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CULTURE NIGHT # 2 Fundraising

Start End Event
5:00 6:00 Set-up rooms and materials
6:00 6:30 Staff and JLs eat & RTF
6:30 7:00 Get to stations and prepare for early arrivals
7:00 9:00 Culture Night
9:00 9:30 Clean-up
9:30 Depart

** Simplify the registration process: Clipboards ALPHABETIZED with name on top. Without
volunteer. Next, drop off boxes for each form labeled in large letters. Next, staff with papers to
fill out, pictures, finance, staff at the end with a big questions sign!

Preparing for Culture Night Owner Complete
2 weeks before
Call Peggy to confirm wreath order dates
Schedule a meeting with program staff to review roles for culture
Purpose 1) This Culture Night is to help students raise the necessary money to fund
their trip and to fund their Project Fund goals (money to pay for supplies).
2) Learn GV way to approach people and companies for money
3) Learn about products GV students can sell
4) Parents and Students will spJL up
a) Students will learn about the culture of Guatemala
b) Rules will be reviewed
5) (3) Safety
Event Coordinator Program Manager
Participants Spring and Summer Cohort and parents
Date 7 November 2012
Location Global Visionaries
Document link
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Go through this entire document (with end notes)
Find CN Forms Bin in Attic in Programs area
Confirm room reservations
Update checklist for clean-up/teardown
Get permission to use tables/chairs for registration from faciJLies
Look over Wreath Agenda and complete all tasks indicated on that
form Wreath Dist Agenda.2012.2013

Talk to Finance staff about coming to speak to students.
1 Week before
Submit wreath order for participants who want a sample wreath

Schedule a program staff meeting to review the agenda and make
any changes. Print the agenda off and delegate roles.

Create infrastructure for collecting materials/information

Assign JL/Staff/volunteers to stations
Ensure that the venue is confirmed and the doors will be unlocked,
secure the janitors cell phone and contact of the person you
reserved the space with.

Finalize Agenda based on program staff meeting input
3 days before
Make sure all Participant Agreement forms says NONE

Update PowerPoint
Fundraising fact sheet
Winter Dinner Sign Up sheet- of a sheet (80 total)
Wreath orders

2 days before
Print and label agendas- 1 for each JL and Staff member present
Acquire keys for rooms from FaciJLies
Create diagrams of all rooms
Create infrastructure for collecting materials/information
Prepare and Label (labels found in CN Bin) plastic bins for
teardown so volunteers know where to put things during clean up

Gather materials list items (see below)
Day before
Culture Night directing signs
Participant agreement form
Sexual harassment form
Guatemala fund form
Contact information form
Signage for Cinder Block and Sapling

3-Hole Punch All Sheets given to Families/Students
Action Items Day of CN
Place signage on tall easels directing students/parents to the
culture night

Delegate 1 Volunteer to complete post registration checklist
Set up chairs in parent room
Set up computer
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Set up LCD
Tape electrical cords to floor
Get rid of chairs and tables in student area/hallway
Maintain a table for finance and wreath check out
During Culture Night
Put contact sheets in alphabetical order by last name.
Put all PARENT questionnaire forms together. Paperclip.
Summer Mug Shot names in alphabetical order. Paperclip.
Place participant commitment forms in alphabetical order. Put in labeled
folder in bin.

Place signed invoices in alphabetical order in bin
Place project fund commitments in alphabetical order in bin
After Culture Night
Collect all pens / clipboards- sum. Parents
Log student commitments for spring and summer and send to JLs
so they can follow up on these commitments.

Place clipboards in designated bin
Place participant commitment forms in alphabetical order
Place email list in designated bin
Final walk-through of all rooms used (looked in corners)
Parents - room - cleaner than before we started
Spring Participants - room - cleaner than before we started
Summer Participants - room - cleaner than before we started
Check coffee bags
Gather pens and place in pens bin
Put bins in office in organized fashion
Put-away LCD Projector
LCD Electrical cord in bin
LCD to laptop cord in bin
Put away chairs and tables in basement
Take down signage --inside and outside building and place in bin
Take pictures off easels and load in GV truck
Collected Staff/YB Nametags - put in separate containers (Staff,
YB, Board)

Designated JLs to assist participants (do not clean up)
Put registration tables back
Put chairs back
Lights out in GV office - check all rooms
Locked door to GV office with witness
Close windows
Turn off lights
Picked up garbage. Dispose.
Next Day
Students Promise (E-mail back to Program Manager with
Financial integrity commitments)

E-mail when coffee has arrived.
Send out electronic copy of participant agreement form for their
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Request Winter Dinner Confirmation (Send confirmation to
Program Manager)

Send out electronic copy of the sphere of influence (state also
that this is included in the online student handbook)

Supplies Owner Complete
Clipboards for all staff with agenda and nametag
Clipboards for JLs with agenda, nametags, winter dinner fact
sheet, sample payment tracker
-One clipboard each for Spring and Summer Cohorts JLs with
attendance, sign-up sheets, work-team sign-ups, and

For clipboards table
1. Summer
2. Spring
Diagrams of table set up

Blank Forms- Fill out here
Drop Off Summer
Drop Off Spring
Clipboards (with arrow)
Orange Culture Night (with arrows)

Bins labeled Spring and Summer Drop-Off
Each should contain
1. In folder
a. Winter Dinner Facts (42)
b. Sample Payment Tracker (42)
c. List of wreaths orders received (in materials folder)
2. Spheres of influence larger display
3. Pens
4. Tape
5. Sheets to sit on
6. Butcher paper 3x 10
7. Circle Stickers
8. Thick pens

Hanging files labeled
1. Participant agreement form
2. Sexual harassment form
3. Guatemala fund form
4. Contact information form

Extra copies of
1. Processing and tracking form
2. Participant registration
3. Participant agreement
4. Sexual harassment forms

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5. Guatemala Project fund
6. Other participant forms that are incomplete- red folder
Pens (140)
Blue Tape
Blank nametags (140)
Bin Label: Clipboards (4 bins needed) with
Copy of parent attendance
1. Summer
2. Spring
100 Pens for parents
Numbers printed on sheets in plastic 1-8

Parent Clipboards (80)
1. GV Brochure
2. Newspaper Article
3. Winter Dinner Sign Up sheet- of a sheet (80 total)
4. Winter Dinner Fact Sheet
5. Payment Tracker form

Cinder Block with sign
Sapling with sign
Laptop with PowerPoint saved to laptop for presentation
Easels (for large signs)
Bin Label: LCD projector with
1. Power cord
2. Extension cord
3. Red Tape
4. Ensure that there will be a surface to project onto.

All wreaths in Global Visionaries truck.

Volunteer Roles
(may need more depending on location)

Description: Hand out clipboards to parents, check them off the attendance list and
direct them to drop-off paperwork at next station


Paperwork Drop Off
Volunteer 1 Spring: _________________
Summer: _________________________
: Ask each student what paperwork they have with them and check off on the tracking
form. Also note on the same form the student/parent attendance.
Volunteer 2: Spring: _____________________
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Take students forms as they turn them in and file them in the bin according. After
registration ends you will alphabetize these forms.

Description: Hand out current Invoice, Guatemala Project Fund (to be turned in at the
end of CN (All participants)) and answer questions.
Materials Needed: invoices, student roster, Project Fund form

Description: Take photos of any students/parents who did not have their photo taken
at CN #1
Materials Needed: cameras/batteries, printed student names, student roster


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AGENDA- Student Cohorts

Start End Activity Who

7:00 7:05 Take attendance

7:05 7:15 Icebreaker

1. GV Program Accomplishments
(2 minutes)
a. 16 years45 Trips
b. 1150 Participants
i. 50% of Color
ii. 50% Awarded Scholarships
c. 60,000 lbs. of Supplies
i. Educational Supplies
ii. Medical
d. 3000 lbs. of Direct Trade Coffee
e. 19 Classrooms Built
f. 9700 Hospital Volunteering Hours
g. 17,000 Trees Planted through Reforestation
h. GV Program for Guatemala Students=650 Youth

7:15 7:25 Fundraising Options
Pass out fundraising fact sheet - quickly go through each section
1) Wreaths/Garlands
a) JLS share story about wreaths
b) Ask students their strategies so far (competition for best 5 strategies)
c) Confirm wreath orders (if applicable)
2) Fundraising Letters
a) JL Testimony
b) Highlight workshops in schools and GV office
3) Winter Dinner
a) Introduce and explain
i) Spots are limited.
4) What are their ideas for fundraising?

7:25 7:35 Fundraising Basics

1) Effective fundraising
a) What is GV?

b) Repeat Mission Statement (15 words)

i) Empowering young people to become global leaders in creating a just and sustainable
c) Why is this experience important to you?

i) JL share why it was/is important to them. And their experience with fundraising.

d) Practice

i) Pick Partner to share with. (Pick Top 3 to Share with Entire Group)
2) Philanthropy
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a) Fundraising as leadership

b) Privilege and responsibility
i) Do we have more privileges living in the USA?
ii) What responsibilities come with these privileges?
c) Circles of Influence:

7:35 7:40 Break into groups for Role-playing
1) Count off 1-8 then go meet the parents
7:40 8:00 Fundraising Role-Playing
1) ROLE-PLAYING with parents in groups of 7- parents provide coaching

8:00 8:05 Break
8:05 8:15 Break into Mentor Groups
1) How did the role play go?
2) Review Payments
a) Pass out practice payment trackers do a practice fill out

3) Questions
8:15 8:55 Financial Integrity

1) Remember:
a) Explain the importance of aligning values and actions
b) Financial Integrity and leadership with your money
2) Needs vs. Wants
a) We are going to start a conversation about and not necessarily finish it, is that ok?
b) Where does that need become a want?
3) Match your values to how you spend your money

4) Activity
a) Explain that students are going to choose a behavior they are taking a part of that does not
align with their values. They are going to make a step towards aligning their actions and
b) JLs share commitments
c) Divide up into mentor groups
d) Have students share commitments in group and JLs write them down.

e) Remind them that their commitments can save them money for the trip.
5) Have some students share with the larger group.
8:55 9:00 Closing Words
6) GV Circle
7) Reminder of next Culture Night and any announcements
a) SECOND Wreath deadline-Monday, November 11&13
b) Wreath pick up-Monday, November 19th
9:00 Take Students back to Parents

It should be clear that the students that order a wreath will be charged for them and they must continue to water it so that it does not
dry out.
This is our biggest culture night in terms of attendance and the amount of paperwork involved. It is important that it be
both efficient and effective.
If they are not put them in the red folder.
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This will be used when putting the tables/chairs back together.
Invite all Youth Boarders and fundraising intern to help with the CN
GV Staff is there to support the students through this process, the best case scenario is that we say nothing. Therefore,
it is our job to set the leaders up for success.
Have students who have not done the online registration fill out the work team form (in the materials folder)
This activity should include A LOT of energy and enthusiasm!
These should be updated each year
Everyone has to fundraise for the Guatemala fund, so all students are engaged in these efforts.
Explain what GV has accomplished over the years (e.g. 16
year, 45 trips).
Recite the GV mission by heartfundraising goes towards that cause. Who in this room listens to music? Why? How
many people listen to music when they work out? Why? It pumps you up! Be the music for others! Be the inspiration for
everyone, be their music!
When students fundraise they are not asking people for money, but inviting them to join in on their vision for change
and educating others, using personal stories is the most effective way to do this. Students in this section should define
what that looks like for them. Fundraising is about creating relationships: You first build the relationship by telling them
what you are doing, why you are doing, you get the person excited about the program about you; inspire people to be part
of your cause. We are not fundraising to go Guatemala, we are fundraising to change the world.
Then you invite them to be part of the community, to support what you are doing. Then you ask by taking an action, buy
a wreath, bag of coffee, bake, etc. The response will be YES because you have built the relationship prior. What is the
return for the people that are giving the money? You are building a community by giving money, a community who fights
for Social and Environmental justice, who in this world doesnt want that? All the answers will be YES
How they will introduce their cause to possible supporters (i.e. selling them a wreath etc.)? Tell them they will be
practicing this with the parents half way through the culture night.
Fundraising for a cause can help you get a job,
Use large COI poster and explain these. When asking for support students should begin with May I take 30 seconds of
your time... Do you have time right now?
In this section students will be practicing their pitch with the parents. As they go into the parents room, they will see a
parent holding up their number, they can start with that parent.
NEVER give money to staff, always in envelope to be put in safe under finance desk. If you do not have an envelope
we will get you one
Financial Integrity: Put your money where your mouth is. Alignment of your values and how you spend your money.
Be animated using your hands, aligning every single finger to each hand while you are explaining
Ask: What do you spend your money on? Does it support your beliefs? Think about what your values are in what you
believe? Remember, that you are not telling this to the students, they are discovering by themselves.
Start with, what does a human being need to live? Water, love, shelter, sunshine and food, people dont need more than
that. When needs become wants, i.e. Water for Soda= creating more trash, using aluminum that has been processed
before destroying ecosystems in the world, pollution, stealing water resources, etc. Clothes for brand clothes= buying
clothes of quality brands that have exported from different countries where the employer have been miss treated and not
receiving any fair compensation.
Make this an intellectual journey (e.g. giving up coke). They need to come to the conclusion themselves, you cant force
JLs should follow up with these commitments at the next meeting.

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