Subject: Proposal For Sponsorship For "Doon Miss & Mrs

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Subject: Proposal for Sponsorship for Doon Miss & Mrs.
Winter Queen- 2012".
You will be glad to know that our society The
Majesti St!le De"elop#ent Soiet! & $est %"ent
Mana&e#ent 'roup is organizing a grand Fashion
Show / Beauty ontest Doon Miss & Mrs. Winter Queen-
2012 in the heart o! the city "ehradun #$%&'% (arlier we
ha)e organized success!ul shows like style *antra, +r% ,
+iss "oon- .//0,/1,/2,3/, 4u*-Tu* &ids Talent 4unt 5
.//1, /2, +r% , +iss% 6orth +ega +odel-.//2, The
Fashion 7alwa-.//2%
1. Musi an. .ane ha"e /een the 0Spie of 1ife2 to
the &reatest author Willia# Sha3espeare. There is no /etter
#e.iu# to soothe4 rela5 an. step up the "i&or after a har.
.a! at the offie6#ar3et. Majesti St!le after ha"in& reate.
a sensation in the &la#our 7orl. of ,ttara3han.4 7ith its
#ai.en "enture St!le Mantra24 hu#/l! announes its ne5t
presentation an e"ent that 7oul. /e a tren. setter in the
fashion an. #o.elin& ulture. (n the earlier instane our
e#phasis 7as on Perfetion4 Presentation4 Puntualit! an.
Professionalis#. (n .oin& so4 7e reate. ne7 7a"es in
#usial sores4 horeo&raph!4 pro&ra# ontent an.
.esi&nin& as 7ell as the *a#p on.ut. Most i#portantl! 7e
&a"e 7a"es in #usial sores4 horeo&raph!4 pro&ra#
ontent an. .esi&nin& as 7ell as the *a#p on.ut. Most
i#portantl! 7e &a"e our honore. Sponsors4 #ore than the
pu/liit! opportunities that 7e ha. en"isa&e.4 there/! for
the first ti#e4 /uilt a platfor# for a lon& an. sustaine.
relationship 7ith the#.
2. 8a"in& ha. an insi&ht in the pre"ailin& #o.elin&
en"iron#ent4 7hih is totall! unor&ani9e. an.
unprofessional4 7e 7oul. li3e to #a3e a si&nifiant
ontri/ution for the aspirin& !oun& #o.els i.e.4 help the#
hanneli9e their ener&ies to professional
hei&hts6.estinations. Majesti St!le is fora!in& onto this
hori9on /! or&ani9in& a o#petiti"e e"ent to unearth4
&roo#4 present an. pro#ote the a/un.ant latent talent4
a7aitin& to /e tappe.. The e"ent for fe#ale #o.els4 Doon
Miss & Mrs. Winter Queen- 2012 7ill /e an ela/orate
seletion u# eli#ination proess to /e presente. at an
appropriate &ala sale in the presene of the iti9enr! of
Doon in :anuar! 2012.
;. 8o7e"er4 for an! sho7 to /e a suess4 the sustaine. efforts
of the or&ani9in& tea#4 the har. 7or3 of the #o.el2s4 the o-
operation of the sponsors an. <ssoiates an. 7ell 7ishers4
are essential. =our assoiation >onl! selete. suessful
/usiness houses? 7ith our efforts 7oul. /e a /i& /oost to its
an. our onfi.ene. @ut as re&ar.s !our &ains the! 7oul. /e
i##ense4 as 7e 7oul. /e! pro" 7i.e
pu/liit! in the loal an. eletroni #e.ia4 an. also on #ost
of the pro#inent roa. juntions. There 7oul. /e i##ense
opportunit! to a."ertise !our pro.uts in a uniAue an.
e5lusi"e at#osphere4 so as to &i"e !our /ran. an e"entful
e5posure4 / i#pro"in& !our usto#er relationships
an. turno"er.
<@+,T ,S
B. Majesti St!le4 of reent ori&in has Auite a fe7 stal7arts4
7ho are i#a&inati"e4 9ealous4 or&ani9ational e5perts in their
respeti"e fiel. an. a/le a.#inistrators. This tea# is a
fusion of talent4 a/ilit! an. aspiration.
C. P,@1(-(T=D- Eor this e"ent4 7e ha"e planne. a 7ell lai.
out a."ertise#ent a#pai&n 7hih 7ill sprea. o"er for
nearl! a #onth. The hi&hli&hts areD-
a. <."ertise#ents:- Pro#inent a."ertise#ents 7ill
appear in the loal ne7spapers at least 10 .a!s prior to
the e"ent. These a."ertise#ents 7oul. hi&hli&ht the
na#es of the sponsor finali9e. till that .ate.
/. Posters:- The e"ent 7oul. /e &i"en 7i.e pu/liit! /!
#eans of o"er C00 posters to /e .ispla!e. at all
pro#inent loations. These posters 7oul. inlu.e the
.etails of the sponsors an. 7oul. /e .ispla!e. at least
10 .a!s /efore the e"ent.
. Me&a si9e attrati"e 7oul. /e
in position at least 10 .a!s in a."ane. The! 7oul.
hi&hli&ht the sponsor na#es6lo&os.
.. @a3.ropD- The ultra #o.ern st!lish /a3.rop for
the #ain e"ent hi&hli&htin& the na#es6lo&os of all the
sponsors 7ill /e the #ain attration of the e"ent. (t 7ill
/e the fous of all "ie7ers4 li"e4 an. #e.ia till the
pro&ra#e is in pro&ress.
e. Sponsors @annersD- The sponsors 7oul. ha"e the
option to .ispla! nu#/er of /anners at pro#inent
plaes at the "enue >to /e .ei.e. /! the or&ani9ers?.
The /anners 7oul. ha"e to /e prepare. an. han.e.
o"er to the or&ani9ers at least t7o .a!s /efore the
f. Sponsors StallsD- Sponsors .esirous of settin& up
their o7n stalls63ios3s et.4 an .o so. >This failit! is
li#ite. to onl! four?. Eor this 7e 7oul. /e pro"
the spae4 a po7er point4 an. so#e essential furniture.
The staffin&4 li&htin&4 .eoration an. a. #aterial
7oul. /e the responsi/ilit! of the sponsors the#sel"es.
&. <nnoune#entsD- The o#parer 7oul. /e
announin& the na#es of the sponsors as per the
priorit!4 as freAuentl! as possi/le .urin& the e"ent. (t
7ill also /e our en.ea"or to ph!siall! intro.ue at
least t7o representati"es of all our sponsors on the
sta&e .urin& the e"ent.
F. S,MM<*= +E SP+)S+*S E<-(1(T(%SD- +ur
sponsors of "arious ate&ories an a"ail of the follo7in&
Sr. )o. Pu/liit! Main <sso. -o-
1. Title G - - -
2. @a3.rop hea. G - - -
;. Si.e Panels - G G -
B. Si.e Wall Panels - - - G
C. Main 'ate G G - -
F. Main 'ate si.e panel - G G -
H. <nhor
Si5 Ei"e Ei"e Ei"e
I. <DD(T(+)<1 @%)%E(TSJ
a. Spetators 7oul. /e onl! throu&h in"itation passes. Thus
ha"in& onl! the hi&h an. &lit9! in atten.ane4 there/!
ensurin& s#ooth on.ut of the pro&ra#.
/. %5han&e of usto#ers .ata olletion 7oul. /e a /i& /enefit
7hih 7ill /e arue..
. +ne of its 3in. e"ent4 7hih 7oul. lea"e a lastin& i#pression
on the #in.s of the people4 /rin&in& &oo. reall of !our
.. Sponsors 7oul. /e &i"en speifi in"itation passes so that
the! an o/li&e their o7n usto#ers an. earn &oo. 7ill6it
an /e a purhase inenti"e.
K. T<*(EE P1<)J
Main Sponsor - 14 004000
<sst. Sponsor - C04000
-o-Sponsor - ;C4000
Sponsor - 2C4000
K. P<=M%)T M+D%J- +ne the ate&or! of the sponsorship
has /een onfir#e.4 the sponsors are reAueste. to #a3e the
pa!#ents4 /! ash6rosse. heAues in fa"our of the onerne.
part!. <ll pa!#ents are non-refun.a/le. Sponsorship 7ill onl! /e
onfir#e. one the pa!#ent has /een reei"e.6heAue enhane..
10. T%*MS <)D -+)D(T(+)S
*i&hts of the -onept reser"e..
*eeipt of Eull pa!#ent onl! 7oul. onfir# sponsorship.
)o alteration 7oul. /e entertaine. after the final appro"al
of the .esi&ns6lo&os.
<."ane pai. 7oul. not /e refun.e. an!
We 7ill not /e hel. responsi/le for an! .a#a&es ause. .ue
to an! natural ala#ite other iru#stanes4 7hatsoe"er.
)o responsi/ilit! in ase of an! Dela!s6Da#a&es /e!on. our
ontrol .ue to natural auses.
We 7oul. pro"i.e the failities as liste. onl!.
(n ase !ou reAuire an! infor#ation or lassifiation a/out the
e"ent4 7e shall /e too &la. to pro"i.e the sa#e.
Than3in& =ou

=ours Eaithfull!
The Majesti St!le De"elop#ent Soiet!
Mannu Lalra D MK1 KK1H2B2BCF
<.esh ,pa.h!a! D MK1 KHF0F012CH
Nina!a3 D MK1 KH1K0FHC02
Paras :as7al D MK1 KIH11F0F1H
*ajat Shar#a D MK1 KIKH1FCK1H
<#itoj Mar7ah D MK1 K;1KHHHHIC

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