2014lit0428 0502
2014lit0428 0502
2014lit0428 0502
Common Core/ NM Content Standards: W.11-12.1; W.11-12.2; W.11-12.3; W.11-12.4 Essential Question(s): How do we create excellent FRQ timed essays? Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students will review the novel Invisible Man, which has appeared on every AP exam for the last several years. Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: AP FRQ handouts Invisible Man
Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who require it will receive extended deadlines for writing assignments and/or shortened reading.
Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: direct observation This Week: direct observation/FRQ essays Unit: direct observation/FRQ essays Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents will prepare themselves for question 3 (FRQ) on the AP exam. They will show their learning by generating two FRQ essays based on Invisible Man. TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will prepare themselves for question 3 (FRQ) on the AP exam. They will show their learning by generating two FRQ essays based on Invisible Man. Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) Due-
Assignment(s) Due-
WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will prepare themselves for question 3 (FRQ) on the AP exam. They will show their learning by generating two FRQ essays based on Invisible Man.
THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will prepare themselves for question 3 (FRQ) on the AP exam. They will show their learning by generating two FRQ essays based on Invisible Man.
Assignment(s) Due-
FRIDAY Learning TargetStudents will develop their skills in speaking and listening. They will show their learning by engaging in a Socratic dialogue covering all of Dantes Divine Comedy.
Assignment(s) DueInvisible Man FRQ #2 Finish Divine Comedy by Tuesday, 05/06 Socratic dialogue: Divine Comedy Tuesday, 05/06