Janet L Math Draft

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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form

Fun Activity! Ready to sumit as a !inal "5#"5
Name of Activity: How fast can I go?
What type of transportation am I?
Curriculum Area: Math
Length of Activity: 15 minutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
? The child will be able to sort the correct transportation to their type. (Measure !" classification#
? The child will be able to count the wheels on a car. (Measure $" number sense and %uantity and
? The child will be able to name the shapes that they can find on a car. (Measure &" shapes#
Material/!uipment Nee"e":
? 'amps of different si(es
? )ars and truc*s of different si(es and weights
? + chart numbered one through ten.
? 'oc*s and aluminum to add e,tra weight on the truc*s and cars
? + bulletin board with three columns labeled land" air" and water children can stic* the different types of
transportation under the right category.
#reparation ($hat "o you nee" to "o beforehan"%):
? -irst I must collect enough cars and truc*s for the children to play of different si(es and weight
? I will then collect wooden plan*s to build ramps of different si(es that will be wide enough for the cars
and truc*s
? I will also ha.e created the board for the classifying acti.ity. I will print out" label" and laminate the
different types of transportation
#roce"ures (step by step) & 'e (pecific
)'eginning (*o+ +ill , intro"uce activity%)
? I will introduce this acti.ity on the first day of the thematic wee*. I will introduce it at the end of the
circle time.
? To interest the children on this theme I will introduce the little cars boats and trains and as* children
what they rode in this morning to get to class. I will also introduce the word transportation and what it
? /)lass we will be learning about transportation this wee*. Transportation is a means of tra.eling or of
carrying somebody or something from one place to another. We ha.e many fun acti.ities planned for
you this wee*.0
? I will wor* on creating the 1WH2 chart during this time as well. I will also introduce a boo* with
pictures of all types of transportation and as* them what they notice about that type of transportation.
? There are no safety or guidance issues for this acti.ity so to get started we will split into two groups. We
will transition by marching in a line li*e they are trains. 3ne will go to the ramps and the others the
chart. They will ta*e turns on each acti.ity.
)Mi""le: (*o+ +ill , support/enhance/scaffol"%) & -he person rea"ing your lesson plan shoul" be able to
i"entify +hat you are saying or "oing to support your state" learning objectives. -*,( ,( /01
? I will begin by first displaying how to do the ramp acti.ity. I will grab a car and describe it. This is a
round car. It has four wheels and it4s the color red. I will then let it go down the ramp and watch it
stop by a number. I will as* the children what number it is that it landed on? I will hope the children
will be able to memori(e the numbers from one to ten with this acti.ity as well.
? 5ach child will be gi.en a car or truc*. When it is their turn they will be as*ed indi.idually6 /What
can you tell me about your car or truc*? Tell me what shape does that loo* li*e? How many wheels
does your car or truc* ha.e? How do you *now? They will then be allowed to roll it down and the
class will let them *now the number it landed on. The higher the number will mean it was faster and
the lower the number will mean it was slower.
? To encourage )hildren to wor* together we may add another ramp and as* them if they would li*e
to race. The child will ha.e to find a partner and then they will get to each describe the others car or
truc*. 7uestions6 In what way are they the same? In what way are they different? To add e,tra
materials I will then as* them what would happen if we added roc*s to the truc* or car? When they
race they can watch the changes if there is any on speed.
? -or the other acti.ity we will ha.e the different types of laminated transportation and the children
will be allowed to choose one. They will then be as*ed %uestions li*e6 Tell me about the one you
choose? What does it loo* li*e? How do you *now?
? The child will be allowed to guess where it belongs. 3ne last %uestion is how did they *now it
belonged there? +nd if it is not the correct spot we will aid the in finding the correct one.
)n": (*o+ +ill , bring this activity to a conclusion an" transition to the ne2t activity% 'e very specific
in ho+ you +ill transition the chil"ren.)
? I will let the children *now that the acti.ity will be ending 5 minutes ahead.
? I will as* that the children help me put the toy cars and truc*s in their storage bin and the ramps
out of the wal*ing way.
? 3nce they are done we will go in small groups to wash our hands for snac* time. +n aid will be
waiting by the sin*.
? We will continue the choo choo train till all children ha.e 8oined the line so that then we can all
sit down together.
-hroughout the "ay/+ee34 +hat opportunities +ill the chil"ren have to reflect bac3 on this activity%
? The children can reflect bac* on this acti.ity when they .isit the math center. The chart will be there and
the ramps will be in the area as well if they would li*e to continue the acti.ity.
? The children will also be able to tal* about what they learned in the final )ircle time.

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