Employee Training Development
Employee Training Development
Employee Training Development
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Small Agency Model Policy Trai!i!g may $e i e!tifie $y s&pervisors or employees i! i! ivi &al Performa!#e a! Developme!t pla!s% Trai!i!g may also $e re0&ire as a res< of a! assessme!t of the orga!i-atio!/s employee evelopme!t a! trai!i!g !ee s% 3&pervisors )ill o&tli!e spe#ifi# (o$+relate trai!i!g as part of the Performa!#e a! Developme!t Pla!!i!g pro#ess% Employees may see* o&t evelopme!tal opport&!ities to e!ha!#e i! ivi &al performa!#e that )ill #o!tri$&te to the age!#y/s missio!' goals' a! o$(e#tives% A! employee m&st get s&pervisory approval for all trai!i!g re0&ests% 3&pervisors are respo!si$le for s&pporti!g employee evelopme!t that $e!efits the orga!i-atio! or the p&rs&it of a performa!#e $ase #<&re% 3&pervisors m&st $ala!#e several fa#tors i! e#i i!g to approve or !ot to approve a! employee/s re0&est to atte! trai!i!g% 3ome of those fa#tors i!#l& e' $&t are !ot limite to4 5& get% 3taffi!g 6 to e!s&re operatio!al !ee is #overe % 7o$+relate !ess of trai!i!g re0&este % Relatio!ship to #areer evelopme!t pla!s%
Re0&ire trai!i!g a! other (o$+relate trai!i!g approve $y s&pervisors )ill $e #o!si ere time )or*e % If re0&ire or other)ise approve trai!i!g falls o&tsi e of a! employee/s sta! ar )or* ho&rs' the employee a! the s&pervisor m&st etermi!e )hat s#he &le mo ifi#atio!s might $e !e#essary to a##ommo ate a! employee/s atte! a!#e at s&#h trai!i!g' e%g%' s#he &le a (&stme!ts' e,#ha!ge time' over time' et#% 1ith prior approval from the employee/s age!#y' e &#atio!al leave )itho&t pay may $e &se for f&rtheri!g the employee/s e &#atio!% The employee m&st $e perma!e!t a! the le!gth of approve leave )itho&t pay for e &#atio!al p&rposes is etermi!e $y the employer% A! employee ret&r!i!g from a&thori-e leave )itho&t pay )ill have ret&r! rights &! er 1AC 89:+ 82+8;<% =Employees ret&r!i!g from a&thori-e leave )itho&t pay m&st $e employe i! the same positio! or a similar positio! i! the same #lass a! i! the same geographi#al area' provi e that s&#h ret&r! to employme!t is !ot i! #o!fli#t )ith r&les relati!g to layoff>% uition ,eimbursement 6 The age!#y )ill s&pport t&itio! reim$&rseme!t that' i! some #ases' allo)s employees to $e reim$&rse for t&itio! of #ollege #o&rses% T&itio! reim$&rseme!t m&st meet #ertai! #riteria to $e #o!si ere for approval4 A! employee m&st $e a perma!e!t employee of the age!#y% Age!#y approval m&st $e o$tai!e prior to e!rolli!g i! a #o&rse% The #o&rse m&st $e (o$+relate or relate to the )or* of state gover!me!t a! i e!tifie i! the i! ivi &al/s positio! es#riptio! form% Reim$&rseme!t #a! o!ly #over the #ost of t&itio!% Reim$&rseme!t oes !ot i!#l& e $oo*s' s&pplies or par*i!g fees% All t&itio! reim$&rseme!t is s&$(e#t to the availa$ility of f&! s a! age!#y is#retio!% The employee )ill !ee to emo!strate s&##essf&l #ompletio! of the #o&rse to re#eive reim$&rseme!t payme!t% A! employee m&st &se time o&tsi e of )or* ho&rs a! )ill !ot $e #ompe!sate to atte! #ollege #o&rses% Page ?
Small Agency Model Policy A va!#e t&itio! payme!t may $e approve &! er spe#ial #ir#&msta!#es%
Additional a"ency supported trainin" outside of standard classroom trainin" can include but is not limited to: Developme!tal (o$ assig!me!ts 6 epe! i!g o! operatio!al !ee % E+@ear!i!g% I!+trai!i!g appoi!tme!ts to positio!s% Rotatio!al assig!me!ts )ithi! or to other age!#ies + epe! i!g o! operatio!al !ee % Ae!tori!g arra!geme!ts% No!+perma!e!t appoi!tme!ts or pro(e#t assig!me!ts% Atte! a!#e at professio!al #o!fere!#es% College+level #o&rses that )ill e!ha!#e a! employee/s #areer gro)th% O! a #ase+$y+#ase $asis' may s&pport other evelopme!tal a#tivities%
Primary roles and responsibilities for Employee Development # rainin" $it!in t!e AGENCY NAME. ,ole +upervisorMana"er ,e"istration ,ep Employee ,esponsibilities Arti#&late re0&ireme!ts for trai!i!g )ith employees% Co!si er approval of trai!i!g re0&este $y employee i!#l& i!g $& get #o!si eratio!s% 3&pport a! e!#o&rage i! ivi &al evelopme!t of employees% E!roll employees i! trai!i!g i! a timely ma!!er )ith appropriate a&thori-atio!% Atte! re0&ire trai!i!g% Co!ti!&ally see* o&t evelopme!tal opport&!ities% Bollo) registratio! pro#e &res esta$lishe for e!rollme!t i! trai!i!g%
.AC/s t!at apply to t!is policy 89:+8;+<<9 =r&les to s&pport employee ev%> 89:+8;+<9< =#areer evelopme!t assig!me!t> 89:+82+<C< =a mi!istrative re0% for s&p level> 89:+8;+<D< =)ho provi es re0&ire trai!i!g> 89:+8;+<;9 =time for trai!i!g> 89:+8;+<99 =s&pervisor trai!i!g re0&ireme!t> 89:+8;+<C9 =s&$(e#t to i!#l& e i! s&p trai!i!g> 89:+82+88< =leave )itho&t pay>
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