Employee Training Development

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Small Agency Model Policy


Policy Number: Effective Date: Application: Approved by: HR # DATE Applies to all employees of the AGENCY NAME. ___________________________ AGENCY DIRECTOR Purpose !e Employee rainin" # Development Plan provides a $ay to sustain a successful% !i"!&performance or"ani'ation by investin" in employee development and trainin". (t establis!es support to employees in developin" occupational and professional s)ills and assi"ns responsibilities for providin" trainin" and development for employees. Definitions Career Development Progressive evelopme!t of a! employee"s #apa$ilities% Career evelopme!t is mea!t to fa#ilitate the employee"s pro &#tivity' performa!#e' (o$ satisfa#tio!' a! a va!#eme!t% Career evelopme!t #a! happe! thro&gh )or* assig!me!ts as )ell as e &#atio! a! trai!i!g% The e &#atio! a! trai!i!g may $e state+spo!sore or a#hieve $y the i! ivi &al employee"s efforts% All #areer evelopme!t m&st $e #o!siste!t )ith the !ee s a! o$ligatio!s of the state a! its employers% Career Plannin" A pro#ess esig!e to i e!tify a! provi e opport&!ities for ea#h employee"s #areer gro)th thro&gh (o$ e,perie!#e' trai!i!g or #o!ti!&i!g e &#atio!% Developmental *pportunities A#tivities esig!e to evelop employees" *!o)le ge a! s*ills for f&t&re (o$ assig!me!ts% Mentorin" A#tivities o! the (o$ )here more e,perie!#e employees help less e,perie!#e employees evelop (o$ *!o)le ge a! s*ills% rainin" A#tivities esig!e to evelop employees" (o$+relate *!o)le ge a! s*ills for prese!t (o$ assig!me!ts% Policy +tatement I! or er to s&stai! a s&##essf&l' high performa!#e orga!i-atio!' the AGENCY NAME $elieves that employee evelopme!t a! trai!i!g is !ot o!ly $e!efi#ial' $&t #riti#al% .po! approval from the employee/s imme iate s&pervisor' employees are eligi$le to atte! trai!i!g that )ill e!ha!#e their a$ilities to s&##essf&lly perform their (o$s a! #o!tri$&te to the age!#y/s s&##ess% Certai! trai!i!g is re0&ire $y 1AC' RC1 or E,e#&tive Or er% Other trai!i!g may also $e re0&ire $y the age!#y% Cli#* here for Required and Recommended trai!i!g%

Employee Development and Training Policy April 2012

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Small Agency Model Policy Trai!i!g may $e i e!tifie $y s&pervisors or employees i! i! ivi &al Performa!#e a! Developme!t pla!s% Trai!i!g may also $e re0&ire as a res&lt of a! assessme!t of the orga!i-atio!/s employee evelopme!t a! trai!i!g !ee s% 3&pervisors )ill o&tli!e spe#ifi# (o$+relate trai!i!g as part of the Performa!#e a! Developme!t Pla!!i!g pro#ess% Employees may see* o&t evelopme!tal opport&!ities to e!ha!#e i! ivi &al performa!#e that )ill #o!tri$&te to the age!#y/s missio!' goals' a! o$(e#tives% A! employee m&st get s&pervisory approval for all trai!i!g re0&ests% 3&pervisors are respo!si$le for s&pporti!g employee evelopme!t that $e!efits the orga!i-atio! or the p&rs&it of a performa!#e $ase #&lt&re% 3&pervisors m&st $ala!#e several fa#tors i! e#i i!g to approve or !ot to approve a! employee/s re0&est to atte! trai!i!g% 3ome of those fa#tors i!#l& e' $&t are !ot limite to4 5& get% 3taffi!g 6 to e!s&re operatio!al !ee is #overe % 7o$+relate !ess of trai!i!g re0&este % Relatio!ship to #areer evelopme!t pla!s%

Re0&ire trai!i!g a! other (o$+relate trai!i!g approve $y s&pervisors )ill $e #o!si ere time )or*e % If re0&ire or other)ise approve trai!i!g falls o&tsi e of a! employee/s sta! ar )or* ho&rs' the employee a! the s&pervisor m&st etermi!e )hat s#he &le mo ifi#atio!s might $e !e#essary to a##ommo ate a! employee/s atte! a!#e at s&#h trai!i!g' e%g%' s#he &le a (&stme!ts' e,#ha!ge time' over time' et#% 1ith prior approval from the employee/s age!#y' e &#atio!al leave )itho&t pay may $e &se for f&rtheri!g the employee/s e &#atio!% The employee m&st $e perma!e!t a! the le!gth of approve leave )itho&t pay for e &#atio!al p&rposes is etermi!e $y the employer% A! employee ret&r!i!g from a&thori-e leave )itho&t pay )ill have ret&r! rights &! er 1AC 89:+ 82+8;<% =Employees ret&r!i!g from a&thori-e leave )itho&t pay m&st $e employe i! the same positio! or a similar positio! i! the same #lass a! i! the same geographi#al area' provi e that s&#h ret&r! to employme!t is !ot i! #o!fli#t )ith r&les relati!g to layoff>% uition ,eimbursement 6 The age!#y )ill s&pport t&itio! reim$&rseme!t that' i! some #ases' allo)s employees to $e reim$&rse for t&itio! of #ollege #o&rses% T&itio! reim$&rseme!t m&st meet #ertai! #riteria to $e #o!si ere for approval4 A! employee m&st $e a perma!e!t employee of the age!#y% Age!#y approval m&st $e o$tai!e prior to e!rolli!g i! a #o&rse% The #o&rse m&st $e (o$+relate or relate to the )or* of state gover!me!t a! i e!tifie i! the i! ivi &al/s positio! es#riptio! form% Reim$&rseme!t #a! o!ly #over the #ost of t&itio!% Reim$&rseme!t oes !ot i!#l& e $oo*s' s&pplies or par*i!g fees% All t&itio! reim$&rseme!t is s&$(e#t to the availa$ility of f&! s a! age!#y is#retio!% The employee )ill !ee to emo!strate s&##essf&l #ompletio! of the #o&rse to re#eive reim$&rseme!t payme!t% A! employee m&st &se time o&tsi e of )or* ho&rs a! )ill !ot $e #ompe!sate to atte! #ollege #o&rses% Page ?

Employee Development and Training Policy April 2012

Small Agency Model Policy A va!#e t&itio! payme!t may $e approve &! er spe#ial #ir#&msta!#es%

Additional a"ency supported trainin" outside of standard classroom trainin" can include but is not limited to: Developme!tal (o$ assig!me!ts 6 epe! i!g o! operatio!al !ee % E+@ear!i!g% I!+trai!i!g appoi!tme!ts to positio!s% Rotatio!al assig!me!ts )ithi! or to other age!#ies + epe! i!g o! operatio!al !ee % Ae!tori!g arra!geme!ts% No!+perma!e!t appoi!tme!ts or pro(e#t assig!me!ts% Atte! a!#e at professio!al #o!fere!#es% College+level #o&rses that )ill e!ha!#e a! employee/s #areer gro)th% O! a #ase+$y+#ase $asis' may s&pport other evelopme!tal a#tivities%

Primary roles and responsibilities for Employee Development # rainin" $it!in t!e AGENCY NAME. ,ole +upervisorMana"er ,e"istration ,ep Employee ,esponsibilities Arti#&late re0&ireme!ts for trai!i!g )ith employees% Co!si er approval of trai!i!g re0&este $y employee i!#l& i!g $& get #o!si eratio!s% 3&pport a! e!#o&rage i! ivi &al evelopme!t of employees% E!roll employees i! trai!i!g i! a timely ma!!er )ith appropriate a&thori-atio!% Atte! re0&ire trai!i!g% Co!ti!&ally see* o&t evelopme!tal opport&!ities% Bollo) registratio! pro#e &res esta$lishe for e!rollme!t i! trai!i!g%

.AC/s t!at apply to t!is policy 89:+8;+<<9 =r&les to s&pport employee ev%> 89:+8;+<9< =#areer evelopme!t assig!me!t> 89:+82+<C< =a mi!istrative re0% for s&p level> 89:+8;+<D< =)ho provi es re0&ire trai!i!g> 89:+8;+<;9 =time for trai!i!g> 89:+8;+<99 =s&pervisor trai!i!g re0&ireme!t> 89:+8;+<C9 =s&$(e#t to i!#l& e i! s&p trai!i!g> 89:+82+88< =leave )itho&t pay>

Employee Development and Training Policy April 2012

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