ oceans + estuaries)
Bio4i$ersit" an4 its consi4eration
9ntro4uction& #efinition) (enetic + species an4 ecos"stem 4i$ersit"&Bio(eo(rap%icalL
classification of 9n4ia !$alue of io4i$ersit") consumpti$e use+ pro4ucti$e use+ social et%ical +
aest%etic an4 option $alues Bio4i$ersit" at :loal+ national + an4 local le$el&9n4ia at me(a !
4i$ersit" nation& Hot spot of io4i$ersit"&0%reats to io4i$ersit") %aitat loss+ poac%in( of 5il4
life+ man + 5il4 life conflicts !En4an(ere4 an4 en4emic species of 9n4ia&Conser$ation of
io4i$ersit" ) 9n&situ an4 Ex&situ conser$ation of io4i$ersit"1
Modu+e III (31 0ou$%)
En$ironmental pollution
#efinition&Causes+ effects an4 control measures of Air pollution&m Bater pollution !soil
pollution&Marine pollution&Noise pollution&0%ermal pollution&Nuclear %a,ar4s&Soli4 5aste
mana(ement) Causes+ effects an4 control measures of uran an4 in4ustrial 5astes&Role of an
in4i$i4ual in pre$ention of pollution&pollution case stu4ies&#isaster mana(ement) floo4s+ eart%
'ua6e+ c"clone an4 lan4sli4es&En$ironmental impact assessment
Modu+e IV (31 0ou$%)
En$ironment an4 sustainale 4e$elopment&Sustainale use of natural resources&Con$ersion of
rene5ale ener(" resources into ot%er forms&case stu4ies&8rolems relate4 to ener(" an4 Ener("
au4itin(&Bater conser$ation+ rain 5ater %ar$estin(+ 5ater s%e4 mana(ement&case stu4ies&Climate
c%an(e+ (loal 5armin(+ aci4 rain+ o,one la"er 4epletion+ nuclear acci4ents an4 %olocaust&Baste
lan4 reclamation&Consumerism an4 5aste pro4ucts&Re4uce+ reuse an4 rec"clin( of pro4ucts&
Value e4ucation1
Te.# Boo(%
.1 Clar6+ R1S1Marine pollution+ Clan4erson 8ress Oxfor41
>1 M%as6ar A1 @1 Matter Ha,r4ous+ 0ec%no&science 8ulications1
31 Miller 01 :1 Ar1+ En$ironmental Science+ Ba4s5ort% 8ulis%in( Co1
21 0o5nsen4 C1+ Harper A+ Mic%ael Be(on+ Essential of Ecolo("+ Blac65ell Science
C1 0ri$e4i R1 @1+ :oel 81 @1+ 9ntro4uction to Air 8ollution+ 0ec%no&Science 8ulications1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%.
.1 Ra(%a$an Namiar+@ 0ext oo6 of En$ironmental Stu4ies+Nalpat 8ulis%ers @oc%i
>1 B%aruc%a Erac%+ Bio4i$ersit" of 9n4ia+ Mapin 8ulis%in( 8$t1 Lt41+ A%me4aa4 ! 3F< <.3+
Email) mapinQicenet1net
31 Cunnin(%am+ B181+ Cooper+ 01H1+ :or%ani+ E J Hep5ort%+ M101 ><<.En$ironmental
enc"clope4ia Aaico pul1 House Mumai ..E;p
21 #o5n to Eart%+ Centre for Science an4 En$ironment
C1 Ha56ins+ R1E1 Enc"clope4ia of 9n4ian Natural Histor"+ Boma" Natural Histor" Societ"+
;1 Mc6inne"+ M1L1 J Sc%ool+ R1M1 .EE;1 En$ironmental Science s"stem J Solutions+ Be
en%ance4 e4ition+ ;3Ep1
D1 O4um+ E181 .ED.1 Fun4amentals of Ecolo("1 B1B1Saun4ers Co1 GSA+ CD2p
F1 Rao+ M1N1 J #atta+ A1@ .EFD1 Baste Bater treatment1 Oxfor4 J 9BH 8ul1 Co1 8$t1 Lt41+
E1 Sur$e" of t%e En$ironment+ 0%e Hin4u Ma(a,ine
.<1 Ba(ner1@1#1 .EEF1 En$ironmental Mana(ement1 B1B1 Saun4ers Co1 8%ila4elp%ia+ GSA
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
6 H$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ "$ed/#%C ;
To impart the basic concepts of reaction kinetics
To develop knowledge for design of ideal reactors
To study about nonisothermal reactor design
To study about the fundamentals of nonideal reactors and heterogeneous
catalytic reactors
Modu+e I
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
9ntro4uction to c%emical reaction en(ineerin(1 Classification of c%emical reactions an4
reactors1 Variales affectin( t%e rate of reaction1 #efinition of reaction rate1 @inetics of
%omo(eneous reaction1 Concentration 4epen4ent term an4 temperature 4epen4ent term1
9nterpretation of atc% reactor 4ata1 Constant $olume atc% reactor1 Var"in( $olume atc%
Modu+e - II
9ntro4uction to reactor 4esi(n1 94eal reactors for a sin(le reaction1 #esi(n for sin(le
reaction an4 multiple reactions1 Multiple reactor s"stems1 Si,e comparison of reactors1 Rec"cle
reactor1 Autocatal"tic reactor1
Modu+e III
Heat effects in reactors1 Non isot%ermal reactor 4esi(n1 :eneral (rap%ical 4esi(n
proce4ure1 Ener(" alance for atc%+ mixe4 flo5 an4 plu( flo5 reactor ! isot%ermal+ a4iaatic
an4 nona4iatic operation1 Optimum temperature pro(ression1 Multiple stea4" states+ criteria for
stailit" of reactors1
Basics of non&i4eal flo51 Resi4ence time 4istriution1 Measurement of t%e R0#1 8ulse an4 step
input 1 C+E+F cur$es1 Calculation of mean resi4ence time1 R0# in i4eal reactors1R0# in laminar
flo5 reactor1 Se(re(ation mo4el an4 con$ersion in non&i4eal reactors ( #ispersion an4 tan6s&in&
series mo4els are not inclu4e4)1
Modu+e IV
Hetero(eneous catal"tic processes1 Classification of catal"sts+ promoters+ in%iitors+
catal"st poisons+ A4sorption1 Rates of a4sorption+ 4esorption+ an4 surface reaction1 Rate
e'uations for flui4&soli4 catal"tic reactions11 Mass 0ransfer et5een flui4 an4 catal"st surface1
9nternal transport effects1 Effecti$eness factor for a strai(%t c"lin4rical catal"st pore for a first
or4er reaction1 Commerciall" si(nificant t"pes of %etero(eneous catal"tic reactors (4escription
onl") li6e fixe4 e4 reactor+ tric6le e4 reactor+ mo$in( e4 reactor+ flui4i,e4 e4 reactor+ slurr"
Te.# oo(&Re9e$en"e%
.1 Octa$e Le$enspiel I/hemical %eaction 2nggH Bile" stu4ent E4ucation1
>1 H1Scott Fo(ler I2lements of /hemical %eaction 2nggH1 ! 8earson ! 8rentice Hall1
31 A1M1Smit% I/hemical 2ngineering BineticsH ! Mc:ra5 Hill 9nternational1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart complete understanding of biochemical processes associated with the
living cell
To enable the students to see how metabolic pathways communicate with each

Modu+e I
Bioener(etics) Re4ox potential+ iolo(ical oxi4ation+ respirator" control1 Hu of metaolism)
(l"col"sis) reactions+ ener(etics an4 re(ulation10CA C"cle) reactions+ ener(etics an4 re(ulation1
:luconeo(enesis pat%5a") Si(nificance+ reactions an4 re(ulation1 :l"co(en metaolism1
Maintenance of loo4 (lucose le$els1
Oxi4ati$e p%osp%or"lation) Electron transport c%ain ! mitoc%on4ria an4 components of electron
transport s"stem (Role of complexes 9&9V+ F9FO A08ase) C%emiosmotic couplin(+ uncouplers an4
in%iition of oxi4ati$e p%osp%or"lation1 8entose p%osp%ate pat%5a") si(nificance+ reactions an4
Modu+e II
Metaolism of amino aci4s) Essential an4 non&essential amino aci4s+ o$er$ie5 of 4e(ra4ation
an4 ios"nt%esis of amino aci4s1 0ransamination reactions+ios"nt%esis of aromatic amino aci4s
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
an4 ios"nt%esis of c"steine+ %isti4ine an4 serine1 Grea c"cle) reactions+ re(ulation an4 its
lin6a(e 5it% t%e citric aci4 c"cle1
Modu+e III
Metaolism of lipi4s) fatt" aci4 oxi4ation+ 6etone o4ies+ 6etosis+ ios"nt%esis of fatt" aci4s an4
tri(l"ceri4es1 Bios"nt%esis of p%osp%olipi4s1 Bios"nt%esis of C%olesterol an4 si(nificance1
Modu+e IV
Metaolism of nucleic aci4) #eno$o ios"nt%esis of 8urine an4 p"rimi4ine nucleoti4es+
re(ulation of 8urine an4 p"rimi4ine nucleoti4e ios"nt%esis1 Sal$a(e pat%5a"s of 8urine an4
p"rimi4ines1 Formation of 4eox"rionucleoti4es1 Cataolism of purines an4 p"rimi4ines1
Te. oo(%&Re9e$en"e%
.1 Le%nin(er $rinciples of biochemistry+ #a$i4 L1Nelson an4 Mic%al M :ox+ B1H1Freeman
an4 co1
>1 #onal4 Voet+ Au4it : Voet+ C%arlotte B 8ratt Fundamentals of biochemistry1
31 Luert Str"er+ -iochemistry1 B1H1Freeman J Co1
21 Roert @1Murra"+ #ar"l @1:rammer1Harper77s 9llustrate4 Bioc%emistr"1 Mc:ra5 Hill
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0$% +e"#u$e )nd one 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart knowledge of the components of cells and how cells work
To study the cells & their physiological properties3 their structure3 the organelles
they contain3 life cycle interaction3 division and death at microscopic and
molecular level
Modu+e I
#isco$er" of cells1 Basic properties of cells1 Cell t%eor"1 Cell complexit"1 #ifferent classes of
cells1 8ro6ar"otic J Eu6ar"otic s"stem 8ro6ar"otic J Eu6ar"otic cells1 9mportance of caron
an4 5ater1 8lasma memrane ! structure an4 function1 C"toplasm an4 c"tos6eleton+
Microtuules+ microfilaments an4 interme4iate filaments 1
Modu+e II
Structure an4 functions of Nucleus+ En4oplasmic reticulum+ :ol(i complex+ L"sosomes+
8eroxisomes+ C%loroplast J Mitoc%on4ria1 8%otos"nt%esis& intro4uction to p%otos"stems + li(%t
reaction an4 4ar6 reaction1 8rotein (l"cos"lation+ sortin( an4 transport1
Modu+e III
O$er$ie5 of t%e cell c"cle+ 9nterp%ase1 Mitosis+ Meiosis an4 c"to6inesis1 Animal cell
an4 "east cell 4i$ision1 Cell c"cle control an4 c%ec6 points1 :eneral c%aracteristics of cell
4ifferentiation1 Historical e$ents in cell 4ifferentiation C"toplasmic 4eterminants1
Nucleoplasmic interactions1 Stem cell 4ifferentiation an4 its iolo(ical importance1
Modu+e IV
8assi$e an4 acti$e transport+ 8ermeases+ Na
pump+ A08 ase pumps+ L"sosomal J $acuolar
memrane+ A08 4epen4ent proton pumps1 Co&0ransport S"mport1 Antiport1 0ransport into
pro6ar"otic cells1 En4oc"tosis an4 Exoc"tosis1
Receptors) C"tosolic+ Nuclear J Memrane oun4 receptors1 Examples an4 t"pes of receptors1
Concept of secon4ar" messen(ers+ cAM8+ c:M8
Te.#&Re9e$en"e% oo(%
.1 :eoffre" M cooper an4 Roert E Hansman t%e cell ! A molecular approach. ASM press1
>1 #e Roertis an4 #e Roertis1 /ell and Molecular -iology ! Ba$erl" 8$t Lt41
31 :eral4 @arp ! /ell and Molecular -iology ! Bile" pulis%ers1
21 @imall101B /ell -iology Besle" pulis%er1
C1 Bec6er+ @leinsmit%+ Har4en ! The world of /ell. $earson $ublishers.
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the basic concepts of si>e reduction and the knowledge about the si>e
reduction equipments
To study about the various mechanical separation operations
Modu+e I
C%aracteri,ation of soli4 particles1 Sie$e anal"sis+ particle si,e 4istriution + cumulati$e
an4 4ifferential met%o4s of anal"sis+mean 4iameter+ specific surface area Microscopic countin(+
pipette anal"sis1 %"4rometer anal"sis1 Si,e re4uction+ e'uipment use4 for primar" an4 secon4ar"
sta(e si,e re4uction1 ?a5 crus%er+ %ammer mill+ all mill+ ro4 mill+ 4is6 attrition mill+ flui4 ener("
mill1 La5s of si,e re4uction1 Selection of e'uipments1 9n4ustrial screen+ effecti$eness of
screens+ capacit" of screens1 Close4 an4 open circuit (rin4in(1 Bet an4 4r" (rin4in(1
Modu+e II
Filtration1 Constant rate filtration an4 constant pressure filtration1 Batc% an4 continuous
filtration1 San4 filter+ plate an4 frame filter press+ leaf filter+ rotar" $accum filter+ incompressile
ca6e+ ca6e porosit"+ filter ai4s+ met%o4s of application+ optimum time c"cle1
8rinciple of centrifu(al filtration1 Suspen4e4 atc% centrifu(e1 Automatic atc% centrifu(es1

Modu+e III
Se4imentation1 Settlin( t%eor"1 E'uipment for se4imentation t%ic6eners1 Clarifier an4
t%ic6ener 4esi(n1 @"nc% t%eor"1 #etermination of t%ic6ener area1 Se4imentation principles1 1
E'uilirium se4imentation1 Se4imentation coefficient1 E'ui$alent time1 8ro4uction centrifu(es !
tuular o5l centrifu(es1 Gltra centrifu(ation1 Flocculation an4 se4imentation1
#is6 ! stac6 o5l centrifu(e ! centrifu(ation t%eor"1 Cell reco$er" in a 4is6&stac6
Modu+e IV
Cross flo5 filtration (CFF) Micro filtration an4 ultra filtration1 Applications of CFF1
0"pes of memranes permeate flux for ultra filtration+ concentration polari,ation in ultra
filtration+ Micro filtration1 Filter me4ia in cross flo5 filtration1 E'uipments in cross flo5
filtration1 Memrane foulin(1 Scale up an4 4esi(n of cross flo5 filtration1 Batc% an4
continuous ultra filtration s"stem1
McCaJSmit%) I?nit operations in /hemical 2nggH Mc:ra5 Hill
C%riste A :ean6oplis ITransport $rocess and ?nit @perationsH1 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
Ba4(er an4 Ben?aro+ I5ntroduction to /hemical 2ngineering I+ Mc :ra5 Hill
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% 7
To study about various fluid flow experiments3 particle analysis and mechanical
separation experiments
.1 C%aracteristic cur$es of a centrifu(al pump an4 4etermination of maximum
>1 #etermination of coefficient of 4isc%ar(e of orifice meter an4 $enturi meter1
31 #ra( coefficient of a fallin( sp%ere in flui41
21 8ressure 4rop of li'ui4 passin( t%rou(% a pac6e4 e41
C1 8ressure 4rop c%aracteristics of a flui4i,e4 e41
;1 Losses in pipe fittin(s+ expansion an4 contraction1
D1 Ball mill ! $erification of t%e la5s of crus%in(1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
F1 Sie$e anal"sis&4etermination of particle si,e1
E1 Effecti$eness of a screen
.<1 8ipette anal"sis
..1 #etermination of t%e mean specific ca6e resistance an4 compressiilit" factor usin( a
atc% leaf filter1
.>1 Batc% se4imentation in a slurr"
.31 Flocculation screenin(
.21 Cross flo5 filtration1
.C1 Stu4" of Aa5 crus%er
.;1 Stu4" of rotar" $accum filter1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( "$ed/#% 7
To provide experience in various bioanalytical techniques in biotechnology
.1 8recision+ accurac" an4 $ali4it" of an experiment1 Anal"sis an4 presentation of 4ata1
>1 Colorimetr" an4 spectrop%otometr"
31 Verification of Beer&Lamert7s la5&usin( GV&Vis spectrop%otometer1
a1 C%an(e in asorance 5it% concentration of potassium perman(anate1
1 Asorption maxima! c%an(e in asorance in potassium perman(anate 5it%
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
c1 Concentration of t5o components in a inar" mixture1 Asorption of li(%t "
potassium 4ic%romate an4 potassium perman(anate1
41 C%an(e in asorance of alumin an4 #NA solution 5it% 5a$e len(t%1
21 Asorption spectra of nucleoti4es
C1 Separation of amino aci4s " paper c%romato(rap%" #etermination of Rf $alue1
;1 Extraction of lipi4s an4 separation usin( t%in la"er c%romato(rap%"
D1 Column c%romato(rap%"
F1 #etermination of molecular 5ei(%t of an en,"me " (el filtration1
E1 Separation of protein " S#S pa(e1
.<1 Separation of nucleic aci4s " a(arose (el electrop%oresis
..1 Biotin laelin( of cellular constituents1
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
6 0$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C ;
To impart the basic concepts of mass transfer
To develop an understanding of different separation processes like
distillation3extraction3drying and crystallisation
Classification of mass transfer operations #iffusional mass transfer Fic67s la51 One component
transferrin( to non&4iffusin( component an4 e'uimolar counter 4iffusion 4iffusi$it" estimation1
0%e mass transfer coefficient1 #imensionless (roups in mass transfer1 0%eories of mass transfer1
Film t%eor"+ 8enetration t%eor"+ surface ! rene5al t%eor"+ t%e oun4ar" la"er t%eor"1 Momentum+
%eat an4 mass transfer analo(ies1 9nterp%ase mass transfer1 0%e t5o&film t%eor"+ t%e o$erall mass
transfer coefficient1 :eneral features of e'uipment for mass transfer ! 0ra" to5er+ pac6e4 to5er+
ule column+ 5ette4 5all to5er+ an4 spra" to5er1
Modu+e II
Basic concepts of 4istillation ! $apor ! li'ui4 e'uilirium+ t%e Raoult7s la5+ Relati$e $olatilit"+
#e$iations from i4ealit"1 Flas% $apourisation of a inar" mixture+ simple 4istillation+ steam
4istillation+ continuous fractionation+ McCae&0%iele met%o4+ 8onc%on+ & Sa$arit met%o4+
minimum reflux ratio1 0otal reflux+ optimum reflux ratio1
Modu+e III
Li'ui4 ! li'ui4 extraction applications+ Li'ui4 ! li'ui4 e'uilirium1 Sol$ent selection+ #esi(n
calculations for sta(e 5ise extraction+ sin(le sta(e an4 multi sta(e operation+ crosscurrent an4
countercurrent operations+ li'ui4 ! li'ui4 extraction e'uipment1 Soli4 ! li'ui4 extraction+
(leac%in()1 Contactin( e'uipments1 Soli4 ! li'ui4 extraction e'uilirium1 Batc% contact1 Cross&
current an4 countercurrent extraction calculations1 Super critical flui4 extraction1
#r"in( of 5et soli4s1 Classification of 4r"in( e'uipment1 #r"in( e'uipment1 #r"in(
calculations ! cross circulation 4r"in( an4 t%rou(% circulation 4r"in(1 Material an4 ener("
alance in a continuous 4r"er1 Free,e 4r"in(1 #r"in( time in a continuous counter current 4r"er1
Cr"stalli,ation1 8rinciples of cr"stalli,ation1 Soli4&li'ui4 p%ase e'uilirium+ Nucleation an4
cr"stal (ro5t%1 Effect of impurities on cr"stal formation Fractional cr"stalli,ation+ ca6in( of
cr"stals1 Cr"stalli,ation e'uipment1 A4sorption) A4sorption 9sot%erm+ Freu4lic%+ Lan(muir an4
BE0 e'uation1 Application to sin(le sta(e an4 multista(e operation1
Te.# oo(&Re9e$en"e%
.1 0re"al IMass Transfer operationsH Mc:ra5 Hill 9nternational
>1 McCae&Smit% I?nit operations of /hemical 2nggH Mc:ra5 Hill 9nternational
31 Bina" @ #utta IMass Transfer and 'eparation processesH1
21 Ba4(er an4 Ben?aro+H 5ntroduction to /hemical 2ngineeringH+ Mc& :ra5 Hill
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 H$% Le"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#C ;
To get a proper understanding about the central dogma of the molecular
To study the analytical techniques used in molecular biology
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction to (enetics) Men4elian in%eritance1 Se(re(ation at one locus1 Se(re(ation at t5o
loci ! (enetic mappin(1
Structure of #NA1 Nucleosome1 C%romatin or(ani,ation1 C%romosome structure1 8lasmi4s
t"pes of plasmi41 Structural 4ifferences et5een #NA an4 RNA1
#NA replication) En,"mes in$ol$e41 Mec%anism of replication1 Re(ulation 4ama(e an4 repair+
rollin( circle replication1 8lasmi4 replication 0elomerase1
Modu+e II
Concept of t%e (ene) :ene structure an4 arc%itecture1 Central 4o(ma1
:enetic co4e) An o$er$ie5 of (enetic co4e Fi4elit" of translation+ Bole %"pot%esis1
Ami(uit" of (enetic co4e1 #e$iation from stan4ar41
:enomes an4 mappin( ):enomes+ ploi4" an4 c%romosome numer1 8%"sico&c%emical propert"
of t%e (enome1 :enome or(ani,ation+ (ene mappin(1 8%"sical mappin(1 Comparati$e (enomics1
Modu+e III
:ene transfer in acteria) con?u(ation+ transformation+ trans4uction1 :ene expression1
Role of RNAs+ en,"mes an4 ot%er factors1 Mec%anism of transcription an4 translation in
pro6ar"otes an4 eu6ar"otes1 8ost& translational mo4ifications1
Re(ulation of (ene expression re(ulation of transcription1 #ifferent mec%anisms Re(ulator"
proteins1 9n4uction an4 repression1 Concept of operon1 1 Examples (Lac an4 0rp operon) 8ositi$e
an4 ne(ati$e re(ulations1 8ost&transcriptional re(ulation1
Modu+e IV
Mutation) Muta(enesis1 0"pes of mutation1 Classes of muta(ens Replica platin(1 Mutation in
(enetic anal"sis1 Site 4irecte4 muta(enesis Molecular iolo(" 0ec%ni'ues ! Electrop%oresis
(A(arose (el an4 8A:E)1 Blottin( tec%ni'ues (Sout%ern+ Nort%ern+ Bestern) 8CR an4 $ariants1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
.1 Freifel4er IMolecular -iologyH Aames an4 Bartlet"t 8ulis%ers1 9re
>1 Ban?amin Le$in) I8enes 75+ Oxfor4 Gni$ersit" 8ress+ Oxfor4+ Ne5 Kor61
31 Bruce Alert an4 Aames+ # Batson) IMolecular -iology of the cellH1 :arlan4 pulis%in(1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 H$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#C 6
To impart the basic concepts of en>ymes and the reactors involved in free and
immobili>ed en>yme system
To understand the kinetics and physicochemical characteristics of en>ymes
Modu+e I
Classification of en,"mes+ commercial application of en,"mes in foo4+ p%armaceutical
an4 ot%er in4ustries1 En,"mes for anal"tical an4 4ia(nostic applications1 8ro4uction an4
purification of cru4e en,"mes1 Extracts from plant+ animal an4 microial sources1 Met%o4s of
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
c%aracteri,ation of en,"mes1 #e$elopment of en,"matic assa"s1 H"4rol"sis of starc% an4
cellulose usin( en,"mes1
Mec%anism of En,"me action+ Concept of acti$e site+ en,"me&sustrate complex an4
en,"me action+ Simple en,"me 6inetics 5it% one an4 t5o sustrates1 Mic%aelis&Menten
6inetics1 E$aluation of parameters in t%e Mic%aelis&Menten 6inetics E'uation1 0"pes of
in%iition1 9nfluences of pH+ temperature+ flui4 forces+ c%emical a(ents an4 irra4iation on en,"me
acti$it"+ 4eacti$ation 6inetics1
Modu+e III
En,"me immoili,ation1 8%"sical an4 c%emical tec%ni'ues for en,"me immoili,ation
a4sorption+ matrix entrapment+ encapsulation+ cross ! lin6in(+ co$alent in4in(1 A4$anta(es an4
4isa4$anta(es of 4ifferent immoili,ation tec%ni'ues1 O$er $ie5 of application of immoili,e4
en,"me s"stems1
Mass transfer effects in immoili,e4 en,"me s"stems1 Anal"sis of film an4 pore
4iffusion effects on 6inetics of immoili,e4 en,"me reactions1 Effecti$eness factors1
Modu+e IV
Batc% Operation of a stirre4 reactor 0ime course for atc% en,"me reaction1 Continuous
operation in a stirre4 tan6 reactor1
9mmoili,e4 en,"me reaction in a CS0R an4 plu( flo5 reactor1 #esi(n of immoili,e4
en,"me reactors ! pac6e4 e4+ flui4i,e4 e4 an4 memrane reactors1 En,"me iosensors+
application of en,"mes in anal"sis+ 4esi(n of en,"me electro4es an4 t%eir application in in4ustr"+
%ealt% care an4 en$ironment1
Te.# oo(%&Re9e$en"e%
.1 *ua" :+ -iochemistry+ Max5ell Macmillon 9nternational E4ucation
>1 :er%arts+ B+ 2n>ymes in industry ! $roduction and application1
31 0ailer+ R1F1 I$rotein 5mmobili>ation C Fundamentals and applicationsH1
21 8auline M #oran I-iopriocess 2ngg. $rinciplesH ! Aca4emic press
C1 Aames E Baile" J #a$i4 F Ollis I-iochemical 2ngineering FundamentalsH Mc :ra5 Hill
Boo6 Compan"1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 H$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#C 6
To impart the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer
To study the design of various types of heat exchangers
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction an4 fun4amental concepts of t%ermo4"namic terms1 First la5 of
t%ermo4"namics1 Bor6 e'ui$alent of %eat1 Classification of ener("+ t%ermo4"namic state
function an4 pat% function1 Ent%alp" an4 specific %eat1 Application of first la5 to stea4" state
flo5 processes an4 re$ersile process1
Limitations of first la51 Statement of secon4 la51 Entrop"1 Heat reser$oirs+ %eat en(ines
an4 %eat pumps1 Applications of t%e la5s of t%ermo4"namics to refri(eration+ li'uefaction
Modu+e II
Mo4es of %eat transfer) con4uction+ con$ection an4 ra4iation1 Heat transfer " con4uction1
Fourier7s la51 0%ermal con4ucti$it" Stea4" state con4uction t%rou(% a composite soli41 Stea4"
state con4uction t%rou(% c"lin4er an4 sp%eres
Heat transfer coefficient) Con$ecti$e %eat transfer an4 t%e concept of %eat transfer
coefficient1 O$erall %eat transfer 5it%out %eat transfer et5een flui4s separate4 " a plane 5all1
Heat transfer et5een flui4s separate4 " a c"lin4rical 5all1
Modu+e III
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Force4 con$ection1 Flo5 o$er a flat plate1 0%ermal oun4ar" la"er1 #imensionless
(roups in %eat transfer1 Correlations for t%e %eat transfer coefficient1 Laminar flo5 t%rou(% a
circular pipe1 0urulent flo5 t%rou(% a circular pipe1 Flo5 t%rou(% a non&circular 4uct1 Heat
transfer 5it% cocurrent an4 counter current operations1 LM0#1 Momentum an4 %eat transfer
Ra4iation %eat transfer ! asic concepts1 Blac6o4" ra4iation1 8lanc67s+ Bien7s+ Stefan
! Bolt,mann an4 @irc%off7s La5s1 :re" o4"1 Boilin( li'ui4s an4 con4ensin( $apours ! asic
Modu+e IV Heat exc%an(ers1 Construction of a s%ell an4 tue %eat exc%an(er1 Foulin( of a
%eat exc%an(er!t%e foulin( factor1 #esi(n of a 4oule pipe %eat exc%an(er1 #esi(n of s%ell!an4&
tue %eat exc%an(er1 Cleanin( of %eat exc%an(ers1 Compact %eat exc%an(es!plate %eat
exc%an(ers+ an4 spiral %eat exc%an(ers1 0%ermal 4esi(n of an a(itate4 $essel1 #esi(n of coolin(
coils1 Steam ?ac6etin( an4 %eat transfer flui4s1
Te.# oo(&Re9e$en"e%
.1 Bino" @ #uttaa ! <eat Transfer C $rinciples and applications ! 8rentice & Hall of 9n4ia1
>1 McCae an4 Smit% ! ?nit operations of /hemical 2ngg ! Mc:ra5 Hill 9nternational
31 Ba4(er an4 Banc%ero ! 5ntroduction to /hemical 2ngg1 Mc:ra5 Hill 9nternational E4ition1
21 @ern # N+ $rocess <eat Transfer+ Mc :ra5 Hill
C1 Smit% A M Van Ness H V+ 5ntroduction to /hemical 2ngg Thermodynamics+ Mc :ra5 Hill
;1 A 8 Holman+ <eat Transfer +E
e4n + 0ata Mc :ra5 Hill E4n
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To understand the fundamental principles of bioinformatics and using the
knowledge to tackle various research problems in molecular biology
Modu+e I
Scope of Bioinformatics ! 9nternet asics+ 555+ protocols ! F08 ! 0elnet ! H008+ Elementar"
comman4s in GN9R+ 9ntro4uction to 8ERL (Basic comman4s+ pattern an4 strin( matc%in()+
B9O8ERL (8ro(ramme+ to transcrie an4 translate nucleoti4e se'uences)1 9nstallation of ioperl
an4 its applications1
Modu+e II
9ntro4uction of 4ataases+ Biolo(ical 4ataases an4 t%eir ruse+ #ataan6s ! nucleoti4e 4ataan6s
! :enan6+ NCB9+ EMB9+ ##BA !
8rotein 4ataan6s ! se'uence 4ataan6s ! 89R+ SB9SS8RO0+ 0rEMBL ! structural 4ataases !
8#B+ SCO8+ CA0H+ SSE8+ CA#B+ 8fam an4 :#B1 #ata ase searc%+ se'uence sumission+
Se'uin+ Ban6it+ Sa6ura+ #ataase searc% ! FAS0A&BLAS01
Modu+e III
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Se'uence ali(nment+ 8air5ise ali(nment #"namic pro(rammin(+ Multiple se'uence ali(nment1
Met%o4s of MSA+ Clustal B+ 8%"lo(enetic anal"sis1 0ree uil4in( met%o4s ! #istance+
8arsimon"+ Maximum li6eli%oo4+ 8%"lo(enetic Soft5are+ 8%"lip1 Scorin( Matrix ! 8AM+
Modu+e IV
Special topics in bioinformatics
Met%o4s for pre4iction of secon4ar" an4 tertiar" structures of proteins 6no5le4(e ase4 structure
pre4iction) fol4 reco(nition+ a initio met%o4s for structure pre4iction+ Comparati$e protein
mo4elin(+ :ene pre4ictions+ :enscan+ 8recustes+ :rail+ #NA Mappin( an4 se'uencin(1 Map
ali(nment ! S%ot(un #NA se'uencin( ! Se'uence asseml"1 8rotein structure $isuali,ation1
.1 An4reas #1Baxe$anis+ B1F1Francis Oouellette+ -ioinformatics3 Bile"1
>1 #am :usfiel41 Algorithms on 'trings Trees and 'equences3 Camri4(e Gni$ersit" 8ress1
31 #1Mount+ -ioinformatics 'equence Analysis. Col4 Sprin( Haror Laorator"1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
7 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 3
To impart the basic ideas about instruments
To evaluate the operating principles of different instruments
To study the instrumentation and control of bioprocesses
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction #efinition of instrumentation Concept of an instrument1 Functional elements an4
functions of an instrument Classification of instruments1 Static an4 4"namic c%aracteristics of
measurin( instrument1 Accurac"+ repro4uciilit"+ sensiti$it"+ static error+ 4ea4 ,one+ 4"namic
error+ fi4elit"+ la(+ spee4 of response1
Sensin( elements & $arious t"pes+ sensors for temperature+ pressure an4 flui4 flo5+ trans4ucers+
t%eir principles an4 5or6in(+ transmission met%o4s+ in4icatin( an4 recor4in( means1
0emperature measurements+ temperature scales+ asic principles an4 5or6in( of
t%ermometers&mercur"&in&(lass t%ermometers+ resistance t%ermometers+ t%ermocouples+ optical
p"rometers+ ra4iant p"rometers+ ran(es of 4ifferent t"pes of temperature measurin( instruments1
Sources of errors an4 precautions to e ta6en in temperature measurements1
Modu+e II
8ressure measurement1 8rinciples of 5or6in( of manometers1 Various t"pes of
manometers1 McLeo4 (au(e+ @nu4sen (au(e+ our4on (au(e+ ello5+ 4iap%ra(m1 0rans4ucers
of electrical an4 mec%anical t"pes1 8ie,o&electric manometers+ t%ermal con4ucti$it" (au(es+
ironisation (au(e+ %i(% pressure measurin( instrument1
#ensit" measurement usin( constant $olume %"4rometer an4 air pressure alance met%o4
:as 4ensit" 4etector an4 (as specific (ra$it" measurin( s"stem1 $iscosit" measurement1
Measurement of pH+ Li'ui4 le$el measurements1
Modu+e III
Flo5 measurement usin( %ea4 t"pe flo5 meters ase4 on 4ifferential pressure
measurement1 Orifice meter+ $enturimeter+ flo5 no,,le an4 pitot tue1 Electroma(netic flo5
meters1 Variale area meters li6e rotameter1 Mec%anical flo5meters of positi$e 4isplacement
t"pe li6e rotatin( 4is6 an4 turine t"pe an4 anemometers1
Moisture content 4etermination " t%ermal 4r"in(1 9nstruments for measurin( %umi4it"
li6e %"(rometer+ ps"c%rometer+ an4 4e5&point apparatus1 Composition anal"sis usin(
spectroscopic met%o4s li6e asorption+ emission an4 mass spectrometers1 :as anal"sis "
t%ermal con4ucti$it"+ polaro(rap%" an4 c%romato(rap%"1
Modu+e IV
9nstrumentation for ioprocesses1 8%"sical an4 c%emical sensors for t%e me4ium an4
(ases1 Me4ium c%emical sensors1 :as anal"sis1 On line&sensors for cell properties1 Offline
anal"tical met%o4s1 Measurement of me4ium properties1 Anal"sis of cell population
composition1 Flo5 c"tometr"1 #ata anal"sis+ 4ata smoot%in( an4 interpolation1 State an4
parameter estimation1 #e$elopment of 8J9 4ia(rams for flo5 s"stems+ le$el+ 8H control1
0emperature control+ %eat exc%an(ers+ 4istillation columns an4 reaction s"stems1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
.1 #181Ec6man1 5ndustrial instrumentation+ Bile" Eastern
>1 Friance+ 5ndustrial 5nstrumentation fundamentals+ 0MH E4ition
31 R1@1Aain1 Mechanical and 5ndustrial Measurements+ @%anna 8ulis%ers1
21 Baile" J Ollis1 -iochemical 2ngineering Fundamentals Mc:ra5 Hill Boo6 Compan"
C1 Bec65ort% an4 Buc6) Measurement 'ystems
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To study about the experiments in heat and mass transfer
.1 Con4uction &#etermination of t%ermal con4ucti$it"
>1 Heat transfer t%rou(% composite 5all
31 Heat transfer in natural con$iction1
21 Heat transfer in force4 con$ection
C1 #oule pipe %eat exc%an(er
;1 S%ell an4 tue %eat exc%an(er
D1 Simple 4istillation
F1 Steam 4istillation
E1 Sie$e place 4istillation column
.<1Soli4 &li'ui4 extraction ! Bonnotto t"pe
..1Soli4&li'ui4 extraction& pac6e4 e4 t"pe
.>10ernar" li'ui4 e'uilirium
.31 Leac%in( ! simple leac%in(+ cross current an4 counter current leac%in(1
.21 Rotar" 4r"er
.C1 A4sorption isot%erms
.;1 Batc% cr"stalli,er

Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End E.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To do experiments based on en>ymes and microbial cells
To study about bioreactors and mass transfer effects
.1 En,"me isolation an4 assa" of en,"matic acti$it"1
>1 Estimation of Mic%aelis ! Menten parameter !effect of pH an4 temperature on en,"me
31 0ec%ni'ues of en,"me immoili,ation
21 Bio&con$ersion stu4ies 5it% immoili,e4 en,"me reactors1
C1 Culturin( of 4ifferent t"pes of micro or(anisms (Bacteria+ Keast+ fun(i) use4 in t%e
pro4uction of commerciall" importe4 pro4ucts1
;1 Formulation of simple an4 complex culture me4ia
D1 Estimation of iomass+ sustrate an4 pro4uct anal"sis
F1 Stu4" of (ro5t%+ sustrate utili,ation an4 pro4uct formation 6inetics in s%a6e flas6 cultures
E1 :ro5t% of micro or(anisms&estimation of Mono4 parameters
.<1 8ro4uction of secon4ar" metaolite in s"nt%etic an4 complex in4ustrial me4ia1
..1 Mass transfer rate 4etermination in io reactors ! 4"namic (assin( out met%o41
.>1 Ox"(en transfer rate in 4iffuse4 air s"stem (aeration unit)
.31 Aeroic ioreactor
.21 Anaeroic ioreactor
.C1 Screenin( of process $ariale&Sin(le 4imensions researc%+ 8lac6ett !Burman 4esi(n
.;1 Stu4" of r%eolo(" of fermentation rot% an4 po5er 4etermination
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
6 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C ;
To impart the basic concepts of genetic engineering
To impart the knowledge of various techniques involved in genetic engineering
Modu+e- I
9ntro4uction to (enetic en(ineerin(1 0ools of (enetic en(ineerin(1 Restriction en,"mes1
#NA mo4if"in( en,"mes1 8rinciples of molecular clonin(1 Sources of #NA for clonin(1
9solation of #NA1 Mec%anism of #NA clea$a(e+ an4 en4 mo4ifications1 Mec%anism of #NA
?oinin(1 C#NA clonin(1 Screenin( strate(ies1
Modu+e - II
Salient features of $ectors1 8lasmi4s (plasmi4 iolo("+ purification of plasmi4 #NA+
#esirale properties of plasmi4 closin( $e%icles)
Bacteriop%a(es (Bateriop%a(e) ! ot%ers (cosmi4s BACS+ 8ACS+ KACS)
Eucar"otic $ectors1 Expression $ectors1 S%uttle $ectors1 0i plasmi4 of a(roacteria1 #NA
transfer to %ost) C%emical transfection+ lipofection+ electroporation+ microin?ection+ (ene (un+
uses of $iruses1
Modu+e - III
Expression of close4 (enes) Rationale for expression1 Stailit" of expression $ector1
Functionailit" of expression s"stem1 Expression si(nals1 Expression strate(ies1 Nati$e an4
fusion proteins1
Construction of liraries) c #NA lirar"+ c #NA s"nt%esis+ proportion+ construction uses1 C#NA
lirar" Vs (enomic #NA lirar"1 Se'uencin(L Maxim! :ilert se'uencin(+ San(er se'uencin(+
S%ort(un approac%1
Modu+e - IV
Application of r #NA tec%nolo(ies) Nucleic aci4 se'uences as 4ia(nostic tools1
Applications in SA:E+ ES0+ F9SH+ Micro arra"+ Restriction mappin(+ lot anal"sis ! sout%ern+
Nort%ern an4 5estern lot1 8CR an4 its applications1 Molecular mar6ers) RFL8+ RA8#+ AFL8+
(ene clonin( in me4icine (insulin Bloo4 clottin( factor V999) Hi(% le$el1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
Ol4 RB+ 8rimose SB I$rinciples of gene manipulationAn introduction to genetic
engineeringH1 Blac65ell Scientific 8ulications+ .EE31
01A1Bro5n1 Igene cloningH1
B1R1:lic6 J Aac6 A 8asterna6 IMolecular -iotechnologyH1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ C$ed/#%C 6
To impart knowledge on the design analysis3 monitoring3 modelling and
simulation aspects of a bioreactor
To strengthen the knowledge of the design3 operation and stability analysis of a
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e - I
9ntro4uction to fermentation process1 Batc% (ro5t%1 Nuantif"in( cell concentration @inetics in
atc% culture1 En$ironmental con4itions on (ro5t%1 Mono4 mo4el1 :ro5t% 6inetic 5it%
plasmi4 instailit"1 8ro4uct formation 6inetics1 Structure4 an4 unstructure4 mo4els1 0%ermal
4eat% 6inetics of cell an4 Spores1 Continuous culture1 Mono4 c%emostat mo4el1
Modu+e - II
Me4ia 4esi(n for fermentation Me4ium re'uirements an4 formulation1 Antifoams1
Me4ium optimi,ation1 Me4ium sterili,ation ! atc% an4 continuous sterili,ation1 Spiral %eat
exc%an(er1 Sterili,ation of air1 9noculum preparation for in4ustrial fermentation ! operation of
a t"pical aseptic aeroic fermentation process1
Modu+e - III
0%e ox"(en re'uirements of in4ustrial fermentation1 Ox"(en suppl"1 0%e 4etermination
of @La $alues 1 0%e sulp%ite oxi4ation met%o41 :assin( out met%o41 Factors affectin( ox"(en
transfer rate in fermenters li6e ule si,e+ (as %ol4&up+ (as $elocit"+ temperature+ pressure etc1
8o5er re'uire4 for spar(e4 an4 a(itate4 $essels1 0%e relations%ip et5een po5er
consumption an4 operatin( $ariales1 Role of s%ear in stirre4 fermenters1 0%e structural
components of t%e fermenter in$ol$e4 in aeration an4 a(itation1
Modu+e - IV
Basic functions of a fermenter1 Bioreactor confi(urations1 #esi(n of stirre4 atc%
fermenter+ c%emostat+ c%emostat 5it% cell rec"cle+ fe4 atc% fermenter1 8lu( flo5 reactor+ pac6e4
e4+ ule column+ flui4i,e4 e4 ioreactor+ tric6le e4 reactor+ 9mmoili,e4 cell io&reactor1
Air lift formenter1 Reactors for animal cell an4 plant cell1 Scale up of fermentors1 Soli4 state
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
.1 81F Stanur"+ A1 B%ita6er An4 S1A Hall1 I$rinciples of Fermentation TechnologyH A4it"a
Boo6s (8) Lt4+ Ne5 #el%i1
>1 Aames E Baile" J #a$i4 F Ollis I-io chemical 2ngineering Fundamentals 'econd 2dition1
Mc:ra5 Hill Boo6 Compan"1
31 8auline M #oran I-io process 2ngineering $rinciplesH Aca4emic 8ress
21 Mic%ael L S%uler J Fi6ret @ar(i1 I-io process 2ngineering C -asic conceptsH1 8rentice !
Hall of 9n4ia 8$t Lt41
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class

Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd one 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the basic concepts of financial management of process industries
To impart knowledge on the cost estimation based on plant and products
Modu+e - I
O$er$ie5 of financial mana(ement1 Financial 4ecisions1 Capital u4(etin( 4ecision1
Financin( 4ecision1 #i$i4en4 4ecision1 Current asset mana(ement1
0ime $alue of mone" an4 e'ui$alence1 Compoun4in( an4 4iscountin(1 Current 5ort%
an4 future 5ort% of cas% flo5s1 9nterest) simple interest1 Compoun4 interest1 Continuous
interest1 Nominal an4 effecti$e interest rates cost of capital1
#epreciation an4 taxes1 Nature of 4epreciation1 Met%o4 of 4eterminin( 4epreciation1
Strai(%t line met%o41 Sin6in( fun4 met%o41 #eclinin( alance met%o41 #oule 4eclinin(
alance met%o41 Sum of 4i(its met%o41 Gnits of pro4uction met%o41 Comparison of
4epreciation met%o4s1 0axes1 Effect of taxes on 4epreciation met%o4s1 0axes1 Effect of taxes on
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
4epreciation met%o41 8resent 5ort% after taxes1 Capital reco$er" factor capitali,e4 cost1
9nflation1 Cost comparison un4er inflation1
Modu+e - II
Capital u4(etin( appraisal met%o4s1 9n$estment e$aluation1 Mat%ematical met%o4s for
profitailit" e$aluation1 8a" ac6 perio41 Accountin( rate of return1 #iscounte4 cas% flo5
met%o4s1 Net present $alue1 9nternal rate of return1 8a"ac6 reciprocal an4 rate of return1
8rofitailit" in4ex1 Comparison et5een N8V an4 9RR met%o4s1 Ran6in( mutuall" exclusi$e
pro?ects+ Capital rationin(1
Financin( 4ecision1 Financial le$era(e1 Effect of financial le$era(e on s%are %ol4ers
earnin(s1 Earnin(s per s%are1 Return on e'uit"1 EB90 ! E8S anal"sis :rap%ic representation1
Ris6 an4 financial le$era(e1 Measures of financial le$era(es1
Modu+e - III
Capital re'uirements an4 cost of pro4uction of process plants1 Fixe4 capital an4 5or6in(
capital1 Estimation of capital in$estment1 #irect costs an4 in4irect costs1 0"pes of capital cost
estimate4 cost in4ices1 Nelson refiner" construction in4ex1 Material cost in4ices1 8rocess
e'uipment cost in4ex1 Laour cost in4ex1 E'uipment costs1 Billiam7s six&tent% factor1
Cost components in capital in$estment1 8urc%ase4 e'uipment1 9nstallation
9nstrumentation an4 controls1 8ipin(1 Electrical items1 Buil4in(s1 Kar4 impro$ements1 Ser$ice
facilities1 Healt% safet" an4 en$ironment functions lan4 an4 4e$elopment1 En(ineerin( an4
super$ision1 Le(al expenses1 Construction expenses1 Contractor7s fee1 Contin(encies1 Met%o4s
of estimatin( capital in$estment1
Estimation of re$enue1 Estimation of total pro4uct cost1 Manufacturin( costs :eneral
expenses1 #irect pro4uction costs1 A4ministrati$e expenses1 #istriution an4 mar6etin( costs1
Researc% an4 4e$elopment costs1
Modu+e - IV
8rofitailit"1 Brea6e$en an4 minimum cost anal"sis1 0"pes of costs1 Variales an4 fixe4
costs1 Economic pro4uction c%arts1 #ifferential anal"sis of economic pro4uction c%arts1
Criti'ue in t%e use of rea6&e$en an4 minimum cost anal"sis1
Financial statements1 Balance s%eet1 8rofit an4 loss account1 Ratios use4 for anal",in(
alance s%eet an4 profit an4 loss account1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e oo(%.
.1 8etere J 0immer%aus I $lant 0esign and 2conomics for chemical 2ngineersH C
e4ition+ Mc:ra5 Hill
>1 91M 8an4e" IFinancial ManagementH 1 Vi6as 8ulis%in( House 8$t Lt41
31 F1C Aellen I/ost and @ptimi>ation 2ngineeringH1
21 Sc%5e"er 8rocess En(ineerin( Economics
C1 Vilran4t J #r"4en I/hemical 2ngg $lant 0esignH1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the basic ideas of chemical process control
To study the methods of analysis of process systems
Modu+e I
:eneral intro4uction of a process control s"stem1 Classification of $ariales in a
c%emical process1 #esi(n elements of a control s"stem1 Control aspects of a complete c%emical
plant1 9ntro4uction to mat%ematical Mo4ellin(1 Basics an4 examples of mat%ematical mo4ellin(1
Lineari,ation of non&linear s"stem (ot% sin(le $ariale an4 man" $ariales)1 #e$iation
Laplace transforms & transforms ! 4efinitions1 Lalace transforms of 4eri$ati$es an4 inte(rals1
8rolems1 Solution of linear 4ifferential e'uations usin( Laplace transforms1 9n$ersion of
Laplace transforms1 0ransfer functions1 8oles an4 ,ero of a transfer function1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Nualitati$e anal"sis of t%e response of a s"stem1 #"namic e%a$iour of first or4er
s"stems1 Stu4" of 4ifferent first or4er s"stems1 8rolems1 #"namic e%a$iour of %i(%er or4er
s"stems1 #ifferent examples1
Modu+e II
Concept of fee4ac6 control1 0"pes of fee4ac6 controllers1
Bloc6 4ia(rams1 Effect of proportional inte(ral+ 4eri$ati$e an4 composite control1
Control actions on t%e 4"namic response of a s"stem1 Notion of stailit"1 C%aracteristic
e'uation1 Rout% Hur5it, criterion for stailit"1 8rolems1 Root Locus anal"sis1
Modu+e III
#esi(n of fee4ac6 controllers1 Brief outline1 Simple performance criteria 0ime&
inte(ral performance criteria+ selection of t%e t"pe of fee4ac6 controller1
Controller turnin( ! *N tunin(1 Co%en Coon 0unin(1 8rolems1 Fre'uenc" response
anal"sis of linear process1 Bo4e 4ia(ram+ N"'uist plots1 Bo4e stailit" criteria1 N"'uist stailit"
criterion1 8rolems1
Modu+e IV
A (eneral intro4uction to a4$ance4 control s"stems1 #ea4 time compensation+ in$erse
response+ casca4e control+ selecti$e control s"stems+ split&ran(e control+ fee4 for5ar4 control+
ratio control+ a4apti$e control+ inferential control1 9ntro4uction to 4irect 4i(ital control s"stems1
Super$isor" control1 #istriute4 control s"stem1
8rocess control in ioprocess s"stems1 #irect re(ulator" control1 Casca4e control of
metaolism1 A4$ance4 control strate(ies1 8ro(ramme4 atc% ioreactor1 #esi(n an4 operatin(
strate(ies for atc% plants an4 continuous process control1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
Step%anopoulos I5ntroduction to /hemical process /ontrolH1
Cou(%ano5er J @oppel I$rocess 'ystems analysis and /ontrolH1
Aames E Baille" J #a$i4 F1Ollis+ I-iochemical 2ngg. FundamentalsH Mc :ra5 Hill1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
7 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%-3
To impart the basic concepts of food biotechnology
To impart knowledge on food processing and preservation techniques and
packaging techniques
Modu+e - 3
Role of micro or(anisms in manufacture an4 spoila(e of fermente4 pro4ucts+ Cereals+ 8ulses+
Nuts an4 Oil see4s+ Fruits an4 Fruit pro4ucts+ Ve(etales an4 Ve(etale 8ro4ucts+ Fis% an4 Meat
pro4ucts1 A4ulteration in foo4s ! mil6+ pulses an4 ot%ers+ Rules an4 re(ulations
Modu+e - II
Microiolo(ical role in foo4 process operation an4 pro4uction) ne5 protein foo4s) SC8L
mus%roomL foo4 "easts+ al(al proteins1 Fermentation as a+ met%o4 of preparin( an4 preser$in(
foo4s1 Foo4 a44iti$es li6e colourin(+ fla$ors an4 $itamins1 Or(anisms an4 t%eir use in pic6lin(+
alco%olic e$era(es an4 ot%er pro4ucts1
Modu+e - III
Mec%anism of en,"me functions an4 reactions in process tec%ni'ues) starc% an4 su(ar
con$ersion process or a6in( " am"lasesL 4e&ox"(enation an4 4esu(arin( " (lucose oxi4aseL
eer mas%in( an4 c%ill& proofin( or c%eese ma6in( " proteases an4 $arious ot%er en,"mes+
catal"tic actions in foo4 processin(1 8rocess 5astes) 5%e"L molassesL starc% sustances an4 ot%er
foo4 5astes for iocon$ersion to useful pro4ucts1
Modu+e - IV
9ntro4uction to Foo4 8ac6a(in(+ interaction of foo4 material 5it% pac6a(in( material+
preser$ation of foo4 pro4ucts1 :eneticall" mo4ifie4 an4 trans(enic foo4 4e$elopment
processin(& nutritional an4 economic aspects1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 Ro(er A1+ :or4on B1+ an4 Ao%n 01+ Food -iotechnology
>1 Lin4sa"+ Billis+ Biotec%nolo("+ /hallenges for the flavour and food industries+ Els$ier
Applie4 Science1
31 B1C1 Fra,ier) Food Microbiology (55 edition or later) Mc(ra5 Hill Boo6 Compan"+ Ne5
Kor6 (.E;F)
21 :usta$o F :utierre,&Lepe,+ :usta$o V1 Barosa&Cano$as Food 'cience and Food
-iotechnology /%/ $ress.
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To understand the important aspects of biotechnology and plant science
To make the students understand the concepts of transgenic plants and the
application of gene based techniques
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e - I
An outline of molecular iolo(") #NA Replication+ 0ranscription an4 fun4amentals of
recominant #NA tec%nolo("+ :ene re(ulation1
A(roacterium an4 plant (enetic en(ineerin() A(roactrium me4icate4 (ene transfer an4
clonin(1 0"pes of plant $ectors an4 t%eir use in (ene manipulation1
Modu+e - II
8lant $iruses) Classification 4ia(nosis ! reme4"& $iruses as a tool to 4eli$er forei(n
#e$elopmental aspects of r%i,oium) Le(ume S"miosis+ S"miotic) Nitro(en fixation1
Re(ulation of nif an4 mo4 (ene1
Modu+e - III
Molecular aspects of 4iseases susceptiilit" an4 resistance) 0ransposale elements+
factors influencin( 4isease resistances an4 susceptiilit" RFL81
0rans(enics+ %erici4e tolerance+ insect resistance+ $iral resistance stress tolerance
4e$elopment of 4iseases resistance plants " intro4ucin( Bacillus t%urin(iensis (enes1
Modu+e IV
Fun4amentals of plants tissues culture+ plant re(eneration or(ano(enesis1 Role of tissue
culture in rapi4 clonal pro4uction+ pro4uction of pat%o(en free plants an4 s"nt%etic see4s1
8rotoplast tec%nolo(") isolation) culture an4 plant re(eneration+ protoplast fusion+ i4entification
an4 c%aracteri,ation of somatic %"ri4s+ application of protoplast tec%nolo("1 Hair" root culture1
#o447s A1H $lant 8enetic 2ngineering+ Camri4(e Gni$ersit" 8ress
Mental S1H+ Mat%e5s A1A+ Mic6ee R1A $rinciples of $lant -iotechnology an 5ntroduction to
8enetic 2ngineering in $lants. -lackwell 'cientic $ublications.
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee(C C$ed/#%C 6
To understand the important aspects of biotechnology used in animal science
To understand about the production of animal cell based vaccines and the
concept of transgenic animals
Modu+e - I
Animal Biotec%nolo(" an4 its scope1 Histor" an4 4e$elopment of cell culture1
Manipulation of repro4uction in animals an4 impro$ements of li$estoc6 ! Artificial insemination1
9n $itro fertili,ation tec%nolo("1
Modu+e - II
8%"sical re'uirements for (ro5in( animal cell culture1 Culture me4ia for animals cell
culture !BSS+ Serum containin( an4 Serum free me4ia& a4$anta(es an4 4isa4$anta(es+ (ro5t%
factors+ 9nitiation of cell culture1 9solation an4 4ese(re(ation of explants1 #e$elopment of
primar" culture1 :ro5t% cur$e of animal cell in culture1 Commonl" use4 cell lines1 8reser$ation
an4 c%aracteri,ation of animal cells1 C"totoxicit" an4 $iailit" assa"s1
Modu+e - III
Or(an culture ! tec%ni'ues+ a4$anta(es an4 applications1 Met%o4s for 0ransfection of
animal7s cells1 0ransplantation of cultures cells1 Met%o4s for cell fusion1 0rans(enic animals&
(eneral met%o4s for pro4uction+ a4$anta(es an4 et%ical issues1 Selectale mar6ers+ HA0
selection an4 antiiotic resistances1 H"ri4oma tec%nolo(" of pro4uction of monoclonal
antio4ies1 9ntro4uction to clonin( an4 (ene tec%nolo("1
Modu+e- IV
8ro4uction of $accines an4 special secon4ar" metaolic (insulin+ (ro5t% %ormones an4
interferons+ 0& plasmino(en acti$ator+ loo4 factor V999)1 Scalin( up of animal cell cultures1
Bioreactors for animal cell culture an4 its optimi,ation1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
Bernur R 8asterna6 A1A1+ Molecular Biolo("+ principles and Applications in recombinant 0=A+
8animia 8ulis%in( Cooperation1
M1M Ran(a+ Animal -iotechnology+ secon4 E4ition+ A(roios 9n4ia
M1M1 Ran(a+ Tansgenic animals+ A(roios 9n4ia1
81R Ka4a$+ ra?i$ 0"a(i+ -iotechnology of Animals tissues+ #isco$er" 8ulis%in( House
R1C #ue"+ A Text -ook of -iotechnology+ S C%an4 J Compan"1
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+% :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart advance knowledge on how to engineer proteins through a detailed
study of protein structure3 its characteristic properties and its significance in
biological systems
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e - I
8rotein ! Bon4 interactions in protein structureL primar" structure an4 its 4eterminationL
secon4ar" structure an4 its pre4iction met%o4sL tertiar" structure an4 4omain in proteinsL proteins
fol4in( pat%5a"sL 'uaternar" structuresL met%o4s to 4etermine 3# structuresL R&ra"
cr"stallo(rap%" an4 NMR met%o4L post translational mo4ifications1
Modu+e - II
#NA in4in( proteinsL 8ro6ar"otic transcription factors+ Helix&turn&Helix motif in #NA in4in(+
Eucar"otic transcription factors+ ,inc fin(ersL Memrane proteinsL :eneral C%aracteristics+
0ransmemrane se(ments+ Bacterior%o4opsin an4 p%otos"nt%etic reaction centres1
Modu+e - III
Epi4ermal (ro5t% factor1 9nsulin an4 8#:F receptors an4 t%eir interactions 5it% effectors)
8rotein p%osp%or"lationL immuno(loulinsL classes an4 its iolo(ical functionsL En,"mes serine
proteases+ Rionuclease+ L",o,"me1
Modu+e - IV
8rotein 4esi(n principles an4 examplesL Met%o4s in 8roteins en(ineerin(L 9mmunotoxinsL
mec%anism an4 its applicationsL #ru( 4esi(nin(L structure ase4 approac%+ receptor ase4
.1 Moo4" 8CE an4 AA Bil6inson $rotein 2ngineering 9RL 8ress oxfor4
>1 Ceri(%ton 0E $roteins+ Freeman BH1
31 Bran4en C 0oo,er R I5ntroduction of $rotein structureH1 :arlan4 .EE31
21 Voet #1+ Voet :1+ I-io chemistryH + 999 E4ition+ Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons+ ><<.
C1 Bals%+ I$rotein -iotechnology and biochemistryH+ >
e41+ Bile" 8ulications1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+% :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To understand how to regulate the metabolic pathways of bioconversion
To understand the catabolite regulation pathways and also the primary
metabolite synthesis pathways
Modu+e - I
Re$ie5 of cellular metaolism (0ransport processes+ fuellin( reactions+ ios"nt%esis+
(ro5t% ener(etic) Re$ie5 of cellular stoic%iometr"1
Re(ulation of metaolic pat%5a"s) Le$els of re(ulation of en,"matic acti$it" (o$er$ie5
of 6inetics+ re$ersile an4 irre$ersile in%iitions+ allosteric en,"mes an4 cooperati$it") !
re(ulation of en,"mes concentration (Control of transcription an4 translation ! example 5it%
respect of lacoperon an4 cataolite repression)& :loal control& re(ulation of metaolic net5or6s
(Branc% point classification+ couple4 reactions an4 (loal currenc" metaolities an4 ener("
Modu+e - II
Metaolic en(ineerin( in practice) Concept of 4irecte4 cellular ener(" utili,ation !
anal"tical an4 s"nt%etic elements of metaolic en(ineerin( ! tar(ets of metaolic en(ineerin(1
Metaolic 8at%5a" anal"sis (0"pical case stu4") L"sine Bios"nt%esis)
Strate(ies for re4irectin( ranc%e4 an4 linear pat%5a"s) (Alteration of fee4 ac6
re(ulationL limitin( accumulation of en4 pro4uct fee4 ac6 resistant mutants+ alteration of
Modu+e - III
Metaolic Flux Anal"sis) Concept an4 utilit" of MFA ! 0%eor" ! case stu4ies ! o$er
4etermine4 s"stems ! experimental 4etermination of MFA " isotope laelin( ! applications of
MFA) Case stu4ies& concept J fun4amentals of metaolic control anal"sis (Basic concept onl")1
Modu+e - IV
Application of pat%5a" manipulations) Strate(ies for o$erpro4uction of primar"
metaolites1 Strate(ies for o$erpro4uction of secon4ar" metaolites (precursor effects+
prop%op%ase i4iop%ase relations%ip+ en,"me in4uction+ fee4 ac6 re(ulation1)
Biocon$ersions) (ME concepts applie4 in process 4ecisions for en%ance4 iocon$ersion)1
Examples of pat%5a" manipulations) En%ancement of pro4uct "iel4 (alco%ol+ amino aci4s)!
extension of sustrate ran(es (li(nocelluloses utili,ation) ! extension of pro4uct spectrum
(antiiotic+ iopol"mers) & impro$ement of cellular properties (alteration of metaolism+
en%ance4 efficienc" an4 "iel4+ (enetic stailit")1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To provide an advanced knowledge of gene expression and gene therapy
To understand the various technologies of gene mapping3 proteomic techniques
and new target identification for drug discovery
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
. : Step%anopoulos et alL Metabolic 2ngineering principles ; Methodologies
>1 01 Sc%eper R Faurie+ A1 0%ommel Advance in -iochemical engineering -iotechnology&
Microbila production of 6 C Aminoacid
3 Aens Hoiriis Nielsen+ Saine Arnol4) -iotechnology for the future.
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e I
8rinciples of (ene expression& :enome Mappin( ! Human :enome 8ro?ect ! :enomes
of ot%er or(anisms ! Role of (enomics in 4ru( 4isco$er" an4 4e$elopment ! pepti4e nucleic aci4
Modu+e - II
:enomics in Biop%armaceutical 9n4ustr" ! Functional :enomes ! 8%armaco(enetics
:enomics in relation to molecular 4ia(nosis
Modu+e - III
Molecular t%erapeutic tec%nolo(ies
:ene 0%erap" ! ne5 tar(ets for 4ru( 4isco$er"
Modu+e - IV
8roteomics) 8roteomic 0ec%ni'ues ! 8%armaceutical Applications ! 8roteomics in 4ru(
4isco$er" ! in %uman1
Role of animal mo4els in i4entification of (enes for 4isor4ers 6noc6out mice1
S1 Sa%ai+ 8enomics and $roteomics3 Functional an4 Computational Aspects+ 8lenum
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To do experiments for study of 0=A structures and %=A structures
.1 9solation of (enomic #NA from eu6ar"otic cells1
>1 9solation of RNA from eu6ar"otic cells
31 9solation of proteins from eu6ar"otic cells
21 9solation of (enomic #NA from pro6ar"otic cells
C1 9solation of plasmi4 #NA from pro6ar"otic cells
;1 Restriction mappin( of plasmi4 #NA
D1 :el electrop%oretic separation of #NA an4 molecular 5ei(%t 4etermination
F1 :el electrop%oretic separation of RNA
E1 :el electrop%oretic separation of proteins
.<1 0ranslot anal"sis of #NA
..1 :el extraction of #NA
.>1 8CR amplification of #NA
.31 Con?u(ation in E1coli
.21 0ransformation in E1coli (8reparation of competent cells)
.C1 9n4uction of lac operon (expression of eta !(alactosi4ase an4 assa")
.;1 Clonin( of #NA into plasmi4 $ector1
.D1 Electroporation of #NA
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
T0$ee 0ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To understand the fundamental principles of bioinformatics and using the
knowledge to tackle various research problems
.1 Gnix comman4s
>1 8ERL pro(rammin(
31 Biolo(ical 4ataases i1 Nucleoti4e se'uence 4ataases ii1 8rotein se'uence
4ataases iii1 8rotein structure 4ataases1
21 Se'uence Anal"sis ! lastn+ lastp+ last>+ fasta
C1 Multiple se'uence ali(nment an4 p%"lo(enetic interpretation ! Clustal+ 8%"lip+
;1 :ene pre4iction&:enscan+ ORF fin4er+ :enmar6
D1 8rotein pre4iction&Conser$e4 4omain 4ataases+ 8rotparam+ Si(nalp+ Motif
F1 Molecular $isuali,ation ! Rasmol+ Cn3#+ S5iss 8#B Vie5er
E1 Structure pre4iction ! :OR+ nnpre4ict+ S5issmo4el ser$er
.<1 Structure ali(nment an4 4oc6in( ! Calp%a matc%+ VAS0+ SA0+ Hex
..1 8rimer 4esi(n&8rimer31
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0test/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End E.),/n)#/on :)##e$n
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
6 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C ;
To impart the basic concepts of mechanical and process design of process plants
To impart design principles for bioreactor design
Modu+e - I
9ntro4uction1 :eneral 4esi(n information for c%emical process plants an4 ioprocesses1
#e$elopment of flo5 s%eet1 8ipin( an4 instrumentation 4ia(ram an4 its 4escription1
Mec%anical 4esi(n of process e'uipment1 9ntro4uction to t%e 4esi(n of c"lin4rical an4
sp%erical $essels for internal an4 external pressures1 #esi(n of %ea4s+ closures an4 supports1
#esi(n of tall $essels1 8ipe line 4esi(n1 Materials of construction for process an4 ioprocess
Modu+e - II
#etaile4 process 4esi(n of 4oule pipe %eat exc%an(er+ s%ell an4 tue %eat exc%an(ers+
4istillation columns+ rotar" an4 tra" 4r"ers1
Modu+e III
#esi(n principles (no 4etaile4 4esi(nL 4esi(n approac% onl") for t%e follo5in() Stirre4
tan6 ioreactor+ ule column fermenter+ airlift fermenter+ flui4i,e4 e4 ioreactor+ p%oto
ioreactor+ pac6e4 column ioreactor+ plu( flo5 reactor1 Fermenter ! po5er input calculations+
spar(er 4esi(n
#esi(n of sterili,ers ! atc% an4 continuous
(Gse of c%emical En(ineers Han4oo6 (ot% D
an4 F
e4ition) " 8err"J C%ilton an4 rele$ant
atteste4 copies of 4atas are permitte4 in t%e examination %all1)
Te.# Boo(%
.1 8err" J C%ilton (E4) /hemical 2ngineers <andbook (D
an4 F
>1 8eters an4 0immer%aus) $lant design and 2conomics for /hemical 2ngineers
31 Aos%i+ M1V $rocess 2quipment design.
21 S1B 0%a6ore+ B19 B%att+ I5ntroduction to $rocess 2ngineering and 0esignH+ 0%e Mc:ra5
Hill Companies1
C1 Mic%ael L Sc%uler J Fi6ret @ar(i I-ioprocess 2ngineeringH 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia 8$t
;1 8auline M #oran I-ioprocess 2ngineering $rinciplesH Aca4emic 8ress1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#C 6
To impart knowledge of downstream processing operations
To attain knowledge of the applications of the above operations in the bioprocess
Modu+e - I
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Role of 4o5nstream processin( in iotec%nolo(" ! Role an4 importance of 4o5nstream
processin( in iotec%nolo(ical processes ! 8rolems an4 re'uirements of iopro4uct purification1
Economics of 4o5nstream processin( in Biotec%nolo(" ! cost cuttin( strate(ies !
c%aracteristics of iotec%nolo(ical mixtures ! process 4esi(n criteria for $arious classes of
iopro4ucts (%i(% $olume + lo5 $alue pro4ucts an4 lo5 $olume+ %i(% $alue pro4ucts)&
p%"sicoc%emical asis of io separation processes1
Modu+e - II
8rimar" separation an4 reco$er" process)Cell 4isruption met%o4s for intracellular pro4ucts&
(sonication+ ea4mills+ %omo(eni,ers etc) remo$al of insolules ! iomass ( an4 particulate
4eris) separation tec%ni'ues& flocculation an4 se4imentation ! centrifu(ation an4 filtration
met%o4s1 C%emical an4 en,"matic l"sis1
Modu+e - III
Enric%ment operations) Memrane ase4 separations ! micro an4 ultra filtration t%eor"& 4esi(n
an4 confi(uration of memrane separation e'uipment ! applications 1Re$erse osmosis !
8recipitation met%o4s (5it% salts+ or(anic sol$ents an4 pol"mers+ extracti$e separations+ a'ueous
t5o ! p%ase extraction+ supercritical extraction ! 9n situ pro4uct remo$al ! inte(rate4
Modu+e - IV
8ro4uct Resolution /Fractionations )C%romato(rap%ics tec%ni'ues) 8rinciples of A4sorption
c%romato(rap%"1 Affinit" c%romato(rap%ic separation process+ :C+ H8LC+ F8LC+ 8rocess
confi(urations (pac6e4 e4+ simulate4 mo$in( e4s) H"ri4 separation tec%nolo(ies (memrane
c%romato(rap%"+ electro c%romato(rap%" etc)
*$odu"# :o+/%0/n4C :el 8ermeation c%romato(rap%"+ 4ial"sis+ cr"stalli,ation+ per$aporation
Case stu4ies for 4o5nstream processin( of 9n4ustrial Biopro4ucts ! Hi(% Volume/Lo5 Value
8ro4ucts (Citric aci4/8enicillin) an4 Lo5 Volume/Hi(% $alue 8ro4ucts (Recominant proteins1)
Te.# oo(%
.1 $roduct recovery in -ioprocess Technology+ B9O0OL+ Series VCH+ .EE<1
>1 81A Belter E1L Cussler an4 Bei&S%ou Hu+ Bioseperations ! 0ownstream $rocessing for
-iotechnology+ Bile" ! 9nterscience 8ulication+ .EFF1
31 R1@ Scopes+ Berlin+ protein $urification& $rinciples and $ractices+ Sprin(er+ .EF>1
.1 Ban6at 81C+ rate controlled separations+ Else$ier+ .EE<1
>1 Asen?o A1M 'eperation processes in -iotechnology+ .EE3+ Marcel #e66ere 9nc
31 -ioseperations " Si$a S%an6ar 8H9 8ulications1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
7 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ C$ed/#%C 3
To impart basic concepts of air pollution3 water pollution and pollution due to
solid waste
To impart knowledge about the design of equipment for controlling air and water
pollution and pollution due to solid waste
To study the waste treatment of ma:or industries
Modu+e - I
Sources an4 classification of 5aste 5ater1 8%"sical+ c%emical an4 iolo(ical
c%aracteristics of 5aste 5ater1 Baste 5ater samplin( an4 anal"sis1 Baste 5ater microiolo("
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Air pollution1 Samplin( an4 anal"sis of air pollutants1 Air pollution control met%o4s an4
e'uipment1 Settin( c%amers+ c"clone separators+ faric filters+ electrostatic precipitator+ 5et
scruer1 Control of (aseous emission ! asorption an4 a4sorption1 Noise pollution !
monitorin( an4 control met%o4s1
Modu+e - II
Baste5ater treatment met%o4s1 8reliminar" treatment+ primar" treatment1 Secon4ar"
treatment1 #esi(n of acti$ate4 slu4(e process1 Aeration of acti$ate4 slu4(e1 0ric6in( filter+
ioto5er+ rotatin( iolo(ical contactor1 Aeroic flui4i,e4 e4 ioreactor1
C%emical precipitation+ coa(ulation+ se4imentation1 #esi(n of clarifier1 #isinfection1 !
c%lorination an4 o,onation+ ultra $iolet li(%t+ acti$ate4 caron a4sorption+ Memrane met%o4 of
5aste5ater treatment1 Se5a(e treatment an4 4isposal1
Modu+e - III
Anaeroic 4i(estion1 Slo5 rate an4 %i(% rate iomet%anation1 Anaeroic filter1
Anaeroic contact process1 Anaeroic flui4i,e4 e4 ioreactor1 #esi(n of upflo5 Anaeroic
Slu4(e Blan6et (GASB) process1 Slu4(e treatment an4 4isposal
Soli4 5aste treatment ! compostin( (aeroic+ anaeroic an4 $ermi)1 Sanitar" lan4fill1
9ncineration1 #esi(n of an incinerator1 Reco$er" an4 rec"clin(1 Soil ioreme4iation1
Modu+e IV
Baste5ater treatment for in4ustrial 5aste1 0reatment met%o4s for effluents from pulp an4
paper mill+ 4air"+ 4istiller"+ tanner"+ foo4 an4 allie4 in4ustries+ E4ile oil refiner"+ soap an4
4eter(ent in4ustr"+ textile mill+ cane su(ar in4ustr"+ ruer in4ustr"+ 4ru(s an4 p%armaceutical
in4ustr"1 slau(%ter %ouse an4 meat processin( in4ustr"1 Common Effluent treatment 8lants1
Biome4ical 5aste mana(ement1 Ha,ar4ous 5aste mana(ement1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e%
.1 Met calf J E44" IDaste water 2ngg3 disposal ; %euseH Mc:ra5 Hill
>1 8ea$" I2nvironmental 2nggH Mc:ra5 Hill
31 Rao M1N IAir $ollutionH 0ata Mc:ra5 Hill
21 S18 Ma%a?an I$ollution control in $rocess 5ndustriesH 0ata M:(ra5 Hill 8ulis%in(
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
7 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( "$ed/#%C 3
To impart knowledge on the immune system
To impart knowledge on immunity to infection and molecular immunology
Modu+e - I
0%e 9mmune S"stem: 9ntro4uction ! %ematopoiesis an4 loo4 cell formation ! cells of t%e
immune s"stem ! l"mp%oc"tes ! t%eir ori(in an4 4ifferentiation ! anti(ens ! t%eir structures an4
classification& complement an4 t%eir iolo(ical functions1
Modu+e - II
Humoral immunit": Structure an4 function of immuno(loulin ! 9mmuno(loulin classes an4
suclasses& (enetic control of antio4" pro4uction1 B&9"mp%oc"tes+ t%eir (eneration+ acti$ation
an4 4ifferentiation1 Cellular immunolo(" !Ma?or %istocompatiilit" complex+ Anti(en processin(
an4 presentation&0cell receptor&0cell maturation+ acti$ation an4 4ifferentiation+ c"to6ines an4 t%e
role in immune response1
Modu+e - III
9mmunit" to infection: H"persensiti$it" reactions ! :ell an4 Cooms classification !9(E
me4iate4 %"persensiti$it"& antio4" me4itate4 %"persensiti$it"& immune complex me4itate4
%"persensiti$it" !4ela"e4 t"pe %"persensiti$it"1
0ransplantation: :raft re?ection ! e$i4ence an4 mec%anisms of (raft re?ection !
immunosuppressi$e 4ru(s ! HLA an4 4isease
Auto immunit": Auto antio4ies in %umans&pat%o(enic mec%anisms&experimental mo4els of
autoimmune 4iseases&treatment of autoimmune 4isor4er1
Modu+e - IV
Molecular 9mmunolo(": 8reparation of $accines ! application of recominant #NA tec%nolo("
for t%e stu4" of t%e immune s"stems&catal"tic antio4ies&immunot%erap" 5it% (eneticall"
en(ineere4 antio4ies1
Current topics in 9mmunolo(": H"ri4oma tec%ni'ue an4 monoclonal antio4" pro4uction !
#ia(notics met%o4s) 9mmuno4iffussion+ immunoelectrop%oresis1 Ra4ioimmunoassa" EL9SA+
Bestern lot1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
Any one from -T "9 6"E to -T"9 6*) or 8lobal 2lectives listed at the last with maximum
of one global elective for one semester
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 Aanis @u"+ 5mmunology+ B1H Freeman J Compan"1
>1 Roitt 91M1+ Brostoff A an4 Male #1@ 5mmunology Mos" 8ulication
31 9$an 91+ 5mmunological Methods manual+ aca4emic 8ress1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
Any one from -T "9 6"E to -T"9 6*) or 8lobal 2lectives listed at the last with maximum
of one global elective for one semester
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To conduct experiments in downstream processing operations
.1 Cell 4isruption tec%ni'ues
>1 Filtration
31 Centrifu(ation
21 Se4imentation
C1 Leac%in(
;1 Memrane ase4 filtration ! Gltra Filtration an4 Micro Filtration
D1 8rotein precipitation met%o4s an4 its reco$er"
F1 05o&p%ase a'ueous extraction
E1 Li'ui4 c%romato(rap%ic tec%ni'ues
.<1 Electrop%oretic separation tec%ni'ues
..1 #ial"sis
.>1 Cr"stallisation
.31 #r"in(
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 H$% :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
To conduct experiments in reaction engineering and process control
.1 @inetics of %"4rol"sis of esters
>1 #etermination of acti$ation ener("
31 Batc% reactor
21 Stirre4 tan6 reactor
C1 8lu( flo5 reactor
;1 Fixe4 e4 reactor
D1 Flui4i,e4 e4 reactor
F1 Rec"cle e4 reactor
E1 GV p%oto reactor
.<1 R0# in CS0R
..1 0ime constant of manometer
.>1 Caliration of t%ermo couple
.31 #"namics of li'ui4 le$el s"stems&interactin( an4 non&interactin(
.21 Measurement of le$el " capacitance met%o4
.C1 C%aracteristics of 8191# controller
.;1 Control $al$e c%aracteristics
Se%%/on)+ 'o$( )%%e%%,en#%
La 8ractical an4 Recor4 O ;<=
0est/s O 3<=
Re(ularit" O .<=
0otal mar6s O C<
Se,e%#e$ End e.),/n)#/on
Fair recor4 O .<=
Vi$a $oce O ><=
8roce4ure an4 taulation form+
Con4uctin( experiments an4 results O D< =

0otal mar6s O C<
BT 12 512 (*) *ROHECT
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$ :$)"#/")+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#C3
To :udge the capacity of the students in converting the theoretical knowledge into
practical systems(investigative analysis.
8ro?ect 5or6 is for 4uration of t5o semesters an4 is expecte4 to e complete4 in t%e
ei(%t% semester1 Eac% stu4ent (roup consistin( of not more t%an fi$e memers is expecte4 to
4esi(n an4 4e$elop a complete s"stem or ma6e an in$esti(ati$e anal"sis of a tec%nical prolem in
t%e rele$ant area1 8ro?ect e$aluation committee consistin( of t%e (ui4e an4 t%ree/four facult"
memers 5ill perform t%e screenin( an4 e$aluation of t%e pro?ects1
Eac% pro?ect (roup s%oul4 sumit pro?ect s"nopsis 5it%in t%ree 5ee6s from t%e start of
t%e se$ent% semester1 8ro?ect e$aluation committee s%all stu4" t%e feasiilit" of eac% pro?ect 5or6
efore (i$in( consent1 Literature sur$e" is to e complete4 in t%e se$ent% semester1
Stu4ents s%oul4 execute t%e pro?ect 5or6 usin( t%e facilities of t%e institute1 Ho5e$er+
external pro?ects can e ta6en up in repute4 in4ustries+ if t%at 5or6 sol$es a tec%nical prolem of
t%e external firm1 8rior sanction s%oul4 e otaine4 from t%e %ea4 of t%e 4epartment efore
ta6in( up external pro?ect 5or6 an4 t%ere must e an internal (ui4e for suc% pro?ects1
0%e o?ecti$e of t%e pro?ect is to test t%e ailit" of t%e stu4ent to coor4inate t%e entire 6no5le4(e
of iotec%nolo(" en(ineerin( an4 to ?u4(e t%e stu4ent7s capacit" in t%e 4esi(n of plant/ process
s"stem1 0%e pro?ect can e experimental or 4esi(n ase41
0%e stu4ents are re'uire4 to prepare t%e pro?ect report on a complete process s%o5in( t%e
selection of alternati$es+ preparation of flo5 s%eet+ ioprocess calculations an4 4etaile4 4esi(n
calculations of t%e ma?or items of e'uipments1 0%e pro?ect s%oul4 inclu4e mec%anical 4esi(n+
capital costL pro4uct cost estimation+ profitailit"+ rea6e$en anal"sis+ plant location an4 la" out1
0%e pro?ect selecte4 s%oul4 e an in4ustrial prolem1 An" laorator" experimental 4ata (enerate4
ma" e use4 for t%e 4esi(n of t%e in4ustrial plant1 0%e assessment s%all e ase4 on in4i$i4ual
an4 (roup performance1
Eac% stu4ent %as to sumit an interim report of t%e pro?ect at t%e en4 of t%e D
Memers of t%e (roup 5ill present t%e pro?ect 4etails an4 pro(ress of t%e pro?ect efore t%e
committee at t%e en4 of t%e D
semester1 C<= of t%e mar6s is to e a5ar4e4 " t%e (ui4e an4 C<=
" t%e e$aluation committee1
9nternal Continuous Assessment
><=& 0ec%nical rele$ance of t%e pro?ect
2<=& Literature sur$e" an4 4ata collection
><=& 8ro(ress of t%e pro?ect an4 presentation
.<=& Report
.<=& Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
6 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ C$ed/#%C ;
To impart the basic concepts of safety procedures carried out in chemical process
plants and bioprocess plants
To impart knowledge on safety and biosafety guidelines
Modu+e - I
Operational 8arameters in a process plant+ 4uties an4 responsiilities of operator+
super$isor an4 process en(ineer an4 mana(er in a process plant1
Ra5 materials sc%e4ulin(+ start&up+ s%ut 4o5n1 Common operational prolems in process
plants+0roule s%ootin( met%o4s1 0%e role of pre$enti$e maintenance an4 rea6&4o5n
maintenance1 8lant utilities !5ater+ po5er+ steam+ air an4 fuels1
Elementar" aspects of 'ualit" mana(ement s"stems+ En$ironment mana(ement
s"stems&enefits of EMS certification+ Re'uirements of EMS&En$ironmental polic"+ plannin(+
implementation an4 operation+ c%ec6in( an4 correcti$e action mana(ement re$ie51 Occupational
Healt% an4 safet" Mana(ement S"stems)& BS FF<<+ OHSAS .F<<. J .F<<>+ 9SO E<<<1 :oo4
Manufacturin( 8ractice in in4ustr"1
Modu+e - II
C%emical %a,ar4s+ 0oxic c%emicals&4usts+ (ases+ fumes+ mists+ $apours an4 smo6e1
Exposure e$aluation1 0%e concept of t%res%ol4 limit+ c%ronic an4 acute exposure effects1
Safet" e'uipments in c%emical plants ! 5or6in( principles1 Safet" in c%emical reactions an4
stora(e an4 explosi$e or flammale 4ust+ (ases+ $apours etc1
94entification of %a,ar4s1 C%emistr" of fire+ composition of comustion ! flame+ %eat+
fire+ (ases+ smo6e+ i(nition temperature+ LFL ! GFL&Flas% point+ Fire point1 Spontaneous
comustion1 Classification of fires+ flammailit" principles1 Fire pre$ention+ Fire protection in
process plants1 Fire an4 Explosion ratin( of process plants& 9ntro4uction to t%e mo4elin( of fire
explosion an4 toxic (as 4ispersion+ pool fire+ torc%+ BLEVE+ HA*O8 an4 HA*AN1 E$ent
proailit" an4 failure fre'uenc" anal"sis (Fault an4 E$ent 0ree anal"sis)1 #esi(nin( for safet"+
emer(enc" plannin( an4 4isaster mana(ement1
Modu+e - III
Biosafet" (ui4elines an4 re(ulations+ FAO+ GS#A J #B0 (ui4elines on iosafet"1
Containment of e'uipment an4 apparatus in iotec%nolo(" in4ustr" an4 researc%+ :oo4
laorator" 8ractices1
Bio%afet" le$els& Containment in BSL&.+ BSL &>+ BSL&3+ BSL&2 le$els+ 4esi(n
re'uirements an4 stan4ar4 microiolo(ical laorator" practices in eac% le$el1 #esi(n for :oo4
Laorator" 8ractices+ Baste 4isposal+ s%ippin( transportation an4 treatment of io&%a,ar4ous
materials an4 5aste pro4ucts1 #econtamination of in4ustrial an4 laorator" 5astes)& a(ents+
selection an4 met%o4s for 4econtamination1
Modu+e IV
Ha,ar4s of (enetic en(ineerin(+ io&safet" for %uman %ealt% an4 en$ironment+ social an4
et%ical issues pertainin( to (enetic en(ineerin(+ io&safet" in relation to trans(enic researc%+ r&
#NA (ui4elines an4 applications1
Bio&safet" an4 carta(ene protocol+ En$ironmental monitorin( of :M crops an4
or(anisms1 Ris6 assessment of :M or(anisms an4 crops release4 into t%e en$ironment1
.1 F18 Lease) 6oss prevention in $rocess plants worth+ Lon4on
>1 :1L Bells) 'afety in $rocess $lant 0esign+ 9C%em E/ :o45in
31 /omprehensive -io technology Vol 9V+ Murra" Moo$ !Koun(1
21 #1A S%apton an4 R1: Boar4) 'afety in microbiology+ Aca4emic 8ress Lon4on1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
7 H$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 3
To describe the various technologies involved in manufacture of industrial
products in biotechnology
To give knowledge about the manufacture of ma:or biopharmaceuticals
Modu+e I
A re$ie5 of in4ustrial fermentation an4 en,"matic processes an4 pro4ucts1 Role of a
ioprocess en(ineer in ioprocess in4ustr"1 Outline of t%e $arious unit operations in$ol$e4 in t%e
upstream an4 4o5nstream operation of a ioprocess plant1 8rocess flo5 s%eetin(1
A sur$e" of or(anisms1 9solation an4 impro$ement of microial strains+ mutation an4
mutant selection1 Recomination protoplast fusion+ recominant #NA tec%nolo(" for
o$erpro4uction of primar" metaolites an4 secon4ar" metaolites+ (eneral fermentation process
economics an4 costin( of pro4ucts1 :oo4 manufacturin( practice1
Modu+e - II
8ro4uction of citric aci4+ (luconic aci4+ lactic aci4+ acetic aci4+ et%anol+ acetone/utanol+
(lutamic aci4+ l"sine+ pencillins+ cep%alosporin+ tetrac"clins+ (riseoful$in+ a6er7s "east+ alco%olic
e$era(es+ %i(%&fructose corn s"rup1
Modu+e - III
Vitamins B.>+ riofla$in+ protease+ am"lase+ (lucoam"lase+ (lucose isomerase+ rennet+
catalase+ lipase+ xant%an (um+ 4extran+ 8HA+ 8HB+ aspartame+ nisin+ SC81
Modu+e - IV
9nsulinB 9nterferon+ er"t%ropoietin+ strepto6inase+ l"mp%o6inase+ interleu6in+ loo4 factor
V999+ monoclonal antio4ies+ $accines1
Te.# Boo(%&$e9e$en"e%
.1 :ar" Bals% I-iopharmaceuticals& -iochemistry and biotechnologyH Ao%n Bille" J Sons
>1 L1E Casi4a I5ndustrial MicrobiologyH Ne5 A(e 9nternational 8ulis%ers
31 S1N Ao(4an4 I-io pharmaceuticalsH Himala"a 8ulis%in( House1
21 Moora" Mu"oun( I/omprehensive -io technologyH 8er(ames press1
C1 8rescott an4 #unn) I5ndustrial MicrobiologyH CBS 8ulis%ers1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
Any one from -T "9 6"E to -T"9 6*) or 8lobal 2lectives listed at the last with maximum
of one global elective for one semester
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
Any one from -T "9 6"E to -T"9 6*) or 8lobal 2lectives listed at the last with maximum
of one global elective for one semester
BT 12 81; (*) SEMINAR
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,eC
3 0ou$% :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 7
O!e"#/>e C
To assess the ability of the student to study and present a seminar on a
topic of current relevance in biotechnology engineering and allied areas.
9t enales t%e stu4ents to (ain 6no5le4(e in an" of t%e tec%nicall" rele$ant current topics
an4 ac'uire t%e confi4ence in presentin( t%e topic1 0%e stu4ent 5ill un4erta6e a 4etaile4 stu4" on
t%e c%osen topic un4er t%e super$ision of a facult" memer+ " referrin( papers pulis%e4 in
repute4 ?ournals an4 conferences1 Eac% stu4ent %as to sumit a seminar report+ ase4 on t%ese
papersL t%e report must not e repro4uction of an" ori(inal paper1 A committee consistin( of
t%ree/four facult" memers 5ill e$aluate t%e seminar1
BT 12 81= (*) *ROHECT
0%is pro?ect 5or6 is t%e continuation of t%e pro?ect initiate4 in se$ent% semester1 0%e performance
of t%e stu4ents in t%e pro?ect 5or6 s%all e assesse4 on a continuous asis " t%e pro?ect
e$aluation committee t%rou(% pro(ress seminars an4 4emonstrations con4ucte4 4urin( t%e
semester1 Eac% pro?ect (roup s%oul4 maintain a lo( oo6 of acti$ities of t%e pro?ect1 9t s%oul4
%a$e entries relate4 to t%e 5or6 4one+ prolems face4+ solution e$ol$e4 etc1
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e To#)+ C$ed/#%C D
.. %ours practical per 5ee6 Cre4its for interim e$aluation) >
Cre4its for final e$aluation) C
In#e$n)+ "on#/nuou% )%%e%%,en#
71I - Re+e>)n"e o9 #0e #o:/" )nd +/#e$)#u$e %u$>e<
;1I - *$e%en#)#/on )nd d/%"u%%/on
71I - Re:o$#
31I - Re4u+)$/#< /n #0e "+)%% )nd :)$#/"/:)#/on /n #0e %e,/n)$
0%ere s%all e at least an interim e$aluation an4 a final e$aluation of t%e pro?ect in t%e F
semester1 Eac% pro?ect (roup %as to sumit an interim report in t%e prescrie4 format for t%e
interim e$aluation1
Eac% pro?ect (roup s%oul4 complete t%e pro?ect 5or6 in t%e F
semester1 Eac% stu4ent is
expecte4 to prepare a report in t%e prescrie4 format+ ase4 on t%e pro?ect 5or61 Memers of t%e
(roup 5ill present t%e rele$ance+ 4esi(n+ implementation+ an4 results of t%e pro?ect efore t%e
pro?ect e$aluation committee comprisin( of t%e (ui4e+ an4 t%ree/four facult" memers specialise4
in iotec%nolo(" en(ineerin( an4 allie4 areas
C<= of t%e mar6s is to e a5ar4e4 " t%e (ui4e an4 C<= " t%e e$aluation committee1
BT 12 815 (*) VIVA VOCE
Cre4its) 2
O!e"#/>e )
To examine the knowledge acquired by the student during the -.Tech. course3
through an oral examination
0%e stu4ents s%all prepare for t%e oral examination ase4 on t%e t%eor" an4 laorator"
su?ects stu4ie4 in t%e B10ec%1 Course+ + seminar+ an4 pro?ect1 0%ere is onl" uni$ersit"
examination for $i$a&$oce1 Gni$ersit" 5ill appoint t5o external examiners an4 an internal
examiner for $i$a&$oce1 0%ese examiners s%all e senior facult" memers %a$in( minimum fi$e
"ears teac%in( experience at en(ineerin( 4e(ree le$el1 For final $i$a&$oce+ can4i4ates s%oul4
pro4uce certifie4 reports of+ seminar+ an4 pro?ect (t5o interim reports an4 main report)1 9f %e/s%e
%as un4er(one in4ustrial trainin(/in4ustrial $isit/e4ucational tour or presente4 a paper in an"
conference+ t%e certifie4 report/tec%nical paper s%all also e rou(%t for t%e $i$a&$oce1
Allotment of mar6s for $i$a&$oce s%all e as (i$en elo51
In#e$n)+ "on#/nuou% )%%e%%,en#
61I -De%/4n )nd de>e+o:,en#
31I -*$e%en#)#/on )nd de,on%#$)#/on o9 $e%u+#%
71 I -Re:o$#
31 I- Re4u+)$/#< /n #0e "+)%%
A%%e%%,en# /n >/>)->o"e
2< =& Su?ect
3<= & 8ro?ect
><=& Seminar
.<=& 9n4ustrial trainin(/ 9n4ustrial $isit/ 8apers presente4 at national le$el
Maximum mar6s ) .<<
Fo$ E+e"#/>e IIB IIIB IV )nd V /n #0e %e>en#0 )nd e/40#0 %e,e%#e$%1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To impart knowledge on the transfer and expression of genetic materials
To obtain a basic knowledge of the treatment of diseases using gene and stem cell
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
'tem cell &9ntro4uction ! stem&cells&properties an4 importance of stem cells ! sources of stem
cells& a4ult+ emr"onic+ cor4 loo4 stem cells&classification of stem cells&multi&potent+ pluri&
potent+ toti&potent+ uni&potent stem cells+ clinical application of stem cells1
Modu+e - II
'tem cell therapy &O$er$ie5 of stem cell t%erap" &%ar$estin( of stem&emr"onic+ fetal an4 a4ult
stemcell t%erap"& t%erapeutic clonin(&current an4 potential stem cell treatments1
Modu+e - III
8ene therapy&Gn4erstan4in( (ene t%erap" !t"pes of (ene t%erap" !(erm line (ene t%erap" an4
somatic (ene t%erap"&$ectors in (ene t%erap"&$iral an4 non $iral met%o4s&usin( stem cells for
(ene t%erap"&4e$elopments in (ene t%erap"&clinical applications1
Modu+e - IV
2thics of gene and stem cell therapy & Stem cell researc%&stem cell prolems&concerns aout
stem cells&immunolo(ical c%allen(es for stem&contro$ers" an4 safet" of stem cells&prolems an4
et%ics of (ene t%erap"1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 'tem cell biology and gene therapy) E4ite4 " 8eter A1 Nuesenerr"+ :ar" S1 Stein+
Bernar4 For(et1
>1 'tem cells " ariff on(so+ En( Hin Lee+ S"4ne" (FRB) Brenner
31 2mbryonic stem cells " @ursa4 0ur6sen
21 /ell therapy " :eor(e Morst"n+ Billiam S%eri4an1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To obtain a clear concept of molecular diagnostic procedures for diagnosing
illnesses in sick people
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e - I
Host pat%o(en interactions in 4isease processL 8rotecti$e immune response in Bacterial+
Viral an4 8arasitic 4iseasesL CancerL 9nappropriate immune responseL #isease pat%olo(" an4
clinical spectrumL Clinical 4ia(nosis of 4iseasesL Molecular :enetics of t%e %ost an4 t%e pat%o(en
Modu+e II
Bioc%emical 4isor4ersL 9mmune+ :enetic an4 Neurolo(ical 4isor4ersL Molecular
tec%ni'ues for anal"sis of t%ese 4isor4ersL Assa"s for t%e #ia(nosis of in%erite4 4iseasesL
Bioinformatics tools for molecular 4ia(nosis1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Antio4" ase4 4ia(nosisL Monoclonal antio4ies as 4ia(nostic rea(entsL 8ro4uction of
monoclonal antio4ies 5it% potential for 4ia(nosisL #ia(nosis of acterial+ $iral an4 parasitic
4iseases " usin( EL9SA an4 Bestern lot1
Modu+e III
9solation of #NAL purification an4 anal"sisL #NA se'uencin( an4 4ia(nosisL 8CR an4
Arra" ase4 tec%ni'ues in 4ia(nosisL sin(le nucleoti4e pol"morp%ism an4 4isease associationL
05o 4imensional (ene scannin(1
Modu+e IV
9solation of proteins an4 ot%er molecules associate4 5it% 4iseaseL 8rocess an4 t%eir
profilin( for 4ia(nosisL >#anal"sis of suc% proteins " se'uencin( in4i$i4ual spots " Mass
spectrometr"L 8rotein Micro arra"L 8resent met%o4s for 4ia(nosis of Specific 4iseases li6e
0uerculosis+ Malaria an4 A9#SL Et%ics in Molecular #ia(nosis1
Campell+ M1A an4 He"er L1A1+ 0iscovering 8enomics3 $roteomics and -ioinformatics3 >
E4ition+ CSHL 8ress+ 8earson/Ben,amin Cummin(s San Francisco+ GSA+ ><<D1
An4re5 Rea4 an4 #ian #onnai+ =ew clinical 8enetics+ Scion 8ulis%in( Lt4+ Oxfor4s%ire+ G@+
Aames B :o4in(+ Monoclonal antibodies& $rinciples and $ractice+ 3
E4ition+ Aca4emic 8ress+
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the basic ideas of molecular methods used in pathology for noting the
causes of diseases
To understand the paradigms and future challenges in molecular pathogenesis
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction to pat%o(enesis+ attriutes of microial pat%o(enicit"+ components of
microial pat%o(enicit"1 8opulation (enetics of Microial pat%o(enesis+ met%o4s to 4etect
(enetic 4i$ersit" an4 structure in nature population+ epi4emiolo("+ cr"ptic 4iseases1
Modu+e II
Host 4efences a(ainst pat%o(ens+ clinical importance of un4erstan4in( of %ost 4efences+
components of t%e %ost surface 4efences s"stems li6e mucosa an4 t%e 4efences s"stems of t%e
e"e+ mout%+ respirator" tract etc1+ components of t%e s"stemic 4efence li6e t%e tissue an4 loo41
Modu+e III
Virulence an4 $irulence factors+ coloni,in( $irulence factors+ $irulence factors 4ama(in( t%e %ost
tissues+ $irulence (enes an4 re(ulation of t%e $irulence (enes1
Experimental met%o4s to stu4" %ost pat%o(en interaction+ selectin( t%e pat%o(en mo4el+
measurement of $irulence+ i4entification of potential $irulence factors+ mo4ulation of immune
response " $accines+ properties of $accines+ ot%er immuno mo4ulators1
Modu+e -IV
8ara4i(ms of 8at%o(enesis)#ip%teria 4isease " coloni,ation #isease 5it%out coloni,ation+
C1Botulinum an4 Stap% aureus C%olera 9ntestinal infections+ S%i(ella an4 E1coli infections
Salmonella infections Fun(al infections1
Future C%allen(es)
a1 :astric an4 4uo4enal ulcers&are t%e" 4ue to infectionsS L"me 4isease an4 S"p%ills !
unsol$e4 m"ster"1 Le(ionnaires 4isease&aftermat% of comforts
1 0uerculosis an4 ot%er m"coacterial infection&re&emer(in( 5it% $en(eance1 R%eumatie
fe$er an4 (lomerulo nep%rits still a 'uestion to e sol$e41
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart knowledge on the uses of different membranes for separation
To study membrane separation techniques
.1 9(le5s6i B1H an4 Clar6 V1L IMolecular basis of -acterial $athogenesisH1
>1 0alaro @ an4 0alaro A1 IFoundation in MicrobiologyH1 B1C Bro5n 8ulis%ers+ .EE31
31 Roitt @1 an4 0alaro A1 IFoundations in MicrobiologyH1 B1C Bro5n 8ulis%ers+ .EE31
21 Roitt .+ I2ssentials of 5mmunology+ F
e4itionH1 Blac65ell Scientific 8ulis%ers+ .EE21
C1 Aust"n1A1M an4 5oo4 @1AH $rinciples of /ellular and Molecular immunologyH1 Oxfor4
Gni$ersit" press .EE31 In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction) Separation process+ intro4uction to memrane processes 4efinition of a
memrane+ classifications memrane processes1 8reparation of s"nt%etic memranes) 0"pes of
memrane materials+ preparation of s"nt%etic memrane+ p%ase in$ersion memranes+ preparation
tec%ni'ue for immersion precipitation+ an4 preparation tec%ni'ue for composite memranes1
Modu+e II
C%aracteri,ation of memranes) intro4uction+ memrane c%aracteri,ation1
C%aracteri,ation of porous memranes+ c%aracteri,ation of non&porous memranes1 0ransport in
memranes) intro4uction+ 4ri$in( forces+ non e'uilirium t%ermo4"namics+ transport t%rou(%
porous+ non&porous an4 ion exc%an(e memranes1
Memrane 8rocesses) 9ntro4uction+ osmosis+ pressure 4ri$en memrane processes1 +
Micro filtration+ memranes for micro filtration+ in4ustrial applications+ Gltra filtration+
memranes for ultra filtration+ in4ustrial applications+ Re$erse osmosis an4 Nano filtration)
memranes for re$erse osmosis an4 nanofiltration+ in4ustrial applications+ Electricall" #ri$en
processes1 9ntro4uction+ electro 4ial"sis+ process parameters+ memranes for electro 4ial"sis+
applications+ Memrane electrol"sis+ Biopolar memranes+ Fuel Cells1 Concentration 4ri$en
memrane processes) (as separation in porous an4 non porous memranes+ memranes for (as
separation+ applications+ per$aporation+ memranes for per$aporation+ applications+ 4ial"sis+
memranes for 4ial"sis applications+ li'ui4 memranes) aspects+ li'ui4 memrane 4e$elopment+
c%oice of t%e or(anic sol$ent an4 carrier+ applications+ intro4uction to memrane reactors1
Modu+e IV
8olari,ation p%enomenon an4 foulin() intro4uction to concentration polari,ation+
turulence promoters+ pressure 4rop+ (el la"er mo4el+ osmotic pressure mo4el+ oun4ar" la"er
resistance mo4el+ concentration polari,ation in 4iffusi$e memrane separators an4 electro
4ial"sis+ memrane foulin(+ met%o4 to re4uce foulin(+ compaction1 Mo4ule an4 process 4esi(n)
9ntro4uction+ plate an4 frame mo4ule spiral 5oun4 mo4ule+ taular mo4ule+ capillar" mo4ule+
%ollo5 fier mo4ule+ comparison of mo4ule confi(urations1
.1 S181Nunes + @1V+ 8einemann+ Membrane Technology in the chemical industry Bile"&VCH
>1 Rautanac% an4 R1Arec%t+ membrane $rocess+ Ao%n Bile" J Sons1
31 A1:1Crespo+ @1B1Bo4e6es+ Membrane $rocesses in separation and $urification+ @u5er
Aca4emic 8ulications1
21 Transport processes and ?nit @perations " C1A1:ean6oplis1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To impart the basic concepts of recombinant 0=A technology
To study the application of recombinant 0=A technology
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction of recominant #NA into a %ost (Bacteria+ plants J animals " $arious
met%o4s) 0ransformation ! in $itro pac6a(in( into p%a(es ! transfection ! reporter (enes an4
(ene tar(etin(1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Recominant selection an4 Screenin( ! use of proes ! RNA+ #NA an4 #NA ! nucleic
aci4 %"ri4i,ation ! sout%ern+ nort%ern lottin( ! colon" an4 pla'ue %"ri4i,ation ! Screenin( "
immunoc%emical met%o4s1
Modu+e II
Salient features of pro6ar"otic an4 eu6ar"otic expression s"stems ! fusion proteins !
secrete4 proteins ! in $itro (ene expression1 8ol"merase c%ain reaction (8CR) ! asic reactions !
in$erse 8CR ! R0 8CR&RACE applications of 8CR1 Muta(enesis ! 4eletion muta(enesis !
oli(onucleoti4e 4irecte4 muta(enesis ! 8CR ase4 muta(enesis ! Site 4irecte4 muta(enesis an4
its applications1
Modu+e III
C%emical met%o4 of Maxam J :ilert ! en,"matic (4i4eox" c%ain termination) met%o4
of San(er ! automate4 se'uencin(1 Restriction mappin( ! #NA fin(erprintin( ! c%romosome
5al6in( ! c%romosome ?umpin(1
Modu+e IV
Safet" aspects of recominant #NA tec%nolo("1 #ia(nostics ! pat%o(enesis ! (enetic
4i$ersit" ! REL8 anal"sis an4 #NA fin(er printin(1 0%erapeutic proteins+ no$el proteins+
$accine+ antio4ies+ %erici4e resistance+ insectici4es1 Ca8O2 coprecipitation ! electroporation !
lipofection ! microin?ection1 0rans(enic mouse ! trans(enic fis% ! Antisense tec%nolo(" an4
.1 Batson1A1# :0liman+ N+ %ecombinant 0=A1 Scientific American Boo6s+ B1H1Freeman an4
Co1Ne5 Kor61
>1 Bemur+ R18astme61A1A+ Molecular -iology $rinciples and Applications in %ecombinant
0=A+ 8anima 8ulis%in( Cooperation+ Ne5 #el%i1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart a basic knowledge on gene chips
To give ideas on the use of gene chips to diagnose diseases
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
9ntro4uction to :enetics an4 Molecular Biolo("1 Microarra" 0ec%nolo(ies+ c#NA+
Modu+e II
#ata Ac'uisition+ Normali,ation an4 Outlier #etectionL 4C%ip+ Aff"metrix Microarra"
Suite+ RNA Si(nificance testin( an4 :ene filterin(1 0%res%ol4 met%o4s+ t&test+ fol4 c%an(e SAM+
false positi$e rate+ false 4isco$er" rate1
Modu+e III
Cluster Anal"sis an4 :rap%ical tools) %ierarc%ical clusterin(+ 6&means clusterin(+ 8AM1
8re4iction met%o4s) class pre4iction+ 6&nearest nei(%or+ linear 4iscriminant anal"sis+ (ene
$otin(+ ran4om forest1
Modu+e IV
Multi$ariate statistical tec%ni'ues) 8rincipal components+ multi4imensional scalin(1
:ene Co&Expression Net5or6 Anal"sis an4 S"stems Biolo("1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To study the principles of carcinogenesis
To study the various treatments of cancer
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Fun4amentals of Cancer Biolo(")Re(ulation of Cell c"cle+ mutations t%at cause c%an(es in si(nal
molecules+ effects on receptor+ si(nal s5itc%es+ tumour suppressor (enes+ mo4ulation of cell c"cle
in cancer1 #ifferent forms of cancers+ #iet an4 cancer1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e II
8rinciples of Carcino(enesis)C%emical Carcino(enesis+ Metaolism of Carcino(enesis+ 8rinciples
of 8%"sical Carcino(enesis+ R&Ra" ra4iation ! mec%anisms of ra4iation Carcino(enesis1
Modu+e III
8rinciples of Molecular Cell Biolo(" of Cancer ) Onco(enes+ 94entification of Onco(enes+
Retro$iruses an4 Onco(enes+ 4etection of Onco(enes1 Onco(enes/8roto Onco(ene acti$it"1
:ro5t% factors relate4 to transformation1 Clinical si(nificances of in$asion+ %etero(eneit" of
metastatic p%enot"pe1 Metastatic casca4e1 Basement Memrane 4isruption1 0%ree step t%eor" of
9n$asion+ 8roteinases an4 tumour cell in$asion1
Modu+e - IV
Ne5 Molecules for Cancer 0%erap") #ifferent forms of t%erap"+ C%emot%erap"+ Ra4iation1
0%erap"+ #etection of Cancers+ 8re4iction of a((ressi$eness of cancer+ a4$ances in cancer

.1 Mal" B1B1A I7irology a practical approachH1 9RL 8ress1 Oxfor4+ .EFD1
>1 #unmoc6 N1A1an4 8rimrose S1B1+ I5ntroduction to Modern 7irologyH1 Blac65ell Scientific
8ulications+ Oxfor4+ .EFF1
31 IAn 5ntroduction top /ellular and Molecular -iology of /ancerH+ Oxfor4 Me4ical
8ulications1+ .EE.1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To study the structures of biomolecules and their interactions
To impart knowledge on the study of biomolecular structures and their functions
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e -I
9ntro4uction ) Le$els of structures in Biolo(ical macromolecules+ t%e c%iralit"7s of
iomolecules+ proteins+ nucleic aci4s+ caro%"4rates an4 lipi4s+ cofactors+ $itamins an4
Conformational Anal"sis )Forces t%at 4etermine protein an4 Nucleic aci4 structure+ asic
prolems1 8ol"pepti4e c%ainsL (eometric+ potential ener(" calculations+ oser$e4 $alues for
rotation an(les+ %"4ro(en on4in(+ %"4rop%oic interactions an4 5ater structuresL ionic
interactions+ 4isulp%i4e on4s1
Modu+e II
8rotein fol4in( )0"pes of proteins an4 interactions t%at (o$ern protein fol4in(+ protein structure1
0%e protein (loule an4 %"4rop%ic interaction+ or(ani,e4 fol4s+ fol4in( mec%anisms+ memrane
proteins+ %elix&coil transitions1
Bimolecular interactions) Molecular reco(nition+ supramolecular interactions+ Functional
importance of 8rotein !protein an4 protein&nucleic aci4 interactions1 Specific an4 nonspecific
#NA protein complexes1
Modu+e III
Structural Anal"sis of Macromolecules ) 8re4iction of protein structureL Se'uence structure
relations%ips+ Nucleic aci4sL (eneral c%aracteristics of nucleic aci4 structure+ (eometric+ (l"cosi4e
on4 rotational isomers ac6one rotational isomers an4 riose puc6erin( forces staili,in(
or4ere4 forms+ ase pairin(+ ase stac6in(L tertiar" structure of nucleic aci4s1
@inetics of Li(an4 interactions)Bioc%emical @inetics stu4ies+ uni&molecular reactions+ simple
imolecular multiple interme4iates+ stea4" state 6inetics+ catal"tic efficienc" relaxation
spectrometr"+ rionuclease as an example1
Modu+e IV
0ec%ni'ues for t%e Stu4" of Biolo(ical Structure J Function .) Si,e an4 s%ape of micro
molecules p%otons+ c%romop%ore+ transition 4ipole moments+ asorance+ an4 concentration1
Circular 4ic%roism +molecular c%iralit" an4 structural transitions of macromolecules+ met%o4s of
4irect $isuali,ation ! macromolecules as %"4ro4"namic particles ! macromolecular 4iffusion
ultra centrifu(ation $iscometr"1
0ec%ni'ues for t%e Stu4" of Biolo(ical Structure J Function 99 )R&ra" cr"stallo(rap%")
4etermination of molecular structures+ R&ra" fier 4iffraction electron microscop") neutron
scatterin( ! li(%t scatterin(+ NMR spectroscop"1
Te.# Boo(
.1 0inoco+ 9+Ar+ Sauer1@1Ban(+ A1C J 8u(lisi+ A1# (><<.) 8%"sical /hemistry $rinciples and
Applications in -iological sciences+ 2
e41 8rentice Hall1
.1 5ntroduction to $rotein Architecture+ " A1M1Lea6
>1 5ntroduction to $rotein 'tructure+ " Ban4en an4 0oo,e1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart knowledge on various molecular modeling structures
To impart knowledge on analog and structure based drug design
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction to Molecular Mo4ellin()9ntro4uction to molecular mo4ellin(1 Gse of mo4els1 Areas
of application ! Sin(le molecule calculation+ assemlies of molecules1 Reaction of t%e molecules1
#ra5ac6s of mec%anical mo4els as compare4 to (rap%ical mo4els1 Co or4inate s"stems t5o&
matrix+ potential ener(" surface1
Nuantum Mec%anics)8ostulates of 'uantum mec%anics+ electric structure calculations+ ainitio+
semi&empirical an4 4ensit" functional t%eor" calculations+ molecular si,e $ersus accurac"1
Approximate molecular orital t%eories1
Modu+e II
Empirical Force Fiel4 Mo4els) Molecular Mec%anisms+ ener(" calculations+ Bon4 stretc%+ an(le
en4in(+ tensional term Electrostatic interaction ! Van 4er Baals interactions1 Miscellaneous
Molecular #"namics) 9ntro4uction+ molecular #"namics usin( simple mo4els1 #"namics 5it%
continuous potentials1 Constant temperature an4 constant 4"namics1 Conformation searc%in(1
S"stematic searc% applications to protein fol4in(1
Modu+e III
Comparati$e protein mo4elin( )Mo4ellin( " Homolo(" t%e ali(nment+ construction of frame
5or6+ selectin( $ariale re(ions+ si4e c%ain placement an4 refinement+ $ali4ation of protein
mo4els ! Ramc%an4ran plot+ t%rea4in( an4 a initio mo4ellin(1
Analo( ase4 4ru( 4esi(n)9ntro4uction to NSAR+ lea4 mo4ule linear an4 nonlinear mo4elle4
e'uations+ iolo(ical acti$ities+ p%"sicoc%emical parameter an4 molecular 4escriptions+ molecular
mo4elin( in 4ru( 4isco$er"1
Modu+e IV
Structure ase4 4ru( 4esi(n ) 3# p%armacop%ores+ molecular 4oc6in(+ #e No$o Li(an4
4esi(n+ free ener(ies an4 sol$ation+ electrostatic an4 non electrostatic contriution to free
Furt%er applications on t%e 4esi(n of ne5 molecules) 3# 4ata ase searc%in( an4 $irtual
screenin(1 Source of 4ata+ molecular similarit" an4 similarit" searc%in(+ cominatorial liraries !
(eneration an4 utilit"1
Te.# Boo(%
.1 $rinciples and applications of modeling " Leac%
>1 Molecular modeling " t%e Hans 8eter Heltie J :er4 Fal6ens+ VCH1
.1 /hemical Applications of Molecular Modelling " Aonat%an :oo4man1
>1 /omputational /hemistry " :u" H+ :rant J B :ra%am Ric%ar4s+ Oxfor4 Gni$ersit"1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
O!e"#/>e %C
To study the basic types of different instruments used for monitoring and
controlling parameters in bioreactors
To explain the working of the above instruments
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Basic concept of iosensors+ iomolecules use4 as sensors+ 4e$ices use4 in iosensors+
met%o4s of preparation of iosensors+ principles of ioelectronics in$ol$e4 in ioinstrumentation1
Modu+e II
Gnme4iate4 an4 me4iate4 en,"me electro4esL asic tec%ni'ues&En,"me immoili,ation+
protecti$e memranes+ instrumentation+ ferrocene ase4 (lucose sensor+ ferrocene ase4
c%olesterol iosensor1 Applications of en,"me iosensors1
Modu+e III
8rinciples+ construction of microial iosensors+ 9mmoili,ation of microes+
electroc%emical 4e$icesL application of microial sensors1 9mmunoelectro4esL asic concept1
Al6aline p%osp%ates laele4 immunoassa"s+ (lucose oxi4ase in electroc%emical immunoassa"s1
9mmunoassa"s usin( en,"matic amplification electro4es1 Couplin( of immunoassa"s 5it%
en,"matic rec"clin( electro4es1
Modu+e IV
0rans4ucers) Optical trans4ucers+ fluorescence trans4ucers+ Acoustic trans4ucer +Acoustic 5a$e
4e$ice+ Acoustic 5a$e 4e$ice sensors for stu4"in( imolecular interactions1Consuctimetric an4
ime4imetric 4e$ices1 8olari,ale an4 nonpolari,ale electro4es+acoustic+ plasmon resonance+
%olo(rap%ic an4 micro en(ineere4 sensors for monitorin( lo5 molecular 5ei(%t anal"tes+
proteins+ #NA an4 5%ole cells1
Te.# Boo(
.1 Scra((1A1H&-ioreactors in -iotechnology E4ite4 1" Ellis Hor5oo4 Lt41 En(lan4 .EE.1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart knowledge on molecular medicine
To know the techniques used for treatment of diseases
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Basic ioc%emistr"+ molecular iolo(" an4 (enetics rele$ant to Molecular Me4icine1
Human (enome) implications an4 applications1 Sin(le Nucleoti4e 8ol"morp%ism1
Modu+e II
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
:ene t%erap" as a potential tool to cure %uman 4iseases Recominant molecules in
me4icine1 0rans(enic an4 6noc6 out animal mo4els1
Modu+e III
Stem cell researc% an4 its application in %uman %ealt%1 9ntellectual propert" ri(%t issues
an4 ELS9 (E$aluation of t%e Et%ical+ Le(al an4 Social 9mplications pro(ram)1
Modu+e IV
8ersonalise4 me4icine1 9ntro4uction to s"stem iolo("+ s"stem me4icine an4 translational
.1 2ncyclopedic %eference of 8enomics and $roteomics in Molecular Medicine1 :anten+
#ett$L Ruc6paul+ @laus
>1 Travelling Around the <uman 8enome& An in 'itu investigation+ Bertaran4 Aor4an1
31 $rinciples of Molecular Medicine+ A1Larr" Aameson
21 Molecular Medicine& An 5ntroductory Text+ R1A10rent
C1 Molecular Medicine+ Alan #a$i4 Blair Malcolm
;1 Molecular Medicine& 5nsight into the /ellular and Molecular -asis of 0isease 8ulis%e4 "
?o%ns Hop6ins Gni$ersit" 8ress1
D1 5ntroduction to Molecular Medicine+ #ennis B1Ross 8oun4s1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To study the different types of ha>ardous wastes found in industries and other
types of environment
To gain knowledge of the methods used for ha>ardous waste treatment
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Classification of %a,ar4ous 5aste&Ha,ar4ous 5aste 4esi(nation s"stem&Ha,ar4ous Baste
(Mana(ement an4 Han4lin() Rules&European an4 GS an4 9n4ian Acts1
8reparation of a 5aste in$entor"&proce4ure an4 consi4erations&specific an4 non specific sources
! %a,ar4ous 5aste numers an4 co4es1
Modu+e II
:enerator re'uirement&transporter re'uirements&treatment+ stora(e an4 4isposal
re'uirements&(roun4 5ater monitorin(
0%e %a,ar4 ran6in( s"stem&prioriti,ation of actions&contin(enc" plans&liailities
Modu+e III
Ha,ar4ous 5aste minimi,ation&enefits&elements of effecti$e 5aste minimi,ation pro(ramme&
5aste au4it&5aste exc%an(e&rec"clin(
Modu+e IV
0reatment tec%nolo(ies&8%"sical+ C%emical an4 Biolo(ical 0reatment&Mana(ement of
specific rec"clale %a,ar4ous 5aste li6e precious metals+ lea4 aci4 atteries1
Lan4 4isposal&lan4 treatment&4eep 5ell in?ection&t%e secure lan4 fill&construction1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To study the various analytical techniques used in biotechnology
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
.1 #a$is+ M1L an4 Corn5ell+ #1A1 5ntroduction to 2nvironmental 2ngineering+ Mc:ra5 Hill1
>1 Liu 9 (E4)+ 2nvironmental 2ngineersA <andbook+ Le5is pulis%ers1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e I
8%otometr" an4 spectrop%otometr") 0%e Beer&Lamert La5+ percenta(e transmittance
an4 asorance+ p%otoelectric colorimetersL spectrop%otometers&t"pes+ GV $isile+ 9R+ atomic
asorption+ NMR an4 mass spectrop%otometers1
Modu+e II
C%romato(rap%") 8artition c%romato(rap%"&moile an4 stationar" p%ases&paper
c%romato(rap%"&sol$ent s"stems&4e$elopment of Rf $alue&ascen4in( an4 4escen4in( tec%ni'ues&
t5o 4imensional c%romato(rap%"&t%in la"er c%romato(rap%"1 Column c%romato(rap%"&
preparation of columns&(ra4ient elution&anal"sis of fraction an4 elution profiles&ion exc%an(e
c%romato(rap%"&preparation an4 acti$ation of ion exc%an(e materials&affinit" c%romato(rap%"&
separation of macromolecules&(as c%romato(rap%" an4 %i(% performance li'ui4 c%romato(rap%
Modu+e III
Electrop%oresis&paper an4 (el electrop%oresis&immuno electrop%oresis&en,"me lin6e4
immuno asorent assa" (EL9SA)&isoelectric focusin(&t5o 4imensional electrop%oresis&capillar"
electrop%oresis1 #ial"sis&separatin( memranes&factors affectin( 4ial"sis&(elfiltration&
ultriafiltration&application of filtration tec%ni'ues1 #ifferential centrifu(ation&preparation of
cellular or(anelle an4 ot%er materials) 4isinte(ration of cells+ 4ensit" (ra4ient centrifu(ationL
anal"tical ultracentrifu(e&4etermination of molecular 5ei(%t1
Modu+e IV
Ra4io isotope tec%ni'ues&ra4ioacti$e 4isinte(ration&ra4ioacti$e isotopes use4 in iolo("&
4etection of ra4ioacti$it"&:ei(er counters& &laellin( of iolo(ical material 5it% ra4ioacti$e
isotope&scintillation countin(&li'ui4 scintillation counters&autora4io(rap%"1
Te.# Boo(%&Re9e$en"e
.1 01:1Cooper)Tools of -iochemistry3 & Analytical -iochemistry+ Lon(man
>1 #1Holme an4 H 8ec6&Analatical -iochemistry+ Lon(man
31 Billar4 Merrit an4 #eana Settle) 5nstrumental Methods of Analysis+ CBS 8ulis%ers
J #istriutors1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the knowledge of energy sources and their harnessing technologies.
To understand about energy audit and conservation in industries
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Ener("&units of ener("&conser$ation factors&(eneral classification of ener("&5orl4
ener(" resources an4 ener(" consumption&9n4ian ener(" resources an4 ener(" consumption&
ener(" crisis&ener(" alternati$es&electrical ener(" from con$entional ener(" resources&internal
comustion en(ines&steam turines&(as turines&%"4ro turines (t%ermo4"namic c"cles not
inclu4e4)&nuclear reactors&t%ermal+ %"4el an4 nuclear po5er plants(process outlines onl")&
efficienc"+ merits an4 4emerits of t%e ao$e po5er plants+ comine4 c"cle po5er plants&flui4i,e4
e4 comustion&small %"4ropo5er1
Modu+e II
Solar ener("&solar t%ermal s"stems&flat plate collectors&focussin( collectors&solar 5ater %eatin(&
solar coolin(&solar 4istillation&solar refri(eration&solar 4r"ers&solar pon4&solar t%ermal po5er
(eneration&solar p%oto$oltaic s"stems&solar cells&solar p%oto$oltaic po5er (eneration&solar
ener(" application in 9n4ia&ener(" plantations1 Bin4 ener("&t"pes of 5in4 mills&t"pes of 5in4
rotors&4arrieus rotor an4 (ra$ian rotor&5in4 electric po5er (eneration&5in4 po5er in 9n4ia&
economics of 5in4 farm&ocean 5a$e ener(" con$ersion&ocean t%ermal ener(" con$ersion&ti4al
ener(" con$ersion&(eot%ermal ener(" con$ersion1
Modu+e III
Biomass ener(" resources&t%ermoc%emical an4 ioc%emical met%o4s of iomass
con$ersion+comustion&(asification&p"rol"sis&io(as pro4uction&et%anol&fuel cell&al6aline fuel
cell&p%osp%oric aci4 fuel cell&molten caronate fuel cell&soli4 oxi4e fuel cell&soli4 pol"mer
electrol"te fuel cell&ma(neto %"4ro 4"namics&open c"cle an4 close4 c"cle s"stems&ma(neto
4"namic po5er (eneration&ener(" stora(e routes li6e t%ermal ener(" stora(e+ c%emical+
mec%anical+ electrical stora(e1
Ener(" conser$ation in c%emical process plants1& ener(" au4it& ener(" sa$in( in %eat exc%an(ers+
4istillation columns+ 4r"ers+ o$ens+ furnaces an4 oilers& steam econom" in c%emical plants&
ener(" conser$ation in petroleum+ fertili,er an4 steel in4ustries&co(eneration+ pinc% tec%nolo("&
rec"clin( for ener(" sa$in(& electrical ener(" conser$ation in c%emical plants+ ener("
conser$ation in ioprocess plants& en$ironmental aspects of ener(" use1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 Bansal N1@1+ @leeman M1an4 Meliss M1+ %enewable energy sources and conversion tech1+
0ata McHra5 H1
>1 8an4e" :1N1A Text book on energy systems and engineering+ Vi6as pulis%in( %ouse1
31 Rao+ S+ J 8arule6ar B1B+ 2nergy Technology+ @%anna pulis%ers
21 Rai :1#1+ =onconventional energy sources+ @%anna pulis%ers
C1 Na(pal :1R1+ $ower plant 2ngineering+ @%anna pulis%ers
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To impart the basic concepts of transport phenomena in process systems
To develop a better understanding about momentum transfer3 heat transfer and
mass transfer
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Momentum transferC Momentum transfer in ioprocess+ comparison 5it% ot%er transport
processes+ effect of flo5 properties in momentum transfer an4 ox"(en mass transfer1
Ox"(en transportC Ox"(en transport to microial cultures&:as li'ui4 mass transfer fun4amentals+
ox"(en re'uirement of microial cultures1 Ox"(en re'uirements of microial cultures ox"(en
mass transfer fun4amentals1 Ox"(en transfer an4 ox"(en 4eman41
Ox"(en transportC Ox"(en transfer " aeration an4 a(itation #etermination of ox"(en mass
transfer coefficient " $arious met%o4s inclu4in( 4"namic (assin( out an4 ox"(en alance
Momentum transport " a(itationC 8o5er re'uirements an4 mixin( c%aracteristics of un(asse4
an4 (asse4 s"stems1 Concept of po5er numer+ use of mono(rap%s1 #efinin( impeller Re"nol4s
numer for Ne5tonian an4 non&Ne5tonian flui4s1 Concept of aeration rate to calculate impeller
po5er re'uirement of (asse4 s"stems1
Modu+e III
Mixin(C Mixin( an4 ioreaction interactions&flo5 re(imes 5it% an4 5it%out affles+ $arious t"pes
of impellers an4 mixin( e'uipment1
Scale upC Scale up criteria for mixin( e'uipment1 Application of mixin( in ioprocessin(1
Modu+e JIV
Heat transfer I) Various mo4es of %eat transfer1 $i, con4uction+ con$ection an4 ra4iation1
Mec%anism of %eat transfer " con4uction1 Fourier7s la5 1con4ucti$e %eat transfer t%rou(% a
series of resistances1
Heat transfer 99C Analo(" et5een %eat+ mass an4 momentum transfer1 Application of %eat
transfer in ioprocesses1
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the basic concepts of different type of bioreactors used in bioprocesses
Te.# Boo(%
5ntroduction to -iochemical 2ngineering+ #1:1Rao1 0ata Mc Hill (><<C)
-ioprocess 2ngineering $rinciples 8aul M1#oran1 Aca4emic press (.EEC)
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
To gain knowledge about the design of such bioreactors
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
94eal ioreactors ! Fe4&atc% reactor+ En,"me catal",e4 reactions in CS0R+ CS0R
reactors 5it% rec"cle an4 5all (ro5t%+ i4eal plu( flo5 tuular reactor1
Modu+e II
Reactors 5it% non&i4eal mixin(1 Mixin( times in a(itate4 tan6s1 Resi4ence time
4istriutions mo4els for non i4eal reactor1 Mixin(&ioreaction interactions1
Modu+e III
Multip%ase ioreactors1 Con$ersion of %etero(eneous sustrates1 8ac6e4 e4+ ule&
column+ flui4i,e4 e4 an4 tric6le e4 reactors1
Modu+e IV
Animal an4 plant cell reactor tec%nolo("1 En$ironmental re'uirements for animal cell
culti$ation1 Reactors for lar(e&scale pro4uction usin( animal cells1 8lant cell culti$ation1
.1 Baille" J Ollis I-iochemical 2ngg. FundamentalsH Mc:ra5 Hill
>1 8auline M #oran I-ioprocess 2ngineering $rinciplesH Aca4emic 8ress1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To impart the basic ideas on the modelling and simulation of process plans
To represent processes in the form of mathematical models to simplify their
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Basic mo4ellin( principles&uses of mat%ematical mo4ellin(&classification of mo4ellin(
tec%ni'ues&fun4amental la5s&ener(" e'uations&continuit" e'uation&e'uations of motion&transport
e'uations&e'uations of state&e'uilirium states an4 c%emical 6inetics&examples1
Modu+e II
Mat%ematical mo4els for c%emical en(ineerin( s"stems&continuous flo5 tan6s&enclose4&
enclose4 $essel&mixin( $essel&mixin( $essel mixin( 5it% reaction&re$ersile reaction&steam
?ac6ete4 $essel&oilin( of sin(le component li'ui4&open an4 close4 $essel&continuous oilin(
s"stem&atc% 4istillation1
Modu+e III
:as flo5 s"stems&%"4raulic transients et5een t5o reser$oirs&reaction 6inetics&(eneral
mo4ellin( sc%eme&li'ui4 p%ase CS0R&atc% reactor&i4eal inar" 4istillation column&4istriute4
s"stems&?ac6ete4 tuular reactor&laminar flo5 in a pipe&counter current %eat exc%an(er1
Modu+e IV
#i(ital simulation&numerical inte(ration&Euler an4 fourt% or4er Run(e @utta met%o4s&
simulation of (ra$it" flo5 tan6 ! CS0R in series&non isot%ermal CS0R&inar" 4istillation
column&atc% reactor
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
.1 Luen B1L1+ $rocess Modelling 'imulation and /ontrol for /hemical 2ngineers Mc:ra5
>1 Fran6s R:E Mathematical Modelling in chemical engg Ao%n Bile"
31 Bi'uette BB $rocess 0ynamics Modelling analysis with simulation
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
To impart basic ideas on nanoparticles
To impart knowledge on the use of bionanoparticles and their applications in
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
9ntro4uction to Nanoiotec%nolo(" an4 Nanome4icine+ Visuali,ation an4 manipulation
on nanoscale1 Atomic Force Microscop"+ Ma(netic Resonance Force Microscop"+ Scannin(
8roe Microscop"+ Nanoscale Scannin( Electron Microscop"+ Optical 9ma(in( 5it% a Sil$er
Modu+e II
Nuantum#ots+ :ol4 Nanoparticles+ Lipoparticies+ Asseml" of Nanoparticles into
Micelles+ Biome4ical applications of self&asseml" of nanoparticles+ 8arama(netic an4
superparama(netic nanoparticles+ Fluorescent nanoparticles1
Modu+e III
Bacterial structure rele$ant to nanoiotec%nolo("+ Cuosomes+ #en4rimers+ #NA&
Nanoparticle Con?u(ates+ #NA Octa%e4ron+ Fullerenes+ Nanos%ells+ Caron Nanotues+
Nanopores+ Nano structure4 Sillicon1
Modu+e IV
Molecular motors+ Nanoparticles for molecular 4ia(nostics+ Nanoiosensors+
Nanop%armaceuticals+ Nanoparticle ! Base4 #ru( #eli$er"+ Nanostructures for 0issue
En(ineerin(/Re(enerati$e1 Me4icine+ Et%ical safet"+ an4 re(ulator" issues of nanome4icine1
.1 =anobiotechnology& -ioinspired 0evices and Materials of the Future) O4e4 S%ose"o$ an4
llan Le$"1
>1 =anomaterials and =anosystems for -iomedical Applications) M1Re,a Mo,afari1
31 The <andbook of =anomedicine+ @e5al @1Aain
21 -io =anotechnology+ Elisaet% S18appa,o(lou+ Ara$in4 8art%asarat%"
C1 -iomedical =anostructures+ @ennet% E1:oonsal$es+ Crai( R1Halersta4t+ Cate 01 Laurecin+
La6s%mi S1Nair1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
3 0ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#% C6
To impart knowledge on bioethics and intellectual property rights
To study the various ethical issues occurring in biotechnology
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Biotec%nolo(" an4 Bioet%ics1 Et%ical iotec%nolo("S (Ri(%ts+ Confi4entialit"+ Animal
Ri(%ts+ En$ironmental Et%ics+ #ecision Ma6in() ! Et%ical Aspects of #esi(ner Baies+ (enetic
screenin( an4 prenatal testin( ! issues of et%ics in iome4icine1 0rans(enic plants1 0%e 4eates
of :M foo4s1 0erminator tec%nolo("+ Et%ical+ issues of t%e Human :enome 8ro?ect1 Et%ical
issues in p%armaceutical 4ru( researc%1 Orp%an 4ru(s1
Modu+e II
9ntellectual 8ropert" Ri(%ts ! #e$elopment an4 nee4 for 98R in 6no5le4(e ase4
in4ustries1 Various t"pes of intellectual 8ropert" Ri(%ts 5it% examples (0ra4emar6s+ Cop"ri(%ts+
9n4ustrial #esi(ns+ 8atents+ :eo(rap%ical 9n4icators etc) ! O?ecti$es of t%e patent s"stem !
Basic principles an4 (eneral re'uirements of 8atents (No$elt"+ Gtilit" Non o$iousness1 Etc) an4
tenets of patent la5 ! 8ro4uct an4 8rocess 8atents)
Modu+e III
0%e patentin( process in 9n4ia ! Exercisin( an4 enforcin( of 9ntellectual 8ropert" Ri(%ts1 Ri(%ts
of 98R o5ner Brief o$er$ie5 of patent filin( in 9n4ia1 Criteria for patent infrin(ement ! Various
Amen4ments to 8atent La5 in 9n4ia1 Comparison of 8atent La5 in 9n4ia an4 t%e GS1
9nternational con$entions an4 treaties) 0R98S1 E$olution an4 present status1 B98O an4 its
functionin(1 CB# 0reat"1 8aris an4 Berne Con$entions Enforcement an4 #ispute Settlement in
B0O ! 8atent Cooperation 0reat" 98R an4 B0O re(ime1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e IV
Biotec%nolo(ical in$entions an4 patent la5 ! patentale su?ects an4 protection in
iotec%nolo("1 0%e patentailit" of microor(anisms ! #iamon4 $s1 C%a6raart" Case !
Bioprospectin( J Biopirac" (Case stu4ies of Neem / 0urmeric / Aro("apac%a of @ani 0rials in
@erala/Ros" 8eri5in6le of Ma4a(ascar)&0ra4itional 6no5le4(e S"stems (0@S) ! Options for
protection of 0ra4itional @no5le4(e S"stems1 Nee4 for Sui :enerics S"stems1 0@S an4 t%e
National an4 9nternational Arena1 Bio4i$ersit" an4 Farmers ri(%ts ! 98R an4 8lant :enetic
Resources ! 8lant Bree4er Ri(%ts 1G8OV 0reat"1
Te.# Boo(%
.1 2thical 5ssues in -iotechnology1 E4ite4 " Ric%ar4 S%erloc6 an4 Ao%n #1Morre"1 ><<>
8ulis%ers Lan%am+ M4) Ro5man an4 Littlefiel41
>1 A1Re%m an4 :1Ree4+ -iotechnology+ Secon4 E4ition+ Multi Volume 0reatise+ Volume .>
Le(al Economic an4 Et%ical #imensions+ VCH8ulis%ers1
31 8rau44%a :an(uli 5ntellectual $roperty %ights?nleashing the Bnowledge 2conomy1 0ata
Mc:ra5 Hill 8ulis%in( Compan" Limite4+ Ne5 #el%i1
21 Beier+ F1@+ Crespi+ R1S an4 Straus+ 01-iotechnology and $atent protection ! Oxfor4 an4
9BH 8ulis%in( Co1 Ne5 #el%i1
C1 Sasson A+ -iotechnologies and 0evelopment+ GNESCO 8ulications1
;1 Aeffre" M1:imle+ Academia to -iotechnology3 Else$ier+ Aca4emic 8ress1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Te)"0/n4 S"0e,eC
30ou$% +e"#u$e )nd 3 0ou$ #u#o$/)+ :e$ 'ee( C$ed/#%C 6
To study the structure and characteristics of different types of biomaterials of
natural and synthetic origin
To give an idea on the effective uses of these materials
$rerequisite& =o prerequisite
Modu+e I
Structure of soli4s1 Re$ie5 of asic concepts1 Biomaterials+ 4efinition+ classification1 8ol"mers+ metals+
allo"s+ ceramics an4 composites+ p%"sical+ c%emical an4 mec%anical aspects of ul6 an4 surface properties of
metallic +pol"mer an4 ceramic iomaterials (in $i$o an4 in $itro ) Corrosion stu4ies1 Structure propert"
relation1 C%aracterisation of iomaterials1 Bul6 anal"sis&RR#+ F09R+ SEM+ 0:A etc1 Surface anal"sis&R8S+
S9MS+ AES+ S0M etc1
Modu+e II
Har4 tissue replacement implant) ort%opae4ic implants (%ip+ 6nee)+ 4ental implants+ a4%esi$es an4 sealants1
Soft tissue replacement implant1 S6in implant+ urn (5oun4)+ 4ressin(s/ s"nt%etic s6in+ 4ial"sis
memranes+ scaffol4s+ $ascular implants+ %eart $al$e implants1 Artificial 6i4ne"s an4 li$ers1 Sutures+
iomaterials for (ene 4eli$er"1 H"4ro(el as stimuli& sensiti$e iomaterials+ op%t%almolo(ic implants+
iomaterials for 4ru( 4eli$er"
Modu+e III
Bloo4 an4 tissue compatiilit" of iomaterials an4 t%eir in $itro an4 in $i$o assessment1 0issue response to
iomaterials1 9mportance of interfacial tissue reaction ( e(1 Ceramic one tissue reaction )1 Nualification of
implant ( in $i$o an4 in $itro ) Bloo4 materials interaction1 Minerali,ation an4 encrustation+ microial&
iofilm formation+ acterial a4%esion toxicolo("+ 4e(ra4ation of iomaterials in iolo(ical en$ironments1
toxicit" of iomaterials+ acute an4 c%ronic toxicit" stu4ies1 9mplant associate4 infection
Modu+e IV
Biopol"mers+ 4efinition+ plant an4 animal iopol"mers& pol"nucleoti4e+ pol"ami4es+ pol"sacc%ari4es+
pol"isoprene+ li(nin+ pol"p%osp%ate an4 pol" %"4rox"l al6anoates1
Application an4 c%emical s"nt%esis of super asorent polmers+ pol"et%"lene (l"col+ pol"prop"lene (l"col+
pol" tetra met%"lene (l"col+ pol"(l"cerine1 Bioplastics an4 en$ironment+ commercial ioplastics1 Natural
fiers li6e sil6+ 5ool+ flax+ ?ute+ linen+ cotton+ sisal+ amoo1 Biocomposite& properties an4 applications
Te.# oo(%& $e9e$en"e%
. Ratner+ Hoffman+ Sc%oen -iomaterial science an introduction to materials in medicine
Aca4emic press
> 8ar6 1A1B1 -iomaterials science and engineering+ 8lenum press
3 S%arma C181+ S,"c%er1M -lood compatible materials and devices 0ec%nomic pulis%in( compan"
2 R1M1 Ao%nson+ R1M1 M5ai6amo+ 0uc6er Biopol"mers Rapra tec%nolo("
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
.1 ME <E L>3 9n4ustrial Safet" En(ineerin(
>1 ME <E L>C Ener(" En(ineerin( an4 Mana(ement
31 8E <E L>3 0otal Nualit" Mana(ement
21 8E <E L>2 9n4ustrial 8s"c%olo("
C1 8E <E L>C Entrepreneurs%ip
;1 CS <E L>3 Simulation an4 Mo4elin(
D1 CS <E L>2 Computer ase4 Numerical Met%o4s
F1 CH <E L>3 Nanomaterials an4 Nanotec%nolo("
E1 CH <E L>C 8ro?ect En(ineerin(
.<1 90 <E L>2 Mana(ement 9nformation S"stems1
ME12 L73C Indu%#$/)+ S)9e#< En4/nee$/n4
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e
C$ed/#%C 6
3 %ours lecture an4 9 %our tutorial per 5ee6
To provide on concept of safety in industry3 principle of accident prevention3
ma:or ha>ards3 consequences and concept of reliability.
$rerequisites& =il
Modu+e I (.2 Hours)
9ntro4uction to t%e concept of safet"&Nee4&safet" pro$isions in t%e factor" Act&La5s relate4 to
t%e in4ustrial safet"&Measurement of safet" performance+ Safet" Au4it+ Bor6 permit s"stem+
in?ur" an4 acci4ents&#efinitions&Gnsafe act !unsafe con4ition& causes+ in$esti(ations an4
pre$ention of acci4ents+ %a,ar4s+ t"pe of in4ustrial %a,ar4s&nature+ causes an4 control measures+
%a,ar4 i4entifications an4 control tec%ni'ues&HA*O8+ FMEA+FMECA etc1
Modu+e II (.2 Hours)
Concept of 9n4ustrial %"(iene+ pro(rammes&Reco(nition !E$aluation& Control+ Noise& source !
effects an4 noise control+ exposure limits !stan4ar4s+ Hearin( conser$ation pro(rammes+ Fire !
fire loa4&control an4 in4ustrial fire protection s"stems+ Fire H"4rant an4 extin(uis%ers+ Electrical
Ha,ar4s+ protection an4 interloc6&#isc%ar(e ro4 an4 eart%lin( 4e$ice+ safet" in t%e use of portale
Modu+e III (.3 Hours)
Lo(ics of conse'uence anal"sis&Estimation&0oxic release an4 toxic effects&0%res%ol4 limit
$alues+ Emer(enc" plannin( an4 prepare4ness+ Air pollution&classification& #ispersion mo4elin(
&pollution source an4 effects& &control met%o4 an4 e'uipments&:ra$itational settlin( c%amers&
c"clone separators&Faric filter s"stems&scruers etc1
Modu+e IV (.3 Hours)
Concept of reliailit"&#efinition&Failure rate an4 Ha,ar4 function+ S"stem reliailit" mo4els&
series+ parallel s"stems+ reliailit" %a,ar4 function for 4istriution functions&exponential&normal !
lo(normal&5eiull an4 (amma 4istriution1
Te.# oo(%
1. 0%omas A1 Anton+ @ccupational 'afety and <ealth Management+ Mc:ra5 Hill
2. 9an 01Cameron J Ra(%u Raman+ $rocess 'ystems %isk Management+ ELSEV9ER Aca4emic
3. C1S1Rao+ 2nvironmental $ollution /ontrol 2ngineering+ Ne5 A(e 9nternational Limite4
4. L1 S1 Srinat%+ %eliability 2ngineering+ East 5est 8ress+ Ne5 #el%i1
Re9e$en"e oo(%
1. Fran6 E1 McErlo"+81EL C1S18+ Accident $revention Manual for 5ndustrial @perations+NSC
2. Lees F18+ 6oss $revention in $rocess 5ndustries+ Butter5ort%s+ Ne5 #el%i1
3. BHEL+@ccupational 'afety Manual+ 0iruc%irappalli1
4. #r1 A1@1 :upta+ %eliability3 Maintenance and 'afety 2ngineering+ Laxmi 8ulications+ Ne5
ME12 L7;C Ene$4< En4/nee$/n4 )nd M)n)4e,en#
To provide knowledge on energy conservation and management.
To impart the basics of renewable energy technology
$rerequsites& =il
Modu+e I (33 0ou$%)
Ene$4< )nd en>/$on,en#) 9ntro4uction ! fossil fuel reser$es ! 5orl4 ener(" consumption !
(reen %ouse effect ! (loal 5armin( ! rene5ale ener(" sources ! en$ironmental aspects
utili,ation ! ener(" prices ! ener(" policies
Modu+e II (36 0ou$%)
Ene$4< "on%e$>)#/on) 9n4ustrial ener(" use ! ener(" sur$e"in( an4 au4itin( ! ener(" in4ex !
ener(" cost ! ener(" conser$ation in en(ineerin( an4 process in4ustr"+ in t%ermal s"stems+ in
uil4in(s an4 non con$entional ener(" resources sc%emes1
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
Modu+e III (36 0ou$%)
Ene$4< #e"0no+o4/e%) Flui4i,e4 e4 comustion ! flui4i,e4 e4 oilers ! 5aste %eat reco$er"
s"stems ! %eat pump an4 refri(erators ! 5in4 ener(" collectors an4 stora(e s"stems ! insulate4
pipe 5or6 s"stems1
Modu+e IV (33 0ou$%)
Ener(" mana(ement) Ener(" mana(ement principles ! ener(" resources mana(ement ! ener("
mana(ement information s"stems ! computeri,e4 ener(" mana(ement1 Costin( tec%ni'ues ! cost
optimi,ation ! optimal tar(et in$estment sc%e4ule ! financial appraisal an4 profitailit"1
Te.# Boo(%
.1 B1 R1 Murp%"+ :1 Mc @a"+ 2nergy Management+ Butter5ort%s+ Lon4on
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 O1 Calla(%n+ 0esign and Management for energy conservation+ 8er(amon 8ress+ Oxfor4
>1 #1 Meric6+ 2nergy $resent and Future @ptions+ $ol . an4 >+ Ao%n Bile" an4 Sons
31 N1 A1 C%ai(ier+ 2nergy /onsumption and 2nvironment+ Mc:ra5 Hill
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
*E12 L73C To#)+ Fu)+/#< M)n)4e,en#
To impart knowledge on the concept of quality tools for analysing quality statistical tools
in quality acceptance sampling life tests
Modu+e I (36 0ou$%)
#efinition of 'ualit"&internal an4 external customers& $ision statement ! mission statements !
o?ecti$es ! (oals ! tar(ets& e$olution of 0NM ! #efinin( 0NM ! sta(es in 0N M
implementation&0NM mo4els
Modu+e II (36 0ou$%)
SBO0 anal"sis&strate(ic plannin(&customer focus&'ualit" function 4eplo"ment&customer
satisfaction measurement&se$en ne5 mana(ement tools&#emin( 5%eel&,ero 4efect concept&enc%
mar6in(&six si(ma concepts&failure mo4e an4 effect anal"sis&po6e "o6e
Modu+e III (33 0ou$%)
Fi$e S for 'ualit" assurance&'ualit" circle p%ilosop%"&failure rate anal"sis&mean failure rate&mean
time to failure (M00F)&Mean time et5een failure (M0BF)&%a,ar4 mo4els&s"stem reliailit"&
a$ailailit"& maintenance
Modu+e IV (33 0ou$%)
Nualit" an4 cost&c%aracteristics of 'ualit" cost&micro anal"sis of 'ualit" cost&measurement of
'ualit"&0NM roa4 map& 9SO E<<< series certification&9SO E<<.)><<< certification&9SO .2<<<
certification&NS E<<< au4itin(&Nualit" au4itin(& 'ualit" a5ar4s
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Te.# Boo(%
.1 L Su(ant%i+ Anan4 A Samuel+ Total Fuality Management+ 8H9
>1 Lt1:en1 Lal H+ Total Fuality Management+ Bile" Eastern Limite4
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 :re( Boun4s+ -eyond Total Fuality Management+ Mc:ra5 Hill 8ulis%ers
>1 Menon H :+ TFM in =ew $roduct Manufacturing+ Mc:ra5 Hill 8ulis%ers
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
*E12 L76C Indu%#$/)+ *%<"0o+o4<
To give awareness on the <uman and 5ndustrial $sychology
Modu+e I (36 0ou$%)
9ntro4uction& ps"c%olo(" as a science& area of applications ! stu4" of in4i$i4ual& in4i$i4ual
4ifferences& stu4" of e%a$iour& stimulus& response e%a$iour& %ere4it" an4 en$ironment& %uman
min4& co(nition& c%aracter& t%in6in(& attention& memor"& emotion& traits& attitu4e& personalit"
Modu+e II (36 0ou$%)
Or(ani,ational e%a$iour& 4efinition !4e$elopment& fun4amental concept& nature of people&
nature of or(ani,ation ! an or(ani,ational e%a$iour s"stem& mo4els& autocratic mo4el& %"ri4
mo4el& un4erstan4in( a social&s"stem social culture& mana(in( communication& 4o5n5ar4+
up5ar4 an4 ot%er forms of communication
Modu+e III 33 0ou$%)
Moti$ation& moti$ation 4ri$er& %uman nee4s& e%a$ior mo4ification& (oal settin(& expectanc"
mo4el& comparison mo4els& interpretin( moti$ational mo4els& lea4ers%ip& pat% (oal mo4el& st"le
! contin(enc" approac%
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Modu+e IV (33 0ou$%)
Special topics in in4ustrial ps"c%olo("& mana(in( (roup in or(ani,ation& (roup an4 inter (roup
4"namics& mana(in( c%an(e an4 or(ani,ational 4e$elopment& nature planne4 c%an(e& resistance&
c%aracteristic of O#&O# process
Te.# Boo(%
.1 #a$is @1 J Ne5strom A1B1+ <uman -ehaviour at work+ Mc(ra5 Hill 9nternational
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 Sc%ermer%orn A1R1Ar1+ Hunt A1: JOsorn R1N1+ Managing @rgani>ational -ehaviour+ Ao%n Bile"
>1 Lut%ans+ @rgani>ational -ehaviour+ Mc:ra5 Hill+ 9nternational
31 Mor(an C1t1+@in( R1A1+Ao%n R5eis, JAo%n Sc%oples+ 5ntroduction to $sychology+ McHra5 Hill
21 Blum M1L1 Na"lor A1C1+ Harper J Ro5+ 5ndustrial $sychology+ CBS 8ulis%er
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
*E12 L7;C En#$e:$eneu$%0/:
To give an idea on entrepreneurial perspectives
Modu+e I (36 0ou$%)
Entrepreneurial perspecti$es& un4erstan4in( of entrepreneurs%ip process& entrepreneurial 4ecision
process& entrepreneurs%ip an4 economic 4e$elopment& c%aracteristics of entrepreneur&
entrepreneurial competencies& mana(erial functions for enterprise1
Modu+e II (36 0ou$%)
8rocess of usiness opportunit" i4entification an4 e$aluation& in4ustrial polic"& en$ironment&
mar6et sur$e" an4 mar6et assessment& pro?ect report preparation&stu4" of feasiilit" an4 $iailit"
of a pro?ect&assessment of ris6 in t%e in4ustr"
Modu+e III (33 0ou$%)
8rocess an4 strate(ies for startin( $enture& sta(es of small usiness (ro5t%& entrepreneurs%ip in
international en$ironment& entrepreneurs%ip& ac%ie$ement moti$ation& time mana(ement
creati$it" an4 inno$ation structure of t%e enterprise& plannin(+ implementation an4 (ro5t%
Modu+e IV (33 0ou$%)
0ec%nolo(" ac'uisition for small units& formalities to e complete4 for settin( up a small scale
unit& forms of or(ani,ations for small scale units&financin( of pro?ect an4 5or6in( capital&$enture
capital an4 ot%er e'uit" assistance a$ailale& rea6 e$en anal"sis an4 economic ratios tec%nolo("
transfer an4 usiness incuation
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Te.# Boo(%
.1 Harol4 @oont, J Hein, Bei%ric%+ 2ssentials of Management+ Mc:ra5 %ill 9nternational
> Hiric% R1#1 J8eters 9r5in M181+ 2ntrepreneurship+ Mc:ra5 Hill
31 Rao 01V1+ #es%pan4e M1V1+ 8ra"a( Me%ta JMano%ar S1 Na4a6arni+ 0eveloping
2ntrepreneurship a <and -ook+ Learnin( s"stems
21 #onal4 @ura4o J Ho4(elts R1M1+ 2ntrepreneurship A contemporary Approach+ 0%e
#r"4en 8ress
C1 #r1 8atel V1:1+ 'even -usiness /risis+ 0ata Mc:ra5 %ill
0immons A1A1+ =ew venture /reation 2ntrepreneurship for *,st century+ Mc:ra5
Hill 9nternational
;1 8atel A1B1+ Noi4 S1S1+ A manual on -usiness @ppurnity 5dentification+ selections+ E#99
D1 Rao C1R1+ Finance for small scale 5ndustries
F1 8an4e" :1B1+ A complete 8uide to successful 2ntrepreneurship+ Vi6as 8ulis%in(
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
CS12 L73 C S/,u+)#/on )nd Mode++/n4

To teach the students how to reproduce realworld events or process under
controlled laboratory conditions3 using mainly mathematical models.
Modu+e I (31 0ou$%)
9ntro4uction & s"stems an4 mo4els & computer simulation an4 its applications &continuous
s"stem simulation & mo4elin( continuous s"stems & simulation of continuous s"stems &
4iscrete s"stem simulation & met%o4olo(" ! e$ent sc%e4ulin( an4 process interaction
approac%es & ran4om numer (eneration &testin( of ran4omness & (eneration of stoc%astic
$ariates & ran4om samples from continuous 4istriutions & uniform 4istriution &
exponential 4istriution m&Erlan( 4istriution & (amma 4istriution & normal 4istriution
& eta 4istriution & ran4om samples from 4iscrete 4istriutions & Bernoulli & 4iscrete
uniform &inomial & (eometric an4 poisson
Modu+eII(37 0ou$%)
E$aluation of simulation experiments & $erification an4 $ali4ation of simulation
experiments & statistical reliailit" in e$aluatin( simulation experiments &confi4ence
inter$als for terminatin( simulation runs & simulation lan(ua(es &pro(rammin(
consi4erations & (eneral features of :8SS & S9M SCR980 an4 S9MGLA1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Modu+eIII(3; 0ou$%)
Simulation of 'ueuein( s"stems & parameters of 'ueue & formulation of 'ueuein(
prolems & (eneration of arri$al pattern & (eneration of ser$ice patterns &Simulation of
sin(le ser$er 'ueues & simulation of multi&ser$er 'ueues &simulation of tan4om 'ueues1
Modu+e IV (3; 0ou$%)
Simulation of stoc%astic net5or6 & simulation of 8ER0 net5or6 & 4efinition of net5or6
4ia(rams & for5ar4 pass computation & simulation of for5ar4 pass &ac65ar4 pass
computations & simulation of ac65ar4 pass & 4etermination of float an4 slac6 times
4etermination of critical pat% & simulation of complete net5or6 & merits of simulation of
stoc%astic net5or6s1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 C1 #eo N1+ 'ystem 'imulation And 0igital /omputer+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
>1 :or4an :1+ 'ystem 'imulation+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia1
31 La5 A1M1 J @etton B1#1+ 'imulation Modelling and Analysis+ Mc:ra5 Hill1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
No#eC One of t%e assi(nments s%all e computer ase4 simulation of continuous s"stems usin(
an" tec%nical computin( soft5are
One of t%e tests must e computer ase4 (practical)1
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
CS12 L76 C Co,:u#e$ B)%ed Nu,e$/")+ Me#0od%

To impart the basic concepts of mathematical modelling of problems in science and engineering
and to know procedures for solving different kinds of problems.
To understand the various numerical techniques which provide solutions to non linear
equations3 partial differential equations etc that describe the mathematical models of
Modu+e I (33 0ou$%)
Errors in numerical computation & mat%ematical preliminaries & errors an4 t%eir anal"sis & mac%ine
computations & computer soft5are1 Al(eraic an4 0ranscen4ental E'uations & isection met%o4 & iteration
met%o4 & met%o4 of false position & rate of con$er(ence & met%o4 for complex root & Muller7s met%o4 &
'uotient 4ifference met%o4 & Ne5ton&Rap%son met%o41
Modu+eII(33 0ou$%)
9nterpolation ! intro4uction & errors in pol"nomial interpolation & finite 4ifferences & 4ecision of errors &
Ne5ton7s formula for interpolation1 :auss+ Sterlin(+ Bessel7s+ E$erett7s Formula & interpolation " une$enl"
space4 points & La(ran(e interpolation formula & 4i$i4e4 4ifference & Ne5ton7s (eneral interpolation
Modu+eIII(33 0ou$%)
Numerical 9nte(ration an4 #ifferentiation ! intro4uction & numerical 4ifferentiation & numerical inte(ration
& trape,oi4al rule & Simpson ./3 rule & Simpson 3/F rule & Boole7s an4 Be44le7s rules & Euler&Maclariaun
formula & :aussian formula & numerical e$aluation of sin(ular inte(rals1
Modu+e IV (33 0ou$%)
Statistical Computations & fre'uenc" C%art & met%o4 of least s'uare cur$e fittin( proce4ures & fittin( a
strai(%t line & cur$e fittin( " sum of exponential & 4ata fittin( 5it% cuic splines & approximation of
functions1 Re(ression Anal"sis & linear an4 nonlinear re(ression & multiple re(ression & statistical 'ualit"
control met%o4s1
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Te.# Boo(%
.1 E1 Bala(urusam"+ =umerical Methods+ 0ata Mc:ra5&Hill 8u1Co1Lt4+ Ne5 #el%i+ .EEE1
>1 C1F1 :eral4 an4 81O1 B%eatle"+ Applied =umerical Analysis3 E
2d.+ 8earson E4ucation Asia+
Ne5 #el%i+ ><<>1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 81 @an4asam"+ @1 0%ila(a$at%" an4 @1 :una$at%"+ =umerical Methods+ S1C%an4 Co1 Lt41+ Ne5
#el%i+ ><<31
>1 R1L1 Bur4en an4 01#1 Faires+ =umerical Analysis3 1
2d1+ 0%omson Asia 8$t1 Lt41+ Sin(apore+
31 S%astri+ 5ntroductory methods of numerical analysis+ 8rentice Hall 9nternational1
21 V1 Ra?araman+ 5ntroduction to =umerical Methods+ 0ata Mc:ra5 Hill1
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
! hours lecture ; , hour tutorial per week
To impart the basic concepts of nanotechnology
To develop understanding about application of nanomaterials.
No *$e-$e?u/%/#e%
Modu+e 3 (33 Hou$%)
9ntro4uction to nanotec%nolo("+ nanoscale+ electroma(netic spectrum+ top 4o5n an4 ottom up
approac%+ particle si,e+ c%emistr" an4 p%"sics of nanomaterials+ electronic p%enomenon in
nanostructures+ optical asorption in soli4s+ 'uantum effects1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions
from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1 0%ere
s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more
t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er one
Maximum Total Marks& 1"
Modu+e 7 (33 Hou$%)
Nanomaterials+ preparation of nanomaterials li6e (ol4+ sil$er+ 4ifferent t"pes of nano&oxi4es+
Al>O3+ 0iO>+ *nO etc1 Sol&(el met%o4s+ c%emical $apour 4eposition+ all millin( etc1 Caron
nanotues+ preparation properties an4 applications li6e fiel4 emission 4ispla"s1 #ifferent t"pes of
c%aracteri,ation tec%ni'ues li6e SEM+ AFM+ 0EM J S0M1
Modu+e 3 (33 Hou$%)
Nanocomposites+ nanofillers+ %i(% performance materials+ pol"mer nanocomposites+ nanocla"s+
nano5ires+ nanotues+ nanoclusters etc1 Smart materials+ self asseml" of materials+ safet" issues
5it% nanoscale po54ers1
Modu+e 6 (33 Hou$%)
Nanomanipulation+ Micro an4 nanofarication tec%ni'ues+ 8%otolit%o(rap%"+ E&eam+ F9B etc1
Nanolit%o(rap%"1+ softlit%o(rap%"+ p%otoresist materials1 9ntro4uction to MEMS+ NEMS an4
nanoelectronics1 9ntro4uction to ionanotec%nolo(" an4 nanome4icines1
.1 =anocomposite science and technology+ 8uli6el M1 A?a"an+ Bile"&VCH ><<C
>1 =anolithography and patterning techniques in microelectronics+ #a$i4 :1 Buc6nall+ Boo4
%ea4 pulis%in( ><<C
31 Transport in =anostructures+ #1@1 Ferr" an4 S1M1 :oo4mic6+ Camri4(e uni$ersit" press
21 @ptical properties of solids+ F1 Booten+ Aca4emic press .ED>
C1 Micro and =anofabrication+ *%en( Cui+ Sprin(er ><<C
;1 =anostructured materials3 Aac6ie K1 Kin(+ Aca4emic press ><<.
D1 =anotechnology and nanoelectronics+ B1R+ Fa%rner+ Sprin(er ><<C
F1 =anoengineering of structural3 functional and smart materials+ Mar6 A1 Sc%ul,+ 0a"lor J
Francis ><<;1
E1 <and book of =anoscience3 2ngineering3 and Technology+ Billiam A1 :o44ar4+ CRC press
.<1 =anoelectronics and 5nformation Technology+ Rainer Baser+ Bile"&VCH ><<31
..1 The M2M' <andbook Fran6 @reit%+ CRC press ><<>1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
! hours lecture ; , hour tutorial per week
To impart the basic concepts of pro:ect management
No *$e-$e?u/%/#e%
Modu+e 3 (33 0ou$%)
Scope of pro?ect en(ineerin( & t%e role of pro?ect en(ineer & R J # & 0EFR & plant location an4
site selection & preliminar" 4ata for construction pro?ects & process en(ineerin( & flo5 4ia(rams &
plot plans & en(ineerin( 4esi(n an4 4raftin(
Modu+e 7 (33 0ou$%)
8lannin( an4 sc%e4ulin( of pro?ects & ar c%art an4 net5or6 tec%ni'ues & procurement operations
& office proce4ures & contracts an4 contractors & pro?ect financin( & statutor" sanctions
Modu+e 3 (33 0ou$%)
#etails of en(ineerin( 4esi(n an4 e'uipment selection 9 & 4esi(n calculations exclu4e4 & $essels &
%eat exc%an(ers & process pumps & compressors an4 $acuum pumps & motors an4 turines & ot%er
process e'uipment
Modu+e 6 (33 0ou$%)
#etails of en(ineerin( 4esi(n an4 e'uipment selection 99 & 4esi(n calculations exclu4e4 & pipin(
4esi(n & t%ermal insulation an4 uil4in(s & safet" in plant 4esi(n & plant constructions+ start up
an4 commissionin(
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
.1 Rase J Barro5+ $ro:ect 2ngineering of $rocess $lants+ Ao%n Bile"
>1 8eter S1 Max J 0immer%aus+ $lant design and economics for chemical engineers1
31 Mc :ra5 Hill (><<>)1
21 Srinat% L1 S1+ I$2%T A=0 /$M1H affiliate4 east press p$t1 Lt41+ ne5 "or6 (.ED3)
C1 8err" A1 H1+H/hemical engineering handbookH D0H e41 Mc :ra5 Hill ( .EED)1
;1 AELLEN F1 C1+ I/ost and optimi>ation in engineeringH1 Mc :ra5 Hill (.EF3)1
D1 Fre4eric6 B1 8lummer+ $ro:ect 2ngineering+ BH
F1 Ernest E1 Lu45i(+ Applied pro:ect engineering and management+ :ulf 8u1 Co1+ (.EFF)
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er
This course will introduce the methods and the influence of the information systems in
management milieu and use M5' as an effective tool in management and decision
Modu+e - IC (37 0ou$%)
9nformation s"stems & functions of mana(ement & le$els of mana(ement & frame5or6 for
information s"stems & s"stems approac% & s"stems concepts & s"stems an4 t%eir en$ironment &
effects of s"stem approac% in information s"stems 4esi(n & usin( s"stems approac% in prolem
sol$in( & strate(ic uses of information tec%nolo("
Modu+e - IIC (31 0ou$%)
An o$er$ie5 of computer %ar45are an4 soft5are components & file an4 4ataase mana(ement
s"stems & intro4uction to net5or6 components & topolo(ies an4 t"pes & remote access & t%e
reasons for mana(ers to implement net5or6s & 4istriute4 s"stems & t%e internet an4 office
Modu+e - IIIC (36 0ou$%)
Application of information s"stems to functional & tactical an4 strate(ic areas of mana(ement+
4ecision support s"stems an4 expert s"stems
Modu+e - IVC (3= 0ou$%)
9nformation s"stems plannin( & critical success factor & usiness s"stem plannin( & en4s/means
anal"sis & or(ani,in( t%e information s"stems plan & s"stems anal"sis an4 4esi(n & alternati$e
application 4e$elopment approac%es & or(ani,ation of 4ata processin( & securit" an4 et%ical issues
of information s"stems
Te)"0/n4 %"0e,e C$ed/#%C 2
3 %ours lecture an4 . %our tutorial per 5ee6
Te.# Boo(%
.1 Roert Sc%ult%eis J Mar" Sumner+ Management 5nformation 'ystemsThe ManagerGs 7iew+
0ata Mc:ra5 Hill1
Re9e$en"e Boo(%
.1 Lau4on @1C1 J Lau4on A18+ Management 5nformation 'ystems @rgani>ation and
Technology+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia
>1 Sa4a(opan S+ Management 5nformation 'ystems+ 8rentice Hall of 9n4ia
31 Basan4ra S1@+ Management 5nformation 'ystems+ B%eeler 8ulis%in(1
21 Alter S+ 5nformation 'ystems& A Management $erspective+ A44ison Besle"1
C1 Eff" O,+ Management 5nformation 'ystems3 0%omson+ Vi6as 8ulis%in( House1
In#e$n)+ Con#/nuou% A%%e%%,en# (Maximum Marks!"#
;<= & 0ests (minimum >)
3<= & Assi(nments (minimum >) suc% as %ome 5or6+ prolem sol$in(+ (roup 4iscussions+ 'ui,+
literature sur$e"+ seminar+ term&pro?ect+ soft5are exercises+ etc1
.<= & Re(ularit" in t%e class
Un/>e$%/#< E.),/n)#/on *)##e$n
$A%T A& 'hort answer questions (one(two sentences# ) x * marks+," marks
All 'uestions are compulsor"1 0%ere s%oul4 e at least one
'uestion from eac% mo4ule an4 not more t%an t5o
'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T -& Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ) marks+*" marks
Can4i4ates %a$e to ans5er four 'uestions out of six1
0%ere s%oul4 e at least one 'uestion from eac% mo4ule
an4 not more t%an t5o 'uestions from an" mo4ule1
$A%T /& 0escriptive(Analytical($roblem solving questions . x ," marks+." marks
05o 'uestions from eac% mo4ule 5it% c%oice to ans5er

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