Raven found the tests to administer in homes, schools, and workplaces (where, as he commented,
there were friends and parents anxious to assist, no separate facilities for testing, and often a great
deal of noise) and the results impossible to interpret because so many different things were
composited together.
As a student of Spearmans, he concluded that what was needed was a test that was theoretically
based and easy to administer and score.
Accordingly, he set about developing tests of the two components of g identified by Spearman
namely eductive (meaning making) and reproductive ability. The former was measured by
the Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) tests and the latter by a vocabulary test which later
became known as the Mill Hill Vocabulary Test (MHV).
(often referred to simply as Raven's Matrices) or RPM, is a nonverbal group test typically used in
educational settings. It is the most common and popular test administered to groups ranging from5year-olds to the elderly. It is made of 60 multiple choice questions, listed in order of difficulty.
This format is designed to measure the test-taker's reasoning ability or, ("meaning-making")
component of Spearman's, which is often referred to as general intelligence. The tests were
originally developed by John C. Raven in 1936.
In each test item, the subject is asked to identify the missing element that completes a pattern. Many
patterns are presented in the form of a 4x4, 3x3, or 2x2 matrix, giving the test its name.
The Matrices are available in three different forms for participants of different
Standard Progressive Matrices:
These were the original form of the matrices, first published in 1938. The booklet comprises five sets
(A to E) of 12 items each (e.g., A1 through A12), with items within a set becoming increasingly
difficult, requiring ever greater cognitive capacity to encode and analyze information. All items are
presented in black ink on a white background.
presented as black-on-white; in this way, if a subject exceeds the tester's expectations, transition to
sets C, D, and E of the standard matrices is eased.
together these data that was able to place the intergenerational increase in scores beyond
reasonable doubt
A 2007 study provided evidence that individuals with Asperger syndrome, a high-functioning autism
spectrum disorder, score higher than other individuals on Raven's tests.[8]Another 2007 study
provided evidence that individuals with classic autism, a low-functioning autism spectrum disorder,
score higher in Raven's tests than in Wechsler tests. In addition, the individuals with classic autism
were providing correct answers to the Raven's test in less time than individuals without autism,
although erring as often.
in Egypt, Abdel-Khalek (1988) has reported data for 6- 12 year olds tested with the Standard
Progressive Matrices (SPM), on which they obtained a British IQ of 83. In Morocco, 2010 have
reported data for adults tested with the SPM, on which they obtained a British IQ of 84. In Sudan,
has reported data for 8-12 year olds tested with the SPM, on which they obtained a British IQ of 75;
Khatib, Mutwakkil & Hussain (2006) have reported data for 6-9 year olds tested with the Coloured
Progressive Matrices (CPM), on which they obtained a British IQ of 81; has reported data for 8-12
year olds tested with the SPM, on which they obtained a British IQ of 75; Khaleefa, Khatib,
Mutwakkil & Lynn ( 2008) have reported data for 9-25 year olds tested with the SPM, on which they
obtained a British IQ of 79; and Irwing, Hamza, Khaleefa & Lynn (2008) have reported data for 7-11
year olds tested with the SPM, on which they obtained a British IQ of 79. In Tunisia, Abdel- Khalek &
Raven (2006) have reported data for 20 year olds tested with the SPM, on which they obtained a
British IQ of 84.
There have been two previous studies of intelligence in Libya. A study of 600 6-11 year olds using
the CPM reported that the sample had a British IQ of 86 (Lynn, Abdalla & Al- Shahomee, 2008). A
second study reported data for 1600 8- 17 year olds using the SPM and showed that the sample had
a British IQ of 78 (Al-Shahomee & Lynn, 2010). Both of these studies for Libya were based on
children. In this paper we report further data for Libya on a representative sample of adults.