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:eiew Q!- ":$- &orp "in- :eiew EQ In- "I- $I- Deriaties :eiew Econo#ics- Ethics- P! :eiew hea% weights and weaF areas &"$ inst) Sa#ple test Sa#ple test on topic D D$A &"$ inst) Sa#ple test &"$ inst) Sa#ple test &"$ inst) Sa#ple test .++= topics done SUMM&RY *3> TO;I<S S4/75 Se!!%#n E43%a+ an7 ;r#fe!!%#na+ S4an7ar7! =15>? 1 3)-) . &ode of Ethics and Standards of Professional &onduct Session . 4)> * GGuidanceH for Standards IIJII 4)> 5 Introduction to the Glo1al Inest#ent Perfor#ance Standards 4)> 3 Glo1al Inest#ent Perfor#ance Standards KGIPSLM 4)> ;#r4f#+%# Mana2e1en4 an7 Wea+43 ;+ann%n2 =5>? 2 12-) 4* asset allocation decision Session .* *)+ 45 introduction to portfolio #anage#ent *)+ 43 asset pricing #odels *)+ E@/%45 In*e!41en4! =1)>? 3 2)-) 3, organisation and functioning of securities #arFets Session .5 5)+ >+ securit% #arFet inde(es 5)+ >. efficient capital #arFets 5)+ >* #arFet efficienc% and ano#aliesN 5)+ >5 introduction to securit% aluationN Session .3 5)+ >3 industr% anal%sisN 5)+ >> co#pan% anal%sis and stocF aluationN 5)+ >B introduction to price #ultiplesN 5)+ <#r$#ra4e F%nane =8>? 4 12-) 33 capital 1udgeting Session .. *)+ 3> cost of capital *)+ 3B worFing capital #anage#ent *)+ 34 financial state#ent anal%sis *)+ 3? corporate goernance of listed co#panies *)+ F%,e7 In#1e =12>? 5 3)-) >4 features of de1t securities Session .> >)+ >? risFs associated with inesting in 1onds >)+ >, oeriew of 1ond sectors and instru#ents >)+ B+ understanding %ield spreads >)+ B. introduction to aluation of de1t securities Session .B >)+ B* %ield #easures- spot rates and forward rates >)+ B5 #easure#ent of interest rate risF >)+ &+4erna4%*e In*e!41en4! =5>? ' 1)-) 4+ Session .? 5)+ S/22e!4e7 T#$% 4%1e .#/r!A D%!4 T%pes of $lternatie Inest#ents and their &haracteristics 4. &o##odities Session .? 5)+ F%nan%a+ Re$#r4%n2 an7 &na+5!%! =2)>? 7 ')-) *, financial state#ent anal%sis Session 4 3)+ 5+ financial reporting #echanics 3)+ 5. financial reporting standards 3)+ 5* understanding inco#e state#ent Session ? 3)+ 55 understanding 1alance sheet 3)+ 53 understanding cashflow state#ent 3)+ 5> inentories Session , 3)+ 5B long6lied assets 3)+ 54 inco#e ta(es 3)+ 5? long6ter# lia1ilities and leases 3)+ 5, financial anal%sis techni'ues Session .+ 3)+ 3+ financial reporting 'ualit%0 red flags and accounting warning signs 3)+ 3. accounting shenanigans on the cashflow state#ent 3)+ 3* financial state#ent anal%sis0 applications 3)+ 35 international standards conergence 3)+ B/an4%4a4%*e Me43#7! =12>? 8 3)-) > Ti#e Jalue of !one% Session * 3)+ B Discounted &ash "low $pplications 3)+ 4 Statistical &oncepts and !arFet :eturns 3)+ ? Pro1a1ilit% &oncepts 3)+ , Pro1a1ilit% Distri1utions Session 5 3)+ .+ Sa#pling and Esti#ation 3)+ .. H%pothesis Testing 3)+ .* Technical $nal%sis 3)+ Der%*a4%*e! =5>? ( 18-) B3 Session .4 5)+ B> "orward !arFets and Instru#ents 5)+ Deriatie #arFets and Instru#ents BB "utures !arFets and Instru#ents Session .4 5)+ B4 @ptions !arFets and Instru#ents 5)+ B? Swaps !arFets and Instru#ents 5)+ B, :isF a#ange#ent applications of option strategies 5)+ E#n#1%! =1)>? 1) 5)-) .5 elasticit% Session 3 .)> .3 efficienc% and e'uit% .)> .> #arFets in action .)> .B organising production .)> .4 output and costs .)> .? Perfect &o#petition Session > .)> ., !onopol% .)> *+ !onopolistic co#petition and oligopol% .)> *. !arFets for factors of production .)> ** !onitoring Oo1s and price leel .)> *5 aggregate suppl% and aggregate de#and .)> *3 #one%- price leel and inflation Session B .)> *> us inflation- une#plo%#ent and 1usiness c%cles .)> *B fiscal polic% .)> *4 #onetar% polic% .)> *? oeriew of central 1anFs .)> ??)>.= B3)> 4)>?= +)++= > DONE Re*%!%#n .%4 ra4e 3)+ .+6#a%= .++)++= ?*)++= .++)++= ?*)++= .++)++= ?*)++= .++)++= 4>)++= 3)+ .+6#a%= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= ?)+ ..6#a%= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= ?+)++= 3)+ .*6#a%= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= B)+ .56#a%= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= *)+ .36#a%= .++)++= Re*%!%#n Eff#r4 <#n!#+%7a4% #n .++)++= .>)+ ,6#a%= .++)++= +)> .++)++= .++)++= +)> ??)++= .++)++= +)> 4>)++= .++)++= 4>)++= .++)++= 4+)++= .++)++= ,+)++= .++)++= .++)++= ,+)++= 4+)++= ,+)++= ,+)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= ?6#a%= >)+ .>6#a%= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .>)+ .B6.4#a% .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= .++)++= Ke5 43%n2! 4# re1e1ber i#pact of :etention on stocF price- EPS and diidend P. repeat after reiewing "S$ &" ratios 1ooF/#arFet alue ratio7 Wa%s to reduce transaction costs0 trading turnoer- li'uidit% costs treasur% 1onds hae se#i6annual coupons 9ero6coupon 1ond is also alued using se#i6annual discounting re#e#1er to dou1le the I:: calculated to get AT! Kor CEAM of a se#i6annual paid 1ond spg05, Q5 redo once interpretation of confidence interal0 spg*?* 6 difference 1etween 'ualified- un'ualified and aderse opinion 6 diff 1etween footnotes- !D$- pro(% state#ents dou1le6declining 1alance- EPS calcs0 options- weighted6 shares SPG.*30Q*5 how is unreali9ed gain included in net inco#e7 annuit% 1egin/end ti#elines 6 re#e#1er to do .6p whereer appropriatePoptions will alwa%s hae a QpQ 6 donQt appl% std) de) $ppro(i#ations- instead use R6ta1le 6 difference 1etween confidence interal for a population and for a sa#ple 6 shortfall risF std) deiation /s ariance 6 alpha/* onl% when two6tailed test i)e) e'ual to test 6 usage of sa#ple /s h%pothesi9ed statistic 6 t%pe .- * error- p alue- power of test 6 chi6s'uared- f6test- paired co#parison and diff) of #eans tests Re*%!%#n C/%7e SPG4>0 4- .>- .?- .,- *.- 5*- 3+- 33- 3,) >+ CPG.*>0 *- ?- .+- .5- .3- .B- *.- *4- *,- 5*- 55 spg4>0 5- 4- .+- ..- .? spg,B05-3->- .5 *> all 'uestions all 'uestions all 'uestions all 'uestions all 'uestions all 'uestions all 'uestions all 'uestions spg.B,0 'uartile calcS spg.?+S spg.??0*-3- spg*B?0 '*?- '5$S spg *,*0'**S '5 spg55.0'.?S spg5550'.-*-5 spg5340 all SPG.3*0 ti#e6weighted :o: SPG.340 CEA &alculation- SPG.>+T *- 5- , .*6!a% .56!a% .36!a% .>6!a% .B6!a% .46!a% .?6!a% .,6!a% *+6!a% *.6!a% **6!a% wed thu fri sat sun #on tue wed thu fri sat reision . reision * "S$ Quant) "S$ portfolio #g#t Ethics P! e'uities corp fin) alternatie in) fi(ed inco#e econo#ics TEST . tue wed thu fri sat , .* fsa @f .* 5 cf- p#- e'uities 5 B e43%! fi- der B .+ e#n 'ue 'ue .+ * ai U 'ue sch. cfa* sch* *56!a% *36!a% *>6!a% *B6!a% *46!a% *?6!a% *,6!a% 5+6!a% 5.6!a% .6Vun *6Vun sun #on tue wed thu fri sat sun #on tue wed reision * reision 5 reision 3 EQEITIES &@:P "IN $lternatie "i(ed Inc Econ) TEST* TEST5 weights test. ethics .>)++= >>)>B= 'f ..)B4= B3)*,= econ .+)++= 3.)B4= fsa *+)++= BB)B4= cf ?)55= B+)++= e'uities .+)++= 4>)++= deri >)++= BB)B4= fi .+)++= BB)B4= ai >)++= 55)55= p# >)++= WWW WWW +)B*,?3 >>6X4+ 56Vun 36Vun >6Vun B6Vun thu fri sat sun reision 3 FE&TURES OF DEDT SE<URITIES =1 - Cond indenture0 contract- rights- o1ligations Eer#-#/$an b#n7! &oenants0 prohi1itions KnegatieM and pro#ises Kaffir#atieM sold at discount to par alue restriction on sale of collateral S4e$-/$ n#4e! sa#e collateral 1acFing #ultiple 1onds coupan rates increase oer ti#e additional 1orrowings at a specified rate #aintenance of certain financial ratios Deferre7 #/$an b#n7! initial coupans are deferred for specified period $l#ost all treasur% 1onds and ES corporate 1onds &oupans accrue- paid as lu#psu# at period end pa% two se#iannual coupan install#ents O$4%#n! 2ran4e7 4# b#n73#+7er =+en7er? S%nF%n2 f/n7 $r#*%!%#n! faours 1u%er- lower coupan therefore proide for principal repa%#ent through are alued higher 8X lower %ield as co#pared to a series of pa%#ents oer issue life other non6option 1onds Kother things sa#eM e)g) Y.! starting Bth %ear for a Y.>! loan for *+ %ears fi(ed nu#1er of shares E(a#ple0 Q.+-.. pg *. a specified price prior to #aturit% RISKS &SSO<I&TED WIT. INVESTINC IN DONDS =24 - induced 1% the fact that #aturit% differences #a% also contri1ute to Aield differences of the# 1eing called and hence the risF Prepa%#ent risF0 re6inested at a lower =) &all/prepa%#ent can also induce re6inest#ent risF as principal receied will hae to 1e inested at lesser = Rero6coupan 1ond doestnQ hae re6inest#ent risF &hanges in interest rates will cause %ield cure to shift parallel% indicating Interest :ate risF Eent Knatual disasterM- credit- li'uidit%- e(change rate risFs are other risFs Non6parallel shift happens 1ecause long6ter# inest#ents #a% re'uire Soerign risF0 a1ilit% and willingness of goern#ents to repa% de1t higher %ield 1ecause of changing policies Re+a4%#n!3%$ be4Geen $r%e #f a a++ab+e b#n7H price is less sensitie to interest rate changes as $r%e #f an #$4%#n-free b#n7H $r%e #f an e1be77e7 a++ #$4%#n co#pared to fi(ed6coupan 1ond) calla1le 1ond alue 8 option6free 1ond alue 66 call option alue Price will 1e 1acF to par at eer% reset) Ne2a4%*e #*enan4! e(a#ples0 &ff%r1a4%*e <#*enan4! e(a#ples0 Deben4/re! are /n!e/re7 whereas 1onds hae so#e collateral thatQs Fept asside <#n*er!%#n #$4%#n" right to conert 1onds into ;/4 $r#*%!%#n!" right to sell the 1ond to issuer at F+##r" #ini#u# coupan rate for a floating6rate 1ond In4ere!4 r%!F" when interest rates increase- 1ond prices decrease interest rate risF- sensitiit% and 7/ra4%#n are used interchangea1l% Y%e+7 /r*e r%!F" pertains to a non6parallel shift of %eild cure <a++ r%!F" when interest rates are olatile- 1onds hae #ore risF in ter#s Re%n*e!41en4 r%!F" as #arFet rates fall- coupans will hae to 1e V#+a4%+%45 r%!F" for 1onds haing options Inf+a4%#n r%!F" reduction in purchasing power of coupans/principal $s coupan rate of a f+#a4%n2 ra4e !e/r%45 puta1le 1ond alue 8 option6free 1ond alue U put option alue Howeer- greater the reset period- higher the interest rate risF) Presence of a cap increases Interest :ate risF as price would start fluctuating 1e%ond cap price6%ield cure is positiel% cone( towards origin 8X Ue %ield change will reduce price less- than 6e %ield will increase price) This is good for 1ond holders another interpretation is that as %ield increases- prices decrease at a lesser rate si#ilarl%- as %ields decrease prices increase at a faster rate In case of a calla1le 1ond- 1e%ond certain point- as %ield decreases- price increase at a lesser rate K1ecause of negatie cone(it%MPthis is 1ecause closer it gets to the call price- higher is the call pro1a1ilit%) $nother wa% to looF at this is- as price of a calla1le 1ond is er% less- it 1ehaes #ore liFe a noncalla1le 1ond @nl% at lower %ields- cure shows 6e cone(it% OVERVIEW OF DOND SE<TOR &ND INSTRUMENTS =;C 45 - "our #ethods to issue soereign de1tS . regular c%cle auction 6 single price .+*6> of face alue 8X K.+*U>/5*M= of "J highest price at which entire auction can 1e sold * regular c%cle auction 6 #ult) price Trea!/r5 Inf+a4%#n ;r#4e4e7 Se/r%4%e! =TI;S? winning 1idders get it at the price the% 1id 5 ad hoc auction s%ste# continous change of par- updated par used to calc) ne(t coupon auction when conditions are in faour of got) at #aturit% inflation adOusted face alue is gien 1acF 3 tap s%ste# 1ased on preious issuances of 1onds auctioned treasur% issues Got) sponsored enterprises are priatel% owned KSallie!ae- "reddie!ac- "annie!aeM and hae so#e credit risF <#r$#ra4e b#n7 %!!/e!" S4r/4/re7 n#4e!" <D!" are sold at once 1ond co#1ined with a deriatie are sold on fir#6co##it#ent 1asis . step6up notes i)e) underwriter guarantees entire issue sale * inerse floaters hae a single coupon rate and #aturit% 5 deleeraged floaters Ne2#4%ab+e <D!I Me7%/1 4er1 N#4e! =MTN? 3 dual6inde(ed floaters differ fro# corporate 1onds on all three > range notes can 1e sold oer a period of ti#e with each issue B inde( a#orti9ing notes DanFerA! ae$4ane!" 1eing a #ini#u# a#ount hae #aturit% ranges- can hae different coupan rates offering is done on a 1est6effort 1asis unsecured de1t- free fro# SE& registration issued as a pure discount securit% 1% corp) haing strong credit ratings no actie secondar% #arFet and are hold till #aturit% UNDERST&NDINC YIELD S;RE&DS =;C '7 - T3e#r%e! #f 4er1 !4r/4/re #f %n4ere!4 ra4e!" FED 1ana2e! !3#r4-4er1 ra4e! b5" . tweaFing discount rates at which 1anFs 1orrow fro# "ED an aerage of short6ter# rates e(pected in future * 1u%ing/selling Treasur% securities in #arFet If short6ter# rates are e(pected to rise in future- interest rate 5 tweaFing resere rates at which 1anFs #ust parF their funds with "ED Trea!/r5 b#n7H n#4e $r%e! are 'uoted as0 T-b%++! are Jer# #/$an b#n7! Kshort6ter#M <#/$#n K inflation adOusted par alue D coupan rate / * On-43e-r/n issues0 #ost recentl% auctioned treasur% issues Off-43e-r/n issues0 that hae 1een replaced with recentl% &2en5 b#n7!" issued 1% ES Got) agencies) Those owned 1% Got) are free fro# &redit :isF <#11er%a+ $a$er" short ter# KZ*4+M ;/re E,$e4a4%#n! 43e#r5" %ield of a particular #aturit% is %ields on longer #aturit% will 1e higher as co#pared to short6ter# 3 persuading 1anFs to alter their lending policies therefore- the %ield cure will 1e upward sloping S$#4 ra4e!H YTM" holding longer ter# 1onds YTM K IRR f#r a b#n7 incase of se#i6annual 1ond- AT! 8 * D I:: as such needs to 1e annuali9ed spot rate 8 appropriate discount rate to calculate PJ of and de#and Kwillingness to lendM deter#ines e'uili1riu# indiidual future pa%#ent %ields for arious long/short ter# #aturities a nu#1er of spot6rates Kone for each coupan and pa%1acFM are used therefore to co#pute PJ/price of the 1ond with an addition that inestors can 1e #oed fro# their preferred Fr#1 YTMH 5#/ an a+/+a4e b#n7A! /rren4 $r%e an7 *%e-*er!a #aturit%/%ield range if %ield is sufficientl% higher Q) ?- pg6 ?+ V&LU&TION OF DEDT SE<URITIES =;C 84 - Steps to aluation0 if AT! 8 coupon rate- 1ond is selling at par esti#ate cashflows deter#ine appropriate spot discount rates 9ero coupon 1onds are alwa%s alued using calculate PJ of all &"s !e1%-ann/a+ 7%!#/n4 ra4e! an7 !e1%-ann/a+ 7%!#/n4%n2 Pro1le#s in esti#ating cashflows0 unpredicta1le principal repa%#ent strea#s i)e) a B6#onth spot rate of 4= would #ean that coupon pa%#ents are not certain for ":Ns- default risF a 9ero coupon 1ond after B6#onth will %eild 4/* 8 5)>= 1ond is conerti1le- has an option 5%e+7 #n a r%!F5 b#n7 Conds in general are paid se#i6annuall% so 8 %eild on default6free 1ond U risF pre#iu# se#i6annual rates 8 AT!/* should 1e used DEYH E&Y De!r%$4%#n Cond6e'uialent Aield assu#es B6#onthl% coupons) So it can 1e seen as se#i6annual AT! Howeer- if 1ond is paid annuall%- K.UCEA/*M 8 SQ:TK.U annual AT!M E$A 6 effectie annual %ield of an annuall% paid 1ond 8 annual AT! for se#i6annuall% paid 1ond- K.UE$AM 8 SQE$:EK.UCEA/*M YIELD ME&SURESH S;OT R&TESH &ND FORW&RD R&TES $// :$TES NEED T@ CE $NNE$/IRED $"TE: &@!PET$TI@N) 8 [par alueN stated coupon rate \ / current 1ond price SI!I/$:/A- $// :$TES NEED T@ CE :EDE&ED- since current %ield is 1ased on annual interest inco#e IN &$SE @" SE!I6$NNE$/ P$A!ENTS current %ield is sa#e for se#i6annual/annual 1ond ED&EPT "@: SE!I6$NNE$/ DIS&@ENT :$TE AT&- ATP are calculated with call/put price as "J and first opportunit% to call as #aturit% date AT& Z AT!- when 1ond is selling at a pre#iu# to call price- hence it is used as true %eild ATP X AT! when 1ond is selling at a discount to put price- hence used as true %ield Re%n*e!41en4 %n#1e" calla1le price range howeer- and refunding isnQt 8 co#pounded return 6 Kcapital gain U couponM allowed till a future date AT: uses call price and first calla1le date when refunding D##4!4ra$$%n2 $r#e!! protection ends L%1%4a4%#n! #f YTMH YT<H YT;L assu#es coupon re6inest#ent at AT! doesnQt account for re6inest#ent risF L%@/%7%45 $referene 43e#r5" inestors re'uire risF pre#iu# for #easured with L%@/%7%45 $re1%/1 MarFe4 !e21en4a4%#n 43e#r5" suppl% Kwillingness to 1orrowM ;referre7 3ab%4a4 43e#r5" follows #arFet seg#entation thoer% !$#4 ra4e! are alwa%s annual </rren4 5%e+7" looFs onl% at annual interest inco#e 8 ann/a+ coupon pa%#ent / current 1ond price Y%e+7 4# Ref/n7%n2 is used in situation where 1ond is in ME&SUREMENT OF INTEREST R&TE RISKS price sensitiit% of an e#1edded option 1ond Kw)r)t) interest ratesM is lesser than that of an option6free 1ond Effectie Duration 8 effectie duration will 1e positie) If %ou want to co#pute change in prices- it would 1e as follows0 change in price 8 66 effectie duration N Kchange in %ieldM an increase in %ield will cause decrease in price F+#a4%n2 ra4e !e/r%4%e! F/++ =7%r45? ;r%e coupan rate aries as reference rate changes includes accrued interest reference rateK/IC@:M U #argin "ull Price 8 &lean Price U $ccrued interest In*er!e f+#a4er coupan rate 8 D 6 :eference rateK/IC@:M &u# coupan 6X with right to ne(t coupan Inf+a4%#n-%n7e,e7 b#n7! E( coupan 6X without right to ne(t coupan coupan 8 D U &PI If issuer is in default- 1ond will trade initial coupans are deferred for specified period F+#a4%n2 ra4e !e/r%4%e! G%43 without accrued interest &oupans accrue- paid as lu#psu# at period end cap- floor- collar O$4%#n! 4# %!!/er =b#rr#Ger? &ap is e'uialent to a series of faours issuer- higher coupan therefore interest rate call options fro# a 1roFer/1anF with securities as collateral are alued lower 8X higher %ield as co#pared to Is regulated 1% SE& in ter#s of = of 1ond alues) other non6option 1onds Kother things sa#eM "loor is e'uialent to a series of interest rate put options no fi(ed pa%#ent schedule though arrange#ent when an institution sells a securit% with a co##it#ent to 1u% it 1acF at a specified KhigherM price a specified price prior to #aturit% K1u%ing price 6 selling priceM accounts for the interest Krepo rateM charged 1% the lender K1u%erM &e+era4e7 !%nF%n2 f/n7 $r#*%!%#n! repo rate 8 annuali9ed = difference 1etween 1u%ing and selling price repo rate Z 1anF rate in case of #argin loan lesser risF to lender 1ecause he owns securit% as against haing a clai# on collateral not regulated 1% "ed &hanges in interest rates will cause %ield cure to shift parallel% Non6parallel shift happens 1ecause long6ter# inest#ents #a% re'uire D%!a7*an4a2e! #f a++ab+e #r $re$a5ab+e !e/r%45 price is less sensitie to interest rate changes as . uncertaint% a1out cashflow ti#ings as it could 1e called co#pared to fi(ed6coupan 1ond) * calling- prepa%#ent is #ore pro1a1le with declining interest rates Price will 1e 1acF to par at eer% reset) 5 #ore principal is returned when there are lesser e(citing reinest#ent opps) Mar2%n b/5%n2 ;re$a51en4 #$4%#n!" Oust liFe loans Re$/r3a!e a2ree1en4 <a++ #$4%#n0 right to 1u% issue at <a$!0 #a(i#u# on coupan rate for floating rate 1ond M#!4 #f 43e b#n7 f%nan%n2 %! 7#ne *%a re$/r3a!e a2ree1en4! $s coupan rate of a f+#a4%n2 ra4e !e/r%45 changes Howeer- greater the reset period- higher the interest 3 1ecause of lesser sensitiit% to interest rates- prices appreciate less Presence of a cap increases Interest :ate risF L%@/%7%45 r%!F" as price would start fluctuating 1e%ond cap . inestor wants higher %ield in case of lesser li'uidit% * 5 1ecause securities are used as collateral- !T! price6%ield cure is positiel% cone( towards origin 8X Ue %ield change will reduce 1eco#es a challenge in case of lesser li'uidit% price less- than 6e %ield will increase price) This is good for 1ond holders 3 lower aluation can lead to higher cost of capital another interpretation is that as %ield increases- prices decrease at a lesser rate si#ilarl%- as %ields decrease prices increase at a faster rate Y%e+7 V#+a4%+%45 r%!F" Higher %ield olatilit% In case of a calla1le 1ond- 1e%ond certain point- as %ield decreases- price increase . 8X #ore call pro1a1ilit% 8X lesser price lender will 1e willign to pa% for a calla1le 1ond at a lesser rate K1ecause of negatie cone(it%MPthis is 1ecause closer it gets * 8X #ore put pro1a1ilit% 8Xhigher price lender will 1e willing to pa% for a puta1le 1ond to the call price- higher is the call pro1a1ilit%) M#re re-%n*e!41en4 r%!F G3en" $nother wa% to looF at this is- as price of a calla1le 1ond is er% less- it 1ehaes coupon is higher it has call feature @nl% at lower %ields- cure shows 6e cone(it% it is an a#orti9ing securit% contains prepa%#ent option Since ES Got) doesnQt issue +6coupon notes/1onds Inest#ent 1anFers create strips deried fro# #ortgage passthru certs) &oupan Strips0 strips created fro# coupan Principal Strips0 strips created fro# prinicipal pa%#ents until it is co#pletel% paid off pa%#ent stripped fro# original securit% continous change of par- updated par used to calc) ne(t coupon S4r%$! !#+7 a! Jer#-#/$#n b#n7! co#pletel% paid off- 1e%ond that all princ) at #aturit% inflation adOusted face alue is gien 1acF pa%#ents till it is co#pletel% paid #ortgage passthrough paid) Ce%ond that all princ) &!@ $ND stripped !CS pa%#ents till it is co#pletel% paid M#r42a2e $a!!43r#/23 !e/r%45" Tranche . has lesser e(pected #aturit% Got) sponsored enterprises are priatel% owned KSallie!ae- "reddie!ac- "annie!aeM and hae so#e credit risF all pa%#ents are passed through to inestors Tranche 5 has lesser prepa%#ent risF interest- prepa%#ent- closures <D!" &!!e4 baFe7 !e/r%4%e! issued in specific deno#) for a specified period insured 1% "DI& upto .++-+++ $CS therefore donQt hae CanFruptc% risF Ne2#4%ab+e <D!I can 1e sold in secondar% #arFet E,4erna+ re7%4 en3ane1en4!" DanFerA! ae$4ane!" &orporate guarantee guarantee 1% a 1anF that a loan will 1e paid CanF letter t%picall% used in cross61order trades Cond insurance issued as a pure discount securit% 1% corp) haing strong credit ratings no actie secondar% #arFet and are hold till #aturit% FED 1ana2e! !3#r4-4er1 ra4e! b5" &b!#+/4e 5%e+7 !$rea7 I1$a4 #f e1be77e7 #$4%#n! #n 5%e+7 !$rea7! tweaFing discount rates at which 1anFs 1orrow fro# "ED 8 %ield on higher %eild 1ond 6 %ield on lower %ield 1ond 1u%ing/selling Treasur% securities in #arFet Re+a4%*e 5%e+7 !$rea7 tweaFing resere rates at which 1anFs #ust parF their funds with "ED 8 a1solute %ield spread / %ield on 1ench#arF 1ond lesser li'uidit% also increases b%7-a!F !$rea7 <MO K&ollaterali9ed !ortgage @1ligatiosnM Tran3e I0 receies interest and all principal inflation adOusted par alue D coupan rate / * Tran3e II" receies interest till TrancheI is issues0 #ost recentl% auctioned treasur% issues "redie!ac-"anie!ae issue 3 45$e! #f MDS" Tran3e III0 onl% interest till Tranche II is issues0 that hae 1een replaced with recentl% S;V - separate legal entit% to which corporate +e2a++5 !e++! financial assets for an $CS issue !otiation of $CS is to re7/e b#rr#G%n2 #!4! $ll else sa#e- inestors would re'uire persuading 1anFs to alter their lending policies 8 su1Oect 1ond %ield / %ield on 1ench#arF 1ond <re7%4 !$rea7" is %ield spread 1etween two 1onds that are e'ual in all incase of se#i6annual 1ond- AT! 8 * D I:: as such needs to 1e annuali9ed respect e(cept credit ratings spot rate 8 appropriate discount rate to calculate PJ of a nu#1er of spot6rates Kone for each coupan and pa%1acFM are used therefore to co#pute PJ/price of the 1ond Fr#1 YTMH 5#/ an a+/+a4e b#n7A! /rren4 $r%e an7 *%e-*er!a Va+/a4%#n a$$r#a3e!" Tra7%4%#na+ a$$r#a3 get AT! of a 1ond si#ilar in ter#s of risFs- #aturit% characteristics use this AT! as a discount rate to discount coupon- principal &"s &rb%4ra2e-free *a+/a4%#n a$$r#a3 discount each &" using a Discount :ate specific to #aturit% of that &" i)e) a B6#onth spot rate of 4= would #ean that these discount rates are called Spot :ates and are actuall% AT! rates of a 9ero coupon 1ond after B6#onth will %eild 4/* 8 5)>= 9ero6coupon 1onds haing sa#e #aturit% as the &" under aluation It sa%s all else e'ual- alue of T61ond 1ased on spot rates #ust 1e e'ual to the PJ of 3 !#/re! #f re4/rn! %f b#n7 %! 3e+7 5n4%++ 1a4/r%45" coupon interest pa%#ents recoer% of principal- alongwith an% capital gain re6inest#ent inco#e :egardless of re'uired %ield- 1ond price will conerge to par alue as !aturit% approaches No#inal spread 8 AT!1ond 6 AT!treasur%1ond $// :$TES NEED T@ CE $NNE$/IRED $"TE: If its selling at discount- 1ond price will increase as #aturit% approaches to par alue Jer# *#+a4%+%45 !$rea7" =E-!$rea7? SI!I/$:/A- $// :$TES NEED T@ CE :EDE&ED- %earl% spot rates on treasur% are not the right rates to #easure alue of a risF% 1ond 1ecause we are not taFing into account the risF pre#iu#) R6spread is that constant ED&EPT "@: SE!I6$NNE$/ DIS&@ENT :$TE spread on top of local spot rates- for which PJ 8 su# of discounted cashflows Steeper spot rate cure is- higher the difference 1etween no#inal spread and 96spread The earlier 1ond principal is paid- higher the spreads) $ calla1le 1ond has higher %ield as co#pared to an option6free 1ond and therefore- a higher no#inal or 96spread 8 co#pounded return 6 Kcapital gain U couponM @ption6adOusted Spread K@$SM is spread w)r)t) Treasur% 1ond that the 1ond will hae if it were option6free t8+ t8)> t8. t8.)> t8* t8*)> t85 t85)> "irst &all alue 8 .+* refunding protection ends Y%e+7 ra4%# $ll else sa#e- 1orrowers would 1e gie L%@/%7%45 %1$a4" &f4er Ta, Y%e+7 8 K. 6 ta( rateM N ta(a1le %ield all parts) If this is not the case- there is an AT& would use N83 K*N*MS "J 8 .+*) AT& to 1e calculated onl% when 1ond is trading at per#iu# AT: K%eild to refundingM calculated when 1ond is currentl% calla1le 1ut canQt 1e refunded 1ecause of protection assu#ing price is 1e%ond .+*- in that case- "J 8 call price- N 8 ti#e left for refunding protection price sensitiit% of an e#1edded option 1ond Kw)r)t) interest ratesM is lesser than that of an option6free 1ond Effectie Duration 8 effectie duration will 1e positie) If %ou want to co#pute change in prices- it would 1e as follows0 change in price 8 66 effectie duration N Kchange in %ieldM an increase in %ield will cause decrease in price &all proisions gie issuer a right to call the 1ond "ull Price 8 &lean Price U $ccrued interest call protection i))e period 1efore which 1ond canQt 1e called &u# coupan 6X with right to ne(t coupan E( coupan 6X without right to ne(t coupan fro# a 1roFer/1anF with securities as collateral Is regulated 1% SE& in ter#s of = of 1ond alues) arrange#ent when an institution sells a securit% with a co##it#ent to 1u% it 1acF at a specified KhigherM price K1u%ing price 6 selling priceM accounts for the interest Krepo rateM charged 1% the lender K1u%erM repo rate 8 annuali9ed = difference 1etween 1u%ing and selling price repo rate Z 1anF rate in case of #argin loan lesser risF to lender 1ecause he owns securit% as against haing a clai# on collateral not regulated 1% "ed In4ere!4 ra4e r%!FH 7/ra4%#nH !en!%4%*%45 $ll rest e'ual- a 1ond haing longer #aturit% will hae higher = change in alue for a gien change in interest rates This is 1ecause of the intrinsic alue i)e) ]PJcouponUPJprincipal at the #arFet rate of interest Sii#ilarl%- 1ond haing higher coupan will hae lesser = change in price with a gien change in interest rates this is 1ecause of the ^si9e of change w)r)t) CondQs interest rate^ calling- prepa%#ent is #ore pro1a1le with declining interest rates @nl% !aturit% increases Duration Kie) Interest rate risFM #ore principal is returned when there are lesser e(citing reinest#ent opps) alue of option 1onds is less sensitie as the% hae a price li#it $fter the call period- 1ond is /rren4+5 a++ab+e Cond with call option hae 3%23er #/$an N#n ref/n7ab+e b#n7! canQt 1e called Mar2%n b/5%n2 inoles 1orrowing funds for 1u%ing securities Re$/r3a!e a2ree1en40 M#!4 #f 43e b#n7 f%nan%n2 %! 7#ne *%a re$/r3a!e a2ree1en4! as0 1ecause of lesser sensitiit% to interest rates- prices appreciate less Duration 8 66 K= change in 1ond priceM K= change in %ieldM this isnQt = of percent e'ual to its %ears to #aturit% the ne(t reset date indiidual 1ondQs duration 8X #ore call pro1a1ilit% 8X lesser price lender will 1e willign to pa% for a calla1le 1ond 8X #ore put pro1a1ilit% 8Xhigher price lender will 1e willing to pa% for a puta1le 1ond S4r%$$e7 MDS either principal6onl% KP@M or interest6onl% strip KI@M P@ strips gain with prepa%#ent as face alue is receied 1efore #aturit% I@ strips lose with prepa%#ent as lesser interest is paid 1ecause of lesser principal outstanding M/n%%$a+ b#n7!" co#pletel% paid off- 1e%ond that all princ) and parFed in escrow account) $#ount sufficient to pa% for 1onds &"s secured de1t- unsecured de1t- senior de1t- su1ordinated de1t collateral is an underl%ing pool of other de1t instru#ents Tranches are created 1ased on clai# seniorit% of &"s fro# these instru#ents I1$a4 #f e1be77e7 #$4%#n! #n 5%e+7 !$rea7! this is 1ecause of the calling option aaila1le to 1orrower should 1ond price go a1oe striFe price there1% 1enefitting the 1orrower D/ra4%#n #f a Jer# #/$an b#n7 is appro(i#atel% D/ra4%#n #f a f+#a4er is e'ual to fraction of an %ear till D/ra4%#n of a portfolio is !arFet6Weighted aerage of CO =2enera+ #b+%2a4%#n? b#n7!" 1acFed 1% ta(ing power of issuer Re*en/e b#n7!" 1acFed 1% reenue generated 1% proOect ;ref/n7e7 b#n7!" 1onds for which treasur% securities hae 1een 1ought <DO Kcollaterali9ed de1t o1ligationM0 $ll else sa#e- inestors would re'uire 3%23er 5%e+7 #n a a++ab+e b#n7 this is 1ecause of the put option aaila1le to inestor should 1ond price go down 1elow striFe price there1% 1enefitting the inestor Va+/a4%#n a$$r#a3e!" Tra7%4%#na+ a$$r#a3 get AT! of a 1ond si#ilar in ter#s of risFs- #aturit% characteristics use this AT! as a discount rate to discount coupon- principal &"s &rb%4ra2e-free *a+/a4%#n a$$r#a3 discount each &" using a Discount :ate specific to #aturit% of that &" these discount rates are called Spot :ates and are actuall% AT! rates of 9ero6coupon 1onds haing sa#e #aturit% as the &" under aluation It sa%s all else e'ual- alue of T61ond 1ased on spot rates #ust 1e e'ual to the PJ of 3 !#/re! #f re4/rn! %f b#n7 %! 3e+7 5n4%++ 1a4/r%45" coupon interest pa%#ents recoer% of principal- alongwith an% capital gain re6inest#ent inco#e No#inal spread 8 AT!1ond 6 AT!treasur%1ond Jer# *#+a4%+%45 !$rea7" =E-!$rea7? %earl% spot rates on treasur% are not the right rates to #easure alue of a risF% 1ond 1ecause we are not taFing into account the risF pre#iu#) R6spread is that constant spread on top of local spot rates- for which PJ 8 su# of discounted cashflows Steeper spot rate cure is- higher the difference 1etween no#inal spread and 96spread The earlier 1ond principal is paid- higher the spreads) $ calla1le 1ond has higher %ield as co#pared to an option6free 1ond and therefore- a higher no#inal or 96spread @ption6adOusted Spread K@$SM is spread w)r)t) Treasur% 1ond that the 1ond will hae if it were option6free refunding protection ends $ll else sa#e- 1orrowers would 1e gie +#Ger 5%e+7 #n a $/4ab+e b#n7 L%@/%7%45 %1$a4" less li'uid the 1ond is- higher the %ield re'uired would 1e all parts) If this is not the case- there is an arb%4ra2e #$$#r4/n%45 AT& would use N83 K*N*MS "J 8 .+*) AT& to 1e calculated onl% when 1ond is trading at per#iu# AT: K%eild to refundingM calculated when 1ond is currentl% calla1le 1ut canQt 1e refunded 1ecause of protection assu#ing price is 1e%ond .+*- in that case- "J 8 call price- N 8 ti#e left for refunding protection ORC&NISINC &ND FUN<TIONINC OF SE<URITIES M&RKETS =;C 153? &haracteristics of well functioning securities #arFes0 Pri#ar%/Secondar% #arFets &all and continuous #arFets E(change #e#1ership T%pes of orders ti#el% and accurate infor#ation IC proide co#petitie 1ids- 1est efforts- negotiations &all #arFets0 stocF traded onl% at specifc ti#es specialist0 controls the li#it order 1ooFs- !arFet orders0 1u%/sell at 1est al) Price i##ediatel% li'uidit% &ontinuous #arFets0 trades occur an%ti#e #arFet is open posts 1id/asF prices- trades for his own account /i#it orders0 1u% at a price lesser than currentS internal efficienc% 6 low transaction costs prices are set either 1% auction process or dealer 1id/asF 'uotes co##ission 1roFer0 e(ecutes custo#er trades sell at a price a1oe current infor#ational efficienc% 6 prices adOust rapidl% to new info) these n/ws #atch large 1u% and sell orders for a 1roFerage fir# ti#efra#e associated with order floor 1roFer0 act as freelancer 1roFers for other Short sale orders0 sell now and 1u% later S3#r4-!e++ r/+e!" Initial !argin0 = #one% inestor should initiall% hae in the account co##ission 1roFers Stop loss orders0 order to sell if price hits a lower al) EpticF rule !aintenance #argin0 = #one% inestor should hae in the account post purchase registered trader0 trade for their own accounts order to 1u% if price hits a higher al) short seller #ust pa% all diidends due to lender of securit% 4r%22er $r%e K ;# =1 - %n%4%a+ 1ar2%n?9 =1 - 1a%n4enane 1ar2%n? stoploss 1u% in general results fro# short6sell short seller #ust deposit collateral to guarantee eentual repurchases of securit% CroFer starts with ^.6initial #argin^ contri1ution and doesnQt want to go 1e%ond ^.6#aintenance #argin^ SE<URITY M&RKET INDEMES ;r%e-Ge%234e7 %n7e, MarFe4 Va+/e-Ge%234e7 %n7e, UnGe%234e7 %n7e, #r e@/a+ Ge%234e7 %n7e, S#/re an7 D%re4%#n #f D%a! $erage of current stocF prices Su# of Ktotal outstanding alue of stocFsM Cased on = returns- worFing on = price changes Price6weighted 1ias0 larger high6growth fir#s hae an adantage oer s#all low growth fir#s In case of stocF6split- deno#inator is diided 1% a si#ilar su# calculated at 1ase period as the% can split their stocFs) $s a result- low growth fir#s will lose weight adOusted while Feeping inde( alue sa#e !ultiplied 1% inde(Qs 1ase alue K.++M $rith#etic #ean0 ]Di / n where Di 8 return Jalue6weighted 1ias0 fir#s haing larger #arFet cap hae greater i#pact on the inde( fir# haing higher price has higher i#pact fir# haing greater #arFet cap has greater i#pact on the #Ft) Geo#etric #ean0 Enweighted/e'ual weighted inde(0 usage of Geo#etric !ean will cause a downward 1ias as co#pared to $rith#etic !ean $ll inde( returns e(clude diidends K =</rren4 %n7e, *a+/e 9 ba!e *a+/e?N1)) it is not aerage of current inde( alue where Di 8 K. U HP:M 8 PricetU. / Pricet Cond Inde(es0 #ore difficult as .) 1ond unierse is #uch 1roader- changes constantl% due to wide ariet% of new issues ;RI<E-OV&LUE-ORETURN New inde( price 8 @ld inde( price U change in inde( alue 1ond #aturities- calls and sinFing funds- 5)) /acF of continuous data EFFI<IENT <&;IT&L M&RKETS =;C 178 ? Efficient #arFet 8X "or#s of Efficient #arFet h%pothesis KE!HM0 WeaF-f#r1 4e!4 #f EM." Se1%-!4r#n2 f#r1 4e!4 #f EM. S4r#n2-f#r1 4e!4 #f EM." current prices reflect all info) $l) Including risF statistical tests for independence oer ti#e e#phasis on finding if a1nor#al results possi1le No group of inestors hae access to stocF prices adOust 'uicFl%Uco#pletel% to new info) aaila1le securit% #arFet infor#ation returns are not significantl% correlated oer ti#e . /na7P/!4e7 -O Ra4/a+ - R1F4 priate infor#ation that would allow Eff%%en4 1arFe4 a!!/1$4%#n! )8X No e(cess returns 1% technical anal%sis stocF price changes are independent oer ti#e * risF adOusted 6X :actual 6 [:": U _K:#Ft 6 :":M\ group to consistentl% earn a1nor#al returns large no) of people anal%sing- aluing securities independenl% Trading rule tests0 It assu#es that all info is free and is al) To all at the sa#e ti#e new info) co#es rando#l% and independentl% aalia1le securit% #arFet infor#ation #echanical rules 1ased on price data donQt earn a1nor#al long6ter# returns oer ti#e inestors adOust prices rapidl% in response to infor#ation )8X No e(cess returns 1% "unda#enta/technical anal%sis a1nor#al results taFing transaction costs into accnt) hae #ade a1nor#al profits e(pected returns i#plicitl% incldues :isF inoled doesnQt out6perfor# 1u%6and6hold on a risF6adOusted 1asis returns done after announce#ent of signification pu1lic infor#ation No assu#ption around correctness of adOust#ent aalia1le securit% #arFet infor#ation li#it orders- the% hae #anaged to earn )8X no group has aaila1ilit% of #onopolistic infor#ation a1nor#al returns 1ased on anal%sing cross6 a1oe6aerage returns and therefore- no6one can hae a1nor#al e(cess returns sectional data liFe P/E- diidend %ield etc) asu#e that #arFets are efficient and securit%Qs influence #arFets MarFe4 ana1#+%e! ref/4%n2 EM. O*era++ <#n+/!%#n #n EM. returns lie around S!/ $fter incorporating transaction costs- #anaged to #atch perfor#ance of si#ple adOusted stocF prices to reflect earnings surprises larger risF6adOusted returns than larger fir#s si#ple trading rules canQt generate a1nor#al returns <#n+/!%#n!I 1u%6and6hold polic% as fast as would hae 1een e(pected 1% se#i6strong E!H Perfor#ance should 1e #easured against a 1u%6and6hold strateg% of stocFs within sa#e risFclass M%,e7 re!/+4! f#r !e1%-!4r#n2 f#r1" $s it #a% 1e possi1le to #aFe a1oe6aerage retuns 1% selecting s#all cap fir#s- high 1ooF/#arFet alue no) of anal%sts following the# hae a1nor#all% eent studies strongl% support SS E!H so selecting appropriate fund #anager can help inestor can 1enefit 1% 1u%ing stocFs at %ear6end and selling high returns Inest in Inde( funds the# in first weeF eidence that #arFets are not alwa%s efficient WeeFend6effect shows that a) :eturns for weeFda%s is Ue $part for Insiders and Specialists 1ut 6e return is associated with "rida% close to !onda% open of 1ooF/#arFet alue- lower the return re!/+4! !/$$#r4 S4r#n2-f#r1 EM. to #arFet while higher P/E hae inferior returns De3a*%#ra+ F%nane O*er#nf%7ene b%a!" <#nf%r1a4%#n b%a!" E!a+a4%#n b%a! E(pected utilit% theor%0 decisions are #ade onl% on the 1asis of possi1le outco#es and risF inoled anal%sts hae 1een found to 1e oer6confident People seeF out infor#ation after #aFing a decision tendenc% of inestors to co##it #ore funds to a position that Prospect theor%0 indiiduals ranF risF% outco#es 1ased on where the outco#e lies w)r)t) so#e w)r)t) growth co#paines and aoid/ignore new info) That 'uestions that decision has gone down 6 called ^$eraging^ reference point K)e)g) initial wealthM the% oer6e#phasi9e good news This can e(tend to prior 1eliefs To agree that original anal%sis was flawed is generall% downpla%ed in !otiation for prospect theor% is a finding that indiiduals are0 downpla% 1ad news faour of #ore6co#pelling 1u% risF aerse when it co#es to gains $nd this #aFes the# aerage too often- escalating their positions prefer risF when faced with uncertain losses M&RKET EFFI<IEN<Y &ND &N&MOLIES =;C 1(3 ? 3 +%1%4a4%#n! 4# eff%%en4 1arFe4!" F#/r $r#b+e1! 43a4 $re*en4 arb%4ra2e/r! #rre4 $r%e! Rea!#n! f#r 6/!4%f%e7 ana1#+%e! D%a! %n abn#r1a+ re4/rn! e!4%1a4%#n processing infor#ation taFes ti#e and cost there isnQt an% guarantee around when Kif at allM #ispricings will a) s#all fir#s are persistentl% under6priced @: if prices adOust within hours- #arFet is efficient otherwise not 1e corrected f%r1A! Q 1a5 n#4 %n+/7e !#1e r%!F Suriorship 1ias s#arter- efficient anal%sts are co#pensated as the% No two securities hae e(act sa#e risF associated with fir#Qs si9e Sa#ple selection 1ias ealuate infor#ation and funda#entals fast enough The% hae li#ited funds) This #eans onl% #ore significant this would lead to &$P! proOecting lesser S#all sa#ple 1ias inefficient prices #a% persist 1ecause of transaction costs pricing differences are e(ploited while others are risF and return non s%nchronous trading 1ecause of higher short6sell transaction costs- stocFs allowed to persist 1) Strateg% risF0 if strateg% is 1ased on *+ %r returns- can re#ain #ore oeralued as co#pared to &apital proiders #a% place li#its on ar1itrage trades a1nor#al results #a% 1e possi1le in onl% a few of underalued stocFs as creation of long position has the# low transaction costs :easons wh% a price #isfit ar1itrage #a% not necessaril% 1ring efficient prices thinF a1out a short6co#pan% who is taFen oer at a higher price In4r#7/4%#n 4# !e/r%45 *a+/a4%#n an7 %n7/!4r5 ana+5!%! =;C 2)3 ? aluation techni'ues preferred %ield is lesser than highest grade 1onds %ields 1ased on PJ of future cashflows 1ased on so#e #ultiple of fir#Qs e(pected perf) e)g) EPS- Sales per share 3r7 1arFe4!" @T& #arFets 443 1arFe4!=E<N!?" sere retail 1roFers and institutional traders <3an2e %n *a+/e #f %n7e, can 1e calculated as0 T#4a+ re4/rn %n7e, assu#es re6inest#ent of diidend WeaF-f#r1" prices full% reflect a++ /rren4+5 Se1%-!4r#n2 f#r1" prices full% reflect a++ $/b+%+5 T%1e-!er%e! 4e!4!" is it possi1le to predict Tests indicate that In!%7er Tra7er! E*en4 !4/7%e! is it possi1le to derie a1nor#al S4r#n2-f#r1" prices full% reflect a++ $/b+%9$r%*a4e $s e,3an2e !$e%a+%!4! hae access to <r#!!-!e4%#na+ 4e!4! is it possi1le to predict Se/r%45 ana+5!4! hae #anaged to ;r#fe!!%#na+ 1#ne5 1ana2er! ^hae not^ Earn%n2 !/r$r%!e! 4# $re7%4 re4/rn!" #arFets haenQt S1a++-f%r1 effe40 s#all fir#s consistentl% earn Hence- re!/+4! !/$$#r4 GeaF-f#r1 EM. Ne2+e4e7 f%r1 effe40 fir#s that hae onl% s#all <a+en7ar !4/7%e!" Due to ta(6induced trading at %ear6end- an 4%1e-!er%e!H r#!! !e4%#na+ 4e!4! gie D##F *a+/e9MarFe4 *a+/e ra4%#!0 greater the ratio ;9E ra4%#!" low P/E ratio stocFs e(perience higher returns relatie 7a4a 1%n%n2 b%a!" statistical errors can i#pact return esti#ations Cenera+ <a+/+a4#r 2/%7e+%ne! alwa%s read all the options especiall% in su1Oectie 'uestions use e(clusion in su1Oectie 'uestions e(clude carefull%P)reisit e(clusion in case of confusion conert to positie state#entsPleast liFel% 6X #ost liFel%) E)g least liFel% incorrect 8X #ost liFel% correct gie such 'uestions #ore ti#e to reflect carefull%` in case of #ost6liFel%- least liFel%P)use categori9ation if not too clear on the right option B/an4 wheneer #ultiple interest rates- confusing Kend/1eginM ti#elines- draw ti#eline 1e careful a1out the pa%#ent durations 6 in case of #onthl%- 'uarterl%- se#i6annual pa%#ents adOust N and I/A accordingl%) Si#ilarl%- adOust those if co#puted 1ased on the pa%#ents #ade 1e careful around when cashflows happen 6 1egin or end of a ti#e $nnuit% Due is greater than nor#al annuit% &alculating co#pounded annual growth rate0 should consider onl% the final and initial reenue PJ/"J calculations follow additiit% principle i)e) PJ of cashflows 8 su# of PJ of indiidual cashflows degree of confidence- significance lee- degree of freedo# h%pothesis testing0 sa#ple statistic- h%pothesi9ed alue "S$ #oe#ent fro# one asset account to another doesnQt i#pact total asset si9e diff) 1etween trading and al) "or sale securities is how the% handle unreali9ed gains/loss) $"S6Xother co#prehensie inco#e TS 6X inco#e SEEK $PP:@DI!$TI@N IN D$T$ INTENSIJE QEESTI@NS especiall% around coariance and all 6 T:A S@/JING W/@ &$/&E/$T@: CE &$:E"E/ $C@ET ST:$IGHT &H@I&ESP!@ST/A TH@SE WI// CE IN&@::E&T D@NQT $J@ID &H@I&ES TH$T H$S W@:DS WHI&H A@E D@NQT :E/$TE T@PTH@SE &@E/D CE @THE: W$A @" PETTING IT "i(ed inco#e while co#puting I:: of a se#i6annual 1ond0 AT! 8 * ( I:: ETHI&S Feep underlining controersial state#ents- Fe%words- an%thing that sounds fish% in first reading Goodness checF0 good for profession- good for #arFets- good for clients- good for e#pno%ers Hurt checF0 who does it hurt0 profession- #arFets- clients- e#plo%ers- 1eneficiaries /ooF for outside faours- conflicts- trade of one thing against other catch words liFe CET- H@WEJE:- !$NIPE/$TED <a+/+a4#r 2/%7e+%ne! Eer%ti#e %ou set calc to CEGIN- set it 1acF to END after calc) :egularl% clear the worFsheets I/A is period interest in percentage) 1e careful a1out the pa%#ent durations 6 in case of #onthl%- 'uarterl%- se#i6annual pa%#ents adOust N and I/A accordingl%) Si#ilarl%- adOust those if co#puted 1ased on the pa%#ents #ade redo calculations in case the co#puted alue differs significantl% with an% of the choicesPchances are that the data hasnQt 1een inputted correctl% a1oe is true for 'uestions that has too #an% data points entering ?= instead of )+? for cashflow/interests in TJ! 1e careful a1out the pa%#ent durations 6 in case of #onthl%- 'uarterl%- se#i6annual pa%#ents adOust N and I/A accordingl%) Si#ilarl%- adOust those if co#puted 1ased on the pa%#ents #ade M%!4aFe 45$e!" . 1#!49+ea!4 +%Fe+5 * concepts/Fnowledge 5 tricF 3 calculation co#pleteness > carelessness B fatigue 4 language issue diff) 1etween trading and al) "or sale securities is how the% handle unreali9ed gains/loss) $"S6Xother co#prehensie inco#e TS 6X inco#e Wherneer there are 5 continuous corrects- reiew it again o1Oectiel% !arF 'uestions with dou1tful responses in .st go SEEK $PP:@DI!$TI@N IN D$T$ INTENSIJE QEESTI@NS especiall% around coariance and all 6 T:A S@/JING W/@ &$/&E/$T@: D@NQT $J@ID &H@I&ES TH$T H$S W@:DS WHI&H A@E D@NQT :E/$TE T@PTH@SE &@E/D CE @THE: W$A @" PETTING IT Feep underlining controersial state#ents- Fe%words- an%thing that sounds fish% in first reading 1e careful a1out the pa%#ent durations 6 in case of #onthl%- 'uarterl%- se#i6annual pa%#ents adOust N and I/A accordingl%) Si#ilarl%- adOust those if co#puted 1ased on the pa%#ents #ade redo calculations in case the co#puted alue differs significantl% with an% of the choicesPchances are that the data hasnQt 1een inputted correctl% * B * . . Wherneer there are 5 continuous corrects- reiew it again o1Oectiel% !arF 'uestions with dou1tful responses in .st go ;ROFESSION&LISM Kn#G+e72e #f +aG =7%fferen4%a4e +aG G%43 be!4 $ra4%eH $+a5 !afe? E)G) CPG .? e(.-* In7e$en7ene an7 #bPe4%*%45 M%!re$re!en4a4%#n" RFn#G%n2+5R 1ean! Fn#G! an7 !3#/+7 3a*e Fn#Gn M%!#n7/4 CPG *B0 .- *-3-4- CPG 5B0 E(3 INTECRITY OF <&;IT&L M&RKETS DUTIES TO T.E <LIENTS +#5a+45H $r/7eneH an7 are fa%r 7ea+%n2! suita1ilit% perfor#ance presentation0 present infor#ation current- clear- co#plete- accurate- no #isrepresentations- eas% to understand for preseration of confidentialit% DUTIES TO T.E EM;LOYER 1a4er%a+ n#n-$/b+% %nf#r1a4%#n" 1arFe4 1an%$/+a4%#n" +#5a+45" additional co#pensation arrange#ents re!$#n!%b%+%4%e! #f !/$er*%!#r! INVESTMENT &N&LYSISH RE<OMMEND&TIONS &ND &<TIONS diligence and reasona1le 1asis0 diligence- independence and thoroughness supported with appropriate :;D and inestigation in #aFing inest#ents- reco##endations co##unication with cleints and prospectie clients record retention <ONFLI<T OF INTEREST disclosure of conflicts priorit% of transactions referral fees RES;ONSIDILITIES OF & <F& INSTITUTE MEMDER OR <F& <&NDID&TE ;ROFESSION&LISM Kn#G+e72e #f +aG =7%fferen4%a4e +aG G%43 be!4 $ra4%eH $+a5 !afe? follow #ore stricter law or code/standards if law is weaFer of the two E)G) CPG .? e(.-* In7e$en7ene an7 #bPe4%*%45 aoid situations that could cause or 1e perceied as loss of independence and o1Oectiit% in reco##eding/taFing inest#ent actions D@ N@T ESE su1tle/a#1iguous language in reports to circu#ent pressures fro# superisors Issuer paid research0 potential for conflict of interests) :eport #ust state these potential conficts- including nature of co#pensation due diligence #eans gathering infor#ation fro# a wide ariet% of sources anal%sts #ust also distinguish 1etween fact and opinions M%!re$re!en4a4%#n" RFn#G%n2+5R 1ean! Fn#G! an7 !3#/+7 3a*e Fn#Gn !EST N@T #aFe an% #isrepresentations relating to inest#ent anal%sis- reco##endations- actions or other professional actiities $ctual ^SPE&I"I&^ source of the infor#ation #ust 1e cited een though info- is picFed up fro# an inter#ediate source M%!#n7/4 DoesnQt coer legal transgressions resulting fro# acts of ciil diso1edience in support of personal 1eliefs e)g) noniolent protest Fnow law)))not necessaril% 1e an e(pert though #ust co#pl% with laws and regulations that directl% goern their worF responsi1le for oilation if the% participate and/or assist ^KN@WING/A^ or participate ^ENKN@WING/A^ when the% should hae Fnown the regulation If a #e#1er has reasona1le ground to 1eliee illegal actiit%- the% !EST disassociate or separate fro# the actiit% after atte#pt to stop Kreporting to superisor- confronting the personM doesnQt worF) :eporting to regulator% 1odies ISNQT NE&ESS$:A unless #andated 1% the law &"$ institute ^EN&@E:$GES^ D@ESN^T :EQEI:E reporting to &"$ Institute of potential oilations Encourage e#plo%ers to deelop and/or adpot &ode of Ethics- #aFe aaila1le applica1le laws and regulations- and esta1lish procedures for oilations reporting e(ternal sources #a% tr% to influence 1% offfering 1enefits) :eOect an% offer of gifts that could 1e e(pected to threaten independence/o1Oectiit%) Cenefits could include gifts- initation to laish functions- ticFets- faors- Oo1 referrals etc) !$A $&&EPT C@NESES/ #odest GI"TS as long as such are appreciations and not perceied detri#ental to other cleints @: as faours seeFing to influence the #e#1er) !EST CE disclosed to e#plo%ers and #ust not 1e perceia1le as causing loss of o1Oectiit%/independence) So#e client relationships are #ore precarious that others)))discretion should 1e #aintained on the 1asis of how gifts can 1e perceied reco##endations #ust cone% #e#1erQs true opinions- free of 1ias fro# internal/e(ternal pressures and 1e stated in clear and una#1iguous ter#s In IC- anal%sts and I1anFers can worF together onl% if conflict of interest is carefull% and E""E&TIJE/A !$N$GED $ND DIS&/@SED- $ND reporting structure #ust 1e separate) $nd :esearch anal%stQs co#pensation shouldnQt 1e linFed to IC assign#ents CPG *B0 .- *-3-4- 8 #isrepresentations0 o#ission of an% fact- untrue or #iseading state#ent- guarantee of returns unless it is 1uilt into product structure or for which institution has agreed to coer an% lossesS false i#pression in oral representations) No plagiaris#0 cop%ing or using otherQs #aterial without per#ission/acFnowledge#entPgie credit where it is due) This holds een for plain language description of general concepts liFe price/earning ratio- std de etc) !ust not engage in an% professional conduct inoling dishonest%- fraud- deceit or an% act that reflects adersel% on professional reputation- integrit%- or co#petence a1using &"$ institute professional conduct progra# to settle personal- political or other disputes unrelated to professional ethics CPG 5B0 E(3 INTECRITY OF <&;IT&L M&RKETS oilation wonQt occur if conclusion is #ade on the 1asis of non6#aterial pu1lic/non6pu1lic infor#ation) ensure #aterial infor#ation is disse#inated in an e'uita1le #anner in an% situation- first deter#ine if the infor#ation is pu1lic as long as stor%/reco##endation is 1uilt on ^#osaic theor%^- its fine and isnQt in iolation howeer in case of risF6ar1itrage trading- it is 1est to suspend trading actiit%) This is 1ecause potential for illegal profits is greater doesnQt prohi1it transactions done for ta( purposes e)g) selling and i##ediate 1u%ing DUTIES TO T.E <LIENTS +#5a+45H $r/7eneH an7 are recogni9e higher trust that client shows fa%r 7ea+%n2! ensuring sa#e leel of serice to all clients 1ased on what the% are pa%ing for inest#ents 6 in line with 1locF6allocation policies) Such policies should 1e disclosed to the cleints too suita1ilit% reco##endations in line with o1Oecties- constraints) Vudge suita1ilitit% in conte(t of cleintQs co#plete portfolio KA& 1efore #aFing inest#ent reco##endations and regular updates) perfor#ance presentation0 present infor#ation current- clear- co#plete- accurate- no #isrepresentations- eas% to understand for #aintain reco##endations- perf) &alculation data) preseration of confidentialit% info) of current- for#er and prospectie clients confidential unless illegal actiities- disclosure re'uired 1% law- or allowed 1% client DUTIES TO T.E EM;LOYER 1a4er%a+ n#n-$/b+% %nf#r1a4%#n" no inest#ent actiit% 1% self/other relaties on #aterial non6pu1lic infor#ation) Info) IsnQt #aterial if source of info#ration canQt 1e relia1le) Info) !ore a#1iguous the effect on the price- less #aterial the infor#ation is its co##on for anal%sts to anal%se insider infor#ation liFe new products- capital proOects- co#petitie en)- #err% that up with the rest of the infor#ation to #aFe a reco##endation a well6Fnown anal%stQs research report doesnQt fall under this een if his reco##endation changes can cause price fluctuations) $nal%st isnQt supposed to #aFe this pu1lic as the research is paid for 1% his clients not all situations where #aterial non6pu1lic infor#ation is al) would warrant ceasing trading actiit% as that itself could 1e seen as release of #aterial infor#ation e)g) withdrawal of #arFet6#aFing 1arFe4 1an%$/+a4%#n" not engage in practices that distort prices or artificiall% inflate trading olu#es with an intent to #islead #arFets cleint 1efore e#plo%er and self- deter#ine and co#pl% with fiduciar% dut% as i#posed 1% law/regulation- e(ercise sa#e leel of prudence- Oudge#ent and care that would 1e applied for own interests under si#ilar circu#stances prioriti9ation in ter#s of co##unication of info) &an 1e done 1ased on releance to the custo#er Ke)g) onl% long position holders could 1e interested in downgrade reco##endation +#5a+45" #ust not deprie e#plo%er of the adantage of sFills/a1ilities - diulge confidential infor#ation or otherwise cause har# to e#plo%er co#pl% with policies and procedures esta1lished 1% e#plo%ers that goern the relationship as long as these donQt conflict with laws- code/standards e#plo%ers #ust also adhere to their duties towards e#plo%ess leaing e#plo%er0 #ust continue to act in e#plo%erQs 1est interestsPensuring no conflicts of interest/serices whistle61lowing0 when integrit% of capital #arFets and/or clients is co#pro#ised 1% the fir# nature of e#plo%#ent0 understand ter#s and a1ide 1% those additional co#pensation arrange#ents #ust not accept gifts that #ight reasona1l% 1e e(pected to create a conflict of interest with e#plo%erQs interest re!$#n!%b%+%4%e! #f !/$er*%!#r! #ust #aFe reasona1le effort to detect/preent iolations if procedures arenQt good enough- #e#1er should decline to accept superisor% responsi1ilities untill fir# adopts these esta1lish procedures for record6Feeping and checFs on personal trades INVESTMENT &N&LYSISH RE<OMMEND&TIONS &ND &<TIONS diligence and reasona1le 1asis0 diligence- independence and thoroughness supported with appropriate :;D and inestigation in #aFing inest#ents- reco##endations co##unication with cleints and prospectie clients record retention <ONFLI<T OF INTEREST disclosure of conflicts priorit% of transactions referral fees RES;ONSIDILITIES OF & <F& INSTITUTE MEMDER OR <F& <&NDID&TE donQt need to su1ordinate i#portant personal/fa#il% o1ligations to worF) Should enter into a dialouge a1out WC/ when personal #atters interfere with worF on a regular/significant 1asis independent practice0 proide notification- description of serices and co#pensation receied and start actiities onl% after receiing consent post6leaing- #e#1ers can use sFills/e(perience gained) &lients can also 1e reached out to using pu1lic infor#ation unless there is a specific agree#ent with the e#plo%er #ere reporting up the chain of co##and or warning e#plo%ee isnQt enough) Superisors should taFe steps to ensure the oilations are not repeated such as placing li#its- or increasing #onitoring of e#plo%eeQs actiities <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re" In case #e#1er/candidate notices oilation0 !e#1ers and candidates should encourage e#plo%ers to0 . report to superisor * confront person 5 report to regulator @N/A if re'uired 1% the law 3 @: disassociate 1% reassign#ent <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re" <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re!" not #eant to coer legal transgressions resulting fro# acts of ciil diso1edience in support of personal 1eliefs as these donQt reflect 1adl% on professional reputation- integrit% or co#petence cross6firewall co##unication is fine as long it is er% well guarded and #onitored) E)g) 1etween anal%st and inest#ent 1anFing diisions) inter6firewall co##) Should 1e #anaged 1% the co#pliance officer #1$+%ane $r#e7/re!" deter#ine if info) is #aterial/non6pu1lic deter#ine if info) is worF of a paid anal%st no trading should happen on #aterial/non6pu1lic infor#ation unless the info) Is prepared in6line with #osaic theor% <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re! no inest#ent actiit% 1% self/other relaties on #aterial non6pu1lic infor#ation) Info) IsnQt #aterial if source of info#ration canQt 1e relia1le) Info) !ore a#1iguous the effect on the price- less #aterial the infor#ation is ethics and co#pliance should 1e segregated to ensure 1etter understanding diligence and reasona1le 1asis0 diligence- independence and thoroughness supported with appropriate :;D and inestigation in #aFing inest#ents- reco##endations <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re" !e#1ers and candidates should encourage e#plo%ers to0 reiew procedures #aintain current files esta1lish protocols to handle reporting of oilations <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re" #e#1ers- firs# #ust protect integrit% of opinions li#it gifts to toFen ite#s) restrict inest#ents reiew procedures <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re!" not #eant to coer legal transgressions resulting fro# acts of ciil diso1edience in support of personal 1eliefs as these donQt reflect 1adl% on esta1lish procedures so that e#plo%ees are regularl% infor#ed restricted list0 if fir# is unwilling to per#it desse#ination of aderse opinions a1out a corp) client- #e#1ers shuld encourage re#oal of the fir# fro# research unierse 1% putting it in restricted list) This !EST CE done in $NTI&IP$TI@N N@T :E$&TIJE/A restric special cost arrange#ents0 issuer should not alwa%s 1e hosting #eetings 1etween written list of fir#Qs aaila1le serices) &ontains wa%s of descri1ing fir#Qs serices- 'ualiications- and co#pensation) cross6firewall co##unication is fine as long it is er% well guarded and #onitored) E)g) 1etween anal%st and inest#ent 1anFing diisions) #1$+%ane $r#e7/re!" restricted lists- infor#ation 1arriers restrictions on personal trading using a co#1ination of watch list and restricted list no trading should happen on #aterial/non6pu1lic infor#ation unless the info) Is prepared in6line with #osaic theor% <#1$+%ane $r#e7/re! shorten ti#efra#e 1etween dissi#ination and decision si#ultaneous disse#ination #aintain list of client and its holdings written and disclosed trade allocation procedures disclose leels of serice no inest#ent actiit% 1% self/other relaties on #aterial non6pu1lic infor#ation) Info) IsnQt #aterial if source of info#ration canQt 1e relia1le) Info) !ore a#1iguous the effect on the price- less #aterial the infor#ation is li#it nu#1er of people inoled who are pri% to reco##endation change infor#ation a1out the law $nnuit% Due is greater than nor#al annuit% wheneer it gets co#plicated- draw ti#eline &alculating co#pounded annual growth rate0 should consider onl% the final and initial reenue PJ/"J calculations follow additiit% principle i)e) PJ of cashflows 8 su# of PJ of indiidual cashflows "inancial State#ents and anal%sis Direct6#ethod 'uestions at ti#es proide infor#ation on depreciating e(penses) Depreciation e(penses 1eing non6cash charges are not considered in direct #ethod Non6cash transactions e)g) write6off- depreciation- a#orti9ation are not ^classified^ as cashflows as no cash transaction is inoled) Such donQt need to 1e added/su1tracted unless calculation 1ase is Net Inco#e howeer- non6cash transactions #ust 1e added to Net Inco#e while co#puting &"@ as such get deducted in Inco#e State#ent while arriing at Net Inco#e PPE transactions are part of Inesting &ashflow howeer in inco#e state#ent an% gain KlossM on sale of PPE is accounted for while co#puting Net Inco#e hence such needs to 1e reduced KaddedM while co#puting &"@ using Indirect #ethod While calculating &"@ supplier- a#ort/depreciation doesnQt need to 1e added to &@GS While calculating &""- 1e careful of adOusting diidends while calculating turnoer ratios- re#e#1er aeraging out the deno#inator Econo#ics elasticit% uses aerage alues "i(ed inco#e se#i6annual pa%#ents spot rate- AT!- CEA calcs Direct6#ethod 'uestions at ti#es proide infor#ation on depreciating e(penses) Depreciation e(penses 1eing non6cash charges are not considered in direct #ethod Non6cash transactions e)g) write6off- depreciation- a#orti9ation are not ^classified^ as cashflows as no cash transaction is inoled) Such donQt need to 1e added/su1tracted unless calculation 1ase is Net Inco#e howeer- non6cash transactions #ust 1e added to Net Inco#e while co#puting &"@ as such get deducted in Inco#e State#ent while arriing at Net Inco#e PPE transactions are part of Inesting &ashflow howeer in inco#e state#ent an% gain KlossM on sale of PPE is accounted for while co#puting Net Inco#e hence such needs to 1e reduced KaddedM while co#puting &"@ using Indirect #ethod Non6cash transactions e)g) write6off- depreciation- a#orti9ation are not ^classified^ as cashflows as no cash transaction is inoled) Such donQt need to 1e added/su1tracted unless calculation 1ase is Net Inco#e PPE transactions are part of Inesting &ashflow howeer in inco#e state#ent an% gain KlossM on sale of PPE is accounted for while co#puting Net Inco#e hence such needs to 1e reduced KaddedM while co#puting &"@ using Indirect #ethod contra account contra account contra account contra account $SSET 8 /I$CI/ITIES U &@NT:ICETED &$PIT$/ U $DDN/) P$ID IN &$PIT$/ U CEGINNING :TND E$:NINGS U :EJENEE 6 E$:NINGS 6 DIJIDEND diff in cash 8 total cashflow calc &"@- &"I- &"" 1oth using direct indirect #ethods see how depreciation is ignored in direct #ethods also looF at ite#s considered in &""- &"I diidends paid are part of &"" all others are &"@ increase in asset 8 use of cash calc &"@- &"I- &"" 1oth using direct indirect #ethods see how depreciation is ignored in direct #ethods diidends paid are part of &"" all others are &"@ GENE:$/ "END$!ENT$/S a1#/n4 a4 G3%3 %4e1! are re$#r4e7 %n f%nan%a+ !4a4e1en4! Going concern 1asis 6 fir# will continue to e(ist historical cost 6 at which it was 1ought originall% $ccrual 1asis 6 effect of transactions on financial condition and inco#e are recorded when the% occur- not when the% are settled in cash current cost 6 at which fir# can 1u% now !atching principle 6 e(pesnes to generate reenue are recogni9ed in the sa#e period as the reenue reali9a1le alue 6 at which fir# can sell 1% the sa#e principle- long6ter# assets are a#orti9ed- depreciated oer the period asset is supposed to generate econo#ic 1enefits present alue 6 discounted alue of assetQs future cashflows No netting fair alue 6 at which two fir#s can e(change In4r#7/4%#n "ootnotes KauditedM contain0 !D$0 assess#ent of perf) $nd condition of co#pan% fro# #g#t) perspectie accounting #ethods- esti#ations used discussion oer financial results- sales/e(penses/cashflow trends addnl) Info) /iFe ac'uisitions- legal actions general 1usiness perspectie discussion oer unusual/infre'uent eents supple#entar% schedules Knot auditedM In addition to !D$- fir#s release 'uarter/se#i6annual reports Knot auditedM contain additional infor#ation liFe En'ualified opinion0 state#ents are correct sales 1% CE- region Qualified opinion0 e(ceptions e(ist hedging actiities $derse opionion0 #aterial non6confor#ance to standards IN<OME ST&TEMENT =47 - ? Cr#!! re$#r4%n2 G3en Enearned reenue when cash receied and serices not deliered fir# is pri#ar% o1ligator- 1ears credit and inentor% risF fir# can choose supplier- can esta1lish price !ethods 1elow used when contracts e(tend 1e%ond one accounting periodPgenerall% construction proOects Ender G$$P- reenue- e(penses- profit recogni9ed onl% when proOect is oer Ender I":S- e(penses- reenue to the e(tent of e(penses recognised as incurred- profits at proOect co#pletion under an% of the a1oe #ethods- loss #ust 1e recogni9ed i##edaitel% = co#pletion #ethod is #ore aggressie as reenue recogni9ed earlier re'uired when risFs/rewards are not trasferred 1ecause seller re#ains in the propert% profit recogni9ed 8 Kcash collected / total saleM N total e(pected profit cost is recoered first) Profit is recognised onl% when full cost has 1een recoered Issuing and reac'uiring stocFs affect StocFholderQs e'uit% not Net Inco#e Diidends paid reduce stocFholderQs e'uit% not net inco#e unrealised fore( currenc% translation gains/losses unrealised gains on deriaties for cashflow hedge unrealised gains on aaila1le6for6sale securities reported on 1alance sheet at fair alue- reported directl% in share6holderQs e'uit% as other co#prehensie inco#e adOust#ent for #ini#u# pension lia1ilit% nor#all% due to change in #anage#entQs Oudge#ent- usuall% due to new infor#ation 777correction of an accounting error is reported as prior6period adOust#ent Re*en/e re#2n%4%#n - apart fro# accrual principle- when collection is reasona1l% sure and price is deter#ina1le > #1$+e4%#n 1e43#7" reenue- e(penses- profit recogni9ed as = co#pletion w)r)t) costs) > #1$+e4%#nK #1$+e4e7 #n4ra4 1e43#7" Esed when outco#e canQt 1e relia1l% #easured In!4a++1en4 Sa+e! - occurs when fir# finances a sale and pa%#ents are e(pected oer an e(tended period when collecti1ilit% is certain- re*en/e re#2n%Je7 a4 43e 4%1e #f !a+e when collecti1ilit% canQt 1e reasona1l% esti#ated- In!4a++1en4 1e43#7" when collecti1ilit% is highl% uncertain- <#!4 re#*er5 1e43#7" Transactions n#4 affe4%n2 Ne4 In#1e Transactions included in O43er <#1$re3en!%*e In#1e affect e'uit% 1ut not net inco#e 3an2e %n a#/n4%n2 $r%n%$+e Ke)g) /I"@ to "I"@M re'uires retrospectie application ie) restate#ents of prior state#ents 3an2e %n a#/n4%n2 e!4%1a4e is applied prospectiel% and doesnQt re'uire restate#ents of prior stat#eentsPe)g) change in esti#ated life of an asset Da!% E;S D%+/4e7 E;S 8 KNet Inco#e 6 preferred diidendsM 8 [Net Inco#e 6 preferred diidends\ U [con) Prefd) Shares Diidend\ U [con) De1t interest K. 6 ta( rateM \ Weighted $g) co##) shares outstanding Effect of stocF6split/ stocF diidend Dilutie if0 W of addnl) Shares get accounted fro# the 1eginning itself Pref) shares con) Shares di / con) Prefd) Shares Z Casic EPS Treasur% stocFs are deducted in deno#inator &on) De1t con) De1t interest K. 6 ta( rateM /shares fro# con) De1t Z 1asic EPS $ref 7%*%7en7! are bea/!e #f $referre7 !4#F! StocF options/Warrant K.6 striFe price/aerage share priceM N N X + i)e if the option is in6the6#one% aerage price and not %ear6end price taFen into account while ealuating anti6dilutie nature of options #onth aeraging is done een with pref) shares- con) Shares- and warrants D&L&N<E S.EET =83 - $ssets created 1% operating actiities Ke)g) generating net inco#eM- inesting actiities Kpurchasing #fg) e'uip#entM- financing actiities Kissuing de1t- e'uit%M /ia1ilities are created 1% operating actiiities and financing actiities @perating c%cle is the duration to produce- sell and collect cash not enough W& indicates li'uidit% pro1le#s too #uch W& indicates inefficient assets usage Non6current assets indicate infor#ation a1out fir#Qs inesting actiities Non6current lia1ilities indicate fir#Qs long6ter# financing actiities inentor% costs e(clude0 wastage- storage- ad#in) oerhead- selling costs calculated as pro6rata share of assets not owned 1% the fir# reported on CS as lia1ilities or ownerQs e'uit% trading secs Held6to6#aturit% CS Treat#ent "air alue Historical/a#ort cost reali9ed gains %es diidends unreali9ed gains %es Kin inco#e st#tM no !#1e f%nan%a+ a!!e4! are re$#r4e7 a4 fa%r *a+/e G3%+e #43er! a4 $re!en4 *a+/e fair alue0 tangi1le- intangi1le assets Ka#orti9ed- depreciated- i#paired alueM present alue0 de1t instru#ents liFe 1onds- <&S.FLOW ST&TEMENTS" 1))- reconciles 1eginning- end cash 1alance oer an accounting period e)g) ac'uiring real estate with financing fro# seller O$era4%n2 <a!3f+#G Direct #ethod0 coerts an accrual61asis inco#e st#t) to cash61asis inco#e st#t) Weighted $g) co##) shares outstanding U [con) Prefd) Shares\ U [shares fro# con) De1t\ U [ </rren4 a!!e4! an7 +%ab%+%4%e!" liFel% to 1e conerted to cash- o1ligations satisfied resp) within one %ear or one reporting c%cle whicheer is greater &urrent assets 6 &urrent lia1ilities 8 W#rF%n2 <a$%4a+ In*en4#r5 Kincl) raw #aterial- finished goods and WIPM 6 re$#r4e7 a4 +#Ger #f #!4 #r ne4 rea+%Jab+e *a+/e M%n#r%45 In4ere!4" if fir# has controlling interest in a su1sidiar% not full% owned C##7G%++" e(cess of purchase price oer fair alue if identifia1le assets and lia1ilities in the eent of 1usiness acuisition N#n-a!3 %n*e!4%n29f%nan%n2 <F!" donQt reslt in cash in/out starts with cash receied fro# custo#ers and then deducts cashflow fro# purchases- operating e(penses- interest and ta(es Doesnat need adOust#ents for depriciation- write6offs- a#orti9ation etc) presents fir#Qs operating cash inflow- outflow proides #ore infor#ation than indirect #ethod Indirect #ethod0 net inco#e conerted to operating cashflow 1% #aFing adOust#ents for transactions adding noncash e(penses liFe depriciation- a#orti9ation deducting non6operating ite#sQ loss/gains Ke)g) sale of landM Ksuch are captured as part of &"IM adding an% increase in operating lia1s) $nd reducing an% increase in operating assets focusses on difference 1etween NI and &"@ presents onl% net results of &ash6in and cash6out <F TI;S .) #arF actiit% including non6cash actiities *) striFeout su##ar% ite#s 5) Feep striFing out ite#s alread% considered In*e!4%n2 <a!3f+#G inesting actiities include propert%- plant- e'uip#ent- intangi1le assets and inest#ent securities F%nan%n2 a!3f+#G #easuring cashflows 1etween fir# and its suppliers of capital interest pa%#ents to creditors go under operating inco#e "ree &ashflow to the fir# K"&""M cash aaila1le to all the inestors 1oth e'uit% owners and creditors 8 &"@ U InterestK.6ta( rateM 6 "& in N&& non cash charges 8 NI U N&& U InterestK.6ta( rateM 6 "&in 6 W&in W& in worFing capital inest#ent "& in "i(ed &apital inest#ent "ree cashflow to e'uit% "&"E W& adOust#ents alread% get included in &"@ cash aaila1le for disri1ution to shareholders 1% wa% of change in operating assets e)g inentor% 8 &"@ 6 "& in U net 1orrowings ;erf#r1ane ra4%#! cashflow to reenue 8 &"@/:eenue cashflow return6on6assets 8 &"@/total assets cash return6on6e'uit% 8 &"@/aerage total e'uit% cashflow6per6share 8 K&"@6DiidendsM/weigted W of co##on shares outstanding <#*era2e ra4%#! De1t coerage 8 &"@/total de1t :einest#ent ratio 8 &"@/Kcash paid for long6ter# assetsM De1t pa%#ent ratio 8 &"@/Kcash long ter# de1t repa%#entM Diidend pa%#ent ratio 8 &"@/diidend paid Inesting and financing ratio 8 &"@/K&ash outflows fro# inesting and financing &alculated 1% e(a#ining changes to gross a!!e4 a#/n4! that result fro# %n*e!4%n2 a4%*%4%e! cashflows for a$%4a+%Ja4%#n i)e) creating asset that can proide econo#ic 1enefits later related accu#ulated 7e$r%%a4%#n #r a1#r4%Ja4%#n accounts are %2n#re7 as the% donQt represent cash e(penses cash6to6inco#e 8 &"@/RO$era4%n2R inco#e <#11#n-!%Je a!3f+#G !4a4e1en4" eer%thing e(pressed as a = of reenue alternatiel% K&" inM as = of total K&" inMS and K&" outM as a = of total K&" outM ;r#b+e1! 4# re*%!e" page .*. onwards KallM FIN&N<I&L &N&LYSIS TE<.NIBUES =13) - Ver4%a+ #11#n-!%Je !4a4e1en4! :eiew page .5.- .5* 6 good su##ar% of 1alance sheet- inco#e state#ent Calance sheet e(pressed ad a = of total assets reiew current /s non6currentS lia1ilities /s e'uit%- current/long6ter# lia1ilities Inco#e state#ent e(pressed as a = of reenue/netsales .#r%J#n4a+ #11#n !%Je !4a4e1en4! $ccounts e(pressed as a ratio of first %earQs alues L%1%4a4%#n! #f f%nan%a+ ra4%#! not useful when iewed in isolation different accounting treat#ent difficult to co#pare results across industries deter#ining target alue for a ratio is difficult Va+/a4%#n Ra4%#! price6to6earnings ratio 8 ShareQs #arFet price / EPS price6to6cashflow price6to6sales price6to61ooF D/!%ne!! R%!F coefficient of ariation used for this 6 &J sales- &J operating inco#e- &J net inco#e 8 standard deiation / e(pected alue interest coerage ratios- return on capital- de1t6to6asset ratios Se21en4 ana+5!%! when 1usiness units co#prise of #ore than .+= reenue when 1usiness units are different in ter#s of geographies- operations etc) TIP0 ECIT is used onl% for :@T& and cash6to6inco#e ratio interest coerage also uses ECIT for o1ious reasons rest all ratios use Net Inco#e <re7%4 r%!F ana+5!%!" co#pan%Qs a1ilit% to repa% the de1t INVENTORY &<<OUNTINC =171 - Un7er IFRS Inentor% reported lower of cost or Net :eali9a1le Jalue 8 esti#ated sale price 6 selling costs purchase cost Un7er C&&; conersion cost Kincludes la1our costsM Inentor% reported lower of cost or !arFet alueP#arFet cost is the replace#ent cost allocation of fi(ed production oerhead on no#al capacit% leel N:J 6 nor#al profit Z !arFet Jalue Z N:J other costs necessar% to 1ring to present condition and location such costs are e(pensed when inentor% is sold inentor% is written down 1% Kcost 6 inentor% alueM Inentor% can 1e written up to the e(tent of preious write6down unallocated portion of fi(ed production oerhead reiew e(a#ples on .43 a1nor#al waste Inentor% turnoer 8 &@GS / a) inentor% storage costs No- of inentor% da%s 8 5B>/inentor% turnoer ad#in oerhead High turnoer- and lower reenue growth 8X insufficient inentor% selling oerhead /ow turnoer and lower reenue growth 8X o1solete inentor% whateer can 1e aoided and/or is indirect is coered under period costs LONC-LIVED &SSETS =1('- "ir# can either0 . Interest that accrues during construction of asset is also capitali9ed as a part of assetQs cost $fter capitali9ation- if asset is held for use- &ost is then allocated to0 @: * Tan2%b+e a!!e4 G%43 f%n%4e +%fe depreciated oer finite life Sa+e9e,3an2e #f +#n2-+%*e7 a!!e4! e)g) e'uip#ent gain/loss accounted as &" inesting In4an2%b+e a!!e4 G%43 f%n%4e +%fe 8 sale price 6 carr%ing alue K8 original price 6 acc) DepreciationM /acF ph%sical su1stance) Jalue 1ased on rights granted e)g) patents- cop%rights- 1rand na#es- license etc are a#orti9ed oer its useful life In4an2%b+e a!!e4 G%43 %nf%n%4e +%fe one that canQt 1e purchased separatel% and #a% hae an infinite life &an 1e created internall%- purchased e(ternall%- or thru 1usiness ac'uisition e() Goodwill- patent/licences that donQt hae finite life as those could 1e renewed w/o or at low cost Not a#orti9ed 1ut tested for i#pair#ent annuall% <OCS 8 1eginning inentor% 6 ending inentor% U purchases Inentor% cost ^capitali9ed^ 6 a++e7 $r#7/4 #!4!" @ther costs that are not capitali9ed 6 called ^$er%#7 #!4!R ;r#7/4 #!4! canQt 1e aoided een with .++= efficienc%- and are directl% linFed to ^creating product^ LIFO #nf%r1%45 r/+e" per G$$P- if /I"@ is used for accounting- sa#e should 1e used for ta( purposes $ssets whose econo#ic 1enefits are e(pected 1e%ond one accounting period) &ost of long6lied assets #ust 1e #atched with the reenues it generates oer a period of ti#e) Such allocation of cost is called Cenera+ r/+e is to recogni9e e(pense if future econo#ic 1enefit is unliFel% <a$%4a+%Je 43e #!4 as an asset on 1alance sheet and as <FI #/4 on &ashflow state#ent interest does get counted as <FI#/4 due to change in asset alue 7e$re%a4%#n for tangi1le assets a1#r4%Ja4%#n e(pense for intangi1le assets haing finite lies $fter capitali9ation- if asset is held for sale- cost is allocated to0 <OCS E,$en!e 43e #!4 in the inco#e state#ent under operating e(penses With so#e e(ceptions- costs incurred 1% the fir# to create intangi1le assets are e(pensed as incurred are e(pensed as incurred until tech) feasi1ilit% has 1een esta1lised after that- su1se'uent costs are capitali9ed &osts incurred to deelop s/w for internal use are capitali9ed Tangi1le/intangi1le asset Intangi1le assets Intangi1le assets finite life finite life infinite life Korg decided to hold6for6saleM Kpatents- cop%rightsM goodwill- patents/cop%rights that can 1e renewed at little/no costs e)g) e'uip#ent Depreciation AES777 N@ N@ $#orti9ation N@ AES N@ I#pair#ent when carr%ing alue #a% not 1e recoered with future usage Indication that fir# hasnat recognised enough depr) @r a#ort) e(pense recoera1ilit% test carr%ing al X fairalue6sell cost carr%ing al X Endisc) "uture &"s current carr%ing alue of reporting unit X current fair alue of reporting unit /oss #easure#ent carr%ing al 6 Kfair al 6 sell costM carr%ing al 6 "air al or Disc) &"sgoodwill carr%ing alue 6 goodwill i#plied alue I#pair#ent reduces carr%ing alue- and is recogni9ed as loss in Inco#e state#ent) Re*er!%n2 an %1$a%r1en4 +#!! I#pair#ent Oust liFe a#orti9ation- depreciation has no i#pact on &") Ender G$$P- recoeries are allowed for assets held for sale 1ut not for assets held for use or goodwill $dditionall% there are no ta( saings fro# an i#pair#ent until asset is sold IN<OME T&MES =228- Ta(a1le inco#e and accounting inco#e are different 1ecause of differences in ta( laws and accounting principles Ta(es pa%a1le ^deried fro#^ Ta(a1le inco#e RTa, E,$en!eR re#2n%Je7 %n In#1e S414- U!%n2 Ma43%n2 $r%n%$+e - 43%! %!nA4 a4/a+ 4a, $a%7 Cenera+ r/+e" Ta(a1le inco#e is directl% linFed to cash6in and cash6out) $ccounting inco#e depends on ^earning of reenue^ and #atching e(penses Kcarr%ing alue 6 ta( 1aseMNta( rate create DT/ &alculate &arr%ing alue 6 Ka#ount of asset/lia1ilit% that will 1e deducted fro# ta(a1le inco#e in futureM e)g) ta( 1ase 8 depreciated alue of the asset Kcarr%ing alue 6 ta( 1aseMNta( rate create DT$ if ta( 1ase X carr%ing alue DT/ is created e)g) Y.+F adance p#t) &arr%alue of lia1ilit% 8 .+F) Since a#ount collected is ta(ed when receied- a#ount that wonQt 1e ta(ed in future 8 .+F as- that will 1e ta(ed now) 8X ta( 1ase 8 .+F6.+F 8 +) Therefore DT$ 8 K.+F6+MNt Deferre7 Ta, &!!e4" Ta(a1le inco#e X $ccounting inco#e i)e reenue ta(ed 1efore recognition Ta( pa%a1le X Ta( E(pense &osts incurred to 7e*e+#$ !#f4Gare for ^others^ Ta, ba!e #f an a!!e4 K a#ount ta( deducti1le or a#ount that will not 1e ta(ed in future Ta, ba!e #f a +%ab%+%45 K carr%ing a#ount 6 Ka#ount ta( deducti1le or a#ount that will not 1e ta(ed in futureM When reenue is ta(a1le 1efore it is recogni9ed in inco#e state#ent Deferre7 Ta, L%ab%+%45" Ta(a1le inco#e Z $ccounting inco#e i)e) reenue recogni9ed 1efore 1eing ta(ed Ta( pa%a1le Z Ta( E(pense DT/ that are not e(pected to reerse- t%picall% 1ecause of e(pected continued growth in capital e(penditures- should 1e treated as e'uit% $1oe holds if DT/ and DT$ are e(pected to reerse in future I1$a4 #f 4a, ra4e 3an2e!" increase in ta( rate will increase DT$ and DT/ and ice6ersa 8X this will i#pact IT E(pense as per a1oe e'uation assu#ing ta(es pa%a1le re#ain sa#e Va+/a4%#n a++#Gane" =#n4ra-a#/n4? DT$ are assessed to deter#ine liFelihood of sufficient future inco#e to recoer ta( assets DT$ is reduced 1% ^Jaluation allowance^ if it is #ore liFel% that so#e or all of DT$ will not 1e reali9ed increases ta( e(pense and reduces $sset Ender ES G$$P- DT$ and DT/ are not netted I#pact of ta( rate change DT//DT$ adOusted accordingl% and ta( e(pense calculated accordingl% LONC-TERM LI&DILITIES &ND LE&SES =253 - This is the interest that inestor wants 1ased on the credit6worthiness of the issuer and a nu#1er of other para#eters calculated 1% #ultipl%ing 1ooF alue of the 1ond with the #arFet rate of interest &4 $ar %!!/ane" &4 7%!#/n4 !arFet rate 8 &oupan rate !arFet rate X &oupan rate Cond proceeds Klia1ilit%M 8 "ace alue Cond proceeds Klia1ilit%M Z "ace alue Interest e(pense 8 &oupan rate Interest e(pense X Interest paid Difference added to lia1ilit% .an7+%n2 <a!3f+#G! /ia1ilit% increase oer ti#e Issue proceeds as &"" @n !aturit%- lia1ilit% 8 face alue Interest paid as &"@ Interest e(pense increase oer ti#e :epa%#ent as &"" T3%nF 7%!#/n4 a! #!4 #f b#rr#G%n2 DS I1$a4 $t issuance- 1oth $sset and /ia1ilit% increase 1% 1ond proceeds &4 an5 $#%n4 %n 4%1eH b##F *a+/e #f b#n7 +%ab%+%45 G%++ a+Ga5! e@/a+ $re!en4 *a+/e #f 43e re1a%n%n2 f/4/re a!3f+#G! 7%!#/n4e7 a4 1arFe4 ra4e #f %n4ere!4 "ace0 .+++S .+= coupon- ..= #arFetS > %ears) PJ 8 ,B5 Cond at discount &!!e4 L%ab%+%45 In#1e S4a4e1en4 . 1ond sold ,B5 ,B5 ref) e() Spg*>, * a %ear later lia1ilit% up 1% discount a#ort) interest e(pense 8 If not for so#e reason- DTL %! #n*er4e7 4# e@/%45 an7 DT& %! Gr%44en-#ff Da+anae !3ee4 +%ab%+%45 #f a b#n7 =b##F *a+/e? is the ne4 $re!en4 *a+/e of all the future cashflows Kcoupan p#ts) U face alue at #aturit%M discounted at #arFet rate &oupan pa%#ent is 1ased on 1ondQs interest rate called #/$an ra4e) &alculated 1% #ultipl%ing face alue with the coupan rate Interest e(pense is 1ased on 1arFe4 ra4e >), ,B5N).. 8 interest paid U a#ort 8 .+>), 5 a %ear later lia1ilit% up 1% discount a#ort) interest e(pensed 8 B)>4 ,B?),N).. 8 interest paid U a#ort 8 .+B)>4 Le!!#r *%eG Sa+e!-45$e +ea!e =a!!e4 <OCS K 8F? SD%re4 f%nan%n2 %f <OCS K 1)F an7 n# 2r#!! $r#f%4T $sset .) asset re#oed /ease reciea1le .+F *) lease pa%#ent receied reduce lease receia1le 6.B5? &"@ 8 O$era4%n2 +ea!e $sset . .+6*F Going concern 1asis 6 fir# will continue to e(ist $ccrual 1asis 6 effect of transactions on financial condition and inco#e are recorded when the% occur- not when the% are settled in cash !atching principle 6 e(pesnes to generate reenue are recogni9ed in the sa#e period as the reenue 1% the sa#e principle- long6ter# assets are a#orti9ed- depreciated oer the period asset is supposed to generate econo#ic 1enefits !D$0 assess#ent of perf) $nd condition of co#pan% fro# #g#t) perspectie Pro(% state#ents0 discussion oer financial results- sales/e(penses/cashflow trends issued to shareholders when ote is re'uired discussion oer unusual/infre'uent eents "low of accounting entries In addition to !D$- fir#s release 'uarter/se#i6annual reports Knot auditedM Oournal entires record eer% entr% in order of dates En'ualified opinion0 state#ents are correct general ledger sorts 1% accounts Qualified opinion0 e(ceptions e(ist initial trial 1alance is created to show current 1alances which are then adOusted $derse opionion0 #aterial non6confor#ance to standards Enearned reenue when cash receied and serices not deliered In*en4#r59<OCS" /I"@- "I"@- Weighted aerage Ender I":S- /I"@ not allowed De$re%a4%#n - f#r +#n2-4er1 a!!e4! !ethods 1elow used when contracts e(tend 1e%ond one accounting periodPgenerall% construction proOects straight6line 8 Kcost6resid) Jal)/ useful lifeM declining 1alance 8 Kcost 6 accu#ulated deprM/useful life dou1le declining 1alance 8 * N Kcost 6 accu#ulated deprM/useful life decl) 1al) applies constant rate of depr) to assets current 1ooF alue Ender I":S- e(penses- reenue to the e(tent of e(penses recognised as incurred- profits at proOect co#pletion straight6line #ethod used #ostl% Dar4er 4ran!a4%#n!" can 1e recogni9ed at fair alue onl% if fir# has rcd) pa%#ents historicall% and fir# can esta1lish a fair alue 1ased on that e(perience In#1e S4a4e1en4 :eenue/Net Sales &@GS Cr#!! ;r#f%4 Selling- G;$ costs :;D &osts Depriciation- a#orti9ation costs rental/lease O$era4%n2 ;r#f%4 K EDIT =earn%n2! bef#re %n4ere!4H 4a,? reported on 1alance sheet at fair alue- reported directl% in share6holderQs e'uit% as other co#prehensie inco#e Interest e(pense In#1e bef#re Ta, K EDT Ta( In#1e fr#1 #n4%n/%n2 #$era4%#n! apart fro# accrual principle- when collection is reasona1l% sure and price is deter#ina1le = co#pletion w)r)t) costs) > #1$+e4%#nK K=cost incurredM / total proOect cost In4an2%b+e a!!e4!" a#orti9ation is allocation of intangi1le assets liFe patents- trade#arFs- licenses oer useful life occurs when fir# finances a sale and pa%#ents are e(pected oer an e(tended period 2##7G%++ - tested for i#pair#ent annuall% and the i#pair#ent a#ount is recogni9ed in inco#e state#ent Inesting 2a%n! Ke)g) /I"@ to "I"@M re'uires retrospectie application ie) restate#ents of prior state#ents Enusual ite#s K2a%n! on sale of assets or part of 1usinessM is applied prospectiel% and doesnQt re'uire restate#ents of prior stat#eentsPe)g) change in esti#ated life of an asset Infre'uent Ite#s K%1$a%r1en4H Earnings/losses fro# discontinued operation Knet of ta(M 8 [Net Inco#e 6 preferred diidends\ U [con) Prefd) Shares Diidend\ U [con) De1t interest K. 6 ta( rateM \ E(traordinar% ite#s 6 #aterial transaction that is 1oth unusual and infre'uent Knet of ta(M e)g) uninsured lossed- earl% long6ter# de1t retire#ent Ne4 In#1e 6 Diidends con) Shares di / con) Prefd) Shares Z Casic EPS U other co#prehensie inco#e con) De1t interest K. 6 ta( rateM /shares fro# con) De1t Z 1asic EPS K.6 striFe price/aerage share priceM N N X + i)e if the option is in6the6#one% aerage price and not %ear6end price taFen into account while ealuating anti6dilutie nature of options #onth aeraging is done een with pref) shares- con) Shares- and warrants $ssets created 1% operating actiities Ke)g) generating net inco#eM- inesting actiities Kpurchasing #fg) e'uip#entM- financing actiities Kissuing de1t- e'uit%M authori9ed shares0 no) of shares that #a% 1e sold under fir#Qs article of incorporation K)e)g) CSN/ decided to gie awa% .+= e'uit%M issued shares0 shares actuall% issued to shareholders outstanding shares0 issued shares 6 shares ac'uired Ktreasur% stocFM $&&@ENT "@:!$T Kin report for#at- asset- lia1ilities- ownersQ e'uit% are all presented in one colu#nM &SSET LI&DILITIES &E::ENT $SSET &E::ENT /I$CI/ITIES cash a/c pa%a1les inentor% operating lia1s) Kta(es- wagesM a/c receia1les unearned reenue prepaid e(penses accrued e(penses trading securities notes- 1onds pa%a1les current inest#ents Ktrading securitiesM current portion of long ter# de1t accrued reenue $:@ lia1ilit% N@N &E::ENT $SSET N@N &E::ENT /I$CI/ITIES PPE long ter# de1ts Intangi1le assets pension lia1ilities $aila1le for sale "air alue %es KdiidendsM #inorit% interest %es Kother co#p) inco#eM O$era4%n2 f" %nf+#G!9#/4f+#G! #f a!3 re!/+4%n2 fr#1 4ran!a4%#n! affe%n2 ne4 %n#1e =C&&;? Inf+#G O/4f+#G cash collection fro# custo#ers cash paid to e#plo%ees and suppliers interest and diidends earned cash paid for other operating e(penses KSG;$- selling etc)M sale proceeds fro# trading securities ac'uisition of trading securities Weighted $g) co##) shares outstanding U [con) Prefd) Shares\ U [shares fro# con) De1t\ U [NET &DDNL- stocF options/warrant shares\ liFel% to 1e conerted to cash- o1ligations satisfied resp) within one %ear or one reporting c%cle whicheer is greater re$#r4e7 a4 +#Ger #f #!4 #r ne4 rea+%Jab+e *a+/e e(cess of purchase price oer fair alue if identifia1le assets and lia1ilities in the eent of 1usiness acuisition Sale of inentor% Interest- ta( paid %n*e!4%n2 a!3f+#G" %nf+#G!9#/4f+#G! #f a!3 re!/+4%n2 fr#1 a@/%!%4%#n #r 7%!$#!a+ #f +#n2-4er1 a!!e4! an7 er4a%n %n*e!41en4! ac'uisition of fi(ed assets e)g) PPE- intangi1le assets ac'uisition of de1t and e'uit% inest#ents principal receied on loans #ade to others /oans #ade to others Indirect #ethod0 net inco#e conerted to operating cashflow 1% #aFing adOust#ents for transactions f%nan%n2 a!3f+#G" %nf+#G!9#/4f+#G! #f a!3 re!/+4%n2 fr#1 4ran!a4%#n! affe4%n2 a f%r1A! a$%4a+ !4r/4/re principal a#ount of de1t issued principal paid on de1t proceeds fro# issuing stocF pa%#ents to reac'uire stocF diidends paid to shareholders T#4a+ a!3f+#G K <FO U <FI U <FF K <3an2e %n a!3 $#!%4%#n be4Geen 4G# ba+ane !3ee4! While calculating &"s- Feep a tracF of ite#s taFen care of in Calance sheet and inco#e state#ents) Cest is to segregate operating- financing- inesting actiities first Un7er %n7%re4 1e43#7" fro# Inco#e state#ent start with Net Inco#e UNI U N&& Knon6cash chargesM 6 Kgains fro# InestingM 6 increase in assets U increase in lia1ilities fro# Inco#e state#ent reduce gains resulting fro# inesting- financing cashflows e)g) gains on land sale fro# Inco#e state#ent fro# Calance sheet adOust changes to operating accounts e)g) fro# Calance sheet add increase in operating lia1ilities fro# Calance sheet add increase in accounts pa%a1les fro# Calance sheet si#ilarl% looF for differences in others operating accounts) operating accounts include- receia1les- inentor% and pa%a1les In7%re4 4# 7%re4 <FO #n*er!%#n re'uires inco#e state#ents and state#ents of cashflows under indirect #ethod <a!3 #++e4%#n fr#1 /!4#1er!" fro# Inco#e state#ent U net sales Ese U for net sales fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in unearned reenue fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod 6 increase in accounts receia1les 1% wa% of change in operating assets e)g inentor% <a!3 $a51en4 4# !/$$+%er!" fro# inco#e state#ent 6 &@GS Kwithout depreciation- write6offsM Ese 6 for &@GS fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod 6 increase in inentor% fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in accounts pa%a1les for the rest- follow si#ple rule0 increase of assets 8X use of cash increase in lia1ilit% 8X source of cash <a!3 O$era4%n2 E,$en!e! fro# inco#e state#ent 6 SG;$ fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in accrued e(penses fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod 6 increase in prepaid e(penses <a!3 Wa2e! fro# inco#e state#ent 6 Wages fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in wages pa%a1le <a!3 %n4ere!4 fro# inco#e state#ent 6 Interest sale proceeds fro# fi(ed assets e)g) PPE K%n+/7%n2 2a%n!M sale proceeds fro# de1t and e'uit% inest#ents =%n+/7%n2 2a%n!? a!3f+#G! f#r a$%4a+%Ja4%#n i)e) creating asset that can proide econo#ic 1enefits later N#n-a!3 inesting- financing- operating transactions Ki)e) Gr%4e#ffH a1#r4H 7e$r%%a4%#nM are not reported in cashflow state#ent since the% donQt inole in/outflow of cash e)g) e(change of de1t with e'uit% a77 a#orti9ation- depriciation as such are non6cash ite#s fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in interest pa%a1le <a!3 Ta, fro# inco#e state#ent 6 Ta( fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in Ta( pa%a1le fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod U increase in deferred ta( lia1iliti% fro# 1alance sheet/indirect #ethod 6 increase in deferred ta( asset :eiew page .5.- .5* 6 good su##ar% of 1alance sheet- inco#e state#ent If a ratio has 1alancesheet ite# and inco#e st#t) Ite#- 1alance sheet ite# will 1e in deno#inator reiew current /s non6currentS lia1ilities /s e'uit%- current/long6ter# lia1ilities coerage- ratio- turnoer ite# would alwa%s 1e in deno#inator e)g) interest coerage ratio 8 ECIT/interest paid In #ost of the ratios- wheneer a 1alancesheet ite# is co#pared against inco#e state#ent ite# /ooF at perfor#ance ratios- coerage ratios as well it is aeraged instead of si#pl% %ear6end 1alance L%@/%7%45 ra4%#! =a!!e4 *9! +%ab%+%4%e!? - +%ab%+%4%e! %n 7en#1%na4#r &4%*%45 ra4%#! =G-r-4- re!$e4%*e a#/n4! re*en/e? #easures of li'uidit%- a1ilit% to satisf% short6ter# o1ligations asset utili9ation or turnoer ratios & Q & Kcurrent 'uicF cashM S#+*en5 Ra4%#! =G-r-4- 4#4a+ e@/%45? =7eb4 %n n#1%na4#r? Ce aware that aerages need to 1e used #easures financial risF and leerage ;r#f%4ab%+%45 ra4%#! =G-r-4- re*en/e!? how well #g#t) is conerting effort into profits D/$#n4 !5!4e1 #f ana+5!%! 8 Knet profit #arginMNKasset turnoerMN/eerage ratio 8 Kreturn on assetsMN/eerage ratio reiew .34pg e(a#ple 8 Knet Inco#e/ECTMNKECT/ECITMN KECIT/reenueMNKreenue/assetMNK$ssets/Total E'uit%M 8 Kta( 1urdenMNKinterest 1urdenMNKECIT #arginMNKasset turnoerMN/eerage ratio net ino#e/ECT 8 . 6 ta( rate :: 8 retention rate If :@E is low 8X either poor profit #argin- poor asset turnoer- or too little leerage 8 Knet Inco#e al) To co##on 6 diidend declaredM / net Inco#e al) To co##on </rren4 ra4%# 8 current assets/current lia1ilities ree%*ab+e! 4/rn#*er B/%F ra4%# 8 KcashU#arFeta1le securities U receia1lesM/current lia1ilities %n*en4#r5 4/rn#*er 8 &@GS / aerage inentor% <a!3 ra4%# 8 KcashU#arFeta1le securitiesM/current lia1ilities ;a5ab+e 4/rn#*er 8 purchases / aerage pa%a1le a!!e4 4/rn#*er 8 reenue/total asset L#n2 4er1 7eb4-4#-e@/%45 8 long6ter# de1t/total e'uit% Deb4-4#-a$%4a+ 8 total de1t / total de1t U ownerQs e'uit% 7eb4 ra4%# 8 total de1t / total asset 2r#!! $r#f%4 1ar2%n 8 Gross profit/reenue Deb4 4# e@/%45 8 total de1t/total e'uit% #$era4%n2 $r#f%4 1ar2%n F%nan%a+ +e*era2e ra4%# 8 total asset/total e'uit% ne4 $r#f%4 1ar2%n 8 net inco#e/reenue In4ere!4 #*era2e 8 earnings 1efore interest and ta(esKECITM / interest pa%#ents re4/rn #n a!!e4 =RO&? re4/rn #n 4#4a+ a$%4a+ =ROT<? re4/rn #n e@/%45 =ROE? Re4/rn #n E@/%45 8 Net Inco#e/ E'uit% 8 KNet Inco#e/:eenueMNK:eenue/$ssetMNK$ssets/Total E'uit%M re4/rn #n #11#n e@/%45 =RO<E? 2r#G43 ra4e 2 8 :: N :@E re#e#1er as e'uit% 6X asset 6X turnoer 6X net inco#e 8 . 6 diidend pa%out ratio for > point- NI/:eenue is 1roFen down further Feeping NI Z ECT Z ECIT Z :eenue in #ind 8 . 6 Diidend/Earning re1e1ber" LIFO <OCSH FIFO %n*en4#r5 %-e- LIFO <OCS are 3%23er G3en $r%e! are #n 43e /$ FIFO low &@GS- high inentor% Kthan replace#ent costM- high inco#e- low cashflow Inentor% reported lower of cost or Net :eali9a1le Jalue 8 esti#ated sale price 6 selling costs proides 1etter Calance Sheet as inentor% is 1ased on recent costs Inentor% reported lower of cost or !arFet alueP#arFet cost is the replace#ent cost LIFO high &@GS- low inentor% Kthan replace#ent costM- low inco#e- high cashflows N:J 6 nor#al profit Z !arFet Jalue Z N:J proides 1etter inco#e state#ent as &@GS are 1ased on recent costs as /I"@ inentor% is liFel% to 1e lesser than #arFet alue- inentor% write6downs are less liFel% in /I"@ inentor% is written down 1% Kcost 6 inentor% alueM Inentor% can 1e written up to the e(tent of preious write6down &onerting /I"@ to "I"@ reiew e(a#ples on .43 "I"@ Inentor% 8 /I"@ Inentor% U /I"@ :esere Inentor% turnoer 8 &@GS / a) inentor% $dOust :HS 1% increase ta( lia1ilit% 8 /I"@ :esereNta( rate No- of inentor% da%s 8 5B>/inentor% turnoer Increase @wnerQs e'uit% 1% /I"@ :esereK.6ta( rateM High turnoer- and lower reenue growth 8X insufficient inentor% "I"@ &@GS 8 /I"@ &@GS 6 increase in /I"@ :esere /ow turnoer and lower reenue growth 8X o1solete inentor% this i#plies higher profit #argins and higher inco#e ta(es @1iousl%- fir#s can increase earnings- profits 1% li'uidating older inentor% howeer- this canQt continue foreer Ne4 In#1e <a!3f+#G! Higher during capitali9ation period During capitali9ation period /ower after capitali9ation period as cost is reported as &"I out- Inesting cashflow is lower S3are3#+7erA! e@/%45 at the sa#e ti#e- since e(penses are not repoted- &"@ is higher Higher during capitali9ation period $fter capitali9ation period /ower after capitali9ation period &"I and &"@ re#ain sa#e as depreciation or a#orti9ation are non6cashflow ite#s reiew e(a#ple on *++ as interest is e(pensed- there wonQt 1e Y> depreciation Sa+e9e,3an2e #f +#n2-+%*e7 a!!e4! gain/loss accounted as &" inesting 8 sale price 6 carr%ing alue K8 original price 6 acc) DepreciationM e() Goodwill- patent/licences that donQt hae finite life as those could 1e renewed w/o or at low cost canQt 1e aoided een with .++= efficienc%- and are directl% linFed to ^creating product^ LIFO L%@/%7a4%#n occurs when /I"@ fir#Qs inentor% 'uantities decline) In this situation- older inentor% i)e) lower costs for# part of &@GS per G$$P- if /I"@ is used for accounting- sa#e should 1e used for ta( purposes $ssets whose econo#ic 1enefits are e(pected 1e%ond one accounting period) &ost of long6lied assets #ust 1e #atched with the reenues it generates oer a period of ti#e) Such allocation of cost is called <a$%4a+%Ja4%#n 7e+a5! e,$en!%n2- Its effect on0 With so#e e(ceptions- costs incurred 1% the fir# to create intangi1le assets are e(pensed as incurred &!!e4 Re4%re1en4 Ob+%2a4%#n! Intangi1le assets $ssets that cause eniron#ental da#age e)g) nuclear power plants- plants generating to(ic waste etc) Trea41en4 a!!e4 goodwill- patents/cop%rights that can 1e renewed at little/no costs ST$:T WITH Disc) PJ $DVEST EJE:A A: 6 depr) "or anal%tical purposes- treat $:@ sa#e as de1t this will increase solenc% ratios liFe de1t ratio- de1t6to6e'uit% ratio etc) current carr%ing alue of reporting unit X current fair alue of reporting unit goodwill carr%ing alue 6 goodwill i#plied alue Re*er!%n2 an %1$a%r1en4 +#!! Ender G$$P- recoeries are allowed for assets held for sale 1ut not for assets held for use or goodwill Ta(a1le inco#e and accounting inco#e are different 1ecause of differences in ta( laws and accounting principles D%fferene %n Ta,ab+e an7 &#/n4e7 In#1e %! a/!e7 b5" ti#ing differences of reenue and e(pense recognition in inco#e state#ent and ta( return RTa, E,$en!eR re#2n%Je7 %n In#1e S414- U!%n2 Ma43%n2 $r%n%$+e - 43%! %!nA4 a4/a+ 4a, $a%7 certain reenue and e(penses are recogni9ed in inco#es st#t) Cut neer on ta( or ice6ersa different carr%ing alues and ta( 1ases of assets/lia1ilities) Generall% 1ecause of difference in depreciation #ethods gain/loss recognition differences ta( losses fro# preious periods #a% offset future ta(a1le inco#e financial state#ent adOust#ents i#pair#ent is recogni9ed as an e(pense howeer ta( isnQt deducti1le till asset is sold &alculate &arr%ing alue 6 Ka#ount of asset/lia1ilit% that will 1e deducted fro# ta(a1le inco#e in futureM these donQt create DT$ or DT/ caused 1% reenue/e(penses that arenQt ta(a1le/deducti1le effe4%*e 4a, ra4e K 4a, e,$en!e9EDT statutor% ta( rate 6 ta( rate of Ourisdiction a1oe two could 1e different when fir# operates in #ore than one geographies e)g) Y.+F adance p#t) &arr%alue of lia1ilit% 8 .+F) Since a#ount collected is ta(ed when receied- a#ount that wonQt 1e ta(ed in future 8 .+F in general caused 1ecause different depreciation #ethods are used for ta( return and inco#e state#ent either results in future ta(a1le inco#e or e(pected future ta( deductions In addition- accretion e(penses are treated as interest ;er1ane4 7%fferene - difference 1etween ta(a1le inco#e and inco#e state#ent that will not reerese in future carr%ing a#ount 6 Ka#ount ta( deducti1le or a#ount that will not 1e ta(ed in futureM Te1$#rar5 7%fferene - diff) 1etween ta( 1ase and carr%ing alue leading to either ta(a1le or deducti1le a#ounts in future DT/ that are not e(pected to reerse- t%picall% 1ecause of e(pected continued growth in capital e(penditures- should 1e treated as e'uit% DT$ is reduced 1% ^Jaluation allowance^ if it is #ore liFel% that so#e or all of DT$ will not 1e reali9ed This is the interest that inestor wants 1ased on the credit6worthiness of the issuer and a nu#1er of other para#eters &4 an5 $#%n4 %n 4%1eH b##F *a+/e #f b#n7 +%ab%+%45 G%++ a+Ga5! e@/a+ $re!en4 *a+/e #f 43e re1a%n%n2 f/4/re a!3f+#G! 7%!#/n4e7 a4 1arFe4 ra4e #f %n4ere!4 In#1e S4a4e1en4 ref) e() Spg*>, Handling 9ero coupon 1onds interest e(pense 8 + of all the future cashflows Kcoupan p#ts) U face alue at #aturit%M discounted at #arFet rate ) &alculated 1% #ultipl%ing face alue with the coupan rate ,B5N).. 8 interest paid U a#ort 8 .+>), .+>), no interest e(pense onl% a#ort) E(pense hence &"@ is higher interest e(pensed 8 + ,B?),N).. 8 interest paid U a#ort 8 .+B)>4 .+B)>4 Le!!ee *%eG Sa+e!-45$e +ea!e =a!!e4 <OCS K 8F? SD%re4 f%nan%n2 %f <OCS K 1)F an7 n# 2r#!! $r#f%4T /ia1ilit% E(pense/:eenue :ecognition reenue recogni9ed 8 .+F . asset and lia1ilit% increased 1% .+F &@GS 6X 6?F * b. %r end asset depreciated 1% .+/> 8 *F- lia1ilit% reduced 1% principal a#ount reduce lease receia1le interest rcd) 8 .F 8X &"@ 8 6.+++ on account of interest &"" 8 6.B5? on account of reduction in lia1ilit% ECIT 8 6*FS Net Inco#e 8 65F O$era4%n2 +ea!e a+/+a4%#n! E(pense/:eenue recognition Depr 8 6*F 8X &"@ 8 6*B5?S ECIT 8 6*B5?S Net Inco#e 8 6*B5? rental inco#e 8 *B5? $t the end of the da%- total interest paid U total principal paid will 1e e'ual to rental paid F%na%n2 +ea!e K.+F worth of e'uip#ent for > %ears b .+= interest 8X *B5? E!IM 1% the sa#e principle- long6ter# assets are a#orti9ed- depreciated oer the period asset is supposed to generate econo#ic 1enefits issued to shareholders when ote is re'uired Oournal entires record eer% entr% in order of dates initial trial 1alance is created to show current 1alances which are then adOusted De$re%a4%#n - f#r +#n2-4er1 a!!e4! straight6line 8 Kcost6resid) Jal)/ useful lifeM declining 1alance 8 Kcost 6 accu#ulated deprM/useful life dou1le declining 1alance 8 * N Kcost 6 accu#ulated deprM/useful life decl) 1al) applies constant rate of depr) to assets current 1ooF alue straight6line #ethod used #ostl% can 1e recogni9ed at fair alue onl% if fir# has rcd) pa%#ents historicall% and fir# can esta1lish a fair alue 1ased on that e(perience Cr#!! ;r#f%4 period costs liFe G;$ costs are accounted for in the period incurred and are not tied to reenue recognition e)g) rentals Depriciation- a#orti9ation costs O$era4%n2 ;r#f%4 K EDIT =earn%n2! bef#re %n4ere!4H 4a,? In#1e bef#re Ta, K EDT In#1e fr#1 #n4%n/%n2 #$era4%#n! a#orti9ation is allocation of intangi1le assets liFe patents- trade#arFs- licenses oer useful life tested for i#pair#ent annuall% and the i#pair#ent a#ount is recogni9ed in inco#e state#ent Enusual ite#s K2a%n! on sale of assets or part of 1usinessM Infre'uent Ite#s K%1$a%r1en4H write6offs- restructuring costsM Earnings/losses fro# discontinued operation Knet of ta(M E(traordinar% ite#s 6 #aterial transaction that is 1oth unusual and infre'uent Knet of ta(M e)g) uninsured lossed- earl% long6ter# de1t retire#ent Ne4 In#1e indicator of organisationsQ future earnings 6 Diidends U other co#prehensie inco#e unrealised gains/losses unreali9ed hedging- fore( gains pension lia1ilit gains authori9ed shares0 no) of shares that #a% 1e sold under fir#Qs article of incorporation K)e)g) CSN/ decided to gie awa% .+= e'uit%M issued shares0 shares actuall% issued to shareholders outstanding shares0 issued shares 6 shares ac'uired Ktreasur% stocFM $&&@ENT "@:!$T Kin report for#at- asset- lia1ilities- ownersQ e'uit% are all presented in one colu#nM OWNERAS EBUITY &@NT:ICETED &$PIT$/ @: &$PIT$/ ST@&K UUUU $DDITI@N$/ P$ID6IN &$PIT$/ Kin e(cess of parM UUUU :ET$INED E$:NINGS 88888 CEGINNNING :ET$INED E$:NINGS U :EJENEE 6 EDPENSES 6 DIJIDENDS current portion of long ter# de1t UUUU @THE: &@!P:EHENSIJE IN&@!E 88888 unrealised gains 666666 T:E$SE:A ST@&K no oting rights- no diidends #inorit% interest captured either as lia1ilit% or #e99annine section S4a4e1en4 #f 3an2e %n #GnerA! e@/%45 Endign 1alance 8 1eginning 1alance U retained earnings KNet Inco#e 6 diidendsM U other co#prehensie ino#e 6 issuance/repurchage of co##on stocFs cash paid to e#plo%ees and suppliers cash paid for other operating e(penses KSG;$- selling etc)M %n*e!4%n2 a!3f+#G" %nf+#G!9#/4f+#G! #f a!3 re!/+4%n2 fr#1 a@/%!%4%#n #r 7%!$#!a+ #f +#n2-4er1 a!!e4! an7 er4a%n %n*e!41en4! ac'uisition of fi(ed assets e)g) PPE- intangi1le assets ac'uisition of de1t and e'uit% inest#ents f%nan%n2 a!3f+#G" %nf+#G!9#/4f+#G! #f a!3 re!/+4%n2 fr#1 4ran!a4%#n! affe4%n2 a f%r1A! a$%4a+ !4r/4/re While calculating &"s- Feep a tracF of ite#s taFen care of in Calance sheet and inco#e state#ents) Cest is to segregate operating- financing- inesting actiities first UNI U N&& Knon6cash chargesM 6 Kgains fro# InestingM 6 increase in assets U increase in lia1ilities reduce gains resulting fro# inesting- financing cashflows e)g) gains on land sale as non cash ite#s donQt lead to cash outflow and it does get su1tracted while co#puting NI- this needs to 1e added 1acF to get &"@ $sset increase 8X use of cash /ia1ilit% increase 8X source of cash re'uires inco#e state#ents and state#ents of cashflows under indirect #ethod for the rest- follow si#ple rule0 increase of assets 8X use of cash increase in lia1ilit% 8X source of cash a!3f+#G! f#r a$%4a+%Ja4%#n i)e) creating asset that can proide econo#ic 1enefits later M are not reported in cashflow state#ent since the% donQt inole in/outflow of cash e)g) e(change of de1t with e'uit% &1#r4%Ja4%#n" for intangi1le assets liFe licenses- patents- trade#arFs etc) If a ratio has 1alancesheet ite# and inco#e st#t) Ite#- 1alance sheet ite# will 1e in deno#inator coerage- ratio- turnoer ite# would alwa%s 1e in deno#inator e)g) interest coerage ratio 8 ECIT/interest paid In #ost of the ratios- wheneer a 1alancesheet ite# is co#pared against inco#e state#ent ite# it is aeraged instead of si#pl% %ear6end 1alance &4%*%45 ra4%#! =G-r-4- re!$e4%*e a#/n4! re*en/e? If turnoer ratios are for a 'uarter- instead of 5B> use ,.)*> asset utili9ation or turnoer ratios no) of da%s pa%a1le 8 5B> / pa%a1le turnoer a!3 #n*er!%#n 5+e K Ce aware that aerages need to 1e used DS@ U Da%s of inentor% on hold 6 No) of da%s of pa%a1les ;r#f%4ab%+%45 ra4%#! =G-r-4- re*en/e!? #argins relatie to reenue how well #g#t) is conerting effort into profits reiew .34pg e(a#ple :: 8 retention rate 8 Knet Inco#e al) To co##on 6 diidend declaredM / net Inco#e al) To co##on ree%*ab+e! 4/rn#*er 8 annual sales / aerage receia1les 7a5! !a+e! #/4!4an7%n2 8 5B> / receia1les turnoer %n*en4#r5 4/rn#*er 8 &@GS / aerage inentor% 7a5! #f %n*en4#r5 #n 3an7 8 5B> / inentor% turnoer ;a5ab+e 4/rn#*er 8 purchases / aerage pa%a1le a!!e4 4/rn#*er 8 reenue/total asset 2r#!! $r#f%4 1ar2%n 8 Gross profit/reenue #$era4%n2 $r#f%4 1ar2%n 8 operating profitKECITM / reenue K1efore ta( and interestM ne4 $r#f%4 1ar2%n 8 net inco#e/reenue re4/rn #n a!!e4 =RO&? 8 net inco#e / aerage total assets re4/rn #n 4#4a+ a$%4a+ =ROT<? 8 ECIT / total aerage capital re4/rn #n e@/%45 =ROE? 8 net inco#e / total aerage e'uit% re4/rn #n #11#n e@/%45 =RO<E? 8 net inco#e 6diidend / total aerage ^co##on^ e'uit% 2r#G43 ra4e 2 8 :: N :@E 8 . 6 diidend pa%out ratio 8 . 6 Diidend/Earning re1e1ber" LIFO <OCSH FIFO %n*en4#r5 %-e- LIFO <OCS are 3%23er G3en $r%e! are #n 43e /$ low &@GS- high inentor% Kthan replace#ent costM- high inco#e- low cashflow proides 1etter Calance Sheet as inentor% is 1ased on recent costs high &@GS- low inentor% Kthan replace#ent costM- low inco#e- high cashflows proides 1etter inco#e state#ent as &@GS are 1ased on recent costs as /I"@ inentor% is liFel% to 1e lesser than #arFet alue- inentor% write6downs are less liFel% in /I"@ LIFO re!/+4! %n 3%23er <FO bea/!e #f +e!!er 4a,e!- Higher &@GS get 1alanced out 1% lower inentor%) lesser ta(es therefore increase &"@ since inentor% and &@GS 1oth are part of &"@- net gains would 1e 1ecause of ta( saings this i#plies higher profit #argins and higher inco#e ta(es @1iousl%- fir#s can increase earnings- profits 1% li'uidating older inentor% howeer- this canQt continue foreer De$re%a4%#n carr%ing K1ooFM alue 8 historical cost 6 accu#ulated depr) historical cost 8 purchase price U installation U transportation costs !4ra%234 +%ne 1e43#7 Depr e(pense 8 Koriginal cost 6 salage alueM / useful life &e+era4e7 7e$re%a4%#n 1e43#7 higher depreciation initiall%- lesser later on 8X lower net inco#e in earl% %ears Dou1le6declining 1alance #ethod 8 * N carr%ing K1ooFM alue/ useful life salage alue isnQt taFen into account Un%4! #f $r#7/4%#n 1e43#7" ba!e7 #n /!a2e 8 Kcost 6 salage alueM / units produced straight6life for financial reporting- accelerated depr) for ta( reporting in later %ears- when depr) Is less- e(cess ta( paid is reduced fro# deferred ta( lia1ilit% F%,e7 &!!e4 a2e helps anal%st identif% older- less efficient assets helps anal%st forecast significant financing re'uire#ents occurs when /I"@ fir#Qs inentor% 'uantities decline) In this situation- older inentor% i)e) lower costs for# part of &@GS $ssets whose econo#ic 1enefits are e(pected 1e%ond one accounting period) &ost of long6lied assets #ust 1e #atched with the reenues it generates oer a period of ti#e) Such allocation of cost is called a1#r4%Ja4%#nH 7e$re%a4%#n C&&; allows usage of different #ethods for financial reporting and ta( reporting Difference in ta(es captured as 7effere7 4a, +%ab%+%45 aerage age 8 accu#ulated depriciation / annual depr) E(pense a) Depricia1le life 8 original cost / annual depr) E(penses re#aining useful life 8 ending net inest#ent / annual depr) E(penses ending net inest#ent 8 original cost 6 accu#ulated depreciation reiew e(a#ple on *..- *.* $ssets that cause eniron#ental da#age e)g) nuclear power plants- plants generating to(ic waste etc) +%ab%+%45 e,$en!e! Disc) PJ U accretion interest 6 depr 6 accretion interest "or anal%tical purposes- treat $:@ sa#e as de1t this will increase solenc% ratios liFe de1t ratio- de1t6to6e'uit% ratio etc) ti#ing differences of reenue and e(pense recognition in inco#e state#ent and ta( return certain reenue and e(penses are recogni9ed in inco#es st#t) Cut neer on ta( or ice6ersa different carr%ing alues and ta( 1ases of assets/lia1ilities) Generall% 1ecause of difference in depreciation #ethods ta( losses fro# preious periods #a% offset future ta(a1le inco#e i#pair#ent is recogni9ed as an e(pense howeer ta( isnQt deducti1le till asset is sold a1oe two could 1e different when fir# operates in #ore than one geographies in general caused 1ecause different depreciation #ethods are used for ta( return and inco#e state#ent either results in future ta(a1le inco#e or e(pected future ta( deductions In addition- accretion e(penses are treated as interest G3%+e a+/+a4%n2 %n4ere!4 #*era4e ra4%# difference 1etween ta(a1le inco#e and inco#e state#ent that will not reerese in future diff) 1etween ta( 1ase and carr%ing alue leading to either ta(a1le or deducti1le a#ounts in future $ssets /ia1ilit% E(pense :ecognition asset and lia1ilit% increased 1% .+F .+F .+F asset depreciated 1% .+/> 8 *F- lia1ilit% reduced 1% principal a#ount .+6* 8 ?F .+F6.B5? 8 ?5B* depreciation 8 *F interest part of E!I 8 .+++ &"@ 8 6.+++ on account of interest &"" 8 6.B5? on account of reduction in lia1ilit% ECIT 8 6*FS Net Inco#e 8 65F O$era4%n2 +ea!e a+/+a4%#n! rental 8 *B5? KP!T oer > %rs corresponding to PJ 8 .+F- .+= I:M &"@ 8 6*B5?S ECIT 8 6*B5?S Net Inco#e 8 6*B5? $t the end of the da%- total interest paid U total principal paid will 1e e'ual to rental paid F%na%n2 +ea!e K.+F worth of e'uip#ent for > %ears b .+= interest 8X *B5? E!IM E(traordinar% ite#s 6 #aterial transaction that is 1oth unusual and infre'uent Knet of ta(M e)g) uninsured lossed- earl% long6ter# de1t retire#ent as non cash ite#s donQt lead to cash outflow and it does get su1tracted while co#puting NI- this needs to 1e added 1acF to get &"@ DS@ U Da%s of inentor% on hold 6 No) of da%s of pa%a1les C&&; b5 F&SD =r/+e! ba!e7? :egulator% 1od% is SE& Qualities0 releance and relia1ilit% Different o1Oecties for 1usiness and non61usiness st#ts) Eses reenue- e(penses- loss- gain and co#prehensie inco#e as perfor#ance ele#ents rule61ased In#1e !4a4e1en4 re+a4e7 7%fferene!" In co#pleted contract #ethod- costs- reenue- profit not recogni9ed till co#pletion Da+ane !3ee4 re+a4e7 7%fferene!" all allowed) /I"@ preferred 1% #ost ES co#panies Inentor% reported lower of cost or #arFet alue) !inorit% Interest can 1e reported under lia1ilities- e'uit% or #e9annine section <a!3f+#G re+a4e7 7%fferene!" Interest earned/paid reported as operating actiit% Diidend earned reported as operating actiit% Diidend paid reported as financing actiit% Ta( paid for all operating- inesting- financing actiities reported as operating actiit% If fir# uses direct #ethod- adOust#ents necessar% to reconcile net inco#e to cash flow #ust 1e disclosed O43er 7%fferene!" :;D costs are generall% e(pensed as incurred G$$P allows different depriciation #ethods for ta( and financial reporting .+6K0 annual financial state#ents filing- .+6Q0 'uarterl% filing DE" .36$0 pro(% state#ents to shareholders prior to $G! .330 fir# issues certain securities to 'ualified 1u%ers w/o registering securities with SE& "$SC defines asset as a future econo#ic 1enefit) DoesnQt allow upward adOust#ent of assets reenue recogni9ed when KaM reali9ed or reali9a1le and K1M earned $s per G$$P Kin additionM0 reenue recogni9ed when0 KaM eidence of sale 1etween 1u%er and seller K1M product deliered- serices rendered KcM price deter#ined/deter#ina1le KdM seller reasona1l% sure of collecting #one% E(traordinar% ite#s reported separatel% Knet of ta(M after net inco#e fro# continuing operations No write6up allowed) @nl% when asset is held6for6sale- write6up is allowed Ke)g) if inentor% is held for use- write6up isnQt allowedM dealing with a certain situation- political pressures that regulator% 1odies face fro# 1usiness groups co#pan% canQt 1e appropriatel% 'uantified IFRS b5 I&SD =$r%n%$+e! ba!e7? :egulator% 1od%0 "S$ for EK- #an% national regulator% auths) Celong to I@S&@ Qualities0 understanda1ilit%- releance- relia1ilit%- co#para1ilit% sa#e o1Oecties for 1usiness/non61i9) Entities Places #ore e#phasis on going6concern assu#ption inco#e and e(penses as ele#ents of perfor#ance principles61ased uses accrual 1asis reenue recogni9ed upfront upto costs- profit recogni9ed onl% at co#pletion /I"@ not allowed Inentor% reported lower of cost or Net :eali9a1le Jalue 8 esti#ated sales price 6 selling costs write6up allowed onl% to the e(tent of write6downs !inorit% interest reported under E'uit% section interest or diidend earned can 1e reported as operating or inesting actiit% interest or diidend paid can 1e reported as operating or financing actiit% Ta( paid reported separatel% for operating- inesting- financing actiities If fir# uses direct #ethod- adOust#ents necessar% to reconcile net inco#e to cash flow #ust 1e disclosed :esearch costs are e(pensed as incurred) Deelop#ent costs are capitali9ed during deelop#ent phase @1Oecties0 .) protect inestors *) ensure fairness- efficienc% and transparenc% of #arFets 5) reduce s%ste#ic risF ;r%n%$+e!" fair presentation- going concern 1asis- accrual 1asis- consistenc% 1etween periods- #aterialit%- aggregation and no offsetting $sset as a resource fro# which a future econo#ic 1enefit is e(pected) Epward adOust#et allowed to the e(tent of depreciation accounted for preiousl% DoesnQt allow reporting e(traordinar% ite#s separatel% fro# inco#e state#ent net of ta(- after inco#e fro# continued operations I":S re'uires current/non6current for#at unless li'uidit% 61ased presentation is #ore releant Ke)g) 1anFing industr%M dealing with a certain situation- political pressures that regulator% 1odies face fro# 1usiness groups De1an7 E+a!4%%459</r*e !ust read0 pg *. Feeping other things in the s%ste# constant- what additional price reduction will push custo#erKsM to consu#e one #ore ite# also called #arginal 1enefit cure therefore) $ctuall%- it is ^worth^ or ^alue^ cure de#and cure indicates decreasing ^alue^ to consu#ers of additional goods or serices consu#er surplus 8 su# of alue consu#er got with eer% ite# consu#ed Ki)e) su# of #arginal 1enefit he deriedM !INES price he paid for it Perfectl% Elastic De#and0 two identical products aaila1le in #arFet) $n% change in oneQs price will lead to infinite de#and increase of the other and infinite decrease in de#and of one Perfectl% Inelastic De#and0 insulin- a necessit%- De1an7 E+a!4%%45 7e$en7! /$#n" closeness of su1stitute0 #ore su1stitutes 8X high elasticit%- less su1stitutes 8X low elasticit%) proportion of inco#e spent 6 lesser inco#e spent 8X inelastic de#and as consu#ed 'uantit% wouldnQt change #uch ti#e elapsed since last price hiFe0 #ore ti#e 8X #ore ti#e for people to decide upon changingPhence #ore elasticit% as ti#e progresses &ross Elasticit%0 change in price of one leading to change in consu#ption of the other In#1e E+a!4%%45" less = of inco#e going into product 8X product de#and is inelastic as one wouldnQt #ind pa%ing that little e(tra e)g) change in chewing gu# price high = of inco#e going into product 8X product de#and is elastic as people would liFe to switch to so#ething cheaperPe)g) lu(ur% products Necessities are inco#e inelastic $n inferior good shows negatie elasticit% S/$$+5 E+a!4%%459</r*e price at which supplier is willing to suppl% Nth ite# suppl% cure illustrates opportunit% cost of additional units of goods or serices that #ust 1e foregone opportunit% cost of producing additional units of goods increase as #ore and #ore resources are 1id awa% fro# alternatie productie uses !/$$+5 e+a!4%%45 7e$en7! /$#n aaila1le resource su1stitutes0 #ore su1stitutes #ean higher elasticit% as input ite#s are not constrained to produce #ore or with higher efficiencies suppl% decision ti#e fra#e E@/%++%br%/1 $#%n4 till price 1id 1% custo#er `8 price offered 1% supplier- #arginal alue is #ore than the #arginal cost K1efore e'uill pt)M and #arginal alue less than the #arginal cost Kafter e'uill) Pt)M 1e%ond e'uill) Pt)- the alue that consu#er places on the ^other^ good Kgood corresponding to the opportunit% costM is #ore than the alue the% place on the good) 1efore e'uill) Pt- alue that consu#er places on the good is #ore than the alue it places on other serices/goods forgone to produce those goods) de#and cure shows #arginal 1enefit to the societ% and suppl% cure shows #arginal cost to societ% at e'uill) Pt)- #arginal 1enefit for societ% Ki)e) 1enefit to 1oth consu#ers as well as suppliersM is #a(i#ised to understand suppl% and de#and cures fro# societ%Qs #arginal 1enefit and #arginal costPassu#e two parties a consu#er haing infinite power to consu#e arious goods- and a supplier haing infinite capa1ilit% to produce an% good) If %ou hae an o1Oectie to #a(i#i9e 1enefits to 1oth))))it will lead to e'uili1riu# position across all Ender prerfect6#arFet conditions- industr% suppl% cure is also #arginal societal Kopportunit%M cost cure Ob!4a+e! 4# eff%%en4 a++#a4%#n 4# $r#7/4%*e re!#/re!" re!/+4! %n G3ene*er !/$$+597e1an7 /r*e! 7#nA4 4aFe %n4# a#/n4 4#4a+ benef%4 #r 4#4a+ #!4! 4# !#%e45 ;r%e #n4r#+! !/3 a! ;r%e f+##r #r e%+%n2 Ta,e! an7 4ra7e re!4r%4%#n! =e@/%++- 7#e! rea3? #a(i#u# rental or #ini#u# wages are the e(a#ples When #arFets are functioning well- co#petition and allocation of price lead to an efficient allocation of resources- where In capitalist econo#%- each consu#er tries to consu#e the co#1ination of goods that he alues #ost and each producer tries to #a(i#i9e profits fro# production) :esulting in &++#a4%*e eff%%en5 is attaned when allocation of econo#%Qs productie resources leads to production of 'uantities of arious goods that hae total #a(i#u# 1enefit to custo#ers Dea7Ge%234 +#!! - loss to societ% 1ecause of difference in #arginal 1enefit and cost S4a4/4#r5 4a, #n !/$$+%er =#!4 %nrea!e!? +ab#/r 1arFe4" 1%n%1/1 Ga2e! ;G! K 1a,- b+aF 1arFe4 ren4 Qs 8 aaila1le la1our Pws6Pc 8 creates loss 1ecause of house search Qd 8producerQs de#and of la1our at that wage Qd6Qs 8 housing suppl% shortfall Qs6Qd 8 e(cess la1ourers :elatie elasticities of de#and/suppl% cures deter#ine actual incidence of ta( 1etween 1u%er/seller Price ceiling leads to suppl% shorffall and results in0 Deadweight loss resulting in0 whoeer is less elastic will 1ear #ore 1lacF #arFet or first6co#e first sere producers looFing for efficient alternaties /ess elastic suppl%/de#and will also #ean lesser deadweight loss discri#ination fro# supplier resulting in une#plo%#ent reduction in 'ualit% of goods reduction in pleasant/safe worFing conditions and other inefficiencies 1ecause of suppl% shortfall reduction of non6#onetar% 1enefits to la1ourers E,4erna+ #!4! costs i#posed on others that are not taFen into account in production decision e)g) costs i#posed on fisher#en 1% a fir# that pollutes the ocean as part of production process suppl% cure doesnQt reflect ^all the costs^ incurred 1% the ^societ%^ this results in oerallocation of resources 1% the suppliers ;/b+% 2##7! an7 #11#n re!#/re! M#n#$#+5 co##on resources get inefficientl% used KoerusedM single seller) &hooses profit6#a(i#i9ing 'uantit% as there isnQt cost inoled) less than efficient results in oerproduction E,4erna+ benef%4! when de#and cure doesnQt reflect ^total 1enefit^ to societ% consu#ption 1enefits enOo%ed 1% other people in addition to 1u%ers results in e'uilli1riu# 'uantit% 1eing lesser than efficient 'uantit% e)g) deelop#ent of a tropical garden in an industrial co#ple( ETI/IT$:I$N $ND SA!!ET:A P:IN&/E "@&ES @N0 U4%+%4ar%an%!1" =re!/+4-ba!e7? Fa%rne!! $r%n%$+e *a+/e 1a,%1%!e7 G3en ea3 $er!#n #Gn! e@/a+ a1#/n4 #f re!#/re! whether rules of allocation of resources are fair wealth should 1e transferred fro# rich to poor Kresult 1asedM whether results of allocation of resources are fair . eer%oneQs wants and needs are sa#e S3#r4-r/n * #arginal 1enefit of a dollar is greater for a poor than the rich capacit% canQt 1e adOusted 1enefit to poor 1eing #ore than loss to rich 8X #ore is gained than lost production olu#e can 1e controlled 1% la1our adOust#ent this i#plies that the total #arginal 1enefit is greater $r#b+e1!" +e!!er +ab#/r an7 a$%4a+ L#n2-r/n trade6off 1etween fairness and efficienc% resulting fro# cost of e(ecuting wealth transfer all can 1e #odified/leeraged to increase 'uantit% . transfer 1% wa% of higher ta(es will cause the# to worF less- resulting in less than efficient 'uantit% of la1our * higher ta(es will reduce saings) 5 there is ad#in cost inoled in ensuring the transfer ORC&NIEINC ;RODU<TION =;C-5)? &4/a+ In%7ene #f 4a, ;r#f%4 1a,%1%!a4%#n <#n!4ra%ne7 b5 E(plicit &osts . technolog% constraints production cost technolog% defined as #eans of production interest cost additional technolog% resources #eans additional costs I#plicit &osts * infor#ation constraints i#plicit rental Kopportunit% costs to a fir# for using its own capitalM lacF of infor#ation on which to 1ase decisions econo#ic depreciation0 decrease in a fir#Qs asset co9 of TJ! infor#ation has cost associated with it foregone interest0 interest that fir# could hae earned 5 #arFet constraints nor#al profit Kopportunit% costs of ownerQs entrepreneurship e(pertiseM how #uch custo#ers are willing to pa% price and #arFeting actiities of co#petitors $ccounting profit X Econo#ic profit as it accounts onl% for e(plicit costs MarFe4 #nen4ra4%#n 1ea!/re1en4! .erf%n7a3+- .%r!31an %n7e, . 1arFe4 #-#r7%na4%#n =D#-%4-5#/r!e+f a$$r#a3? sig#a K= #arFet shareM s'uare each ingredient picFed fro# indiidual #arFets Z.+++ 8X co#petitie * f%r1 #-#r7%na4%#n .+++6.?++ 8X #oderatel% co#petitie lower transaction costs 6 negotiations costs X.?++ 8X not co#petitie econo#ies of scale 6 a) Enit cost decreases as olu#e increases F#/r-f%r1 #nen4ra4%#n ra4%#" econo#ies of scope 6 when sa#e resources could 1e used to produce a range of serices/goods = reenue of top 3 fir#s w)r)t) industr% econo#ies of tea# production 6 as resources 1eco#e speciali9ed leading to efficiencies Z3+= 8X co#petitie #arFets $ll a1oe lead to fir# co6ordination 1eing #ore efficient than #arFet6coord XB+= 8X oligopol% . pro1le#s defining geographical scope of #arFets * 1arriers to entr% and fir# turnoer in #arFets Kno 1arrier #eans higher co#petitienessM 5 weaF relationship 1etween #arFet and industr% OUT;UT &ND <OSTS =;C-'3? O$$#r4/n%45 <#!4!" return that could hae 1een earned elsewhere E#n#1% ren4 8 reenue 6 [total opportunit% costs 8 area 1elow Suppl% cure\ E#n#1% a4%*%45 can 1e produced 1%0 U!ef/+ne!! of these #easures is li#ited 1ecause0 E#n#1% $r#f%4 %! 1a,%1%!e7 G3en MR K M< ;ERFE<T <OM;ETITION =;C 75? ; O &T< producer fir#s in such #arFets donQt hae an% influence on #arFet prices Short6run profit #a(i#i9ation for a fir# canQt continue for long N !arFet de#and cure #a% not 1e a straight line though ;erfe4 #1$e4%4%#n /ong6run e'uili1riu# output leel for perfectl% co#petitie fir# is0 when entr% 1arrier doesnQt e(ist when !: 8 !& 8 $T& econo#ic profit 8 + which is where $T& is #ini#u# ;r%e-4aFer! are fir#s that canQt decide price on their own therefore- FIRMA! 7e1an7 /r*eN is perfectl% elastic price6taFer #arFet is an e(a#ple of $erfe4 #1$e4%4%#n E#n#1% $r#f%4 =;-&T<? %! 1a,%1%!e7 In !3#r4-r/nH 4# 1ee4 %nrea!e97erea!e %n 7e1an7 fir#s adOust 'uantities 1% increasing/decreasing la1our "or a price taFer- !arginal :eenue 8 Price Kas de#and cure is flatM fir#s earn econo#ic profit if de#and increases "or producers facing downward6facing de#and cures- !: Z P since price #ust 1e reduced in order to sell additional units Nor#al profit reduces if de#and decreases MONO;OLY =$2 88? !onopol% when 1arriers to entr% are high /egal 1arrier patents- licenses- got) approed franchisees etc) Natural 1arrier Knatural #onopol%M when large econo#ies of scale when econo#ies of scope e(ist &! #1$are7 4# $erfe4 #1$e4%4%#nH M#n#$#+5 produces Q#on Z Qpc to clai# consu#er surplus Q#on #a(i#ises profit as !: 8 !& bprice P#on creates deadweight loss w)r)t) perfect co#p) K!& 8 !CM further loss of efficienc% seeFing/esta1lishing P#on Na4/ra+ 1#n#$#+5 G3en" econo#ies of scale are so pronounced that $T& is #ini#i9ed when there is . fir# fi(ed costs are high and #arginal costs are low without regulation- #onopolist will #a(i#i9e profits 1% producing where !: 8 !& Econo#ies of scope can also lead to a #onopol% MONO;OLISTI< <OM;ETITION &ND OLICO;OLY =$2 ((? M#n#$#+%!4% #1$e4%4%#n" F%r1! %n 1#n#$#+%!4% #1$e4%4%#n . large nu#1er of independent sellers face downward6sloping de#and cure each fir# haing s#all #arFet share so none can drie price de#and cures are highl% elastic fir#s need to pa% attention onl% to aerage price not to indiidual co#petitors too #an% fir#s in industr% for collusion Kprice fi(ingM to 1e possi1le * differentiated products each product slightl% different &!!/1%n2 M< K &T< in the 1eginning close su1stitute to others 5 fir#s co#pete on price- 'ualit% and #arFeting 'ualit% is a significant product6differentiating characteristic strong correlation 1etween 'ualit% and price that fir# can charge #arFeting is a #ust to infor# custo#ers a1out productQs KdifferentiatingM attri1s) 3 low 1arriers to entr% fir#s can enter and e(it O+%2#$#+5 %! a f#r1 #f 1#n#$#+%!4% #1$e4%4%#n s#all W of sellers interedependence Kdecision #ade 1% . fir# affects de#and- price and profit of others "ir# produces Q such that !: 8 !& and charges PN significant 1arrier to entr% co9 of large econo#ies of scale Cecause of econo#ic profit 8 PN6 $T&N- #ore fir#s enter products #a% 1e si#ilar or differentiated this leads to downward shift of de#and cure till e)g) $uto industr% or $irplane #fg) industr% Tra7%4%#na+ 1#7e+ #f #+%2#$#+5 #ore elastic de#and cure 1e%ond certain price point PF 6 price a1oe which co#petitors will re#ain at PF this leads to consu#ers switching to alternaties the% can earn great profits if the% agree to share a restricted output 'uantit% causing relatiel% #ore elastic de#and 1ut onl% if neither of the# do not cheat Celow PF- co#petitors will #atch price6cut @ligopolists #a(i#ise their total profits 1% Ooining together KcolludingM and operating as single seller K#onopolistM QF is therefore Profit !a(i#ising output leel D#1%nan4 f%r1 #+%2#$#+5 M#7e+ one fir# has significant cost adantage this fir# has large #arFet share it produces 'uantit% such that !: 8 !& this #a(i#ises its econo#ic profits rest of the fir#s are price6taFers the% produce 'uantit% where !& 8 P <#n!%7er 43%!" S. reduces price in order to increase ^his reenue^ he can do that as this price isnQt related to !&8!: e'n) and is drien 1% an agree#ent with other co#pan% such that at industr% leel !& 8 !: other fir# will also reduce price i#pacting 1oth M&RKETS FOR F&<TORS OF ;RODU<TION =$2 111? #arginal reenue product additional re) gained 1% e#plo%ing one #ore unit of a productie resource holding other inputs constant Downward sloping si#ilar to !: cure for a downward sloping de#and !:P cure is fir#Qs short6run de#and cure for that productie resource e)g) la1our- E+a!4%%45 #f 7e1an7 #f +ab#/r So long as !:P X Price there is opp) to gain- hence for #a(i#u# profits- !:Pla1our 8 P:I&Ela1our !:P defined Wage :ate 6 highest a fir# will pa% for an additional la1our . PN 8 $T&N such that EP 8 + @ligopol% fir#s are in "actors influencing fir#Qs * Effe4 #f +ab#/r /n%#n! #n Ga2e! 5 !onospon% when 1u%ers decide the price e)g) single e#plo%er in the region Si#pl% restrict suppl% KstriFesM untill e#plo%er agrees for higher wage Wage increase reduces de#anded 'uantit% fro# Qc 6X Qu Enions #anage this decline in oerall de#and 1%0 a de#anding for #ore ^unioni9ed^ worFers "or the e#plo%er- #a(i#u# profit will 1e when !&/8!:P 1 increase de#and for products in outside world 1% adertising i)e) addnl) reenue 1% e#plo%ing addnl) la1our 8 #arginal cost of la1our e)g) products #arFeted as 1eing #ade 1% ^unionised la1our^ !onosponic e#plo%er will e#plo% lesser la1our KQ#M at W# c increasing price of su1stitutes Kie) unsFilled la1ourM this leads to deadweight loss of undere#plo%#ent e)g) unions forcing politicians to increase #ini#u# wages as !:Padditional worFer X Wage d increasing #arginal product 1% unionised worFers 1% trainings If worFers are unionised and e#plo%er is #onopsonist actual wage is decided 1% 1argaining ReneGab+e an7 n#n-reneGab+e re!#/re! !/$$+5 water is renewa1le- hence its suppl% is fi(ed hence it is perfectl% inelastic and price is deter#ined 1% the de#and cure alone oil is non6renewa1le and though Fnown stocF at an% gien point is fi(ed it tends to increase oer ti#e with tech) adance#ents :ate at which oil is supplied Kflow suppl%M is perfectl% elastic at a price that e'uals e(pected ne(t6period alue If oil price is e(pected to increase at a rate higher than :f interest rate suppliers will curtail production and wait for oil price to increase si#ilarl%- if ate of :f interest rate increase is lower than oil price increase suppliers will suppl% #ore and inest earned reenue to earn #ore interest /a1our unions do R<#++e4%*e bar2a%n%n2R This is called ^.#4e++%n2 $r%n%$+eR Feeping other things in the s%ste# constant- what additional price reduction will push custo#erKsM to consu#e one #ore ite# F%ner $#%n4! E(cept for price- if an%thing else changes de#and/suppl%) It would shift de#and- suppl% cures as appropriate price will function to e'ualise 'uantit% de#anded 1% consu#ers and produced 1% producers consu#er surplus 8 su# of alue consu#er got with eer% ite# consu#ed Ki)e) su# of #arginal 1enefit he deriedM !INES price he paid for it Deter#inants of suppl% and de#and other than the price of the good in 'uestion- such as consu#ersQ inco#e- input prices and so on- are not e(plicitl% represented in the suppl%6de#and diagra#) &hanges in the alues of these aria1les are represented 1% shifts in the suppl% and de#and cures) C% contrast- responses to changes in the price of the good are represented as #oe#ents along unchanged suppl% and de#and cures) Perfectl% Elastic De#and0 two identical products aaila1le in #arFet) $n% change in oneQs price will lead to infinite de#and increase of the other and infinite decrease in de#and of one#arginal cost 8 dKT:M/dQ an% cost changes will shift suppl% cure- an% 1enefit changes will shift de#and cure when consu#ers increase the 'uantit% de#anded ^$T $ GIJEN P:I&E^- it would lead to de#and cure shift proportion of inco#e spent 6 lesser inco#e spent 8X inelastic de#and as consu#ed 'uantit% wouldnQt change #uch si#ilarl% when supplier price changes 1ecause of input costs or otherwise- that would shift supplier cure ti#e elapsed since last price hiFe0 #ore ti#e 8X #ore ti#e for people to decide upon changingPhence #ore elasticit% as ti#e progresses suppl% or de#and increase will lead to outwards #oe#ent of respectie cure) Decrease will lead to inwards #oe#ent of respectie cure less = of inco#e going into product 8X product de#and is inelastic as one wouldnQt #ind pa%ing that little e(tra e)g) change in chewing gu# price high = of inco#e going into product 8X product de#and is elastic as people would liFe to switch to so#ething cheaperPe)g) lu(ur% products opportunit% cost of producing additional units of goods increase as #ore and #ore resources are 1id awa% fro# alternatie productie uses aaila1le resource su1stitutes0 #ore su1stitutes #ean higher elasticit% as input ite#s are not constrained to produce #ore or with higher efficiencies till price 1id 1% custo#er `8 price offered 1% supplier- #arginal alue is #ore than the #arginal cost K1efore e'uill pt)M and #arginal alue less than the #arginal cost Kafter e'uill) Pt)M 1e%ond e'uill) Pt)- the alue that consu#er places on the ^other^ good Kgood corresponding to the opportunit% costM is #ore than the alue the% place on the good) 1efore e'uill) Pt- alue that consu#er places on the good is #ore than the alue it places on other serices/goods forgone to produce those goods) to understand suppl% and de#and cures fro# societ%Qs #arginal 1enefit and #arginal costPassu#e two parties a consu#er haing infinite power to consu#e arious goods- and a supplier haing infinite capa1ilit% to produce an% good) If %ou hae an o1Oectie to #a(i#i9e 1enefits to 1oth))))it will lead to e'uili1riu# position across all Ob!4a+e! 4# eff%%en4 a++#a4%#n 4# $r#7/4%*e re!#/re!" re!/+4! %n G3ene*er !/$$+597e1an7 /r*e! 7#nA4 4aFe %n4# a#/n4 4#4a+ benef%4 #r 4#4a+ #!4! 4# !#%e45 Ta,e! an7 4ra7e re!4r%4%#n! =e@/%++- 7#e! rea3? S/b!%7%e!9@/#4a! Ender the assu#ption of perfect co#petition- suppl% is deter#ined 1% #arginal cost) "ir#s will produce additional output as long as the cost of producing an e(tra unit of output is less than the price the% will receie) When #arFets are functioning well- co#petition and allocation of price lead to an efficient allocation of resources- where 1ar2%na+ benef%4 to societ% Oust e'uals 1ar2%na+ #!4 for the last unit of each good and serice produced In capitalist econo#%- each consu#er tries to consu#e the co#1ination of goods that he alues #ost and each producer tries to #a(i#i9e profits fro# production) :esulting in &++#a4%*e Eff%%en5 is attaned when allocation of econo#%Qs productie resources leads to production of 'uantities of arious goods that hae total #a(i#u# 1enefit to custo#ers S4a4/4#r5 4a, #n !/$$+%er =#!4 %nrea!e!? !4a4/4#r5 4a, #n b/5er =benef%4 7erea!e!? deadweight loss fro# oerproduction 6 !C Z !& to societ% Pta(6Pe 8 1urden shared 1% 1u%er Pe6Ps 8 actual ta( felt 1% the seller KPta(6PsMN Qta( 8 ta( reenue :elatie elasticities of de#and/suppl% cures deter#ine actual incidence of ta( 1etween 1u%er/seller whoeer is less elastic will 1ear #ore /ess elastic suppl%/de#and will also #ean lesser deadweight loss %++e2a+ 2##7!" penalties inoled increase cost and has sa#e effect as ta( Si#ilarl% production 'uota li#its lead to underproduction loss Quotas lead to higher #arFet price and increase profits for suppliers single seller) &hooses profit6#a(i#i9ing 'uantit% If EPKsM 8 EPKdM- e'uill) price would re#ain sa#e S511e4r5 $r%n%$+e =r/+e-ba!e7? *a+/e 1a,%1%!e7 G3en ea3 $er!#n #Gn! e@/a+ a1#/n4 #f re!#/re! $e#$+e %n !%1%+ar !%4/a4%#n !3#/+7 be 4rea4e7 !%1%+ar+5 =r/+e-ba!e7? wealth should 1e transferred fro# rich to poor Kresult 1asedM treat others in the sa#e wa% as %ou liFe the# to treat %ou eer%oneQs wants and needs are sa#e e'ualit% of opportunities #arginal 1enefit of a dollar is greater for a poor than the rich fairness #ust 1e on the 1asis of fairness of rules) 1enefit to poor 1eing #ore than loss to rich 8X #ore is gained than lost If rules are fair- results will auto#aticall% 1e fair this i#plies that the total #arginal 1enefit is greater * rules0 $r#b+e1!" +e!!er +ab#/r an7 a$%4a+ . got) #ust recogni9e and protect priate propert% trade6off 1etween fairness and efficienc% resulting fro# cost of e(ecuting wealth transfer i)e) eer%thing alua1le #ust 1e held 1% people transfer 1% wa% of higher ta(es will cause the# to worF less- resulting in less than efficient 'uantit% of la1our * priate propert% #ust 1e transferred when it is oluntaril% done higher ta(es will reduce saings) propert% ac'uisition through an e(change of so#ething else he owns there is ad#in cost inoled in ensuring the transfer &4/a+ In%7ene #f 4a, 8 ta( allocation 1etween 1u%er and seller ;r#f%4 1a,%1%!a4%#n <#n!4ra%ne7 b5 ;r#7/4%#n #r2an%!a4%#n Te3n#+#25 eff%%en5 &o##and s%ste#s0 technolog% defined as #eans of production output with least a#ount of specific inputs additional technolog% resources #eans additional costs E#n#1% eff%%en5 output at lowest cost Incentie s%ste#s0 lacF of infor#ation on which to 1ase decisions So#ething which is technicall% inefficient canQt 1e econo#icall% efficient infor#ation has cost associated with it ;r%n%$a+-a2en4 $r#b+e1 T5$e! #f b%J- #r2!" how #uch custo#ers are willing to pa% Proprietership Soled 1%0 price and #arFeting actiities of co#petitors single owner- decision not 1% group- unli#ited lia1ilit% . Partnership * #ultiple owners- unli#ited lia1ilit%- 5 &orporation 1arFe4 #-#r7%na4%#n =D#-%4-5#/r!e+f a$$r#a3? li#ited lia1ilit%- large capital aaila1ilit% each ingredient picFed fro# indiidual #arFets lower transaction costs 6 negotiations costs econo#ies of scale 6 a) Enit cost decreases as olu#e increases econo#ies of scope 6 when sa#e resources could 1e used to produce a range of serices/goods econo#ies of tea# production 6 as resources 1eco#e speciali9ed leading to efficiencies $ll a1oe lead to fir# co6ordination 1eing #ore efficient than #arFet6coord Eff%%en5 is ealuated 1ased on la1our and capital i#plo%ed E#n#1% a4%*%45 can 1e produced 1%0 E#n#1% $r#f%4 %! 1a,%1%!e7 G3en MR K M< E@/%++%br%/1 %n a $erfe4 #1$e4%4%#n 1arFe4 ; K &T< when $J& Z P Z $T& Short6run profit #a(i#i9ation for a fir# canQt continue for long #ore fir#s will enter to earn profit fir# continues operations and tries to #ini#i9e losses this will increase suppl% and reduce price till P 8 $T& /ong6run e'uili1riu# output leel for perfectl% co#petitie fir# is0 no fir#s will earn econo#ic profit KEPM as T&8T:S When P Z $J&- fir# doesnQt recoer een :unning &ost- and it considers SHETD@WN which is where $T& is #ini#u# !& 8 $T& 8 !: 8 P "ir#s will onl% earn Nor#al Profit i)e opportunit% cost of ownerQs entrepreneurial e(pertise In +#n2-r/nH %nrea!e %n 7e1an7" leads to higher e'uill) price and suppl% $ssu#ing !& 8 $T& in the 1eginning fir#s start earning EP this will #aFe other fir#s enter #arFet @r e(isting fir#s increase long6ter# capacit%- leading to rightward shift of Suppl% cure this will reduce e'uill) price and increase e'uil) 'uantit% till !& 8 $T& i)e) EP co#es 1acF to 9ero S%1%+ar+5H re7/4%#n %n 7e1an7 %n +#n2-4er1 #aFes fir#s to either downsi9e or leae industr% shifting suppl% cure such that EP is again 9ero "ir# e(periences econo#ic losses when $s shown a1oe- %n $erfe4 #1$e4%4%#n" E#n#1% $r#f%4 =;-&T<? %! 1a,%1%!e7 when !: 8 !& as long as fir# recoers $J&- its When ; K &V<H L#n2-r/n e@/%++%br%/1 $r%e could 1e higher/lower depending upon econo#ies/disecono#ies of scale this depends upon fir#Qs /:$T& cure Krefer /@NG :EN $J) T@T$/ &@ST &ureM Technolog% adance#ents generall% reduce input costs "or a price taFer- !arginal :eenue 8 Price Kas de#and cure is flatM helps fir#s earn Econo#ic Profit till others adopt the change too "or producers facing downward6facing de#and cures- !: Z P since price #ust 1e reduced in order to sell additional units reduces #arFet price in long ter# e(isting fir#s using older techs) Will e(perience econo#ic losses and will 1e forced out M#n#$#+5 $r%e-!e44%n2 !4ra4e2%e! F#r $r%e 7%!r1%na4%#n 4# G#rFH !e++er 1/!4" Single6price face a downward sloping de#and cure To #a(i#ise profits- #onopolists will e(pand Quantit% till !: 8 !& hae at least two identifia1le groups of custo#ers haing different de#and elasticities To ensure profit- De#and cure #ust lie a1oe $T& for QN so that PN X $T& 1e a1le to preent custo#ers fro# reselling Price discri#ination different consu#ers different price atte#pt to clai# consu#er surplus when different consu#ers classes canQt sell !onopolists are price searchers the% e(peri#ent with different prices to find out one that #a(i#ises profit Na4/ra+ 1#n#$#+5" a*era2e #!4 an7 1ar2%na+ #!4 $r%%n2 Re2/+a4%#n! 4# %1$r#*e re!#/re a++#a4%#n &*era2e #!4 $r%%n2" &! #1$are7 4# $erfe4 #1$e4%4%#nH M#n#$#+5 forces #onopolist to price corresponding to $T& 8 De#and produces Q#on Z Qpc to clai# consu#er surplus Q#on #a(i#ises profit as !: 8 !& bprice P#on Increased output- and social welfare Kallocatie efficienc%M creates deadweight loss w)r)t) perfect co#p) K!& 8 !CM further loss of efficienc% seeFing/esta1lishing P#on Mar2%na+ #!4 $r%%n2" forces #onopolist to reduce price such that De#and 8 !& econo#ies of scale are so pronounced that $T& is #ini#i9ed when there is . fir# this results in a loss to the fir# therefore su1sid% 8 $T& 6 !& is re'uired fi(ed costs are high and #arginal costs are low without regulation- #onopolist will #a(i#i9e profits 1% producing where !: 8 !& D%ff%/+4%e! 4# re2/+a4#r! %n #n4r#++%n2 $r%e! %n a!e #f 3%23 barr%er!" Econo#ies of scope can also lead to a #onopol% /acF of infor#ation on fir#Qs $T&- !& or de#and schedule &ost shifting0 fir# has no incentie to reduce costs as that will cause regulators to reduce prices Qualit% regulations0 difficult to #easure) "ir# can reduce 'ualit% to #aintain profits Special interest effect0 fir# #a% influence regulations 1% political connections M< a!!/1e7 #n!4an4 f#r !%1$+%%45 F%r1! %n 1#n#$#+%!4% #1$e4%4%#n face downward6sloping de#and cure 7e1an7 /r*e! 2a%n e+a!4%%45 fr#1 de#and cures are highl% elastic #onopol% 6X oligopol% 6X #onopolistic co#p) 6X perfect co#petition this ensures #onopolist end up getting onl% referred to Though !onopolistic co#petition leads to inefficient production/higher price Perfect co#petition is characterised 1% no product differentiation I1$#r4ane #f %nn#*a4%#nH $r#7/4 7e*e+#$1en4H a7*er4%!%n2 an7 bran7%n2 Innoation "ir# produces Q such that !: 8 !& and charges PN In L#n2-r/n %n 1#n#$#+%!4% #1$e4%4%#n fir#s that 1ring new and innoatie products face less elastic cures Cecause of econo#ic profit 8 PN6 $T&N- #ore fir#s enter P X !& 8X inefficient allocation of resources ena1ling the# to increase price and earn EP this leads to downward shift of de#and cure till $T& isnQt #ini#u# 8X inefficient production 1ut 1ecause of low 1arrier to entr%- the% need to continuall% innoate Price slightl% higher than perfect co#petition $dertising infor# custo#er of differentiators create perception of differences 1etween products that are actuall% si#ilar It can actuall% 1ring down aerage costs Kif adertising results in larger salesM Crand na#e the% can earn great profits if the% agree to share a restricted output 'uantit% 1ut onl% if neither of the# do not cheat @ligopolists #a(i#ise their total profits 1% Ooining together KcolludingM and operating as single seller K#onopolistM Successful collution happens when0 cheating is eas% to detect threat of new entrants in #arFet is less enforce#ent of anti6collusion laws- and penalties of collusion are weaF Fa4#r! %nf+/en%n2 !/$$+5 #f +ab#/r Increase KdecreaseM in price of fir#Qs output increases KdecreasesM de#and for la1our people prefer leisure- wage rates #ust 1e high enough for the# to gie up leisure Effect of factors other than price depends upon co#ple#ent Ksu1stituteM nature wages- are opportunit% cost of leisure e)g) decrease in co#puter price decreased de#and for &usto#er Serices professional as wages increase- alue of leisure for ind) increase- and so does #arginal wages de#and for IT professionals increased howeer as the% are co#ple#entar% si9e of adult population also affect suppl% of la1our E+a!4%%45 #f 7e1an7 #f +ab#/r capital accu#ulation of ite#s that increase efficienc% at ho#e also increases suppl% #ore elastic in long run as in long run #ore things can 1e changed e)g) auto#ated #achiner% #ore for la1our6intensie production processes ;35!%a+ an7 F%nan%a+ <a$%4a+ PN 8 $T&N such that EP 8 + %n L#n2 r/n @ligopol% fir#s are in a ;r%!#nerA! D%+e11a t%pe of situation "actors influencing fir#Qs 7e1an7 f#r +ab#/r #ore where la1our represents significant portion of costs two pri#ar% factors of production 6 la1our KpeopleM- ph%sical capital K#achinesM degree to which la1our and capital K#achinesM could 1e su1stituted ph%sical assets of fir# Kplant- propert%- e'uip#ent 6 PPEM e)g) warehouse operations for filling/shipping orders has #ore elastic de#and of la1our greater the de#and of ph%sical capital- greater the de#and for financial capital airlinesQ de#and for pilots is less elastic howeer "or profit #a(i#isation0 when 1u%ers decide the price e)g) single e#plo%er in the region a !:Pla1our 8 Wage :ate $ fir# will e#plo% additional ph%sical capital untill its !:P 8 &ost of &apital i)e) interest rate Difference 1etween !:Pla1our and !:Pcapital is that returns on la1our happen i##ediatel% while returns on ph%sical capital happens oer a period of ti#e De#and for financial capital is deried fro# present alue of !:P of ph%sical capital downward sloping cure Suppl% of financial capital is drien 1%0 influenced 1% consu#ption now or later a interest rates 1 current inco#es c e(pected future inco#es "or the e#plo%er- #a(i#u# profit will 1e when !&/8!:P addnl) reenue 1% e#plo%ing addnl) la1our 8 #arginal cost of la1our !onosponic e#plo%er will e#plo% lesser la1our KQ#M at W# this leads to deadweight loss of undere#plo%#ent as !:Padditional worFer X Wage If worFers are unionised and e#plo%er is #onopsonist actual wage is decided 1% 1argaining E#n#1% Ren4 an7 #$$#r4/n%45 #!4! @pportunit% cost of an e#plo%ee is what he could earn in ne(t highest6pa%ing Oo1 "or low sFill Oo1s- as there are #an% opps - opp) &ost is er% close to wage rate e)g) wage rate at a car wash "or high6sFills Oo1s- @pp) &ost and Wage :ate hae significant difference e)g) a highl% successful actor Econo#ic rent 8 Earnings 6 @pportunit% &osts Si#ilar to producerQs surplus this i#plies that a highl% sFilled professional will #aFe high econo#ic rent at it is difficult to replace hi# E(cept for price- if an%thing else changes de#and/suppl%) It would shift de#and- suppl% cures as appropriate price will function to e'ualise 'uantit% de#anded 1% consu#ers and produced 1% producers Deter#inants of suppl% and de#and other than the price of the good in 'uestion- such as consu#ersQ inco#e- input prices and so on- are not e(plicitl% represented in the suppl%6de#and diagra#) &hanges in the alues of these aria1les are represented 1% shifts in the suppl% and de#and cures) C% contrast- responses to changes in the price of the good are represented as #oe#ents along unchanged suppl% and de#and cures) an% cost changes will shift suppl% cure- an% 1enefit changes will shift de#and cure when consu#ers increase the 'uantit% de#anded ^$T $ GIJEN P:I&E^- it would lead to de#and cure shift si#ilarl% when supplier price changes 1ecause of input costs or otherwise- that would shift supplier cure suppl% or de#and increase will lead to outwards #oe#ent of respectie cure) Decrease will lead to inwards #oe#ent of respectie cure to understand suppl% and de#and cures fro# societ%Qs #arginal 1enefit and #arginal costPassu#e two parties a consu#er haing infinite power to consu#e arious goods- and a supplier haing infinite capa1ilit% to produce an% good) If %ou hae an o1Oectie to #a(i#i9e 1enefits to 1oth))))it will lead to e'uili1riu# position across all S/b!%7%e!9@/#4a! Ender the assu#ption of perfect co#petition- suppl% is deter#ined 1% #arginal cost) "ir#s will produce additional output as long as the cost of producing an e(tra unit of output is less than the price the% will receie) for the last unit of each good and serice produced deadweight loss fro# oerproduction 6 !C Z !& to societ% Si#ilarl% production 'uota li#its lead to underproduction loss Quotas lead to higher #arFet price and increase profits for suppliers $e#$+e %n !%1%+ar !%4/a4%#n !3#/+7 be 4rea4e7 !%1%+ar+5 =r/+e-ba!e7? treat others in the sa#e wa% as %ou liFe the# to treat %ou got) #ust recogni9e and protect priate propert% i)e) eer%thing alua1le #ust 1e held 1% people priate propert% #ust 1e transferred when it is oluntaril% done propert% ac'uisition through an e(change of so#ething else he owns ;r#7/4%#n #r2an%!a4%#n &o##and s%ste#s0 chain of co##and followed e)g) ar#% where its eas% to #onitor/#easure perfor#ance Incentie s%ste#s0 incentie 1ased to #otiate worFers for perfor#ance ;r%n%$a+-a2en4 $r#b+e1 incentie/#otiations of #anagersKagentM different fro# principal K ownersM Soled 1%0 ownership in fir# incentie pa% long6ter# contract0 to encourage &E@s deelop strategies for long6ter# profit LaG #f 7%1%n%!3%n2 re4/rn!" as #ore and #ore of one resource is added- output Feeps increasing 1ut at decreased rate Econo#ies of scale 1ecause0 . saings due to #ass production * speciali9ation of la1our and #achiner% 5 e(perience Disecono#ies of scale 1ecause of0 . increasing 1ureaucrac% * #otiating large worFforce 5 great 1arrier to innoation and entrepreneurial actiit% 3 increased principal6agent pro1le# when $J& Z P Z $T& fir# continues operations and tries to #ini#i9e losses When P Z $J&- fir# doesnQt recoer een :unning &ost- and it considers SHETD@WN "ir#s will onl% earn Nor#al Profit i)e opportunit% cost of ownerQs entrepreneurial e(pertise In +#n2-r/nH %nrea!e %n 7e1an7" leads to higher e'uill) price and suppl% $ssu#ing !& 8 $T& in the 1eginning fir#s start earning EP this will #aFe other fir#s enter #arFet @r e(isting fir#s increase long6ter# capacit%- leading to rightward shift of Suppl% cure this will reduce e'uill) price and increase e'uil) 'uantit% till !& 8 $T& i)e) EP co#es 1acF to 9ero S%1%+ar+5H re7/4%#n %n 7e1an7 %n +#n2-4er1 #aFes fir#s to either downsi9e or leae industr% shifting suppl% cure such that EP is again 9ero In !3#r4-r/n- onl% la1our and raw6#aterial costs can 1e altered In +#n2-r/n- all including plant si9e- e'uip#ent- technolog% can 1e altered /ong6run cost cures are called $+ann%n2 /r*e!- "ir# e(periences econo#ic losses when ; V &T< as long as fir# recoers $J&- its +#!! G%++ be +e!! 43an F%,e7 <#!4! When ; K &V<H fir# is at S3/47#Gn $#%n4 L#n2-r/n e@/%++%br%/1 $r%e could 1e higher/lower depending upon econo#ies/disecono#ies of scale this depends upon fir#Qs /:$T& cure Krefer /@NG :EN $J) T@T$/ &@ST &ureM Technolog% adance#ents generall% reduce input costs helps fir#s earn Econo#ic Profit till others adopt the change too reduces #arFet price in long ter# e(isting fir#s using older techs) Will e(perience econo#ic losses and will 1e forced out F#r $r%e 7%!r1%na4%#n 4# G#rFH !e++er 1/!4" face a downward sloping de#and cure hae at least two identifia1le groups of custo#ers haing different de#and elasticities 1e a1le to preent custo#ers fro# reselling Re2/+a4%#n! 4# %1$r#*e re!#/re a++#a4%#n &*era2e #!4 $r%%n2" forces #onopolist to price corresponding to $T& 8 De#and Increased output- and social welfare Kallocatie efficienc%M Mar2%na+ #!4 $r%%n2" forces #onopolist to reduce price such that De#and 8 !& this results in a loss to the fir# therefore su1sid% 8 $T& 6 !& is re'uired D%ff%/+4%e! 4# re2/+a4#r! %n #n4r#++%n2 $r%e! %n a!e #f 3%23 barr%er!" /acF of infor#ation on fir#Qs $T&- !& or de#and schedule &ost shifting0 fir# has no incentie to reduce costs as that will cause regulators to reduce prices Qualit% regulations0 difficult to #easure) "ir# can reduce 'ualit% to #aintain profits Special interest effect0 fir# #a% influence regulations 1% political connections this ensures #onopolist end up getting onl% N#r1a+ ;r#f%4 referred to eff%%en4 re2/+a4%#n Though !onopolistic co#petition leads to inefficient production/higher price Perfect co#petition is characterised 1% no product differentiation I1$#r4ane #f %nn#*a4%#nH $r#7/4 7e*e+#$1en4H a7*er4%!%n2 an7 bran7%n2 fir#s that 1ring new and innoatie products face less elastic cures ena1ling the# to increase price and earn EP 1ut 1ecause of low 1arrier to entr%- the% need to continuall% innoate infor# custo#er of differentiators create perception of differences 1etween products that are actuall% si#ilar It can actuall% 1ring down aerage costs Kif adertising results in larger salesM Successful collution happens when0 threat of new entrants in #arFet is less enforce#ent of anti6collusion laws- and penalties of collusion are weaF Fa4#r! %nf+/en%n2 !/$$+5 #f +ab#/r people prefer leisure- wage rates #ust 1e high enough for the# to gie up leisure wages- are opportunit% cost of leisure as wages increase- alue of leisure for ind) increase- and so does #arginal wages si9e of adult population also affect suppl% of la1our capital accu#ulation of ite#s that increase efficienc% at ho#e also increases suppl% ;35!%a+ an7 F%nan%a+ <a$%4a+ two pri#ar% factors of production 6 la1our KpeopleM- ph%sical capital K#achinesM ph%sical assets of fir# Kplant- propert%- e'uip#ent 6 PPEM greater the de#and of ph%sical capital- greater the de#and for financial capital "or profit #a(i#isation0 !:Pla1our 8 Wage :ate 1 !:Pcapital 8 &ost of &apital !:Pcapital present alue of future returns $ fir# will e#plo% additional ph%sical capital untill its !:P 8 &ost of &apital i)e) interest rate @pportunit% cost of an e#plo%ee is what he could earn in ne(t highest6pa%ing Oo1 "or low sFill Oo1s- as there are #an% opps - opp) &ost is er% close to wage rate "or high6sFills Oo1s- @pp) &ost and Wage :ate hae significant difference Econo#ic rent 8 Earnings 6 @pportunit% &osts this i#plies that a highl% sFilled professional Deter#inants of suppl% and de#and other than the price of the good in 'uestion- such as consu#ersQ inco#e- input prices and so on- are not e(plicitl% represented in the suppl%6de#and diagra#) &hanges in the alues of these aria1les are represented 1% shifts in the suppl% and de#and cures) C% contrast- responses to changes in the price of the good are represented as #oe#ents along unchanged suppl% and de#and cures) to understand suppl% and de#and cures fro# societ%Qs #arginal 1enefit and #arginal costPassu#e two parties a consu#er haing infinite power to consu#e arious goods- and a supplier haing infinite capa1ilit% to produce an% good) If %ou hae an o1Oectie to #a(i#i9e 1enefits to 1oth))))it will lead to e'uili1riu# position across all Ender the assu#ption of perfect co#petition- suppl% is deter#ined 1% #arginal cost) "ir#s will produce additional output as long as the cost of producing an e(tra unit of output is less than the price the% will receie) as #ore and #ore of one resource is added- output Feeps increasing 1ut at decreased rate Deter#inants of suppl% and de#and other than the price of the good in 'uestion- such as consu#ersQ inco#e- input prices and so on- are not e(plicitl% represented in the suppl%6de#and diagra#) &hanges in the alues of these aria1les are represented 1% shifts in the suppl% and de#and cures) C% contrast- responses to changes in the price of the good are represented as #oe#ents along unchanged suppl% and de#and cures) Deter#inants of suppl% and de#and other than the price of the good in 'uestion- such as consu#ersQ inco#e- input prices and so on- are not e(plicitl% represented in the suppl%6de#and diagra#) &hanges in the alues of these aria1les are represented 1% shifts in the suppl% and de#and cures) C% contrast- responses to changes in the price of the good are represented as #oe#ents along unchanged suppl% and de#and cures) MONITORINC 6ODS &ND ;RI<E LEVEL =;C 12'? P@PE/$TI@N Sources of Ene#plo%#ent W@:KING $GE P@PE/$TI@N %oung and institutionali9ed /$C@: "@:&E not in la1our force or ongoing creation/destruction of Oo1s E!P/@AED une#plo%ed Ene#plo%#ent rate 8 Ke#plo%ed / la1our force M N.++ /a1our force participation 8 Kla1our force / worFing age popluationM N .++ e#plo%#ent to population 8 Ke#plo%ed / worFing age populationM N .++ 8 une#plo%#ent rate N la1our force participation ;RODU<TION &ND ;RI<ES =;C 137? fr%4%#na+" nor#al la1or turnoer- people entering/leaing la1or force S4r/4/ra+" co9 of change in technolog%- sFills <5+%a+" co9 of econo#ic recession/e(pansion F/++ E1$+#51en4" when no c%clical une#plo%#ent Na4/ra+ /ne1$+#51en4 ra4e 8 une#pl%#ent rate at full e#plo%#ent &22re2a4e 3#/r! total la1or used to produce real GDP cost of &PI 1asFet at 1ase period prices or ongoing creation/destruction of Oo1s Rea+ Ga2e ra4e! 'uantit% of good/serices an hourQs worF can 1u% co#1ines wages with price6leels new goods Potential GDP0 when full e#plo%#ent 'ualit% changes real GDP fluctuates around potential GDP Cias is as #uch as .= hiher <;I 8 cost of &PI 1asFet at current prices nor#al la1or turnoer- people entering/leaing la1or force co9 of change in technolog%- sFills Inf+a4%#n ra4e co9 of econo#ic recession/e(pansion <;I %! ba%!e7 when no c%clical une#plo%#ent Na4/ra+ /ne1$+#51en4 ra4e 8 une#pl%#ent rate at full e#plo%#ent D .++ &PI X .++ #ostl% cost of &PI 1asFet at 1ase period prices new goods su1stitution 'ualit% changes outlet su1stitution Cias is as #uch as .= hiher <;I 8 cost of &PI 1asFet at current prices Inf+a4%#n ra4e 8 K&PIcurent %ear 6 &PI last %earM N .++/ &PIlast %ear <;I %! ba%!e7 1ecause it doesnQt taFe into account0 $sset allocation decision Kpg) .+3M F#/r !4e$! %n $#r4f#+%# 1214- $r#e!!" Re4/rn #bPe4%*e!" write a polic% state#ent <a$%4a+ $re!er*a4%#n deelop an inest#ent strateg% o1Oectie of earning at least the inflation rate i#ple#ent the plan with less or no chance of loss #onitor and update inestorQs needs and appropriate when ti#e hori9on is less and fund needed in near future <a$%4a+ a$$re%a4%#n =1#!4 r%!F5? Inest#ent o1Oecties #ust 1e descri1ed in ter#s of 1oth risF and return o1Oectie of earning at least the inflation rate e(ceeding inflation . return oer so#e period of ti#e * risF appropriate when funds needed in the future e)g) retire#ent Specif%ing inest#ent goals in ter#s of Oust returns e(poses inestor to0 </rren4 In#1e =%n#1e #bPe4%*e? in6appropriate- risF% inest#ent strategies when pri#ar% purpose is to produce inco#e instead of appreciation 4#4a+ re4/rn =+#n2 4er1H r%!F a*er!e? ,+= of the portfolio return differences can 1e e(plained 1% o1Oectie of haing portfolio grow in alue to #eet future needs difference in portfolio allocations through capital gains as well as re6inest#ent of inco#e ;#r4f#+%# Mana2e1en4 =$2- 111? MarF#G%4J 1#7e+ - a!!/1$4%#n! #n %n*e!4#rA! be3a*%#r inest#ent opp) is looFed at as pro1a1ilit% dist) of EK:M oer inest#ent hori9on risF is #easured as ariance of EKr M all decisions are #ade considering onl% :isF and EK:M inestors prefer lesser risF for sa#e EK:M inestors #a(i#ise their e(pected utilit% oer inest#ent hori9on <#-*ar%ane @n an indifference cures- all inest#ents are e'uall% preferred $ cure towards NW is #ore preferred R%!F Or S47- 7e*%a4%#n #f a $#r4f#+%# 3a*%n2 3 a!!e4! The risF of a portfolio depends on0 asset weights- std) de) of assets- and correlation of asset returns &!!e4 ;r%%n2 M#7e+ =$2- 13)? <a$%4a+ 1arFe4 43e#r5 In4r#7/4%#n #f a r%!F-free a!!e4 E(tension of Portfolio theor% 1% addition of a risF6free asset conerts efficient frontier into &!/ Kcapital #arFet lineM &!!/1$4%#n!" #arFowit9 inestors0 portfolio selection along efficient frontier unli#ited risF free lending and 1orrowing In ter#s of risF0 a$%4a+ a$$re%a4%#n O 4#4a+ re4/rn O %n#1e #bPe4%*e ;#r4f#+%# 43e#r5" onl% for risF% assets all inestors see sa#e EKr M /s risF this holds co9 correlation coeff) 8 + all inestors hae sa#e period hori9on all inest#ents are infinitel% diisi1le frictionless #arFets0 no ta(es or transaction costs no inflation or interest rate changes #arFets in e'uili1riu# D- A risF% portfolios on Efficient "rontier a portfolio along :":6A is preferred to :":6D co9 of #ore will actuall% hae lesser e'uili1riu# returns as co#pared to returns for a gien risF a stocF haing #ore s%ste#atic risF Kie) #ore sensitiit% to This can go on till we reach !) $t ! .++= is inested in portfolio ! #arFet risF factorsM <&;MH SMLH De4a Gien that onl% releant risF for an indiidual asset i is the coariance with #arFet returns- relationship is straight line S!/ uses 1eta on (6a(is- hence all stocFs- portfolio of stocFs Ceta as risF contri1ution of a securit% to a well6diersified portfolio &!/ plots against total risF Ksig#a PM- hence onl% efficient portfolios plot on &!/ I7en4%f5%n2 /n7er9#*er*a+/e7 $ssu#ption0 Differential 1orrowing and lending rates $s all portfolios under e'uili1riu# are on S!/- a portfolio is0 as 1orrowing and lending rates are different in real6world underalued if its esti#ated returns are a1oe S!/ &!/ has so#e curature on Efficient frontier which i#plies i)e esti#ated returns X e(pected Kor re'uiredM returns that 1e%ond !- returns would 1e lesser 1ecause of higher rates oeralued if esti#ated returns are 1elow S!/ i)e esti#ated returns Z e(pected Kor re'uiredM returns $ssu#ption0 transaction costs Eer#-be4a 1#7e+ No transaction costs assu#tion guarantees that all stocFs #oe to Instead of :":- a 9ero 1eta portfolio can 1e used S!/ at e'uili1riu#) In case there are transaction costs inoled- as a risF6free asset slightl%6#ispriced stocFs wonQt 1e 1rought 1acF to S!/) This will allow a 1and of EKr M around S!/ whose width will depend upon transaction costs S!/ &!/ differences
&! $er 43e 43e#r5H stocF haing #ore uns%ste#atic risF %n e@/%+%br%/1 wil plot on S!/ In*e!41en4 #n!4ra%n4!" #n!4ra%n4! 43a4 %1$a4 $#r4f#+%# #n!4r/4%#n o1Oectie of earning at least the inflation rate with less or no chance of loss appropriate when ti#e hori9on is less and fund needed in near future <a$%4a+ a$$re%a4%#n =1#!4 r%!F5? o1Oectie of earning at least the inflation rate e(ceeding inflation oer so#e period of ti#e Le2a+ an7 re2/+a4#r5 fa4#r!" appropriate when funds needed in the future e)g) retire#ent constraints that i#pact inest#ent decision of indiiduals as well as "II </rren4 In#1e =%n#1e #bPe4%*e? e)g) penalt% for earl% withdrawals when pri#ar% purpose is to produce inco#e instead of appreciation Un%@/e nee7! an7 $referene! 4#4a+ re4/rn =+#n2 4er1H r%!F a*er!e? o1Oectie of haing portfolio grow in alue to #eet future needs through capital gains as well as re6inest#ent of inco#e MarF#G%4J 1#7e+ - a!!/1$4%#n! #n %n*e!4#rA! be3a*%#r inest#ent opp) is looFed at as pro1a1ilit% dist) of EK:M oer inest#ent hori9on all decisions are #ade considering onl% :isF and EK:M inestors #a(i#ise their e(pected utilit% oer inest#ent hori9on <#rre+a4%#n 8X higher negatie correlation leads to0 1etween 6. and U. lesser portfolio risF higher diersification gains R%!F Or S47- 7e*%a4%#n #f a $#r4f#+%# 3a*%n2 3 a!!e4! can gie 1etter EKr M for a gien risF can 1e less risF% for a gien EKr M represents a set of portfolios that will gie highest returns at each risF leel The risF of a portfolio depends on0 asset weights- std) de) of assets- and correlation of asset returns Un!5!4e1a4% r%!F conerts efficient frontier into &!/ Kcapital #arFet lineM that disappears during portfolio construction uni'ue- fir# specific !arFet portfolio ! 1est that can 1e achieed L%@/%7%45" potential need of read% cash T%1e 3#r%J#nI refers to ti#e 1etween #aFing an inest#ent and needing the funds Ta, #nern0 after ta( returns are what inestors are concerned with In ter#s of risF0 a$%4a+ a$$re%a4%#n O 4#4a+ re4/rn O %n#1e #bPe4%*e O$4%1a+ $#r4f#+%# Eff%%en4 fr#n4%er" a portfolio is efficient when no other portfolio0 this holds co9 correlation coeff) 8 + on risF diersification S5!4e1a4% r%!F anA4 be 7%*er!%f%e7 :isF that re#ains in portfolio Q!Q 1e%ond diersification is called S%ste#atic risF !e/r%4%e! !en!%4%*e 4# 1arFe4 a portfolio along :":6A is preferred to :":6D co9 of #ore 1#*e1en4! 3a*e 3%23 S5!4e1a4% R%!F Total risF 8 s%ste#atic U uns%ste#atic risF This can go on till we reach !) $t ! .++= is inested in portfolio ! all inestors hae to do to get the risF/return co#1ination that suits the# the #ost is to si#pl% ar% proportion 1etween ! and :": Since one shouldnQt 1e co#pensated for 1earing risF that could hae 1een diersified- at e'uili1riu# securit% returns depend onl% upon S%ste#ic :isF 43%! a+!# %1$+%e! 43a4 43e r%!F%e!4 !4#F 1a5 n#4 $r#*%7e 2rea4e!4 re4/rn! <#1$ar%!#n be4Geen <ML an7 SML $dding #ore assets to portfolio will 1ring down ENSASTE!$TI& risF with decreasing rate- howeer S%ste#atic risF can increase or decrease depending upon additional assets 1eta $ssu#ption0 Differential 1orrowing and lending rates as 1orrowing and lending rates are different in real6world &!/ has so#e curature on Efficient frontier which i#plies &!/ plots returns /s total risF S!/ plots all portfolios against Ceta) Hence- whether efficient or not- the% will 1e on S!/ on e'uili1riu# that 1e%ond !- returns would 1e lesser 1ecause of higher rates Portfolios that are not efficient plot under Efficient "rontier $s per &$P!- in e'uili1riu#- prices are direct function of s%ste#ic risF &o#pare & and D 1etween two graphs $ low61eta stocF/portfolio liFe & #a% not necessaril% 1e less risF% when considering Een though D has higher s%ste#ic risF- &Qs total risF is higher total risF No transaction costs assu#tion guarantees that all stocFs #oe to $ssu#ption0 heterogenous e(pectations and planning periods $ssu#ption0 no ta(es- &!/- S!/ is arried at on an assu#ption of no ta(es) S!/ at e'uili1riu#) In case there are transaction costs inoled- ho#ogenous e(pectations and single holding period is indiidual inestors pa% different #arginal ta(es depending upon their sla1s slightl%6#ispriced stocFs wonQt 1e 1rought 1acF to S!/) necessar% to 1ring #ultitude of &!/- S!/ into one) so their &!/- S!/ 1ased on post6ta( inco#e will 1e different This will allow a 1and of EKr M around S!/ whose width will depend upon If these assu#ptions are not alid- there will 1e #ultiple Inestors pa% capital gain ta( on securities and ordinar% inco#e ta( on diidend &!/ and S!/ leading to a 1and of lines with width dependent EKr after ta(M 8 [KPe6P1MK. 6 TcapitalgainM U Di N K. 6 Tordinar%M\ / P1 on diergence on EK:# M and holding periods M re$re!en4! #arFet portfolio In*e!41en4 #n!4ra%n4!" #n!4ra%n4! 43a4 %1$a4 $#r4f#+%# #n!4r/4%#n constraints that i#pact inest#ent decision of indiiduals as well as "II e)g) penalt% for earl% withdrawals where inestoQs highest indifference cure is tangent to efficient frontier that disappears during portfolio construction !arFet portfolio ! 1est that can 1e achieed potential need of read% cash refers to ti#e 1etween #aFing an inest#ent and needing the funds 0 after ta( returns are what inestors are concerned with O$4%1a+ $#r4f#+%# for each inestor is one S5!4e1a4% r%!F anA4 be 7%*er!%f%e7 :isF that re#ains in portfolio Q!Q 1e%ond diersification is called S%ste#atic risF !e/r%4%e! !en!%4%*e 4# 1arFe4 1#*e1en4! 3a*e 3%23 S5!4e1a4% R%!F Total risF 8 s%ste#atic U uns%ste#atic risF Since one shouldnQt 1e co#pensated for 1earing risF that could hae 1een diersified- at e'uili1riu# securit% returns depend onl% upon S%ste#ic :isF 43%! a+!# %1$+%e! 43a4 43e r%!F%e!4 !4#F 1a5 n#4 $r#*%7e 2rea4e!4 re4/rn! $dding #ore assets to portfolio will 1ring down ENSASTE!$TI& risF with decreasing rate- howeer S%ste#atic risF can increase or decrease depending upon additional assets 1eta S!/ plots all portfolios against Ceta) Hence- whether efficient or not- the% will 1e on S!/ on e'uili1riu# $s per &$P!- in e'uili1riu#- prices are direct function of s%ste#ic risF $ low61eta stocF/portfolio liFe & #a% not necessaril% 1e less risF% when considering $ssu#ption0 no ta(es- &!/- S!/ is arried at on an assu#ption of no ta(es) indiidual inestors pa% different #arginal ta(es depending upon their sla1s so their &!/- S!/ 1ased on post6ta( inco#e will 1e different Inestors pa% capital gain ta( on securities and ordinar% inco#e ta( on diidend EKr after ta(M 8 [KPe6P1MK. 6 TcapitalgainM U Di N K. 6 Tordinar%M\ / P1 $dding #ore assets to portfolio will 1ring down ENSASTE!$TI& risF with decreasing rate- howeer S%ste#atic risF can increase or decrease depending upon additional assets 1eta section page fsa B+ B* .*B .43 *+4 *.5 'uestion differentiation 1etween gains/losses under reenue /s other co#prehensie inco#e espwciall% w)r)t) inest#ents and assets #ini#u# pension lia1ilit% how is ^co#pleted contract^ handled under I":S discontinued operations handling) Post #easure#ent date and during phaseout period how is prior6period adOus#ent reported7 &"I calculation- pro1le# D) inentor% write up e(a#ple ta( calculation in dou1le6depr and per6unit #ethods i#pact of accretion e(pense on interest coerage ratio 6 wh% is accretion e(pense added to ECIT7 relationship 1etween netinco#e and &"operations how does /I"@ &@GS i#pact &"@7 /ong6lied asset 6 Q No) * differentiation 1etween gains/losses under reenue /s other co#prehensie inco#e espwciall% w)r)t) inest#ents and assets