Lesson 4

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DTE Student Name & ID No. Mark Harley, G00274897

Subject: Technical Graphics Pupil Year Group: 1st Year Lesson No. ! 'ate:

Topic(s): Circles in contact No. of Pupils: 17 Len#th $f Lesson: 7% &ins Ti&e of Lesson: 11."+



1( )anuar* "%1!


The students a e de!e"#$%n& the% 'n#("ed&e #) *% *"es and h#( t# *#nst u*t the+ %n !a %#us $#s%t%#ns a**# d%n& t# a ,uest%#n. The students a e a-"e t# *#+$"ete the V#"'s(a&en -ad&e. The. a e a-"e t# *#nst u*t a *% *"e (h%*h has a set ad%us and t(# &%!en $#%nts. The. *an d a( a *% *"e %n *#nta*t (%th a "%ne and $ass%n& th #u&h a $#%nt at a set $#s%t%#n. The students ( %t%n& and "a-e""%n& has %+$ #!ed s%n*e the )% st *"ass as I *#nstant". e+%nd the+ a-#ut the% ( %t%n&.
A"s# the. a e us%n& *#nst u*t%#n "%nes and )%n%shed "%nes (%th -ette e))e*t.

/. RATIONALE FOR THE SELE0TION 1 STRU0TURING OF SU23E0T MATTER AND FOR THE METHODOLOG4 Th%s *"ass (%"" -e&%n (%th a e*a$ #n the $ e!%#us *"ass %t %s a"(a.s %+$# tant t# e!%s%t the "ea ned +ate %a" t# ensu e the students ha!e "ea ned %t an a"s# e) esh %t %n the students +%nds. The the# . the. "ea ned %n the $ e!%#us *"ass (%"" a"s# -e used %n th%s *"ass. th%s %s a"s# (h. I (%"" e*a$ #n th%s %n)# +at%#n. Te*hn%*a" G a$h%*s %s !e . +u*h -ased #n "ea n%n& -. d#%n&. The +# e $ a*t%*e .#u &et *#+$"et%n& ,uest%#ns the +# e *#+)# ta-"e .#u -e*#+e us%n& the e,u%$+ent and the the# . #) *#nst u*t%n& the ,uest%#ns. It %s a"s# %+$# tant t# *ha""en&e the students and s# I (%"" %n*"ude +# e d%))%*u"t ,uest%#ns (he e the students (%"" ha!e t# $ #-"e+ s#"!e and t . e"at%n& %n)# +at%#n the. a" ead. 'n#( t# s#"!e the ,uest%#n. Th%s s'%"" %s !e . %+$# tant t# de!e"#$ %n the students. It %s t## eas. t# &%!e the+ the ans(e a"" the t%+e. I (%"" a"s# %n*"ude an a*t%!%t. %nt# th%s *"ass. Th%s (%"" -e a e*a$ ,uest%#n%n& t.$e a*t%!%t. (h%*h (%"" %n*# $# ate & #u$ (# '. It - %n&s an e"e+ent #) )un %nt# the *"ass and a"s# ensu es that the students ha!e the 'n#("ed&e eta%ned ) #+ the *"ass. 2e)# e I sta t th%s a*t%!%t. I (%"" ha!e t# *"ea ". state the u"es and #ut%nes #) the *"ass and ensu e the students #-e. these. It %s %+$# tant that students ha!e the a-%"%t. t# )#""#( %nst u*t%#ns and #-e. -. u"es. G #u$ (# ' *an -e a !e . e))e*t%!e )# + #) "ea n%n& and a"s# he"$s %n the h#"%st%* de!e"#$+ent #) the $u$%"s as e))e*t%!e *#++un%*at%#n %s !%ta" %n e!e .da. "%)e.

5. AIMS The a%+s #) th%s "ess#n a e t# 0#+$"ete the !a %#us ,uest%#ns (h%*h %n*"ude a *% *"e t#u*h%n& a "%ne and $ass%n& th #u&h a $#%nt and a *% *"e t#u*h%n& t(# "%nes. Get the students e"at%n& $ e!%#us 'n#("ed&e t# a ,uest%#n %n # de t# s#"!e the ,uest%#n. I+$ #!e the students d a(%n& ,ua"%t. (h%*h %n*"ude "a-e""%n& and "%ne (e%&hts.

En*#u a&e the students t# *#++un%*ate e))e*t%!e". %n & #u$s. Re*a$ and e!%se ne( %n)# +at%#n he"$%n& the students e+e+-e the %n)# +at%#n. I""ust ate h#( the $a ts #) the *% *"e a e e"ated t# *#+$"et%n& ,uest%#ns.


Learning Outc !e" (LO")

At the end of this lesson the students will be enabled to

A""e""!ent # LO"
(Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a variety of types.)

D a( a *% *"e %n *#nta*t (%th a "%ne. 0#nst u*t a *% *"e $ass%n& th #u&h #ne # +# e $#%nts.

0he*' students d a(%n&s and &%!e )eed-a*'. M#n%t# the *"ass as the. d a( *# e*t%n& an. students as I &# a #und the ##+. 7uest%#n the students #n (hat the $ #*ess %s and -. *he*'%n& the students d a(%n&s. M#n%t# %n& #) the *"ass du %n& the a*t%!%t.. The 0hase. The *hase a*t%!%t. ,uest%#ns.

La-e" and sh#( h#( t# )%nd $#%nts #) *#nta*t.

W# ' (e"" %n & #u$s and *#++un%*ate e))e*t%!e".. Re*a"" and #ut"%ne !a %#us $a ts #) the *% *"e and +eth#ds #) *#nst u*t%n& *% *"es t# )%t a s$e*%)%* ,uest%#n.

8. PLANNING FOR LITERA04 1 NUMERA04 Du %n& the *"ass I (%"" -e &ett%n& the students t# e*a"" %+$# tant %n)# +at%#n and 'e. (# ds and te +s. Th%s (%"" en*#u a&e the students t# "ea n the su-9e*t s$e*%)%* "an&ua&e and the *# e*t s$e""%n&s #) the (# ds.

Du %n& the The 0hase a*t%!%t. %) the students d# n#t s$e"" a (# d *# e*t". the. (%"" n#t -e a-"e t# +#!e d#(n the ta-"e a ste$. Th%s (%"" $"a*e e+$hases #n "%te a*. du %n& th%s t%+e #) the *"ass a"s#.

Nu+e a*. (%"" -e e:$"# ed th #u&h#ut the *"ass. The students (%"" ha!e t# dea" (%th an&"ed "%nes and (hen d a(%n& these I (%"" &et the+ t# de)%ne the t.$e #) an&"e %t %s and h#( t# *a"*u"ate the #$$#s%te an&"e. Th%s 'ee$s the students th%n'%n& a-#ut s%+$"e +aths and &ets the (# '%n& #ut the an&"es %n the% heads athe than us%n& a *a"*u"at# .

Measu e+ents a e !e . %+$# tant and the )#*us #) un%ts (%"" -e e:$"# ed and s*a"e %n th%s *"ass.



In th%s *"ass I $"an t# ha!e s#+e sheets that ha!e the ,uest%#ns sta ted. Th%s (%"" -e )# the (ea'e students that ta'e "#n&e t# set the ,uest%#n u$ #n the sheet. Th%s sh#u"d 'ee$ the *"ass +#!%n& t#&ethe at the sa+e $a*e.

I (%"" ha!e the *"ass s$"%t e!en". and )a% ". )# the a*t%!%t. a"s# s# #ne tea+ %snt st #n&e than the est. Va %#us "ea n%n& st."es (%"" -e *#+$"%+ented )# %n th%s "ess#n. A"s# the a*t%!%t. e*a$ (%"" he"$ s#+e students "ea n -ette and eta%n th%s %+$# tant %n)# +at%#n #) the t#$%*.





Set Indu*t%#n? Students ente )ash%#n@ I (%"" +eet the+ at d## and %nst u*t the+ t# s%t %n seats.

Students ente ##+ %n # de ". ass%&ned seats.

##+ and s%t %n the%

Inst u*t students t# d# ass%&ned Ass%&ned students (%"" *#+$"ete the% 9#-s %n the d%st %-ut%#n #) 9#-s at sta t #) *"ass &%!%n& #ut e,u%$+ent. Inst u*t the+ t# &et e,u%$+ent %n # de ". and ,u%et )ash%#n.

sheet (%th $ #-"e+ / sta ted ta$ed W%"" ta$e #n the sheet (%th $ #-"e+ / #n. 1= A 18 sta ted.

Re*a$ and &# th #u&h $ #-"e+ Students (%"" e:$"a%n t# tea*he (hat t# t(# (%th the *"ass &et the+ t# te"" d# at ea*h ste$. The students that d# n#t +e (hat t# d# ne:t. Ensu e a"" ha!e %t *#+$"eted (%"" )%n%sh the students n#( ha!e the $ #-"e+ $ #-"e+. *#+$"ete.


Get the *"ass t# ta$e #n ne( sheet The students (%"" ta$e #n sheet and "%ne )# $ #-"e+ th ee and e:e *%se 1 %n %n $a&e. The. (%"" then &et the $ #-"e+ -##'. I (%"" &# th #u&h $ #-"e+ 5 5 sta ted #n the $a&e. The. (%"" ans(e (%th the students. Out"%ne an. ,uest%#ns as'ed -. the tea*he . The students (%"" &%!e the e:$"anat%#n )# the ,uest%#n. Sh#( $#%nts #) *#nta*t. %+$# tant $#%nts? Set u$ #) the t(# "%nes D%stan*e ) #+ the "%nes P#%nts #) *#nta*t H#( t# )%nd $#%nts #) *#nta*t.


When the students ha!e )%n%shed the $ #-"e+ th ee I (%"" sh#( the+ e:e *%se 1 %n the -##' #n $a&e B;. The. (%"" then ha!e t# *#+$"ete th%s ,uest%#n. Th%s (%"" -e *#+$"eted us%n& %n)# +at%#n ) #+ the *h# d t# )%nd the *ent e $#%nt.

The. (%"" #$en -##'s #

e)e t# the

-##' #n the #!e head $ #9e*t# . The. (%"" sta t e:e *%se 1 #n $a&e B;. F# th%s ,uest%#n the. (%"" ha!e t# e+e+-e the $a ts #) the *% *"e t# *#+$"ete. The. (%"" -%se*t the *h# ds %n # de t# )%nd *ent e #) the a *. Students (%"" t%d. a(a. e,u%$+ent %n the% ass%&ned #"es. When the. ha!e th%s *#+$"eted the. (%"" etu n t# the%


Re+%nd students #) 9#-s and u"es and #ut%nes %n t%d. u$. Inst u*t the+ t# t%d. u$ ea ". and $ut a(a.

a"" e,u%$+ent.

seats and e+a%n ,u%et unt%" tea*he &%!e )u the %nst u*t%#ns.


I (%"" e:$"a%n t# the students the Students (%"" "%sten t# the tea*he a*t%!%t. that the. (%"" -e d#%n&. *a e)u"". and unde stand the u"es and L%st $"a.ed. u"es and #ut%nes and #ut%nes #) the *"ass ##+ du %n& the h#( t# $"a. the &a+e. %nst u*t%#ns #n h#( th%s (%"" -e a*t%!%t. and a"s# the %nst u*t%#ns )#


S$"%t the *"ass %nt# )#u & #u$s. Students (%"" +#!e %nt# & #u$s "%sted T(# & #u$s (%"" -e the *hase and -. the tea*he . Ea*h tea+ (%"" ta'e t(# (%"" -e the *#ntestant. Ea*h -#a d and +a 'e . & #u$ (%"" ans(e e!e . se*#nd ,uest%#n. T(# d%))e ent tea+s -ut (%"" -e (# '%n& t#&ethe .


I (%"" as' the students %n tu n the Students %n the% & #u$s (%"" ans(e ,uest%#n e"ated t# the t#$%*. Th%s ,uest%#ns (hen $#sed t# the+. The. (%"" *#nt%nue unt%" #ne tea+ (%"" ( %te ans(e #n -#a ds and -#th ea*hes the end # the #the tea+ tea+s (%"" e!ea" ans(e at sa+e t%+e. *at*hes the *#ntestant. The. (%"" e%the +#!e a ste$ d#(n # e+a%n %n sa+e $#s%t%#n. Inst u*t students t# "ea!e the *"ass. 0"ass (%"" "ea!e %n # de ". )ash%#n

C. TEA0HING RESOUR0ES P#(e $#%nt #n *% *"es %n *#nta*t. Te:t-##' A Unde stand%n& Te*hn%*a" G a$h%*s

D a(%n& e,u%$+ent The 0hase a*t%!%t. 2#a ds Ma 'e s P e>$ e$a ed sheets.

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