Summative 2010
Summative 2010
Summative 2010
lot of student discussion took place.
Students provided a lot of great
examples of living and nonliving things
during group questioning and individual
practice. Connections of characters in
fiction or nonfiction text to living or
nonliving things. All students were
successful in the learning process. The
activity you were doing applied to all
levels of learner.
Students were required to justify their
classification of living organisms and
nonliving objects in written and verbal
Domain I: Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Engaged in learning
2. Successful in learning
3. Critical thinking/
problem solving
4. Self-directed
5. Connects learning
20 3 0 0 23
Total: 20 to 25 Exceeds Expectations
12 to 19 Proficient
4 to 11 Below Expectations
0 to 3 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
To introduce the lesson Candice had students discuss in small groups living and
nonliving things. She asked them to discuss characteristics of living and nonliving
things. Students discussed briefly the two types and then as a class they discussed
them and placed them on the board. After listing on the board the students worked
alone to classify pictures of living and nonliving things. Once they classified they
were to glue the pictures in their science journals. Once finished classifying and
pasting the pictures the students went on a nature walk to find examples of living
and nonliving items outside. They drew the items in their science journals.
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
Students were required to justify their
classification of living organisms and
nonliving objects in written and verbal
Revised June 2004 1
Students were asked to make
predictions if an item was a living
organism or nonliving object. The
pacing was effective and kept the
students engaged. The lesson is 100%
aligned with CSCOPE. Great
Candice is a team leader that models to
her team proper leaner-centered
instruction. Candice is 100% aligned
with GPISD scope and sequence.
Candice and her team plan to find ways
to engage and motivate their students.
Domain II: Learner-Centered Instruction
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Goals and objectives
2. Learner-centered
3. Critical thinking and
problem solving
4. Motivational strategies
5. Alignment
35 6 0 0 41
Total: 37 to 45 Exceeds Expectations
23 to 36 Proficient
7 to 22 Below Expectations
0 to 6 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Goal for the day was posted....We will classify a set of cards as either living or
nonliving. Students will justify why they put each card in the category.
Product for the day...We will observe living organisms and nonliving objects while
on a nature walk and record the observations in their science journals.
Introduction to lesson was whole group. Students then worked individually. Class
did a group review of what they did during individual practice. Class then went on
nature walk to record their observations.
6. Pacing/sequencing
7. Value and importance
8. Appropriate question-
ing and inquiry
9. Use of technology
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
aligned with CSCOPE. Great
Candice is a team leader that models to
her team proper leaner-centered
instruction. Candice is 100% aligned
with GPISD scope and sequence.
Candice and her team plan to find ways
to engage and motivate their students.
Revised June 2004 2
Students were assessed in multiple
ways. Small group discussion, whole
class discussion, individual practice,
class review, small group discussions
outside on nature walk. Students were
asked to justify their answers. Candice
asked individual, small groups, and
whole class for feedback. Great
questioning...How do you know they are
living? How do you know they are
nonliving? What did you observe? I
want you to make a prediction?
Domain III: Evaluation and Feedback on Student Progress
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Monitored and
2. Assessment and in-
struction are aligned
3. Appropriate assess-
4. Learning reinforced
5. Constructive feedback
25 3 0 0 28
Total: 25 to 30 Exceeds Expectations
15 to 24 Proficient
5 to 14 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Candice constantly monitored student learning.
Peer to peer discussions and feedback took place.
Candice used common campus/district made assessments to constantly evaluate
student progress. Candice conferenced with her students when they were
assessed and had students track their levels of progress. The assessments were
aligned 100% of the time with the instruction being delivered to the students.
6. Relearning and
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
living? How do you know they are
nonliving? What did you observe? I
want you to make a prediction?
Revised June 2004 3
Candice has a great management plan for her class. Candice uses CKH strategies to
help with student behavior. Candice had also implemented the campus wide voice level
signals in the hallway and her classroom. Students were in control of their behavior and it
allowed for self-directed learning.
(x 0)
(x 1)
(x 3)
(x 5)
1. Discipline procedures
38 0 0 3 35
8. Manages time and
Use of desired behavior
comments....Matthew is ready. I like the
way you are working. When your eyes are
on me I know you are ready. Non-verbal
communication used.....Voice level signal
of 1, Timeout signal used, Voice level
signal of 0. Candice used many different
strategies to teach the lesson...Open
discussion, notes on the board, student
note-taking, peer to peer conversations,
students justifying their answers,
journaling, investigating, and observing.
Candice has a class that is always
self-managed and that is a true reflection
of the time and energy Candice put into
her plan when she started the year.
Candice has very seldom sent a child to
the office for any behavioral issue.
Domain IV: Management of Student Discipline, Instructional Strategies,
Time, and Materials
2. Self-discipline and
self-directed learning
3. Equitable teacher-
student interaction
4. Expectations for
5. Redirects disruptive
Total: 34 to 40 Exceeds Expectations
20 to 33 Proficient
6 to 19 Below Expectations
0 to 5 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
6. Reinforces desired
7. Equitable and varied
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
strategies to teach the lesson...Open
discussion, notes on the board, student
note-taking, peer to peer conversations,
students justifying their answers,
journaling, investigating, and observing.
Candice has a class that is always
self-managed and that is a true reflection
of the time and energy Candice put into
her plan when she started the year.
Candice has very seldom sent a child to
the office for any behavioral issue.
Revised June 2004 4
Use of desired behavior
comments....Matthew is ready. I like the
way you are working. When your eyes
are on me I know you are ready.
Non-verbal communication
used.....Voice level signal of 1, Timeout
signal used, Voice level signal of 0.
100% supportive and courteous to
teachers,students, and parents.
Candice has been supportive at all
times to the mission and vision of
Fannin and GPISD. Candice is a truly
professional and trustworthy employee
who works tirelessly for children.
Domain V: Professional Communication
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Written with students
2. Verbal/non-verbal with
3. Reluctant students
4. Written with parents,
staff, community
members, and other
5. Verbal/non-verbal with
parents, staff, com-
munity members, and
other professionals
30 0 0 0 30
Total: 25 to 30 Exceeds Expectations
15 to 24 Proficient
5 to 14 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Candice has fully implemented CKH in her class. Her students are well behaved
and understand what is expected of them.
6. Supportive, courteous
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
100% supportive and courteous to
teachers,students, and parents.
Candice has been supportive at all
times to the mission and vision of
Fannin and GPISD. Candice is a truly
professional and trustworthy employee
who works tirelessly for children.
Revised June 2004 5
Common Assessment development
over summer.
Six Weeks Assessments monitoring.
Data Tracking Binders and RTI
meetings to meet student needs.
Common Planning time and
development of engaging lessons and
plans to meet student needs.
All these items were new to the campus
this year.
Member of the Fannin SST team.
Immediate implementation of Lead Your
School...Framing the Lesson.
Domain VI: Professional Development
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Campus/district goals
2. Student needs
3. Prior performance
4. Improvement of
student performance
15 3 0 0 18
Total: 16 to 20 Exceeds Expectations
9 to 15 Proficient
3 to 8 Below Expectations
0 to 2 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Candice has attended and been involved in all professional development
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
Revised June 2004 6
Domain VII: Compliance With Policies, Operating Procedures,
and Requirements
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Policies, procedures,
and legal require-
2. Verbal/written
3. Environment
15 0 0 0 15
Total: 13 to 15 Exceeds Expectations
9 to 12 Proficient
3 to 8 Below Expectations
0 to 2 Unsatisfactory
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
Candice is always supportive and helps
to foster a positive working
Complies with all procedure and
Candice is the team leader and her
team is always offering to assist and
support others. Her team has also
volunteered to teach at a district
overview science session.
Strengths Areas to Address
Candice is a great team leader and models all the qualities you want in a
leadership position.
Revised June 2004 7
Domain VIII: Improvement of Academic Performance Of All Students
on the Campus
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
Total 1-9
Subtotal 1-9
1. Aligns instruction
2. Analyzes TAKS data
3. Appropriate sequence
Total: 37 to 45 Exceeds Expectations
23 to 36 Proficient
7 to 22 Below Expectations
0 to 6 Unsatisfactory
4. Appropriate materials
5. Monitors student
6. Monitors attendance
7. Students in at-risk
8. Appropriate plans for
9. Modifies and adapts
40 to 50
24 to 39
8 to 23
0 to 7
**Teachers's 1st
Year on Campus
Teacher's Subsequent
Years on Campus
**Campus performance rating or AYP not scored as per Commissioner's Rules, Ch. 150.1002(f)
PLUS 10. Campus Performance Rating of:
A. Exemplary
Academically Acceptable
Academically Unacceptable
B. Meets AYP
*Needs Improvement
*If needs improvement, list in the spaces below Indicators from page 9.
0 Total A+B ________
Graduation Rate/Attend
Participation Performance
Participation & Performance (Sum of 1-10)
Final Total Domain VIII
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
Strengths Areas to Address
Signature of Appraiser:
My appraiser has given me a copy of this Observation Summary Report.
Signature of Teacher:
Observation Summary
Signature of Appraiser:
My appraiser and I have discussed this Summative Annual Appraisal Report.
Signature of Teacher:
Summative Annual Appraisal
Signed: 47575
Signed: 47561
Revised June 2004 8
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 4/27/2010 Bartlett, Donnie 2 McCartney, Candice
AYP Needs Improvement Indicators
Reading Performance and/or Participation 1.
Performance Only 1a.
Participation Only 1b.
Performance and Participation 1c.
Mathematics Performance and/or Participation 2.
Performance Only 2a.
Participation Only 2b.
Performance and Participation 2c.
Graduation Rate 3.
Attendance 4.
Reading and Mathematics 5.
Reading Performance Only and Math Performance Only 5a.
Reading Performance Only and Math Participation Only 5b.
Reading Performance Only and Math Performance and Participation 5c.
Reading Participation Only and Math Participation Only 5d.
Reading Participation Only and Math Performance and Participation 5e.
Reading Performance Only and Graduation Rate 6.
Reading, Mathematics, and Graduation Rate 7.
Reading/Performance, Math/Performance and Graduation Rate 7a.
Reading/Performance, Math/Participation and Graduation Rate 7b.
Reading/Performance, Math/Performance/Participation and Graduation Rate 7c.
Mathematics and Graduation Rate 8.
Mathematics/Performance and Graduation Rate 8a.
Mathematics/Participation and Graduation Rate 8b.
Mathematics Performance/Participation and Graduation Rate 8c.
Revised June 2004 9