Grade91021 1025
Grade91021 1025
Grade91021 1025
Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: direct observation/writing This Week: direct observation/writing/class analysis of peer writing Unit: direct observation/writing/class analysis of peer writing/small group discussion
Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetNo school TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their understanding of plot, character, literary devices, and character development. They will show their learning through an FRQ (free response question) writing assignment based on the following prompt: Sometimes, the old ways and the new ways of a culture come into conflict with one another. The older generation thinks life should be lived in a certain way, often sticking to long-standing rituals, while the younger generation feels that change is good and that things should be done in new ways.
Assignment(s) Due-
Please write a complete essay describing a time when you or someone you know was faced with a conflict involving the old versus the new Students will have two class periods (Tuesday 10/22 and Wednesday 10/23) to complete this assignment. It will be hand-written, but should be clearly legible and double spaced. The essay should be a t least five paragraphs in length. Essays that are not clearly legible will be returned to the author for a re-write. WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their understanding of plot, character, literary devices, and character development. They will show their learning through an FRQ (free response question) writing assignment. THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their knowledge of editing essays in terms of grammar, structure, organization, diction and syntax. They will show their learning through oral discussion of student essays. FRIDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their knowledge of editing essays in terms of grammar, structure, organization, diction and syntax. They will show their understanding through small group discussion. Assignment(s) DueReading: Through page 33 FRQ
Assignment(s) Due-