N.L: 13,28,33 SMEC4B. If you visit Quetzalapa, you could swim in the river. If you visit quetzalapa, you could go to the restaurant. If you went to the restaurant, you could eat typical food, If you have visited Quetzalapa, you could see the big waterfall. If you had visited Quetzalapa, you would have taken a lot of pictures. If you have been in Quetzalapa, you could be grateful for having visited it. If you had been grateful, you could have stayed at the quet- zalapas hotel.
Quetzalapa Chignahuapan is a beautiful place because Its Peaceful & Safe.
Chignahuapan The meaning of Chignahuapan is Sobre las nueve aguas.
Chignahuapan has a lot of nature and places like : The Chignahuapans Lagoon, Quetzalapa, and the most known Thermal baths or Baos Ter- males. Chignahuapans Lagoon: Its a Little lagoon in which fish, ducks, and acuatic plants are placed there.
If You visited Chignahuapans Lagoon, You Would enjoy at the time. If you stayed Chignahuapans Lagoon, You would catch a fishes. If You traveled Chignahua- pans lagoon, You would ship on the lake. If you didnt travel to chig- nahuapan, You wouldnt see the Lagoon. If I had traveled to chig- nahuapan, I would have eaten fishes. If I had seen the lagoon, I would have been very happy.