Flores Finalexam

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Your Name: Noemi Flores LIS 703 -- Final Exam

Instructions for Completing and Su mitting Your Exam - !LE"SE #E"$ C"#EF%LLY& The Final Exam for this course is divided into two parts. In the first part, you will answer three (3) questions that require you to reflect upon and write coherently a out course content from throu!hout the semester. In the second part of the exam, you will create three (3) "#$% records for items I will !ive you (do not catalo! any other items&). 'se the varia le and fixed fields templates provided for each item to transcri e your answers. There are further instructions under each part of the exam ( please read these instructions carefully. )ou may use the followin! to complete the exam* $+# Tool,it ($+#) %atalo!er-s +es,top (./") %lassification 0e (1%./ and 1%%) 1% #uthorities we site 2%1% 3i lio!raphic Formats 4 .tandards we site 1I. 563 %ourse 1essons, 1ectures, +iscussion 7ostin!s, 3lo! 7ostin!s 4 #ssessments %ourse text oo,s and handouts

The course instructor has the followin! expectations for each question in !art '* #nswer each question fully usin! course content and resources %ite sources that you use, whether you quote directly or paraphrase For all questions except for 83, ,eep your answers etween 966(:66 words per answer. For question 83, your answer should e around 366(;66 words

The course instructor has the followin! expectations for each record in !art (* 'se the templates provided %reate each record usin! "#$% codin! %reate each record usin! $+# Fill(in all applica le fixed 4 varia le fields %onsult authority records to determine the preferred form of name and series access points

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%onsult 1%./ to construct valid su <ect headin!s=su <ect strin!s (as many as you deem appropriate for the item, ut there needs to e at least one (9) su <ect headin!=su <ect strin! per record) %onsult 1%% to construct one, full call num er per record

)ou are encoura!ed to consult the course 1essons and #ssessments, as well as resources such as $+# Tool,it and 2%1% 3i lio!raphic Formats 4 .tandards we site. If you have any questions a out the exam (a out the lo!istics of completin! the exam or if you need clarification on one or more of the items), you must contact the professor via email. )ou "#) >2T consult another person a out exam content (such as other students, li rarians, etc.) nor may you post questions a out the exam in the 3lac, oard discussion forum or outside email or discussion lists. #ny postin!s made a out the exam in the discussion forum for the duration of the exam period will e deleted. %omplete the Final Exam within this 0ord document. 7ut your name after ?)our >ame? at the top of the first pa!e and chan!e the file name of this document to* )our1ast>[email protected] (e.!., [email protected]). The file extension can e either .doc or .docx. 'pload the completed document to the #ssi!nment tool within 3lac, oard y 99*AApm %.T on the due date noted within the 0ee,ly .chedule. 7lease do not wait until the last minute to upload your exam. 7lease review the step( y(step !uide to uploadin! assi!nments in 3lac, oard. If you have any technical difficulties that prevent you from uploadin! your completed document to the #ssi!nment tool within 3lac, oard, email it to the professor-s outside email address (which can e found in the course .ylla us). It will not e counted as late as lon! as the exam is received in the professor-s in ox y 99*AApm %.T the day it is due.

!art '
Answer the following questions within this exam. With the exception of question 3, each answer should be around 100-200 words if !ou are a little abo"e or a little below that amount, that#s fine$. % expect an answer of around 300-&00 words for question '3. (ite !our sources if !ou directl! quote or paraphrase a source. )se in-text citations and list !our sources at the end of !our answer. 9) $eview %harles %utter-s *b+ects and ,eans for a li rary catalo!. >ow consider $+# as a manual for achievin! those o <ectives. Identify two specific $+# rules (meanin!* include the $+# rule num er) that help ma,e %utter-s o <ectives an achieva le reality. 3riefly discuss your choices and how each will ma,e %utter happy.

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.ection :.3.: of $+#, the rule for transcri in! the title proper in the i lio!raphic record, is the most important for catalo!in! ecause the title is such a common thin! for users to search for in an 27#% when loo,in! for an item. This fulfills %utterBs o <ect Cto ena le a person to find a oo, of which the title is ,nown.D This seems fairly o vious, ut that doesnBt ma,e it less important. $ecords of the variant titles as well are very helpful for the reader. The o <ect Cto ena le a person to find a oo, of which the author is ,nownD is accomplished y $+# :.;.9. :.;.9 deals with C3asic Instructions on $ecordin! .tatements of $esponsi ilityD and allows the user to search the 27#% for an item via its creator. :) %hoose one item from your personal collection or your local li rary (do not choose an item that has een used as a F$3$ example in this course). Thin, a out the item as it relates to the F$3$ Eroup 9 Entities (0or,, Expression, "anifestation, and Item). +iscuss attri utes of your item at the 0or,, Expression, "anifestation, and Item level. +escri e how the li rary user will enefit from descri in! the item in this way. The )or* is -he .ouse /aba /uilt0 an Artist1s (hildhood in (hina y Ed )oun!. This is not the physical wor,, ut the a stract creation of it. The expression of it is in En!lish written in :699. The manifestation is the 2cto er 99, :699 first edition. The item is an auto!raphed, personally owned copy with a arcode purchase stic,er that says it was purchased Fe ruary F, :693. F$3$B. clarification of the relationships etween wor,s and expressions ma,es it easier for users to search for thin!s. 0hen thin!s are, the searchin! ecomes easier. 3) )ou <ust !raduated from li rary school and you were fortunate to e hired as a catalo!in! li rarian at your nei!h orhood li rary ( the 3liss 7u lic 1i rary. )our immediate supervisor thin,s you have done a !reat <o so far, ut there have een ma<or rum lin!s a out lac, of fundin! from the 1i rary 3oard. )our <o is on the line, due in lar!e part to the 3oard-s continuin! conviction that catalo!in! <ust isn-t worth it. In a rare moment of mercy, the 3oard has !iven you a chance to tal, to them directly. )ou have the opportunity to convince them that the wor, of the catalo!er is critical to the success of the li rary. In the space elow, discuss your presentation to the 3oard. %hoose two thin!s you feel ma,e the est case for the role of catalo!in!. $eflect upon the wor, you have done this semester and consider everythin! we discussed. 0hen choosin! your points to ar!ue, ,eep in mind the enefits for the catalo! user. .upport your case with specific examples and cite at least two of the readin!s (articles and=or text oo,s) in your answer. This is a time in which li raries (in addition to catalo!ers) must prove their relevancy. 2ne way for li raries to do this is to hire !ood catalo!ers. Eood catalo!ers are instrumental to the flourishin! of the li rary. The li rary must satisfy their patrons if they are to survive. # s,illed catalo!er can help with this y creatin! successful retrieval tools. The retrieval tools utiliGe metadata, specifically a i lio!raphic record to help locate the desired item. The i lio!raphic record is ,ey. # !ood catalo!er will create or appropriate an accurate,

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comprehensive record created with the user in mind. This will lead to the easy retrieval of the information, which in turn leads to satisfied patrons. # happy patron will help the li rary fi!ht for relevancy. .o, they are useful for satisfyin! patrons and for helpin! to save the li rary. #lso, accordin! to #lan +ans,in in CTomorrow >ever Hnows,D CThere is still no evidence for any decline in the output of printed oo,s. Indeed, predictions point to su stantial !rowth of the mar,et in emer!in! economies such as %hina, India, 3raGil and Eastern Europe, while esta lished mar,ets, such as '.# and 'H continue to en<oy si!nificant !rowth,D (+ans,in, ;). There seems to e an influx of new pu lications, and thereBs no indication that this will slow down. 0ithout the catalo!er, how will these new items e inte!rated into the 27#%I 7erhaps they can e input y anyone with a little trainin!, ut a catalo!er properly trained would ma,e the most of the information. /er reco!nition and utiliGation of the many relationships of the new titles to previous authors or su <ects would !o eyond merely inputtin! the i lio!raphic information. Taylor, #rlene E. 4 +aniel >. Joudrey. (:66K). The 2r!aniGation of Information. 3rd edition. En!lewood, %olo. * 1i raries 'nlimited. (9(99, 3K(;6) +ans,in, #. (:66F). ?Tomorrow never ,nows? * the end of catalo!uin!I 0orld 1i rary and Information %on!ress* 5:nd IF1# Eeneral %onference and %ouncil, :6(:; #u!ust :66F, .eoul, Horea. #vaila le* http*==archive.ifla.or!=IL=ifla5:=papers=96:(+ans,in(en.pdf

!art (
%n this section, !ou must pro"ide bibliographic records for each of the items represented here. )se the information pro"ided for !ou for each item to create !our records. 2ou will be pro"ided with a title page, title page "erso, co"er, and3or a table of contents, as well as further information about each item such as page numbers and dimensions$. Assume that each of items below is an actual boo4, written b! actual people. ,a4e sure !ou find the preferred forms of names, series titles, and sub+ect headings. )se the templates "ariable and fixed field$ pro"ided to transcribe !our answers. )se ,A5( coding for all answers6 2ou will not need to use e"er! field for e"er! record. 7ea"e the ,A5( field blan4 if !ou do not use it. 2ou do not need to delete it. 8lease feel free to add fields as needed e.g., add an additional 2&9 for multiple "ariant title fields.$ %n ,A5( field codes, replace the x#s in with the appropriate ,A5( field code e.g., change :xx to :0& for a note on the inclusion of a bibliograph!$. -he underscores ; $ represent the first 1 st$ and second 2nd$ indicators. 5eplace the underscore with the appropriate indicator "alue where needed. 8lease transcribe !our answers using blue font.

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Item 89 (3oo,)

Title 7a!e

"ndre) +ac*son: ,is "ma-ing Life and !residenc.

+r. $o ert L. $emini
and "atthew 0arshauer

$andom /ouse 7aris (( >ew )or, (( To,yo M:66:

9st $andom /ouse %lassics Edition

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Ta le of %ontents Table of Contents

7reface.............................................................................................................................ii Introduction.....................................................................................................................iv %hapter 9 ( Jac,son and the #!e of the +emocratic $evolution......................................9 %hapter : ( # $oarin! Fellow...........................................................................................:: %hapter 3 ( ?Jac,son and $eform?...................................................................................3N %hapter ; ( First(term trou les........................................................................................AK %hapter A ( +emocracy and the "onster 3an,...............................................................53 %hapter F ( The >ullifiers'prisin!..................................................................................KA %hapter 5 ( The .econd 3attle of the 3an,.....................................................................9:6 %hapter N ( .lavery and +emocracy................................................................................9;9 %hapter K ( 7ushin! 0estward........................................................................................9F5 %hapter 96 ( Jac,son-s 1e!acy.........................................................................................9KN %onclusion.......................................................................................................................: :K 3i lio!raphy....................................................................................................................:; 5 Index................................................................................................................................: FF

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"dditional Information: This is a wor, of non(fiction (a io!raphy) Include the ta le of contents in your record& Includes a i lio!raphy (pa!es :;5(:FA) Includes an index (pa!es :FF(:5N) 7reliminary pa!es are num ered ii throu!h vii The rest of the item is num ered ; throu!h :5N Includes lac, and white illustrations and maps throu!hout the wor, In the middle of the item, there are 96 unnum ered leaves of plates Item is ::.5 centimeters hi!h Item is 9N.A centimeters wide I.3>* 9;33N6AF9N 1%%>* :66:N69A95F

0'0 / / 0(0 / / 000 / 1 '00 ' / (10 '0 (12 / / (00 / / (21 / 1 (21 / / 300 / / 332 / /

Oa :66:N69A95F Oa 9;33N6AF9N Oa E3: O .$;F :66: Oa $emini, $o ert L. Oq ($o ert Lincent), Od 9K:9(:693 Oe author. Oa #ndrew Jac,son * O his amaGin! life and presidency = Oc +r. $o ert L. $emini and "atthew 0arshauer.

Oa 9st $andom /ouse %lassics Edition. Oa 7aris * O $andom /ouse, Oc :66:.

Oa vii, :5N pa!es, 96 unnum ered leaves of plates * O illustrations, maps P Oc :3cm. Oa text O: rda content

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337 / / 333 / / 140 / / 001 / / 000 00

Oa unmediated O: rdamedia Oa volume O: rdacarrier

Oa Includes i lio!raphical references (pa!es :;5(:FA) and index. Oa Jac,son and the #!e of the +emocratic $evolution (( # $oarin! Fellow (( ( Jac,son and $eform (( First(term trou les (( +emocracy and the "onster 3an, (( The >ullifiers'prisin! (( The .econd 3attle of the 3an, (( .lavery and +emocracy Q 7ushin! 0estward (( Jac,son-s 1e!acy Oa Jac,son, #ndrew, Od 95F5(9N;A Oa 7residents, #merica Oy 9Kth century Ov 3io!raphy. Oa 0arshauer, "atthew, Od 9KFA( Oe author.

200 '0 200 /0 700 ' / 7xx / / 3xx / /

Type* 31vl* E7u *

a m

E1vl* Form* 1itF*

.rce* %onf*

d 6 9

#udn* 3io!* +esc* I

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En ! fr s

%ont* Ills* +ates * a f


:66 :

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Item 8: (3oo,)

Title 7a!e

56e End of Eternit.

" No7el . Isaac "simo7 Fore)ord . Step6en 89 ,a)*ing

.tellar .cience Fiction .eries ( num er 3A

Title 7a!e Lerso

.tellar 7u lishin! %orporation >ew )or, 7u lished in 9KAA :nd 7rintin! 9KAN 3rd 7rintin! 9KF6 ;th 7rintin! 9K5A %opyri!ht 9KA; ( Isaac #simov

"dditional Information:

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This is a wor, of science fiction. Time travel is a ma<or theme. Item-s pa!es are num ered 9 throu!h :AF Item does not include any illustrations Item is 9F.N centimeters in hei!ht Item is 96 centimeters in width .ummary (from ac, cover of item)* #ndrew /arlan is an Eternal, a mem er of the elite of the future. 2ne of the few who live in Eternity, a location outside of place and time, /arlanBs <o is to create carefully controlled and enacted $eality %han!es. These %han!es are small, exactin!ly calculated shifts in the course of history made for the enefit of human,ind. Thou!h each %han!e has een made for the !reater !ood, there are always costs. +urin! one of his assi!nments, /arlan meets and falls in love with >oRs 1am ent, a woman who lives in real time and space. Then /arlan learns that >oRs will cease to exist after the next chan!e, and ris,s everythin! to snea, her into Eternity. 'nfortunately, they are cau!ht. /arlanBs punishmentI /is next assi!nment* ,ill the woman he loves efore the paradox they have created results in the destruction of Eternity. I.3>* 9AF36N95FA

0'0 / / 0(0 / / 000 / 1 '00 '/ (10 '1 (12 / / (00 / / (21 / ' (21 / 1 300 / / 332 / / 337 / / 333 / / 140 ' / 0(0 / / Oa >ew )or, * O .tellar 7u lishin! %orporation, Oc 9KAA. Oc M9KFF Oa :AF pa!es P Oc 95cm. Oa text O: rda content Oa unmediated O: rdamedia Oa volume O: rdacarrier Oa .tellar .cience Fiction .eries P Ov num er 3A Oa C#ndrew /arlan is an Eternal, a mem er of the elite of the future. 2ne of the few who live in Eternity, a location outside of place and time, /arlanBs <o is to create carefully Oa 9AF36N95FA Oa 7.3AA9..A O EA3 9KAA Oa a #simov, Isaac, Od 9K:6(9KK: Oe author. Oa The end of eternity = Oc a novel y Isaac #simov P foreword y .tephen 0. /aw,in!.

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controlled and enacted $eality %han!es. These %han!es are small, exactin!ly calculated shifts in the course of history made for the enefit of human,ind. Thou!h each %han!e has een made for the !reater !ood, there are always costs. +urin! one of his assi!nments, /arlan meets and falls in love with >oRs 1am ent, a woman who lives in real time and space. Then /arlan learns that >oRs will cease to exist after the next chan!e, and ris,s everythin! to snea, her into Eternity. 'nfortunately, they are cau!ht. /arlanBs punishmentI /is next assi!nment* ,ill the woman he loves efore the paradox they have created results in the destruction of Eternity.D (from ac, cover of item. 0xx / / 200 / 0 2xx / / 7xx / / 7xx / / 330 / 0 Oa .cience fiction series P Ov no. 3A. Oa Time travel in literature.

Type* 31vl* E7u *

a m

E1vl* Form* 1itF*

.rce* %onf*

d 6 6

#udn* 3io!* +esc* i

%trl* "$ec* Fest* 6

1an!* %try* +t.t*


en ! ny u t

%ont* Ills* +ates * 9KA A 9KF F

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Item 83 (3oo,)

Title 7a!e

An American Yarn: Patriotic Knitting Projects Created Throughout the United States
by Judith Durant Carri Hammett Clara Parkes Stephanie Pearl-McPhee J.B. Sharp

Title 7a!e Lerso

Albino Squirrel Press arntastic !dition - January "##$

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"dditional Information: This is a wor, of non(fiction. 2n the cover, the title is !iven as* 7atriotic Hnittin! 7ro<ects of the 'nited .tates >o place of pu lication !iven on item and you cannot find anythin! a out the location of the pu lisher after performin! outside research. The item is unnum ered, ut you count that there are ;; pa!es. Includes illustrations ( all in color :: centimeters hi!h :F.3 centimeters wide I.3>* 6N3NK6N;:S

0'0 / / 0(0 / / 000 / 1 '00 ' / (10 '3 (12 1 / (00 / / (21 / ' (21 / / 300 / / 332 / / 337 / / 333 / / 140 / / 0xx / / 0xx / / 200 / 0 2xx / / Oa Hnittin! OG 'nited .tates Ox Oa ;; unnum ered pa!es * O color illustrations P Oc :: S :5cm. Oa text O: rda content Oa unmediated O: rdamedia Oa volume O: rdacarrier Oa 6N3NK6N;:S Oa TTN9K .'F O +N5 9KKA. Oa +urant, Judith, Od 9KAA( Oe author. Oa #n #merican yarn * O patriotic ,nittin! pro<ects created throu!hout the 'nited .tates = Oc y Judith +urant, %arri /ammett, %lara 7ar,es, .tephanie 7earl("c7hee, J.3. .harp. Oa 7atriotic Hnittin! 7ro<ects of the 'nited .tates Oa )arntastic Edition. Oa T7lace of pu lication not identifiedU * O #l ino .quirrel 7ress, Oc 9KKA.

1I. 563 700 ' / 700 ' / 700 '/ 700 '/ 3xx / /

Final Exam Oa /ammett, %atherine Tilley Oe author. Oa 7ar,es, %lara Oe author. Oa 7earl("c7hee, .tephanie Oe author. Oa .harp, J. 3. Oq (Joseph 3udworth) Oe author.

p. 9;

Type* 31vl* E7u *

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E1vl* Form* 1itF*

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d 6

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%trl* "$ec* Fest* 6

1an!* %try* +t.t*

en ! s

%ont* Ills* +ates *



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