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Laser Fiche 8.2 Client Options

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Laserfiche 8.

2 Client Options

White Paper

May 2011

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Compulink Management Center, Inc on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Compulink must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Compulink, and Compulink cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This chapter is for informational purposes only. COMPULINK MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT.

Table of Contents Laserfiche Client Options ................................................................................. 4 Autonaming ...................................................................................................... 4 Default Document Name .............................................................................. 4 Count ............................................................................................................. 5 Browser Display ............................................................................................... 6 General .......................................................................................................... 6 Settings ......................................................................................................... 6 Columns ........................................................................................................ 8 Export ............................................................................................................... 8 Images ........................................................................................................... 8 Text ............................................................................................................. 10 File Naming ................................................................................................ 11 E-Mail .......................................................................................................... 11 Briefcases .................................................................................................... 12 Watermark................................................................................................... 13 Generate Pages................................................................................................ 13 Generate Text ................................................................................................. 14 Help ................................................................................................................ 16 New Documents ............................................................................................. 17 General ........................................................................................................ 17 Settings ....................................................................................................... 18 Outlook ....................................................................................................... 19 File Conversion........................................................................................... 20 Password ........................................................................................................ 21 Print ................................................................................................................ 21 General ........................................................................................................ 21 Images ......................................................................................................... 22 Watermark................................................................................................... 22 Prompts .......................................................................................................... 23 Search ............................................................................................................. 23 General ........................................................................................................ 23 2

Results Display ........................................................................................... 25 Columns ...................................................................................................... 26 Toolbars .......................................................................................................... 26 Customize ................................................................................................... 26 View ................................................................................................................ 29 General ........................................................................................................ 29 Open With................................................................................................... 31 Layout ......................................................................................................... 31

Laserfiche Client Options

The Laserfiche Client Options dialog box gives users the opportunity to customize their Laserfiche Client to suit their personal needs. You can change the appearance and layout of many aspects and alter the behavior of the Client to help you work more efficiently. Note: That these options are specific to the Laserfiche Client. See the help files to learn about the options available in Scanning, Snapshot, and PhotoDocs. Options set or modified in the Laserfiche Clients Options dialog box are not universally applied to the repository. The Laserfiche 8.2 Client associates options settings with the Laserfiche user logged in at the time the option is changed. The user will have consistent default options even when using different machines. Select Options under the Tools menu to open the Options dialog box.

The Autoname node of the Options dialog box allows you to configure the name that will be applied to Laserfiche documents by default, if the user does not manually input a document name. You can create a standard name for new documents, such as Invoice0001, Invoice0002, etc., by entering the desired text and a token, which is a placeholder for a particular value.

Default Document Name

Under Default Document Name, you can specify the name that will be automatically assigned to documents if the user does not input a document name. With tokens, you can dynamically generate a name to identify each document. A token is a placeholder for some changing value, such as a user name or a date.

When you click the token button ( ), a list of available tokens will appear. The selected token will be appended to the current value in the Default Document Name box. Select the check boxes to use the default document name as defined above: Importing files. If you clear the check box, the existing name of the file being imported will be used. Creating a blank document. If you clear the check box, the default name will be New Document. Creating a document from existing pages. If you clear the check box, the default name will be the name of the document from which the pages originated. Importing e-mails and their attachments. If you clear the check box, the default name will be the subject line of the e-mail or the existing name of the attachment. This option only affects Outlook e-mail messages and attachments. Scanning a document. Laserfiche Scanning also has a default document name setting. If the check box is cleared, the default document name defined in Laserfiche Scanning will be used.

When using a count token such as Session Count, you can change the default Current count token value. Tip: If you think your counts will reach large numbers, you can plan ahead so Laserfiche will display the documents in the proper order. There are a couple of different methods to set the default document count to a standard length: If you pre-pend multiple zeros to the value assigned to the Current count token value option, the document name generated will include leading zeros for each unused digit. For example, typing 0000 in Current count token value would produce the following results for the count token: 0001, 0002 0009, 0010. The count token can also be configured to have a minimum width, using the notation %(Count,#). The variable # should be replaced with the minimum width that the value returned by the count token must meet. If the width of the returned value is smaller than the specified number, leading spaces will be added to the value. For example, if the count token has been specified as %(Count,4) and the value returned is a single digit, three leading spaces will be inserted before the value assigned to the count token. Note that the spaces will be very small.

Browser Display
In the Browser node of the Options dialog box, you can configure the appearance of the columns, icons, and font in the Laserfiche Clients Folder Browser.

In the General node under Browser, you can configure the default settings for column changes and the font. Column Options You can specify whether changes you make to the column display within a folder will be applied to all folders or only within the individual folder. Selecting the option to remember column display for individual folders allows you to configure the column combinations that are most useful for specific folders. Font By default, the Laserfiche Client uses the same font for the Folder Browser display as the default Windows Explorer font. Select Use custom font and then Change to specify the text font, size, and style you prefer.

In the Settings node under Browser, you can configure the default settings for document icons and the Folder Browser display. Document Icons The color of a document icon in Laserfiche depends on the features of the document itself. In the Document Icons setting, you can choose whether you want all documents with the same template to have the same color or all documents from the same volume to have the same color. 6

By default, electronic documents are displayed using the icon associated with their native file format. For example, Microsoft Word documents display the Word icon. However, if you select the Use document icons for electronic documents check box, electronic documents will be displayed with Laserfiche document icons. Display You can select Display latest versions only to show only the most recent versions of documents in your Laserfiche repository. For more on document versions, see Creating a New Version of a Document and Document Versioning in the Laserfiche Client help files. If you select Save pane layout, future sessions will use the changes you make to the pane layout during a session instead of reverting to the default layout. This option is especially useful to save pane layouts in the Document Viewer. If you clear the Refresh folders automatically check box, folders will not automatically update and refresh when changes are made. If you clear this option, manually refresh folders by pressing F5. If you clear Group entries by folders and documents, folders and documents will display mixed together. Example: If this option is cleared and you sort by name, entries will be alphabetized regardless of whether they are folders or documents. If you select this check box, folders and documents will be kept separate in the display. Example: If this option is selected, a search by name will display the folders alphabetized first and the documents alphabetized below the folders. If you clear Copy access rights along with the entries, access rights will not be included when copying and pasting folders. Select this option to include access rights, although rights inherited from parent folders will not be included.

In the Columns node under Browser, you can determine the information that will be displayed in the columns of your Folder Browser. Select the field values or other information that you want to display by default. Tip: Double-click a template name in the Column Display list to display all of the templates fields in the columns of your Folder Browser.

In the Export node of the Options dialog box, you can configure your default options for exporting files, text, briefcases, and, if you are licensed for the Laserfiche E-mail Plug-in, exporting documents by e-mail.

In the Images node under Export, you can determine how image files will be exported, including their file formats and whether annotations will be included on the exported images. Default Image Format Under Default image format, you can determine the default formats in which images will be exported. You can specify different formats for color or grayscale images and for black and white images. If you leave the image format set to default when you export images, Laserfiche will automatically detect whether the image is color/grayscale or black and white and export it using the appropriate setting. At the time of export, you can also select a different image format.

If Export dragged images using the selected color format is selected, these default settings will be applied when you export an image by dragging and dropping. Otherwise, the image will remain in the format in which it was stored in Laserfiche. Annotations and Redactions You can specify whether to include redactions and other annotations such as highlights and stamps. Select or clear Include redactions on exported images to configure whether redactions will be included on your exported documents by default. This setting only applies to documents for which you have the right to see through redactions. Users who do not have permission to view redacted content on a document will always export secured images with redactions. When a document has been exported with redactions, the redaction will be burned in to the image. No user, including authorized users, will ever be able to view the content behind the redacted portions of the image on the exported document. Tip: If you choose to export a Laserfiche document as a PDF file, remember that the PDF file can include the image and text from each page in the document. To secure the content stored in the PDF file, make sure that both the image and the corresponding text have been redacted in the Laserfiche document. If Include all other annotations on exported images is checked, your exported image will include any annotations you have the right to see on that document. File Format Options If Export multiple images from a document as a multi-page TIFF file is selected, exporting more than one page of a document in TIFF format will export all the selected pages as a single multi-page TIFF file. If this option is cleared, they will be exported as multiple single-page TIFF files. These singlepage TIFF files will use the file naming default set in the Text node (described below). Note that this setting has no effect on files in non-TIFF formats. If Convert annotations into PDF annotations is selected, Laserfiche annotations will be converted to PDF annotations that can be viewed and modified in Adobe Acrobat when the image is exported as a PDF. If it is cleared, the image will be exported into PDF format with the annotations burned on the image. In this case, the annotations cannot be modified. If When generating PDFs from pages, create as PDF/A-1b is selected, PDFs will be generated in the PDF/A-1b format. This format is intended for longterm document archival, and its file size may be larger than a standard PDF. The PDF/A-1b format does not support some annotation types, which will not

be included in the exported file. If this option is cleared, exported PDFs will be saved in standard PDF format. You can set the Quality level for JPEG or lossy PDF out of 100, with 100 being the highest quality. Take into consideration that the higher the quality level, the larger the resulting file size. Choose a quality/file size combination that meets your needs. If When generating PDFs from pages, use lossless compression is selected, the image quality of images exported as PDFs will not be decreased, regardless of the quality level set in the previous option. PDFs generated with lossless compression can be very large.

In the Text node under Export, you can determine the default settings that will apply when you export text from Laserfiche. Text Formatting If Format text using Unicode is checked, the text will be exported in the Unicode standard, which accommodates characters from many languages. Redactions If Replace redacted text is selected, redacted text in an exported file will be replaced by a character that you can specify in the text box. Example: Suppose you are exporting a text file that includes the sentence, The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. If the word jumps was redacted, and the character X was selected as the redaction character, the text would be exported as The quick brown fox XXXXX over the lazy dog. If Replace redacted text is cleared, and if you have the right to see through redacted content on a particular document, the text will be exported without being redacted. If you do not have the right to see through redacted content, content will still be redacted even if this option is cleared. To preserve security, ensure that content is redacted on both the image and text portions of a Laserfiche document.


Multiple Pages You can set the default when exporting multiple pages from the same document either to merge the pages into a single text file or create separate text files for each page. If you create a single text file, you can select whether to insert page break characters between pages. If you create multiple files, the names will be determined by the default file naming conventions, as described below.

File Naming
If you have chosen to export TIFF images as single pages, or if you are exporting multiple pages in an image format other than TIFF or PDF, you can specify how each one-page document will be named. The prefix you specify for the page number and the page number will be appended to each documents name. You can also configure the minimum number of characters for the page number. For example, if you set the minimum page length to 8, page one would look like DocumentName, Page 1 and page ten would look like DocumentName, Page 10

If you are licensed for the Laserfiche E-mail Plug-in, an E-mail section will be available in the Export node of the Options dialog box. In this node, you can configure the way documents are handled when they are exported in e-mail. Since large e-mails can take a long time to download, you may not want to send large attachments to some e-mail recipients. Select Warn when attachments are greater than and enter a size in kilobytes to display a warning whenever a set of attachments would exceed a particular size. 11

When sending multiple documents, you may want to Zip them together to help manage a large list of files or to reduce the size of the attachment. You can do so by selecting Combine attachments into one zip file. Select Include linked documents as attachments, to automatically attach documents linked to the document you are attaching.

Creating a Laserfiche briefcase allows you to export multiple files compressed as a single file. Briefcases are a convenient way to copy entries to a different repository. Supplemental information and folder structure will be retained but security will not. In the Briefcases node under Export, you can configure your default settings for creating briefcases. Content You can specify what types of files are included in a briefcase when it is exported from Laserfiche. You could choose only to export electronic documents, for instance, or to export everything but the annotations associated with the documents. Note: These options do not affect security settings. If you do not have the right to see annotations on a document, the annotations will not be included, even if you select Annotations. Redactions You can choose to permanently incorporate redactions into the exported images. If this option is chosen, the redaction will be burned into the image itself. Even if the briefcase is imported into a repository, the redaction section of the image will not be viewable by any users because the redaction has become part of the image. This option only affects those documents for which the exporting user has the right to see through redactions. If you cannot see through redactions on a document, even if this option is cleared, the redactions will automatically be made permanent on export. Range You can specify the scope of documents that the Client will include in the exported briefcase. If you select Current folder, only the files in the current 12

folder will be exported; subfolders will be ignored. If you select Current folder and its subfolders, the subfolders will be included, as will the documents in those folders. Folder structure is automatically preserved when briefcasing selected folders. If you are generating a briefcase from a set of search results, you can select Include folder structure when exporting search results to preserve the folder structure of the documents found in a search.

If you have the Apply Optional Watermark feature right, you can configure an optional watermark to apply to exported documents that do not already have watermarks. Note: If a user has a group watermark or if the document has a tag watermark, those watermarks will appear on the document instead of this optional watermark. The text box under Choose previous or type new text lets you type the text you want your watermark to have or choose text from the drop-down menu. You can insert tokens in the watermark text to make the text dynamic. The delete button allows you to delete watermarks from the drop-down list. Select Apply when exporting (and no other watermarks are present) to have the watermark you configured apply to exported documents without existing group or tag watermarks. You can further configure the position, rotation, and size of the watermark with the options in this node.

Generate Pages
The Generate Pages node of the Options dialog box offers two options for generating pages from PDFs in your repository. It also allows you to configure how Snapshot generates pages from other types of electronic 13

documents. The options configured here will determine how pages are generated when you select Generate Pages in the Client. Generate pages for PDFs within repository If you choose to Extract images from PDFs, Laserfiche image pages will be created from the PDFs. You can further specify if you want to Preserve PDF annotations on Laserfiche pages. If you clear this check box, PDF annotations will not be included in the Laserfiche pages as Laserfiche annotations. If you choose to Use Snapshot virtual printer to generate Laserfiche pages, PDF annotations will not be preserved. We recommend using Laserfiches native page generation for PDFs, if possible, because it is usually quicker and more accurate than Snapshot. Snapshot Properties You can further configure how Snapshot generates Laserfiche pages by clicking Snapshot Properties. For more information on Snapshot Properties see the online help.

Generate Text
In the Generate Text node in the Options dialog box, you can specify your preferences for how text is generated. You can configure your Optical Character Recognition (OCR) settings, set your image cleanup options for documents that will have text extracted by OCR, integrate with Microsoft Office, and configure advanced PFD settings. OCR Engine You can select your OCR engine from the list. Under almost all circumstances, you will want to leave the OCR engine set to OmniPage OCR. Settings Setting the OCR language to match the language of the document will increase OCR accuracy. You can choose to decolumnize text so that text that takes up two or more columns on an image appears as a single column in the text document. You can choose to temporarily enhance or clean up the image prior to OCRing. See below for how to configure this setting. Finally, you can choose whether to optimize for speed, balance, or accuracy. With OCR, there is often a trade-off between speed and accuracy. By default, Laserfiche is set 14

to optimize for balance. If you want to optimize for speedfor instance, if you are OCRing a very large number of very clean documentsyou can select this option. While in some situations accuracy is important, optimizing for accuracy significantly increases processing time. Also, since fuzzy search allows you to successfully search text that has errors, complete accuracy is not always necessary. Image Clean-up Options If you select Perform image enhancement and click Configure, the Image Clean-up Options dialog box will appear. Here, you can configure the specific enhancements that will be applied to each image prior to OCR. Note: These enhancements are temporarily applied for the OCR process and are not saved on the image. Deskew Image: Straightens crooked images. Despeckle: Removes tiny spots and other noise from an image. You can specify the maximum size, in pixels, of stray spots to remove. Rotate Image: Rotates automatically or by a set amount. Automatic rotation can adjust to images imported in any orientation, but it takes longer than rotating by a set amount, because correct orientation must be determined for each page. If all pages will be imported with the same incorrect orientation, you can choose to rotate By this amount and select the number of degrees to rotate. Line Removal: Removes horizontal or vertical lines from your images. If a character will be damaged by line removalfor instance, if a line bisects a character, and therefore line removal would also remove part of the characterthe line removal process will also repair those characters.

Once you have configured your processes, you can click Preview to see a sample document, and then click Test to apply the processes to the sample. Office Integration Selecting the Automatically extract text when saving documents from Microsoft Office option will ensure the text is extracted from Microsoft Office documents saved to, or modified in, your repository. This option does not apply to Outlook which follows your import settings.


You can also configure additional settings for how text is generated from PDFs by clicking the Advanced Settings for PDFs button. Clicking this button opens the Advanced PDF Import Options dialog. The default setting, Use native text extraction, is recommended because it uses Laserfiches native text extraction on the PDFs and provides the best combination of accuracy and readable formatting. Native text extraction preserves page breaks and generates context hits, unlike IFilter. It is also much faster than OCRing. If this default option is not working properly, you can select Use an alternative method to generate text. If you want to use an alternative method, choose to OCR the image pages generated for the document (which is slower than other text extraction methods) or to Use PDF IFilter text extraction. Note: To use IFilter, you must have the Adobe PDF IFilter installed on your Client computer. Also, this process does not preserve page breaks. Laserfiches native text extraction and IFilter cannot be used with PDFs that have no text stream. You can select Generate images and text for PDFs without a text stream to have Laserfiche automatically generate images from PDFs without text streams and OCR them to generate searchable text. This option is cleared by default because this process can be slow and may increase the size of imported content.

The Help node of the Options dialog box lets you choose how help files will open. Select Use online help to view the WebHelp version of the help files. Clear this check box to use local help. You can also select to check for an Internet connection when you click the help button. If an Internet connection is found, online help will open. If no Internet connection is found, the local help will open. 16

Note: If you have an Internet connection, we strongly recommend using online help because the online help is frequently updated and expanded.

New Documents
In the New Documents node of the Options dialog box, you can configure the default settings that will be applied to documents imported, scanned, or created in Laserfiche.

You can configure default document properties in the General node. Document Properties By default, when you create or import a new document, the New Document or Import to Laserfiche dialog box will appear. It will be set to the default template and volume you specified in the Default template and Import to volume options, but you can manually configure them in the dialog box. If you clear the Always show Metadata dialog check box, these dialog boxes will not appear unless user input is required, such as with a required field that does not have a default value. Documents will be automatically assigned the default settings for name, template, and volume configured in the Options dialog box. You will still be able to change the document properties within the Laserfiche Client. Select the Automatically rename when a name conflict occurs check box to automatically append a number to an imported documents name if the folder you are importing into has a document with the same name. For example, if you import a file named June Report into a folder that already has a file named June Report, the imported file will be renamed June Report (2). Clear this check box to be prompted to rename an imported document if there is a name conflict. Select the Retain file extensions in electronic document names check box, to preserve the file extension appended to electronic files. This option is generally used when the repository will be accessed with WebDAV as it is required for correct WebDAV functionality. 17

You can configure what should occur when you import a briefcase with folders that have the same name as an existing folder in the destination directory. For example, if you import a briefcase into a folder that contains a subfolder called "Contracts," and the briefcase also contains a subfolder called "Contracts," the folders will be conflicted. Select the Merge with existing folder structure check box, to combine the folders with the same name. Select the Create folder structure with new names check box, to rename the briefcase folders by appending a number to it. The renamed folders will not be merged with the repository folders.

In the Settings node under New Documents, you can configure the default processes that will be applied to new documents. Generate Searchable Text and Pages Selecting Generate Searchable Text ensures that documents will be OCRed or have text extracted by default when they are added to Laserfiche. You can select to index documents added to Laserfiche, if auto-indexing has been disabled in the Laserfiche Administration Console. If auto-indexing on import has been enabled, this option will be grayed out in this dialog box, because it cannot be turned off at the Client level. You can configure how Laserfiche will process imported PDFs by default. Select Generate Laserfiche pages to automatically create Laserfiche TIFF image pages when you import PDFs. If you select to create Laserfiche pages, you can choose if you want to Keep original PDF files. Selecting this option imports the PDF as an electronic file and creates imaged pages. If you clear this option, the imported document will only have imaged pages. If you select to Generate Laserfiche pages, you can also choose to Preserve PDF annotations on Laserfiche pages. All PDF annotations that have Laserfiche annotation equivalents will be preserved. Note: PDF Stamp annotations are not compatible with Laserfiche Stamp annotations and will not be converted. Document/Page Break In the Document/Page Break section, the When importing images settings apply to multiple image files added to Laserfiche at one time. You can choose 18

to create a new document for each new image file imported or to combine the image files into a single document. Note: This setting does not affect how electronic files will be imported into the repository. Make each file into a separate document: Importing more than one image file will create a separate imaged document for each file imported. Each document will have the same name as the image file it came from. Combine images into a single document: Importing more than one image file at a time will create a single imaged document containing all image files. The document will have the same name as the first file in the list of imported files.

The Create a new text page every n lines option applies when you have chosen in the File Conversion node (described below) to save certain types of text files as text pages in a Laserfiche document. If you have chosen to convert certain types of text files to imaged documents, you can specify a fixed number of lines per page with this option.

In the Outlook node under New Documents, you can configure settings for emails and attachments imported from Microsoft Outlook. Default Behavior In the Attachments area, you can determine whether to leave attachments in the imported e-mail document, file them separately as electronic documents, or create a separate electronic document for each attachment and leave copies in the e-mail document. If you choose to store attachments as new electronic documents, selecting Apply e-mail fields to attachments will apply the same templates and fields to the attachment as to the e-mail message. If you select File distribution list, an additional file will be created when you import an e-mail, containing all the names and e-mail addresses listed in the TO, CC, and BCC fields.


Field Associations Under Field Associations, you can associate certain fields in the Laserfiche templates with certain properties of the e-mail itself. For instance, you could choose to have a Date/Time field in the template automatically filled in with the Time Received or Time Sent property of the email. Note that these field associations will only be made when you associate the e-mail with the template. When you select a template in the Template area, a list of the fields associated with that template will appear in the Field column of the box below. In the Email Property column, click the space next to the field name to see a list of email properties you can associate with that field. Choose a template and select the Make the selected template the default for imported e-mails check box to automatically apply that template (and its configured field associations) to imported Outlook e-mail messages. Click the Reset button to undo your field and template selections and go back to your default repository settings.

File Conversion
The File Conversion node under New Documents allows you to select what image files will be converted to Laserfiche imaged documents when they are imported into the repository. To add an extension to the list, select a file extension under Enter or choose a file extension and click Add. To remove an extension, select it from the list of extensions that will be converted and click Remove. Images with file extensions in the conversion list will be converted to TIFF format and made into imaged documents. Images whose file extensions are not listed will remain in their native file format and will be imported as electronic documents.


The Password node allows users who have the right to change their own passwords to do so. If you have forgotten your current password, contact a Laserfiche administrator. Note: This option is only available if you are connected with a Laserfiche user account.

The Print node in the Options dialog box allows you to configure how documents are printed from a Laserfiche repository.

You can configure how annotations will be included when a document is printed in a Laserfiche repository. Redactions: Select to include redactions on the printed document. Select the Secure Redactions check box to completely obscure the information behind the redaction. If you clear the Secure Redactions check box, the redacted information will appear as if highlighted in gray. Note: If the user does not have the right to see through redactions, redactions will automatically be secured on the printed document. Sticky notes: Select to show a picture of a sticky note wherever a sticky note was placed on a document. A footnote page with the contents of each sticky note also will be printed at the end of the document.


Other annotations: Select to show all other annotations on the printed document. Search hits: Select to show search hits highlighted on the printed document if you print after conducting a search.

Under Image Arrangement, configure how images will be printed. You can set the size of printed images to their actual size or scaled to fit the page. If you chose to scale the image to fit on the page, the images proportions will be maintained. Select Autodetect page orientation to have Laserfiche automatically detect whether each page should be printed with a portrait or landscape orientation. Under Auto-Select Paper Source, select Choose paper source by page size to have Laserfiche automatically select the correct page size for printing, if you have more than one paper sources available. If you select this option, you can set the maximum paper size you want to print.

If you have the Apply Optional Watermark feature right, you can configure an optional watermark to apply to printed documents that do not already have watermarks. Note: If a user has a group watermark or if the document has a tag watermark, those watermarks will appear on the document instead of this optional watermark. The text box under Choose previous or type new text lets you type the text you want your watermark to have or chose text from the drop-down menu. 22

You can insert tokens in the watermark text to make the text dynamic. The delete button allows you to delete watermarks from the drop-down list. Select Apply when printing (and no other watermarks are present) to have the watermark you configured apply to printed documents without existing group or tag watermarks. You can further configure the position, rotation, and size of the watermark with the options in this node.

The Prompts node under Options allows you to configure when you will be prompted to confirm your actions. Confirmations Under Confirmations, you can specify what prompts you do and do not want to see. For instance, if you dont want to be prompted every time you exit the program, you can clear the Exit program check box. Hidden Messages and Dialogs Certain prompts can be turned off by selecting Dont ask me again in the prompt box itself. Click Reset to display all the prompts hidden in this way. Note: Resetting does not affect the prompts specifically configured under Confirmations. Those prompts can be individually hidden or displayed from this node.

In the Search node under Options, you can determine how Laserfiche will conduct searches and how the results will be displayed.

In the General node under Search, you can configure the criteria your Laserfiche 23

Client uses when searching. Fuzzy Search Fuzzy Search tells the search engine to return all words or phrases similar to the word or phrase typed. You can specify what percentage or how many letters of the word can differ from the search criteria and still be considered a search result. Note: These fuzzy search options only apply to full-text searches. Search Options If you select Find partial matches when performing a basic search, a Quick Search ( ) or Basic Search will return partial matches for a search term from the entry name, field, or annotation text. For example, if you search for laser, the search engine will return results matching Laserfiche. With finding partial matches enabled, you can be less precise with your search term, but searching may be slower and will return more results. Note: This option does not return partial matches in document text searches. If you select Include variations of root word in full-text searches, full-text searches will return words that come from the same root word as the search term. For example, if you select this option (also called search stemming) a search for the word swim will return documents with the word swim, swims, swam, swum, or swimming in them. If you are licensed for Records Manager, you will have the option to Show Records Management options in the Search Results Pane. Case/Accent Sensitive Search The drop-down menu in this section allows you to choose the combination of case and/or accent sensitivity you want for non-full-text searches. The default combination is set in the Laserfiche Administration Console. Example: If you set this option to Case Insensitive\Accent Sensitive, the search results will ignore whether the search term has upper case or lower case letters but only find results with the same accents as are in the search term.


Results Display
In the Results Display node under Search, you can determine how your search results will appear in the Laserfiche Client. Highlight Under Highlight, you can customize the colors used to highlight the search term in documents. You can set different colors for the highlights on the image and the highlights in the text. Search Display Resolve shortcuts: If you are searching within specific folders that contain shortcuts, enabling this option will search the documents the shortcuts reference. For example, you limit your search to the Marketing folder which contains a shortcut to the October Brochure stored in the Sales folder. With this option selected, the October Brochure will be searched along with the contents of the Marketing folder. Note: Selecting this option can significantly slow down search performance. Return latest versions only: The search will return only the most recent version of a document, ignoring any previous versions. Show context lines: This option displays an excerpt of the text containing your search results in the Search Results Pane. If you clear this option, no context hits will be displayed. You can set the number of characters shown in each context line next to Characters per line. Limit text searches to: The search will only return the number of text search results specified in the Maximum results text box. (A note will be included if there were results that were not returned because the limit was reached.) Limiting text searches to a maximum number of results can significantly increase performance.


The Columns node under Search allows you to configure what information about the documents found by the search will show in the main area of the Search Results Pane. Column Display Select items under Column Display to configure which field values and other information about the documents will be shown. Note: When you search for a template, the fields in that template will be shown as columns in addition to the columns configured above.

You can customize your Laserfiche Client toolbar in the Toolbars node of the Options dialog box. Click Customize Toolbar to configure your toolbar.

The Customize dialog box will appear. You can set your preferences for various aspects of the toolbar. Toolbars In the Toolbars tab, you can configure which toolbars will be displayed, create new toolbars, and make custom toolbar buttons. You can configure the options in the Folder Browser or the Document Viewer, whichever you have open at the time you open the Customize dialog box. Under the Toolbars option, you can select which toolbars will be displayed. If you open 26

the Customize dialog box while in the Folder Browser, you will see Menu, Toolbar, and Navigation. In the Document Viewer, you will see Menu and Toolbar. The Menu check box cannot be cleared. To create a new toolbar, click New. For example, you could create a new toolbar called Annotations. To rename or delete a toolbar you created, select it and click Rename or Delete. To revert to original settings after making changes to a toolbar, click Reset. To create a new toolbar button, click Custom (see below). For example, you might want to create a new button that will open Microsoft Outlook within the Laserfiche Client.

To create a custom toolbar button: 1. Click Custom and the Custom Toolbar Buttons dialog box will appear. In the image shown, there is a custom button for the Internet Explorer browser. 2. Click Add and the Toolbar Button Properties dialog box will appear. 3. In the Name option, type the name for your new custom button. 4. In the Command option, type or browse to the path for the application you want the button to open. For example, to create a button to open Outlook, you would input the path to the Outlook.exe file, which launches Outlook. 5. In the Icon option, select an icon for the application. Many executable files have a number of icons associated with them. You can select an executable file (such as Outlook.exe) and browse the available icons to choose one. 6. Click OK to close the Toolbar Button Properties dialog box and OK to close the Custom Toolbar Buttons dialog box. 7. You can add the button to the toolbar from the Commands tab, described below.


Commands In the Commands tab, you can drag a command from the list to a toolbar. For example, if you created a custom button to open Outlook, you can drag that command from the Custom category to a toolbar. If you created a new toolbar in the Document Viewer called Annotations, you can click on the Annotations category and drag commands to the new toolbar. Options The Options tab allows you to set your preferences for the appearance and function of the toolbars and menus. Under Personalized Menus and Toolbars, if you clear Always show full menus, Laserfiche will track how often you use items in the menus and will begin to show you only the items you use most frequently. You can also select to Show full menus after a short delay. You can clear the information used to configure this setting by clicking Reset menu and toolbar usage data. If you leave Always show full menus checked, you will continue to see the full menus. Under Other, you can configure the appearance of your toolbars and icons. Large icons: Select to keep larger icons, or clear to make them smaller. Show ScreenTips on toolbars: Select to show descriptions, with or without keyboard shortcuts, when you hover over a button. Menu animations: Choose among slightly different settings for how menus appear when they drop down. Button text: Add or remove text labels on toolbar buttons.

Keyboard In the Keyboard tab, you can create custom keyboard shortcuts for different commands depending on whether you open the Customize dialog box in the Folder Browser or Document Viewer.


To view and/or customize keyboard shortcuts: 1. In the Keyboard tab of the Customize dialog box, select a category of commands from the Category menu. 2. To view assigned shortcuts, click on a command in the Commands list. If a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to the command, the key combination will appear in the Key assignments box. 3. To create a custom keyboard shortcut, click on the appropriate command, click inside the Press new shortcut key text box, press the desired keyboard combination, and click Assign. If that keyboard shortcut is already assigned to a command, a dialog box will appear and ask if you want to reassign that shortcut.

In the View node of the Options dialog box, you can configure the default layout and properties for viewing documents in Laserfiche.

In the General node under View, you can configure the default document view settings. Default Image Settings In the Zoom option under Default Image Settings, you can configure the default zoom level that will be used to display your image in the Document Viewer. Fit Window: The entire document will be displayed in the pane. Fit Width: The document will fill the width of the image pane, and you may need to scroll down to see the rest of the page of the document is longer than it is wide.


Fit Height: The document will fill the height of the Image Pane, and you may need to scroll left or right to see the rest of the page if the document is wider than it is long. Percentage: The percentages can be used to adjust the default zoom level if you are consistently working with documents that have been scanned at a very high or very low resolution.

With the Change pages drop-down menu, you can configure the zoom level and position for when you open a new page in the same document. You can choose to restore the default zoom, keep the current zoom and scroll to the top, or keep the current zoom and the current position. If Zoom to selected region is selected, drawing a box on the image with the selection tool ( ) will zoom in on the image. If you hold down the CTRL key while drawing the box, you will select the portion of the image and its corresponding text without zooming. You can copy and paste this selection into another program that accepts text or graphics. If Zoom to selected region is cleared, drawing the box without the CTRL key will select and drawing it with the CTRL key will zoom. If Page scrolling is selected, the scroll wheel on your mouse (or Page Up/Page down on your keyboard) will scroll through all the pages of the image. If it is cleared, it will only scroll up and down on the selected page. The Default annotation style drop-down menu lets you choose what style new annotations will have by default. Normal: These annotations can be viewed and modified by anyone with the appropriate entry access rights. Protected: These annotations can be viewed by anyone with the appropriate entry access rights but can only be modified by the annotations creator. Private: These annotations can only be viewed or modified by the annotations creator.

Font Used to Display Text By clicking Change Font, you can customize the font, size, and style that will be used to display text in the Document Viewer. Tokens If you check Substitute tokens in text annotations, tokens will be replaced by the value they represent when saving the document the annotation is applied to.


Open With
In the Open With node under View, you can customize how certain types of documents are opened and displayed. You can determine if electronic documents will open with their native applications or in the Document Viewer. If you have WebDAV configured, you can select to open the file directly from the repository rather than saving a copy locally and opening the local copy. With this option, a file opened directly from the repository will also be saved directly to the repository instead of to a local copy. You can configure PDF files to open either in their native application (usually Adobe Reader) or in the Document Viewer. Unlike with other electronic documents, you can view a PDFs electronic file in the Electronic File Pane the Document Viewer. You can also determine whether zero-page documents will open just the Metadata dialog box or the entire Document Viewer.

In the Layout node under View, you can configure how metadata information is displayed in the Document Viewer Metadata Tabs Shown You can select which metadata tabs will be shown or hidden in the Metadata Pane of the Document Viewer.


Laserfiche 8.2 Client Options May 2011

Author: Snow Tempest, Constance Anderson, and Sarah Seene Editor: Misty Powers and Tammy Kaehler Technical Editor: Jeanie Conner and Justin Pava

Laserfiche 3545 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90807 U.S.A

Phone: +1.562.988.1688 www.laserfiche.com

Laserfiche is a trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. Various product and service names references herein may be trademarks of Compulink Management Center, Inc. All other products and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 2011 Compulink Management Center, Inc. All rights reserved


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