02-01 Chap Gere
02-01 Chap Gere
02-01 Chap Gere
Solution 2.2-1
A W 3 b
B W 3 b
W 3
W b W 3b W (2b ) 0 3 2 3 2 3 4W 3
Problem 2.2-2 A steel cable with nominal diameter 25 mm (see Table 2-1) is used in a construction yard to lift a bridge section weighing 38 kN, as shown in the figure. The cable has an effective modulus of elasticity E 140 GPa. (a) If the cable is 14 m long, how much will it stretch when the load is picked up? (b) If the cable is rated for a maximum load of 70 kN, what is the factor of safety with respect to failure of the cable?
Solution 2.2-2
Bridge section lifted by a cable A 304 mm2 (from Table 2-1) W 38 kN E 140 GPa L 14 m (b) FACTOR OF SAFETY PULT 406 kN (from Table 2-1) Pmax 70 kN n PULT 406 kN 5.8 Pmax 70 kN
12.5 mm
Problem 2.2-3 A steel wire and a copper wire have equal lengths and support equal loads P (see figure). The moduli of elasticity for the steel and copper are Es 30,000 ksi and Ec 18,000 ksi, respectively. (a) If the wires have the same diameters, what is the ratio of the elongation of the copper wire to the elongation of the steel wire? (b) If the wires stretch the same amount, what is the ratio of the diameter of the copper wire to the diameter of the steel wire?
Copper wire
Steel wire P
Solution 2.2-3
Equal lengths and equal loads Steel: Es 30,000 ksi Copper: Ec 18,000 ksi
Steel wire P
2 2 d Es ds 4 c 4 Es dc 30 1.29 ds B Ec B 18
Es d2 c E d2 c s
c Es 30 1.67 s Ec 18
Problem 2.2-4 By what distance h does the cage shown in the figure move downward when the weight W is placed inside it? Consider only the effects of the stretching of the cable, which has axial rigidity EA 10,700 kN. The pulley at A has diameter dA 300 mm and the pulley at B has diameter dB 150 mm. Also, the distance L1 4.6 m, the distance L2 10.5 m, and the weight W 22 kN. (Note: When calculating the length of the cable, include the parts of the cable that go around the pulleys at A and B.)
L1 A
B Cage W
Solution 2.2-4
LENGTH OF CABLE 1 1 L L1 2L2 ( dA ) ( dB ) 4 2 4,600 mm 21,000 mm 236 mm 236 mm 26,072 mm ELONGATION OF CABLE TL (11 kN)(26,072 mm) 26.8 mm EA (10,700 kN)
EA 10,700 kN W 22 kN
LOWERING OF THE CAGE TENSILE FORCE IN CABLE T W 11 kN 2 h distance the cage moves downward h 1 13.4 mm 2
Problem 2.2-5 A safety valve on the top of a tank containing steam under pressure p has a discharge hole of diameter d (see figure). The valve is designed to release the steam when the pressure reaches the value pmax. If the natural length of the spring is L and its stiffness is k, what should be the dimension h of the valve? (Express your result as a formula for h.)
d p
Solution 2.2-5
Safety valve pmax pressure when valve opens L natural length of spring (L > h) k stiffness of spring
h height of valve (compressed length of the spring) d diameter of discharge hole P pressure in tank
Problem 2.2-6 The device shown in the figure consists of a pointer ABC supported by a spring of stiffness k 800 N/m. The spring is positioned at distance b 150 mm from the pinned end A of the pointer. The device is adjusted so that when there is no load P, the pointer reads zero on the angular scale. If the load P 8 N, at what distance x should the load be placed so that the pointer will read 3 on the scale?
x A
P B C 0 k
Solution 2.2-6
Px kb
118 mm
Problem 2.2-7 Two rigid bars, AB and CD, rest on a smooth horizontal surface (see figure). Bar AB is pivoted end A and bar CD is pivoted at end D. The bars are connected to each other by two linearly elastic springs of stiffness k. Before the load P is applied, the lengths of the springs are such that the bars are parallel and the springs are without stress. Derive a formula for the displacement C at point C when the load P is acting. (Assume that the bars rotate through very small angles under the action of the load P.)
b b A B C P D b
Solution 2.2-7
b A
A B 2 B B C D C 2
b C P
b D
SOLVE THE EQUATIONS: F1 tensile force in first spring F2 compressive force in second spring EQUILIBRIUM MA 0 MD 0 bF1 2bF2 0 2bP 2bF1 bF2 0 2P F2 3 F1 2F2 F2 2F1 2P 1 1 2 2 C B B 4P 2 3k C 2P 2 3k
4P Solving, F1 3
Problem 2.2-8 The three-bar truss ABC shown in the figure has a span L 3 m and is constructed of steel pipes having cross-sectional area A 3900 mm2 and modulus of elasticity E 200 GPa. A load P acts horizontally to the right at joint C. (a) If P 650 kN, what is the horizontal displacement of joint B? (b) What is the maximum permissible load Pmax if the displacement of joint B is limited to 1.5 mm?
Solution 2.2-8
P (tension) 2
45 B
(a) HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT B P 650 kN B FAB LAB PL EA 2EA (650 kN)(3 m) 2(200 GPa)(3900 mm2 )
1.25 mm (b) MAXIMUM LOAD Pmax max 1.5 mm Pmax P max Pmax P max
1.5 mm 1.25 mm
780 kN
Problem 2.2-9 An aluminum wire having a diameter d 2 mm and length L 3.8 m is subjected to a tensile load P (see figure). The aluminum has modulus of elasticity E 75 GPa. If the maximum permissible elongation of the wire is 3.0 mm and the allowable stress in tension is 60 MPa, what is the allowable load Pmax?
d P
Solution 2.2-9
Pmax Asallow (3.142 mm2 )(60 MPa) 189 N ALLOWABLE LOAD Elongation governs. Pmax 186 N
Problem 2.2-10 A uniform bar AB of weight W 25 N is supported by two springs, as shown in the figure. The spring on the left has stiffness k1 300 N/m and natural length L1 250 mm. The corresponding quantities for the spring on the right are k2 400 N/m and L2 200 mm. The distance between the springs is L 350 mm, and the spring on the right is suspended from a support that is distance h 80 mm below the point of support for the spring on the left. At what distance x from the left-hand spring should a load P 18 N be placed in order to bring the bar to a horizontal position?
h k1 L1
k2 L2 W
A P x L
Solution 2.2-10
Reference line
MA 0 F2L PX WL 0 2 T
(Eq. 1)
h L1 k1 k2 1 A P x L 2 L 2 W
Fvert 0 c
L2 2
(Eq. 2)
SUBSTITUTE NUMERICAL VALUES: UNITS: Newtons and meters F1 (18) 1 F2 (18) x 12.5 30.5 51.429x 0.350
W 25 N k1 300 N/m k2 400 N/m L 350 mm h 80 mm P 18 N NATURAL LENGTHS OF SPRINGS L1 250 mm OBJECTIVE Find distance x for bar AB to be horizontal. FREE-BODY DIAGRAM OF BAR AB
F1 A P x L 2 L 2 W F2
L2 200 mm
BAR AB REMAINS HORIZONTAL Points A and B are the same distance below the reference line (see figure above). L1 1 h L2 2 or 0.250 0.10167 0.17143 x 0.080 0.200 0.12857 x 0.031250
Problem 2.2-11 A hollow, circular, steel column (E 30,000 ksi) is subjected to a compressive load P, as shown in the figure. The column has length L 8.0 ft and outside diameter d 7.5 in. The load P 85 k. If the allowable compressive stress is 7000 psi and the allowable shortening of the column is 0.02 in., what is the minimum required wall thickness tmin?
t L d
Solution 2.2-11
Column in compression
REQUIRED AREA BASED UPON ALLOWABLE SHORTENING PL EA A (85 k)(96 in.) PL Eallow (30,000 ksi)(0.02 in.)
13.60 in.2
L d
( d 2t ) 2 P 85 k E 30,000 ksi L 8.0 ft d 7.5 in. allow 7,000 psi allow 0.02 in. REQUIRED AREA BASED UPON ALLOWABLE STRESS s P A A P 85 k 12.14 in.2 sallow 7,000 psi ( d 2t ) 2 d 2 4A or or d 2t B d2 4A
d 2 A d t 2 B 2 d 2 Amin d tmin 2 B 2
SUBSTITUTE NUMERICAL VALUES tmin 7.5 in. 7.5 in. 2 13.60 in.2 2 B 2
Problem 2.2-12 The horizontal rigid beam ABCD is supported by vertical bars BE and CF and is loaded by vertical forces P1 400 kN and P2 360 kN acting at points A and D, respectively (see figure). Bars BE and CF are made of steel (E 200 GPa) and have cross-sectional areas ABE 11,100 mm2 and ACF 9,280 mm2. The distances between various points on the bars are shown in the figure. Determine the vertical displacements A and D of points A and D, respectively.
1.5 m A B
1.5 m C
2.1 m D
P1 = 400 kN F
2.4 m
P2 = 360 kN
0.6 m E
SHORTENING OF BAR BE FBE LBE (296 kN)(3.0 m) BE EABE (200 GPa)(11,100 mm2 ) 0.400 mm SHORTENING OF BAR CF
P1 = 400 kN F
2.4 m
P2 = 360 kN
0.6 m E
ABE 11,100 mm2 ACF 9,280 mm2 E 200 GPa LBE 3.0 m LCF 2.4 m P1 400 kN; P2 360 kN FREE-BODY DIAGRAM OF BAR ABCD
1.5 m A B 1.5 m C 2.1 m D A
BE A CF BE or 0.200 mm (Downward)
P1 = 400 kN
P2 = 360 kN
D CF or
MB 0 (400 kN)(1.5 m) FCF (1.5 m) (360 kN)(3.6 m) 0 FCF 464 kN MC 0 (400 kN)(3.0 m) FBE (1.5 m) (360 kN)(2.1 m) 0 FBE 296 kN
Problem 2.2-13 A framework ABC consists of two rigid bars AB and BC, each having length b (see the first part of the figure). The bars have pin connections at A, B, and C and are joined by a spring of stiffness k. The spring is attached at the midpoints of the bars. The framework has a pin support at A and a roller support at C, and the bars are at an angle to the hoizontal.
B b 2 b 2 A
When a vertical load P is applied at joint B (see the second part of the figure) the roller support C moves to the right, the spring is stretched, and the angle of the bars decreases from to the angle . Determine the angle and the increase in the distance between points A and C. (Use the following data; b 8.0 in., k 16 lb/in., 45, and P 10 lb.)
b 2 b 2 C A
Solution 2.2-13
b 2
b 2 k b 2 A
FREE-BODY DIAGRAM OF BC WITH NO LOAD L1 span from A to C 2b cos S1 length of spring L1 b cos 2
P B h F h 2 h 2 L2 2 P 2 F P 2 C P B
DETERMINE THE ANGLE S elongation of spring S2 S1 b(cos cos ) For the spring: F k(S ) F bk(cos cos ) Substitute F into Eq. (1): P cos bk(cos cos )(sin ) or P cot u cos u cos 0 bk (Eq. 2)
P cot u bk
P cot u bk (Eq. 3)
Substitute into Eq. (2): 0.078125 cot cos 0.707107 0 Solve Eq. (4) numerically: u 35.1 Substitute into Eq. (3): 1.78 in. (Eq. 4)
This equation must be solved numerically for the angle . DETERMINE THE DISTANCE L2 L1 2b cos 2b cos 2b(cos cos )
Problem 2.2-14 Solve the preceding problem for the following data: b 200 mm, k 3.2 kN/m, 45, and P 50 N.
Solution 2.2-14
Framework with rigid bars and a spring NUMERICAL RESULTS b 200 mm k 3.2 kN/m 45 P 50 N
See the solution to the preceding problem. EQ. (2): EQ. (3): P cot u cos u cos 0 bk 2P cot u k
Substitute into Eq. (2): 0.078125 cot cos 0.707107 0 Solve Eq. (4) numerically: u 35.1 Substitute into Eq. (3): 44.5 mm (Eq. 4)
A 3.0 k 20 in.
MIDDLE SEGMENT (L 50 in.) 2 (3.0 k)(50 in.) PL 2 EA (18,000 ksi)( 4 )(1.0 in.)
0.01061in. dA dD 0.5 in. dB dC 1.0 in. P 3.0 k E 18,000 ksi ELONGATION OF BAR NL a 21 2 EA 2(0.008488 in.) (0.01061 in.) 0.0276 in.
END SEGMENT (L 20 in.) From Example 2-4: 4PL E dA dB 1 4(3.0 k)(20 in.) 0.008488 in. (18,000 ksi)(0.5 in.)(1.0 in.)
Problem 2.3-2 A long, rectangular copper bar under a tensile load P hangs from a pin that is supported by two steel posts (see figure). The copper bar has a length of 2.0 m, a cross-sectional area of 4800 mm2, and a modulus of elasticity Ec 120 GPa. Each steel post has a height of 0.5 m, a cross-sectional area of 4500 mm2, and a modulus of elasticity Es 200 GPa. (a) Determine the downward displacement of the lower end of the copper bar due to a load P 180 kN. (b) What is the maximum permissible load Pmax if the displacement is limited to 1.0 mm?
Copper bar P
Steel post
Solution 2.3-2
Copper bar with a tensile load (a) DOWNWARD DISPLACEMENT (P 180 kN)
Steel post
PLc (180 kN)(2.0 m) Ec Ac (120 GPa)(4800 mm2 ) ( P 2) Ls (90 kN)(0.5 m) Es As (200 GPa)(4500 mm2 )
0.625 mm s
Copper bar
0.050 mm c s 0.625 mm 0.050 mm 0.675 mm (b) MAXIMUM LOAD Pmax (max 1.0 mm) Pmax max P Pmax P max
Lc 2.0 m Ac 4800 mm2 Ec 120 GPa Ls 0.5 m As 4500 mm2 Es 200 GPa
Problem 2.3-3 A steel bar AD (see figure) has a cross-sectional area of 0.40 in.2 and is loaded by forces P1 2700 lb, P2 1800 lb, and P3 1300 lb. The lengths of the segments of the bar are a 60 in., b 24 in., and c 36 in. (a) Assuming that the modulus of elasticity E 30 106 psi, calculate the change in length of the bar. Does the bar elongate or shorten? (b) By what amount P should the load P3 be increased so that the bar does not change in length when the three loads are applied?
A a B
P1 C b
P2 D c P3
Solution 2.3-3
A 0.40
P2 1800 lb
(a) CHANGE IN LENGTH Ni Li a Ei Ai 1 (N L NBC LBC NCD LCD ) EA AB AB 1 [(3200 lb)(60 in.) 6 (30 10 psi)(0.40 in.2 ) (500 lb)(24 in.) (1300 lb)(36 in.)] 0.0131 in. (elongation)
P3 1300 lb
The force P must produce a shortening equal to 0.0131 in. in order to have no change in length. 0.0131 in. PL EA
P increase in force P3
P 1310 lb
Problem 2.3-4 A rectangular bar of length L has a slot in the middle half of its length (see figure). The bar has width b, thickness t, and modulus of elasticity E. The slot has width b/4. (a) Obtain a formula for the elongation of the bar due to the axial loads P. (b) Calculate the elongation of the bar if the material is high-strength steel, the axial stress in the middle region is 160 MPa, the length is 750 mm, and the modulus of elasticity is 210 GPa.
P b L 4
b 4
P L 2 L 4
Solution 2.3-4
b L 4 L 2 L 4
P 3s bt 4
t thickness
L length of bar
Problem 2.3-5 Solve the preceding problem if the axial stress in the middle region is 24,000 psi, the length is 30 in., and the modulus of elasticity is 30 106 psi. Solution 2.3-5
b L 4 L 2 L 4
P P 4P 3 A ( 4 bt ) 3bt
P 3s bt 4
t thickness
L length of bar
(b) SUBSTITUTE NUMERICAL VALUES: s 24,000 psi E 30 106 psi 7(24,000 psi)(30 in.) 0.0210 in. 8(30 106 psi) L 30 in.
Problem 2.3-6 A two-story building has steel columns AB in the first floor and BC in the second floor, as shown in the figure. The roof load P1 equals 400 kN and the second-floor load P2 equals 720 kN. Each column has length L 3.75 m. The cross-sectional areas of the first- and secondfloor columns are 11,000 mm2 and 3,900 mm2, respectively. (a) Assuming that E 206 GPa, determine the total shortening AC of the two columns due to the combined action of the loads P1 and P2. (b) How much additional load P0 can be placed at the top of the column (point C) if the total shortening AC is not to exceed 4.0 mm?
P1 = 400 kN
L = 3.75 m P2 = 720 kN B
L = 3.75 m A
Solution 2.3-6
L B P2 = 720 kN
(1120 kN)(3.75 m) (206 GPa)(11,000 mm2 ) (400 kN)(3.75 m) (206 GPa)(3,900 mm2 )
(b) ADDITIONAL LOAD P0 AT POINT C (AC)max 4.0 mm 0 additional shortening of the two columns due to the load P0 0 (AC)max AC 4.0 mm 3.7206 mm 0.2794 mm Also, 0 P0 L P0 L P0 L 1 1 EAAB EABC E AAB ABC
SUBSTITUTE NUMERICAL VALUES: E 206 109 N m2 L 3.75 m ABC 3,900 10 6 m2 P0 44,200 N 44.2 kN AAB 11,000 10 6 m2
Problem 2.3-7 A steel bar 8.0 ft long has a circular cross section of diameter d1 0.75 in. over one-half of its length and diameter d2 0.5 in. over the other half (see figure). The modulus of elasticity E 30 106 psi. (a) How much will the bar elongate under a tensile load P 5000 lb? (b) If the same volume of material is made into a bar of constant diameter d and length 8.0 ft, what will be the elongation under the same load P?
Solution 2.3-7
Bar in tension
d2 = 0.50 in. P = 5000 lb
(B) ELONGATION OF PRISMATIC BAR OF SAME VOLUME Original bar: Vo A1L A2L L(A1 A2) Prismatic bar: Vp Ap(2L) Equate volumes and solve for Ap: Vo Vp Ap L(A1 A2) Ap(2L) A1 A2 1 2 ( d2 1 d2 ) 2 2 4 [ (0.75 in.) 2 (0.50 in.) 2 ] 0.3191 in.2 8 P (2L ) (5000 lb)(2)(48 in.) EAp (30 106 psi)(0.3191 in.2 )
4.0 ft
P 5000 lb E 30 106 psi L 4 ft 48 in. (a) ELONGATION OF NONPRISMATIC BAR Ni Li PL 1 a Ei Ai E a Ai (5000 lb)(48 in.) 30 106 psi 1 1 B 2 2R 4 (0.75 in) 4 (0.50 in.) 0.0589 in.
0.0501 in. NOTE: A prismatic bar of the same volume will always have a smaller change in length than will a nonprismatic bar, provided the constant axial load P, modulus E, and total length L are the same.