Forward Planning Doc 4
Forward Planning Doc 4
Forward Planning Doc 4
General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinkin Asia and Australia&s en a ement 'ith Asia !thical "ehavi#ur $ers#nal and s#cial C#mpetence Sustainability Intercultural Understandin
Cr#ss%curriculum pri#rities: Ab#ri inal and T#rres Strait Islander hist#ries and Cultures
TEAC(ING % LEARNING E)PERIENCES "inc*u+e *earner +i,er-ity' INTRODUCTION Teacher is to outline the lesson and in&or students that the# are going to %e doing their radio %roadcasting toda#. 'ntroduce (arage%and) as! !e# *uestion 1 Teacher de onstrates how to use it TASK Students split into their groups Teacher hands out i+ads to the groups Students are to then go and create their radio podcast and ha"e &un, CONCLUSION At the end o& the lesson) students share their radio podcasts with the rest o& the class The podcast is sent ho e so parents can see what their child has %een wor!ing on.
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Students are to create their radio podcast within their assigned groups.
Teacher is to listen to all radio podcast and ar! the on their creati"it#. ($ar! grade on ru%ric)
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